The Alchemy of an Encounter

Published on Sep 18, 2022


The Alchemy of an Encounter Chapter 5

The Alchemy of an Encounter

by Lowell Mitford

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Chapter 5 - Graduation

The hour before sunset, when the still-strong light of the setting sun hit the porch of the casita, was always our special hour. El Jefe liked to set up his wooden chair, tipped back against the porch rail, on one side of the porch, his back to the sun, his face in shadow, while I knelt (comfortably!) before him on all fours in my leather. As I felt the warm sun on the side of my face, I patiently helped him soak, then carefully dry his powerful feet. Once they were immaculate, he would first gently massage my face with the soles - especially the rough heels -- all the while telling me about the humor and the annoyances of his day. Then he would shift his feet to massage my bare pecs, flicking my nipple ring with the outer edge of his big toe, asking me in turn about the office and my work. My cock, rising mightily within the confines of my leather briefs as I spoke idly, clamored for release. Finally, after a series of silent entreaties had played across my face, he would utter a low, throaty order to "unzip," and I would release my cock to drip on the rough wooden boards, as my master lifted his heels in tandem to massage my neck and upper back. When I began to visibly sway from sleepiness, he would leash my collar and lead me to the bed, where the serious discoveries of the night were to be made.

At the beginning of my twelfth month of service, Aurelio, who did not allow his birthday to be celebrated in the house, received a silent gift from Arvid, who was a skilled woodworker. It was a smallish version of the Saint Andrew' cross, the wood unpolished but planed smooth, with two different sets of metal loops at each corner, one set for metal restraints and one for ropes. My master accepted it appreciatively, seeing it less a tribute to his age than to the durability of our relationship. He would it facing the sun, then tie my wrists and ankles firmly but not uncomfortably to it with rope. For the next hour, using a thin cane with a shredded leather tip, he would, without standing up, trace the delineation of each muscle group as the sun highlighted it in turn, praising the results of my exercise or (rarely) suggesting changes that would improve them. Occasionally he would use one or the other bare foot to heft, ever so gently, my leather-restrained and weighty cock and balls. Finally, at the end of one evening session when it had seemed he had praised me continually – indeed so excessively that I had blushed – he said:

"I think, hijo, it is time to discuss plans for your graduation ceremony." He saw at once my concern.

"Oh, don't worry compadre – you're not going anywhere. You can always stay for post-graduate studies. But I think it is time your hard work receives the recognition that is due."

"What would a graduation ceremony look like?"

"I have no idea," said my master, untying me. "I've never done one. Why don't you come back to me in a day or two with a proposal so we can save the date?"

The next day, after Aurelio had left and before I went to the office, I ran into a smiling Juan in the laundry room, dressed in his workday uniform of open-heeled mules, tank top, and the briefest of cutoffs.

"What's the news from Madrid?" I asked. He winked at me and embraced me.

"I have a marvelous secret I can share. Miranda just got confirmation from her female doctor. Beni and I are going to be daddies!" His face lit up with joy.

Suddenly I had an idea. "Let's throw a fiesta for the house, I said. Could we combine it with my one-year graduation this month? Jefe wants me to have a ceremony."

"Perhaps we could wow them with a special two-man sister act," he giggled. "You and I still need to get together, you know. And once the baby comes I will be too busy. Benicio will keep his new mommies on a tight leash." (By "Mommies" of course he meant both Miranda and himself.)

"And what's wrong with a tight leash?" I joked. We both laughed together.

"Let me stop by the office later," Juan said.

The thought of being with Juan excited me tremendously. Besides his gentle demeanor and his many kindnesses to me, we looked much the same – both tall, slender, hairy blondes now (thanks to my training) both tanned and tautly muscled. The only negative note (which he had been teased about and had never disputed) was the general impression that (like me) he preferred to bottom. I looked forward keenly to hear what he would suggest, and even more to our rehearsals.

The night of the open-air fiesta on the patio, after dinner, brandy and cigars, Juan and I disappeared to get ready. While they waited Aurelio rose first to announce my "graduation" and praise all my hard work over the past year. Then Beni rose in turn to accept congratulations on his special news, with a short speech expressing his deep love of both Miranda and Juan. As he concluded he was handed a printed card, which he needed his glasses to read. Laughing hoarsely, he read aloud, "And now, Damas y Caballeros, Señors y Señoritas, it is our great pleasure to announce this evening's entertainment, Señorita Lana Turner y Señorita Rita Hayworth!"

Music by the Eurythmics blared over a cassette player and a spotlight played as Juan and I, dressed in matching white and turquoise satin turbans, camisole tops and zippered hot pants made for us by Miranda, emerged from the house in heels, strutting our stuff on the garden parterre above the patio. Aiming of the faces in the small but enthusiastic crowd, we did a slow, rhythmic strip, until we had nothing left but our heels, sky-blue pasties, and see-through G-strings. With the spotlight following us, we carefully made our way to the patio below, ascending with help the benches, then the long trestle table that had been cleared for us. We lay on our backs, heads facing out, with our derrières and genitals touching, our high-heeled legs reaching like columns to the night sky.

The music shifted to the sultry stylings of Grace Jones as, with a flick of the wrist, the G-strings were tossed aside, revealing the silver rings framing our captured cocks and balls. Victor, now bare-chested, emerged from the darkness between us with a short length of black tubing, with black rubber dildo heads at each end. Two video cameras set up by Leandro now translated our frenzied expressions to adjoining monitors, so the cheering crowd could study very frame of our intense and growing excitement as Victor, with tender attention, inserted the dildo heads first in Juan's well-greased anus, then in mine. Slowly and with infinite care, Juan took the lead in rotating his ass into position next to mine, so that the black tube seemed to vanish entirely.

Now we began to undulate our abdomens and asses in the slow routine we had rehearsed numerous times. As we raised our hips, Victor grabbed our rapidly growing cocks in his strong right hand, pressing them together, miming an expression that seemed to invite the verdict of the judges. His effort made clear that although the taller Juan exceeded me by nearly two inches in length, mine was the thicker and, possibly, the more pleasurable tool. Always a bit of a sadist, Victor continually slid our greased cocks together, gliding his free hand alternately across our tight abs, until we were both audibly moaning. The sweat pouring off our glistening bodies, we rotated our hips to make minute adjustments in our positions, with Juan's head and upper torso facing toward the terrace and mine facing away from him, towards the crowd, all the while maintaining in place the flexible rubber connection that united us.

From the back of the audience, Beni was pushed forward and placed before the open mouth of his lover, who waited with closed eyes to receive him. Gathering his energy as though this was something he did every day, Benicio pushed his cargo pants and jock strap to his ankles, slapping Juan's lapping tongue with his hard cock and anointing Juan's eager lips. As one camera focused in close-up on their oral lovemaking, the other showed my eyes and mouth summoning Aurelio from the crowd. He soon obliged, stepping into the light in only a crisp white shirt and boots, and filled my eager mouth.

The cameras had been cleverly positioned by Leandro so that Juan had an uninterrupted view of my movements, while I was free to focus on Beni and Juan in closeup. The infinite variety of expressions passing across Juan's ecstatic but immobilized face excited me beyond measure, and I closed my eyes, fighting off the eruption I knew must soon come. In the event it was Juan who won the race, and he shook Beni from his mouth to give a raucous howl as he came, jetting nearly straight upward. The new-felt slickness of his load falling on my cock added to my torture as Victor redoubled his masturbation of my captive penis, and I shot my load in great gasps all the way up my torso to my nose, closing my eyes as I felt my master spray my bearded lips and chin. Beni, in the closeup shot, jetted cum onto both of Juan's cheeks, across his nose, and into his curly, matted hair, in an impromptu conclusion precise as the finale of a Mendelssohn quartet. The music faded away, and the cameras' whirring ceased, the monitors freezing on matching closeups of Juan's and my own exhausted and dripping profiles.

On this our special night, as Jefe lulled me to sleep in his strong arms, he jokingly hummed snatches of Gaudeamus egitur, the ancient Latin graduation song, as I drifted into sleep. I thought back to my own school graduation nine years before, and how lonely I had felt without a father alive to put his arm around me and publicly show his pride. Now, I thought happily, I had a father who daily showed, in every way, how proud he was of me. More importantly, for the first time, I felt proud of myself.


When Aurelio learned that I had been keeping a journal all this time he insisted on seeing it. Impressed, he showed it to Benicio. Both argued strongly I should try to publish, with Beni providing the name of a gay-friendly publisher, and even offering to supply a blurb. The initial printing, although small, sold out almost at once, and soon affiliates asked about translations into French, German, and English. We realized that by publishing in Switzerland we could do all three translations quickly and cheaply. Within a year I was on a multi-city book tour, for which, after some discussion, El Jefe also agreed to participate. From then on our life was never the same. Young men from Spain and Portugal, and from as far away as Ireland and Brazil began showing up at the compound gates, applying to be trained as submissives according to the gentle method outlined in my book.

The ascent of Benicio and Juan into marital sanctity and their absorption in family concerns, both in Madrid and at their new house meant that the compound was for most purposes now empty, with all but Arvid (who manages the property for us) deciding to move on. Beni generously agreed to lease the compound back to us at a very attractive rate, so that we could implement our plans for our new business. With El Jefe newly credentialed as a practicing therapist, we oversee paid sessions for gay couples, exploring a vast variety of sexual situations and possibilities. His preoccupation with this interesting work meant that the heavy duties of being a training master have now fallen to me. From such brave and candid young men as Daniele from Bologna, Teodoro from Coruña, Luís from Sa' Paolo, and even Hernando, a junior accountant from my old firm, I continue to learn, improve and grow every day.

Muchísimas gracias a todos los muchachos!

-- Ari

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