The Antidote

By Christopher Trent

Published on Jan 11, 2023



This work contains graphic scenes of overt homo erotic acts between and among consenting adults and is intended for the enjoyment of like minded readers only. If such material might offend your sensibilities or if you are under legal age, close this page now.

This is my first effort at this site or anywhere else, for that matter. If you enjoy the story, feel very free to let me know. Also, if you have creative thoughts about how it might develop, and you wish to share them, again, feel free to write. In fact, drop a note even if you don't enjoy the story. Even if you hate the story, go ahead, hit me up. I'll do my best to answer all. This represents quite a bit of work for no pay, so if there is no reader interest, I'll just drop it.

Special thanks, by the way to Mike N. and several other authors, you know who you are, for the encouraging words while I was working on this.


Chapter One:

Raven's Poison

Casey Worth saw the light and heard the voice. Or did he hear the light and see the voice? Out of the darkness he was coming from, so much light hurt his eyes. He squeezed his eyes tight against it. Shit! The light was blinding.

In the foggy logic of one coming awake he thought if he could not move then he must be alive. Something kept him from moving.

The voice was deep, resonant and seductive. The voice raised alarms all along his nerves. Casey knew the voice.

"Welcome back to the real world, Mister Worth."

And then it all clicked. "Raven Hogwood," Casey said. "The bird of ill omen, himself." Casey heard Raven Hogwood's body hair bristle from across the room. "I thought it must be you, Hogwood, you warped bastard. Where is James? What have you done with him?"

"Ah, yes! James!" Raven said. "James is a subject we shall discuss soon enough. But first, I trust you enjoyed your little nap, enforced as it was by your extreme lack of cooperation. Whatever rest it brought you, I daresay, you will need it."

Casey listened with one ear only. He strained his every considerable muscle against the straps which pinned down his body. He was unable to move a single muscle. "Raven, why can't I move?" he said.

"Yes, Mister Worth," Raven said. "for the time being we will all be safer with you being strapped down. Now then," Raven said. "We may dispense with further pleasantries and get down to the reason why we are all here:

"Moments ago, while you slept, you were injected with a poison which will kill you in exactly eight hours. Once the poison begins to work, it is irreversible and death will occur within 3 minutes." Raven scratched his ear with an index finger. "Do you understand what I am saying to you, Mister Worth?" He picked an imaginary piece of lint from the peaked lapel of his custom tailored navy silk and cotton blend suit.

He waited for Casey to acknowledge that he had indeed understood. If Casey had any doubt, there was the small flesh-colored band-aid on the sore spot on Casey's muscular shoulder which was not there beforehand. Also, the savage throb which shot burning pain down his arm and then across to his heart. All spoke volumes as to the truth of Raven Hogwood's words.

Casey Worth's head and neck from the shoulders up, was the only part of his body not bound tight with leather straps. He was on a table of some sort. A medical examining table, it seemed to be. Casey lifted his head off the table and gave a brief nod, yes. The set of Casey's face was serious as a grave.

"Good." Raven Hogwood said. "I want to be sure that you have a fighting chance. Never let it be said that I didn't give my, ah, opponents a chance, however small.

"Now, then, back to the nasty poison you now carry in your blood and how you can do something to save your life. Remember this: The only antidote to this remarkable poison is inside three of my men. In their blood and tissue; in their bodies' fluids, to be precise." Raven Hogwood crossed one leg over the other. He splayed the fingers of his right hand. His eyes never tired of admiring the obscenely large ruby gem stone set in gold encircling the thick finger of his right hand. He lit his cigar for the eleventh time that morning. His thick lips pulled on the cigar in quick small drags to get the cherry going nice and bright. He took the strong smoke deep into his lungs and held it awhile before he exhaled. This gave Worth sufficient time for the information, terrible as it was, to hit it's mark. Raven Hogwood folded his hands together. "OK, then," Raven said. "If that has sunk in, let's get back down to business. For every day you refuse to cooperate, you will be injected with the poison."

"Fuck you, Raven," Casey said. "I don't cooperate with creeps who deal in weapons of mass destruction. Especially when those creeps deal with totally insane dictatorships."

"Listen to me very carefully, Worth," Raven Hogwood said. For once there was no cat and mouse game playing nonsense in his voice. "The only way to extract the antidote from their bodies is to suck it from their cocks."

"What?" Casey said. He shouted in spite of himself. His mouth hung open. His eyes sprung golf ball wide. "Tell me I didn't hear what I thought I heard. Raven, now you have lost it!"

Raven brought his hand to his mouth in mock horror. "Forgive me if that sounds too vulgar, Casey. What I am saying is that you must manually extract it from the urethra of their penises."

Casey's eyes widened to the size of baseballs. He wished he could find words to express his contempt for the the embodiment of evil. "Raven, you do know that I am straight, right? Casey He-te-ro-sexual Worth. I play with ladies and not with boys." Then he found the words: "If shit could shit," he said. "it would look like you." This perverted little scheme perfectly exemplified the diabolical nature of Raven's evil.

"The antidote, Mister Worth," Raven Hogwood said. He continued to speak as if there had been no outraged interjection from Casey Worth. "is in their sperm."

He paused to make sure his next words sank in.

"Oh, yes, and in their piss. The antidote can delivered orally and rectally. To get enough of the antidote you will need to coax the full load of cum and piss out of all three men and take it into your body." This time Raven was ready for the big reaction. He stepped back and raised his hands to protect his face, even though Casey was still strapped to the table.

Casey, however, was silent.

"There is a little twist to this, however, which you may enjoy for the cleverness of its gamesmanship." The intentionally self-indulgent and congratulatory tone which had crept into his voice were almost harder for Casey to bear than what was being said. "Now," Raven said, "once again, listen very carefully.

"The antidote will be equally divided among three men, but as there are six men in my employ, you will never know which three men actually have been given the antidote." Raven Hogwood's whole body shook with barely contained laughter.

"So, Mister Worth, you will need to do whatever it takes to get enough of the antidote to counteract the poison. I recommend the softest of knee pads." Raven Hogwood touched his own knees as if he could feel Casey's future soreness.

Casey still kept silent.

"Also," Raven said, "do not imagine that the men will be all that willing to let you suck them off simply because you are needful of their body fluids. The men, as you can see, are tough, half of them bisexual and half exclusively heterosexual men, who, for starters, all seem not to have the spirit of loving kindness, especially in your direction." Raven Hogwood leaned his head back against the soft padding of his leather chair. A slight smile, two parts amusement and one part rage played around his lips. "Just to start the ball rolling I will be extra lenient for this one evening only and let you see who the players are. Here is one other hint which may help:

"None of the men have been allowed to ejaculate in this past week. That ought to make them more disposed to, shall we say, help you out."

The scuffling on the floor was the sound of three men walking their heavy boots into Casey's line of vision. Their bodies were silhouetted against the light. Casey looked deeper, till, thanks to the bounce of the light from the floor and walls spilling up on their faces, he could just make out features. There was insolence in their various stances. In Casey's mind, the insolence spelled threat. He wanted to kick their balls. The three stood side by side staring Casey down like cats regarding a moth before snapping out a paw to crush the moth.

Casey lowered his head and groaned when he saw them. "Shit!" he said. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

He had had hostile encounters with each of them. And had actually put one of them in jail. The nearest to him was a stunt double of that guy in the movies, Vin Diesel, with a shiny, shaved head and under that tight, white, T shirt were muscles on his muscles. His left arm had a barbed tribal tattoo encircling his bulging bicep.

Nice touch, Casey said to himself.

Casey knew him as the the most dangerous Eastern European agent, Milosh Vlasovitch. Milosh was born in Brooklyn and emigrated to the Czech Republic. He settled in Prague, and was an all round dangerous fellow. A vision of their previous encounter flashed painfully into Casey's mind.

Vlasovitch had somehow let himself into Worth's flat, unbidden and unseen. Once inside, he rifled through some papers and desk drawers for important information. Casey's key in the latch warned him. He dashed into a nearby closet. When Casey opened the hall closet door to hang up his coat, Vlasovitch attacked. Vlasovitch landed every brutal punch and kick exactly as he aimed them. Casey was still on his feet, but just barely, the bullet wound in the solar plexus notwithstanding; and had it not been for Hua, Casey's Vietnamese houseboy, breaking a priceless Chinese urn of the T'ang Dynasty, on Vlasovitch's head, he would not have survived Vlasovitch. That encounter had cost Casey a few weeks in the hospital.

But it had cost Vlasovitch three years in jail.

Next to Vlasovitch was a slightly taller man. Casey was not fooled by the black man's obese appearance. He knew from bitter experience the man was no less muscled a thug than Vlasovitch.

This one was called, 'Jelly Roll'. Jelly Roll Watson. And Casey knew why. The man's appendage was said to be so fat that it only could be compared to the store bought cake spread with jelly and then rolled up into a log of sweet confection.

But the toughest one was the tallest. Meric Severo wore a black leather baseball cap over very short black hair. A trim goatee traced his jaw line coming to a soft, short, point under the chin where it intersected with a slim, sculpted line of black hair which ran from just under his lower lip down to meet the line at the chin.

He was thirty something and gorgeous as any leatherman icon.

Meric's leather jacket was unzipped and revealed a black leather harness underneath, which emphasized the muscular definition of his ultra-smooth chest. The leather chaps showed off the manly curves of highly developed thighs and calves. And the soft leather seemed less to fit and hold his muscles than to cup and caress them. It was hard to see with the naked eye, where the flesh left off and the leather began.

A banana hammock of silver studs, seemed exaggerated in proportion to the rest of his body, which was huge. Even to Casey's aggressively heterosexual eyes, this man was hot.

Casey had thankfully never met this one. He had heard of him however. Meric Severo. Master Meric was famous among the fetishistic club crowd. It was said that a slave, once under Severo's control, not only was never allowed to escape but also, none ever showed the slightest inclination to do so. He kept the slaves in cages in his basement dungeon. Meric Severo was master of twelve slaves--- all of them addicted to the man's body parts.

The idea of begging and pleading with this collection of men to grant him the favor of allowing him to use them sexually to obtain their fluids made Casey swallow hard to keep down his rising bile. The men would have to be awake in order to feed him and somehow he had to find a way to get each man to agree. Casey had been in tougher situations before but none of them included becoming sexually intimate with a thug.

Casey was a woman's man. He loved the ladies. All ages, all sizes, all shapes. Casey would not have complained if he had found himself caught in a situation like this with a bunch of women. "Hey. Have at it!" Casey thought.

A brief vision of his special lady, Rhonda, came before his eyes. The soft curls of her long red hair falling off her shoulders. The intoxicating fragrance of her perfect white breasts. The little moans she made when he entered her.

But what would he become once he had survived the mad man's poison and the perverse antidote.

At least Raven Hogwood did not say that the antidote was addictive. So there was still a good chance that he would not become some degraded cock and piss slave. He would find a way to survive this nightmare and get back home to the beautiful Rhonda.

"Ah, yes, Mister Worth," Raven said. "I am sure you are thinking that it is only for tonight that you will have to resolve this little problem. But what you will find after obtaining the antidote, is this: Within moments of obtaining the antidote, you will fall helplessly asleep each time, afterwards, and during that time you will be administered another batch of the poison with the above rules still applying.

"The men are now going to release you from your bonds, Mister Worth, and you may remove your lovely cheeks from the table, and begin your quest. At this point, may I recommend a big helping of Humble Pie." Raven Hogwood allowed himself an open if somewhat salacious grin.

"And it is gratifying to see that you are responding so nicely to our modest festivities."

The question mark written all over Casey Worth's face was worth all the trouble Raven had gone to. "Mister Worth," Raven said, "take a look at how well Casey Jr. is doing. Very impressive. N'est-ce pas?" In truth, Raven's eyes were stuck on Casey's big old 10 and half incher the whole time.

Casey directed his eyes for the first time down at his cock and was horrified to see it standing at full attention in the narrow space between the wide leather restraining straps.

"Oh," Raven said. "and one other feature about the poison now coursing through your blood. A side effect which I'm sure you will enjoy." Raven allowed himself one chuckle of mirth.

"You will feel hornier than you have ever thought possible. Compared to my little poison, drugs like Viagra are benign as mother's milk. Don't believe me? Look for yourself."

Casey Jr. must have been leaking for some time as there was a large dollop of clear liquid collected at his navel and it had already begun running down to his groin. On one side it had spilled a thin trail down his smooth skin and onto the table. He felt totally betrayed by his own body. "To be so completely degraded," Casey thought. "and still have an industrial strength boner." The thought of it got him even harder. The vicious loop ate away at his morale: The more degraded his situation, the harder his cock. The harder his cock, the more crushing the humiliation.

For the first time in his adult life, Casey Worth's eyes welled up. His lower lip trembled in concert with the falling tears.

His cock still throbbing full tilt.


Casey eyed Milosh Vlasovitch up and down the man's superbly muscled body. And for his part, Milosh's exotic near-Mongolian eyes skidded with admiration over Casey's defined musculature. There was one word for Vlasovitch: cocky. The way his smile mocked Casey's nakedness... was cocky. The way Vlasovitch held his head was cocky. His hips pushed forward showing the bulge in his pants as he stood eying Casey was, no other word for it, cocky.

Meric Severo, in full dress leather regalia stood off to the side next to Jelly Roll. Meric leaned his right shoulder against the wall. A loop of silver chain hung from his left shoulder. He crossed his arms in front of his huge naked chest studying the situation with Casey and Milosh.

Jelly Roll Watson, in a dark red polyester suit worn over an open collared polyester pink shirt, which showed his abundant gut, took the toothpick out his mouth showing the golden eyetooth. He left the other hand on the bulge in his pants occasionally rubbing the head which showed like a fat plum through his boxer's and the polyester fabric. He crossed one foot over the other and picked away his lower teeth, occasionally taking the toothpick out and checking it for crumbs. The two men simply checked out what was going down. Jelly Roll smiling as they watched. His 24 Carat gold eyetooth catching the light from time to time as he smiled.

"The great Casey Worth," Milosh Vlasovitch said, "we gonna have some fun with you. You can start with the boots." He pointed his finger straight down to his feet. "Yeah, Worth, these boots," he said. He looked down at his boots. He tapped one boot on the floor, then the other. "That ought to take a good part of an hour. Then we'll see if the boots are done to my satisfaction, and if they are, what other pleasures may be necessary.

"Ever spend time in jail, Worth?" Vlasovitch said. "See, if you had spent time in lockup, this would be a walk in the park for you. But since you have this really macho heterosexual thing to protect, this is gonna be hard for you, man."

Vlasovitch's lips curved up in a mirthless smile. Waiting. Casey sat on the edge of the table for a few seconds more. What he would love to have done just then, was to wipe the cockiness from Vlasovitch's face with his fists. His hands tightened into weapons of his fury. But a warning look came to Vlasovitch's eyes. Casey relaxed his fists.

"Have you lost your mind, Worth?" Vlasovitch said. Milosh perched his butt at one end of the exam table where Casey sat. Both sat with legs dangling over the same side. "Or don't you get how slender a thread you are hanging by? You've got one task, namely, to stay alive. To stay alive long enough to see tomorrow morning, you're going to have to fucken make friends with the devil. Throwing your fists around like some out-of-control animal will definitely not help you do that."

Casey dropped his head onto his chest. He nodded his head as he considered the truth of Milosh Vlasovitch's words.

There was only one way to go about this. He already had lost 40 minutes. Precious minutes. Precious as gold. Or better, precious as platinum. Precious as blood, really. Seven hours and ten minutes to go. He had to make his mind up and go for it.

He jumped off the table, turned to face Vlasovitch. Then he did something so humiliating that prior to this moment it was unthinkable: He dropped to his knees. His face showed the pain of the knees hitting the hard floor and hesitantly, at first, but then getting the hang of it, he stuck out his tongue to lick Vlasovitch's black leather boots.

Vlasovitch suddenly moved his boots back away from Casey's face. "No,no, no," Milosh said. "You must think I let any old body who feels like it lick these boots? Well, that ain't the way it goes, ya big heterosexual. See, you have to earn the right to lick these boots."

Casey sat back on his haunches. "How do I do that?" he said. The sob which broke out of him was wrenched from his soul. He didn't even bother to wipe the tears away. He just let the tears rack his body till his body doubled over. But as he bent over, his still raging cock poked him in the chest.

As Casey brought his hands away from his eyes, he saw two leather chaps clad manly shaped legs standing close in front of him. The boots came up to just below the knees. Meric Severo held a dog collar in one hand. A leash in the other.

"Looks like we're gonna have to save your damn life in spite of your self. Sit up straight" Meric said. His booted toe nudged Casey's knees wider and wider apart. "Spread these nice and wide." He slipped the dog collar around Casey's neck.

As Meric snapped the buckle closed, his fingers touched other places on Casey's body, the way a master of Kung Fu touches an opponent on certain points in a particular sequence which would have a particular effect on the opponent: The heart may explode in a certain number of heartbeats. What Meric's fingers were doing so nimbly was nothing so disastrous.

Meric had studied ancient techniques high in the remote mountains of Tibet. Casey felt each place Meric touched, begin to glow.

By by the time Casey realized what Meric was doing, it was too late. He knew that the pressure points touched in sequence would have a profound effect. His muscles felt heavy, already encased in iron bonds.

Milosh looked on in wonder. "What the hell..?" Milosh said.

"Sh!" Meric said. His finger pointed smartly to his eye. "Watch," he whispered. He looked down at Casey and petted the top of Casey's head. "This is going to be one docile puppy, right about..." Meric checked his watch. "Now! Aren't you boi?" Meric pointed a gloved fingertip at Casey. "Put your hands behind your neck," he said to Casey, "and lace the fingers together."

Casey muscles did as they were told. He tried to keep his arms down. But they went against his wishes into the position Meric had told him to.

Meric attached the leash to the D ring on the collar. "Heel!" he ordered.

Casey started to walk on his hands and knees behind Meric. His eyes feasted on the luscious globes of Meric's ass, framed as they were by the chaps. Meric pulled the leash tighter. "Heel! I said." His voice was quiet, intimate and commanding.

Casey walked on all fours behind Meric as Meric led him around the room by the leash until they reached a glass door. Meric opened the door and let Casey, the dog, through. Meric led Casey out to a grass yard where there were a few young trees.

Jelly Roll and Milosh walked over to look through the clear glass door at what was going on. They couldn't hear a thing--- but it plain that Meric wanted Casey to piss like a dog against a tree. They saw Casey's angry face.

Casey jumped up to his feet and stood naked, his leaky but firm cock stood up against his six pack. All the time arguing with Meric. Meric, thoroughly unruffled, as if Casey's display of resistance had never happened, merely continued to point to the base of the tree.

Casey arms gestured "NO!" with a definitive gesture and shook his head. His lips said, "No Way!"

Meric seemed not to hear anything Casey said. Paid no attention at all. He just pointed again to the base of the tree and shrugged his shoulders.

Casey's face was suddenly drained of the authority to say no and mean it. Forces in his body and mind pulled him in different directions.

Meric moved in close to Casey. He wrapped his leather encased arm around Casey's shoulder, suddenly Casey's protector. At the same time he pulled the naked man's head down onto his massive chest. Then Meric's fingers did the touching thing on Casey's body, but in a different sequence. Casey eyed the nipple closest to his mouth. Meric flexed his pecs and one nipple popped into Casey's mouth. He sucked with the greed of a baby.

He couldn't get enough man tit. His rigid cock dripped a string of clear liquid to the ground.

Meric gave him what he needed of his nipples. Meric's slow, firm hands gently removed Casey's lips from his tits. Now Meric was sucking on Casey's nips. As soon as his lips closed around the first nipple, Casey's back arched as if every inch of his body was wired and the juice just got turned on. He was wired alright, and that nipple was the main button. He opened his mouth to let so much pleasure out. As if he would burst with it. The top of his body contracted forward and Meric's lips still closed on his nips, tight, and never let them go, even as Casey's body whiplashed back, forth and sideways, with the overload of sensation; Meric's lips, tongue and teeth went with him whichever way he went. Casey's cock so rigid now it seemed to grow another inch. As if there was a cock inside his cock that was going to burst out through his skin.

Then, with an easy swing of his arms, Meric pushed down on Casey's shoulder with a firm downward push. Casey's face had a stupefied look as his knees slowly folded and he descended to his knees.

This time Casey stayed on his hands and knees. Meric beckoned him with two gloved fingers. Casey walked on all fours up to Meric. Meric's hand reached out and shoved Casey's nose right into his hard metal spiked crotch. Held it there and then bit by bit he released his hold on the back of Casey's head.

Then came the surprise.

Casey's nose stayed there, then moved bit by bit down lower to under Meric's balls. Sniffing for all he was worth. Meric looked back at the two guys watching from inside and raised his arms above his shoulders, with a quirky smile of victory, gave the guys a thumbs up, showing them how completely broken in Casey was.

Jelly Roll pursed his big beautiful lips and let out a low whistle. "Sweet." he said. The gravel in his voice came all the way up from his balls. His dick lips popped another spurt of precum. "Mmm mm! He got that boi doing Day Four shit and this is only Day One."

Milosh kept both eyes watching the proceedings in the yard. "This one ain't as tough as James was, that is definite."

"I think you could classify that," Jelly Roll said, "as an understatement. James never once broke till day ten. Raven ran out of the poison on day nine. Fucken ball buster. Compared to James--- this one's a fucken bag of fucken butterflies."

Milosh laughed a dry laugh of regret. "I wanted to have some fun with James, too. But that muthuh was wicked tough." He looked back outside where Meric continued to put Casey through his paces.

Casey scampered around to Meric's backside. Meric took hold of the slender tree and bent over slightly, pushing his butt out, offering his flawless asscheeks to Casey's nose and tongue. Meric pulled his cheeks wide apart. Casey buried his face in the crevice. His nose explored, then his tongue began to lap and then dig in till Meric was panting. Meric pushed aside the codpiece and took his already hard cock out. The size of his cock got Casey's attention right away. He quick came around to front and took Meric's dick in his mouth. Meric's whole body spasmed. His upper back arched back and his face went up to the sky his mouth open like he was shouting at the gods. Casey taking each blast down his throat till Meric's balls had totally unloaded.

Meric slipped out of Casey's mouth his cock still slick. He pointed his cock at Casey's face. After a short wait, Meric began to piss his precious lifesaving antidote into Casey Worth's wide open mouth. Worth let the recycled beer pool in his mouth then just when it was so full one more drop would spill, Worth swallowed it all. He did that three times till Meric's stream got small enough that Meric finished off with his dick reinserted in Worth's mouth. Casey had taken every drop. Then he made his way on all fours to the tree, lifted his leg and peed.

Meric reached down and petted his dog. "Good boi," his lips mouthed.

"Whoa, that is fucken hot!" Milosh said. "If that Casey dude had a tail, It would be wagging. How the bloody hell does Meric do that? And never once raised his voice."

Jelly Roll laughed his quiet, deep belly laugh. "Give the man his due. You get a man like that to do Day Four shit on Day One, you a fucken genius."

Meric's soft leather glove pushed the glass door open. Held it open for Casey to to get through on all fours. Meric led Casey back to the exact spot where he had started. At Milosh's feet. "Now," Meric said, "beg the man!"

"Please, sir," Casey said. His voice wavered, but there was no hesitation. And the tears started rolling down his cheeks again. He looked up into Meric's eyes. Meric nodded his head up and down, encouraging him. Casey looked back down at Milosh's boots. "May this lowly dog slave lick your boots."

Milosh regarded his shiny boots with pride. "Say it again," Milosh said. Milosh petted the top of Casey's head and scratched behind his ears with affection like you would a pet dog.

"Please, sir," Casey said louder. "May this lowly dog wash your boots with his tongue."

"Do it good!" Milosh said.

Casey lowered his face, his tongue already slobbering on boot leather.

As Casey licked and lapped away at the leather, Vlasovitch took out his cock. He pulled Casey's face away from his already shiny boots, so that Casey had to sit back on his haunches looking straight ahead, his mouth, tongue lolling out and that stupefied look on his face.

Jelly Roll was so impressed he sucked air through his teeth. He never noticed the wet spot on his pants when he rubbed his thumb on the frenum under his fat dick head.

Meric nodded his head and allowed himself a little smile as he beheld his handiwork.

Milosh inserted two fingers in Casey's mouth. "Wet them," he said. "Really wet." Then used the wet fingers as lube, up and down his long fat shaft. "Gotta be careful, man. After all, I might come while you're working down there. You have no idea how much that boot licking shit turns me on. If I come while your mouth is elsewhere, you may lose a precious drop of my antidote." He dipped two fingers into the precum pooling in his foreskin and inserted them into Casey's mouth. "Lick 'em," Milosh Vlasovitch said,

Casey's eyes glazed as he tasted the precum. It was fucking delicious. He'd never tasted anything like it. He snaked his tongue out and keeping his eyes focused on the drooling plum of Vlasovitch's dick head, he very gently began to sip the clear liquid from the pool in the foreskin as Milosh's fist held the foreskin in a cup. At first Casey hesitated, but as the minutes went by, and Vlasovitch allowed him, his tongue slipped under the foreskin, digging deep inside the folds of skin, his tongue twirling and swirling in ways he had never suspected he was capable of. Casey shuddered with every drop. Vlasovitch's big hands gently, but firmly guided Worth's head down the length of his fat sausage.

The cock smell was intoxicating him. His head was still foggy with lust at the memory of Master Meric's smells. He loved Master Meric's smell and the taste of his piss so light and fine. But Milosh here, he hoped that Milosh's piss would taste as strong as his cock smelled. His fog was so thick, he never stopped to realize that he was comparing the taste of two men's piss. He couldn't suppress a groan of pure pleasure. Suddenly a gloved hand was attaching a clamp to his tit. The clamp bit down so hard he was seeing stars. Then the hand pulled and toyed with his other nipple. He knew what was coming and pushed himself to ride on top of the pain. His cock hit new heights of hardness. He focused on the cock sliding down his throat so hard his lips trembled.

The trembling lips added to the jolts of pleasure Vlasovitch was feeling. "Oooooo," Milosh growled. He made a note to himself that this guy Casey was a keeper.

Casey's throat was so filled with mouthwatering hard meat that as he drew back he let out an inadvertent slurp.

A fierce red color swept over his whole body. Casey was red as a neon sign that says 'Open'. He was horrified at the rude sound his wet tongue made. He had never felt such shame. But Milosh pressed his boot into Casey's naked crotch bringing to Casey's attention the fact that his cock had never gone down, never even flagged. A moan of near intolerable pleasure came from deep inside Casey's throat. Followed by the juiciest slurp and squelch of all time. Casey's eyes stung with tears that flowed down and mixed with the cock slick.

"That's it," Vlasovitch said. He could barely speak it was so serious good.

"Now we're getting somewhere. That fucken jizz practically jumped out of my balls up through my piss slit on that one. Casey, boi. Let me hear another nice big slurp."

Casey's tongue, without any help from its' owner, complied.

"Fuck, yeah." Vlasovitch said. "Now louder. I'm so close."

"uh huh" Jelly Roll said. "I love to hear that... Hey dawg, do that again, where you get so hot you start to drool and then those nice juicy sounds come out."

Casey dropped his head so far down the wet shaft that it hit against his throat muscles. Feeling the obstacle in his throat he pushed down beyond it and drew his head back and there was another, louder slurping sound.

Jelly Roll laughed out loud. "Yeah, man, that's it." He laughed so hard he leaned against the wall, his whole body jiggling with laughter. He unzipped his red polyester pants and shoved his hand in and pulled out his now semi-swollen extra fat boner. "Dayum!" Jelly Roll said. "I love that. Slurpin' just like a whore."

The arc of Vlasovitch's cock curved downward. "Oh, yeah," Vlasovitch said.

The sweat on Casey's forehead dripped down his face. Sweat mingled with Casey's tears, he was that ashamed of enjoying his torture. A small pool of sweat puddled on the hard wood floor under his legs.

Milosh grabbed a handful of Casey's hair and pulled him off his cock. "Look at it, Man," Milosh said. "Go ahead, worship it. Kiss it. Its a beauty of a dick, ain't it? What you've been feeding on is a cocksucker's dream cock.

Can you feel the way it follows the shape of your mouth and throat? Eases its' way down your throat?"

Casey, less enthusiastic about the direction of the conversation, gave up a slight nod of his head. The smell and special taste and texture of cock was something he never expected. It was all doing a number on his head. Damn. To think he had been missing it all these years. And whether it was due to the drug or the poison, or what Meric had done to him or what he doing now, he was in heaven.

"I didn't hear your answer, dog."

Casey's nostrils distended wide to get more of the smell of cock. Just a few hours ago he would have puked at the thought. Now he was looking at things from a different point of view. "Yes sir! It's a fucken beauty, sir."

"You bet your ass it's a beauty. Now chow down on that fine piece of throbbing man meat."

Now that he was all warmed up, Casey got down to work in earnest on Milosh Vlasovitch's root. All three of the men were stroking their meat watching him working on Vlasovitch. He knew it wasn't going to take much longer to coax out the fluids that would save his life.

Next: Chapter 2

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