The Avengers

By Mitch XD

Published on Dec 2, 2012


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the movie "The Avengers" ... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty? Do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Feedback is enjoyed (positive/negative/bizzare) so feel free to comment. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to Marvel Comics. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck," "Merlin," or "Psych" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading!

(Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

A/N - Requests for pairings will be considered but there will be no guarantee. After seeing the film I couldn't resist putting these two together... we'll see how it goes. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEAAAASSSEEE Comment. It let's me know I'm not just writing for myself. (and that I'm not going insane!)

A/N --------------I am going to ask for five comments before I post the next chapter so that I know that other's are enjoying this story. (Sorry... Every once in a while I need to check)--------------

Last A/N - Yay sex! Finally! But you've got to eat your carrots first... so read the whole chapter. (Don't just skip to the end... it may not be there)

......................... Standing close together were the other construction workers and Jean-Phillipe was standing just in front of them. His hands were stretched above his head and a blue wall of energy was supporting the wreckage from falling on the workers and Jean-Phillipe. Jean-Phillipe was ghostly white and had blood running from his nose. "You got 'ere just in time M'sieurs." His voice was slurred and he looked like he would fall from exhaustion. Iron man blasted the debris above the group and made a safe passage to the exit. Jean-Phillipe, who was glowing blue, couldn't move and had to have steve carry him out. As the group left the building Jean-Phillipe's form went limp and the building crashed in upon itself once again. He held the rest of the building for close to ten minutes. Steve looked at the french diplomat... who might be his friend from SHIELD. If he was Coulson, how long had he had those abilities and why had he hided it? Steve set Jean-Phillipe down on the ground and saw that the man had stopped breathing. "Tony! I need that ambulance... quickly. Jean-Phillipe isn't breathing!" Tony sped off with his jet propelled boots and returned seconds later carrying an ambulance. He set it down and the medical team rushed over. They leaned over him and examined him for a few moments. "We need to take him back to the hospital now! He need to be examined by the staff there!" Iron Man picked up Jean-Phillipe and Steve Rogers and flew off towards the hospital. Hold on, thought Steve Rogers, Hold on Jean-Phillipe.

Captain America paced up and down the corridor of the hospital. So much so that the hospital staff asked him to either sit down or go somewhere else. Reluctantly, the captain sat down next to Iron Man, who was reading a magazine with Tony Stark's face on the cover. "Reeaaallll funny Tony." Muttered Captain America. "Said the person who is supposed to stand for American values..." the remark was acidic and full of sarcasm. "What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?" Captain America's temper was beginning to flare, the hospital still had not released an update of Jean-Phillipe's status. He was brought in to the hospital in critical condition and was taken straight to the emergency room. Steve felt tense and emotionally fragile right now, the LAST thing he wanted to do was take sarcasm from a giant piece of metal. (Whether or not it had someone inside of it) "We shouldn't talk about this here..." Stark's voice was tense and short. Steve stood and said, "All right... let's go now. We won't know about Jean-Phillipe until later anyway. And I know how you hate waiting to be an ass." Stark was about to say something but just shook his metal head. "Fine." He said, "I'll see you at Stark tower in five minutes." "Fine." Captain America took off out the door and Iron Man walked out and used his boosters to fly there.

The duo met on top of the tower, out of the range of any cameras or surveillance equipment. "Alright Tony. What the HELL is your problem." Stark walked out of his Armor and said, "Oh... nothing. I just love it when the symbol of America from the fourties turns out to be a hypocrite." The sarcasm in his voice felt as thought it were leaking from every pore. Steve felt himself turn red, does he know? "What do you mean?" Steve's voice was not completely even. Tony slammed his hand against a nearby table. "You know DAMN WELL WHAT! How long did you think you could keep it a secret? How long have you been hiding who and what you really are from the public? Your whole life!? You were supposed to be the symbol of the American dream! You were supposed to be the ONE person who rose above EVERYTHING and told the truth!" His tone was angry and his demeanor had shifted. He was the one pacing now and Steve just watched.

Steve thought, I don't know if he is thinking of what I am thinking. "Tony, you will need to be more specific." Tony looked him square in the eyes and said, " mockingly More specific? Oh... how about being infatuated with the French diplomat? rounding on Steve Is THAT specfic enough for you?" Steve felt his heart plunge into his stomach and he turned white. Taking a few steps back he turned to the railing and heaved over the edge... I hope that doesn't hit any one, he thought. "How long...?" Was all he could manage. "Since about the time you turned into John Henry on a collapsed building and wouldn't let me help you... stops and reconsiders Okay, since you were with him at the unveiling. I wondered why you were staying so close to him. I saw enough that even when my sensors told me, I didn't need them." Steve turned back to Tony and said, "Okay, so what are you going to do with this information now Stark? Did you want revenge? To blackmail me? Or just lord it over me when it was convenient to you?"

Tony turned from Steve and said nothing for a full sixty seconds. "Steve, if there was one thing I learned from my father, it was that, when he worked with you, you never let anything petty stand in your way and you were always honest. I cannot say that I have been a model of either of these virtues. I suppose I cannot expect you to be flawless or even exactly what my father told me. You were a role model. But I think your purpose has been served. I do not know if the world needs you anymore. Also, I am not sure if you still stand for the values that were held in the ninteen-fourties or if those values should even be kept from such a backward time. I suppose the question is, do you stand for current values and virtues? And if not, perhaps it would be best for you to... fade away so that we may preserve our memories of you and not hurt your image." The worlds cut deep into Captain America's chest. These were the fears and ideas he had spent many a night pondering. Tony had just taken his greatest fear and used it as an ultimatium for him.

Steve couldn't even comprehend why Tony had said such a thing. He felt wounded by the words and he couldn't seem to shake them from his head. He immediately left the Stark building and walked around the city for an hour. He felt lost, alone. Did the world need him? Was it even worth it for SHIELD to have unfrozen him? Steve Rogers felt useless and overwhelmed by this new world that was so developed but impersonal. While he was walking, he became so lost in thought that he walked right into a woman. "I'm sorry ma'am." He backed up and looked at the woman. She was breathtakingly beautiful with black hair, pale white skin, and green eyes. "It's all right Steve." Captain America was taken aback. I'm in costume... how did she...? "Don't worry Steve Rogers, the path will be clear to you soon. The cuts will heal. You will find the way. But listen to the advice of others, even if it hurts, you will become stronger and more focused that you will have ever been. Looks backwards and her eyes go wide I must go! So must you... he awakes." Just as Captain America was about to ask her a question he saw her eyes glaze over with white and she vanished in a soft glowing light. Steve looked around the crowded street and saw that no one else had stopped when the woman had vanished. What did that mean? Thought Steve. He thought about the last part, he awakes? Then it occurred to him... Jean-Phillipe!

Sprinting to hospital, Captain America felt his heart clutch as a black bag was wheeled out of the side entrance to the morgue. Oh god! Please don't let that be him! He bolted inside and said, "The french diplomat?" The nurse, who was different from when he came in, said, "Friend or family...?" "Friend." "Sign here..." He signed 'Captain America' and the woman said, "He's in room 431B."

Pepper Potts walked into Tony Stark's private meeting room five minutes after Captain America had left. She had said hello to the hero but was met with no response. Pepper immediately went to see Tony to ask about the troubled hero. When she entered the room she saw Tony staring out the window with a frown on his face. "Hey Tony! What's with the long face?" Tony quickly covered his face and said, "Nothing Pepper." "Right. Like you can lie to me that well." Her expression was set.

Tony said nothing for a minute, then he turned to pepper and said, "I was concerned about Captain America." Her tone became serious, "What did you say to him?" "I just asked if he felt that he was still upholding his values and responsibilities that came with his status as a hero. To me, it seems like he has fallen short in some areas..." Pepper's voice was somewhat hostile. "What EXACTLY did you tell him?" Stark didn't respond, he just turned and said, "What do you know about the french diplomat that was at our gala last week?" Pepper was caught off guard. "I didn't have time for the gala. I was preparing for your unveiling ceremony."

Stark walked over to a wall and pulled up the security footage from the event. Pepper watched, transfixed as a man who greatly resembled Phillip Coulson walked around the gala talking with many different people. He did seem attached to one Captain America, however. "His name is Jean-Phillipe Fils DuCharbon." Pepper made a tiny gasp and Tony seemed to not hear it. Fils DuCharbon, Son of Coal... Son of Coul... COULSON! Pepper's heart raced and she was about to tell Tony when he said, "Captain America has become... very attached to this diplomat. I believe he has feelings for him."

Pepper flashed back in her memory of a conversation with Pepper, "What happened to the Cellist?" Pepper asked. "He moved back to Portland." "Awwww. Boo! Is anyone else on your radar?" Coulson looked past Pepper to the monitor that Tony Stark was observing. It showed Captain America fighting the German Army. "Not yet..." His voice sounded wistfull and Pepper had seen the longing in his eyes. She had seen the image of Captain America and had understood. More that just a fan-boy crush then, she thought.

Returning to the present she looked at Tony, somewhat incredulously, "SO!? So what if he is attracted to the French Diplomat? What's wrong with that!? You shouldn't be condemnning him for wanting to have a relationship with somebody! He's not a machine! God Tony, what exactly is your problem with this, you haven't ever had a problem with men who are attracted to men before. What's different about this?" Tony said, "It isn't that Pepper! It's just... he didn't... when he was in the fourties he... and now... exasperatedly I don't know Pepper! Somehow it just seems like he isn't what he said he was then. The foundation of his heroism is based upon a giantic lie! He was supposed to be the most honest and up front man on the planet. You asked him anything and he would answer with the complete truth. Now it feels like that truth was commercialized and was only done to preserve the legacy of something unreal. Do you understand what I am saying?" Pepper looked at him. "So you are judging someone just because they don't want every aspect of their life scrutinized every day? Okay Tony, I realize I made that sound worse that it was... but seriously! Tony this man had so little of his life private, and so much to live up to, how could he meet all of your expectations! For god's sake mentally he's younger than you! Are you perfect?" "No Pepper! But I do exactly what I say I'll do. He said he would always stand for truth, justice, and the other ideals american's have. In reality, he doesn't. I do what I say. Does he do what he says?" "To the best of his ability yes. Tony you need to realize that your own vision of Captain America is somewhat unrealistic. He may have promised those things, but that in no way, means that his entire life will be public knowledge. Think about it Tony, would you want someone poking around your place saying you aren't living up to their ideals. And from what you have told me about him, Tony, Captain America is very serious about what he does, how it reflects on him, and how it impacts others."

Tony sighed. She's right... I was way too harsh with Steve. He thought about apologizing and told himself that he would do it later. He needed to let the Captain cool down so that if Tony wanted to talk to him, he wouldn't need his iron man suit.

Steve was next to Jean-Phillipe's bed watching the man sleep. He looks so much like Agent Coulson, and then there was the card of me. Captain America's heart yearned to know if the two men were one in the same. Why couldn't he just tell me? Captain America thought about SHIELD and how strict they were about what the Avengers knew during Loki's reign of terror. Maybe he can;t say because of Fury... that would make a lot of sense acutally, thought Steve Rogers. Steve put his hand on the unconscious man's hand, gripping the fingers gently. But what about the scene in the collapsed building. Where had that come from? How did he do that? Agent Coulson, while extremely swift, intelligent, and skillful, had never displayed any form of mutant ability, magic, or other capacity beyond human endurance. This made Steve confused. So many things go unanswered... like who the woman was that he had met while walking around New York. Who was she? What did she want with Steve and Jean-Phillipe.

Just as Steve was about to lose himself in thought he felt the fingers twitch beneath him. Captain America looked up and saw that Jean-Phillipe's eyes had just opened. Steve smiled at him. Nothing was said for a second and then, before he could stop himself Steve said, "Agent Coulson...?" His voice was soft and his whole body was aching for the answer. No matter what, thought Steve Rogers, I want to have a relationship with this man. That much I know. The man looked at Steve Rogers in the eyes for a minute without saying a word and finally he looked around the room. When he was finished he turned back to Steve and said, "Yes."

Steve felt as if the whole world was tilted. It was a form of vertigo activated by extreme emotions. One large event that shook his world, made him perceive that his world was tilted. Steve leaned with the world and fell into Coulson's arms. "Oh my god... Phil! I thought..." The emotions he felt were too volatile. His breath caught in his chest and he felt his eyes well with tears. His voice came out in choked sobs. "I thought I had lost you forever! Like I had lost Bucky..." His tears were running down his face and into Agent Coulson's outfit. Coulson pulled Steve close to him in a tight embrace. The larger man clung to him as if he was the only lifeline he had to the planet. And to Steve, it was his only lifeline to the planet. No one else needed him, wanted him. "Please don't ever leave me... short gasps I... don't want to... disappear..." Agent Coulson wasn't sure why Steve Rogers was so emotional but Agent Coulson's heart made him want to hide and shield the hero from anything bad. "You'll never disappear. Not while you mean so much to me." Agent Coulson lifted Captain America's face and stared into his blue eyes. His heart hammered in his ribcage, he was about to kiss the man he had longed for his entire life. The one person in the whole world who had shaped Agent Coulson's life and personality. The one person who understood him on values and beliefs alone. Phil pulled Steve Rogers towards him and kissed Captain America on his lips

The effect of the kiss left Phil Coulson seeing stars. Steve Rogers' lips were soft and demanding and while the two men were locked together, Coulson was able to run his hands all over Steve's torso and face. It was as if he was trying to memorize Steve by his muscles and his scent. Steve felt two major conflicting emotions. First he felt the joy of kissing Phil Coulson, the man he had wanted desperately from his time out of the ice. The kiss was amazing and left him breathless. His mind was sending him a rush of emotions that were fighting for attention. Joy was coursing through him as the kiss continued. Followed by the despair of being lost and disappearing. That was quickly vanishing as Captain America realized that to this one human being, he was their world and that nothing would seperate the two. Finally came guilt, strolling in and laying a load of 1940s judgement on him for being a homosexual.

Then a memory came to him. He didn't have many from before the war but one of his mother returned to him. She was making some clothes for Steve to wear to school when Steve had come walking in. He was scuffed up and his mother said, "Did some boys at school hurt you, Steve?" "It's okay mom. They said I gave them a funny look." His mom walked over and sat next to him. "Steve... no matter what you do, I want you to remember this. Are you listening?" "Yes mom." "You can like or love anyone you want. As long as they make you feel happy, safe, and special. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Just remember, not everyone will return your love. Some might even think that it is wrong. But I'll let you in on a secret. They are wrong." His mother took him in for a hug.

Steve finally felt the kiss subside and his body desperately needed more ocygen. Steve gently pulled away and said, "Thank you... Phil." The two men embraced each other and Steve sat next to Phil's bed holding his new lover's hand. Phil felt a huge weight lift from his chest. The man of his dreams knew him and had loved him in return. He leaned over to kiss his Captain America again. He grimaced as some pain radiated from his chest but he kept moving and kissed the man who had been so elusive the last few months. It felt right and Captain America moved in closer to Agent Coulson, deepening the kiss. Soon Phil's hand began to roam the hero's body feeling the tight muscles flex under his gentle touch. When Phil's hands met with Steve's belt, Steve gasped slightly and steve climbed on top of the bed where Coulson was resting. He then gently distributed his weight and lay on top of Coulson. Coulson felt the firm body press against his and his mind and body went into overdrive. He felt as though he was pouring lust and hormones out of every pore. Steve was similarly affected and Phil's hands began to massage Captain America's tight body. The two men continued kissing and Steve's hands seemed to both hold himself up, so that he wouldn't crush Phil, but also they seemed to pull Phil closer to him. Phil's hands, on the contrary began their descent to Steve's belt and pants. Steve felt the presence and stopped kissing Phil, putting his head in the crook of Phil's neck and giving a low sexy growl. Phil gently undid the belt and unzipped Steve's pants, reaching inside to feel the man's boxers, one of the updates that Coulson had most enjoyed when reviewing Steve Rogers file. Phil felt Steve's manhood straining at the boxers and the boxers were losing, greatly. Steve had begun to kiss the inside of Phil's neck and was letting out small moans and grunts of pleasure as Phil's hands reached their prize. Steve body was responding with extreme, 'this doesn't happen very often' enthusiasm, meaning that even though Phil had only just gotten his hands on a certain object, his body was ready to explode from pleasure and desire. Phil sensed this and gently held Steve's cock in his hands, giving his hero some time to cool down. Steve appreciated the gesture and when he felt more in control, he nodded. Phil began to kiss Steve on his lips again and run his hands along the length of Steve's cock. Steve was breathless and felt himself windup quickly. "Phil I'm..." He was embarassed for his fuse being so short. Phil just smiled between kisses and said, "Steve. It's all right." Steve was trying to hold back the wave of pleasure, but in the end, the battle was futile. Phil's hand had just reached the tip of his cock when he felt the peasure rush through his body. His cock jerked and Phil felt warm cum spill on to his hand. Phil released his hold on Steve's cock, tucked his cock back into his boxers and pants, zipping and rebuckling him. His childhood hero, and current lover, slowly moved off the bed and sat back in the chair, he looked tired but he moved over to Phil's waist and said, "My turn." Phil nearly came then. But managed to last long enough for Steve to take his cock into his hands. Just the sight of the man he had admired his whole life being his partner and jerking him off was too much and as he came, he sat up and kissed Steve on the lips. "Thank you Steve." "Thank YOU, Phil." Phil said, "I'm glad you like kissing, because I forsee much more in our future." Steve smiled and said, "Good... cause I haven't kissed someone in about 70 years."

A/N --------------I am going to ask for five comments before I post the next chapter so that I know that other's are reading this story. (Sorry... Every once in a while I need to check)--------------

A/N - A special thanks to Ed for an idea in this chapter (Pepper's scene with tony). Many thanks to him and to my other loyal readers who are contributing comments. And yes... I know the sex was at the end... and maybe it wasn't enough for you. Well comment! Maybe I'll put more in Chapter... oh geez... Chapter 5.

Hello Nifty-ers! If you don't already know me... I have three other series on Nifty "Psych," Merlin," and "Chuck." If you want to get a feel for my writing style try those! More updates soon on this story. Bear with me some weeks... my job can be stressful. This story will be Captain America and Phil Coulson so if you don't like that... send me a request and I might include it, or I might not. Either way you'll get an email from me. I also write a lot during the night so my grammar is not at it's peak. Sorry for the errors <- as a post-emptive strike. (pre-emptive for future chapters) If you like this story please comment! If you hate it... COMMENT! This helps me improve as a writer and gives me an idea as to what you all want. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to write many more soon! If you have questions about the French, shoot me an email.

-Mike XD

Next: Chapter 5

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