The Antidote

By Christopher Trent

Published on Feb 14, 2023



This work contains graphic scenes of overt homo erotic acts between and among consenting adults and is intended for the enjoyment of like minded readers only. If such material might offend your sensibilities or if you are under legal age, close this page now.


Day Four---

In Casey's dream, Raven had been chasing him. He had taken aim and shot his snub nose pistol at Raven, but each time he shot--- the bullet popped out of the gun and dropped to the ground a few feet in front of him. But when the dream Raven shot 45 caliber at him, the bullet hit him in the arm and it hurt. The hurt turned into the sharp pain of a needle that was waking him up. A big man with a prominent chin, a guard whose name Casey couldn't remember, stood over his bed his hand still gripping Casey's arm. Casey had incorporated the harsh sting of the needle into his dream.

The guard pulled the needle out of his flesh.

Casey opened his eyes searching the dark cell. He groaned at the pain left in the wake of the needle. He tried to move. Couldn't--- his body, as it had been each morning, was restrained. Once again, he was encased in leather straps. Two straps across his torso left his bare chest exposed. One strap across his hips left his naked groin exposed. Below that, straps held his quads, his wrists, knees and ankles. He could turn his head. But that was all.

The cell was ten feet by twelve feet of rough stone walls. There was a small window high up. Sunlight came in only in the very early morning. There were black steel bars across one wall. He was sleeping in a narrow bed. Except for the guard with the needle in his hand, he was alone. The man covered the needle with a plastic sheath and put it in a leather kit and then in his pocket.

"Hey, fuck head," the guard said. He smiled but there was a sneering edge to it. The smile showed his bad teeth. "Time to get ready for your training."

Casey's head hurt and he felt sick when he thought of how much his image of himself as a man had been violated. It was bad enough that he had to humiliate himself to suck cock to counteract the poison, but did the hoodlums Raven had selected to be his saviors and keepers have to take him so far down and dirty?

And these damned guards. They all had the look of local oafs and farmers. It seemed Raven had got out the tape measure when he hired them. Each one was hung heavy with low hanging nuts.

They were rugged, earthy men, different from Raven's six personal guards who seemed sleek by comparison. These had pot bellies, thick lips, fat asses, bitten, dirty fingernails. They seemed to know there was something about the poison that made him hungry for dick. They had no qualms exploiting his hunger to push him further down.

The others loved that. He could see it on their faces.

Each day, four guards came into his cell, attached a leash to his collar, and walked him to the great room. He was forced to walk on all fours. Once there, in the Great Room, he saw himself on the wall of monitors. Half the wall's 300 monitor screens showed a close up of Raven's laughing, sneering face and the other half showed a medium shot of Casey as he indulged his voracious appetite in the center of the room. The six thugs put him through his grueling paces relishing his helplessness. Six personal bodyguards, lieutenants of one of the most dangerous criminal minds of all time: Raven Hogwood. The lieutenants sat or stood around a leather couch completely clothed, while Casey Worth, decorated war hero, now a special forces operative, on a mission to find another operative working alone in the field. Here was Casey, now a detainee in a hostile camp, naked and on his knees before his enemies.

His dick hard.

They sat on leather couches laughing as Casey chose his next candidate for carrier of the antidote. Never knowing whether he had chosen the right cock to suck until the man shot his splooge down his open, eager throat. He knew whether he had guessed right by the taste of the cum. If it was the right choice they could tell tell by the way Casey smiled, relishing every last drop and his cock got even harder in his hand. If he got it wrong, he tried to pull off the dick he was sucking to spit it out. But by then, of course,

it was too late. The guys invariably had their cocks all the way down his throat and he had to take whatever was being deposited down there in his gullet. And not till the end did he actually get a taste as the final drops were deposited on his tongue. Wrong choices were spit out. At least on the second and third day.

When they saw him spit, they'd shout, hoot and holler, rolling on the couches in laughter. Yelling out congratulations to the hood who had just fooled Casey leading him to believe he had the antidote and made him blow him.

But Raven looked down on him from the monitor with a scowl on his face. "No, no, Mister Worth," he said. "Now that you are no longer a man; no longer anything, really; just another degraded cock slut, you may not waste those precious drops of real man fluid. I won't have you staining my beautiful marble floor with your antics. Now lick it up."

"Fuck you, Raven," Casey yelled out on the second day.

"Guido," was all Raven said.

One of the thugs hopped off the couch, came up to him, grabbed his leash, forced Casey's face to the floor till he had licked up the drops of cold viscous fluid to Guido's satisfaction. Distaste written all over Casey's face.

"Where's yer manners, man?" Guido said. "C'mon! Ya gotta learn to thank the man for that delicious treat."

Instead Casey's face twisted into a petulant glare. Guido yanked Casey's leash pulling him up to an awkward position a few inches off his knees, the rest of his body sagging so he was hanging by his dog collar. Guido's other hand grabbed his .45 pistol from his chest holster and held the gun to Casey's mouth and worked the gun inside his oral cavity. Casey felt the metal on his teeth and tasted it on his tongue. The harsh metal scraped his hard palette with pain. "How stupid are you, ass hole? You're gonna learn to be grateful for these delicious treats or I am going to get real pissed off."

Casey changed his tone right away. Guido heard the sincerity of Casey's muffled reply he lowered the the leash letting Casey's knees hit the floor hard. "Unzip my fly." Guido said. Casey reached his trembling hands to do as he was told. Take out my cock but do not put your mouth on it." The cock was swelling up nicely as Casey pulled it free from his shorts' opening. Guido lowered his gun from Casey's mouth. "I think you're gonna like this for a change of taste. Keep your mouth open nice and wide." Guido's free hand aimed his cock at Casey's mouth as he stepped back a distance of about five feet from Casey. "Okay, cocksucker, you spill a drop of this and you'll be real sorry." With that he let loose a high arc of hot yellow piss aiming it at Casey's mouth. Casey had to lurch to the left and turn his mouth up to the ceiling to catch the stream in his mouth. He swallowed as fast as he could but he was learning from his few days of captivity. When Guido finished pissing there was just a small drip of piss on Casey's chin which had leaked out of the side of his lips. He licked it up greedily with his tongue as Guido stepped up to shake off the last few drops in Casey's mouth. "Now, then, piss slut, what do you say?"

Casey kept his eyes down. "Thank you, Sir." he said.

"I couldn't hear you, fuck face," Guido said. "Lemme hear it!"

"THANK YOU, SIR!" Casey said. "MAY i HAVE MORE, SIR?"

"You can have a lot more, pig boy. There's a lot more where that came from, boy!" Guido said. This time there was a small, hard smile on Guido's lips. Guido let the leash go and went back to his couch.

Casey's sat alone, on his knees, in the center of the Great Room, his head bent low on his chest.

Another of the six hoods, Joey, got up, his dick hanging out, half swollen and swinging with a heavy pendulous motion back and forth, as he walked towards Casey. He stopped a short distance in front of him.

"You want summa dis?" the guy said. The shades he wore so dark his eyes couldn't be seen. There was this smirk on his face as his hand milked his dick down making the head blow up big, the ample folds of brown foreskin sliding down covering the head and pulling back to reveal the red helmet shaped head.

This time Casey didn't bother to ask if Joe was carrying the antidote. Desperate, and so driven by the sex and the chemicals in his body--- he just studied the natural downward and outward curve of hot beef now aimed at his mouth. He knew that it would fit exactly the curve of his mouth and throat.

He needed the size, the heft and shape to be filling his whole oral cavity. Needed the smell of it and the taste. He was lost in the throes of his addiction. He let his tongue hang down to his chin the way a thirsty wino does in the presence of a fresh jug.

There were smirks, winks and knowing smiles among the six. Joey stepped into place, his hand guiding his cock into Casey's open mouth. His lips pursed up and he sucked air as Casey's lips closed in gratitude over his big knob. "Yeah!" Joey whispers.

Casey's head pushed forward to Joey's pubes--- stayed awhile. Shook his head with that little shake that tells all that he's using Joey's big fat bone to stretch the kinks out of the back of his throat. Then he pulled back almost to the tip just holding a bit of foreskin in his teeth.

"Ooooooooo," Joey said. He turned the upper half of his torso back to his audience on the couch. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"

Someone lets out a low whistle. Casey's head moved forward feeling the cock sink inch by inch into his gullet. When it was all the way down his head bobbed with that little shake again, the fat helmet trying to grow even further down into the depths. "This cocksucker's falling in love!" Joey says.

"He's starting to break!" someone said. They are all watching very carefully.

"Fuck, yeah, he is," someone else said.

"Look at that fucken pig," a third voice said.

Suddenly Casey was surrounded by six men each with his turgid cock in his hand and all pointed at his mouth. "C'mon y'fucken pig," one said. "Feed on this. I got some hot antidote for ya." He was still working on Joey but Joey was just about ready to pop. He wasn't used to getting his dick throat-sucked with so much ardor and it sent him over the top. Joey blew his biggest hardest load ever. Still sweating in the aftermath he stepped back and another hood took his place.

Casey worked that one with the same intensity. Somewhere somehow, Casey had indeed broken through. He felt like a master cocksucker. In a matter of minutes Casey had sucked off six hoods--- all of whom shot off within seconds once inside that scalding hot throat. By the time Casey got to number five he was so on fire, he just engulfed the head and swirled his tongue washing the silky smooth head and then fell in one long stroke right to the bottom--- Once there, he manipulated his throat muscles so that they milked the length of the cock and in seconds he felt the fuckstick pulse and pump it's load of antidote into his innards.

But number six was Merick and Merick liked to take his time and really turn a cocksucker inside out before he gave up his seed. Merick turned it into such a scene that the other men got hard again just watching him work the cocksucker. "Open nice and wide," Merick said. "Now I don't want your mouth or tongue to touch my dick just the back of the throat, ya got it? Casey's mouth had never been so wide and he caught the head of Merick meat with his tonsils. "Stop right there," Merick said. Piss started to stream into Casey's mouth. "Right down the hatch," Merick said. "Get those last drops there, slut pig," The men all started swelling up again; their balls churning more seed, just seeing Merick put Casey through his paces. Merick refused to give up his wad, till Casey had blown all the guys cocks again and this time he timed each one. "I want you to get their loads in record time."

Piss started to flow with the cum. Every part of Casey was wet and stinking. He himself had cum three times and still looking for more. When he reached for Merick's cock once more, Merick stepped back forcing Casey to follow on his knees. Merrick repeated this until he got near a corner then began to back his cocksucker up into the corner. Wedging Casey's head against the wall, he began to hammer home. By the time Merick was done Casey had spilled two more loads of cum onto the marble floor. But Merick, unsatisfied with his measly two loads, shoved his cock all the way down, held Casey's lips to his balls and then commanded him to come a third time. "Cum, fuck head! Right Now!" Meric said.

Despite the massive obstacle in his throat, or perhaps because of it, Casey had no choice but to obey. Without touching himself, Casey's churning nuts delivered a third batch of jizz so fiery as it made its' way up his urethra, that his throat muscles expanded around Meric's cock, tightly tucked in there as it was and he drew a gasp of air around the huge meat and then screamed as his already spent cock blasted a third time. Meric patted him on the head. "That's my good pig slut," he said. Then Meric made him clean up his slimy cock; then lick up his mess which had blasted as far as five feet behind Meric's boot clad feet.

Despite the fact that they treated him like an animal, he had got enough of the antidote to survive for another day.

Even his guards treated him like an animal. That hurt--- they were just one cut above animals themselves. Forcing him to service them when they got him back in his cell when all he wanted was rest. But it was one of the peculiarities of the antidote that it stoked his fire even more as it was sloshing around in his belly. The guards stood outside the cell poking their cocks in between the bars. After he had satisfied the guards he was so weary he crawled over to the bed and stretched out. The guards then came in and strapped him into his bed.

Next morning, like every morning, the fucking needle left his arm sore as Hell with poison. The guard, different from the one the day before, whose name he couldn't remember, produced a flesh colored band-aid, which he put on the spot where the needle broke the skin. "We don't want that to leak out of there, do we?" the guard said.

"So what are you?" Casey said, derisively. "my new nurse?"

"I tell you what," the man said. His rough hand reached down and cupped his crotch the way streetwise guys will do sometimes. An insult to a straight man, but an invitation to a slutty cocksucker. "You can nurse this."

"I already nursed cocks today."

"Get used to it." the guard said, a knowing smile on his face. "You'll be blowing this first thing in the morning; last thing at night."

"Fuck you. You don't have the antidote. You get nuthin' from me!"

The guard looked at him with a gloating smile which turned only one side of his mouth up. "You don't get it do ya." the guard said. "By now the poison is working its' way deep into yer brain, destroying certain parts of the brain. Not all; just the parts they want to erase. Like the memories that make you who you are. And the antidote has been working on another part of the brain--- Something to do with receptors. Or haven't ya noticed how much your need for dick has increased lately. I mean, man, look atchyer fucken knees, how banged up they are. But that doesn't stop you from spending most of the day crawlin' around on them, now, does it?"

"Yeah, well,... no more!" Casey said. "And I mean that, goddammit!"

Damn! He had wondered what it was about that poison and its' antidote that was awakening a whole new world of sensations? All of them cues he would have ignored in his previous life but now...every morning he awoke hot wired with a hunger for what only a man could give him.

Now this man whose name he couldn't remember, with maybe a fifth grade education, hovered over him, his jaw busy chewing gum. The guard hadn't bothered to shave in what--- three or four days? A lot of gray mixed with the black in his beard. He looked down at Casey.

"The best thing about you right now is yer tits. Man, they're fine. Like a lactating sow." Casey looked down at his chest, saw that his pecs had lost their square shape and were now soft, full and round. And the Hell of it was the long hard nipples.

He knew, without doing the math, that all too soon he'd be losing his manly chest hair. The hair would drop out; first one patch, then another. And then he would be left with a woman's breasts. The knowledge crushed down on his mind. He had to do something to stop this physical reaction. But What? The chemicals he was ingesting on a regular basis were turning him into a pig for dick; he swallowed the small lavender pills the men held out in their palms without even thinking about it. The men with the biggest cocks had begun holding out two pills instead of one. Casey moaned at the mental agony. But at the same time there was a definite wet feeling down between his legs, his own natural lube leaking copiously from his cock lips.

Casey felt the guard's rough thumbs circle the aureoles of his nipples. The gentle massage was so comforting, he was helpless to say anything to stop it. Thick fingers slipping around the nubs, which by now, day eight, had grown to near inch long cones of sheer sensitivity. Unknown to Casey, each night, when he slept, his captors had applied rubber tubes to pump up the size and sensitivity of his nipples. His nipples had responded beautifully.

The aureoles had spread out to the size of fifty cent pieces and the nubs were already three quarters of an inch long.

"Keep your fucken hands off me!" he said.

"Easy, my friend," the guard said. The guard sat on the edge of the bed draped himself across Casey's body leaning on his elbow. "Just lie there," he said, "and enjoy how good this feels." And the man continued massaging the nipples, with just enough pressure, tugged on them with an easy familiarity.

Casey sucked air between his teeth. Then he moaned aloud.

"That's it," the guard said very quietly. "just let it out" His fingers worked harder. "You're getting to like this, ain't you. Yeah, I can tell. Every day you like it more, yeah. You can't help it. They're giving you these fucken wild tits." The fingers flicked his nips.

A lightening bolt hit the head of his cock.

Damn! He hated the guard for this, damn him, but at the same time it felt so damn good!

The fingers pulled the nipples, at first gently, in small circles, then squeezing harder and in ever wider circles. They felt wild when he did that. His cock was throbbing and starting to ooze.

No! he thought, I can't let this happen. He gritted his teeth to keep the stimulation at a distance.

But the guard knew too much. His fingers too expert. Casey knew he was three times smarter than this fucken pig farmer. But that didn't keep his mouth from hanging open and his whole body, bound as it was, from shaking with pleasure. His cock was swelling in spite of his fierce determination not to give the asshole guard what he wanted.

"I got a big fat sow at home." the guard said. His voice was quiet and guttural in Casey's ear. "She squeals when she sees me come into her pen. She knows what's coming and she can't wait. I love the way she backs up onto it. Now that's good pussy. Her teats are pink, and when she's full of milk--- just like these are getting to be--- nice long suckable tits. Maybe we'll get these to give milk. You'd like that,... wouldn't you?" The voice in his ear was so warm and attuned to his own brainwaves. In spite of himself he let the voice carry him along. The voice just a comforting river of sound. "You'd be all full and these'd be so sore from how full they were, and all you have to do is lie back and let two mouths one on each tit suck that milk outa there. Tongue working each tit, biting not too hard, just enough to suck the milk out." His fingers rolling the nubs with his words, his voice in Casey's ear, so simpatico, relaxing him with its low timbre.

Finally, Casey closed his eyes, unable to keep from slipping into the intoxicating realm of pure sensations radiating from his nipples straight down to his throbbing cock.

Suddenly there was silence. And teeth were chewing the sensitive flesh of the nubs in thousands of tiny bites. Then the watery full mouth clamped over the the nipple. A wet smack of lips and the tongue swirling. The guy was playing Casey's nipples like a rhapsody. He heard himself whimper.

In the hallway, two other guards walked up to the door checking out pig farmer's progress. One pointed at his watch and shrugged. Pig Farmer put his finger to his lips for them to be quiet. He had everything under control. He held up two fingers. That was all the time he needed. Come back in two.

He returned his attention to Casey's tits. "Just relax and let me work on these babies," the man said. His lips and tongue grazing the tips of the nipples. The hot breath and his voice like thick syrup, sweet, soft, indistinct. Casey began to lose track. It was just words melting together.

"By the way, those estrogen pills?" Pig farmer said. Mouth so close to Casey's ear. "They're working nice. Gettin' so I can jiggle these. Real nice." He reached down to massage Casey's balls. "Of course, your nuts, well... they're a little smaller today. They seem to have gone from Grade A eggs down to olives." His rough hand squeezed Casey's diminished balls with a friendly tug. "But hell, look at these big hot bazongas you're getting instead." He bent over and flicked his tongue over one nub and then the other.

Another cry worked its' way out of Casey's throat.

Against the straps Casey squirmed under the tyranny of the pleasure giving lips and tongue. The lips sucking the nubs in and the tongue swirling. He felt his life was located there in his tits and his cock. The man's hands cupped his entire breast like they were a woman's tit's. But his thumbs never stopped working the nubs. The fingers flicked the nubs hard. Each painful flick ended in more pleasure. Then more manipulation in big circles. Casey breathed deep. Then suddenly the man attached clamps to each nub. Pain exploded in his nipples and traveled to his cock as bolts of pain and pleasure. He tried to suppress a scream.

"How does that feel?" The man said. His soft voice never changed. He held the heavy chain which linked the clamps. Without warning he yanked the chain.

Casey's lungs sucked air. His eyes bugged with exquisite pain. It sprang his mouth open. His mind had to do something with the pain. The wickedness of the pain cornered him. He had no place to go to get away from it. Instead of mentally backing away from the pain he went right into it. That shifted the gears of sensation. Suddenly it was all different. He'd got on top of the pain and it was like heaven. His face lit up up with a big smile and at the same time he pushed his chest out as the man pulled hard on the chain. "Feels great! Go ahead. Yank those babies, you fucker." Casey said.

"That's what I wanted to hear," the guard said. Again, the guard yanked the chain hard. He unzipped his uniform grey pants and hauled out his cock and balls. "You ready to get to work nursing this here dick?"

"Damn right I am," Casey shouted. Weird how his whole demeanor had changed. Now, here he was, a foul mouthed slut. "Damn, I wanna suck cock."

"You're sure of that?" the guard said.

"Goddamn right!"

"I don't have the antidote, remember? None of us guards do."

"I want to nurse that big fucken cock as soon as you take these straps off me," Casey said. His eyes were glazed and his voice so centered in lust it had become a rasp.

"OK, just slow down a bit," the man said as he released the straps.

Casey sat up, stretched his arms and cramped muscles, slid off the bed on to his knees. He was so intent on what he was doing, the pain of his knees barely registered. There was that fine cock waiting for him. His tongue lapped up the drops of clear liquid on the tip. He savored the flavor. His tongue came out again and cupped the head then speared the piss slit. He forced his tongue deeper into the hole drilling for more liquid.

His lips wrapped around the glans, moving bit by bit over the whole head, pushing the folds of foreskin back over the ridge, capturing the silky knob in his mouth. He moaned in bliss. His mouth watered with the feel of fat hot cock on his tongue and against the ridges of his palette, while his tongue sought out the tasty residues of piss.

"Mmmmm," he said. So lost in the sheer pleasure of sucking the dick down his throat that he forgot entirely that minutes ago he had been screaming for the man not to touch him. "Mmmmfm..." he tried to say something with his mouth filled with dick. "Mmmfoofkoood..." was all the sound he could make.

The whole time Pig Farmer kept the chain which hung between Casey's tits taut.

The two other guards strolled casually by the cell and, seeing their fellow guard feeding the prisoner they walked into the cell without a sound. They watched for a minute. One of the men began rubbing his crotch. The other took his already hardening meat out.

For several minutes the two stood close by, stroking their thick peasant cocks in long slow strokes.

"Mmm, that's right, boy. Good boy," Pig Farmer said. "You're getting' to be a good cocksucker." He was smiling a wide open smile as his eye caught the eye of his fellow guards.

"Work his tits," he whispered to the other two. "Keep working them." One of the newly arrived guards winked.

Casey was busy concentrating on what he was so greedily slurping down his throat. He felt the new fingers latch onto his extra sensitive nipples and sucked the fat bone even further down just to express his gratitude.

"Good boy." Pig Farmer said, continuing in the same soft but firm tone. "You just keep right on tellin' me how good it tastes." He nodded his head to the other two guards. He touched the tip of his index finger to the tip of his thumb making the age old sign of perfection.

"MMMMMmmaaaaaooofm." Casey said as he buried the man's cock as far down his throat as it would go.

As Pig Farmer withdrew and stepped back, Casey raised his eyes, pleading for more. His mouth and the back of his throat were empty and needed filling. He needed the feeling of fullness.

One of the two other guards stepped up and slid his thick meat in the open hole. He began to feed Casey his breakfast while the others stroked their fleshy knobs of red shiny skin, each waiting for his crack at the pig slut.

For the next half hour, Casey's mouth and throat made all kinds of happy slurps and smacks. The four of them probably would have stayed there all day--- if the cell phone hadn't rung.

"What's taking so long to bring the prisoner up here?" Milosh said. His voice was full of impatience and arrogance.

"Yes, sir," Pig Farmer said. He was doing his best to put his slow-to-deflate pork back in his pants. The loose folds of foreskin slid back down to cover half of the head. He slapped it over to one side of his groin before he pulled his shorts up over the fat purple helmet and buttoned the top of his pants. Using his shoulder to hold the cell phone to his ear he used both hands to zip up. It was a hasty, half-assed job.

The outline of semi-hard cock still showed in the guard's trousers. "The prisoner is just finishing up his breakfast, sir."

"But he isn't supposed to have breakfast," Milosh said. "Ooh, wait... I get it, you mean you're feeding him some good old hot sausage, right?"

"Yes, sir. He's got a big appetite this morning, sir; if you take my meaning."

Milosh let out a big haw, haw. "Fuck, yeah, I can hear the piggy noises. What's all that splashing?"

"Yes, sir." Pig Farmer said. "He also seems to have a powerful thirst for juice this morning."

"Alright. Just don't let him splooge before he gets up here." Milosh said. "And don't keep us waiting too long! Raven's been looking for him."

Plus, I've got five other guys here who can't seem to keep their dicks in their pants they're so hot to play with him. From what yer tellin' me, we got a real player here."

"Yes sir, we've got the cum dump all warmed up for you."

  • * * Comments are welcome.

Chris Trent

Next: Chapter 4

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