The Aggressive Jock Bottom

By Michael Robert

Published on Jun 17, 2011



This story is for those who are of legal age, this is a fantasy story that is gay related and involves male to male bondage sex. In fantasy this can be fun but in reality anything like this should be discussed first and agreed upon. Also I am dyslexic some certain sentence structuring or grammar issues I may not catch - I am sorry.

Mitch was tall with short cropped blond hair and blue eyes, his time spent partaking in aquatic diving and competitive diving gave him a nice gold tan. This tan assisted in showing off his smooth defined muscled body. Though he was very built his face was still that of a boy, he was 27 and a grad student. Being that Mitch was on a diving scholarship he had to stay in peak physical condition. Mitch in life was known to all of his friends as an alpha male. Even though Mitch was into guys no one could tell, nor cared for he was a great friend to many. Mitch had just ended his lap routine and pulled himself out of the pool. All Mitch was wearing was a tight black Speedo. The time was night so the outdoor pool lights glowed against his tan wet body. After Mitch exited the pool he made his way into the men?s locker room. The locker room was empty and somewhat dark this was because of the poor lighting that existed in side of it, in the center of the locker room was a bench to sit on. Mitch turned made his way to the towel shelf and found no towels; Mitch frowned at this and knew that the new towel boy was lagging, again.

Tony was 24, he was about 5 foot 9 and was very muscled and smooth, he had dark brown skin and brown eyes, and he was half Italian and half Russian. He had very defined cheek bones and short wavy hair. He was very muscled with light chest and arm hair. Mitch found Tony to be attractive but not in his league for Tony was someone who came from more of a blue blood background, where from what he could tell Tony was not that refined. Tony sat in the trainers office again he liked it when everyone was gone for he could spend time on the computer surfing porn and checking emails, sometimes when he felt brave he find a trick that lived on campus of close by to come over to the office. Tony would use the office for he knew no one was here generally at this time of night when he worked, he had room mates, and no one knew he was well into men, so this was the perfect fit. Tony was watching a new kind of porn he recently found it was on a site called Because he felt he was alone and did not bother to check the pool, he did not turn the sound down to the computer. Tony was cut and had a nice 8 inch tool, his cock was hard and he was stroking it slowly as he watched the man on man bondage action from the monitor.

Mitch heard odd noises coming from the couches office, he figured that was where Tony was for it was the only light on in the locker area. Mitch heard heavy breathing and moaning coming from the office. This sound did not scar him but really turned him on. Mitch walked in to the office, and stopped in the door way.

Sitting in the chair was Tony hard as a rock watching gay bondage porn. The sight of this and the porn made Mitch stiff. His tight black speedo did not hide this one bit. Mitch felt embarrassed, Tony quickly turned the monitor off and turned the speakers to silent. ?What the hell?? Tony barked. Mitch walked away confused for he did not know Tony was into guys. Nor did he understand what he saw on the computer. Tony quickly tucked his now half hard cock into his pants and followed him out of the office.

In the locker room Tony followed Mitch, Mitch walked to his locker and opened it before he could grab his gym bag Tony walked quickly in front of him. Tony had an aggressive stern look on his face, one that was he used to intimidate another. Mitch though was not buying it. ?Move? Mitch just ordered. Tony though did not budge. Tony looked down and saw Mitch hard on in his Speedo. Mitch reached down and grabbed it and squeezed on it. Mitch yelled and as Tony then spun him quickly around and pin him into the locker. Though shorter then Mitch, he was very strong. The grip Mitch felt on his cock from Tony was very strong and somewhat painful, his balls and cock were being squeezed, forcing him to submit. ?I don?t like your tone man? Tony said to Mitch. Tony had a fantasized about Mitch for some time, Mitch though would catch him looking and ether roll his eyes or look through him. ?You look at me like I am nothing, well I am going to show you that I am much more man? Tony looked around he quickly pulled Mitch from the locker and onto the bench he then used his foot and pulled Mitch gym bag close. Mitch went face down onto the bench he felt his cock go even harder, yet did not know why. Tony straddled Mitch and slapped Mitch firm Speedo covered but. Mitch grunted and tried to push Tony off of him, it though did not work. Tony then grabbed both hands and held them in place behind Mitch?s back. Tony saw a small bundle of gym socks in Mitch?s gym bag, he grabbed a pair, the kind in the bag were long socks, Tony quickly tied Mitch hands together then his feet, he then grabbed another pair and used one to lace his ankles to his bound feet and then tied another around his mouth and eyes. Feeling Mitch was somewhat secure Tony demounted his new ?sub? and quickly looked around, he walked over to a supply shed that was in the locker room and opened it, in side there was some white rope, he grabbed it and walked backed over he took several lairs of rope and secured Mitch to the bench by wrapping lengths of rope across his waist, back, and shoulders. After Mitch torso was forced onto the bench casing his but to thrust up word. Tony then took more rope and wrapped it around each of Mitch?s defined muscled thighs then tied the ends to the opposite ends of the bench. Doing this forced Mitch?s legs to spread. After this Tony took more rope and wrapped it around Mitch?s neck causing his head not to move and stay forward. Mitch moaned and groaned into his gage, being that Tony had not started his evening chores for the locker room he felt that Mitch like this be a nice addition to pass the time. Tony walked around and examined Mitch?s tied, tan, swimmers body. Tony rubbed his cock at the sight of this, after a few strokes he walked over and pulled Mitch?s Speedo down, Mitch had a very firm bubbly but and light tan line that match his Speedo very well. Tony slapped it then took his point finger and rubbed around Mitch?s smooth tight whole. Mitch flinched and moaned for Mitch was a top. Tony then rubbed Mitch?s sweet sport, Mitch moaned and screamed and buckled in his bindings. Tony smiled devilishly with his brown eyes as this happened. Tony then reached and pulled out Mitch?s cock, it was large, cut and hard with pre cum. Tony took Mitch?s cock and laid it flat on the bench, doing this made the shaft on Mitch?s cock face strait up, Mitch?s balls were gently sitting on top of his cock, the whole site was very sexy and beautiful to Tony. Tony knew he had to work and pulled away, he then turned on some music that he liked to work to and walked over and spit on Mitch?s ass whole. ?I have to work , you will be here all night with me? Tony said. Mitch moaned and screamed into his gag as Tony walked away starting his duties. Mitch screamed and moaned in anger as he struggled to be free from his tight bindings.

(Much more to come)

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