The Appendages of Pleasure

By Jacob German

Published on Jan 1, 2022


Chapter 2

Ross hung suspended by his tied limbs in a rig of metal and stone that arose from the center of the room. He woke slowly from his unconsciousness and bliss, there was no pain but he felt a strange discomfort in his gut. What Ross couldn't see due to the cum like webs still encasing his face was that his stomach and abdomen were gloriously stretched in effort to contain all of the eggs and creature spunk that fill his body. There was, Ross was sure, a plethora of monster juices steadily leaking from his exposed manhole. He finally stirred to full attention just in time for the voice to return into his head.

"Good evening Experiment 681, I hope you are feeling well. What you are unable to see is that Delta has left the room to allow for you to gestate to the full incubation period. We have placed you in a special rig that would make you more comfortable until we are ready to free your limbs in an attempt to begin the birthing process. Do you feel ready to begin" Ross' only response could be a grunt and a slight nod of his encapsulated head.

"Very well let the final step of round one begin." With that Ross felt a mysterious machine begin to spit a fluid over his body that was entrapped and suddenly he felt like he would fall to the floor at any moment. Moments passed with a fizzing sound filling the room as his limbs became free from their splooge prison. He dropped to the floor with a small thud, being extra careful not to land on his sensitive tummy, and as his vision returned he soon examined in a delightful horror what his perfect form had become. He placed a hand over his stomach just in time for the first churning to press against his palm.

Ross was terrified to be honest about what would happen next for his tight sphincter and possibly even his mouth. He pondered what the experience would be before it truly began. With a final churn in his gut the voice returned with an almost gleeful tone "Perfect it seems by our scans that the process was successful we will prepare for the birthing now, please turn to the new rig that will be placed in the center of the room" Ross turned as the voice instructed with apprehension to see the rig he had previously occupied drifting slowly into the ground, and not a moment later with a mechanical whir a rig similar to what he had seen in tv shows as a gynecologist chair arose.

Ross approached and mentally prepared himself for whatever was to come, and possibly cum as well. He placed his bare still muscular but bruised bum into the soft leather like chair and placed his feet into the stirrups, then the voice returned for what would be the last time until the birthing was complete. "Experiment 681 for the final stage the eggs of species Delta Iota Infinitum will release the same aphrodisiac fluid you were fed by Delta and allow for a painless and possibly pleasurable birthing process. Any moment now the final steps will begin... have fun."
Right on time as the voice always seemed to be Ross began to feel lightheaded once again, except this time his limbs were free to move and his holes had yet to be abused by massive appendages. HIs quivered a bit as the drug kicked in and finally it began. With a churn of the gut similar to contractions Ross pushed his innards with his abdomen and soon he felt movement within himself. Slowly but surely one egg after the other pelleted out of his hole coated in the aphrodisiac jelly. They fell in wet clumps onto the chair and subsequently the floor below. Ross was in bliss as each clump scraped past his prostate leaving his cock from and twitching with each new clump.

Though something was wrong in his mind, what was going to happen with the eggs in his stomach? Ross would soon find out as he felt the first legs stick itself out of his stomach and into his throat. It felt like nothing more than a tickle but soon the tickle became a frenzy of movement and with that the first Delta child crawled its way out of his gut and out his mouth into the open air. Ross was petrified this is not what the voice had described, was his stomach acid too strong? Detecting his discomfort the moderator released Delta once again into the room, as it entered the first mouth birthed child crawled down his chin and chest, over his stomach and down to the floor towards their creator.

Ross looked in confusion and then ecstasy as he realized he was giving birth, not only had he been bred to sexual completion he now as a human male was giving birth. The process continued for twenty so minutes with more and more children crawling out of his mouth and onto their mother and soon his rectum had been emptied of the goo like non born children. As if Delta wanted to thank him for the hard work their towering form came over top of Ross in the chair and leaned down so the soft mandibles on the side of its mouth reached into Ross' ears. They searched indefinitely, softly scraping against his eardrums before maneuvering expertly past them into his brain.

Ross didn't know what to do out of exhaustion and bliss from the aphrodisiac. Soon the mandibles found their mark and began to shake in an ultrasonic method. Ross realized in horror that he was now quite literally being mind fucked before the ryhtmn put him into a trance like state. His mind slowly went blank as the mandibles caressed his brain and soon his ragin erection was spurting out of cum fucked bliss, whatever was on the mandibles made him feel hot and his body heavy. Ross' eyes once more crossed and he laid limply into the chair as his mind was washed of fear and apprehension into one of euphoria and wonder. Once he was fully satiated and had cum multiple times over and covered himself in his own thick spunk, Delta released her mandible from his mind, scooped up their unborn children and moved to make an exit from the room.

After an hour of mindless rest the voice returned to Ross. "Out of respect we thank you for fulfilling the first experiment. Would you like to continue?" Ross stirred his senses to answer and could think of nothing more than the pleasure he had experienced in the first round. "Ye-yesss" he let out in a scratchy voice, his throat sore from the birth giving. "Very good" the voice continued "As promised you will be given rest and nutrition between each step, enjoy. The next round will begin in exactly ten hours."

Ross, wanting to make the most of his rest from his spent body, observed from the chair as a buffet of human food exited out of one of the round walls and a bed from the other side. He slung his body to his feet hanging off the side of the chair and wobbly landed on the pads of his lean large feet. Padding over he noticed while it was human food it was all fruits and vegetables, he settled on picking up a few carrots and a pear and apple somehow united at the stem. He then trotted over to the bed, ate and soon out of sheer exhaustion laid his head down finally going to a normal sleep.

Unbeknownst to Ross he slept for nine hours, he awoke and noticed there was no indication as to when the next round would begin. He plotted himself in front of the buffet once more, settling on a strangely orange bunch of grapes that smelled like clementines and a slice of a cantaloupe. He sat cross legged in the middle of the room next to a pile of his food scraps which one moment he knew were there and after a turn of his head were gone. Awaiting the next round he decided to meditate until the voice returned. Roughly another forty five minutes passed and right on time the voice began.

"Good morning Experiment 681. Are you well today?" Ross nodded knowing the omniscient moderator could sense his acknowledgement. "Very good, we will now begin the second round of breeding capability testing. Up next is the species known as The Splinter, they are an anomaly to physics and yet they exist. For reproduction purposes this species grows in mass when exposed to other creatures' bodily fluids converting them from excrement into flesh for itself. To begin an already amassed being will come in and through any sexual, physical, or psychic means neccessary will extract your excrement to grow and then divide into more of the sentient flesh. Prepare for release, and have fun."

Always on cue the floor beneath Ross began to part as he jolted to his feet and out of the opening circumference. He watched from the edge as a pulsing pinking material like that of a tongue or a starfish started to swell from the hole and surround the room cutting off all the light save for a small hole towards the ceiling. It crept seamlessly under Ross' feet as it passed him and soon Ross noticed the bed and buffet had subsided into the wall leaving him surrounded by a living breathing room of flesh as the voice explained.

Ross smiled a wicked smile, `this might also be a fun adventure' he thought to himself.

((( Hi everyone, again thank you so much for reaching this point of the reading. I apologize for the shorter chapter but I wanted the emphasis to be on the birth process leaving you in suspense for the next round which I plan on being extra long and juicy. Any guesses on how the next alien will react to Ross and his hunky body? As always any constructive feedback or questions/requests can be sent to

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