The Agency

Published on May 19, 2018


The Agency 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Case 7: The Tidwell Club

Edmund Tidwell was wealthy all but unknown man. His fortune derived from wire. Wire was the humblest of materials, but with the development of the telegraph, telephone and electric lights, it has become a basic element of these new industries. Tidwell made wire but more importantly he discovered ways to insulate it from water and how to avoid electric shocks from the transmitted electricity. Thousands and eventually millions of miles of wire crisscrossed the nation and the world.

He was an astute businessman and he purchased property for his factories well in advance of the need. He used some sites for factories, but others were simple real estate developments. England was booming as it approached the new century.

Tidwell was shy and retiring and was known as a private person. He personal relationships were with men and some tended to be intimate. These relationships were warm, friendly and mutually enjoyable. In 1890, he bought a hunting lodge in Scotland where he entertained his friends far away from prying eyes. This was enjoyable for all. This met his needs for several weeks in the summer, but Edmund realized a similar retreat near London would be desirable.

Tidwell's background was humble, and he had enjoyed the company of working men. Professionally tended to associate with wealthy men who made their mark through hard work and a knack for clever inventions. His intimate friends were direct in expressing their interest in gathering for intimate activities. In London that meant a club. Most upper-class men were members of traditional clubs. Tidwell had aquired a failed athletic club in London that would be a suitable site.

One of his closest friends, Col. Jamerson, owned a steamship Company, expressed himself directly. "We don't need another men's club. I have a good chef, and I can talk about finance or politics at my club. I want physical pleasure. I want a place where I can achieve sexual relief with like-minded men." The other men involved in the discussion were shocked at his directness, but eventually they agreed with Jamerson's assessment.

Tidwell and other wealthy men would support the new club financially. They agreed that men who were less well off could join if they tended to be sexually generous. There were ten founding members and that number soon grew to 25, with the addition of friends and friends of friends. The new group was called the Chelsea Athletic Club located west of Chelsea in the former club building.

I am Rudyard Phillips and became an associate member. I was a friend of Col. Jamerson. I thought that the CBC would be made up of millionaires, actors and few working men. I should not have thought that the men who enjoyed sexual activity were limited to a specific class or profession. There were actors, priests, professors, stone masons, athletes, builders and doctors. I also thought that the number of men who thought of themselves as being sexually generous would be small. That wasn't the case. Few men had the opportunity to be sexually generous, but many were willing, should the opportunity arise. The purpose of the club was sexual. When presented with a potential for sex, few men say no.

While, few members indulged in a broad range of sexual activities, most all were willing to learn new skills. The club employed Dr. George Wills as the club physician. He was had an interest in intensifying orgasmic responses. His best friend was an Indian Doctor, Ram Sidrath. Ram was fully acquainted with eastern sexual practices and wondered if Europeans were able to experience pleasure using Indian Techniques. They formed a little sub-group of men willing to experiment. They called it the Saturday Morning Group. It began with ten or twelve members, but quickly grew to 30-40 men.

When I talk about the men in the club, it may sound as if I am uninvolved and distant. That was very much not the case. I am interested in sex, more than generous with other men and interested in new experiences.

My involvement in the club greatly intensified when some of the wealthiest members had their homes burgled while they were at the club. Some assumed poorer club members were the perpetrators. I made no such assumptions. High status men with gambling debts or poor investments would go to great lengths to maintain their status.

While the first robberies were quite small, this alarmed the patrons. I volunteered my services to the club, along with several of my men. My bearish masseur, Barnabas; Jamie, the boy toy, and a new operative, Luigi, an Italian muscle man helped me. Luigi was an accountant with a superb memory. He kept track of who was at the club and who was not at the club during robberies.

To justify spending more time at the club I increased my involvement with the Saturday Morning Group. I was interested in new experiences and was willing to volunteer for demonstrations. Ram was well equipped, and he attracted several other well-hung members. Ernest was a stevedore, Grayson was a priest and Stephan was a waiter in a fine restaurant. The largest man was Robert, who owned a private bank.

I arranged to have a special demonstration on Thursday night with the big men and selected bottoms. Generally, the Club discouraged watchers, but Dr. Wills thought that voyeurs and exhibitionists deserved to be satisfied as well as other sexual preferences. He also believed that watching sex would encourage more participation. He thought it was healthier when sex included physical, and indeed genital contact. but observing got the ball rolling. To quote him directly, "It would get the balls churning, and the cocks rising."

The demonstration was in a small room with limited capacity, so you had to sign up. I planned to have a man watching each attendee's house. They would see who turned up and follow them.

The first exhibitionist event was with Earnest, the stevedore, Grayson, the priest and me. Earnest was muscular and smooth, except for beaver sized beard and an unruly pubic bush. Grayson looked like a medieval saint in clerical garb. Under the robes he had a pelt and a cock that belonged in an anatomical museum. The cock was so impressive that you barely noticed his massive, low hanging balls.

Ernest was direct and said that he had to exercise his tool regularly to be happy. That the man taking his tool enjoyed it was nice, but not necessary for his enjoyment. As a young man, Grayson had been appalled when he gave into his balls' demands. The men at the club regarded his tool as a blessing and a gift, not a curse. At the club, he had been able to find total sexual release in another man's ass for the first time.

That ass had been mine. He shot off so deep in me I could almost taste his spewing seed. I had shot off hand's free as he fucked me. That was a first for him, and it exited him. For the first time he realized a man could enjoy his cock. Many men had similar discoveries at the club. For many joy replaced guilt.

Thirteen men came to watch me take Ernest and Grayson. Little Tom was just curious. He was the son of a titled country squire. Phillip, Max and DeWitt knew of their interest in size. For the other men, the interest was secret from them. They had the interest but did not admit it to themselves. I knew that Nigel and Conrad believed their asses were too tight to even think about taking the monster cocks.

My masseur, Barnabas, told me that were more open than they thought, and that it had not taken a crowbar to get into their holes. I knew that virginity was more of a mental attitude for some men than a reality. They thought they strayed once and a while. That "once and a while" became a regular event did not change their fantasy view of their own virginity.

Ernest was a crude fucker. He coated his cock in lubricant, shoved it in my ass and pounded away. He had a great time. He possessed a huge knob on a long, comparatively thin shaft. The knob barely made it though my sphincter, but once it was in, it felt good. He shot off a huge load that lubricated my entire back end. Ernest was enthusiastic and didn't possess a shy bone in his body. He moaned, and his body shivered with each ejaculation.

His cock was big, crude and friendly. I could feel him squirting in me. He enjoyed it so much I enjoyed it too. When he pulled out, some of his excess sperm drained from my ass. The watchers gasped. Cocks don't lie, and sperm has only one tale to tell.

Grayson took Ernest's place. He was slow and deliberate. For him man sex was almost a ritual. His tool was a foot long and thick. His earliest experiences in the seminary had been painful. He hated that; he knew his cock could be an instrument of torture in the wrong ass. Little Tom had ejaculated into a glass and poured it on the oversized tool. Grayson liked sperm lubricant and Little Tom was his favorite supplier. It was a small room with seventeen men in it. We were all close.

Nigel stepped forward. "Grayson, do you like it when it's still warm?" Nigel asked as he stroked his tool. Before Grayson could answer, Nigel popped and sprayed his load on the cock.

"That is good," Grayson said as his pushed his knob into me. He didn't stop pushing until he was deep in me.

The small room was getting hot, the men were excited. These were conventional men who were not accustomed to group sex. They expected to see me with Ernst and Grayson, but seeing Little Tommy and Nigel shooting off was unexpected. The men were all erect and in the tight quarters, their tools were touching.

I was on my back with my legs open, so they could see Grayson's cock working my hole. Grayson was tender and gentle. I had the feeling that he was worshiping my ass and preparing to make an offering. When he began to squirt, Grayson lost his reserve and clearly relished each ejaculation. Several other men seemed to feel the same way and I felt splattering sperm on my body. After Grayson ejaculated, he pulled out and several men unloaded their man seed in me. Eventually, the group broke up. The men were entirely satisfied by the event.

The homes of two of the men at the party had been burgled that night. One of the burglars went to his lodgings, left the loot there and then went off to a pub. The other man went to a house in Mayfair. My man had the address. Luigi knew it was the address of Sir Willard Runcorn, the youngest son of the Duke of Somerset.

Sir Willard was an active member of the club and seemed to be sexually insatiable. He also had a fondness for cards and horses. I didn't know him other than by sight. He associated exclusively with men of greater rank.

I am not a follower of Mr. Morris's socialists and even less of Mr. Marx's communists, but I have been unable to determine a man's politics by his cock or man seed. The distribution of sexual organs and skills seems to be entirely unrelated to rank. A man can enjoy men of any rank, but association with only one class or rank suggests a lack of imagination.

Col. Jamerson was the current Chairman of the club and I told him about Sir Willard. He was not entirely surprised. He had heard things about Sir Willard from his valet. Jamerson treated this as just servant's gossip.

"To tell you the entire truth, Rudyard, my valet George is a good judge of character, and always level headed. I think I have done him an injustice," Jamerson admitted. I asked if I could speak with George.

The next morning, I met with George. He was the third generation of his family to serve the Jamerson's. He was also the sort of man I would hire. He had a firm understanding of the difference between fact, probability and rumor. He told me Runcorn was involved with a fast crowd. He had two skills, drinking too much and spending money. His only approach to making money was gambling. He had no skills for cards and a bad eye for the horses.

"I must confess that while my mother believed that everyone is put on this earth for a reason, Sir William might be an exception to that rule," George said. "He treats his people badly."

"Do you know any of his associates?" I asked.

"Lord March is a companion," George said. "A man named Edmond Petty is mentioned. The name describes the man, I am told."

I knew of Petty. Petty was a loan shark. He was believed to be a connection between desperate members of the aristocracy and criminal types. He was said to be related to the suicide of Lady Elizabeth Gardiner. She was deep in debt and had squandered her husband's inheritance. He was now in Australia hoping to rebuild his fortune.

I thanked George for his information.

"Is there a problem with Col. Jamerson?" he asked.

"I suspect that Col. Jamerson will be a part of the solution, not the problem," I said. George looked relieved. After the conversation, I returned to the club and encountered Robert, the horse hung banker. I asked if he knew Sir Willard.

Robert smiled. "I think he would be best described by saying he is an admirer, but not a partaker," Robert said. "He all but drools, but he has never drunk from the spigot of life. He once asked me for a loan, but he didn't own the buildings he said were assets. My accountant said the assets were confused. That is the polite way to say they are falsified." Robert was a member of the Board and he knew of my investigation. I told him of my suspicions.

"I have known Sir Willard for years and know his family well. The family is ancient, distinguished, and notably unimaginative," Robert explained. "Sir Willard is the black sheep and is usually described as a stupid ass. By definition, an aristocrat is entitled, Willard has an inflated view of his importance combined with a tendency to be rude and offensive."

"Why is here in this club?" I asked.

"He is sexually generous to men of rank," Robert replied. "I think he was often the first man to open his arse for the pleasure of his betters. He was the first man many fucked. He is always available to serve. If you can't find a man to screw, Sir Willard is available and willing."

I mentioned Mr. Petty. "Oh dear," Sir Willard has been trolling the bottom of a fetid pond," Robert exclaimed. "That is bad news indeed."

Robert personally owned his bank and was cash source for temporally cash-strapped important persons. It was said that included the Prince of Wales. He charged comparatively modest interests rates, rates that were high, but not grotesque. Robert was proud of his oversized sex organ. Like his interest rates, it was regarded as large, but not grotesque.

I sent a second person to watch Sir Willard's house and kept my man watching the other burglar's lodging. At my office they found a notice that Willard was looking for a house maid. We sent our Miss Cowper to respond. She was the sister of one of our men and interested in adventure. She knew that most homes would go to a reputable service for household help. They would check references and the character of maids and footmen. If Sir Willard was advertising, there was a good chance the services had rejected him. There was a problem there. No one notices maids.

At the club I met with a Mr. Fellows and his friend Talbert. Fellows was a senior inspector and Talbert was a constable at the yard. They were very close, and associated only with each other, except when Talbert felt an urge to warm his tool in a warm, tight bum. Fellows did not perform that service, but he understood the urge. Fellows would select someone to take Talbert's tool. Since I had known Fellows for years and am entirely trustworthy I was a preferred mate. We tended to exchange information as well as bodily fluids.

Fellows was a thin, tall, intellectual detective who dealt with complex crimes. Talbert was a beefy man who Boxed in the Police league. He fucked the way he boxed, and he had considerable stamina. Fellows was always present when we fucked. I was on my back, sucking Fellows as Talbert worked me over.

I asked Fellows what he knew about Sir Willard and Petty. "Willard is best known as a victim. He frequents low gambling dens and is cheated. Some men of that sort turn to crime to pay off debts," he said. "Petty is a greased pig, suspected of much but never caught. He claims to run a service collecting debts for legitimate businesses. That included loans and gambling debts. When I mentioned pigs, I should add that pigs have much higher moral standard than Mr. Petty."

Talbert was pounding me at a good rate. He liked long sessions and tried to hold back the orgasm. Fellows was well beyond half-staff. When I licked his cock head, I tasted the sweet drool that indicated that he was excited. He continued to give me useful information on Petty. His cock drool increased as Talbert picked up the pace.

Talbert was an adequate, but not exciting fucker until he reached the climatic event. His cock exploded like a fire hose. It was as if he were trying to shoot his sperm through my body. He had multiple ejaculations and then pulled out slowly. Fellows quickly took his place. I think he began spurting as soon as his cock head cleared my sphincter adding his seed to Talbert's cream. Fellows looked blissful.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" I asked. Fellows smiled. Fellows was a Scot and didn't admit to affection or intense feelings. Cocks can't hide intense feelings. I suspected that Fellows was comfortable since his physical explosion was hidden in the confines of my bum. Talbert came over to him and kissed his cheek. I felt a final spurt. Only he and I knew of the intensity of his feelings for Talbert.

The Yard was on the case the next day. Many small incidents fell into place with my information, and they found several other similar situations with Athletic Clubs and Political groups.

I was plotting a trap. We would have second exhibition for the wealthier members. That should inspire Willard. We would observe the members houses and hoped to bag them all the miscreants, preferably after they took the loot to Willard or Petty. Our guests would include Edmund Tidwell, Col. Jamerson. Dr. Ram Sidrath, Robert and one of Robert's friends, Stevenson Galbreath, an industrialist.

Ernest, Grayson, Stephan, the waiter, and Barnabas would the tops. Little Tom was to add some variety, and I would bottom along with Lord Boxley. Jamerson asked if he could bring Lord Boxley. He was one of the younger members. He was wealthy and all of London was talking about the expense of his new residence. Dr. Sidrath was to suggest more imaginative sexual combinations. Four other men filled out the group as the audience. We were in the same small room as before, so there was much physical contact.

Stephan connected with Stevenson. Stevenson was a gorilla type man who owned a bridge building firm. Stephan was slim and elegant with a matching cock. Ram had taught Stephan some new tricks and Stevenson got to enjoy them.

Boxley was a polite, small and delicate looking man. Unexpectedly Col. Jamerson went for him. He was a thickset, heavy man covered in ginger hair. With a massive beard he looked like a Highland Chieftain. Boxley looked at him in admiration and dropped to his knees to worshiped Jamerson's cock. Five minutes later Boxley was squirming on Jamerson's thick tool. There was nothing small or delicate about his cock, but Boxley loved it.

While this was supposed to be a demonstration of fucking techniques, the men who were supposed to be the audience joined in the sexual melee. Edmund connected with Little Tom. Ram advised them on possible ways to connect. Ram Sidrath, was a tall, imposing man with somewhat European features and dark skin. He had a big beard, a hairy chest and impressive equipment. He was comfortable wearing only a turban and an erection.

Sex in India was more inventive that in England. While it was different and seemed odd to most Englishmen, sex has some built in attractions that often seems to overrule any squeamishness. Ram introduced many to new techniques.

Grayson and Robert collaborated on discovering every possible way to jointly fuck me. With the audience Robert was shy. He had been brought up to fear nudity and fear exposing his genitals. At the club, his cock garnered admiration but few had seen it hard and in use. This admiration turned into outright enthusiasm as the organ grew to full size. By the time he came to this party, he recognized that nudity flattered him, and his genitals were impressive. At the party he realized they generated massive pleasure for him and his friends.

He soon discovered that what he had considered to be sexual pleasure was but a simple biscuit compared to the multi course banquet that is sex. if you relaxed and let your cock do the thinking for you, all was well. the small room made it impossible to stand back and be aloof. Cocks can not be aloof. The evening was good for all of us.

The evenings burglaries produce all the results one could have hoped for. Being caught in the act made trials unnecessary. Sir William and Petty were not known for paying well. Their underlings were willing to turn in their superiors. The Petty gang was much larger than I had thought, and the gang was at the center of a huge number of crimes and criminal activities.

A week later I was with Robert and Col Jamerson engaging in pre-orgasmic sex. This was one of Ram's techniques. We were erect, and our tools were dripping, but we were trying to avoid the sperm climax. This extended the sexual pleasure and eventually increased the intensity of the orgasm.

"After fifty years of hiding my sexual interests, it is hard to believe we are naked and playing with our privates." Robert said.

"Doing it in a room with lights is a shock for me. There were adventures in the dark in dormitory rooms at school," Jamerson remarked. "Everyone knew what was going on but pretended they didn't know."

"Both of you are well equipped," I said. "It's nice that you can share the wealth."

"I think you are the first man to enjoy my cock," Robert remarked. "It seemed to be painful for most men. I was giving you pleasure as I worked up to my own orgasm. It was lovely, my cock was a welcome guest, not an invader. With you I could relax and enjoy the sensations."

"There were boys at school who enjoy hurting the boys they didn't like," Jamerson said. "Looking back, I realize they always went for the smaller boys. I thought they were being manly. They were bullies. I also thought sex was all one way. I never gave a thought to my partner until I joined this club." In fifteen minutes, Jamerson was moaning as my cock probed the dark inside of his ass. He began to twitch and spew his creamy seed.

Robert leaned over to catch Jamerson's load in his mouth. I shot off and pulled out. I had a sense that Robert was needy, so I dropped to my knees and as my tongue touched his bloated cock head, he released his man seed.

Next: Chapter 8

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