The Anuvirus

Published on May 27, 2022


The Anuvirus Chapter 3

Feel free to contact me at scorpiosting64(at)hotmail(dot)com . I'd love to hear your words of appreciation as well as your criticisms! But be kind: English is not my primary language!

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The Anuvirus -- Chapter three

Mark and Buck were awakened a couple of hours later by Mark's phone ringing. It was Glenn. He sounded excited and told them that he had already some news for them and wanted them to go back to his lab quickly. "That means: you two! Stop fucking around like rabbits and bring your well smashed asses and sore cocks out here ASAP!" he added before hanging up. `How in hell did he know what we were up to?' the two lovers thought while blushing a little and grinning to each other.

They decided to take a quick shower because they both smelled of cum and sweat like a cheap whore but, for god's sake, only one man at a time was allowed in the shower: they were sure that if they put their two naked bodies in such a small confinement this would certainly bring more lust and more cum and they didn't have the time for that. Buck was first to go and after a few minutes he came back from the bathroom wrapped only in a white towel around his waist. He looked like Thor, the Swedish god, his big muscles bulging everywhere, covered by a golden dusting of fur which seemed like glittering from the drops of water still on it. The towel also seemed to enhance, rather that hide, the big package that bulged nicely at Buck's mid-section.

Mark's reaction was instantaneous. He was still laying naked with his back on the bed and in less than a second he went from being flaccid to a rock-hard erection. Buck smiled when he saw this and that smile actually caused a big spurt of precum to erupt from Mark's piss slit. "Oh my, Oh my. That is certainly the nicest way to be greeted as one enters a room!" Buck said with a grin "So much better than: Wass'up, dude? But you'd better put your horny thoughts away and go into the shower. You stink! And I don't want to get dirty again ... Well, not just yet!" He added with a sly smirk. "You're an asshole. Actually a wrecked asshole!" Mark replied. "You know you have this power now and you are taking advantage of it to dominate us poor people bewitched by your sensuous supremacy." And as he was raising from the bed and heading into the bathroom, he added "But wait until later tonight. I'll take my personal revenge on that fucking beautiful rosebud of yours: by the time I'm finished it will be as loose as a goose and as wide as the English Chunnel!" Buck's anus actually quivered with anticipation when hearing this `threat' and a "mmm" escaped from his throat.

By the time Mark was back from the shower, Buck had already put his clothes on: he was wearing a pair of tight fitting, slightly faded jeans which were showing delightfully his beautiful, long, muscular legs, enhancing his incredible bubble butt and putting on display in the most obscene way his huge bulge (he was going commando! You can clearly see it!). Providentially, a light blue, snug button-down shirt was partially hiding his backside and crotch and at the same time it helped bring one's attention to the upper part of his body. The shirt was clearly a one-size too small for Buck's wide shoulders, muscular arms and protruding pecs and Mark feared it could be ripped apart if Buck moved too much. But Buck had kept the first three buttons open so that danger would perhaps be avoided. Besides, in this way he was also showing some of that beautiful golden fur he had on his chest. Overall, the shirt was doing wanders in highlighting the beauty of his buddy and even its color looked so perfect, enhancing the golden tanned skin on his face and most of all, bringing out those beautiful grey eyes.

Mark sighed as he tented again the towel that was wrapped around his waist but with the use of all his willpower, he quickly discarded any lewd thought about his mate. He rapidly put his tight black lycra boxers back on, hoping to subdue by confinement his potent hard-on and then back on were his khaki pants and red polo shirt. What a daddy, he was! Every damn twink in all fifty states would give their right arm, let alone their sweet asses, to be with this muscular, dark haired, bearded Italian guy who was so sweet and cuddly when outside the bed as he was so animalistic and randy when he was in bed!

These two hunks eventually left Buck's house and headed back to the university hospital to meet Glenn. When he raised his eyes from his work and looked at the two studs entering his lab, Glenn had an immediate erection and just the slight touch of his hand on his crotch made him deposit another load his FTL briefs, his body shivering and his mouth moaning. "Damn! They have just dried up from before!" Glenn thought.

"And WE TOO are glad to see you again, Glenn" Mark said with a grin while Buck was laughing uncontrollably. "There nothing funny about it, you assholes! In a short time, these briefs will become crunchy and very uncomfortable and this will make me grumpy. And there is nothing funny about a grumpy Glenn" Glenn said while trying to dry the huge wet spot that was emerging at his crotch. After a few more minutes of lewd jokes and hearty laughter from all three of them, Glenn regained some composure and started to explain what he had found so far. "It seems that you got a bug indeed, my sexy Buck. A virus, to be precise. All of your specimens, blood, semen, saliva, piss and sweat contain traces of a virus DNA. I am running a DNA test to see if I can match it to any known virus but it will take all night to have the full results. On the other hand, other than having a slightly higher body temperature, you are in great shape. No signs of inflammation or activation of your immune system, no alteration of blood-cells counts, perfect liver and kidney function, very low cholesterol, perfect blood pressure and perfect heart performances, a 99% oxygen blood saturation. And, I might add, a very high sperm count! In a word, you are a perfect sex machine!"

Buck was listening attentively and didn't respond to this final Joke. "So, what's next, Glenn?" He asked. "I want to have all the complete data from the tests and then tomorrow morning we all go and talk with a friend of mine. He's a well-known virologist at a very famous research center a couple of hours south of here. His name is Dr. Jamal Johnson, or JJ for his friends. I have already briefed him with an email on the situation (less the raunchy details, of course!) and he agreed to see us tomorrow morning at his research center. We all going to meet here at the hospital at 7 a.m. and we'll drive down to him in my car."

"Sounds like a great plan!" Mark intervened. "Now, it's already 5 p.m. and I don't know about you guys, but all the `activities' of the day plus the fact that none of us, I believe, has had food since breakfast, it had me STARVE! How about we call for an early dinner where we can have some good food and relax a little with the help of a couple of glass of good Italian wine?" "Or Irish beer!" Glenn replied with a laughter. They all agreed it was a wonderful idea but before they head out for a seafood restaurant by the beach Buck suggested, Glenn asked to be excused for a few minutes as he needed to go the hospital changing rooms and change into something less `crusty and cum-stained'. They all laughed about it.

They agree to meet down in the parking lot in a short while and as they exited the lab room a thought dawned on Buck: "So I did catch a virus! What the hell is going on???"

- - - - -

The Moisty Oyster was a small restaurant right on a secluded beautiful beach 20 minutes north of town. Despite its seedy name, it was a very decent, non-pretentious, owner-operated business which catered mostly to romantic straight `unofficial' couples in search of discretion or to businessmen of the nearby office building complex who wanted to have a couple of drinks and munch on something right after their work time. Clearly, Buck knew this place for the first reason as he took here quite a number of dates, hoping to impress the ladies with the delicious food and the famous Californian sunset on the ocean. And quite a few times he was able to later score some pussy right there on the same beach the restaurant was on!

As it was quite early, the place was rather empty. There were three college jocks at the bar drinking beers: their bleached blonde hair, their deeply tanned faces and muscular bodies and, above all, their outfit clearly marked them as surfers who just finished their rides on the waves and wanted to have something chilled to drink and to continue to shoot some shit for a while. There were also two thirty-something businessmen in their suits and ties having an early dinner at one of the tables, clearly talking about something distressing that just happened at their office and which could not be discussed so openly while they remained there. Finally, the only other table taken was occupied by a fiftyish travelling-salesman type of guy who probably decided to divert from the main highways and googled for a cheap, good seafood place nearby the chip motel up the road where he would spend the night before going onto his next calls in the morning. Oddly, there was not even one female, even considering the staff.

A young Asian guy greeted the three men at the entrance, clearly recognizing Buck. "Welcome back Mr. Jennsen! So nice to see you again. A table for three this time?" He said in a slightly surprised tone since he was not accustomed to see Buck with two persons, let alone all men. As he walked them to a table on the terrace over the beach, the host felt an odd attraction to Buck and kept on chatting with him "Long time we do not see you here Mr. Jennsen. Have you been busy with work? That must not be the case since you look so incredibly relaxed and mighty handsome!" `Now, why in hell I just said that. Am I flirting with a MALE customer??? I am straight for God's sake!', the Asian man immediately thought. Buck looked at him with his newly acquired, signature sexy grin and replied: "Well, thank you twink boy, it so nice to hear that from someone so gorgeous and young that I could be his ... Daddy!" At which, the host produced a badly muffled whimper and a clear instant lump in his trousers. Could there be another case of crunchy pants in a short while? Mark and Glenn, who were a couple of steps behind Buck and the host, were giggling like two schoolgirls, knowing all too well what they just witnessed.

Once all were seated, the host quickly gave them their menus, took their order for drinks and ran away. "I am very sympathetic with that poor boy. Now he has to work all night with sticky, crunchy pants. Why did you do that for, Buck? That was mean, really mean!" Glenn pointed out and they all exploded in a booming laughter.

A server, a young Latino guy, was shortly after at their table with their drinks. A very chilled Californian Chardonnay for Buck, an Italian Soave Classico for Mark and the inevitable dark Irish beer for Glenn, room temperature. "How can you drink that shit, Glenn? We're having fish and seafood later and I can't see how that warm, dark, cum-dense-like substance could go well with any of it!" Mark teased the grumpy bear. "Well, my dear Mafia, we Irish are not so refined as you yellow-piss-drinkers. We, on the other hand, like our beverages thick and strong, just like my cock that will be destroying your not-so-tight hole at the first chance I have!" At that point Buck intervened trying to calm down his too excited friends. "You guys cut that crap. Let's look at the menu and place our orders. I want to talk to you about tomorrow and what we are expected to do and accomplish down there at the research center." Being the Alpha-male of the group, the two guys immediately stopped the friendly catfight. Buck gestured the server to come to the table. He was having a grilled marinated cod with fries, Glenn an oven, slow-cooked seabass with baked potatoes and Mark was going to have fried calamaries and shrimps with a green salad. They also ordered a plate of raw oysters to share as an appetizer. As they were completing their order, they all noticed that the server, a young Latino guy, was getting uncomfortable by the second: he was moving from one foot to the other, he was squeezing his legs together, his hands were shaking when writing on his order pad and his reply to his guests' questions were becoming more and more babbling and incoherent. Buck could not resist and with a very dominant voice he uttered: "Are you sure you did get all that right, boy? You really don't want to come back here and have our order wrong or not to our tasting, `cause otherwise I'll grab you, bend you over my knees and spank your little naked sorry butt till is cherry red!" The server yelped and almost fell to the ground as he had an explosive orgasm. This time the three studs could not hold it and they burst in a roaring laughter. The poor Latino boy was blushing and was only able to softly reply: "Yes Señor, there will be absolutely no problem, Señor. I am at your FULL service, Señor. Thank you, Señor." And he flew away to the kitchen.

With tears still in his eyes for laughing too hard, Mark said: "I should bring a bag full of undies anytime I'm out with you and start a business of selling them to your unfortunate victims! You are really a mean bastard Mr. Jennsen. Those little, poor creatures! You're just like the cat playing with the mice before he kills them."

They continued to laugh and tease each other and sip their drinks and in an astonishingly short time their appetizer was brought to their table by yet another server, a blond teenager, who came and went in flash. "Guess word has spread that it is dangerous to be around us, guys!" Glenn noticed and again laughed. The raw oysters looked gorgeous: twelve large seashells were cradling an equal number of meaty, greyish-pinkish shellfishes, lucid from their natural juices. They looked quite obscene, so obviously reminiscent of a female cunt in full heat. The three guys grabbed one shell each and squeezed a little lemon juice on them; immediately the still alive shellfish started to tremble and contort, just like a pussy does when it is well fingered. Watching this, Buck, being the filthy pig he is, stuck his tongue out and started to lick and titillate the animal, savoring all its fishy and salty juices and the lemony zing. Then he opened slightly his gorgeous lips puckered up a little and with a lewd noise he sucked the whole shellfish in his mouth and gulped it down with a "ahh" uttered in pleasure. Watching their pal with a grin on their faces, Mark and Glenn gave their oysters the same service and they all repeated this randy game until the oysters' tray was empty.

This spectacle did not go unnoticed in the restaurant. The three surfers had stopped their continuous horsing around and now, with their beers half raised to their mouths, they were staring intently at the three guys at the table. Their colorful swim trunks were too snug to cover their hearty college erections. Similarly, the two businessmen had stopped talking and they were now moving their eyes from the studs' table to each other, almost like they wanted to ask the other what in hell was going on and why are we feeling soooo horny? The sleezy show had even attracted the attention of the restaurant staff, with several heads sticking out of the kitchen door while the two servers and the host were at the bar openly groping each other's crotches.

But the biggest effect was felt by the salesmen, perhaps because he was the closest of them all to the oyster-eaters. He had his hefty cock out of his trousers and he was choking it like a horny teenager while his other hand had got into his shirt and was rubbing his furry chest and sensitive nipples. He was moaning and thrashing around on his chair and it was evident that he was about to shoot. In fact, after two or three more jerks of his dick, a geyser of white, thick cum erupted from his piss slit and ended up glazing the fettucine with mussels his was eating. His eyes were full of lust and stupor and, feeling a little ashamed, he looked down and, red in the face, he started again to eat his fettucine, savoring the added condiment with a continuous moaning.

The three guys were again thunderously laughing but Buck interrupted them: "I had no idea that going out to dinner with you guys could be so fun! But since they are bringing our main courses, we must promise we'll all behave for the time being! I still want talk with you guys about tomorrow, what we will be doing and what we wish to accomplish down there at the Dr. Johnson's center." As he was finishing the sentence, the two servers approached the table with their dishes. The Latino, having sworn fidelity to his master, served Buck while was serving Mark's and Glenn's dishes. "I hope everything is to your liking, Señor. If there is ANYTHING you want, please I am at your FULL SERVICE, Señor. Enjoy your meal, Señor!" The two boys started a hasty retreat, hoping to avoid further disasters in their pants, but Glenn was faster and grabbed the Latino guy by the arm and told him "You did good so far, kid. Good boy!" And as he was letting go his arm, he spanked harshly the server's butt. Disaster did strike again. The young Latino whimpered and trembled and placed his hands pressing on his crotch. His blonde friend came immediately to his rescue and literally dragged him away from the table into the safety of the kitchen.

"In all the years that I know you I never realized you could be so devious and evil, Buck!" Mark said laughing. "I guess I never knew I had it too but it is coming out strong in these days. Now let's enjoy this meal!" Buck replied. "So, Glenn, tell me what will happen tomorrow."

"Well, Buck, first Dr. Johnson will draw some more blood from you and take some more samples of body fluids and tissues in order to run further, more specialized tests, including the mapping of the DNA of the virus. You will also undergo a full-body MRI scan to determine if there are any anatomical abnormality and/or areas of tissue damage or inflammation. We will review also all the data that Mark and I have already collected on you and I am sure Dr. Johnson will ask you to tell him again the whole story of your trip and of what happened after you came back. I would recommend that you be very detailed in your recollections: do not leave anything out, even if some part of story could look like the storyboard of a chip gay porn movie! We'll all enjoy it and actually we are starring in some parts of that story! And don't warry about Dr. Johnson: he is an MD and, if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard he's also openly gay."

"Ok. I will try to give him the whole shebang, if you know what I mean!" Buck replied with his mischievous signature grin. "You ARE an evil bastard!" Mark said with a chuckle and he added on a more serious note: "What we want to try to achieve there, Buck, is to clearly identify which virus has got into you, what it is doing to your body and brain and to determine whether is or could be posing any threat to your general health and to your life. We also want to know if it could be transmitted to others and how, although I have the feeling that the three of us have already a positive answer to this question. How come, three respectable, firmly straight, masculine studs have turned into cum-loving, dick-sucking, butt-fucking whores in a matter of few hours? And do we need to talk about also the effects you're having on the poor people that have the bad luck of coming within 5 feet from you? You're for sure contagious, very very contagious!"

As Mark was finishing his sentence, a very scared, trembling blond server was approaching their table. "Sirs, if you gentlemen are finished with your meal, the chef and also owner of this restaurant would like to have the honor to show you his kitchen and get to know you. A choice of dessert will also be served there for you, compliments of the chef." "Oh my! we are delighted to accept the Chef's offer. Thank you, blondie!" Buck winked to the server who, to avoid disaster, rushed to the kitchen door and kept it open for the three studs to go through. Buck was thinking "What the hell is going on???"

- - - - -

Buck, Mark and Glenn entered a very large, very clean and bright kitchen with lots of stainless still appliances and work surfaces. There were about 3 or 4 kitchen male helpers plus the two servers and the host who all were trying to look like they were busy with their chores when in fact they were just staring with their mouths drooling at the three studs, some of them were even rubbing the front of their trousers. In the middle of the kitchen stood a huge polar bear of a men. Probably in his late fifties, 6"4' tall, black, piercing eyes and a full head of wild white slightly curly hair and a similarly full white beard and mustache, the man could have been mistaken for a wild Santa, had he been dressed in red. His figure was far from being greek as a big belly was stretching to the limit his chef white jacket which had the first three upper buttons opened and showing a massive layer of white pelt on his chest. And since it was very warm in the kitchen, he was wearing some black shorts, showing a good amount of white hairy legs. Let's hope there would not be a health inspection tonight or he would not pass it dressed that way!

"Gentlemen, thank you for accepting my invite. I am Chris Jones, chef and owner of this restaurant which you had being trying to turn into a gay brothel for the past hour or so! I was curious to meet you and mostly I wanted you to be removed from the main hall as more customer would come in and start to fuck on the tables! Welcome to my humble kitchen, guys!" Chef Chris extended his hand with a smile, showing he meant no harm with his comments. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Jones, I'm Buck Jennsen and these are my friends Dr. Mark Romano and Dr. Glenn O'Brien. We all professors and researchers at the University here in town and we are very sorry if we caused you trouble here tonight. We really enjoy our meal and the service was out-of-wordily perfect" Buck replied winking at the servers and the host who all started to tremble and whine with pleasure. Chris noticed this unusual reaction from the three young guys and he too was starting to feel peculiar, so he asked "Is this part of a strange experiment you are carrying in that university of yours? Why don't we all sit here at the chef's table, have some of the dessert I promised and you give me some explanations, if you can."

The Latino server was the unfortunate one to be chosen by Chef Chris to serve them desserts. As he arrived with the dessert tray, all trembling and shacking, he stumbled and dropped a big piece of whipped cream strawberry cake in Buck's laps. The server started to frantically apologize as he was trying to clean the mess on Buck's laps with this apron. By doing so, he was actually rubbing the big Swede's cock which immediately responded to the attentions by growing to its 14 by 9 inches glory. The Latino felt it and hell dropped loose. He dove into Buck's lap, unzipped him, fished out the huge man-meat and engulfed it in his mouth in one swoop. He was frantically bobbing and drooling on the large cock, savoring the sweet sap (the NoG) flowing copiously from the piss slit. Immediately felt his own cock grow longer and harder and he also felt the need to stick it hard in someone's ass. Unfortunately for him, blondie had approached the table to have a better look of the action. His fellow server grabbed him, ripped his trousers apart and shoved his whole cock in his butt in one go, while not missing a single bit on sucking Buck's dick. The three of them were just a babbling, howling, growling mess and a strong, exotic stench of sex started to fill the room.

The infection was spreading fast. In just less than a minute all the kitchen helpers as well as the host were naked and in various Kamasutra poses on the floor and on the working counters. The availability of butter and oil certainly helped ease the pain of certain penetrations but screaming and howling were anyway filling the room.

Chef Chris was, to say the least, aghast but also strangely and strongly aroused. `What the fuck is going on here! I am straight! I Love pussy!' He was thinking but his beer-can thick cock was threatening to tear apart the zipper of his shorts and he could not help it but to fish it out and start jerking it. That was the signal Mark and Glenn were waiting for. They jumped like tigers on the poor polar bear and in seconds he was buck naked and on all his four being tag-teamed and spit-roasted by Mark and Glenn. In one of his last moments of mental lucidity Chef Chris realized he was enjoying the attention of these two very endowed gentlemen to the utmost and he thought `The hell with it. Let's enjoy this ride! YEEHAW!' Then everything went blurred. The kitchen was just a mass of flesh moving, cocks pumping, holes filling, tongues licking, mouths receiving body fluids, even some fists entering unusual places. And moans and growls and hauls and cries.

Buck felt that the Latino server's mouth had finally brought him close to his orgasm so he shouted to everybody to gather in a sweaty, sordid mass in front of him. Just a couple of strokes and he roared "HERE IT CUMS, GUYS!" and he showered them with volleys and volleys of cum. A feeding frenzy started: everybody was licking off each other's body searching for as much cum as they could find. Some even started to lick the floor in search for the most miniscule droplet that might have been missed. This white stuff, the CoG, was fucking delicious! Chef Chris, because of his culinary art, was the most intrigued and voracious of them all: sweet, tangy, musky, spicy, you name a flavor and it was there, yet in a combination that only a God could have put together. And as soon as one ate it, a blasting, hands-free orgasm was produced, and warmth and peace invaded one's body.

Slowly, one by one the participants of the orgy came back to their senses, looking around in disbelief of the conditions of the kitchen: piss, cum and sweat everywhere even on the ceiling! And the stench! Strong, raunchy yet totally intoxicating. They also look at each other in shock with the look of "What the fuck just happened???". Chef Chris was also praying that a health inspector had not planned a surprise visit tonight or otherwise his restaurant would get to be closed and the keys thrown into the ocean!

Yet not a single soul was regretting what they just did. They all felt so good, so peaceful, so full of joy, so secure for belonging to the brotherhood of men. They all longed to share these feelings as well as their bodies with all the other men of the world. The women? Yeah, they were nice for company and reproduction, but nothing beats the bond men can now create through the Foods of God.

As they were putting their clothes on, Chef Chris spoke to the three studs. "You guys OWE me a big explanation of what just happened! But right now, I have no time. I must bring this pig sty back to some sort of decency and also, I must attend to my customers out there. They're probably wandering what is going on as they didn't see a single staff member on the restaurant floor for the past 30 minutes! Buck, give me your business card and in the next days I'll call you up for us to meet."

The four of them finally came out of the kitchen and into the restaurant hall. The chef's fear that his customers would have felt neglected proved to be quite wrong! They were taking good care of themselves and enjoying to the max what the restaurant and the other customers had to offer!

The three surfers were on the floor behind the bar counter in a pool of beer with the spigot open which was drenching them with more beer. They were also enjoying, in a pretty daisy chain, at sucking each other's cock and licking beer off their buddies' bodies. The two businessmen were next to the desserts' table with only their ties on. Every minute or so, they were flip-flopping and who was on the receiving side would get a big serving of whipped cream up his ass before being roughly penetrated by his coworker. Finally, the salesman, with the help of the butter found at the salad bar, was furiously fisting an UPS driver, who happened to be delivering a package to the restaurant that late afternoon. Yet, by the look on his face, it seemed that he was in fact enjoying the readjustment of his bowels!

Buck, Mark and Glenn were chuckling, watching all this. "They certainly don't look like disgruntled customers to me, Chef!" he commented and then looking at his two friends: "They've got the bug quite all right, don't you think so, Docs?" Chef Chris failed to see the irony of all this and with a sigh he made his mind up that it was better to close the restaurant for the evening in order to avoid further disasters.

After the three university professors promised to get in touch with Chef Chris ASAP and left, as he was locking the restaurant door, Chef Chris thought: "What the hell is going on???"

- - - - -

Next: Chapter 4

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