The Antidote

By Christopher Trent

Published on May 2, 2023


Anders, at eighteen years of age, had got his job as a guard only because his father worked on the line at the munitions factory. And his uncle was a supervisor. They had put in a good word for him with Raven. The chances were quite good as it was common knowledge that Raven was quick to hire men sporting overlarge equipment. And although Raven allowed, encouraged even, loose sexual activity in his inner circle, he ran a very tight ship in the munitions division. Even the great Raven Hogwood respected the imperatives inherent in the manufacture of nuclear weaponry. And he made sure that everyone who worked there had the same respect.

In Anders' case, word of his spectacular endowment preceded him. His youth was not a consideration. Raven himself, personally interviewed the youngster, in the great room and from the video monitors, of course, but, anyway, that was as close most people got to Raven.

It was a brief interview.

Anders was told to stand in front of a door. The door slid open and a man's voice from inside boomed. "Well, don't just stand there, come in." Anders strode in, and had barely removed his baseball cap. "Here he is, sir," the secretary said.

"Yes, yes, I can see that. Leave us," Raven said.

Anders looked up at the wall of talking heads. All of them Raven's.

Raven, regarding the youth on his screen, said only, "Show me."

Anders immediately reached his hands down and unzipped the bulging fly of his scruffy jeans. He fluffed up the wrinkled cock and balls as he brought them out, waving the not quite limp cock up and down a few times and tugging on his balls giving them some air. Standing there displaying his stuff, he felt like a hustler in an alley enticing a cocksucker.

"Thank you." Raven said. The thanks were not warm. He didn't smile. And while most women would have screamed at the sight of Anders' mega-cock, and most men would have given it at least a wolf whistle, from Raven there was no reaction. Nothing. "That will be all," he said. "The secretary will see you out." and the entire wall of screens went to black.

When the secretary ushered Anders out, the boy was still stuffing his dick and balls back in his jeans. Once outside the great room, he complained that it wasn't fair, that he'd not been given a proper interview.

"What's your problem?," the secretary said. "He liked you. You got the job. Come to my office and we'll take care of the paperwork."

"How do you know he liked me?" Anders said.

"Because," the secretary said. "If he hadn't liked you, you would not be standing here, with your hat in your hand, still alive."

Raven had special plans for Anders' special gifts and would be keeping an eye on his development.

So it was that Anders began at the lowest spot in the organization, namely as a guard in the dungeon. He had been working as a guard at the prison for only two months when Casey Worth was brought in.

"Hey, young fella," the guard named Rutger, said. He let go of Casey's ass cheeks. But the lower half of his face, especially around his mouth was still wet with saliva and cum. "You're too young to watch this stuff go down. Go away." Rutger knew little of Anders other than he was so young to be at Raven's headquarters.

"Ha!" Anders said. "Don't worry, old man, I've fucked plenty of ass in my time. Men and women, too. They get one look at what's swinging between my thighs and they line up, beggin' for it."

"What is this big thing you braggin' on," the other guard said. "Let's have a look."

Anders unzipped his fly and with some difficulty, using both hands, brought out a hunk of cock that had to be at least fourteen inches. Both guards whistled at the sheer length and girth of the ass buster he held. And it was only semi hard. A big cock, when it's semi hard, looks murderous, Henry Miller said in or words to that effect. And Miller wasn't just whistlin' Dixie.

That was especially true of Anders' fuckmeat. Murderous was the word which came to mind. It was the difference between a python and an anaconda. A man will stand his ground with a python and probably win. But with an anaconda most men will turn and flee. That would be the only sane response.

"Whew..." said the guard named Tony. "Careful with that thing.

"You could hurt somebody with that." Rutger said.

"I spread thighs, old man." Anders said. "That is what I do. I can make them suffer the pains of Hell". He let one hand milk his cock down the shaft, making it look even bigger. "Or I can make it so sweet they are my slaves forever."

Anders swung open the cell door and entered into the cell with his cock still waving in front of him. "Hey, don't point that at me," Tony said. A small chuckle erupted from his throat as he jumped out of the way of the fourteen inch wonder that was hanging out of Anders' pants. It was so heavy it could not stand upright. Instead it stuck out straight, but with a downward pull.

"Ha ha," Anders said. "I make cocksuckers weep with joy. Even my father and my uncle are not as big as me." Anders said. "I like best a well trained mouth or ass."

As soon as Casey saw it, his eyes popped open way wide and little sounds of panic escaped from his throat. He was able to lift his head off the bed enough to keep both eyes on it. He followed its every move.

Rutger, the guard who had been lapping his tongue at Casey's wide open and sloppy wet boycunt, stepped aside, happy to show off the fine fuck hole that Casey had become.

As soon as Anders laid eyes on Casey's puckered ass lips he smiled a lop sided smile. He leaned over and blew warm air across the hole. His face lit up with a smirk when he saw how it quivered. He blew again, several times loving the responsiveness. "Ah," he said, "this is brilliant." Both hands gently stroked the puckered pink lips. Gentle fingers caressed the circumference. His lips drooled saliva onto the flesh then rubbed thumb and forefinger round and round in a deepening massage. He looked up at Tony and Rutger. "Move his legs wider." he said.

Both guards undid the shackles and moved them to the widest possible position, so Casey legs were split. Casey's athletic and martial arts training made this a not too uncomfortable position. There was no dignity to it. None whatsoever. The two guards stood and held one leg each as they watched Anders work.

In the middle of Casey's big, beautiful ass cheeks was this pink ass pucker now laid bare in the open air. Now, he was all asspussy.

Anders pointed his monster cock down at the pink gash. He ran the head around the rim.

Casey's breath came hard, fast and shallow as Anders' manmeat played with his boypussy. The huge murderous head, bulbous as it was, shiny and slick with leakage now that the foreskin had pulled back, pushed and prodded against the malleable flesh all around the hole. Sessions with Boris Tchernevsky had made the area wonderfully rubbery and responsive. Anders sucked air between his teeth, appreciating all the hours of work. The purple cockhead, the size of a baseball, pushed harder, deeper.

"Open for me, pussy. Nice, hot little pussy," Anders said.

Casey held his breath as the youth's dickhead began to sink in. He couldn't believe his eyes. The monster head was disappearing--- but there was no pain. None at all. Nothing more than a slight nudge, a pop, as it pushed past the outer ring. Instead, his muscles went into overdrive as they had been trained, firmly wrapping around the head and then rippling up and down the shaft as they welcomed the huge lord of their future happiness.

Now it was the two older guards turn to stare wide eyed as the flesh began to open up. The bloated, shiny purple head disappeared inside the gaping hole. "Yes pussy," Anders whispered. "Pretty pussy, we stay there for a minute, eh? So nice and wet and warm." The huge cock stayed inside. "Oh ho," he laughed suddenly, "Pussy knows what to do with this big boy, huh?"

Another six inches of hot fuckmeat sank in. Anders began a circular motion with his hips widening the opening more and more. Casey's eyes rolled up into his head as he felt his anus being being given a significant stretch.

There was no other thought in his mind than Anders' giant mancock moving with a slow inevitability into his boycunt. It was a toss up as whether the cock was invading the hole or whether the hole was sucking the whole length of the cock in, swallowing it. Casey's own cock was boned up hard, harder than he had ever been, and leaking clear liquid in buckets. By the time that Anders had sunk his entire fourteen inch piece of lunch meat into Casey's ass, Casey had moved far beyond pain into a new formerly hidden plane of pain and pleasure.

"There we are pussy," Anders said. He looked down at Casey's ass turned inside out as he pulled out a bit, and then poked back in, "my meat, the whole of it is stuck deep in your hot furnace."

Casey's throat made the sound of a whimper. Then another, slightly louder and longer. Casey's cock fired thick white gobs of cum at his chest. He had never cum so hard.

Anders threw his head back and laughed at the sight of the man beneath him, who was turning and being turned inside out with his giant manmeat creaming at the feel of of it. "Yes," he said. "Cum! Blast away! Ha, ha, cum and cum! That was just the first of many. Before I finish with you, you'll empty yourself of every drop. My schwantz is so potent, so completely male, I will make you cum till you weep." With that Anders withdrew his cock just to the tip so there was still contact and then he moved his hips so his cock went sliding along the smooth walls of the boypussy, all fourteen fat inches till he was balls deep and Casey felt the scratch of his wiry pubes against his now very sensitive cheeks. As he did, some air mixed with moisture squished and squelched, loudly.

Casey's throat made an animal noise.

"Move the mattress out onto the floor." Anders ordered. "And take off that gag. I want to hear him singing with happiness when he falls in love with my cock" Anders said.

All three men pulled a corner of the mattress out from the wall, with Casey in the middle, and lowered it to the floor.

"Now put his legs behind his head." Anders said. No one stopped to think that when Anders, young as he was, gave a command, the guards jumped to obey.

First one and then the other of the guards holding Casey's legs wide open moved to work the legs back and further back stretching them more and more until at last the legs were lock against the back of Casey's head.

"Good," Anders said.

What this did for Casey's ass was to lift it higher and display it. So he was now nothing but asshole. Locked in place, his hole was the hot target of targets. But other than that he had no complaints, really.

As far as his physical body went, Casey was feeling swell. He couldn't remember feeling better. There was a bit of strain behind his knees in the ungainliness of this position and his hamstrings might start bitching in the morning. But his dick was hard as a hammer and unslaked lust sang in his every cell.

But mentally and emotionally, this was the worst insult of all. A fucking teenager with the imperious sneer of command that made Alexander, the Great look small time. And the insinuating smirk which said "I am in charge", pasted on the kid's face was hard to take.

Of course the kid was handsome!


Aren't all eighteen year old jocks with extra wide shoulders and thirty inch waists hot looking? The kid was also young enough to be Casey's son. Ouch! That hurt. Casey drew his mind back from the bottomless pit of that realization.

Anders' hips were throwing his fuckmeat in and out of Casey's pussy; he figured he might as well call it what it was, now. "It was all worth it." was the thought running through his brain. "All the suffering, the drugs, the pain, the humiliation. If he had only known what was waiting for him at the end of the road.

"Anders was waiting," he thought. Then immediately he pulled back from that thought, too. "Stop! I can't think like that," he thought. But his resolve crumbled with every earthshaking slam of Anders unstoppable cock. And the kid's eyes were drilling into his Casey's; daring him not to love what was happening to him. Telling him that his total surrender was only a few hard hits of the cock away. It was uncanny how Anders seemed to know what was in his mind.

Anders and his mighty honk had been waiting to settle Casey's hash. Suddenly, Casey felt all his problems disappear with each deep thrust of Anders' cock slamming home like a side of prime beef inside him. Casey smiled as he took air deep into his lungs. "Turn me inside out," he said.

"Yes, boy," Anders said. He looked at Casey's eyes, his whole face, angelic, so radiant with happiness. "Daddy is here." And he slammed full length. "That's right, boy, let me see that smile. You are inside out, boy." Slam! "I have turned you inside out." Slam! Slam! "You are totally mine, now. I am your Lord."




The two guards faces grimaced thinking of the pain that must have been making for Casey, but he just kept smiling that radiant smile from ear to ear, his ankles locked behind his head, his ass front and center, his breasts jiggling. His voice, shouting till his vocal chords threatened to give out, begging his Daddy for more fat cock and harder, please. The sweat rolled off his head. His hair was wet.

First Rutger bent over and caught one of Casey's tits with his teeth. Then Gerhart did the same on the other side. They were chewing on those tough, delicious nubs.

Casey was floating up on an ocean of electric sensation. He barely knew that he had had two more triple orgasms. But the proof was in the sheets. They were dark with wetness from one side to the other. Rivers of 'happy' juice had flowed down from Casey's torso. Not that anyone was looking at that moment, but the sheets were so sopping that the mattress was soaked, too, little bubbles squeezing out as the bodies bore up and down. Finally, Anders pulled all the way out and hovered for one slight moment before he made three final slams in to the pud and stayed there. Casey screamed as he felt Anders' cock pulse, pumping the scalding hot, thick teen juice into his gut.

The two guards straightened up.

Before Casey fell asleep with Anders massive organ buried deep inside him, he spoke in a small voice. "Thank you, Daddy," he said.

Anders too laid his head on Casey's chest and closed his eyes.

And so it went every night thereafter.

Boris worked with great diligence on Casey's boypussy during the day. Casey was usually made to sit for several hours on progressively larger dildos. Then he was placed on a special table so that his head and shoulders lay on a lower shelf, his legs were hoisted and strapped into place over his head so that he was only able to concentrate on his own hard cock as it pointed down at his mouth. A hole was cut in the adjustable tabletop in such a way that it encircled his ass cheeks so that his asshole was highlighted in the center. And each doy the table top was lowered so that eventually Casey's own cock invaded his mouth and went lower and lower till he was able to suck his own cock more than halfway down the shaft.

In this way, Boris entertained himself for hours working the asslips to a bright rosy color and the consistency of soft warm clay. Boris slipped and dipped his fingers, thumbs, and his hands, in and out of the hole, sculpting, shaping the flesh to his own vision. Another feature of the special table was the smaller hole was cut at one end of the boxlike table. A small button alongside the hole lowered the man's head inside the box so that Boris could stand at that end and slip his cock in the hole and it would go right down Casey's throat.

It was a glory hole where the cocksucker's head was upside down. With his cock firmly ensconced down Casey's throat Boris was free to work on the subject's asshole.

Finally, Boris was able to slip his entire arm inside the hole without resistance of any kind. And still the elastic ring which had collapsed from such intensity of work, snapped back into place through sheer muscle control; at Boris' command of course. "That is my bicep you feel, now, stretching you, boy." he whispered to Casey. "Tell me, boy, how much you love it."

Casey had a hard time getting the words out. His chest and chin pressed against his vocal chords. "Yes sir," he said, "thank you, sir."

"Not good enough, boy." Boris said. "Too mechanical. I want to hear the love in your voice. Since it is not there. We work more, tomorrow, and all of next week. We work until you learn to make love to my arm inside you."

  • * * Anders worked in his own way at night.

In secret.

Since that first night with Anders, Casey had given up trying to control his destiny. It was less that he gave himself to Anders than that Anders and Anders huge cock took him. He looked forward to each night's festivities opening himself so wide he would never close again. Boris took credit for the fantastic shape Casey's ass pussy was getting into. But it was Anders who tested the hole. And added the final touches. He showed up each night eager to fuck Casey's lights out. He delighted in finding new positions to display Casey's pussy. In exploring such new and exotic positions Anders began to develop skill tying complex and striking bondage knots. One of his favorites was tying Casey to the cell door in such a way that his whole body was suspended a good ways above the floor. The part that fascinated him, though, was that he could work Casey's legs up behind his head, lock the ankles behind his neck and let Casey's hole fuck his, Anders', cock by swinging the cell door open and closed, open and closed.

One day Boris looked up at Raven face on the wall. "Boss," Boris said, "this is the finest bitch boy cunt I have ever created. It is finely trained. See, how it reaches out to grasp my thumb, then pulls it in. It works almost independently of the subject himself. He is ready."

"He needs one more thing," Meric said picking up the thread of conversation. "He can be tattooed and ringed in good time, but he's in desperate need of one all important thing."

"What would that be, Meric?" Raven said.

"This boy desperately needs a shave," Meric said. "Starting with his underarms and then we finally take off all his hair. We could leave a little just above his boycock. Just to give him hope."

"A shave it is," Raven said. "Brilliant!"

"If you will indulge me, sir," Meric said, "I have taken the necessary steps to do this now."

"Proceed," Raven said.

Meric snapped his fingers. Servants bearing various shaving objects entered silently. One carried a basin of hot water. Another carried a plain box in which was a folded shaving blade. And another two bore a leather strop and a cup with lathering soap and a brush.

Meric instructed the four attendant guards to bring Casey to the center of the great room. "Okay, everybody gather round, while I explain what is going on here. We're going to shave a bitchboy." He turned to Casey who was still standing. "On your knees, boy." Casey's legs folded and his knees touched down on the floor. "And your hands behind your head."

"He'll need to know the reason he is being shaved. So I'm going to demonstrate as I go along for the benefit of the new pussyboy as well as for the benefit of you men who have never shaved a cuntboy dickpig before." The men gathered round in a semi circle.

"Men what we have here," Meric said, as he picked up the cup with soap and brush, first stirring the brush around whipping up a lush foam, then began to lather under Casey's arm. "Is a boy who is no longer a man yet he wears the signs of Manhood. Such unnecessary confusion. So what we need to do is help him to realize exactly who he is, which is to say a fuck toy, and the position he occupies, which is far beneath Real Men."

So saying Meric took the razor from the servant and made a skillful scrape through the lather leaving the underarm in its track completely bare. "You see, this underarm hair must come off and we do him a great favor by removing it all." And Meric in time with his words, shaved any remaining hair till the underarm and the arm itself, was clean of hair as a baby.

Meric crossed over to the other side. "Here, too, for balance, we masterfully stroke the offending hair off." and in four swipes of the razor, denuded all the hair clean off. "You can see that the boy is already beginning to look more like the boy he has mentally become--- but without all that manly hair to bewilder the eye." Meric said.

He lathered up Casey's chest. "Now here, is a very important spot for manly display that our boy here naturally desires to lose so that nobody will ever again confuse him with a Real Man." Casey's tits made the operation somewhat ticklish but as much of the hair had already fallen out, there was not a lot to do. Again Meric stroked clean stripes down and across the chest area with great care and expertize. "There we are men." he said. "The boypussy is looking more and more like what he was always meant to be. Hairless as a little boy. No more worries about that manly hair on the chest."

Casey's chin began to tremble as hair disappeared from his body. Physically there was no problem. Meric was supremely skillful at what he was doing. But mentally, Casey felt pushed up against the wall. Some part of him was being crushed, but through the haze of drugs and his hard cocked lust he could only dimly sense it. He knew better than to try to protect his hair. So he let Meric move his arms and turn him as he wished. He wasn't sure why he was feeling his eyes water. And there went a tear rolling down. But he dared not move to brush it away.

At the same time, Joel was the first, but then the other men one at a time, as they stood gathered in the semi circle pulled their already hardened already moistened cocks out of their pants.

"Now," Meric said. His bone showed hard in the codpiece of his leather chaps. "There is another secret place where a boy might hide hair thinking that nobody will notice these few insignificant patches of hair--- between his ass cheeks. Boy, you need to stand up and bend over and grab your cheeks and spread them for me." Casey got up from his knees and bent over as far as he could, holding his ass cheeks open and spread as ordered. His tears fell to the floor as he bent over. "You can see he's crying tears of joy and gratitude," Meric said. "You can imagine what a relief it is to be relieved of all this foolish hair on his body, ain't that right, boy?"

"Yes sir," Casey said.

"What's that boy," I don't think we heard you, your voice is so pathetic. Now let's hear it this time."

"SIR, YES, SIR, THANK YOU, SIR." Casey said.

"Now that hiding place is, as you can plainly see, just in the crack." He brushed lather on both sides of Casey's crack. "And now this takes some skill," Meric said. "The trick is to get it clean and smooth and leave no cuts from the razor. This is terribly hard to do but the boy trusts me completely. Don'tchya boy? Spread those legs wider so everybody gets a good view of this."

Casey spread his legs but Meric kicked his feet even wider as he bent over holding his cheeks wide open. And again in a few masterful strokes the lather as well as the hair were swept clean from Casey's crack. "You can see how this removal of unnecessary hair brings the boypussy into hard relief. No more pretending it isn't what it plainly is, now that we can see it clearly. A big fat pink pussy. A cunt, boy cunt, yes, but it functions the same way as any bitchcunt. It pooches out there begging for a ManCock to enter and ravish it. A receptacle for a Man's precious Seed. And now without all that ridiculous hair it looks like what it is." Meric went over Casey's entire body, legs and arms, shoulders anywhere he saw a single golden hair. Meric ordered Casey to stand up straight.

"Now we come to the bush," Meric said. "Look at all that hair, trying to fool the eye. Trying to pretend that it, too, is manly. So, of course, that will have to come off." He lathered the entire region down to the base of Casey's cock. Then he grabbed Casey's hard boycock with one hand and the razor with the other "Hold very still, boy." Meric said. He swung the razor down and swiped a wide stripe of lather and hair off."

Casey was terrified as Meric's hand holding the razor swung free while shaving his crotch. The light glinted brightly on the blade as Meric held it high and then swung his hand down taking off a wide strip.

And so it went, Meric lecturing and demonstrating at the same time, giving Casey no quarter except to watch the signs of his manhood being removed till only one slim patch was left above his boy dick. "But we will leave that there," Meric said. "just as a reminder of what used to be. What do you say, boy?"

Casey was completely relieved that the ordeal was over and his genitalia were unscathed. "Thank you, Sir." he said. His hard boycock bounced as he said it.

"You see, men," Meric said. "how grateful the boy becomes when you're generous like this? After this shave, I will lay you ten to one odds that this boy is going to beg me, I say beg me, to let him suck my cock and lick my balls with more love and gratitude than he has felt before. Ain't that right boy?"

"Yes sir," Casey said quietly.

"But before he begins to beg, we will first do what we can and must do with the hair on his head. This is, once again, one of those ridiculous and confusing signals of manliness that can be so easily corrected by simply removing all the offending hair. This will leave our boy baby smooth and boyish as he ought to look among Real Men." Meric brushed the frothy white lather into Casey's head missing no spot. "On your knees boy, and hold very still," Meric said. And in only minutes Casey's head was shiny bald.

"And I will now allow the boy to show his gratitude and put my boot on his clean shaven head." Then he spoke directly to Casey. "Show these men how much gratitude you feel." Casey went immediately to his knees and lay his now hairless head on the floor. He picked up Meric's booted foot and put it to rest on his shiny head. "There we are," Meric said. He left the booted foot on Casey's head as he spoke. "You see, men? The boy now knows who he is and his place in the scheme of things."

The circle of men applauded Meric's educational and informative lecture-demonstration on the niceties of a good shave.

"Well, boy," Meric said, "what do you have to say to your master?"

"Thank you, Sir. And please, Sir, allow this boy to suck his Master's ManCock, Sir. Out of sheer gratitude Sir. For all that you have done for this boy."

That night when Anders came to his cell for his midnight assfuck, he was more inspired than ever by Casey's newly smooth body. "Now you are fit to be fucked by a king," Casey was duly tied to the inside of the cell door, his legs out of the way, by now, easily hoisted into position, his arms tied at the separate corners.

"Fortunately, I am that King," Anders said. "Kiss my cock with your asslips, boy."

The session went on quite late as Anders went from one huge orgasm to another and forcing triple orgasms out of Casey's untouched cock. By the end Casey throat was sore, his vocal chords in shreds, from shouting how he needed more and more of Anders' cock. Which, of course only fired Anders to even greater heights. Till at last, only an hour from dawn, they both quieted down, totally spent. Anders lay back on Casey's bed, to catch his breath and Casey was still hanging from the steel bars of the swinging cell door. Casey's ass hole, so prominent, so front and center, hung open.

"Help me," Casey said. His voice was pitched at a hush.

Anders opened one eye to look at Casey. He loved the way Casey looked, smooth, pale, utterly naked, tied into position with beautiful, symmetrical knots of white rope. He loved too, the hot looking ass hole, the way it looked so blasted open dripping with his own copious juices.

Anders got to his feet and stood in front of his plaything. "How would you like me to help you?" he said. He couldn't keep his fingers from teasing Casey's worn out ass lips. His two middle fingers inserted deep inside while the other fingers toyed with the wet outer circumference of flesh. "Huh? Tell me. How can I help you, my favorite fuck toy."

"Help me to escape," Casey said.

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