The Ass Game

By Jude Beatle

Published on Nov 23, 2022



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"That's a bunch of horse shit," Arthur says. "Matty can barely tell time let alone whose ass is whose."

"I think he can!" shouts Gabe, always the one to defend Matty's honor.

"Me too," replies Lance. He looks at Matty and gives him a knowing smile.

Matty stares at all the guys, giving them his best, "I'm a doofus" expression.

"How about we settle it the old-fashioned way?" asks Percy.

"A bet?" Gabe grins with glee. "I love me the sound of that. I need more money before I head over to the tavern tonight."

"I'll take that bet." Arthur puffs out his chest as he walks over to his desk. He fishes out a small pouch filled with coins and places them in Percy's large, outstretched hand. "I already know I'm going to win."

"Don't be so sure," Eric chuckles as he puts his pouch in Percy's hand.

Before long, Leon's pouch of coins have joined Arthur's, Eric's, Gabe's, Lance's, and Percy's. Satisfied, they all turn to Matty who is now giving them his best deer in the headlights expression.

"Wait, what?!" Matty is gobsmacked. "You're serious?"

Arthur rolls his eyes and sighs loudly. "Yes, Matty, we're serious as a heart attack. Now, take a seat." Arthur points to the foot of his bed.

"So, how we doing this?" Gabe asks. "We all just dropping our pants and presenting our rumps?"

They all ponder it over. It's Arthur who comes up with the solution, which shocks the shit out of Matty. He gets a glower from his friend in response.

"We'll blindfold Matty. Then, we'll stand in front of him with our pants down and then he has to feel our asses. He's then gotta work out who he's touching. If he gets it right, he keeps the guy's pouch of coins. If he gets it wrong, then he loses that guy's pouch and has to double it-"

"What?! Double it?!" Matty cries out in horror. "Arthur, I can't afford to double any of youse!"

Arthur rolls his eyes yet again. "Relax, Matty. You won't. I will."

"But-" Merlin stops short upon seeing Arthur's meaningful glare. Softly, he mutters a thank you. Unbeknownst to either of them, the guys are sharing a look that says, "Aww, how sweet."

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by Matty, at the end, he will tell us in his expert opinion who's got the best ass. Which of course will be-"

All the guys plus Arthur say "me" at the same time. They all glare at one another and Matty tries not to laugh.

"All in, mates?" Gabe says, breaking the glaring contest?

"All in," says them all.

"How about we make this even more interesting?" adds Lance. "I'll add two additional pouches to the pot. One to say how many Matty will guess right, and the other as to who he'll judge has the best ass. Who's in?"

There is a general round of agreement and then Lance goes over to Arthur's desk and retrieves a pen and some paper to write the bets down. As he does, he looks over to Matty and says, "Matty, my friend, you're going to have to leave the room so that you don't know who's being bet on. That way it'll be fair."

Matty nods and heads for the door. Arthur shouts after him, "And no eavesdropping."

"I don't eavesdrop," Matty snaps back.

"Right," Arthur scoffs. "And I don't like to have a rub in the middle of the night."

Matty's eyes nearly pop out of his socket and the tips of his ears go red. The guys guffaw at Arthur's naughty joke. And Arthur just winks at Matty before waving him out the door where he sits on the floor and does his best not to eavesdrop. The door opening snaps him out of his reverie. He looks up to find Arthur closing the door behind him and taking a seat beside Matty.

Off Matty's confusion, Arthur simply says, "They kicked me out because they thought I might find a way to tell you how the bets were going."

"They think you'd cheat?" Matty asks. "But you're the king. You would never!"

"I know. That's what I told them. But then Gabe started going on about how you and I can talk with just our eyes."

Matty can't argue that one, and neither can Arthur.

"So, are you feeling confident?" Arthur asks Matty.

"Uhm, I guess so."

"I know you can do it," Arthur says with a kind smile.

Merlin blushes. "Will you give me all the coins if you win?" he asks.

"What do you think, Matty?" Arthur looks at him with a kind expression.

Matty blushes in appreciation.

"But don't tell abe. He'll have a field day if he finds out."

"Duly noted."

The door opens and Lance walks out. "We're ready!"

Arthur and Matty stand up. As Matty makes a start for Arthur's chambers, Arthur yanks him back.

"Arthur, wha-"

Arthur unties Matty's red neckerchief and turns it into a blindfold. "Don't worry, Matty. I won't let you walk into anything."

Seconds later, Matty walks into the doorjamb. "Ow!"

"Whoops," Arthur deadpans.

Matty sits on the foot of Arthur's bed and fidgets nervously.

"You ready? There's a lot of money riding on this," A voice to Matty left that sounds like Eric says.

Matty hears a bit of whispering, someone laugh, and a bit of rustling around. He does his best to blank it out. He nods and takes a few mental deep breaths. He clears his mind and allows his magic to settle. He's going to win this for Arthur, and himself, fair and square. It's not long before he feels a presence of someone standing in front of him.

Matty raises his hands and makes contact with his first contender. He feels the mounds of flesh and really studies them. He lets his long fingers clench and unclench. He allows his palms to run over the slightly meaty globes that are entirely covered in hair. Thinking of all the guys in this game, there's only one of them who would have an entirely hairy ass. Only one of them who would be proud of that fact and not give a hoot. And that someone is...

"Gabe," he announces to them.

"One out of one," Lance replies as Gabe curses and stomps away.

The next guy replaces Gabe and Matty raises his hands. He comes into contact with a very tight, but also extremely smooth arse. This ass has no imperfections. No cuts, no pimples, no hair. It's as smooth as a baby's bottom, Matty muses as he continues to run his hands around the cheeks. Thinking of the remaining guys, he soon realizes that only one of them would have an ass this smooth.


Eric whistles his surprise as he struts off to where Gabe stands, sans pants.

"That's two," Lance adds.

The next guy gets into position and Matty's hands feel up the best ass he has ever had the pleasure of feeling. This ass is not only muscular, but also very round. It's big and has only just a few hairs near the crack. Matty decides not to announce right away who he's feeling up. He's having too much fun fondling this amazing arse. He lets his fingers run between the two huge cheeks and feels the guy before him quiver ever so slightly at the new sensation.

A soft clearing of the throat from nearby finally ends Matty's fun. Giving it one more squeeze, Matty simply says, "Percy."

"He's got three!" Lance exclaims.

The next guy takes Percy's place and Matty's hands go to work. Within a millisecond, Matty knows whose ass this is. And it's definitely not Arthur's. This ass is very flat. There's almost no definition to it. Matty runs his hands over a few times so as not to make the guy feel too bad. Of the remaining few guys, Matty knows there is only one of them who would have reason to have a less defined, less shapely bottom. This ass belongs to the guy who does more sitting, going over reports, and standing in place. That guy is the one and only...

"Leon," Matty calls out.

"He's done it again," Lance muses.

The next guy steps up and Matty gets down to business. This ass has some definition. Not as big as Percy's, but not as flat as Leon's. It's not as smooth as Eric's, but not as hairy as Gabe's. The only guys remaining are Lance and Arthur. But this ass is also not Arthur's. This ass is a fine ass. It suits the fine guy who owns it.

"Lance," Matty says.

The guys whoop with glee. Matty's done it. There's no need to feel up Arthur's if he's the last one left to be guessed. And that thought has Matty frowning fast. Arthur takes notice of Matty frown and holds up his hand. "Now, now. Matty still has to guess the last one."

Gabe raises an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"Because the rules were he has to guess them all correctly. And he hasn't guessed mine." Arthur steps in front of Matty and presents to him his ass. "Go on, Matty."

Elated, Matty raises his hands. There's a slight tremble in them. He's always wanted to feel up Arthur's ass. But he's never been able to. He places his hands on Arthur's ass and is surprised to find that Arthur's ass cheeks are warm. The other guys' asses were a bit colder to the touch. Almost as if they had been pantless for longer.

Arthur stares straight ahead, not sparing a glance for his friends as Matty's hands begin trailing all over his ass. It feels nice. And he knows Matty is enjoying it immensely.

Matty feels up the mounds of flesh that is Arthur's ass. His ass is very round. Very pert. And very firm. But there's also a softness to it when he gives each cheek a very gentle squeeze. His fingers trail between the cheeks and it causes Arthur's body to stiffen.

Arthur discretely places his hands over his junk to keep his penis from growing. Out of the corner of his eyes he can see that the guys are actually looking everywhere but at them. They're allowing their friends a modicum of privacy. And for that, Arthur is grateful.

"Matty," Arthur whispers.

But Matty doesn't stop. He continues to stroke his long fingers up and down Arthur's crack. And every time his finger travels over Arthur's rosebud, an electric shock courses through Arthur's body.

"Matty," Arthur whispers a bit louder. "You need to guess."

"Oh!" Matty cries out. He snatches his fingers from Arthur's crack and blushes profusely. "I'm sorry, Arthur. I didn't mean-"

"It's quite alright, Matty. Just guess."

"Arthur," Matty says meekly.

"And with that, Matty guesses them all correctly."

"Yay, Matty!" Gabe hoots.

Matty feels someone get close to him and soon he is blinking into the bright light as his neckerchief is removed by Arthur who is smiling warmly at him. A proud friend.

As his vision comes into focus, Matty notices that all the guys, and Arthur, are still without pants.

"That just leaves the judgement. Matty, who, in your expert opinion, has got the best ass?"

Matty blushes some more as all eyes turn to him. "Uhm, I dunno."

"You want a line up before you make a decision?" Lance asks him.

Then, without a confirmation, the knights all stand in a line with their arses to him. Matty looks them all over. He knows loyalty to Arthur should make him not even hesitate to answer. But he also didn't want to embarrass Arthur and have the guys think either of them are cheating. He can acknowledge that all of them have their merits. But knowing there can only be one winner, he gives it to the one arse that he knows he's going to be thinking about from now until his last breath - whenever that will be.


It's comical the expressions each of the guys give him for that answer. Eric glares. Leon is surprised, eyes bugging out. Gabe clutches his heart in a dramatic fashion. Percy beams, and also blushes. Lance is amused. And Arthur, poor Arthur, looks as if someone just told him he'll be having dog food for the rest of his life.

"Did anyone guess Percy?" Lance inquires.

From the silence that abounds, the answer is no. Matty gets up from the bed and finds the paper with the guys' answers. Arthur - 6, Arthur. Lance - 6, Arthur. Gabe - 3, Arthur. Eric - 4, Arthur. Percy - 5, Arthur. Leon - 5, Arthur.

Matty feels a presence looming beside him and looks up to see Percival smiling down at him. His large hand settles on Matty shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

"Thank you, Matty. That's a very kind compliment you have given me."

"It's true, Percy," Matty says softly as he blushes. "Your ass is amazing."

Percy chuckles. "Better not let Arthur hear you say that."

Matty smirks and looks over his shoulder. The guys are putting their pants back on. But not Arthur. He's still scowling and looking like a sad puppy.

Percy clears his throat and regains Matty's attention. "Between you and me, Matty, if you ever want to cop a feel, that's perfectly alright with me."

Matty's eyebrows disappear into his hair. He let's out a squeaky, "Really?!"

Percy smilies kindly and nods. "I don't mind. Like I said, it's a very high compliment coming from you. It's the least I can do to show my appreciation."

"Well, gee," Matty says. "Thanks!"

Percy winks and bumps his large ass into Matty's side before walking away to join the other guys and get dressed.

Arthur walks over to Matty and studies him.

"What?" Matty asks, feeling self-conscious.

"You lost me money, Matty. And you didn't pick your best friend as the one with the best ass. You know what that means?"

Matty shakes his head.

"It means that I am going to have to get you to change your mind."

"Arthur, have you seen Percy's arse?"

"I have, Matty. I know it's large. Percy is large. Did you not see the monster hanging between his legs?"

Matty doesn't respond, but he indeed did. It is indeed large.

"Everything about that man is the reason why there is such a word as large."

"But?" Matty asks.

"But look at mine."

Arthur turns around and presents his ass to Matty again. Matty looks. While Arthur's ass is nowhere near as large as Percy's, it's very much a shapely ass. And in Matty's eyes, that's what makes his perfect. Because it belongs to Arthur.

Arthur looks over his shoulder and smiles kindly at Matty. "No, Matty. It belongs to you." He stands up and turns to his friends. "Leave us."

The guys nod and walk out without so much as a word. The door closes and Arthur turns back to Matty who is staring at him in confusion.

"Did you hear my thoughts?" Matty asks.

Arthur rolls his eyes and struts over to his bed. "No, Matty. You said it out loud."

"I did?!"

Arthur lays down on his bed, face down. "You did. Now, get over here and give me a massage. It's been a long day."

Nodding, Matty walks up to Arthur's bed and begins a massage on Arthur's back. Within seconds, Arthur sighs. "Not there, Matty."

"Well, where?" Matty asks.

Huffing another sigh, Arthur takes Matty's hands and places them on his ass cheeks. "There. And don't stop until I tell you to. That is an order."

"Y-yes," Matty stutters as he begins to massage Arthur's ass.

The guys are lounging in the backyard. They're well into their beers and are discussing the day's events.

"What do you think they're doing?" Eric asks.

"I don't think I want to know," Leon replies.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Gabe says between gulps of his beer. "Arthur is changing Matty's mind."

"Yeah, but how?" Eric ponders.

Lance looks up at Arthur's bedroom window where he can just make out the silhouette of Matty suddenly getting his faced shoved downwards. Lance smirks and takes a sip of his beer as he turns his attention back to the other guys.

"Care to wager?"

Percy narrows his eyes at Lance. "What do you know?"

"I know nothing," Lance muses. "Just that if I know Arthur, he's probably making Matty kiss his ass as punishment."

Gabe chuckles. "Isn't he always? That dude loves a good ass-kisser."

The other guys nod in agreement. Only Percy catches the double entendre. His eyes widen imperceptibly before he schools his features. "Yeah, I'll wager," he says before drawing out another pouch of coins and tossing them at Lance.

And if any of the guys hear Arthur moaning like a girl more than he's ever teased Matty for doing, they will never tell...on fear of death.


Check out my other work: The Explicit Adventures of Charlie McCallister (Gay Incest, Work in progress)

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