The Answer

Published on Aug 26, 2009



He squirmed and suddenly opened his mouth to take in as much air as possible. Pete couldn't believe he had done it. But there was no going backwards. He had walked into the living room naked and erect.

He couldn't laugh it off or say he was kidding.

Marlon didn't say anything. He just stared at the smooth skin, auburn hair, freckled skinned naked friend walk towards him.

Now Pete was far beyond explaining, no excuses were necessary and no explanation was needed. He flexed his anal muscles that surrounded his friends hard cock and watched the older taller buddy throw his head back in pleasure.

Pete flexed again and smiled knowing that pleasure was being given and taken by both of them. He leaned forward and kissed Marlon's neck as he continued to squeeze which made his buttlips slide up and down the hard flesh that impaled him.

"Hey gonna go up to my folks cabin for the weekend. Wanna come?" Marlon asked as he grabbed his backpack.

"What are they doin?" Pete asked his friend. He had tried to forget the past weekend which embarassed him, and he thought might have done the same to Marlon.

"Naw they're not there. It'll be just us" Marlon smiled. Pete had loved the boys smile since the day he sat next to him in Literature class.

"Cool" Pete tried not to sound too anxious. He was nervous immediately because he knew it would be a weekend of challenge.

He began to unbutton Marlon's shirt kissing as he unbuttoned while riding the cock that was confirming Pete's knowledge of his long hidden desires.

"There's only one bed, I guess we can use the couch or just fuck it, sleep here" Marlon said as they threw their bags on the floor. The drive had taken 6 hours from campus to the mountains.

Marlon stripped his shirt off. Pete watched without moving. Marlon unbuttoned his jeans and revealed the tiny white jockeys he wore.

"You comin to bed? Hell man I"m one tired stud" he kicked his shoes off and collapsed on one side of the bed.

"Oh yea, me too" Pete stripped deciding to hide his cotton covered erection by dashing into the bathroom "Pee time first" he yelled.

The light thankfully was turned off when he returned so Pete got under the blanket that Marlon held up.

"Finally got you into bed" Marlon said laughing.

"Sleeping" Pete said and he heard Marlon sigh. They both fell asleep quickly.

"God you're tight" Marlon sighed without looking at Pete. He still had his head leaning back on the couch and eyes closed.

"and you're fucking big" Pete said and he returned to kissing the skin that was in front of him, letting his tongue dash across one of Marlon's nipples.

"Oh yea that" Marlon indicated his added pleasure and Pete returned his tongue to the raised pink nipple.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Pete asked as he poured cereal in the morning. He had awakened and felt Marlon's bare skin. His head was on the boys chest and he quickly removed it.

Pete wondered if that morning was the time he should finally give in. He lifted the blanket and saw Marlon's morning erection bulging his tiny whities. He could lift it and swallow the boys cock. No guy ever refused a blow job.

But instead he decided not to end their weekend trip so early by Marlon's pushing him away and demanding they drive back to town.

He felt Marlons hands move to his bare side. They stroked his body from armpits to his bare hips and held on there as he bounced on the cock. His lips pulled first one nipple then the other. His tongue lapped at the belly, the cleavage between his friends pecs and then moved back to his neck.

Marlon swooned as if in a trance, his head going from side to side baring the full length of his neck for Pete's tongue.

"Let's hit the creek early, before anyone sees us" Marlon said and ran out the door. Pete followed and to his delight saw that Marlon had discarded his whities, running naked across the short distance to the creek.

As the morning sun baked Marlon's bare skin he ran down the length of the wharf and jumped into the air holding his knees up. The sight of his round bare butt falling into the water was exciting.

Pete ignored his cock which had hardened at the sight. There was no one to watch him and Marlon didn't see. He jumped and dove into the cooling water near where his friend had disappeared.

"Shit man we should have done this long ago" Marlon hissed. His own hips had begun to gyrate meeting each lowering movement of Pete's hips. Pete gasped feeling the cock inside him go further into him, rub his sphinter's grasp harder and make him beg for more.

They played in the water like kids, splashing, diving under each other, swimming this way and that way. Holding each other's arms and treading water they smiled at each other.

"Glad your folks didn't come with us" Pete said

"Me too" Marlon said.

There was silence as they laughed, looked and treaded water. Pete didn't know what to say or do at that moment.

"You still got a boner?" Marlon asked.

That was the first that Pete knew Marlon had seen him. He retaliated, "Naw cold water took care of that. What about you?"

"I didn't have one" Marlon said.

"You did this morning" Pete said "a big one"

"Hell that was in bed. I always get em in the morning. Should have jacked off or made you jack me off" Marlon said.

"At least you didn't say suck" Pete said.

"You wish" Marlon said ducking Pete under the water.

They chased each other's water dripping naked bodies back to the house laughing. Pete wondered if their conversation was all jokes or was Marlon hinting? Did he know what Pete wanted?

They stayed in towels the rest of the morning, sunnig, smoking weed and talking about school, mutual friends and life in general.

"Gonna cook on the grill" Marlon said.

Pete kept trying to do different things with his hips and ass muscled. The sensations that gave him made him shiver, drove more blood into his already hard dick and made his own nipples hard.

"Don't cum yet" He begged Marlon

"Hmmmm" Marlon shook his head "doesn't matter I can keep cummin" he said "Takes me two or three times when I jack"

Pete had decided that that night was the time. He hoped the pot and wine would keep Marlon calm even if he refused.

He wondered how to bring the subject up. How would he offer to be the boys bitch that night?

"Great meat" he said Pete's eyes looked at the cock and balls that were seen as Marlon's towel had separated.

"Thanks, Dad taught me how to grill" Marlon said ignoring Pete's stare or his own visable genitals.

Pete lay on the bed relaxing while Pete read. The fireplace warmed the room and the sound of crickets outside completed the romantic evening.

Pete felt his cock under his towel, it grew and he knew it would soon be the moment of decision.

He stood and let the towel drop. Pete walked naked towards the couch. Marlon always called his body a boys body. "Cute but man you're over 20 shouldn't you have body hair?"

It wasn't rebuke, they had been instant friends since meeting as freshmen. That was two years before.

Pete had waited so long, too long for that moment. He had thought of Marlon when seeking the basement encounters of hands, mouths and cocks over all those months.

"What are you doing?" Marlon said.

"Shhhh" Pete said as he stood on the couch above Marlon. He lowered himself to a squat and reached to pull Marlon's towel apart. A few strokes made the boys' cock hard.

Pete had put some lotion in one hand and used it now to grease the boys cock.

Marlon just stared at him without expression though his face winced as the greased hand stroked his cock.

The cock fit inside easily and Pete let it slowly stretch him as he lowered his smooth boy body hips on it until it passed the sphinter and moved more easily up into him. He stopped only when his skin felt Marlon's pubic hair rub.

Marlon could have pushed him away, cursed him, demanded they go back right away or told him to "get off fag".

Instead Marlon let his head fall back on the couch and closed his eyes.

"Cummin" Marlon said many moments later "but don't stop"

Pete swore he felt the pulsating cock expand inside him as his friend's white sperm spilled upwards into his intestines. He kept squeezing his ass muscles as he flexed just as Marlon had told him too.

Would this be a fuck they'd laugh about in years to come or would it be a male male sex thing they would never talk about after that night?

Did Marlon want him to come there so they could fuck? Or was he innocent of Pete's desires for this encounter over the months?

Pete's body didn't want an ending. He wanted Marlon to keep fucking him and keep coming as he said he could do. Perhaps he would be pushed to the floor, his legs laying across the wide shoulders of Marlon who would move to the top now and ram into him harder and harder.

Maybe the night would continue with their hands,mouths, cocks, assholes enjoying each other in all the ways their lust could demand and their minds could imagine.

Then Marlon opened his eyes and looked at Pete.

He looked back wondering what Marlon would say or do now.

Marlon grabbed Pete's shoulders and pulled him forward. Their lips met and tongues moved against each other as their hands clung harder and Pete's ass flexed for more cock juice.

He had his answer of what was ahead.

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