The Alpine Institute

Published on Oct 12, 2021


The Alpine Institute for Male Health 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

My accidental meeting with Sean was good. We showered together and there was no sexual activity. Two other new guests came to shower. They were older men, and we were younger naked men. There were a lot of looks and semi-erect cocks. Hard cocks are an overt invitation. Semi erect cocks are a polite expression of interest.

Sean was interested but finished the shower and went to his room. The next morning, I talked with Willy about my meeting with Sean.

One of the problems Willy's patients dealt with was poor body image. Some men have an image of themselves that is wrong. Some men are heavy, thin, or short. Many more men think they are too heavy, thin, short, tall, or too hairy. Some men think they are not macho enough, or handsome enough.

People come in a wide range or shapes and sizes. Most are typical, normal variations. The media may focus on some physical traits, but many of the models and stars achieve that look though unhealthy habits or compulsions.

Willy told me Sean's mother wanted a blond, beach bunny with a great tan. Sean had dark hair, sunburned badly and normal male body hair. She though he was unattractive and ugly. His sister was a beautiful blond girl. Sean got a shock a year earlier. He took one of those your ancestry tests and found out he was not related to his father. That explained a lot of things.

Willy said I was the poster boy for non-standard male attractiveness. I am shaped like a brick and covered in hair everywhere except my head. While I am not physically attractive, I have a good life and I do attract men. I had no physical hang ups or concerns. I am the way I am. Willy said I have non-standard beauty and am fine with it. His partner, Randolph, was more direct. He said I was ugly as shit and hot as hell.

That was helpful for men like Sean. He is a good-looking man worried about his "imperfections."

For Sean and men like Sean. I was therapeutic. The next evening, he was in the Sauna. This time his cock became fully erect. Ten minutes later, I was fucking him in the Sauna and told him I was close to shooting. He immediately tensed up. I noticed that and told him he wouldn't catch a case of the uglies from me. He burst into laughter. I injected every drop of my sperm into him. He left a happy man.

Sean had a problem with his self-image. Some of Willy's patients had almost crippling image problems. A week later, I was in the sauna with several men. Three were sexually engaged, and one man sat alone in a corner as far away from them as possible. I sat near him. He was a plump, short man with the whitest skin I had ever seen. I suspected he was never in the sun.

"Hi, I'm Lancaster, the head janitor. Have you had any problems here?" I asked. "I like to check with our guests to see if we have missed anything." He had visited the Alpine Institute four or five times.

"I'm Randy, everything is fine," he said. I extended my hand, and he shook it and added, "It's nice here. Really pretty."

"Nice to meet you," I said. "You may not have guessed that some of our guests don't spend much time admiring the view."

Randy looked at the men. "I see what you mean," he said. "Do they make a mess?" he whispered.

"Some guys are nice enough to swallow the sticky stuff," I said.

"They eat it?" he asked. "I couldn't do that."

"At one time I didn't do that either," I said. "Everyone here has a clean bill of health. I've developed a taste for it when it's fresh. It's exciting to take it straight from a spurting a spurting cock." I looked at his cock. "Are you fully loaded?"

"I guess so," he whispered. "It's kind of public here."

I leaned closer to him. "I think our friends are too busy to watch," I said.

I stood, and then got on my knees. He was wearing a jock. I peeled it off and took his knob into my mouth. A second later his entire soft cock was in my mouth and was rapidly inflating. Everything was in working order. Randy's cock was a bit larger than standard issue. It was tender and responsive. Randy later told me that he hadn't known his cock would react as it did when I sucked him. He had a limited number of unsuccessful sexual encounters.

I'm not sure he knew what was happening, but since I was tasting his increasingly plentiful cock ooze, I knew. I wasn't surprised at the explosion of sperm during his orgasm. He apologized for shooting off. I thanked him for his load. The other men were still going at it. and I went to my room and was asleep by ten. It had been busy day.

There were few problems running the Institute's property. I realized years before that if you take care of minor problems quickly, they don't grow into big problems. Little roof leaks are easy to fix, six months or a year later the little leaks aren't little anymore. I did the same with complaints from the patients.

Went I went to shower and relax in the sauna the next evening. Sean arrived just behind me. I suspected the had been watching for me. He came with a friend who he introduced as Thor. Thor's parents did him no favor giving him the Nordic god's name. He was shy and timid. He was a church organist for a "born-again" church. I realized that if anyone at the church found out he was gay he would be fired if not burned at the stake. He was forty and had lived with his parents until they died in an automobile accident a year earlier.

Randy explained Thor didn't know how to cook, wash clothes, or turn up the heat in the house. He didn't have a checking account or a credit card. His parents did it all. Thor realized he was gay and considered Randy to be a sophisticate and man of the world. Both men looked good and functioned well in day-to-day life. They just lived a non-sexual life and lived in terror of discovery.

There is nothing wrong with a non-sexual life, except there in no sex. Most people consider sex to be a part of life and it makes a modest contribution to the propagation if the species.

Both men wore jocks into the sauna. Randy removed his, but Thor kept his. I noticed he had the leather jock. That might have been clue to his interest. Thor was muscular, blond, and pale. Three older men came in the sauna. Roy, Dudley, and Frank were retired and friendly. We were young guys to them, and they looked at us as if they won the jackpot for the night.

They thought Eden and the Alpine Institute was a godsend. They had lived their lives in the closet, and a weekend of being gay was exciting. Roy, Dudley, and Frank were tanned. Roy was smooth and Frank was covered in white hair from his beard to his toes.

They came over to say hello. We were sitting and they were standing, so we got a close-up view of their equipment.

Frank was a retired music professor and choral director, and he quickly befriended Thor. Dudley had been a building contractor and he was in front me. Roy sat between Thor and me.

Dudley was uncut and thick foreskin enveloped his cock head. I leaned over and licked the puckered tip of the foreskin. Dudley had what could only be called a turbo-charged erection response. He was ready as was I. Roy leaned over to suck Randy.

Thor and Frank continued talking about music, but both of their cocks responded. Frank was a granddaddy type. He wasn't intimidating at all, and he had a friendly cock. It was not too big, not too small, but it was clearly interested. Thor leaned forward and his tongue touched Frank's knob. He soon took it all. I noticed that Thor's six-inch erection became a seven-inch erection. All was well. it was a good night.

I had moved to the Eden estate and was living in the chauffeur's former rooms above the garage. The Garage was now our workshop. That was free and eliminated a 20-minute drive to Eden. The rooms had an undersized bath and no shower, so I used the main showers in the house.

Most of the guests stayed for a weekend or a week at the most. Some were interested in longer visits. We had a waiting list for guest rooms. We had a vacant building next to the garage. It was called the Bunk House but had been built for overflow guests from the parties of a half century earlier. It held two large barebone, barrack style rooms, one on each floor and institutional bath-shower rooms.

This struck me as modest for a house as grand as Eden. Willy explained the building. His great uncle, Taliaferro Williams was a playboy at college, and tended to invite all the members of his fraternity to party at his house. The Bunkhouse was to house the men who were too drunk to drive home.

"He needed two fucking floors to hold the drunks?" I asked.

Willy nodded. "Uncle Tally's friends included anyone who would drink with him. He was an incredible snob unless you were drunk. Drunkenness made him your best friend, until you sobered up. He was the heir, so his parents gave him more leeway that was good for him. He died at thirty. His mother died two years earlier Great Granddad remarried, and his second wife gave birth to twins, one of whom was my father," he explained.

"Do you think any of our guests would be willing to rough it in the bunk house?" he asked.

"If the showers were upgraded, I think some might," I said. We had several regular customers, so I called some of them and they thought the bunkhouse might be good. Thor and Lowell both mentioned birthday parties, and anniversary events. They thought it might be a good party place.

Willy decided to renovate the Bunkhouse. It was oddly designed. The side facing the Eden mansion had only fake windows. That was to keep the men vomiting out the windows from bothering the other guests. The side facing away from the house had a wide porch and windows. The porch was for men who needed a lot of fresh air. The Bunkhouse had two cupolas. We discovered that these had once provided light for the upper floor. These had been sealed up, and we reopened them and flooded the room with light. It took about four months to get the Bunkhouse ready. I should have taken more time, but Willy could pay immediately, so the contractors were inspired.

The room was booked for months immediately. I was surprised when the first event was a birthday party for George given by Russ and Lowell. I was invited. George's discovery of gay sex immediately preceded developing a social life and many friendships. I told George that sex could be a prelude to friendship. He thought I was feeding him a line of shit.

"You were right," he said. "Once you've had good sex with a guy, you have a pretty strong reason to become better friends. You do feel a connection with a man when you've traded sex juices."

Willy contributed to the festivities by providing jocks with George name and his birth date embroidered in them. That provided great amusement and made sure no one wore more than the jock to the party. There was a slit between the strap and the pouch so you could pull your cock out for display or use,

He was friends with Ed, Sean, and Thor as well as Frank, Dudley, and Roy. I met several men from Sean's hometown. I was surprised when Moonshine arrived. Moonshine had provided a willing ass for many of the men's early anal explorations. Having a job, eating well, and going to bed had made a great improvement in Moonshine. He could focus and could talk in full sentences. He was also generous sexually and not demanding.

There was a cake and lots to eat, Russ gave a welcoming speech. At the end he mentioned there was no alcohol at the party, but if anyone missed it, he would trade some of his home brewed high-test for theirs and deliver it into a mouth or ass. That caused laughter.

"Is there anyone here who hasn't played cock tag with your prostate?" Thor yelled. There was more laughter.

"There may be some. I do need to warn you, my ass is tight, but it gets really slippery later at night!" Russ replied.

Most of George's friends were new to the scene. They were excited to be sexually involved, but still uneasy. They had years of puritanical repression of all sexual urges and desires. It's hard to turn on a dime. They had found a new and different life a bit scary, even though the new the life is more enjoyable and satisfying than the old life had been. You knew all the rules of your former life. You hadn't found all the rules of this new sexually adventurous new life.

I talked with a small man named Topher. He was an accountant who had lived with his divorced mother. She remarried and moved to Florida leaving him abandoned. She had been demanding woman and he had been her servant. He had never dated women or men. He sat next to me.

"George told me he met a guy who looked like a gorilla. Is that you?" He asked.

"I'm not sure it's me but it could be," I said. "If there is a bunch of men hanging around, I'm usually the one they think is wearing the gorilla suit." Topher smiled and said, "George told me you were a nice guy and kind of funny. He said you knew a lot and taught him a lot of stuff. He said it was fun."

"If you do some of the things we did, it's a lot more than just fun," I said.

"I like to be neat. George told me some of the stuff you do is messy," he said lowering his voice to a whisper.

"You can be neat; I know some tricks." I said. "You know when your cock gets excited it shoots sticky stuff?" he nodded. "Sperm is pure, sanitary and tastes good. If you eat it, there is no mess," I explained. "When I was a kid playing with my pals if you ate it there was nothing for your mom to find."

I had guessed that swallowing cum from a spurting cock was better than having sperm stains on your clothes. I guessed that this made sense to Topher. I guessed right. He could feel virtuous as he swallowed cum from a spewing cock.

He asked if you could have sex without the orgasms. I explained orgasms were the objective of sex. I explained that cocks shoot when they want, not when you want and even less when you want your partner to shoot. "There may be a slow build up to an orgasm, or it could be like a lightning strike out of nowhere. Think of a cock as a loaded gun. It can shoot at any time."

He was erect by then, so I leaned over and licked his cock. He moaned. I was afraid he would run away in horror, so continued to suck him. a few minutes later he was oozing precum.

Frank and Moonshine sat next to us. Moonshine was young, tanned, and quite muscular. Frank was a grandpa type who thought he won the lottery when he was with a young guy. Conversations with Moonshine could turn into flights into outer space, but to describe his sexual skills as all-inclusive understates the case.

Moonshine was facing Frank sitting on Frank's cock. Moonshine was bouncing on the tool and was telling Frank he loved a real piece of meet up his ass. Frank asked him to tighten his sphincter to massage his cock.

"Anything you want, Daddy," Moonshine replied.

A little later Frank ask If I wanted Moonshine after he popped. I told his that since Moonshine worked for me, it would cause problems. "My friend here, Topher, might be interested. He's new to the scene and he might be interested in something new."

"He's cute, but what if I shoot off in him?" Topher asked in a whisper.

"That is exactly what he wants," I said.

Five minutes later Frank shot off and Moonshine was siting on Topher's cock. It was Topher's first anal sex. Luck was with us, and Topher's cock was the perfect size for massaging Moonshine's prostate. Both men were in heaven.

I went with Frank for a quick shower and encountered Thor there. Thor and I got along well, but he was afraid my cock would be too thick for him. Since he had visited Eden, he had discovered he loved being a top, but his efforts to be a bottom fell flat. I was holding him steady as Frank sucked him. Thor bent forward and my cock poked his anus. Thor had lubricated it just in case he needed it. My cock popped past his sphincter and rammed his prostate as it went deep. The mysteries of anal sex became clear to him. I didn't expect my cock would find the meaning of life or solve the mysteries of the universe in Thor's ass. Thor told me he hadn't expected to be surrounded by heavenly choirs and coming close to having lunch with the Virgin Mary at the gates to heaven. Our anal adventure was good. he missed lunch because I drained my balls directly into his ass and sent him into deep meditations on the meaning of life.

Ten minutes later we realized it had been an incredibly good fuck. Frank said he almost choked on Thor's ejaculations that followed my orgasm. We returned to the party. The experienced men were happy. The inexperienced men knew way more about themselves than they had suspected. They were all mellow and satisfied. Everyone realized the next morning they want more. No one was ever satisfied by a single penetration, or a single orgasm.

Next: Chapter 3

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