The Athletes Slut

By Kyle Senn

Published on Apr 3, 2019


The Athlete's Slut, Part 2

It was suddenly very, very quiet.

"A little help?" said the athlete, his deep voice rumbling in the small space.

Ollie took the few steps to the back room and stopped in his tracks. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Leaning up against the headboard with his long muscular legs spread out down the bed was a very naked jock, slowly stroking his big hard on. His huge, muscular body was covered in a sheen of sweat making him glisten under the low lights of the RV. He flashed his perfect white teeth with a big smile and continued to stroke his meat as Ollie drank him in.

"What... uh.... what do you need help with?" said Ollie, trying to control his breathing.

The next morning Ollie woke up and laughed. In all his wildest dreams he never would have thought that his trip down to Portland with his dad would start with him getting face-fucked by one of his dad's college athletes. The entire morning he walked around the hotel room with a smile--so much so that his dad kept shooting him strange looks as they got ready for the day.

He continued the strange looks all the way down the elevator and right up until they got to the conference room where the entire team was having a continental breakfast the hotel laid out for them. All Ollie got was a "wish they had eggs" from his dad before the team got rowdy and Ollie sat in the back after grabbing a donut.

Derek and Mason shot him a head nod but Trevor and the rest of the guys ignored him as they talked about lacrosse and girls. He must have nodded off because the next thing he knew the team was all getting up to leave and it looked like his dad had given some sort of speech or something.

His dad told him he was on his own tonight. Something about taking the team out after a long day of practice and a game or something... Ollie wasn't really paying attention.

He spent the rest of the morning walking around aimlessly, bored out of his mind. Once you saw the main lobby there wasn't much else to see. Outside was bordered with thick trees on all sides and inside was just the same old generic design no matter where you looked.

Ollie couldn't help but think about how hot it would be to suck Trevor off in the small nooks and crannies he found but the more he thought about it the more he figured it probably wouldn't happen again... Trevor wouldn't even look at him.

A couple hours of wandering around he was about to head up to the hotel room when someone stopped him in the lobby.

"Where do you think you're going, little dude?" said Mason with a sly smirk. He gripped Ollie's elbow and pulled him over to the maintenance hallway away from everyone.

Mason's shit eating grin never left his face and Ollie was beginning to blush as the jock's intense eyes studied his face.

"Um--" said Ollie. "I was just going to go and see the fountain out back?"

He didn't know why he was posing it as a question but there it was. Mason licked his lips while his tight grip on his elbow loosened and did what could only be described as a caress down his forearm. He pulled Ollie's hand into his big paws and brought it up to his full lips like he was holding royalty. He looked him right in the eyes as Mason kissed the back of his hand lightly. He guided Ollie's small hand down until it was resting on his massive bulge which brought their faces so close he could smell the donut on Mason's lips from earlier.

"I heard what you did for Trevor..." Mason whispered, his hot breath washing over Ollie's face. "I'd really like to try those lips out for myself sometime."

Ollie was rock hard in his pants and, from what he could feel under Mason's jeans, so was he. Or at least somewhat... he was definitely bigger than Trevor.

Ollie squeezed his hand around Mason's growing member and smiled as the jock growled under his breath, his face an inch away.

"Well then come and find me when you're free," said Ollie.

With that he let go and took a few steps back from the virile jock, smiling and tilting his head at Mason's shocked face. He knew his own face was bright red but just laughed lightly and walked away, making sure his ass was displayed as much as possible.

As he rounded the corner he threw himself up against the wall and exhaled loudly. That was the coolest he had ever been.

With another round around the grounds completed, Ollie made his way to the pool to get some free snacks and water. It had been a while since he'd seen any of the athlete's so he figured they started moving to the field or back up to their rooms.

After grabbing a handful of pretzels and two water bottles, he settled onto a vacant lounge chair out of the way towards the back. He took his shirt off, relishing in the warm sun on his skin.

He dozed off and on for a while until suddenly, something blocked out the sun above him. He opened his eyes, expecting to see the clouds in Portland floating over the sun but instead he looked up the body of a very solid male with his arms folded across his chest.

Derek's face was crinkled into a smirk and one of his thick dark eyebrows rose up slowly. "We've been looking for you everywhere," he said slowly in his deep baritone.

Ollie leaned up, spilling the water bottle he had propped between his legs and flailed around to try and catch it.

"Oh," he said looking down to try and hide the blush he knew was on his face. "I'm sorry man... I must've lost track of time."

"It's alright little dude," Derek said with a smirk. "We just need you to watch the RV again while we're on the field."

Ollie nodded and got up, running a little to catch up to the tall tank of a jock who was already to the lobby. Derek didn't turn around once. He followed him all the way through the hotel, through the lobby and out the front doors. It wasn't until right before they walked onto the packed bus that he got to see Derek's chiseled face again.

"After you," he said, licking his lips with his arm out towards the door.

Ollie felt Derek's big hand push against his lower back as he stepped into the bus. It was like it was sending electric shocks through his body.

"Look who I found!" said Derek, his deep voice booming in the small space.

All the guys cheered and Ollie felt an overwhelming embarrassment when a few of the guys said "finally". After a mumbled apology he threw himself down in the empty seat at the front and tried to make room for Derek's big body as he joined him.

A big shoulder nudged into him and a grinning Derek stared right at him. "It's alright," he said. "We weren't waiting very long."

Ollie nodded and bit his bottom lip, suddenly finding the stitching on the seats in front of him fascinating.

Derek chuckled before he turned around and started talking to the guys behind him about some sort of new play they worked out for the game. Ollie looked out the window and shouted at himself in his head to calm his boner down.

Why did all of these guys have to be so sexy?

Watching the RV went pretty much the exact same as before only this time Brian hung around once everyone went to the field. Ollie sat on the couch twiddling his thumbs while he listened to the blonde hunk singing badly in the bedroom. The trailer shook a bit as Brian moved around until a very nearly-naked jock was standing directly in front of him.

Brian wore only a small worn-out pair of gray sweat shorts that hiked up so far he might as well have been wearing underwear. His plate-like pecs and eight-pack looked like they were carved out of marble and his big bulge was so outlined through the thin fabric that Ollie involuntarily licked his lips at the small dark spot forming at the tip of his dick.

"Up here dude," said Brian in a playful tone.

Ollie's eyes snapped up and he felt his face burn. Why did he always have to blush?

Brian just smiled and pulled his gym bag up on his solid shoulder. "Alright man," he said. "Just keep an eye on the place and make sure no one takes our weed or porn."

Brian laughed and motioned with his head for Ollie to follow. He led them to the front where the back of the big RV seats were and Ollie drank in the strong and smooth back muscles before him with each step.

"Here's the porn stash if you get bored--" he said, smirking when he turned and caught Ollie checking him out again. "It's a lot of girl stuff but you might like some of the dudes." Brian paused and then flexed his big bicep, giving Ollie a whiff of his hairy armpit in the small space. "None of `em are as buff as me though."

Ollie forced out a laugh that sounded more like a coughing bark as Brian made his way out the door. He pulled the overstuffed pouch out and looked down to the dozens of DVD's and a light chuckle sounded behind him.

The RV vibrated and Ollie almost jumped out of his skin when very strong fingers dug into his asshole through his silky gym shorts. Brian fingered him roughly, pushing the fabric as far into his hole as he could and then rubbed it soothingly in little circles.

The half-naked jock let out a deep rumble right beside his ear and licked a slow strip up the side of Ollie's ear with a pornographic moan. "Have fun..."

And with that the blonde adonis chuckled and walked noisily out the door, leaving Ollie alone to let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding in and pick the fabric out from his butt.

Brian had left some used underwear at the foot of the bed and Ollie may have used it to lick and smell while he jerked off and fingered himself furiously for the next hour. It was only on his fourth time cumming that he finally felt satisfied. With a light head he rinsed himself off and plopped down face-first on the bed.

He woke up with a small little wet spot under his mouth from a loud chuckle coming from the door as the RV started to shake.

"Woah, someone was having fun in here," said Derek's deep voice.

High-pitched moaning was coming from the front. Ollie was having trouble figuring out what was real and what wasn't until his eyes snapped open. He'd left the porn on the TV!

He jumped out of bed and rushed to the front where a sweaty Derek was standing with his buff arms folded across his big chest, a shit-eating grin across his face.

"Having fun in my RV?" he said.

Derek slowly ran his blue eyes down Ollie's body and he suddenly felt shier than ever.

"I didn't--I'm sorry--" he said, tripping over his words. "Brian just told me there was porn and then I got bored and I just thought--"

"Dude, dude, it's fine. Relax." Derek pulled his socks off and walked forward, putting a strong hand on Ollie's shoulder. "I'm just playing with you..."

All the blood rushed to Ollie's dick as Derek rubbed his shoulder. He drank in the sight of Derek's sweat stains and short shorts. His big thighs had a light dusting of dark hair on them and he followed the long legs all the way down to his massive bare feet.

Ollie felt the energy shift and when he finally looked up, Derek was staring deep into his eyes. The big hand on his shoulder moved to the back of his neck and Derek brought the dirty sock slowly up to Ollie's face. The blue-eyed jock licked his lips as Ollie inhaled the sweaty fabric, his dick so hard it could now crack concrete. The only sound in the RV was their breathing and the light moaning of the pornstar girls as they got railed by some beefy dude.

Ollie thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest but right as he was going to say something Derek slowly pulled the sock from his face, tossed it to the side and walked to the bedroom. Ollie inhaled deeply as the sweaty man-stank drifted by him and squeezed his dick as tight as he could. He heard Derek rummaging around and prayed to god he didn't see Brian's soaked underwear that he basically tongue fucked.

Ollie sat down on the couch and shut his eyes tightly. He turned off the porn and tried to focus the million thoughts going through his head. He knew these guys were horny and freaky but Derek was always cool with him--he didn't want to weird him out in case this was just a game gone too far.

Derek grunted loudly as the bed springs creaked and then... nothing.

It was suddenly very, very quiet.

"A little help?" said the athlete, his deep voice rumbling in the small space.

Ollie took the few steps to the back room and stopped in his tracks. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Leaning up against the headboard with his long muscular legs spread out down the bed was a very naked jock, slowly stroking his big hard on. His huge, muscular body was covered in a sheen of sweat making him glisten under the low lights of the RV. He flashed his perfect white teeth with a big smile and continued to stroke his meat as Ollie drank him in.

"What... uh.... what do you need help with?" said Ollie, trying to control his breathing.

Derek's eyes slowly moved down his body and he slid his big fist up and down his shaft slow as molasses and then wiggled his toes.

"Could really use a foot massage, dude." Derek licked his lips as Ollie sat at the foot of the bed, making the jocks big balls jiggle.

He reached out and took one of Derek's giant feet into his hands, feeling the strength even at the bottom of the guys body. He held it close to him and rested it on his thigh--his toes stretching all the way up to Ollie's nipples. It made him feel small while he started rubbing the top of his big foot and in between his toes.

Derek let out a deep moan and closed his eyes as he leaned back against the headboard, his throbbing cock still being slowly pumped. "That's it," he said as he licked his lips again. "I knew a little girl like you would know how to rub a real man's body."

Ollie wasn't sure how he felt about being called a girl but the thought quickly left his mind when Derek lifted his foot up and started rubbing it against his face. His other foot started rubbing against Ollie's crotch and torso as he moaned out: "Yeah... lick my feet, girl."

He had never been into feet before, or even sweat in general, but something about sucking on Derek's big toes while his nostrils filled with the jock's sweaty practice aftermath was making him hornier than ever. He moved his foot farther down Ollie's crotch until it wiggled underneath his balls and started rubbing against his slick hole. The RV had become as hot as a sauna and Ollie's ass was now slick with his own sweat as Derek wiggled his big toe against his little pucker.

Ollie moaned as he pulled the big foot out of his mouth and rubbed the bottom of his foot against his face. Derek's big toe pushed harder until it `popped' inside of him and Ollie was fully being fucked by a toe.

"Yeah, that's a good girl. Ride that little pussy on my toe. Show your man how much of a slut you are."

Ollie wiggled himself back and forth as he held Derek's big foot against his chest and moaned obscenely. Derek's hand started stroking his glistening cock faster while he watched Ollie bounce up and down on his toe like a whore.

Derek moved like a cobra as he snapped forward. He pulled Ollie off his toe with a little `pop' and laid him on top of his slick chest as he shoved their lips together. Derek's strong tongue dominated his mouth as they made out, Ollie's own hard dick rubbing against the ridges of the athlete's abs and bush. Ollie felt Derek's raging cock slip between his legs and the big jock started fucking between his thighs while his big hands reached down to roughly squeeze and pull Ollie's cheeks, using the slick skin to fully shove two fingers inside of him.

It felt like his entire body was on fire as his dick erupted violently, splattering ropes of jizz between them while Derek chuckled against his mouth.

"Fuck yeah," whispered Derek against his lips. "Squirt all over me, baby."

Ollie tried catching his breath as Derek continued plowing into his little hole with his very large fingers. He'd only been fucked a couple times before but Derek's fingers felt bigger than any of the dicks and dildo's that'd been in him before.

The athlete reached between them and scooped up as much jizz as he could before his hand disappeared and the room started filling with slick rubbing sounds. Ollie felt the now slick head of Derek's dick pushing against his hole and when he looked down he saw the intensity in Derek's dark blue, now almost black, eyes.

"Yeah baby, sit on daddy's dick," said Derek as he pushed against the tight hole.

Ollie forced himself to relax as the cum-slicked cock pushed inside. It felt like a fist was going in and he cried out but it only caused Derek to push in deeper. Ollie knew the pain was just temporary so he planted his hands on the jock's meaty pecs and stared down at him as Derek moved his big hands to Ollie's slim hips and pushed him down farther.

Ollie felt the tip of his dick push against that second spot inside his guts, slipping in just a touch as he sank down fully onto the full balls beneath him.

"Yeah girl," said Derek as he licked his lips and ran his hand around Ollie's smooth sweaty chest. "Show me how you ride a dick."

Ollie moaned and used Derek's pecs as leverage as he started slowly rising up half way before pushing back down. The room filled with squelching noises as Ollie rode the bull underneath him, filling his guts. Derek's thick bush brushed under his balls while his hole stretched around the thick base each time he bottomed out.

Derek pulled Ollie's face close and shoved his tongue deep in his mouth again. Ollie could feel his huge cock flexing inside of his abused hole, piercing against that spot inside that drove him crazy over and over again. He moaned as Derek pulled back and started long thrusting into him, staring into his eyes with a devastating smirk and hitting that second spot inside of him that no one had ever touched before. It felt like his dick was going to punch through his stomach but in the best way possible.

It only took a few thrusts before Ollie's dick erupted again like a geyser between them, firing shot after shot from his untouched dick.

Derek started thrusting harder, mumbling something about "squirting" again. Once Ollie caught his breath he brought his hands up to run along the jocks meaty pecs and smeared the sweat along the light dusting of dark hair. Derek leaned back and pulled Ollie's face to his perfect nipples until he was slow fucking him while Ollie was sucked like his life depended on it.

Derek threw his head back and moaned like a mad man as Ollie continued to suck. It was like he couldn't get enough of the taste. Nothing in his life had ever tasted as good as this guys nipple at that very moment. Derek rubbed the back of Ollie's head and pulled him off his shiny nipple, planting his tongue deep in Ollie's mouth again as he rolled them so Derek was fully on top of him. The jocks dick was still firmly planted in Ollie's ass and as rock hard as ever.

Even though Derek was propping himself up on his elbows, Ollie was still so turned on by the body weight pushing him down. They slowly made out while Ollie ran his hands over every inch of Derek's back and tight ass he could reach. Derek continued slowly pumping in and out of him, picking up speed when Ollie wrapped his arms around his shoulders and held on with a whimper.

"Gonna fill you up," whispered Derek, his hot breath washing over Ollie's face. He leaned in for another kiss. "Gonna shoot my DNA so deep inside."

Ollie clenched his hole and Derek moaned low and deep, flipping them over again so Ollie was pulled farther down on the solid rod. Derek threw his head back and started thrusting up into Ollie like a jackhammer until he planted his feet and rocketed his hips upward, pushing Ollie a foot above the bed.

Ollie flailed and grabbed on tightly to the meaty thighs behind him and just held on for dear life, feeling Derek pushing into that second spot. Derek roared as he unloaded his jock seed deep inside his guts, Ollie's legs dangling down on both sides of the athlete's arched body.

Derek went limp and they both fell back down to the bed, impaling Ollie again fully. They both moaned and Ollie fell down with his hands on both sides of the grinning jock and they both just chuckled. Ollie felt so full.

"Fuck, bro," said an out-of-breath Derek. "I needed that..."

Ollie leaned down and gently bit the tip of Derek's chiseled chin. A beefy arm wrapped around his slick waist while a big hand palmed the back of his head and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. Derek's tongue shoved inside his mouth and Ollie just sucked on it as he rocked his hips on the still hard cock nestled inside of him. Derek growled and kissed him harder and before he knew it Derek was clenching Ollie close as he unloaded a second load into him.

The kisses grew lazy while he softened and eventually, a strangled whimper moaned out of Derek as he slipped out. Two thick loads of warm jizz ran down the back of Ollie's balls onto the sweaty athlete under him and he wished there was some way to keep it inside longer.

Ollie felt a strong finger swipe between them and then push its way into his mouth, Derek's eyes watching it all intensely. Ollie sucked the cum off each time Derek brought it up to his mouth until the last few times he just tasted the jock's skin, his rough fingertip rubbing against his sensitive tongue.

Ollie rolled to his side, cuddling into the big nook between Derek's big arm. His smooth skin rubbed against the jocks hairy, smelly armpit, tickling him into a fit of giggles.

"Wow," said Ollie.

Derek "hmmm'd" in agreement. They laid there for a while until Ollie heard the deep, even breathing of a man asleep. He inched away from the sleeping hunk and gently rolled off the bed.

He needed to get back to the hotel room and clean up before his dad got back. He wasn't sure what time it was but the sun was just beginning to set so he knew he was cutting it close.

Ollie threw on his clothes and gently walked over to Derek. He leaned down and gently kissed his full lips, brushing his dark movie star hair to the side and smiled at the sleeping athlete that just fucked him into tomorrow. He stole one more quick kiss and made his way quietly out of the RV and back to the hotel.

This was turning into the best trip of his life.

Hey guys! Thanks for all the emails and I'm sorry if I didn't get to respond to you! I read them all and loved the suggestions and comments but there's more people than I thought reading Nifty stories... but please keep them coming if you enjoyed the story and want more! I really do enjoy hearing from readers.

Hopefully it wont take me as long between chapters again. I apologize if there's any typo's as well--I was a little out of it as I edited.


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