The Alpine Institute

Published on Oct 18, 2021


The Alpine Institute for Male Health 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I suspect that while some people are uneasy about engaging in sex, they become more enthusiastic, and they get into it. A lot of people have an unsatisfactory first experience with sex. that is especially true if you and your partner are inexperienced and don't know what you are doing. Very few people decide never to do it again.

Many of Willy's patients decided to avoid sex do to fear of the unknown. Often this was due to a religious obsession, but sometimes it was due to intense shyness, or a deep inferiority complex. Some men are afraid to meet new people outside of their families. Other think they aren't good enough to attract another person.

Often the inferiority complex men turned to eccentric fashion statements, behaviors, or appearances to discourage meeting friends. Willy thought that good sex with good men would help to solve the problem. this was not the officially sanctioned cure for the problems.

The Alpine Institute was two operations. There was Willy and his psychiatric treatments. There was also the inn. He owned both, but they were two, separate businesses. Willy never recommended staying at the inn. You did not need to be Willy's patient to use the inn.

The informal dress code of the inn was attractive to a limited, but enthusiastic group of men. Women were guests, but some had what Willy referred to as "non-standard" anatomy. That meant the woman had a cock or only a vagina. I thought that might be a problem, but the patrons of the inn were open minded.

My crew was good, and many things were regularly repaired or cleaned. We had a schedule and kept to it. I believed a schedule should keep you busy, but not overly busy. With old buildings and an eccentric clientele, unexpected problems pop up. My guys were always ready to pitch in when necessary. If extra work needed to be done, they would do it.

Wally and Randolph liked me for strange reasons. Since I was shaving at thirteen, I knew my potential as a teenage heart throb was limited. Wally said my attractiveness was non-standard. Rudolph thought I was plain old ugly. I do not wear my heart on my sleeve, so that didn't bother me.

If you like ultra-masculine men, without any frills, I am the man for you. Wally said I was the perfect man for someone looking to mate with a Neanderthal. Men like that were a portion of the Inn's clientele. I am a friendly guy, but I do not fall in love. I am good about lust, both giving and receiving. When I fucked Rudolph, he told me I was good, and my sperm reeked of sincerity as I filled his ass. I though he was joking but he was serious.

I had a long day working in the woods to clear some dead wood. I went home and then to the showers. The shower at my room was ineffectual. I went to the Inn shower room and set it to sandblast. As I was drying off another man enter the shower. He was slightly shorter than average, muscular, bald, and hairy. He was my type except he lacked a cock. I went to the sauna. Ten minutes later, he joined me in the sauna.

"I'm Lancaster, the head janitor," I said.

"I'm Billy," he said. "I guess you can tell I'm not exactly sure what I am." Billy was playing with his clitoris.

"If you want advice from a man who just met you, I'd pick one and go with it." I said.

Billy laughed. "I'm here hoping that I could suck some cock, eat some cum and get more macho." He said.

"If I fucked your ass or cunt, would that work?"

"I go with whatever the guy wants," he said. "Most guys are better at fucking my ass. My cunt is a joke. It doesn't work like a cunt, but it feels." Billy was looking at my cock. I was erect and drooling precum. He had a large clitoris. "Your cock is big. I don't know if it will fit."

"Billy, I have a feeling you know it will fit, along with anything I shoot in you," I said. "Take a seat. Face me, I want to watch you take it," I said. he did exactly what I suggested, and it was good for both of us. I enjoyed it and Billy enjoyed it more.

Moonshine came into the sauna and watched. When I shot off, Moonshine came over to Billy.

"Lancaster never shoots off in me," Moonshine said, "Would you let me lick his cum out of your cunt?"

"That's okay with me," Billy said.

"Is it okay with you, Lancaster?" Moonshine asked.

"It's Billy's now. Feel free," I said. I knew Moonshine was into new experiences, and he was turned on big time. He was both energetic and had a long tongue.

A little later, I asked Billy if he was okay.

"Shit, this is the best day of my life!" he replied. Billy had found new friends.

Billy was good looking and friendly. Moonshine was both friendly man and sexually generous. A good review from Moonshine got around.

The weekend was a busy time for the inn, but a down time for my guys. There were no heavy jobs to be done. Moonshine and I took care of any small problems. Willy was away at a conference, and Randolph was in charge. That was a polite fiction. Randolph ran the inn. Willy managed policy decisions and medical problems.

Willy and Randolph had a semi-monogamous relationship. Both men were oversexed, and when one was away, the other played. Willy never had a sexual relationship with a client. Randolph tended to have brief encounters with older men. I had a suspicion his interests just happened to include potential investors. He was direct and honest telling men he was into mindless sex, not meaningful relationships. That was popular with most of our guests. They had well-ordered lives and had no desire to start for scratch with another man.

I had an unexpected change in my relationship with Moonshine. His father died and he went to the funeral. He had no clothes suitable for a funeral. That worried him since his father was quite prim and proper.

Willy took him to men's clothier and got him the right clothes. His family were pleased he was there. Willy said his father was a nice man. He was polite, conventional, and concerned. "We just had opposite approaches to life and then could not understand each other," he explained.

Moonshine went way off the rails when his mother died, and his father could not help. After his near-death experience, Moonshine had serious mental problems. He was happy at the Alpine Institute doing simple jobs. He thought it was pretty, and he began to develop a new approach to life. He was gay and he liked sex way too much. The crew and I liked him and helped him develop his new life. I think that new life with us included enough sex to keep him happy.

I became his father figure. I never had sex with him. He told me he had lots of sex when he was addicted, but he could not remember any of it. Now he could remember every cock that had fucked him and what it felt like.

"I liked licking your cum as it drooled from Billy's cunt. I though his cunt juices might ruin the taste, but it was fine," he said. "I liked it. He liked it too. He was wide open. I wanted to fuck him, but things were delicate in there. I didn't want to hurt him." he said. Moonshine's real name was Alfred Dudley, Jr. I told him Al was a much better name than Moonshine. He agreed. He dropped the junior since his father had died

Billy turned out to be William F. Williams MD and PhD. He specialized in both Urology and counselling for persons with gender confusion.

Billy told me he always thought he was male. Physically he was both. His vagina was non-functional but could feel. His sexual experiences had been mostly poor. Most men thought he was a freak in a carnival. My cock provided the sensations he wanted. My squirting cum excited him. Al's sperm had the same effect, he felt like a real man.

When he told me this I remarked, "You do know how strange that sounds?"

"Strange is the story of my life," he replied. "Pleasurable and exciting sex was a nice change!" Billy was a smart man with an intellectual and intellectual interest in cocks. That interest was almost obsessive.

He felt the cock was underrated. For most men it was hidden away and ignored or used for a laugh in a joke. "A liver or the kidneys work without our knowledge. They do what they do invisibly. You must handle your cock every time you piss. Most of the time you need to aim it."

"As a sex organ, in spite of its small size, it dominates your life when in use," he continued. "It seems to all but replace your brain as it gets excited. As you get close to an orgasm, it dominates you mind and body. When you shoot off it becomes the sole focus of attention. Orgasms only last for seconds. I think that's because if the lasted for longer, we couldn't take it. we may joke about it, but an orgasm is a serious thing."

Billy, Al, and I became regular playmates. We discovered Billy liked to sit on my cock, facing away from me. In this position Al could lick his clitoris and my cock. Billy's clitoris was unusually large, and cock shaped, so Al could suck it when Billy was excited. I pretended that I didn't notice that Al's tongue both licked my shaft and Billy's cunt. Billy and Al loved it.

My ejaculations are forceful, and Billy could feel my sperm ticking his vagina. Al had a thin, long cock, but he liked fucking in what he called machine gun style. Billy was on his back with my cock in his mouth, and Al's cock in his cunt. Somehow, we shot off at the same time. Billy was tasting fresh cum as Al filled him. after we stopped shooting, Al kissed Billy's sperm filled mouth. I licked Billy's cunt drool.

At one time, guys told me Al's sperm had a slightly chemical taste. That was either a leftover from his drug addicted phase, or the meds he was taking now. There was no problem with his sperm now. It was a bit sweet, but it was pure sperm.

I wouldn't describe or operation at the Alpine Institute as a well-oiled machine, but in general, things were working well. Someone was walking through the woods on the other side of the mountain from the Institute smoking a cigarette. It had been a dry Fall and the obvious happened. I saw a pilar of smoke that was way to near. I called the emergency number for the fire department.

It wasn't a huge fire, but forest fires are never huge at first. Smoky the Bear's problems with an ember from a campfire is justified. An hour later the park fire people were flying a helicopter over the blaze. In may places the fire would be classified as manageable. This fire was all but inaccessible from anywhere other than our property. We cancelled all reservations and moved appointments into town.

The weather was good, and the winds were calm. The forecast was not good, and the was a possibility of thirty to forty mile an hour winds in four days.

Eden became the command center for the men fighting the fire. The Park Rangers and fire people wanted to get it put out or at least under control before the weather changed. We soon had state troopers, Park rangers and firemen all over the house. Since my guys and I were familiar with the property and the area we knew ways to get close to the fire.

At one time there had been more roads into the forested area. These had grown over, but a bulldozer could easily clear them for reuse. We also had a pond. It had been a swimming pool thirty years earlier. It now was just a feature in the wood. It was filled with water that would allow fire trucks to refill.

Al tended to wander through the woods and was knowledgeable about the paths and trails. He was helpful and a good guide. He got along well with the firefighters. Of course, Eden had a kitchen, dining room and bedrooms that we made available to the fire fighters. In the grand scheme of forest fire fighters, this was luxury accommodations. The men were used to difficult situations and doing without, but they didn't object to a shower, a real meal, and a bed.

The fire fighter's efforts were quite successful, but they couldn't reach some hot spots. The windstorm from the west was slightly delayed, and a late tropical rainstorm from the south arrived early. This turned into a huge rainstorm with flash flooding to the west of us, but we simply had drenching rains. The fire was out.

Most of the emergency crews left, but some men stayed. We had no guests returning until Friday, so we gave the men who stayed free accommodation. Somehow the men learned of the recreational activities at the Inn. Al, Skeeter, Raleigh, and Bobby-Joe had a knack at making friends. Randolph found a few friends too. Willy had been away, so Randolph relaxed the strictly monogamous aspect of their relationship.

Billy gave them a check-up as they returned to the inn. Most had minor injuries, cuts, and bruises. All passed our testing for problems. They didn't know our tests certified their sperm was both edible and certified for injection. He also provided a mild sleeping pill. It was hard for them the switch from being 100% alert to rest. Most of the men spent the first night at the Inn sleeping. Our kitchen staff were ready had a buffet style breakfast the next morning.

The exercise room, showers, sauna, and massage rooms were open. The men who stayed were mostly bachelors who didn't have a wife and kids waiting for them. Al had introduced some of them to the Inn's special services. These men told their special friends.

I had met Chief Donny several days earlier. He was the fire chief of a small-town volunteer department. His department was trained in forest fire management and were often called in for fires such as ours. His department had few house fires, so they were available for special situations. He was a big, gruff, we-can-get-it-done man.

I encountered Chief Donny in the showers a day later. I noticed he was just as big naked as he was dressed. I made sure my cock and balls were extra clean. He appreciated the show. I was pleasant to see he was at the Inn after the fire to rest and relax. I mentioned I was going to the sauna next.

He told me he had never been in a sauna, and he might try it. I wasn't surprised when he entered the sauna with a friend, Luke, a few minutes after me. Al was there already, and he knew Donny's pal, Luke. The four of us talked as we fondled our balls.

"Things are kind of informal here," Donny said.

"Our clientele is all male, so the dress code is informal," I said.

"Upstairs on the bedroom floor it's usually stark naked," Al said. "Some guys joke that being naked with an erection is considered formal wear."

"Is that a bit cold in the winter?" Luke asked.

"Luckily, must guys know a good place to keep your cock warm," Al replied, adding, "As I said, everyone is naked, normal rules don't apply here."

"What if things don't fit?" Chief Donny asked.

"That doesn't happen often. Most men are willing to go the extra mile to make it fit," I said. "By the way, Al and I are in that category." Al was soon sucking Luke, so the festivities were underway.

Donny was more than semi-hard so I took his knob into my mouth. A minute later I tasted precum, and I we were off to the races.

"Damn, you're good," he moaned. I got a good portion of it into my mouth. When I pulled back. I suctioned a large glob of precum.

"Do you really think you can take it in the ass?" he asked in a whisper. The Chief was a top and he wanted to fuck. I later found out he got to fuck once or twice a year if he was lucky. He said that was because he lived in a small town where everyone knew him, and his cock scared guys when they saw its size.

The oversized cock excited me. He was cautious and careful. It was big, but it excited me and was all that I hoped it would be. I squeezed my sphincter and he loved that. I was a full participant. That excited him. He became much more excited when I asked him if he would like to shoot on me. That happened a few times to him before, but always by accident. I was the first man to ask for it.

During the day I was busy cleaning up Eden. The firemen had been as careful as they could, but men covered in sweat and soot can only be so good. it was hard on the carpets and upholstery. We were busy.

I was busy at night. The Chief had friends. Our interlude had surprised him. he had realized his sexual life was so limited. There was so much more.

He discovered how much more the next night. He came to the showers with three men, Luke, Bill, and Jesus. Jesus was a farmworker who saw smoke coming from a house. he called it into the fire depart, entered the house, saved an elderly couple and maned a house for an hour, when one of the volunteer firemen was rammed by a car that ran a light. Flashing red lights and a horn were not enough.

I was there with Al and Randolph. We all got along well. Billy joined us and added additional excitement. Billy is a bearded, bearish muscle man. He was masculine in every way other than lacking one feature. I didn't know how the men would take it. They took it well. Billy told them he liked to be fucked, but if they were hoping for a child, they would be sorely disappointed. The men enjoyed Billy's sense of humor.

Next: Chapter 4

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