The Antidote

By Christopher Trent

Published on Apr 15, 2023


This is a work of fiction depicting man to man sex. If you don't like it or are too young to read it, legally, you know who you are, close this page now.

Many thanks to those of you who kept after me to get this newest installment done.

The Antidote

Chapter Four

Under Raven Hogwood's directions, Casey Worth was subjected to mental and physical torture in the form of a well organized structure of assaults on his manliness. No marks were made on his body. He was well fed. Once a day, a bowl of Kibbles was put on the floor of his cell, and one of the men or else one of the guards took out his cock and pissed on the dog food. But Casey learned to lick the bowl clean and then lick his lips. They kept him hungry on purpose. Except for protein. His insides, belly and ass, were constantly sprayed with huge amounts of cum which he could hear sloshing in his belly. He was kept in a dungeon far beneath the ground and only brought up to the great room for a few hours a day.

Raven's billion dollar headquarters appeared to be a sleek modern, bordering on futuristic, house, eight thousand square feet of unspeakable luxury, which served as living quarters. But directly under the three story living area, there was a ten story underground factory where illicit munitions were manufactured. The bottom level was a prison for detainees in subterranean dungeons. All housed in the one structure. Casey, since the start of his detention in his nightmare dungeon buried deep in the earth, had not for a single moment been allowed to wear a shred of clothing.

It was now a commonplace fact of his life that he was sometimes brutally raped by five or six men at a time and at other times he had to beg for the privilege of extracting the life saving juice from the same men's cocks. Whatever a drug, or combination of drugs, did, his dick was never at anything but full hard with a shiny red helmet head, day and night; and always leaking,--- to his everlasting humiliation. His cock stirred and swelled up if someone entered the same room, or said good morning, or inadvertently touched him. He tried not to, but could be counted on to splooge day or night, if anyone of his tormentors or the guards or one of the munitions workers who hopped on the elevator worked on his tits for longer than a minute.

Raven Hogwood directed the administration of a pharmacopoeia of designer drugs whose purpose was to greatly enhance Casey's enjoyment of whatever was happening to him at any given moment But the constant flooding of Casey's nervous system with such impossible pleasures was a double edged sword. At the same time his rational mind remained awake, but impotent, and witnessed in horror what he was being subjected to and made to enjoy without his voluntary participation.

This was mind rape on a previously unimaginable scale. His values, his entire identity--- had been turned upside down. Violated.

Sometimes he remembered how he had sneered at gay men who had been guilty of the crime of admiring his muscular body, his larger than average cock. Now here he was on his knees all day, every day, begging criminal thugs for the privilege of taking their mancock way deep inside him, pleasuring said mancock to fire its' seed down his throat into his belly and so redeem his life. Now it was he who was among the lowest, most abject of cocksuckers. And the kicker was that he was straight. Or thought he was. He told himself that he wasn't really interested in men per se. He only wanted to suck their cocks or else take what they had up his ass. Other than that he had no use for men.

The delusion. That was the beauty of Raven's program.

In an early morning staff meeting with his six lieutenants, Raven detailed his plans concerning Casey Worth. "I want him kept helpless and off-balance the whole time." Raven said. His splintered image looked out at the men from the multiplicity of TV monitors lining the wall of the great room. "On the desk is a list of drug injections to be administered precisely according to this schedule. Milosh, if you would do the honors, please, and pass the papers to all of the men."

Milosh had been idly stroking his crotch, watching Meric, who was sitting next to him, feed his his fat, semi-hard cock to Casey, who was on his knees in front of the two men. Casey's naked body wedged in between Meric's wide spread, muscular legs. He balanced on one hand and held Meric's ball sack with the other, squeezing them just hard enough to keep Meric deliciously balanced between heaven and hell.

"Whew!" Meric said. He kept his voice at a whisper. And then, the way Casey swallowed his thick cock way deep into the prisoner's throat made him holler out loud with pleasure. He turned to look at Milosh. "No shit, dude," he said. His eyes looked helpless. "This fucker has learned more than one cocksucker should know about suckin' dick. Ooooo...yeaaaaah...pussyboy, you keep that up and you're gonna be tasting yer daddy's splooge in a minute..."

He was whispering to Casey on his knees between his legs.

In answer, Casey swallowed the whole cock from the tip to the root and while it was down deep his throat muscles went to work squeezing and massaging.

"Here it comes, fucker," Meric said. "It's gonna shoot yer fucken tonsils out." The only sounds were a few loud slurps from Casey and then just Casey's throat gulping sperm. And Meric breathing really hard.

Milosh looked on with a hint of impatience, knowing how hot it was to nut down that greedy throat.

"You two men," Raven said. "I do apologize if this is too boring for you to follow. But if you would give me your goddamned attention for another fucking moment, we will finish discussion of this matter, and let you get back to work on the prisoner."

Both Milosh and Meric snapped their heads to look at Raven's talking head. "Yes, sir. Sorry sir." they fell all over themselves to say.

The toxic drug Casey was injected with each morning, and which drove him to suck off the hoods to save his life, had built up in his body so that it created a full blown addiction to cock and everything that came from cock. He learned to suck cock, putting so much heart and soul into it, that the men, too, for their parts, needed that blow job from him.

Milosh turned his head to look at Raven's image on the wall of monitors, and nodded his head, acknowledging his employer's request, pushed himself up from the couch nearest the table and adjusted his tented pants as he walked over to the table and took up the papers.

"Men, you will notice there is a time line and a statement of the objectives. Read it and learn it, gentlemen." Raven's myriad talking heads said.

Milosh's boots clicked across the marble floor as he approached the first couch. He passed the papers on into the hands of each of the three men seated there. On the other couch, two men reached out their hands to take a copy while Guido stood to get his paper.

"I like it, Raven," Meric said. He didn't look up as he spoke. Like the other men, he sat on the couch studying the page with both feet on the floor. "Especially the part about turning him into a bitchboy." Meric's legs spread wide and he leaned back on an elbow, his hand pulled Casey's head down on his cock, stopped the naked man's head. "Hold still," he said. He spoke very intimately into Casey's ear. "I have a nice hot treat for you. Be sure you get every drop. But you know how to do that by now, don't you?" Meric went back to reading his page as Casey stood by waiting with Meric's cock in his mouth. Soon his cheeks puffed way out from how fast the hot piss was hitting the back of his throat. Then he began to swill it down in big gulps. Meric looked up to watch his boy drink his piss. He enjoyed the way Casey took his piss with greedy gulps as if it were his favorite drink on a hot day in the desert. "Oh, yeah, boy, you're getting to take piss like a pro. But then, you loved my piss from day one, didn't ya?"

Casey's drug regimen made him crave whatever came from a man's cock. The smell of testosterone, alone, drove him into a frenzy of dripping juices. The thugs kept sperm and piss flowing so fast and furious down his throat he hadn't yet realized his behaviors had worked themselves into dependency. As in chemical dependency. It was part of what was happening and Raven had told him that the antidote could be delivered in piss as well as sperm. He had come to love the feel of the hot, salty liquid hitting the roof of his mouth. He liked it better hot from a set of dicklips than cold, the way it got when it was left in his doggy dish. But even cold it was starting to be tasty.

Casey swallowed the last drop of Meric's piss and smacked his lips as the deflating cock fell out of his mouth; then he barked a soft bark of appreciation. Everyone in the room stopped and looked up at him. "Woof!" he barked again. It was the first time he had barked. There was a flurry of excitement.

"Good boy!" Meric said.

Milosh sat down again where he had been sitting and absently guided Casey's head over to his crotch, unzipped, dug his fingers in and pulled his semi-hard out and fed Casey his cock as he looked over the page. The sounds of sloppy lip smacking and slurping could be heard across the room.

On the other couch, Joel read and re-read the schedule in his hands. He leaned against the leather back cushion and crossed one muscular leg over the other. His crotch, too, swelled up at the prospect of corrupting a special agent. Especially one as handsome and well built as Casey Worth.

"And then it says here we begin to withdraw the drugs." Joel said. "Why do we do that?"

"Not the brightest light on the porch, are you." Guido said, so quiet it was as if he were speaking to himself.

"Guido," Raven said. It was uncanny how he seemed to hear every word. "Cut that shit out. I want you all to work together. If you can't get along, then get the fuck out!"

"Okay, Chief." Guido said. "Got it. Sorry." He looked over at Joel; this time without dramatizing the exasperation. "Don't you get it, man?" His hand grazed absently along his bone.

"No," Joel said. His tone a little defensive.

"To solidify the learned behaviors." Guido said. He sat up on his end of the black couch and faced his co-worker. "If he learns to enjoy sucking cocks on drugs and then you take away the drugs--- he's still a dick-happy cum-swallowing cocksucker."

"What you just mentioned," Raven said. "is a good start, but I want you to go much further than that. By the end of his training he's going to need, and I mean need a fat cock up his ass and another one all the way down his throat. Like if he doesn't have one at both ends he will be in a state of total anxiety, get me? Suicidal."

"And we get to do the dirty work and mold him," Meric said. "And it's like a triage in an emergency room where the whole team works on one patient. Like he's our patient. Or better--- our pet."

"Yes, Meric," Raven said. "I thought you might see the beauty of that. I like your dog training sessions with him. He seems to be responding to that quite well."

"Thank you, sir," Meric said. "He really coming along as a good little puppy. His next step is getting a tail."

"You men might also enjoy knowing," Raven said, "that I have a buyer for him. In fact, I have several rival buyers who are bidding very high prices for our special undercover operative, Casey Worth. And they want him fully trained; turned into a docile piss-swilling dickpig."

"Ha! A he-man forced into being a pussyboy!" Boris Tchernevsky said. "This is good, Boss." And he laughed. Boris Tchernevsky had once been with the KGB. His position, for which he was uniquely talented, was that of an interrogator. He bragged that he had broken many men. Turned them from confident, self-reliant, manly men, into frail, nervous creatures who would never regain there former confidence. "He is already showing very good progress."

"Good, Boris," Raven said. "Yes, he is showing progress, but I want you to bear down, now. I want you, Boris, to work on his asshole a couple of hours a day. But not just fucking and stuffing it. That's too crude. I want you to stimulate it, massage it, stretch it, knead those asslips like bread dough, sing to it, whatever it takes --- gently, easily, so he welcomes more and more, and in a couple of months I want him to be taking a fist with a smile on his face."

"Leef it to me, Boss," Boris said. "This is my special talent. He will be taking the my special glove inside of one month."

"Boss?" Joel said. He sat on the edge of the couch, his his huge muscular shoulders had been hunched but now they straightened up with his spine. "Can I be in charge of his bitch tits?"

"Ah, yes," Raven said, "the enforced feminization program. He's getting a nice big bust development, isn't he?"

"Oh, man, Boss!" Joel said. "Those fucken things have turned into raving beauties."

"They look like fucken udders on a cow," Guido said. "They're disgusting."

"Fuck you, Guido," Joel said. "Those hooters are hot!" Joel's huge hands held Casey's imaginary tits feeling their size and heft. A small wet spot on the crotch his shorts grew noticeably larger.

"OK, Joel, his tits are yours to do with as you think is good." Raven said.

The talking heads turned away from Joel. All eyes were on Guido. "Guido, get with the program or you're finished. And the next time I have to say this, you're a dead man. You saw what happened to Jelly Roll. You want that?"

"Boss," Guido said "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Raven's program of drugs was designed to warp Casey's mind and personality even as it stroked his cock and his pleasure centers with mind numbing intensity. The drugs pleasured his ass so much that it had for all intents and purposes been turned into a hungry boypussy. Then there was the emptiness at the back of his throat.

From the beginning of his imprisonment, sexual humiliation was the chief tool for the destruction of his machismo. His startling good looks, his superbly muscled body remained intact. But his mind, well, that was different. Casey's posture began to slump. His voice no longer rang with authority, but took on an edge. A nervous whine. His skin lost it's golden healthy glow. Now, perhaps due to incarceration in the dungeon, or perhaps due to the drugs or even the prodigious amounts of male sperm he was ingesting on a daily basis, more likely the combination of events, diet, and drugs, his skin took on the white pallor of a slave bitchboy. He needed only to be shaved and ringed to have the appealing look of a bitchboy.

Casey begged the guard not to insert the huge dildos in both his holes as they strapped him in for the night.

"Shut the fuck up, cock boy," the guard told him. "Nobody asked you. You only speak when you're asked a direct question. And then the answer is 'SIR, Yes SIR." You got that?"

"Sir, please, don't." Casey said. "He wants to turn me into a pussyboy, Sir.

My hole available to anyone who wants it anytime they want it. That's so wrong." All the time he was talking tears spilled down his cheeks. But the guard took hold of his hard cock, pulling it back, then let it snap back hitting his belly with a smack of hard flesh slapping hard flesh.

When Casey opened his mouth to protest, the other guard plugged his mouth with a rubber cock and strapped it in place. He took out two dildos from his pocket, the first large and the other, extra large. He selected the much larger dildo. Then spread the lube up and down the head and the shaft.

Casey's eyes bulged and his throat made noises.

"You'll get used to it," the guard said.

"That's what he's afraid of." The other guard said. He laughed. "He's getting used to the big ones. And he's beginning to feel empty without something up there. They massage his ass hole a couple of hours a day, now."

One guard pulled Casey's legs up and over, past his shoulders, while the other guard inserted the thing in Casey's ever widening and receptive asshole. "Mmm, that's getting to be a real nice pussy. That pucker looks so fine. Like it wants to reach out and grab hold of a fat dick and then suck it in." He looked at Casey. "You'll be givin' blow jobs with yer asshole," he said and laughed, then reached down and grabbed his crotch. "I could use some of that pussy now."

The other guard looked at his watch then down at Casey's ass. "Yeah, we could both tap that ass and throw a couple of loads up there for him to sleep on."

"Mmm...mmmf..." Casey tried to protest violently around the dick plug in his mouth.

"What's he trying to say?" The first guard said.

"I think he said, 'Fuck me hard, you big fat cocked brutes," the other guard said. Both guards laughed. "And something about I just want to have yer babies." He laughed as Casey's eyes widened.

"That's what I thought he said." the first guard said. "He's a saucy bitch, isn't he? I like that in a cuntboy." The guard unzipped his pants and flopped out his already swollen cock. "How about you secure those legs over his head so his toenails dig into the plaster on the wall." The guard pulled Casey's legs up and over his head so his toes hit the wall and his ass was displayed provocatively. A pair of padded leather shackles held his feet in place. The guard pulled the dildo out of Casey's ass and put it, wet with ass juices as it was, on the table. He aimed his cock downward and slid in past the ring of hot flesh. "Mmm...I love those loose, slippery, ass lips!" he said. "Those guys upstairs have been working this hot little pussy hard all day." He slid in till he was balls deep. The muscles clamped down on his cock. "That's right, you fucken bitch, milk me dry. Bite my dick with your boypussy."

Casey's ass had been trained every day to respond to stimulus; to give maximum pleasure to any cock that entered his hole, and now he couldn't help himself. His ass muscles went right to work just as they had been trained.

"Oooh, yeah," the guard said. "I'm gonna blow this right up your tubes. Milk me, fucker, milk that splooge outa there. I'm gonna plant this jizz so far up that slut ass, you'll be tasting it all night long." He plunged twelve minutes worth of long, deep strokes. The slow, deep fuck was closing Casey's eyes with pleasure. You could see in his face each time the fat head hit his walnut. Each time, his engorged dick lips belched out another wet, sloppy hit of precum. And then his eyes popped open when his rapist threw his final deep stroke. Still breathing hard, ragged breaths, sweat dripping from his brow onto his chest, the guard stayed while his cock blasted his load deep into Casey's hot bowels. Due to Boris's expert attentions Casey had an ass orgasm at the same time. But the swollen flesh deflated fast and fell out of Casey's hole with a loud, wet, plop. Casey's rigid cock was glued to his belly and dripping with clear fluid. "Next," the guard said.

The other guard moved into his place and slipped his thumb inside Casey's wet pucker. "I happen to like a wet deck." he said. His cock wasn't as long but made up for any lack by being twice as thick. The guard threw his whole dick in and then drew it out. "Oh, yeah!" he said. "That is one sloppy boycunt, alright; just the way I like it." He put both thumbs in and massaged the inner walls. "Ahh, fuck it," he said as if he had just made up his mind about something. Immediately he bent over and licked his tongue the entire length of the now gaping wet hole. "Yeah!" he said. "Love that hot wet soup." He bent over again and put his face to the hole and tongue fucked it till Casey was purring out loud. Without warning the guard stood up and slammed his fat meat in full length. "Daddy's home, bitch."

At that moment Anders, the youngest guard showed up. Anders was not only the youngest guard on Raven's compound, he was also the biggest of them all.

And in more than one way.

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