The Attorney

By Dawson Spear

Published on Feb 12, 2012


I waited on William to finish up the dishes and kitchen and we then hit the exercise room for an hour before going to the bedroom, where I stretched him using an even thicker dildo. It was obvious that he wanted to come again but I made him suck me dry before we fell into a deep sleep.


I woke first and went into the kitchen made coffee and searched the frig for some fruit to organize for breakfast. If I were on a diet I assumed that TJ would eat the same as me. There really was not enough fruit but got out eggs, bacon, some cheese and set the little breakfast table.

"You are going to have some pita bread and cheese. Fix me eggs and bacon with a piece of pita and some fruit. Come get me with a cup of coffee when it is done. Bring me the last dildo."

When he did we went through the little ceremony of his graduating to the next larger size. I could tell that this one was painful on entry and that it would be working him over all day. He now had one in him that was larger than me and you could tell that he was going to be uncomfortable while it was in him. I was stretching him quickly but I was not sure how much longer either of us could wait, and I was afraid of simply putting it to him.

I went into the study, sat at my desk and made a list of things I wanted to do today. I got the day organized when my coffee arrived. As William was putting it down on a coaster I reached over and took hold of his cock, pulling him down onto my lap. I reached around him running my hands over his chest and belly feeling his fur. I ran my hand on up to his face, pulling his head down to mine.

I bit on his ear, licked it said, "Today is not going to be as pleasant as last evening. A lot of things are going to change today and you need to go slowly and trust me; I am not trying to scare you but today is going to be the rest of your life."

In the meantime I had allowed my hand to go down and continue playing with his cock. It rose up and was leaking precum; I wiped it up with my fingers, pushed him up and licked my fingers, while my other hand held him standing in front of me. When I moved my hand towards my mouth with my free hand I took possession of his balls, at first gently rolling them around, gradually increasing the pressure, and finally starting to pull down while simultaneously grasping them more tightly. He moaned and started to pull away from me. I instantly pulled him in to me and squeezed, causing him to stop and look down at me.

"Got you attention, did I? Don't ever pull away from me. First lesson of the day; you no longer exist; these are my nuts, my cock, my body, and if I want to play with my nuts and cock then I may do so. You, however need my permission to not only play but to even touch. Understood?"

"Yes Master."

"All right, let's hit the exercise room before breakfast."

We went into what had been originally a garage, that TJ had converted into a small home gym and that had all of the equipment of a regular gym. After an hour and one half we had a quick breakfast and then it was time to hit the shower. We went into the bathroom where I turned the shower on to get the temperature to the point that he liked it. I had learned last night that when I got the shower going, he got the first shower; I washed him and then me. He stood there looking at me and said, "Did you forget something?"

"Yes sir." I got the enema bag filled up and cleaned myself out, turned the shower back on and waited for him to get in.

He said, to me, "Get under the water, get wet, and then lie down on the floor of the shower on your back."

He knelt down with his ass and pubic area over my face and him down by my pubic area. We were in a classic 69 position. He bent his head down so he could look under himself but up at me and said, "I want you to lick me from the top of the crack of my ass all the way to my belly button. Get all of the funkiness off me from our exercise and last night's sleep. Do not say a word again until I say you may. Understood?"

I nodded my head yes and stuck my tongue up to his balls and started licking the crease between his thigh and his sack, and them using my hands, I spread the crack of his ass and cleaned him. The smell and taste of the sweat was incredible. I had been so taken away by this new experience that I paid little attention to what TJ was doing. All of a sudden it occurred to me that Master was doing something major. I looked down and realized that he had shaved my balls, and that he was starting on my pubic bush above my cock. I started to say something and remembered that I was not allowed to speak. I went back to my cleaning job.

I was glad that William got into my ass before he realized that I was shaving him. I could tell the moment that he realized what I was doing, and just how badly he wanted to say something. He was well behaved however and never said anything. When I thought that he was pretty well done with his licking assignment, I told him to suck me off. I backed up so that I could continue to shave his chest and we had to turn onto our sides so that he could keep my cock in his mouth and I still have access to his body. I pulled out of his mouth, turned around and put my cock back in his mouth and went to work on both arm pits as well as finishing his chest, followed by his legs and arms, and finally I turned him over and got his back and the back of his legs. When done I simply knelt there until he took my load, cleaned me. I said, "I am sure that no matter how hard you tried you could not have made less effort with that blow job. I do believe that you are acting like a spoiled child because I shaved your body. Am I right? Look at me."

"Yes sir. Why?" At that time tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"Why what?"

"Why did you shave my body?"

"First it is not your body. Who does your body belong to?"


Second, as if it matters, why shouldn't I shave it if shaving it brings me pleasure and at the same time humiliates you? I did it the first time. From now on you will use a hair remover that you will get from the local pharmacy. Have fun explaining why you need it."

"But what am I supposed to do when I go to the gym or to a pool and show myself in public?"

"I suppose you could tell them that you are my slave and that your body belongs to me and I can do what I want; or I suppose you could tell them that I am fucking you as soon as I get your pussy opened up and that when I don't fuck you, you suck the cum out of my balls. Ever since we were 14 or 15 you always strutted around in the showers and locker room displaying first the hair around your cock, then under your arms and finally covering your chest and stomach. Well no more big boy. From now on you are going hairless. For that matter turn around and let me get the patch at the top of the crack of your ass. I was going to leave that one but at least for now it is gone as well."

William's face was a picture of shock and surprise. He was now void of any hair other than on his eye brows and the top of his head.

"It is time for your punishment; you resisted; you questioned; you hesitated; and you did not trust me. Now stop of a moment. Look me in the eye. I am telling you now that you are going to have a very bad day if you continue this course. Get back down there on the floor of the shower. Close your eyes and mouth and keep them closed until I tell you to open them. I then proceeded to cover him with my piss; from head to toe. I knew he was going to do it and was simply waiting; he opened his eyes and his mouth and asked me what I was doing. When he did so I pissed on his face and in his mouth.

Before he could spit it out I said "Close your mouth and hold the piss in it until I say otherwise. I suggest that you use your hands as a cup to flush the piss out of your eyes. I told you to lie down and to not open your eyes. I told you to keep your mouth closed but you had to open it to talk. Now spit out the piss and finish flushing out your eyes. The piss may sting but it won't hurt you. Now come here and kneel down. You decided that you wanted some control over your body so I decided to mark you like Duke would mark his territory. Now open your mouth."

He did so and I put my cock back just inside his lips, told him to close his lips around my cock and let him kneel there with nothing happening for a minute. I closed my eyes and slowly relaxed my muscles so that my piss just eased out of my bladder and into his mouth. His eyes got large and he struggled and resisted while I held his head. He really did not put up much of a fight, and as soon as he was over the surprise he resigned himself to swallowing my piss. I gradually increased the flow and he managed to keep up until my bladder was empty. When done I told him to look up at me.

"No you may not rinse your mouth out. I did not do that to punish you, but rather used the opportunity to further your indoctrination. Now wash yourself and get out. You may wear the clothes I put on the bed. When you are dressed pack the cloths on the bed in the suitcase as we are going to Atlanta."

We left Duke inside but with his doggy door and plenty of food and water. We stopped by the bank and went inside. I had to tell the manager that I dealt with that I wanted to close my accounts and to transfer the money to TJ's account in the same bank. TJ told him I would not have signature rights but that he wanted another debit card for me to use. I thought about the situation, and decided I had two choices I could be embarrassed or I could hold my head high and ignore the looks and answer the questions. The banker looked at me strangely and asked if I was sure that is what I wanted. I indicated that in fact is what I wanted. He made some snide comment about TJ having taken over since Emily had died and that he had heard that we were living together. I was embarrassed, yes, but what I really was, was mad. I started to say something when I felt TJ's hand at my back. He shut the door to the vice president's office and said, "Ok ass hole. Let's just say you are right and that William here is my little woman. You need to understand something; you keep talking, making up these lies, starting these rumors, and saying anything about either of us and I will remove all of the accounts including the trust accounts that my family created for me, the golf course accounts, and if you are correct then I will be able to remove all of William's accounts as well. And if you are wrong and William still has a free will then he will remove all of the law firm and related accounts. You got anything to say now?"

"No sir Mr. Wright. I apologize."

"Apology accepted. If the looks I have gotten over the years are indicative of anything then you at best are curious and most probably jealous."

I wondered how William would handle the situation presented to him. Today was going to be a really bad day for him both emotionally and physically. So far we had had fun, playing house and golf. This morning he lost his mantle of hair, now he was losing his financial independence, and then some asshole wanted to make an issue of our relationship and he had little idea of how much he was going to lose this afternoon.

When we got back in the car I was some kind of upset about 3 things: of course I was upset by what the guy had to imply (even if it were true), second, I was on edge about losing control over all finances and third I was upset because I realized that I had started to respond and TJ had to remind me he was in charge. I said to him, "I am sorry Master. Sometimes it is still new to me."

"That is all right babe. I understand and frankly we have not had this conversation before and that is my fault. You need to remember that I am the guy, the strong one, the one that has to protect you. The important thing to me is that you picked up on my hint to you and that when you considered the matter you realized how the scene was to play out. From your perspective you realized even in a new situation with no instruction how it was to come down. I am pleased."

The drive to Atlanta was a little less than two hours and we had a discussion. TJ drove and I napped on the way, dreaming about him and our relationship. I was having trust problems such as when he pissed in my mouth. If someone had asked me even yesterday what I would do if someone pissed in my mouth I would have told them I would freak; and yet now that it had happened and then I had taken a belly full without a whimper I was submitting to the imposition of his will over mine. Obviously TJ had pushed my limits. I wonder what my limits were. When I woke up he asked me, "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Yes. I have not been sleeping well since Emily died until the last several nights, and again just now."

"Where are we staying tonight and how long are we going to be gone for?"

"We have a reservation at a small bed and breakfast that is run by a couple. We will probably be there for one night, depending on whether or not there are any complications."

"May I ask what are we going to do while we are in Atlanta?"

"You can ask but I am not going to tell you other than we are going to get you some clothing when we first get there and then later today we have an appointment."

"Do you want me to drive some?"

"No thanks. It is not that much further and I know how to get where we are going."

We went to a small strip mall and into a store that was an adult only where TJ bought me 6 for lack of a better word jock straps, a vest that did not button and a pair of pants that had a pocket in the back, so that when unbuttoned someone would have direct access to my ass hole. The underwear looked like a jock but was made out of cotton and was soft. It was clear that they were not made to afford any protection, but solely for looks, support of your testicles like tightie whities provide, while at the same time affording TJ access to my hole. He also purchased me two speedo bathing suits that were cut so low that it would be obvious to everyone that my pubic hair had been shaved.

After buying the underwear for William it was only a matter of blocks to our next appointment. The building was non-descript with no sign, in the middle of the block, two stories and surrounded on three sides by a multi-story warehouse. We went up to the second floor and went into a door with a sign that said "Men's Services." It was next to a door that had a sign that said "DeKalb Abortion Clinic."

William smiled and asked which door we were going in and I smiled at him while he opened the door to Men's Services. John, the nurse, met me saying it was nice to see me again and told us to come on back. We went down the hall into a room with a standard examination table with a paper sheet, and the height of which could be adjusted; finally it had stirrups. William looked at me with a very worried look on his face.

I sat down in the extra chair; John was sitting in the chair that had rollers and was obviously for the doctor or his nurse. That left the table/bed and William sort of sat/leaned against it. I was leafing through a magazine, trying to give the impression that I was relaxed and that I was not paying any attention; the fact of the matter is that I was excited to start the process of William's body modification and to see how he handled the breakdown that was going to occur. John had been filling out paper work when he turned towards the room, and said, "William take off all of your clothing and lay back on the table." He hesitated, I smiled and then he continued saying, "Now."

I was terrified. I had no idea what was going to happen. TJ had not said a word; was reading some dumb magazine and this guy I had never seen before wants me to strip and get up on the table. The only thing I could remember was that TJ had said that I was not going to enjoy today as much as I enjoyed last night; and that I had to trust him. I took a deep breath and took off my clothes in front of this perfect stranger. I was looking around as I took off my clothes and asked, "Is there one of those hospital gowns I can put on?"

John said, "No dear we only use them for our female abortion patients next door. Now just get up on the table."

I took off my socks and pants (I had no underwear) and got up on the table. The nurse/attendant put a pillow under my head and turned the big overhead bright lights on. The door opened and in came this guy in scrubs. Now I was in a panic. I looked over at TJ pleading with my eyes to be told what was going on and what was to be done. There was no response; he did not even look at me, instead he was still reading his damn magazine.

The guy stuck his hand out and shook mine, saying, "Hi, I am Dr. Tom Taylor and I will be doing your procedures today." He then turned to TJ and said, "Hey TJ it is good to see you. So this is your slave. You sure got a hot one."

"Thanks Tom. Yeah, I have been in love with him and wanting him as my slave for 30 years."

"Ok William, lie back and let me examine you. Lift your legs up and put them in these stirrups so that I can see better." I did so and he got between my legs. He first picked up my cock and looked at it, turning the head this way and that, measured its length, opening the pee hole and moving the skin down and away from the head. He then lifted up my sack hefted it and pulled the sack down and away from where the scrotum joins the body. I started to chub up when he picked up my cock and went hard on when he played with my nuts. Seeing that Dr. Taylor looked over at John the nurse and said "Get me a couple of gauze pads we have a leaker." He then jacked my cock a little and asked me "Is this about as hard as it gets?"

I was like a deer in the head lights; I was scared. I could not believe it; here I am a 45 year old man, naked in front of two absolute strangers, one of whom is playing with my junk as tears run down my cheek. I manage to say in a breaking voice, "Yes Sir."

He then measured it and called to John, "6½ erect."

I realized that TJ was standing there beside my head when he picked up my hand and held it. He leaned over and kissed me and said, "William they are not going to harm you. After Tom has examined you, he and I will then come to a decision and when he and I are in agreement I will tell you what we are going to do. Everything is going to be all right."

The doctor put both hands on my stomach and rubbed my tummy, saying, "William while some of what we are going to do will hurt when the medicine wears off I promise you that we are not going to `injure' you in any way. Don't misunderstand me; your body will be modified as soon as I am done, and the important modifications will not be able to be reversed; one of the modifications will simply start a process and frankly they will cause a great deal of pain in the short run and the one that is started will cause you discomfort but probably not pain you but will take up to or even a little longer than a year to accomplish. What your owner wants done is to enhance your looks as his slave and to frankly make his ability to control you easier. Professionals like me agree with slave owners that a slave's fulfillment comes from the joy it brings to its owner."

With that he resumed his exploration, rubbing my tits, pulling on them and pinching them. He pulled on the skin on my taint, felt the area on my hips that were on an even parallel with my cock. Turning to TJ he said, "These two areas on either side of where his pubic bush was are perfect for tattooing." TJ merely smiled at me.

The doctor said to John, "Get some cold water in a cup and a wash cloth to hold against his cock to make it go down. Also get a wet warm pack and put on his scrotum I want to see how small we can get his cock and how much his scrotal sack will descend." John did so and my cock lost its rigidity to the point that John was able to get it to hang down into the cup. It really shrank when he put it into cold water; Shit John put some crushed ice in the cup.

Nurse John then measured it in its shrunken state. He called over to the doctor "1½ inches ultra-soft and 3 regular soft." His scrotum really does not permit the testicles to hang down. Even when I warmed them the sack stayed close to the body." At that point Dr. Taylor took off the gloves and said to TJ, "All right let me tell you what I recommend based on what you have told me."

"Piercing the tits is no problem. I can do it so that the bars or rings are easily removed. Normally when we do a nipple piercing we simply take the nipple and hold it with a vice grip type instrument to pull the nipple away from the body and then stick what looks like a disposable needle thru and then pull the bar or ring through. In this case we will cauterize the inside of the sleeve we create so that the tunnels do not grow together again and he can go without wearing the rings for days at a time. We do that because he may not be able to wear the rings regularly"

I turned to TJ and said, "Master may I ask a question?"

"That depends on the question. Be careful you are on dangerous ground."

"Doctor, what do you mean by cauterizing the tunnels and what is it exactly that you are going to do? I realized that I am not permitted to ask if there was some way to avoid what was going to happen or if I could get you or Master to change what was going to happen. That is not my intent."

What I wanted to know is what it is they were going to do and how.

The doctor turned to TJ and TJ seeing the look said, "Tom, I am really proud of William because he realizes that he has forfeited the right to try and change what is going to happen, or why it is happening or if there is some way to stop what is going to happen. Please tell him what it is you are going to do and how you are going to do it."

"Sure. William, I am going to use this surgical instrument to pierce a hole through each of your nipples. Now when we normally do a piercing once the instrument (a needle with a carrier called a cannula attached at the back end) is through the flesh we push/pull the ring/bar through the teat by attaching the ring/bar to a carrier called a cannula and apply the slave with anti-biotic salve and fix the rings. Thereafter you would clean the site several times a day and move the rings around to keep the flesh from growing onto the rings. If you did not the wounds would simply grow over and the piercing would grow back together. Instead I am going to use a cauterizing needle/surgical instrument that we use in surgery to stop bleeding vessels. It burns the flesh stopping any bleeding and the process of growing back. The cauterized flesh cannot close down the tunnel that we create by the burning process because of the scar tissue. In that way you can either keep the rings in or leave them out at the discretion of your master. I want you to know that you will really suffer third degree burns on those two areas, but I will give your master some pills for the pain."

I gulped and said "Thank you."

Dr. Taylor then said, "I understand that we are also going to put in permanent rings on his taint."

I looked over at TJ, who smiled and said, "That is correct."

I continued my look at TJ, who smiled at me and nodded.

I then asked Dr. Taylor, "Could you explain the how, where and what of what you just said?"

"Certainly." At that point he strapped my ankles into the stirrups, spread the stirrups so that my legs were as spread open as possible. In fact there were so spread that I could feel the muscles being pulled. Frankly it was uncomfortable and I realized that I would have muscle strain the next day.

Dr. Taylor at this point moved into the space created by my being butterflied, pulled on a lever which caused my head to be lowered by about a foot and then for my butt to be raised so that it was almost at his eye level. He reached between my thighs to that area between my ass hole and the backside of my scrotum. He then continued with my education.

"In the 1800s some men and women in Europe wanted to have their sex organs pierced and jewelry implanted. That generation believed that anything between your belly button and the top of the crack of your ass was a sex organ. That area between your anal opening and your scrotum was given the slang name of `taint' it is believed that the name came from the female anatomy meaning it ain't the pussy and it ain't asshole. The most common one of course was the Prince Albert, named for Queen Victoria's husband. While there is no confirmation of the story but it is believed by some that he had the head of his penis pierced and a ring implanted so that he could maneuver his penis to minimize the bulge when wearing certain trousers. While the style continued genital piercing only became fashionable in the United States beginning in the 1970's and then primarily on the west coast."

"What we are discussing at this point is the installation of a ring in what is commonly called the "taint" which is the slang name for the area I described. The procedure is done in the same fashion as the nipple except for two factors. First in this instance the ring is going to be permanent and secondly patients tell me that there is considerably more pain involved than your nipples. Also care is much different because of the proximity to your anus. Once installed the ring will not be able to be removed except with bolt type cutters. We achieve this permanency by soldering the ring closed. Depending on your master's wishes we may put some type of weight on the ring in the form of a ball or he may wait and put on the weight at a later time."

At this point the doctor moved his finger in a line from the front of my sack to my asshole. He said, "Do you feel this line?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok. That line is called the Raphe and it is a skin tab of sorts and it runs from the anus to the scrotal sack and then if you are able to feel my fingers it divides the scrotum into halves as well. We are able to put in a number of rings from the back of the scrotal sack to the lips of the anus. We are able to attach weights to the ring or bar. People attach weights to their guiche piercings, usually in the form of larger bead, and sometimes as an attachment. The purpose is simple: it feels good."

With his hands running along my quiche all the way from my cock to my asshole, Dr. Taylor turned to TJ and said, "What kind of jewelry do you want me to use and do you want weights on it?

"I think a ring, fairly large gauge with a ball hanging on the end of it. If it feels good for him that is great, but with the ring and the ball weight he will not close his legs to me."

"With regard to the scrotum piercing the most common scrotum piercings are done horizontally using a minimum of 12 gauge but much larger gauges are also possible and fairly common. Scrotum piercings may also be performed in a vertical fashion." He turned to TJ and continued, "It is my understanding that you want the slave's piercing done on the sides. Although the vertical placement is uncommon, they have been done successfully with straight and curved barbells. Scrotum piercings done in a vertical fashion tend to see more change in jewelry depending on the expansion and contraction of the Scrotum."

TJ replied, "Let's go on to the next piercing as I am not sure I want his ball sack pierced. Frankly I get a great deal of pleasure of making him stare me in the eyes and when he is not expecting it to knee him in the nuts, and I don't want anything to lessen that thrill or of my simply squeezing his balls."

The doctor continued, "Well if you do vertical piercing on the sides the kneeing action would not be an interference."

"Ok, but I want to hold off on the sack piercing.

"The next thing we will do is to encase the scrotum with two rings. Both come in two parts and we put the first of two halves around the sack and then attach it permanently with rivets. This ring is kept up high. It will keep the testicles themselves from rising up, and allow you to add additional weights in the future so as to help stretch his scrotum. The second is smaller in size and is much heavier with the purpose of keeping the testicles weighted down and kept them taut in the scrotum. The ring itself is draconian in that it is heavy, black iron and permanent. Now William you need to pay close attention, because this ring will be the modification that will change your appearance over time. My estimate is that it will take a year to accomplish and during that period of time it is very important that you check your testicles every day. You may expect some ach all day ever day, but not pain. If you feel pain then you need to let your master know or call me. Also check your urine closely to be sure it has no blood. Finally because of the taint ring and the nut stretcher you are going to have to learn how to walk again because you will want to spread your thighs because the nut stretcher simply will not let you put your thighs together."

"When that is done we will then perform the Prince Albert. Now as I understand it your master wants an abnormally large ring – a zero gauge. Sometimes people have a hard time understanding gauge sizes. As the gauge number goes down the size goes up, so that a zero gauge is huge. In fact now that I am examining him, the ring is really just about the same size as the head of his cock if not a little bigger."

"That is correct", said TJ.

"Alright. There are several different methods used to perform this piercing, the most common of which is to insert a receiving tube into the urethra and then pierce from the chosen point on the outside — some piercers mark this point, some don't — into the receiving tube. The tube is then removed, and the chosen jewelry is inserted behind the needle.

Alternatively, a cannula can be used to perform the piercing from the inside out. The needle is retracted slightly, and the cannula is inserted into the urethra and lined up with the exit mark on the outside. The needle is then pushed down into the cannula, and the whole lot is pushed out through the exit point. After the needle is removed the cannula remains in place, allowing for very easy jewelry insertion. This method won't work in this instance because of the size jewelry you want used.

A third method is occasionally used by very experienced freehand piercers, who use a method similar to the cannula method explained above, but using a standard piercing needle. With great care the needle can be inserted into the urethra and the piercing done from the inside out. This method is only used by people with a lot of experience and confidence, as great care must be taken not to nick the inside of the urethra. This is the method I will be using as I must use an instrument that is between an 1/8 of an inch and a 3/8 of an inch in diameter. As you can tell that is a much larger than the needle we will use for the nipple or taint piercing."

I said doctor "Could you explain what you mean by cannula and the other terms you used and exactly what it is you do?"

"Of course. A cannula is the narrow tube of plastic carried on a needle. In piercing with a cannula the needle cuts a hole and the cannula passes through with the needle, the needle is partially withdrawn but the cannula stays in place. Then the jewelry is inserted into the cannula, and the cannula is withdrawn carrying the jewelry through the piercing."

"Tom let's do his titties and the guiche piercing which will give me a little time to consider exactly what we want to do as far as the Prince Albert."

"What you want done is no problem and we can put the ring in his taint (quiche) easily. It will take a half an hour. Do you want to leave and come back or wait in the waiting area?"

I thought that I would faint. I looked at TJ and opened my mouth to say something, when he smiled at me and still holding my hand said, "Tom if it is all right I want to stay and hold his hand. He has really been good about this so far. Frankly I am surprised that he has not objected in any manner."

"That is fine. If it is agreeable with you I am going to go check on a patient that is in the recovery area while John puts the disinfectant on him and gets him prepped."

Next: Chapter 6

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