The Anti Claus

By buddbuster

Published on Apr 12, 2022


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

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The Anti Claus Chapter Three: A Good Elf Is Hard To Find

As everyone left the room to retire for the evening, Santa was still charged up from the events of the evening. He pushed up the left sleeve of his jacket and tapped the thin silver and gold bracelet hanging there. He spoke one word, "Wardrobe!"

An elf wearing a black leather half harness with orange trim, a black and orange trimed pointed leather hat, a green and red chasity cage and a candy cane butt plug appeared next to Santa. He stood at attention with his arms held out. Santa stripped off his jacket and white undershirt, folded them and placed them in the elves outstretched arms. Santa then removed his boots and pants. He folded the pants and placed them on the pile in the elves arms. Finally he removed the well worn and unwashed jockstrap and placed it over the face of Wardrobe.

"You may wear the jock on your face to bed after you hang up my clothes," ordered Santa. "Thank you Santa!" said the elf in a muffled voice through the grimey jock. His cock strained against the cock cage and his precum started to drip onto the floor. Wardrobe carefully picked up the boots without dropping the clothes and quickly left the room.

"Now I need to take a wicked pisser," said Santa in a Boston accent. He tapped the silver and gold bracelet and said, "Urnial!". An elf dressed in a standard elf uniform, but with yellow trim and the Christmas colored chasity device and candy cane butt plug appeared in front of Santa. He kneeled down and opened his mouth. Santa slid his cock into the waiting mouth and let flow a long hot stream of piss. The greedy elf drank all of Santa's piss and did not spill a drop. Santa waved his hand and the elf stood up and left the room. Santa ran his finger under his foreskin and licked off the last remaining drops of piss.

He went to a large, red, leather overstuffed chair, sat down and called out, "Stool!" and "Ash!" into the bracelet. One elf crawled into the room on all fours. Stool wore only kneepads, a silver chasity cage and a standard silver butt plug. He crawled in front of Santa and stopped as Santa lifted his legs and rested them on Stool's back. "Ahhh!" sighed Santa. "It feels good to get off my feet."

The second elf went to the right side of Santa and got down on his knees. Ash wore a black Leather apron with several pockets and nothing else underneath, but a simular chasity device and butt plug in gold. Strapped to his head and locked with a brass lock was a ball gag that held an ash tray on the end.

Santa reached over to a wooden side table on the left side of the chair, reached into a wooden mahogany humidor and pulled out a fine Cuban cigar. He ran it under his nose and inhaled deeply. Ash pulled out a cigar cutter and small torch from his pockets and held them out for Santa to take. Santa cut off one end, put the other end in his mouth and lit the exposed end. He sat there relaxing and smoking the cigar. He practiced blowing smoke rings of various shapes. Stars, trees, and bows circled his head before dissipating into thin air. Santa chuckled at this act. His belly shook like bowl full of jelly.

When Santa finished his cigar, he dismissed Ash and Stool, he went over to a large metal and plastic console. He sat down in the leather office chair and scanned the bank of video screens. The elves were all nestled snug in their beds with visions of dildoes and cock rings dancing in their heads. However, Santa noticed movement in one reindeer stall. He saw Dasher had discovered that his enlarged cock could reach his mouth and he was bent over sucking his own cock.

Santa's cock started to leak more and get rock hard as he watched the show. He slowly stroked his cock, pushing the ample foreskin back and forth over the shiny purple head with his left hand.

As Dasher moved his head up and down on his engorged cock faster and faster, Santa matched Dasher's rhythm stroke for stroke on his own leaking cock. Santa tweaked his large pink nipples with his right hand. He moaned in pleasure. Before long both Santa and Dasher shot copious loads of hot cum. Dasher, down his own throat and Santa all over his hand, fur covered belly and hairy chest with a series of loud grunts.

"Rag!", called Santa after the waves of excasty subsided and he finally caught his breath. An elf appeared wearing a leather utility belt with a metal tin and a large snow white towel on a round towel ring attached. He had the gold versions of the cage and plug.

Santa turned to face the elf. Rag preceeded to lick up Santa's cum. Once he was done. Rag opened up the tin and removed an oversized snow white washcloth, it was warm and wet. After that, Rag took the other towel, dried off Santa, grabbed his supplies and left the room. A cum eating grin was on his face, as he left Santa's room.

Santa turned back to see that Dasher had fallen asleep after cleaning up his own softening cock. "I am looking forward to starting your training tomorrow ", Santa said to himself. He stood up, stretched, yawned and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day for everyone.

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