The Attic Space

By nick brown

Published on Feb 10, 2019


Thank you for all the positive feedback so far. I hope you enjoy the next part as much. As ever, feedback is always welcome.

To be honest with you all, only the first instalments of my story were actually what happened. From here on it's all fantasy. Although it includes unprotected sex I would not condone or promote its use. Let's stay safe. But for the purposes of this stroke material let's pretend that std's do not exist. Now wouldn't that be nice.

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So where were we: "Oh yes Master. This one really is special. The group will be so pleased. If you could pass me a tawse I think he's ready for me to begin."

Part Four

Master reached behind him and took a tawse from a hook on a wire rack. It was black leather with an interwoven handle that ended in a knotted ball and with long, thin leather straps about 18 inches long. Sir stared down at me with his hand held out waiting. His gaze bore into me. His eyes gleamed with anticipation and lust.

"Now boy. It's time for some fun. This will merely sting. Nothing for you to worry about really. But I do so enjoy using it on newbies. It lets me see how receptive they are. And I have high hopes for you. You were very receptive to your previous superior. So accommodating. So eager to please. Will you please me boy?"

He dragged the straps over my body as he spoke and walked around me slowly. Over my chest, then my shoulder, and trailed it down my back. Now he stood behind me.

"Well, boy? Will you please me?"

"Yes Sir. I will do my utmost to please you and all my superiors. I am yours to use as you see fit as a good cunted sub should Sir."

I sensed the tawse flick out lightly stinging my buttocks. Then again on my back. Then it was dragged over my chest as Sir changed position. Flick. Flick. I kept my head bowed, eyes closed as the flicks became harder and faster. My body began to flinch as the stinging intensified. My arms spread wide twisted my body in response. My cock was now rock hard against my stomach. Each flick brought out either a moan in me or a catch of breath depending upon the location. Light flicks on my erect penis or balls would make me twitch the most. Sometimes even yelp slightly. But none were so hard as to cause severe pain. Sir was an expert in judging just the right angle, speed and intensity. This continued for only 10 minutes or so before stopping.

"That's good boy. Very good. I can see you reacted to that well. Your pathetic cock seems to have enjoyed that very much. Now open your eyes and look at what that has done for me."

I raised my head. Sir was standing before me. His penis was now fully erect. At least 9 inches of throbbing manhood. Thick and veiny. The purple head bulbous and moist with precum.

Master was still seated behind him. His long legs stretched out. He was filming it all on his phone with one hand still slowly stroking his now engorged cock. It truly was a monster. But both were intimidating. Sir's cock may not have been as long but it was nearly as thick.

He handed the tawse to Master. His eyes never leaving mine. Lust glowed deep in the blue of his irises. Moving towards me he placed one hand behind my head.

"Are you ready to taste a real man's dick boy? Is this what you have dreamed of? Submitting to your obvious superiors? Face it boy. It's what you want. It's what you need. Do you want to taste my seed boy?"

Oh God. Did I. By now I was a quivering mass of pent up sexual energy. I not only wanted to suck on his magnificent dick but wanted him to face fuck me brutally until he unloaded down my throat and filled my stomach with his seed. I could barely speak but my lips parted without me thinking and I licked my lips lasciviously as I stared into his mesmerising eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now, lick the shaft bitch." He pulled my head into him. "Mmmmmmm, yes that's right bitch. Lick my big dick. Taste real man. Now kiss the head. That's it, lightly now. No need to rush. Lick out my piss slit. Taste that sweet precum. There will be so much more for you soon. Oh yes that's it. Spit on my dick bitch. Get it nice and sloppy and wet. Now into your mouth. Open wide boy. Wider. And remember to watch those teeth. Any biting and you will be punished."

As he spoke I felt his free hand wrap around the leash tightening his grip on me. The other ran through my hair lightly pulling as he manouvered my head over his cock. I opened wide and began to swallow his big, thick dick. Unable to take it all I frequently choked and backed off. Tears filled my eyes and saliva drooled from my lips and down my chin. Whilst I regained my breath he would order me to lick or suck on his balls. Then back to his cock. Each time he would press further until he was finally filling my throat.

"Oh, that's it you fucking slut. Suck on that big dick. It's what you want you cunt. You filthy, fucking whore. Take it. Take it all. Suck on it until you choke."

As he talked with more and more vulgarity, I could sense his orgasm building. When I was able to look up I could see that he often had his head back, eyes closed, enjoying the feelings of pleasure I was giving him. Or perhaps it was more the pleasure he was taking. He was certainly the one in control. My mouth was just another cunt for him to use. He was starting to face fuck me without mercy. At times I felt I would pass out through lack of oxygen. My throat felt sore with the battering as his thick cock invaded the space relentlessly.

With an animal grunt his orgasm began. "Oh, you fucking slut. I'm going to shoot boy. Get ready. Oh, fuck yes. Now. Take my seed. Swallow it all. See what a real man tastes of. Oh, you fucking cunt. Yes. Yes. Yessssss." Thick ropes of cum shot down my throat and filled my mouth. More than I could swallow quickly enough. As he pulled back more sprayed over my face and chest. Thick, white and creamy. His legs spasmed as he came and he let out long groan. His fingers in my hair pulled one way as the hand on the leash pulled the other. And then both released. My whole body dropped stretching my arms on the chains. My face and chest were covered in his thick cum despite the copious amounts he had deposited into my stomach.

Sir stepped back and admired his handiwork. After a few seconds whilst he controlled himself he said: "Mmmmm, yes boy. That was good. We definitely need to work on that gag reflex but for a first time on my daddy dick you did better than I was expecting. You have chosen well Master. This one is certainly going to be enjoyed by the others."

Stepping forward he began to swipe the cum from my face and chest onto his fingers. Then he would feed me his seed to swallow. I licked greedily at his fingers taking it all.

Master raised himself languidly from his seat, put down his phone, and stood behind Sir. He handed him a bottle of water as Sir wiped sweat from his chest. The room really had become quite hot with all the male testosterone filling the air. As Master unclipped my arms from the chains I gazed at his erect manhood. Fully engorged it reached past his navel. Thick and menacing. Certainly, the biggest penis I had ever seen in the flesh. His large balls were now tighter to his body, almost bull-like in their masculinity.

My arms fell to my sides and I slumped slightly, exhausted by all the use I had been put to so far. Both men then grabbed me under the armpits and hauled me to my feet.

"Sit for a while and drink this water whilst we arrange things. We need something special for the next part of your cunting. And I am sure you are going to enjoy it."

I slumped on the chair, drained, and watched as the space was cleared and a bench was brought out. On the top, at waist height, was a padded leather panel. On each side were thin wooden platforms also padded. The feet slotted into uncovered recesses in the floor holding it firmly in place.

"This is a fuck bench. I think it's obvious what happens on this. When you are ready we will tie you to it. Basically, we are going to take turns in fucking you. Your cunt will be abused by our big dicks. You will feel pain. But any pleading from you will only make us fuck you harder. Is that quite clear bitch? Your worthless cunt is ours to use as we see fit. You mean nothing to us other than as a sex object. But not only will learn to enjoy it, you will beg for more. Very soon it will be all you think about. Your pathetic dick will mean nothing as all your pleasure will come from your cunt. Pleasure that we will give you whether you think you want it or not. And then you will truly be cunted."

Masters stern words were delivered in a style I was growing accustomed to. He did not raise his voice. Just quiet command. It excited me. I loved being verbally humiliated by him. My heart beat faster at his words and my cock twitched in acceptance of the truth in them.

"Yes Master. Thank you Master."

Sir then took me by the arm and guided me onto the bench. Placing my knees on the platforms I bent over the padded bench. My arse was in the air, back slightly arched, my head over the end of the bench. I moved without the need for any encouragement excited beyond words. Leather straps went around my calves and fixed my legs in place. The leash of my collar was tied to the front of the bench. Although I could lift my head slightly it restricted my movement. With my arms at ninety degrees to my chest they too were secured to the bench.

Master was now behind me. With a gentle pull the plug was removed. This time I did gasp as it popped out of my tight sphincter. Warm water and a soft cloth were used to clean me and a warm towel to dry me. Then two pairs of hands began to rub oil over my body.

They would take it in turns running their big hands over my back, down over my buttocks and then up my crack and over my sensitive balls and cock. Fingers began to open my slut hole wider and more oil was used to lube me up. Leisurely. Gently. Massaging the oils into my body. Their cocks would sometimes brush against my body causing me to experience thrills of excitement. One, two, three, then four fingers leisurely opened my hole stretching me wider each time. My moaning became incessant. Waves of pleasure filled my body and caused me to tremble.

Sir then stood at my head. A bottle of poppers was placed under my nose and once again I breathed in the aroma that aroused my senses so. My head span as he forced me to sniff deeper. Deeper. Fuck it felt so good.

Then Sir placed his stiffening cock against my lips and ordered me to suck him again. I opened wide and took his thickening shaft into my mouth gladly. As I did I felt pressure against my hole. Master's hands were on my cheeks, massaging and squeezing my buttocks then pulling them apart. His fingers gripped my buttocks more firmly. And then he was in. Only a few precious inches but he was stretching me wider than I had ever been before.

Oh God. Oh Sweet Jesus it hurt. The pain was intense. I choked on the cock in mouth as I tried not to scream.

Master's words filtered through my pain. "That's it cunt. Take your Master's thick cock. Hush now and breathe. Use your ass muscles and push out. It will open you up more." Sir pulled his cock from my mouth and with eyes squeezed slightly shut I concentrated on breathing through the pain.

Thankfully Master held still and allowed me to grow used to his massive member invading my hole. But he did not pull out. He merely waited until my breathing became more controlled. Then he entered me further. One precious inch at a time. At times I felt I could take no more. But I did. Like the slut I am I wanted this. Wanted to force myself to endure the pain and take him fully. I moaned and then screamed as he slowly filled me.

Sir spoke: "Now you are beginning to realize why our group accept him as Master. He is the alpha male in our group. Not just because of his impressive size and talents at fucking but because it was he who set up our group in the first place. He breaks in any newcomers to our select group so they are truly ready for use by the members. All who get this far submit to his Master dick. Not all can take his pounding and some have refused. But not many."

"You will take his dick well. Of that I am sure. Already you are becoming accustomed to his size and girth. Now I am going to feed you some more poppers so that Master may fully enter you. I would advise you sniff deep because you are about to be violated like never before."

The poppers were placed under my nose and I sniffed greedily trying to prepare myself for what was about to happen.

"Yes, that's it cunt. Sniff deep you greedy little whore. Master is about to fuck you hard and whilst he does you are going to suck on my daddy dick like you did before to get me ready to fuck you. Soon you will be seeded by Master and then you will truly be his bitch. Prepare to be fucked by a true Master. Now beg him for his cock like a good sub slut. Beg him bitch."

My head spun with both the poppers and the effects of Sir's words.

"Please Master, fuck my slut cunt. Make me your bitch Master please. Please fuck me."

With that Master thrust deep into me. My back arched as much as my restraints would allow. I tried not to scream but failed miserably as the pain overcame me. But Master did not stop. He withdrew slowly and then drove back into me. All 11 inches pushed into my well-oiled hole. My body spasmed again and I felt his balls slap against me.

"That's it bitch, take Master's cock. You cheap fucking whore. You're loving this. You wanted to be fucked by a real man and now you are. Enjoy it. Breathe through the pain and experience his dick. Even now I can see your pathetic cock is fully erect. Now open your fucking mouth and suck on my daddy dick."

I did as I was told. My eyes still closed tight as Master and Sir fell into a rhythm fucking me from both ends. Their words became cruder as they used me. They laughed over me encouraging each other to fuck harder or deeper. To use the cunt fully. That I was loving it despite the screams.

And the pain eased. My screams became deep moans. Pleasure took over as I was used by these two masterful studs. Despite their words I soon realised that they were also intended to arouse me more. Their words merely heightened the eroticism of the session. They somehow knew that the humiliation of being used like this only added to my excitement. And I could feel an orgasm build as Master's cock hammered into my cunt.

"Oh, yes Master. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Yes. Yes. Use me like the worthless cunt I am. Own me. Breed me. Please Master fill me with your seed."

If my mouth had not been filled with Sir's thick cock I would have shouted all these things. Instead they merely filled my head. My balls emptied yet again as I was used without any touch from me. I could feel my spunk shooting onto the ground below the bench as my prostate was battered by Master's huge dick.

And I could sense that Master was close. His big hands pulled my hips onto him with force again and again. His voice became deeper. Louder.

"Oh, yes. That's it my little cunt bitch. Now I am going to own you. I am going to fill you with my seed. Get ready bitch. I am going to cum. Yessss!"

I could feel Master's cock swell and his balls tighten against me as he unloaded string after string of thick, warm spunk into me. He growled with lust with each spasm of his body until finally it stopped.

His hands still gripped my hips as his cock began to soften inside me and he pulled slowly backwards. I felt empty as he pulled out fully and I gasped as he did. Spunk began to run from my battered hole and run down my crack. I could feel its sticky warmth even through the residual pain.

Sir handed Master a wash cloth and he wiped himself. Then picking up his phone he took photos of my abused cunt, his semen dripping onto the black floor and pooling beneath me, and of my tired body still secured to the bench. He moved in front of me and lifting my chin, took photos of my face. My eyes wide. Tears streaming down my face unnoticed.

He put the phone down and lifted the poppers. "Oh we haven't finished yet cunt. Did you think that was it? Oh, no. Not yet. Now sniff deep there's a good cunt."

As I sniffed I felt Sir's cock nudge into me. This time there was no resistance. I had none left. Sir mounted me quick and hard and fucked me for all he was worth. Even harder than Master. But thankfully, not for as long.

"Oh yes. That feels so good bitch. Now you have been truly cunted I'm going to add to Master's seed in you. From now on you will be used by the group whenever we feel the need. And you will crave it. You will beg us for it. Now feel my seed fill you bitch."

Like before I could feel his legs shake as he unloaded a second time in me. This time his seed mixing with that of Master's deep in my ass. Master had been filming my total submission to cunted sub the entire time. But this time he concentrated on my face. My expressions as Sir used me for his pleasure. My moans and unbidden begging for more. To be fucked harder. For Sir to seed me deep. My transformation was now complete. And Master had the evidence to prove it. I could only wonder if those viewing remotely had enjoyed my cunting as much as I had.

Well that's it. I'm not sure if I'll continue this thread. I have others in mind with different Masters and Sirs based upon actual adventures. But if you want more please drop me a line. Always happy to hear from those who have enjoyed my writings. Until the next instalment Ð enjoy yourselves. But safely please.

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