The Attic Space

By nick brown

Published on Jan 24, 2019


The Attic Space

Although this story may seem to be a work of fiction it is in fact true. For obvious reasons I am not going to give real names or locations. Although I think of myself as a happily married guy in his 50s I have long had fantasies that simply cannot be fulfilled with a woman. And so, I have a secret life where I can enjoy the relaxed company of naked men. Who am I kidding. I enjoy being dominated and used by men plain and simple. Real men.

For some time, I had been meeting with various men on an occasional basis for discreet play. They were all of a particular type. Tall, well-built and, above all, hung. A couple of years ago I contacted a guy on a favourite meeting site of mine that I liked the sound of. He stated in his profile that he had converted his attic into a playroom and I was immediately intrigued. He was a Dom Master, my favourite type, with lots of experience. Although he had no pictures on his site the chats we had got me very aroused. Although I wouldn't normally meet guys without pictures, I was so intrigued and excited by our messages back and forth that I arranged to meet him regardless. He seemed sane and genuine.

I had agreed to text him when I was leaving and again when I had parked near his home. It was a medium sized, detached house in a thoroughly suburban setting. Tree-lined streets with expensive cars filling the drives. His text back to me once I'd parked and alerted him to the fact that I had arrived simply read: "Please come in. I'm ready for you."

I approached his door exactly on time and a little nervous. I needn't have been. He opened the door in just a t-shirt and shorts with a big smile creasing his handsome face. Although he was a large powerfully built man who would no doubt be intimidating to most I found him very attractive and I quickly relaxed as he showed me upstairs and into his comfortable office for a chat. His computer was on, his messages page of the site where we made contact was open. Judging by the number of yellow boxes it appeared that he had many messages that he had not yet read. He was obviously popular and now I had met him I could see why.

Well over 6' tall he had massive biceps and a large chest that stretched his t shirt. The loose shorts he was wearing revealed powerful thighs and calves. A large bulge was visible and I had clearly seen the impression of his flaccid penis against his thigh as he walked. No underwear obviously. I'd found it hard not to stare.

After a while chatting about nothing in particular he said: "So boy why are you here? Is it because you need to submit to a real man?"

"Yes Sir" I said.

The way that he looked at me as he spoke and the sudden change in topic aroused me greatly. Calling him Sir felt instantly natural.

"Are you prepared to give your body to me boy? I should say before you answer that once you agree I will not permit you to back out. I have no intention of harming you, however, you will be experiencing things that you probably haven't before. Your body, mouth and cunt will be mine to use as I wish whilst you are with me. However, as we agreed, I will not attempt to breed you. Maybe another time but not today. Is that acceptable?"

The way he spoke was almost hypnotising. It sent shivers down my body and made me feel very excited indeed. I didn't need to think as I already knew when he opened the door that I wanted him to use me. I wanted him badly.

He leant back in his leather office chair, his hands on his lap, fingers interlocked. His long legs stretched out in front with his large naked feet flat on the floor. Looking me up and down several times he said: "Stand and strip boy."

Slowly I took all of my clothes except for my underwear off and stood before him.

"Very nice. Now turn for me. Yes, very nice. However, when I said strip I think you know I meant everything didn't you boy?"

Nervously I slipped my underwear off and kicked them to the side. I was aware that my penis was hard and leaking precum as I stood before him.

"Eyes down, feet apart, hands behind your back please."

His words were electrifying. Quiet yet demanding and totally in command.

"Now turn, bend and spread your cheeks for your Master boy."

When I did he lifted one of his big, naked feet and ran it up my inner thigh and rested it on my right cheek. He then ran his big toe up and down my crack. Occasionally he would stop and press against my cunt. His toe pushed into my ring making me gasp. Then he ran up and down my other thigh with his foot and lightly tapped my balls.

"Very nice boy. Now I think that it's time I showed you the room. Follow me."

Stepping into the hallway he took out a pole and dropped a hatch in the ceiling. Wooden ladders lead into a dark attic. With a flick of a switch soft lighting came on.

"Up you go boy." A swift slap to my buttocks encouraged me onwards.

I ascended the steps aware that as I climbed nervously upwards his eyes were fixed on my exposed body. Once I was in this space there was no way for me to get out.

As I reached the top I looked around. Soft lighting showed that the room had been insulated and lined with wood and metal racks. The floor was painted black. From the racks all manner of belts, chains, cuffs, whips, floggers, hoods, gags and blindfolds hung. Under them were boxes filled with numerous dildos of various sizes. From the centre of the room hung a leather sling. Next to the sling was another box with dials and next to that a stool. My excitement and trepidation only grew as I looked around me. At the sound of the ladders being withdrawn and the hatch pulled up I realised there was no turning back.

"Assume the position boy whilst I get ready."

The room was warm. I stood legs apart, hands behind my back with my head down and eyes on the ground as I had been instructed earlier. In my peripheral vision I could see master take off his t shirt as he moved over to a table at the side of the room. The muscles rippled on his large back as he did. Now he was standing in just his shorts. I risked a quick look at him as his back was turned. He really was a fine figure of a man. His wide shoulders tapered to a v at his waist. All muscle and very little fat. My cock twitched in appreciation and more precum leaked from me.

"I said assume the position boy. I never said you could look at me." I don't know how he knew, or guessed, that I was looking but I quickly turned and bent my head. "That's twice now I've had to correct you boy." There was no anger in his voice however I still felt a punishment was being planned. "You really don't want to make it three, boy."

He turned and walked up to me and lifted my chin. Around my neck he placed a leather collar and fastened it behind me. Next, he clipped a leash to it.

"That's better boy. This collar is so that you understand that for the next few hours you are to obey me like the bitch you are. My bitch. I will use you as I wish and you will thank me. What do you say boy?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Now on your knees bitch."

I quickly knelt and with a tug on the leash and a hand wrapped in my hair he pulled my head up and looked down at me. He stood legs apart glowering at me with lust. He licked his lips. I could feel sweat on my body start to form as I trembled with excitement.

"You want your Masters cock in your mouth boy, don't you? You want to know what a real man tastes like. You want to give your pathetic sub body over to be used as a plaything for my pleasure. I may do things to you that may hurt at first but very soon you will learn to feel true satisfaction. It's what you need but frankly I don't care what you need. You are here to please me. And remember this, you will not touch yourself unless I allow it. Is that clear? Your cock means nothing. All pleasure will be from your cunt. I will show what it is to be cunted. Your penis means nothing now."

Of course, I agreed with a nod and a "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." He knew exactly how to make me shiver with excitement despite the warmth of the room. With one quick pull of my hair my face was suddenly in his crotch. It was what I wanted and moved my hands to be able to touch him as well. With a step back and a pull of the leash my head snapped back.

"That's three times now boy. I didn't say you could touch."

I was pulled up onto my feet and dragged to the far side of the room to a wooden trestle about waist high. I was told to bend over it. My hands found the floor on the far side. In front of my face was a D-ring fixed to the floor. Master then passed the leash through the ring and tied a knot. Stepping behind me he pulled my legs apart even wider then strapped my ankles to the legs. Now I was bound with my arse was raised in the air.

I began to beg Master for forgiveness even though I knew it would make no difference. I suspected that whatever I had done he would have found his three reasons to get me in this position. And yet despite the fear I found the position incredibly erotic.

The first whack caught me on the right buttock and I squirmed and gasped at the pain. Before I could say anything, another caught me on the left. The pain was fierce and it was all I could do not to cry out. Five more on each cheek followed. And then stopped. I lay over the trestle breathing hard my eyes watering my legs quivering.

"Good boy. Because you did not cry out I am going to release you now and we can continue. But remember this. Any more lapses from you and you know what will follow. "

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir. I will remember."

After running his hands gently over my stinging buttocks Master released me from the trestle. As I stood and turned I saw a leather paddle on a nearby table and knew that he had used that to `warm' my cheeks. The stinging had already begun to abate however I was reluctant for further punishment in case marks were left that I would find hard to explain later. I vowed to myself to follow his instructions to the letter from now on.

With a pull on the leash and a firm order I once again knelt before him. This time when I was pulled towards his crotch I kept my hands behind me. The bulge in his shorts was far more pronounced. It seemed that the punishment he had given me had aroused him. As my head was buried into his crotch I could feel his large cock pressing against my face. I breathed deeply intoxicated with his manly smell and excited by the size of his manhood. Without even seeing I could tell his cock was large and thick. His balls seemed huge also. Pendulous and full.

"That's it boy. Suck me through the material like a good bitch." As I suckled greedily he began to become even harder and thicker. "Mmmmmm that's right boy. Worship my cock and balls. Feel the power hidden from you." And he pulled my head deeper into his crotch for several seconds until I could barely breathe. He rubbed himself against my face and ground his hips against me. Two hands behind my head pulling me into him. Then with a sigh he released me and stepped back.

"Now boy I think it's time for you to be put in the sling."

With instruction I slid back onto the leather seat, grabbed the chains behind me and brought my legs up to meet the chains at the front. Leather straps were placed around my wrists and ankles and then clipped to the chains. The leash hung free against my body no doubt ready to be pulled if he felt he needed to. Now I was fixed on the sling, my arms and legs spread wide, my cunt and body exposed, and couldn't move if I wanted to. But then again, I did not want to. My whole body trembled with excitement.

"Now boy. It's time for you to see what you have in store. First, I am going to open you up with a few of my toys. When I think you are ready I will fuck you. No matter what you say I WILL fuck you. And just so to prepare you I like to fuck for a very long time. It will hurt at first but I don't care. If you tell me to stop I will just fuck you harder. Relax, breathe and the pain will soon ease. Then you will know what it is to be fucked by a real man. Understood?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir." This was everything I had fantasised about. My whole body trembled with nervous excitement. Oh God I was so glad that I had found his profile and not been put off by the lack of pictures.

As I looked down at my new Master I was awed by his powerful body. His shaved head glistened in the soft light. A fine layer of sweat coated his muscular body. He smiled with a wicked glint in his eyes and slowly eased down his shorts. Oh my god. It was the biggest penis I had seen so far other than in the porn movies I so enjoyed. Easily 9 inches of semi-erect, fat, veined manhood with low hanging balls. He was shaved all over and looked like a Greek god.

"Do you like what you see boy? Does it frighten you? You wanted to be used by a real man and there is no backing out. I'm going to ruin your cunt boy. I am going to fuck you so hard and deep that you'll have problems walking after. But that will pass. And after it has you will beg me to use you again. Now beg me to use you now like a good slut, bitch."

I was now more nervous than I had ever been. I could not back out but did not think I could take the pounding I was in for. Could I?

"Please Sir. Use me for your pleasure. Please Sir fuck me with your big cock. I need to be used by a real man like you. It is what I have dreamt of."

With an even bigger grin Master stepped up to me and placed his hands on my buttocks. Kneeling down his tongue found my cunt and proceeded to penetrate my greedy hole. Waves of pleasure and lust rippled through my body as I bucked and moaned like a slut.

"Oh yes boy. This tasty cunt is now mine and I am going to enjoy using you."

The sensations coursing through my body as Master tongued my hungry cunt made me writhe and moan with desire. This was what I wanted and needed. He pulled me deep onto his tongue. Occasionally he would pull me back and spit onto my hole then drag me back onto him. Hard, penetrating, deep.

"Mmmmmm so sweet. So tasty. It will feel good to finally open you wide and make you mine. I said before that I would not breed you. I lied. You will take my seed and thank me for it bitch. Because really that is what you want. What you need."

Fear rose in my chest. Yes, I wanted to be used by this man. But he had promised to keep me safe. "No Master please. Not that. Please Sir do not breed me..."

"Silence boy. I don't want to hear it. You came to me. You said you would give your mouth, body and cunt to me. You begged me. You will be bred if I choose it." His voice louder than before, he now exuded true menace.

He stood and walked over to one of the racks on the wall and returned with a leather ball gag. "Open your mouth boy. NOW!!" His voice had taken on a new level of dominance and his eyes burned into me. I knew that refusal would lead to further punishment and so with trepidation I opened my mouth. With the ball filling my mouth he strapped it tight behind my head. It was effective in rendering me speechless. Now my original excitement became fear. I was truly at his mercy. Had I made a grave error in judgement. Had my secret desires lead me into true danger?

Master stepped back and I could see that he was now fully erect. His manhood fully engorged was even larger than I had first thought. At least 11 inches and as thick as my wrist. Master saw the fear in my eyes and laughed. "Oh yes boy. Now you really are mine and I plan to use you fully. But first we need to work on that tight boy cunt to ensure you can fully appreciate my cock. Now where shall we begin."

Stepping back to the boxes by the wall he reached in and rummaged around before he found what he wanted. Turning he showed me the dildo he had selected. It was black thick and very long. Stepping between my open legs he placed the cold phallus on my body. It easily reached my nipples.

Oh, sweet Jesus. There was no way I could take that. I writhed in my chains and tried to shout but he simply laughed and completely ignored me. Pulling a stool up he sat behind me and gently stroked my twitching hole.

"There now. Shhhh. Shhhhh. Calm yourself. I won't be using this. This is for show. I merely wanted to see your reaction."

Slowly his fingers stroked and played with my hole. Gentle movements aided with lube. Cold at first but warming quickly. Rhythmic strokes over my hole, cock and balls. Then a finger probing. Then going deeper. Then being withdrawn. Almost hypnotic. My fear passed. My desire returned. My penis was now rock hard against my stomach and twitching with his touch. His voice was low, telling me what a good slut I was and how I was going to enjoy him. How he was going to stretch me wide and how I would beg him to keep fucking me. Without me even realising he was already inserting three of his fat fingers into my cunt and I was pushing back onto his hand like the slut I am. I was being seduced and hadn't even realised it. Then four fingers probed me. Then two fingers from each hand began pulling my slut hole even wider. There was pain and pleasure in equal measure but with gentleness. Nothing was hurried. If I seemed in pain he would ease back and start again. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the sensations pulsing through my cunt.

Then Master was at my side. In one hand was a small bottle. Pressing one nostril he placed the bottle to my nose and told me to sniff. "Deeper boy. That's it. Now the other nostril. That's it. Sniff it up."

As the poppers began to have an effect my head span and I felt even more aroused than ever. And Master was back on the stool. But the dildo was no longer on my body. I could feel it pushing against the entrance to my cunt. The pain was excruciating as it entered. I bucked on the sling and went rigid. But slowly the pain eased after it pushed past the sphincter and was held in place. Slowly it was pulled back and more lube added. This time he held it still for several seconds then pushed deep into me. I tried to scream but could not. And my complete conversion to a cunted slut began.

Part Two to follow

Next: Chapter 2

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