The Attic Space

By nick brown

Published on Feb 4, 2019


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Recap: His big fingers fixed around my thighs and pulled me towards him. The head of his engorged penis pushed against my hole. As it entered me my back arched with anticipation. "Oh, sweet JesusÉ"

The Attic Space

Part Three

With a firm thrust his cock speared into me. The pain was only momentary though as the e-stim had obviously opened me up sufficiently to take this new invasion. Once his cock was a few inches in he held still seemingly enjoying the moment. Slight pulls on my thighs drew me teasingly deeper onto him. Then he would withdraw so just the head pushed against me before sliding slowly in again.

My tension eased at his movements. Lust and desire filled me. I wanted to thrust myself onto his manhood and feel him deep inside me. Have him fuck me like an animal. Deep and hard. I began to moan like a slut. My now relaxed body undulating with pleasure. My eyes closed tight despite the hood, lost in a world of erotic excitement.

"Mmmmmmm. Oh Yes. That feels so good. Just what I need. And the cunt took me into him so easily. I am so glad you were able to open him up ready for me Master. Do you think the cunt is ready for a pounding? He has about half of my cock in him at the moment. Does he want me to fully invade him do you think? Does he want to feel the slap of my full balls against his slut body?"

I heard Master chuckle. "Oh, I think he's more than ready. Judging by the state of his pathetic prick he seems very excited. And he should be. The cunt has wanted this for a very long time. But quite frankly I don't give a fuck if he does or not. He will do whatever I order him to. And he's really not in a position to back out now. He will take whatever you want to give him. And he will thank you for it."

Masters' hands continued to rub seductively over my body. One hand tweaked at my erect nipples. The other occasionally brushed against my throbbing cock. "Now beg your superior for his cock boy. You know it's what you want so why deny it. You've dreamt of this moment. Now your wishes have come true."

Oh God how I wanted to be fucked. Nothing else mattered but to be used by this man that I had never seen and knew nothing about. A complete stranger. All I knew was what I felt and heard. He could have been fat or thin, tall or short. I didn't know. And at that moment I didn't care. I just wanted his thick cock to fully enter me and to fuck me until he was spent.

"Oh, Yes Sir. Please fuck me with your big fat cock. Fuck me hard and deep and use me for your pleasure. Fuck me till I scream. Use me like the slut I am." The words poured from me. Vulgarity that I would not normally use but which expressed all my darkest desires.

"That's a good cunt. Now I am going to leave you with your superior so that he may enjoy you on his own. I have some things to attend to. You need have no fear that you will be harmed. This is a trusted friend of mine. He has fucked many of my subs in the past and knows what he is doing." With a final rub of my chest and a tweak of my nipples I head Masters footsteps descend the stairs.

"Mmmmmmm. Now you're mine bitch. Mine to fuck as I want. And I AM going to fuck you. Do you think you'll be able to take my meat bitch? Let's see shall we."

With this Sir pulled gently on my thighs drawing me onto him slightly deeper. Then he began a slow rhythm as more of his cock filled me. Then he would pause and hold me on his dick teasing me with quiet words of encouragement. Oh my God it felt good. At times he would stop and squirt more lube onto my hole and his cock.

Then with a grunt he suddenly pushed all the way into me. Fast and hard, his balls slapping against my ass as he did. I bucked in the sling and moaned as his manhood finally filled me to the max. Fuck he was big. Even bigger than I had imagined. Easily as big as the dildo I had demonstrated my cock sucking skills with earlier. It stretched my sensitive cunt wide.

And then the fucking really began. Slow became fast. Then he would withdraw entirely before dragging me back onto his cock. Never missing my hole as he speared into me repeatedly. His cock slid against my prostate causing waves of pleasure to flood my body.

"Yes, that's it bitch. Take that cock. It's what you wanted you cheap slut. You need this man dick. Feel what it is to be fucked by a real man. Now work those ass muscles. Let me feel you milk my daddy dick. Oh yes, that's it you whore work it."

Rather than feel humiliation, his words only made me more aroused. As ordered, I squeezed my ass muscles milking his rigid cock as tightly as I was able. My desire to ensure that this stud enjoyed me fully was overwhelming. His grunts and moans of passion only spurred me on further. I pulled on the chains to which I was bound dragging my slut body onto his magnificent cock, desperate for him to fuck me harder. Harder than I had ever been fucked before.

His rutting became even more animalistic as he pulled me onto his throbbing cock. His words became deep growls of lust. His hands pawed at my sweaty body. His fingers tweaked and pinched at my nipples until the pain made me squeal. And throughout he jackhammered his meaty cock deep into me.

I had never been used so deep and so hard before. Sir really knew how to fuck. Sweet Jesus he was good. Obscenities spewed from my lips without thought: "Oh fuck. Yes. Use me Sir. Fuck my slut cunt hard. Make me your bitch. Oh fuck. Yesssssss."

I could feel my orgasm building as his cock battered against my prostate. It built inside me until I could contain it no longer. My whole body shook as strings of my cum shot from my engorged penis. I almost screamed at the release as more cum than I had ever produced spattered over my body and probably even the hood I was sweating in.

"Oh yes that's it slut. That's what I like to see. You. Cheap. Fucking. Slut. You. Fucking. Whore. Cum for Daddy." Each phrase was followed by a deep thrust of his hips as his fucking intensified. His big fingers pressing deep into my flesh. His words coming through clenched teeth as I could sense his orgasm build. I could feel his thighs tremble as he unloaded into me. Grunting deep with each thrust. I imagined his spunk filling me shooting deep inside. String after string of hot seed.

With a final shudder he became still then pulled out of me. I immediately felt empty. Thoroughly exhausted now I lay in the sling with my head spinning and the come-down of my orgasm still filtering through me. My body spasmed involuntarily.

"That was good bitch. I hope we can do that again. Soon. Here this is for you." I felt something soft and wet placed on my stomach. "Master insisted that I use a condom. Naturally he will want to be the first to breed you. Maybe next time though I will fill you with my seed along with others. Now what do you say bitch?" He pinched one of my sensitive nipples and ran his other hand over my sweating body.

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you for fucking me like the slut I am. I hope you will be able to use me again soon."

With a slap of my buttocks he stepped away and I heard him descend the stairs. Muffled voices filtered up from downstairs. I fell back into the sling feeling completely drained. Sweat dripped from my tired body and it was becoming very hot and suffocating in the hood.

The creak of wood alerted me to the return of Master. The straps on my thighs were released much to my relief. I was beginning to become numb from the position they held me in. Then his hands were behind my head unbuckling the hood.

"You may want to close your eyes now whilst I take this off. Then we'll get you out of the sling. You need to stretch your legs and have a break. We wouldn't want you injured before I've had the opportunity to use you. So far you have done well. You have pleased me."

My eyes adjusted quickly to the soft light. Master removed the filled condom from my stomach and tossed it into a bin. Once unclipped from the chains I was able to roll out of the sling and stood supported by Master as my balance returned. My legs were shaky and my head span slightly. As I looked down my body I could see the drying cum trailing up my stomach and chest. I was told to sit on a stool and drink some water. As I did Master tidied up around me. He was still naked and his cock, now flaccid, swung as he walked. His muscles rippled in the soft light. I found it hard not to stare.

"If you look in the corners of the room you will notice small cameras. See the red dots? You probably wouldn't have seen them before as they were turned off." I had not noticed and now became alarmed. I needed to be discreet, for obvious reasons, and the last thing I wanted was to there to be video evidence of being fucked like a cheap whore.

"Don't be alarmed. You were hooded the whole time whilst the gentleman who just fucked you was not. The only person who will probably see the video we just made will be the gentleman that just left. And me of course. Believe me he has just as much to lose as you. I suspect it will be kept for his own personal amusement. There are no images that tie it to you. Naturally, I retain a copy, however, I have no interest in blackmail or of exposing anyone to ridicule. I have a small select group of friends who value their privacy. And I guard that privacy fiercely."

I stared at the glowing dots and although I felt eased by his words I still felt nervous about why the red dots were now on. Was Master now recording my release from the sling?

Another chuckle escaped Masters lips: "No don't worry. The cameras are on but not recording. They are merely showing on screens in my office. Another of our small group is sitting there now. He watched part of your last performance and very much wants to meet you. He was most taken by your responses to being given a good pounding. So wanton, so slutty. You really do enjoy cock and seem to instinctively know how to respond to ensure your superior is fully satisfied."

My eyes flicked to the stairs at the thought of yet another having watched my last act of debauchery. The thought aroused me though and I could feel my limp cock twitch at the idea and start to firm up. Masters next words only excited me more. I stared wide eyed as he explained further. Scenes flashed through my mind that caused my whole body to flutter in nervous anticipation.

"Our group is around 10 men with similar interests. Nearly all are either retired or have jobs that allow them to take time off whenever they chose. All are very secretive men. I can assure you that all are your superior in every way. I am now also sure they would all wish to use you. In order for that to happen though they would want to see you in action so to speak. Hence the cameras. Usually that involves them coming here and watching my little audition tapes. Occasionally though I arrange video cam viewings if circumstances require it. For instance, if distance would be a factor. Naturally, these are men who value their time."

"Now you have a decision to make. Do you wish to meet more of the group? Would you like to give your body and cunt over for their use? Would you like to be used regularly by these superior men? And me of course."

"You can of course back out now. I believe you have had enormous fun so far. At least it seemed that way as we were watching you being used just now." He laughed again. "So, you can leave here having had a wonderful time with no regrets. If, however, you wish to continue this journey then you must be prepared to be used fully. We will introduce you to other activities that you may initially find frightening or distasteful however you will quickly come to crave. You will never be harmed and any marks left will quickly fade."

"But you should also know that you will only experience my Master dick if you accept. My friend downstairs is waiting to hear whether you agree. If you wish to call it a day then there will be no hard feelings. The video feed will simply be turned off and he will leave."

"If you agree, he will join us. There are 4 of our group waiting to view our session remotely. They are most keen to see if our latest recruit is up to the rigours of membership. If they like what they see you will be expected to make your slut holes available for their use as often as possible. Do you like that idea? Does it excite you sub? Think hard boy."

My mind span as I took in all that Master had told me. Throughout the entire time he had busied himself tidying around us. His lean muscular body rippling as he stretched to replace some item or straighten another. His powerful thighs and calves flexed as he stretched. His firm buttocks a testament to the time he must spend in the gym perfecting his body. His magnificent thick penis swung as he walked. His balls swayed rhythmically almost hypnotically.

Master now stood before me, legs slightly parted his hands resting behind his back. A fine coating of sweat made his muscular body shine. His gaze bored into me. A slight smile on his lips. My eyes took in his entire body including his magnificent manhood. Oh God how I wanted to feel his cock enter me. For him to own me.

"Thank you Master for this chance." Should I? Could I? Oh, fuck yes! "I would be honoured to be one of your cunted subs Master. Please use me as you wish. My body, mouth and cunt are yours to own Master."

With a broad grin, Master grabbed the leash I had forgotten I was wearing from off my back and lead me across the room to the bench. I was told to bend over and spread my legs. Surely, I wasn't going to be punished again?

"We need to get you plugged boy. We don't want you closing up on me do we." This time Master selected a large plug from his collection and began to slowly lube it whilst I watched. Although it's size was intimidating I did not speak. I assumed it was larger than the previous one however I had no way of knowing as I had not seen that one. Excitement grew in my chest as he positioned it at my hole. With little effort, and a deep moan from me, it slipped straight in. Once again, my cunt felt filled.

Pointing, he ordered me to kneel on a mat he had placed on the floor. My legs were still a bit wobbly but I did as ordered. The straps still attached to my wrists were clipped to two dangling chains one at time and pulled tight so that my arms were spread wide. Although I could have easily stood I found this new position highly erotic and my cock began to thicken in anticipation of what was next.

Stepping to the open loft hatch Master looked down. "You can join us now. Please turn on the video feed before you do. The others will be keen to see this."

A head appeared through the hatch followed by a naked torso. The man was probably in his sixties, over 6 feet tall with short, silver hair and goatee and striking blue eyes. Although he had a slight paunch he still looked very fit. His broad chest was covered in white hair that trailed to his stomach. Around his cock and balls though all was smooth. His flaccid member was probably about 6 inches and quite thick with large balls hanging below all of which swayed as he climbed the steps. He had a slight grin on his face as he stepped before me. His head swayed from side to side as he took in the sight before him. A lascivious smile spreading across his face. His eyes fairly burning with lustful desire.

He slowly walked around me looking me up and down. His hands trailed gently over my face, chest and shoulders. As he got behind me he stopped and ran his hands over my chest and tweaked my nipples making me arch my body, my head back, pressed against one of his naked, powerful thighs.

Taking the leash, he wrapped it around one of his large hands, pulled me sideways then ran his other hand down my chest and stomach before squeezing my cock and balls. I could feel his growing cock against my face as he leant over me. I could smell his manliness and with my eyes closed, I breathed deep taking in as much of his scent as I could. My cock responded by becoming fully hard again. Twitching at his touch. Precum already glistening on the head. His hand then ran down my back, over my buttocks and the plug held securely in place in my cunt.

Master sat on a stool to one side enjoying the view. One hand languidly stroked his growing member. The other played over his nipples. Occasionally he would pull at an erect nipple as he watched. The site of Master enjoying the show so openly only made me more brazen and lust-filled. I began to writhe and moan at the touch of this new Sir.

"Oh yes Master. This one really is special. The group will be so pleased. If you could pass me a tawse I think he's ready for me to begin."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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