The Avengers

By Mitch XD

Published on Nov 21, 2012


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the movie "The Avengers" ... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty? Do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Feedback is enjoyed (positive/negative/bizzare) so feel free to comment. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to Marvel Comics. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck," "Merlin," or "Psych" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading!

(Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

A/N - Requests for pairings will be considered but there will be no guarantee. After seeing the film I couldn't resist putting these two together... we'll see how it goes.

The rest of the evening passed with little that was difficult for Agent Coulson, his prepared speech was received well and he proposed the beginning of a charity fund to fuel the rebuilding of New York City that would begin tomorrow. After receiving a standing ovation, Coulson returned to his seat and he maintained small talk with Captain America and other foreign diplomats for the rest of the night. When the conference was over, Captain America asked Agent Coulson if he needed a ride. Coulson replied "Non... Ah leeve close. I like to conserve energee." The Captain nodded and said, "I guess I'll do that too." The duo walked down the street and began to walk the same direction. "So... where are you staying Jean-Philippe?" "Ah leeve on Simpson street. And you?" "I live on Simpson too! Cool!" The two men walked a while longer and finally Coulson turned towards his building and said, "A bientot mon ami! Ah weel see you tomorrow?" "Yes you will, mon ami! A demain!" Coulson entered the house and watch as Steve Rogers walked down four houses and across the street to his house. What did Fury have in mind?

Agent Coulson had just finished a video debriefing with Director Fury. Apparently Diplomat DuCharbon had made a substantial impression on Captain America and Iron Man at the conference. SHIELD monitoring technology had discovered that Tony Stark had been researching the diplomat, who SHIELD had created. SHIELD had acquired a birth certificate, green card, and a list of other documents integral to DuCharbon's identity. The lie was airtight. Coulson felt guilty lying to Steve Rogers, but under his orders he was unable to release any information about his true identity. Why am I spying on the Avengers if they have done nothing wrong? Thought Coulson bitterly, I could tell them I'm alive! I could get my cards signed. Okay, that last thought was selfish, but he didn't care.

Coulson was asked to attend a rebuilding fundraiser in the next two days. Tony Stark had apparently invested $100 million and was asking for all major officials in NYC to come and watch the unveiling of two newly built towers. Coulson had agreed and replied to the card, under Fury's orders. He was hesitant to expose himself to the billionaire or Captain America for fear of them discovering who he was. The ruse had worked thus far, why press his luck. Unfortunately, Fury had disagreed. He said that it would look suspiscious for a diplomat to refuse potential for media coverage. So, bitterly, Coulson had decided to attend the event, boring as it may be.

He had just arrive on 4th Street when he saw a familiar face, "Hey Jean-Phillipe!" Steve Rogers was waving his hand over his head, trying to call Agent Coulson's attention to himself. "Over here!" Wearing a slightly perturbed facial expression, Coulson made his way over to Captain America, "What eez ze mat-air?" His voice was harsh and Captain America looked taken aback, internally Coulson felt terrible for being rude but was still maintaining the facade of French diplomacy. "Oh... ummm... I just wanted to say 'hello' and ask if you want to join me for the unveiling?" His voice was hopeful. Agent Coulson smiled internally but kept his expression solid on his face. "Why?" "Oh... I just thought we could talk if we were bored... or... ummm..." His voice trailed off. Maybe he doesn't like me, thought Steve, I don't want to irritate him. But he reminds me of Phil- I mean Agent Coulson. Well the question is out there. Agent Coulson decided to switch tactics, trying to not send the hero running away screaming.

In a light tone, "Euh... oui, oui. Ca va (yeah that's ok) I 'ope I am not too sudden for you. I am not used to... what eez ze word... "'anging out'" with people I do not know zat well."

Captain America felt a small smile surface. "Oh... well would it help if I said I was a hero?"

"What do you mean by zat Steve? You are... un pompier? un policier?" (A firefighter? A policeman?)

"A policeman? No... what's a pom-pee-ay?"

"A man who... 'urts fires."

"Oh! A firefighter."

"Oui, ca y est!" (Yes! That's it!)

"No... I'm not a fireman."

"So 'ow are you a 'ero?"

"Do you know who the Avengers are?"

"Oui bien sur! (Yes of course!) Do you work for zem? Do you work in zeir offices?" Captain America blushed slightly and said, "Ummm... no. I am one of the Avengers." "What!? I am so sorry! Which one are you?" "The one who has the star on the shield." Agent Coulson felt his heart hammer in his chest, I want to tell him so badly that I know exactly who he is. Curse Fury and his stupid assignment. He had better have a good reason for doing this. "Mais non! (No way!) You are Captain America!? Why did you not tell me before?" "Uh... I thought you knew already. Sorry." His face was crestfallen. Coulson's heart ached at the sadness on the hero's face. I'd better build him back up. "I am 'onored to have met such an excellent 'ero! S'il vous plait, Steve, do you mind if we talk aft-air ze spectacle? I am truly sorry for my bee-'avior." Captain America flashed a bright smile at Coulson and said, "Sure Jean-Phillipe!" He grabs a small book from his back pocket and looks through it for a second. "Voulez-vous prendre un cafe?" (You want to grab a coffee?) "Oui! I would like to get some coffee aft-airwards. You must pick a good place for me because I am new from the area." "Oh... yeah. I forgot. You're new toNew York City." "Yes... new to... New York." Coulson attempted to sound like the preposition was new to his mouth. CaptainAmerica looked at him for a moment and then the two men walked toward the main event of the unveiling. Whatever Tony Stark had planned, Coulson was sure it would be elaborate and impressive. Too bad it would be extremely expensive and that money could be better spent repairing the city, thought Coulson.

Captain America looked out of his periphery at Jean-Phillipe. The resemblance to Agent Phil Coulson was remarkable. The jawline and overall impression of the face was so similiar. Unfortunately, his facial structure was just different enough that Steve couldn't believe it was him, especially after having seen Agent Coulson get run through with the sceptre. Steve Roger's chest hurt whenever he thought about Phil. He had missed the awkward, well-dressed man who gave him the debriefings for all of his missions. However, that sadness began to ebb away when Steve had met Jean-Phillipe. He couldn't help but feel like Jean-Phillipe was related to Agent Coulson, maybe they were relatives. Captain America had wanted to ask Jean-Phillipe if he wanted to grab some coffee but couldn't find an appropriate time to ask. Luckily, during this conversation, an opportunity presented itself. Steve couldn't help but feel nervous... why? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that he couldn't wait to get coffee and spend some one-on-one time with Jean-Phillipe, at the same time he was anxious and was hoping that something would intervene so that he didn't make a mistake. The die was cast and Captain America waited patiently while Tony Stark began to drone on and on about his latest restorative project. Near the end of the presentation Steve looked over at Jean-Phillipe, who was watching Stark attentively but had an air of 'god, this man talks too much.' Steve smiled and said, "He's almost done... do you want to stick around or go for the coffee?" "Putain! Il parle trop! (Shit! He talks too much!) I would like to get coffee as soon as possible. I am a lee-tle ti-aired." "I'm tired too. I'll let Tony know that I won't be sticking around." Steve waited until the end of the speech and the applause died down before he left a quick message for Tony, "I'm going for some coffee with a friend Tony. I will see you tomorrow right?" Tony responded a second later his voice escaping a small earpiece, "Okay, see you later 'capsicle.'" Steve's mouth twisted slightly and he turned to Jean-Phillipe, who had been, non-chalantly, listening to the conversation. "Allons-y!" (Let's go!) said Coulson.

Captain America led the way to a small, rather modest cafe about two blocks from the unveiling. He entered the cafe with Coulson/Jean-Phillipe close behind him. Steve was instantly recognized by almost all of the patrons and was met with applause. Steve looked at Jean-Phillipe and gave a meek smile. He motioned Jean-Phillipe over to a table in the corner of the cafe, out of the way of the majority of the public eye and said, "What would you like to drink Jean-Phillipe? And if you want to get something to eat too, I don't mind. It's on me!" Steve hoped he didn't sound overeager. Coulson's trained inner frenchman began to react to Steve Roger's offer... 'Is he asking me out on a date?' Coulson's inner American said, 'No! He's being friendly!' The two warred with one another as Coulson thought, he has been so kind to me... I wish I could tell him it is me! "A coffee is all I need M'sieur America. I appreciate the offer zough." Agent Coulson felt unprepared and off balance. The conversation was fine, but the setting was too intimate for his liking.

Steve's face fell a little when he heard Jean-Phillipe call him 'M'sieur America.' "Jean-Phillipe... just 'Steve' is fine." "Okay, 'Steve.' Is zere something else you wanted to discuss with me Steve?" "Umm... yes." Steve Roger's voice felt weak and he was unsure of how to approach his next question. I need to ask him! I have to know! "Um... Jean-Phillipe, er... do you... I mean, um, er..." Neither his mind nor his mouth seemed to want to express his question. "What is ze mat-air Steve?" Finally, Steve realized he couldn't ask Jean-Phillipe if he was Coulson. It was too weird, too personal, too... impossible. "Nevermind. Forget I said anything." He felt defeated by his own body. Agent Coulson felt as though his heart were being crushed by how much his idol was being hurt by his presence. Well... thought Coulson, if I can't tell him who I am, maybe I can at least ask him something I have wanted to ask since I saw him being thawed from the ice. "Steve... I 'ave a question for you." "Yes?" Steve's voice was sad. "Will you eat dinner with me on my aparment?" "Oh..." His face looked surprised and for a moment Agent Coulson felt as though Steve would decline. "... sure. When did you want me to stop by?" "Ce soir? Tonight?" "Sounds good! Do I need to bring anything?" "Just yourself." Captain America smiled bright and said, "Ce soir, je vous verrai. (I will see you tonight!)" "Eh bien, votre francais, c'est mieux qu'hier!" (Hey, your french is better than before/yesterday) "I have been practicing with a friend."

Steve Roger's smile stayed with him for the rest of the day and even when the two men parted, he still could not help but be excited for the dinner at Jean-Phillipe's apartment. Meanwhile, Agent Coulson felt as though his heart would burst, He said YES! I have a date with Captain America! WAIT! What if he just thinks it's a friendly dinner... not a date? Crap! Coulson nearly sprinted back to his apartment, which was posh-ly furnished and began to prepare the atmosphere and food for his date/dinner with his childhood hero. Just as he finished his preparations and had put the food in the oven, he heard Fury calling him. "Yes director Fury?" "I heard you invited Captain America to the apartment for a meal." "Yes, sir!" "Under what pretense?" Agent Coulson felt uneasy but decided not to lie to his superior. "I believe he recognized it as a date sir." Fury's face did not change, even though Coulson was sure he was slightly surprised. "And what do you plan to do during this 'date?'" Coulson smiled and said, "Eat food and have a conversation with Steve Rogers, Sir." Fury looked like he was about to say something else, probably something about getting information from Captain America, or protocol. Instead he nodded his head and said, "Enjoy your mean Jean-Phillipe..." "Sir!" "Yes, Agent Coulson?" "I request permission to reveal my identity to Steve Rogers." Fury smiled at Coulson and said, "Request denied." Then he terminated the link. "Putain!" (Damn it!/Shit!) Coulson turned away from his television and said, "I hope I can drop the act soon... I hate lying to Steve- Captain America." Coulson felt annoyed. He didn't fully understand his role in Fury's scheme. I get that I'm supposed to collect data on Tony and Steve... but why? Thought Coulson. What purpose does my role serve in the Avengers if I am just spying on them. It feels like I am abusing their trust. Damn it Fury!

Coulson was ranting to himself when he felt a soft, calming presence. It's her! Coulson turned slowly and saw the woman. She was much closer this time, and was floating a few feet above the floor. Her hair was jet black, her eyes were white, her skin was an almost opaque, alabaster, and she wore a thin white silk dress that resembled a toga. She's beautiful, thought Coulson. "Thank you Phillip." She said in dulcet tones. Her voice was gentle and soothing. Coulson felt all of his worry slip away. "What can I do for you my lady?" Asked Coulson. He was sure she had a reason for coming here. "Phillip, I need you to help Steve Rogers adjust to modern society. He feels alone, isolated. I fear if he does not have someone to help him bridge his connection to the past, his life will be in jeopardy. I ask that you help him in any way you see fit." "I will. Thank you for saving my life." The woman smiled and said, "I did little in comparison with what you will do and what you can do, Phillip. Keep doing everything you can do... it is your best trait." She turned, to leave the apartment, then stopped. She turned back and held out her hand. "I want to give you this. It contains the water of life. Use one drop to restore even the most wounded soldier. Use it wisely. I also wish to give you this ring. It will bestow you with various temporary abilities during times of need. It cannot be removed unless you wish it to be." A ring materialised on Coulson's ring finger and he took the small pendant from the woman. He put it around his neck and bowed deeply to the woman, knowing she would not reveal her name to him, even if he asked. The woman smiled again, "I will tell you my name one day my child, but for now, carry on with your task at hand. Coulson blinked and the woman was gone. The room felt darker too, as though the shadows had lengthened. Coulson slumped into the couch. He wasn't sure what had just happened, if it had actually happened, or if he was hallucinating this woman. Then he looked at his hand and saw the ring. That definitely just happened, he thought to himself.

Just as Coulson had acclimated to the situation, he heard a soft knock at the door. SHIT! He's here already? Getting to his feet, Agent Coulson walked to the door and paused a moment before opening it, mentally shifting into French Diplomat mode. As soon as he opened the door, he wished he hadn't, Steve Rogers was standing before him in his Captain America outfit. It was all Coulson could do not to turn into a pile of mush and blow his... cover. "Steve... euh... M'sieur America, why did you come 'ere like zis? In your... costume?" Steve just smiled and said, "I had to assist Iron Man with a robbery downtown. It happened about an hour ago, but we only just finished. Sorry about the outfit..." His voice was strained, as if he felt uncomfortable or nervous. "Please, come inside... Steve?" Coulson desperately wanted to touch... to have, but he settled with his hand resting against the muscled back of his childhood hero. The muscle definition on Steve Rogers was incredible, his whole body seemed to be both tense, powerful muscle, but his movements were smooth, and fluid-like. Coulson unconsciously reached for the ring on his finger and began to twist it, like a nervous habit. He said, "I will be right back. I need to put dinner on the oven." Steve smiled and nodded at him. As he walked away, Coulson noted that Steve's eyes traveled to the ring on Coulson's finger, which he was still twisting. When Coulson pulled the chicken out of the oven, dipped the wild rice on to the plates and finished steaming the vegetables, he walked back into the living room, where he had left Steve. Steve still had his mask on and his head was bowed. "'ere is dinner! I 'ope you like Chicken, vegetables, and rice. I am not a five star chef." Steve looked up and his eyes looked sad, "Oh... that's okay Jean-Phillipe. I'm not very hungry anyway. I think I'd better head out, I just got a call from Tony about... an experimental suit he wants me to try." What? thought Coulson, he wants to leave? But... he just got here.

Coulson fidgeted with his ring and Steve looked at it, his head turned away quickly. Oh no! Coulson realized what had happened. "Steve! You cannot go yet. You 'ave not eaten. And I see you are looking at zis ring. It is not a wedding ring, nor engagement ring! It is a... family possession?" He looked at Steve hopefully. "An 'heirloom?'" "What is an 'eirloom?'" "An object that has been in the family for generations." "Ca y est! An heirloom... zis was my great-grande-mere's ring she gave it to me on ze day she passed on." Steve's expression looked like a mix of happiness and sympathy. "I'm sorry Jean-Phillipe. I just thought..." Coulson moved in close to Steve until he felt the breath of his idol brush his face. Coulson then took Captain America in a tight hug. He wished he could express, in that hug, all of the emotions he had kept bottled up inside, all of the desire, the want, the wishing, and... the hunger. But he did not want to jeopardize his relationship with his idol. Especially since he only just found out that, Steve cares for me! the thought ran around and around in Coulson's mind. The temptation to kiss Steve was quickly becoming difficult to suppress... among other things. I need to either kiss him, or slow things down, he thought. So Coulson pulled back from the hug and stood to bring in a small table on which to serve dinner.

Steve Rogers was still experiencing the hug, his whole body felt tingly. His arms had wrapped around the slightly smaller man and it had felt right. He did want to let go of the diplomat, the embrace felt warm and full of compassion. And then... it had felt like... more. Captain America recognized what his body was telling him... he wanted. His blood felt hot and his mind felt foggy. Wait! Thought Steve, I... can't... no! It's not right! I cannot like him like that! Men do not lie with men. It's in the Bible! It must be an emotional response because Phil... Agent Coulson is not alive anymore. I've been holding back my emotions about losing someone close, well not close like 'THAT'... but... Steve felt lost in his own mind as Jean-Phillipe began to set dinner on the table. "Steve? Are you feeling poorly? You look white." Steve stood and said, "I have to go... I... thank you for..." He began to walk to the door, when suddenly Jean-Phillipe was beside him with a container. "I thought you would need some food. 'ere is some food to eat at ze metal man's workshop. I 'ope 'e does not 'urt you. Will I see you at the construction site zis Wednesday to 'elp rebuild?" Steve blinked, trying to stop his heart from pouring out of every pore on his body. "I think so." "I will see you zen!" And Steve was out the door.

Steve ran over to his apartment and quickly went inside. In case Jean-Phillipe was watching he put the dish inside his refidgerator and left to go for a run. His mind was in turmoil. He couldn't love Jean-Phillipe... at least not like that! He had always cared for his teammates on mission. Never had he thought for a minute though... As Steve made the turn onto fifth street he heard the wail of sirens somewhere in the distance. That was the first time he had ever felt... his body had wanted to respond to the intimacy. Steve was conflicted. His parents had told him to love everyone equally and treat others with kindness. His school had taught him that loving men went against the word of God and would cause him to burn in hell forever. His first friend had died helping to protect his country and had always to Steve that he should never feel insecure or inferior about himself because he was a good, kind person. The military had taught him to bottle emotions and never express anything that could be used as a weapon. What were these feelings for Jean-Phillipe? And why do they feel so similar to the friendship I had with Agent Coulson?

As he pondered this last thought he felt a metal rod slam into his stomach. The pain was so great that he cried out in pain and fell to the ground. His vibranium shield was still strapped to his back and he could not reach for it. He turned to face his assailants, two armed men who were wearing ski masks. "The boss says that you've been causing too much trouble for New York's crime syndicate. He needs you out of the way." The voice was malicious and dripped with sarcasm. Steve felt his strength return and just as he was about to leap to his feet the other man said, "Goodbye Captain America." And three shots rang out. The bullets tore into Steve Rogers and he lay on the ground. "Cowards..." was what he said as he felt his blood starting to flow freely from his body. Seconds later, Steve saw a man run up behind the two thugs and hit them both quickly with a roundhouse kick. One thug crumpled to the ground and the other rolled to the ground. The two men sparred in a flurry of blows, ending with the thug landing in a heap on the ground. Captain America looked up to see who his savior was. "Jean-Phillipe?" "Of course, cher. But for right now. Close your eyes for a second please." Steve obliged and felt a small drop of water land on his chest. Seconds later he felt his entire body recover. "Jean-Phillipe... are you a mutant?" Coulson chuckled at this. "Zere are days I wish that, mon ami." Captain America got to his feet and said, "How did you...?" "Zat is my secret Steve. Now you must go 'ome before anyone else comes 'ere. I will call ze police and tie zese men up." Steve tried to protest but was met with firm, diplomatic resistance.

As Steve entered his apartment, he wondered how long Jean-Phillipe had been following him. He decided Jean-Phillipe must have made sure that Steve was okay. It's a good thing too, thought Steve. I would have been dead. Steve felt as though there was something strange about Jean-Phillipe, apart from his apparent expertise of martial arts. Steve went to his fridge and pulled out the container of food. Maybe I should have Tony run some tests on this... I don't think that Jean-Phillipe is up to anything, but better to be safe. Just as he was about to return the food to the refridgerator, he felt something on the bottom of the container. What's this? He thought. He felt a small square and some tape. Carefully removing the tape, Steve Rogers pulled the small square off the bottom and saw something that made his heart hammer and his vision swim. It was one of the collectible cards of Captain America saluting. Steve swallowed. Is Coulson... Jean-Phillipe?

Hey all, I know that this chapter isn't my best writing ever. Bear with me. I am trying to write an authentic storyline while getting some sex in here. (Somewhere along the way) I haven't slept in about 48 hours so, again, my writing will suffer a minor setback. Anyway... comments are appreciated, so please do so.

Hello Nifty-ers! If you don't already know me... I have three other series on Nifty "Psych," Merlin," and "Chuck." If you want to get a feel for my writing style try those! More updates soon on this story. Bear with me some weeks... my job can be stressful. This story will be Captain America and Phil Coulson so if you don't like that... send me a request and I might include it, or I might not. Either way you'll get an email from me. I also write a lot during the night so my grammar is not at it's peak. Sorry for the errors <- as a post-emptive strike. (pre-emptive for future chapters) If you like this story please comment! If you hate it... COMMENT! This helps me improve as a writer and gives me an idea as to what you all want. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to write many more soon! If you have questions about the French, shoot me an email.

-Mike XD

Next: Chapter 3

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