The Attic Space

By nick brown

Published on Jan 30, 2019


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The Attic Space

Part Two

My whole body snapped rigid as the dildo was forced past my sphincter. The pain made me catch my breath. All I could think of was the length of the dildo as it lay against my body and the damage it must surely do. But the pain eased far sooner than I thought. Master let go of the phallus, leaving it buried deep in my needy cunt, and stroked my cock and balls. Gentle, circular strokes that both relaxed and aroused. Lust and desire returned.

"Relax and breathe boy. The pain will soon pass." And so, it did.

After a couple of minutes of gentle stroking, my cunt still feeling filled to the max, Master stood. In his hand was the extra-long dildo, a big grin creased his face. I no doubt looked shocked and confused. Laughing he said "No boy. I told you this was just for show." And with that he tossed the enormous phallus into the box by the wall.

Looking down my body with a wicked, mischievous glint in his eye, he said: "Hmmmmm. I think you need some more poppers boy. Time to get you truly desperate for cock. Lose any lingering inhibitions and take you to a new level. We've only just begun your journey. We want that sweet cunt of yours hungry for dick. "

Master unlatched the gag from my mouth and threw it into another box by the wall. My jaw ached and I thanked Master for removing it. The poppers were placed under my nostrils and I took deep greedy sniffs. Once, twice, three times in each nostril. My head spun. Masters' touch felt so sensuous. His words so seductive.

"After today you will beg to be fucked regularly by me. Or anyone else I choose to fuck to you frankly. Because that's really what you are boy. A slut whose holes were meant for real men to use. And I'll expect you to come running whenever I tell you to. I'll simply text you and tell you to bring your slut cunt to me. I may have friends with me who I will expect you to service. You will do exactly what I tell you with whoever I tell you to. You'll soon know what it is to be fully cunted. And you will beg for it. Is that clear cunt boy?"

"Mmmmmmm, yes Master. Thank you Master. I will do whatever you ask of me."

How had I become so compliant, so quickly with this dominant, masterful man. I knew of course it was because he was fulfilling all of my darkest desires. And he knew it too. The conversations we had before meeting came back to me. The things I had admitted to him without really thinking that they were anything other than fantasies. How I wished to be dominated. How I longed to be used by group of superior men.

"Now I think a hood is in order. Let's see how much you enjoy having your senses heightened."

All went dark as a leather hood was placed over my head. It covered my face and ears but with openings for my nostrils and mouth. Master attached straps to my thighs and repositioned my legs for even easier access. Once more I was clipped to the chains so that movement was restricted.

"Now open your mouth wide boy and show me what a good cocksucker you are."

Was Master about to grace me with his cock? Was I finally going to taste his sweet juices? God, how I yearned to feel him fill my mouth and unload his seed down my throat. My mouth opened wide and I felt a large dildo push past my lips. It tasted of rubber naturally and felt thick and veiny. Although slightly disappointed, like a true slut I sucked on it greedily trying to show Master what a good cocksucker I could be.

"That's it boy. Good. Take it. Use your mouth as you would if I had put my cock in there. Of course mine is bigger than this dildo but best we build up to that. Oh, yes boy. It seems you are going to be very adept at sucking cock. Naturally we are going to need to work on that gag reflex but at least you seem to have the basic skills. You are greedy little cocksucker aren't you boy."

I had coughed and spluttered as Master had forced the dildo down my throat. Tears welled in my eyes as I wretched gasping for air and saliva dribbled from my chin. But I had not complained and did all I could to show my desire to please him.

"And so now the fun really begins boy. The plug in you is a metal one. I have attached electrodes to it and I am going to send a current through it that I am sure you are going to enjoy. Don't worry it is quite safe. If it gets too much just say and I will back off slightly. Once we have the setting just right I am going to leave you whilst I make some phone calls. The sensations you feel will build and then slow. You will feel as if you are being fucked by a stud relentlessly and with no mercy"

I began to feel a pulsing sensation that felt wonderful. It not only filled my cunt with pleasure but seemed to travel throughout my body. It would build to a point where I felt I could take no more and then slow. After a brief pause that allowed me to catch my breathe a different pulsing would begin slowly and a new sensation would ripple through my hungry cunt. I felt myself bearing down on the device trying to pull it deeper. I was moaning like a cheap slut and bucking on the sling. Sweat ran down my body as I rocked and writhed in total pleasure. Very soon Master had the settings turned up to a point where I thought I might ejaculate without needing to touch myself. Whenever I felt release was imminent though the pulsing would ease and a new wave of rippling pleasure begin. Such sweet torture.

Lost on my own world of pleasure I heard the loft hatch drop and the ladders put down then Master left me to myself. I was delirious with desire. Never had I felt such pleasure. My balls ached for release and my cock coated my stomach with sticky precum.

After maybe 20 minutes of this (although it may have been even longer) I heard Master talking quietly downstairs. Still on his phone no doubt and finishing a call. Then I could make out his footsteps on the stairs. "I hope you enjoyed that boy."

Taking my rock-hard penis in his hand he stroked it languidly making me jerk and thrash as my orgasm built. But just I felt release approaching he stopped. The waves thrumming in my cunt were still strong but they subsided. Master then switched off the machine. I fell back into the sling exhausted but also desperately needing to cum. My balls ached with the tension and I yearned for release.

"You did well boy. Now let's take this out. I have another toy for you which I think you're going to enjoy just as much." With instruction to push out the plug popped out of my tingling cunt leaving an empty feeling. I could feel Master wiping me and then washing me down with warm, soapy water and a soft dry towel.

As I regained my breathe and relaxed I thought about what would be next. Perhaps the large dildo I had demonstrated my cock-sucking skills with. But then I heard soft steps on the ladder and the creak of wood. It sounded as if someone else was entering the space. Could that be right? We had not spoken of this. Had master invited another to use my cunt? I strained to make out what I was hearing but it was muffled through the hood. My body was tense with excitement.

Masters hands were now on my chest pinching my nipples, stroking my sweat covered body then feeding me more poppers. As he did, large calloused hands were stroking my buttocks and thick fingers exploring my sensitive cunt. Fresh lube was applied and massaged into my hole and over my scrotum and cock making me twitch and squirm.

A new voice spoke in a low deep whisper "Mmmmmm, what a delicious cunt Master. Does it know how honoured it is to have two real men use it I wonder. I am so glad I was in when you called. My balls are full and I was just about to pleasure myself when you rang. This will be so much better. Does the cunt beg? Let me hear it beg for my cock."

Masters' treatment of my sensitive nipples was driving me crazy with lust. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was like one of the porn films I had masterbated to many times. And now it was happening to me.

"Well boy. Answer your superior. Do you want to feel his cock stretching you?"

"Yes Sir. Please Sir fuck me with your magnificent manhood. Use my cunt for your pleasure." My desire could not be denied and it was obvious that I wanted this badly now.

Of course, I had no way of knowing how big he was or what he looked like but his deep voice and large hands promised much. His big fingers fixed around my thighs and pulled me towards him. The head of his engorged penis pushed against my hole. As it slowly, teasingly entered me my back arched with anticipation. "Oh, sweet JesusÉ."

Part Three to follow

Next: Chapter 3

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