The Alpha I need

By Phillip Green

Published on Oct 26, 2018



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It had been a long day of waiting. Sitting in this empty office really made Nico think of everything that had lead him to this moment. Looking around the blank walls in silence made him realize that it had actually been a long year of waiting. Around this time eleven months ago, his waiting had just begun. His industrial sized telemarketing company had just sky rocketed into the third largest in the country, and all he had to do from now one was let it run itself. He had gathered what he knew was a bullet proof team that would do everything for him, his dreams of being a "jobless" millionaire had become a reality and yet sitting in his empty office that he hadn't visited in months left him empty.

A loud knock that echoed through the hollow room startled Nico to his feet, and before his thoughts could catch up with him he spat out a loud "Come in". Marina who had been his assistant in the beginning walked in, looking sharp in her gray skirt suit.

"Hey, sorry for the wait, there were some things that needed to be urgently worked out." Marina laughed out. "What did you need Mr. Langdon?" She asked casually, as they were as close as an employee and a boss could get.

He looked around nervously, even though he was the boss of her and everyone in that building, speaking up about anything made Nico tremble a little. "I've been feeling a little disconnected from the company..." Nico trailed off not knowing how to continue his sentence.

Marina left out a little chuckle. "That's great, right? It's what you wanted."

Nico tugged at the ends of his one of a kind tailored sleeves. Noticing himself how insecure he looked he straightened himself up and pretended he was adjusting his suit. "Of course, I just needed to make sure there's nothing I need to get involved with." Nico blurted matter of factly

"Well Sir, as you put it a year ago, as long as Ryan, James, Nicholas and I are here, the company can function without a single flaw. It's been smooth running since then." She nodded along with her sentence.

Nico found himself nodding subconsciously too. His thoughts raced, trying to think of the next thing to say that could possibly get him back into his own company without seeming as if he were backtracking on his own orders. But yet again, his lack of confrontation won him over. "All right, sometimes as the boss you just need to come in and scare everyone in person." Nico said letting one of his signature cheeky smirks form on his chiseled face. "I need to get to Toronto by tomorrow, so I'll let you get back to your work." He said as he picked up his brief case.

"Oh, of course." Marina said opening the door for Nico. "There's really no need to worry sir, everything's going according to plan, and I personally won't let any of the men screw it up."

Nico nodded. "I trust you Marina, you're worth more than anyone else here." He said honestly. "And uhh... If there ever is anything that I'd need to get done, don't hesitate to call." Nico called out as he stepped into the elevator. And just like that his waiting was resumed. Nico was just looking for somewhere to go, someone to be, something to do.

Despite his newly found economic status, his very basic love of Starbucks had not changed. As he took a step into the coffee shop, his pocked vibrated. His hand automatically pulled out his brand new phone and saw a notification from Facebook.

Andrew Mueller liked your Profile Picture

Nico frowned as he had not read that name in years. He unlocked his phone immediately, just to make sure his mind hadn't just made up what he had seen. As Facebook began to load, his phone vibrated in hand again. A little (1) appeared next to the message icon.

Message from Andrew Mueller - Nice suit -

Nico raised his eyes only to meet with bright green ones that belonged to the one and only Andy. A smirk played along Andrew's face, just as the one he had when Nico had seen him last.

"Fancy seeing you here, business man." Andrew said extending his hand as to shake Nico's.

Nico's knee's began to get weak and his palms immediately started sweating, he looked down at Andrew's hand and back up at his face.

"Shake it you idiot." Andrew barked at him. And just like that Nico firmly took Andrew's hand in his, accepting his shake. "You're the same as always, huh?" Andrew asked as he shook his head. All it took was one look into Andy's eyes and Nico had already become an even bigger mess than what he had turned into.

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