The Alpine Institute

Published on Oct 9, 2021


The Alpine Institute for Male Health By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Dr. Willard Williams founded the Alpine Institute. He was a real doctor with a degree from a respected institution. He went on to specialize in psychiatry. His partner, Rudolph was a certified physical therapist and masseur. Willy was not into the blood and germs aspect of medicine. Willy was a member of an old, wealthy family. He was attentive to his unmarried uncles and aunts and inherited both money and a large country house, Eden, from them.

Eden sat on five hundred acres on the side of a mountain and had beautiful views. Willy was intelligent and personable. He was also lazy. He did work, but not that much.

The Alpine Institute treated male problems. These problems were usually sexual and were related to sexual orientation. He dealt with closet cases and worked to reduce stress and anxiety. I am Lancaster Montrose. Dad believed an impressive name would help me get better jobs. I am the building manager for the Institute, i.e., the head janitor. The name didn't seem to help.

Eden had the Alpine Institute offices, a medical suite, a library, and a dining room on the first floor. The second floor had bedrooms for overnight stays, a gym and exercise room, a massage suite, and showers, a hot tub and sauna. There were ten single room, and four doubles. The rooms were for patients who needed a rest.

Willy's clients were gay men who were too frightened to have a sexual relationship; gay men were guilt ridden because they had sexual relations with a man, or gay men who had to be coerced in to having the sex they wanted by a dominant man. Willy was blessed with an ability to tell the difference between a problem and serious mental illness. That usually involved suicidal danger to the client, or physically harming their partners. He knew doctors who specialized with those illnesses.

Willy said he specialized in normal garden variety problems. His usual advice was for a man to rest, relax and let nature take its course. Some rooms had private baths, but most only had a toilet and a lavatory.

His clients realized that the Institute had facilities that accommodated 50% of the scenarios for gay porn videos. While clients and staff were conventionally dressed on the first floor, Willy emphasized the need to be natural and free on the second floor. The institute provided jocks for the shy men. Some were leather for the men so inclined.

When you stayed at the institute, you had a physical and testing at the medical suite. This insured that you had no major medical problems. They checked for infectious diseases. Willy was a medical doctor, and he had a nurse, Rod, who assisted him. Rod did the rectal exam, and he also let the patients know they were disease free and as were their bodily fluids.

Some of the men who stayed for a weekend or weekly rest were not sexually sophisticated, but they all realized what disease free meant. They could stop worrying about that.

Rod told me that information was enough to relieve a quarter of the men of their major concern. We had a strict no phone rule in the institute. We had old fashioned phones in the room, but there were no cameras or microphones on the second floor.

As the head janitor, three rednecks and a college dropout worked for me. Skeeter, Raleigh, and Bobby-Joe were hard working guys. They tended to look like something the cat dragged in, but they were dependable. Willy paid well. Raleigh had a back problem due to a construction accident, Bobby-Joe was uneducated, and Skeeter was nearing sixty. This was a dream job for them, not much work and good pay.

Moonshine, the college dropout, made a bad batch of his home brew. He was Rudolph's nephew and there was hope he could become fully functional again. Rudolph told me that he had been a know-it-all asshole before the bad batch. He hoped that if he recovered, he would be a better person. Moonshine loved the power mower. With five hundred acres to take care of, he was a happy man.

I am a forty-year-old bearded, bald guy. Willy says I looked like a poorly groomed gorilla. I am heavy set and sweat any time the temperature is above sixty. I had been a good tackle on the high school football team. Being a good tackle is like being an adequate artist, useless.

We had one full time masseur, Thomas. He was fifty and had two apprentices, Henry, and Bobby. They were younger looking and cute. Henry looked as if he were eighteen. He was twenty-four. Bobby was thirty years old man from Viet Nam. He could pass for being twenty years old.

Martin ran the gym. He was good looking, muscular and gung ho. Everyone liked Marin. He would encourage you to do more, but not too much more.

I doubted that the Alpine Institute would make a go of it. It struck me as too specialized. I eventually realized that I am not equipped to be an entrepreneur. I could not have been more wrong. I had been working there for a month when we had reservations for next six months. The gay communication network is incredibly efficient.

There are closeted gay men who needed help and guidance. Willy gave them what the needed. His scheme failed in one way. The rest cure stay in the rooms was not particularly restful for the men. Few men stayed in the room, but the spa type facilities were popular.

I didn't know why Willy hired me. We had met two months earlier and had a good time. We met again and he apologized that he hadn't remembered my name. I would have been insulted if the sex had not been so good. After I fucked him, he told me I had a stealth cock. He had hardly noticed it when it slipped into him, but when I began to ejaculate, every spurt and twitch was pure pleasure. He felt that his ass had been power washed.

Two weeks later I was hired. I thought I was to be his middle-aged boy toy. That didn't happen. I was busy getting things working right at the institute and had few sexual encounters.

Things were going along well when he called me to office.

"Lancaster, you have worked wonders for the institute, and I admire your ability to get so much done. When I first met you, I noticed that you possess superb sexual skills. As you know Randolph and I are partners and we rarely stray," he said. "He noticed your load in my ass. I confessed. He fucked me and then shot off in me and licked the sperm drooling from my ass."

"I was hoping you could help me with a patient. He craves sex but can only indulge in his passion when forced to do it by a domineering man. He wants to be forced and dominated. You look the part. I was frightened when me met and then overjoyed at your tender sexual skills," he continued. "I suspect my patient would feel the same. The man needs some tender therapy."

"Is this part of my duties here?" I asked.

"Of course not. That would undo all our work if the patient thought it wasn't voluntary," he said.

"Would you think I'm a horny bastard if I helped him?" I asked.

"No. I think you are helping a gay man find himself," he said. "Incidentally, if Randolph comes on to you. Help him out if you feel the urge."

I said I would help. The patient's name was George and he showed me a picture of him. "He goes to the sauna at seven thirty or so. He feels it is more degrading if there is an audience," he added. "I'm not sure if you know it, you aren't conventionally attractive, but the cave man look is a turn on to me and I would bet it would be exciting for the other men."

"I'm not sure I need excitement like that," I said.

Willy smiled. "Lancaster, I know that's not true, and you know that's not true too," he said. "As doctor I strongly recommend you let more joy into your life."

The next day I went to the exercise area. Martin gave me an official Alpine jock. It was too small, so I went commando. George arrived a half hour later. He was wearing the Alpine jock. George was in good shape but was pale and thin. I went off to the sauna. He followed.

"I'm afraid I sweat like a pig," I said.

George looked at me, "Sweat is dripping from your cock," he said.

"Once and a while a nice guy licks it up," I said.

"From the floor?" he asked.

"That would be unsanitary," I said. "They lick it from my cock." I was standing and moved closer to George. He leaned over and licked the tip of my knob.

"It's slightly bitter," he said.

"If you work on it, you may get the sweeter stuff," I said. George took my knob into his mouth.

A man I didn't know came in the sauna. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

"We're just relaxing," I said. "Take a seat."

"The view is better standing up," he said. "Is that a problem?"

"We're all men. It's no problem," I said. George continued sucking.

The man was wearing a jock. He was erect. "Damn, your cock is big, Is it big enough for two? I'm Russ." He was about fifty with a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his bush. He was uncut.

"George, are you willing to share?" I asked.

"If you want me too, Daddy?" George said.

"Join in Russ. By the way if the creamy sticky stuff shoots, George gets it," I said.

"I'm not sure I want it," George said.

I had a suspicion that Russ would have no problem taking it. "Now George, when a guy offers you his special sauce, it's rude to turn down the offer," I said.

"If he doesn't want it, I have another hole that can take it," Russ said. George looked up at me and smiled.

George got up and sat next to me. Russ was trying to swallow my cock.

Do either of you have a more private place to get more intimate?" I asked. Russ shook his head; he was sharing a room with friends.

"I have a room," George said. We went to the showers, rinsed off and went to George's room.

George looked nervous, but he was still more erect than soft. "George, we are three men with three mouths, cocks, ass holes and six balls filled with cum. I think we're going to rearrange things, sharing some things and trading others," I said. "I like to top and bottom. What are your tastes, Russ?"

"I mostly suck and top. I have an itch in my ass that may need attention. How about you George?" Russ asked.

"I'm not sure I know enough to say," he said. "Men sure look like they enjoyed it in the videos."

"I was hoping I would get my private parts into your private parts," I said. "Russ why don't I sixty-nine with George while you work your cock into my behind?"

George got on the floor. I sucked his tool as I draped my cock over his mouth. There was a little hesitation, but when I sucked him, he copied my sucking style. Russ coated his cock in lube and placed his knob at my hole.

"It won't fit!" George cried.

"Russ knows what he is doing," I said.

Russ made a quick thrust and rested his knob at my sphincter. "Ready?" he asked. He made a hard thrust and popped past my sphincter. "Damn it good! I had forgotten how warm and tight a man's ass it. It's fucking beautiful!" He said.

I must have oozed some precum, because George was sucking vigorously, and I tasted his precum for the first time. A few minutes later we broke apart to catch our breath.

We were surprised when one of George's friends came in, Lowell. If anyone was born to be a meek, shy librarian, it was Lowell. I later found out he was a librarian in a rare book room of a university library. He looked at the three of us and asked, "Is there room for one more?" I told him there was.

He took off the jock he was wearing, and his long cock was cradled between low hanging balls. Lowell looked at me. "I've seen you around, I didn't know you were a gorilla."

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"I've dreamed about being fucked by King Kong," he said. "You are a dream come true."

I had my beeper clipped to my towel. It went off and there was an emergency. I raced off, but not before Lowell asked, "A raincheck for tomorrow?" I nodded and went off to get my clothes.

A tree had fallen across the main access road to the institute. There had been a thunderstorm two days earlier. The tree must have been damaged then but didn't collapse until wind came from the wrong direction. Most of my guys had gone home, but Moonshine and Bobby-Joe were still at the Institute. Moonshine liked power mowers, but he loved chainsaws.

He was a wild and crazy guy, but he was good with a chainsaw and had good judgment on the right order to remove branches. I called the highway department and they sent over a big machine to roll the trunk out of the way. This took half the night, and I went home at three in the morning and got back to the Institute at nine. The tree was gone by noon.

I saw Russ in the halls. I mentioned to Russ that the sauna would be good for my aching muscles that evening. He smiled and said he would tell George and Lowell. The rest of the day was quiet, and I felt good.

I saw Lowell a little later. He said he liked meeting me the night before. "I've seen some exciting videos and I didn't believe guys would do that sort of stuff. I didn't think I could do what the stars did. Russ told me you need to find a cock you want up your ass," he explained. "George wants it too, but he too uptight to ask for it." He went off, and I went to see Willy and told him what happened the night before. He was pleased. He thought Lowell and George were ready to accept sexual reality and admit they liked men.

After work I showered and went to the sauna. I felt good, but my muscles thought the fallen tree of the night before was near their limit. Russ arrived with a man I didn't know named Ed. Ed was Russ's age, in good shape and was semi-erect.

Russ introduced Ed to me. "Did I mention my pals are friendly?" Russ asked me. I was sitting and leaned over and licked Ed's cock. George and Lowell came in next. Lowell sucked Russ's cock and George went for mine. George was distinctly more enthusiastic than before. Since I was sucking Ed's cock, I was having sex in stereo, with a cock in my mouth and my cock in George's mouth.

Ed was uncut and I tasted dried precum as I peeled back the skin.

"I was playing with Russ before I came here. Do you mind a used cock?" Ed asked. I deep throated him in reply to his question.

"Russ told me you like it in the ass," Ed continued. "I haven't fucked a guy in four years. Could I give you a poke and see if everything is in working order?" I was agreeable so I moved to the sixty-nine position with George. That gave George a good view. I wasn't surprised that Ed remembered how to fuck.

"Damn, he's twitching! Is he ejaculating in you?" George asked. He was surprised.

"He's just lubricating the tunnel of love," I replied. Lowell was next in line. He had an oversized cock and Ed's sperm made entry easy. Lowell's cock was huge and pleasurable. I stopped thinking and just reacted. George was watching and tasting my reaction. When Lowell shot off and pulled out, George stopped sucking. He was taking the sperm that drooled from my ass.

George and I rearranged ourselves. I nudged my cock into his ass. He shifted his legs to give me better access. I made a single hard thrust and my entire cock was in him.

"Are you okay?" Russ asked. George moaned and moved his legs even wider. A little later I was on my back and George was sitting on me, bouncing on my cock as he stroked his cock. Russ, Ed, and Lowell were watching, encouraging George. George let everything hang out both physically and emotionally. He began to shoot off seconds after I began to rear load him. He bent over to kiss me, and my cock popped out of his ass. Lowell came over and licked up my fresh sperm as it drooled from George's ass.

I fell asleep. It had been a long day. While I slept, Lowell and Russ fucked George as George fucked Ed. Eventually there was a general exchange of affection and sperm between the men.

I work up around mid-night and went home. I fell asleep again and just barely made it to work at eight. Willy came to our shop and thanked the men for the extra work on the tree removal. He was good about that sort of thing and my men appreciated being noticed. It was Monday which was the usual day new men came to the Alpine Institute, so we had to get all the rooms ready by three in the afternoon, so we were busy. We had sheets delivered from the laundry first thing and we delivered the used sheets the next morning.

Things would get broken or damaged over the weekend. We understood that things happen. Some guys try to hide broken or damaged thing. That is a pain. Luckily, my guys are good about problems. Someone had diarrhea and hid the sheets in a drawer. That was a mess and we had to get specially marked containers to warn the Laundry about the problem. That delayed the cleanup.

I sent the men home at the usual time since they had been working a lot of overtime and needed to rest. I was finishing the last room when the new occupant arrived. He was surprised, I introduced myself and told him I was finishing the checklist for the room. This was the room where the diarrhea incident occurred, and we had to replace the mattress and do super duty airing.

It was a single room with a half bath. The man asked how to get to the showers. I said I was going that way and I would show him. His name was Sean and he said that would be nice. "A friend of mine said this was a nice place," he said.

I smiled and said we did everything to make it nice.

"He told me it was fun, but the dress code was informal," Sean said. "I'm not sure my body is at its best informally dressed." I assumed he knew that nudity was common.

"I wouldn't worry about that," I said. "No one here is hung up on fashion!"

We got to the showers. Sean said he could use a rinse. It was hot in the car.

I said I could use a clean-up too adding, "I hate sticking to the upholstery in the car." I stripped and Sean stripped behind a row of lockers.

When he saw me in the showers, he exclaimed, "Shit, I thought I was a hairball. You belong in a museum!"

I laughed. Sean had a hairy chest and treasure trail to his bush. I don't think he had been a smooth, teenage heart throb, but he was never asked to be the centerfold in a gay caveman porn magazine.

"I don't believe I said that. I don't know what got into me. I've never been that rude, I'm sorry," he said.

I looked at his crotch. "Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you glad to see me?" I said paraphrasing Mae West. Sean was rock hard and then burst out laughing.

Next: Chapter 2

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