The Advertisement

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Apr 6, 2008



The following story is fiction but as you read it think of it as actually happening. Names are made up, time, date and places imagined. Enjoy and feel free to comment.

As someone who has had little actual M/M involvement I decided to run an ad on one of the internet services to see what would happen. The ad said the following: You are Asian between 21 and 40, thin, smooth and shaved from the neck down except for a small patch of close cropped pubic hair. Your balls are shaved and you have had three enemas to clean yourself out. You must be uncircumcised no more than seven inches and disease free. I will give you the name of the hotel to come to and you will use the house phone to call for Mr. Peterson. I will give you the room number and instructions to knock and turn away from the door; I will open the door, place a blindfold over your eyes and back you into the room. You will be restrained and given the hand job of a lifetime. No pain, no danger and you will get off like never before. You must not have had an orgasm for at least three days. You will wear a button type dress shirt, socks, shoes, tan slacks and tight white under ware.

Me? You will never see but you will always remember.

If this might appeal to you and you would like this experience, respond to the e-mail posted with the ad. Not expecting much from posting this ad I checked the address daily for any response. In total I got six responses, four from white guys wanting a hand job and two from Asians that actually had an interest. Ignoring the white guys I contacted the two Asian guys to get some details. Both were in their late twenties and both expressed an interest in bondage but only one said that he had never had an M/M experience before. I suddenly realized that this might actually turn into something.

My e-mail contacting him asked if he was willing to meet the conditions of the ad. He responded with a positive answer and said that he would do what ever I wanted as long as there was no pain involved. After going back and forth a few times we agreed to try and set a meeting. I booked a modest hotel under the name Mr. Peterson and sent an e-mail advising the date and suggesting that the encounter would only take one hour and asked him to set the time. We agreed to meet at two on a Tuesday after noon because it met his schedule.

I will admit at this point I am more than a little nervous and thinking about all of the possible outcomes. The day draws near and I realize that I don't have any restraint equipment. A quick trip to the local dirty book store takes care of that where I purchased padded ankle and wrist cuffs that can be attached to ordinary nylon rope. Not sure why, but on the day of the meeting I actually took three enemas and cleaned out, shaved and trimmed my hair and took great pains to be completely clean.

Since I had booked the hotel under a false name, I arranged to pay in cash and checked in complete with baggage. This of course contained rope, restraints, lube, rubber gloves and a few other items. Once in the room I quickly attached the ropes in order to provide a spread eagle configuration and also be able to raise his legs in the air. By the time I'm done setting everything up I'm sweating and decide to take a quick shower. As I'm coming out of the bathroom, the phone rings and he said that it was "Ralph" (not sure why we agreed on that name). After giving him the room number I stood in a pair of sweat pants until I hear a faint knock at the door. I check the security peep hole to see if it is my guy. Although distorted, the view is of a very good looking Asian guy who is twitching like a teen age suitor.

Through the door I tell him to turn around and face away from the door. As he does, I open the door and place a black cloth bag over his head and backed him into the room. Placing him in a corner of the room I removed the bag and quickly placed a blindfold over his eyes to prevent him from any view. With him secure I explained that he was in no danger and that he was about to have the best hand job he ever experienced. Leading him to the center of the room I questioned his willingness to continue which he confirmed. I then explained that I was going to remove his clothing, place him on the bed and apply restraints. If he was OK with this all he had to do was say yes. With a shaking voice he said yes he would like that.

I turned him around and started to unbutton his shirt, almost wishing that I were in his position. After all of the buttons were undone, I slipped the shirt off his shoulders and placed it on a nearby chair. As I approached him I asked if he was OK and placed my hand on his shoulder. Although twitching a bit he confirmed his willingness to continue. I asked that he kick off his shoes which he did. I then told him I was going to remove his pants and that he could back out at any time if he was not comfortable. I must admit at this point I'm sporting a bit of a hard on and was pleased to notice a noticeable tent in his pants as well. As I reached for his belt he gave a noticeable gasp but didn't move. Releasing the belt and the top button made him shake but again he stood still. Sliding the sipper down seemed to be the defining moment and except for a rampant hard on and a wet spot in his shorts he seemed to be not affected. His pants dropped away and I asked that he step out of them and placed them on the nearby chair. I took the time to assess the quality of his body. Hard, lean, smooth and even tanned. Standing there in his tight white shorts he was quite a sight.

Running my hand over his shoulder and down to his chest I lightly pinched his left nipple causing a slight moan but he stood firm. I next said that I was going to check to see if he followed instructions about shaving and being smooth from the neck down. I ran my hand down the middle of his back along his spine until I got to the band on his tighty whites. Slipping below the band of his shorts my fingers traced down his crack until I could feel his legs pull together keeping me from feeling the tight pucker of his hole. At this point I again asked if he would like to stop. Again he said no. I grabbed the sides of his shorts and pulled them down which made him gasp but not move. Telling him to step out of his shorts, I explained that I was going to run my hands over his complete body to make sure that he had shaved as instructed and explained that in order to do this he would have to place his feet about three feet apart. The depth of his breathing increase but he said nothing and complied.

Starting as his shoulders I ran my finger tips only along his back until I got to his hips. At this point I slid both hands down the outside of his legs. Ending at his ankles I then moved to the back of his legs and ran up to his very tight cheeks. I think at this point he anticipated my next move because as I started back down over his butt he shivered and let out a slight moan. Running my hands down over his ass I moved to the inside of his legs and using finger tips only stopped at his ankles. With one quick motion I ran my hands back up the inside of his legs stopping just short of his puckered hole. His breathing increased and letting out a small chuckle, I slid one finger along the inside of his butt crease and lightly touched his very tense ass. His not understandable response was a high pitched whine.

Moving to the front side gave me a view of his small very hard and wet five inch cock which was pointing toward his chin at this point. I again started at his shoulders running down his body with my finger tips stopping briefly at his nipples to lightly pinch them. Looking down I could see his cock was starting to drip and decided I had better move a little quicker or he might just go off before we got started. Just to keep him in the mood, I wiped my finger over the end of his of his very wet cock and collected a considerable amount of pre cum which I placed on his lips and told him to lick my finger clean. Lick he did not, instead he sucked my finger into his mouth and completely cleaned it.

Knowing this guy was not going to last long I quickly placed the ankle and wrist cuffs in place and led him to the bed. He followed instructions and was soon face down with arms out and legs spread. After attaching the ropes and hearing his breath coming in short gasps I again decided to speed thing up to prevent a pre mature event. After a very brief teasing of his back and legs I finally allowed myself the pleasure of touching his perfect pucker. With no lube, I pushed gently until he relaxed and allowed my small finger to penetrate his most private place. Considering the noises he was making I figured this had to go to the fast track and very quickly released one side and rolled him over. While I had intended to place him flat and tease him some more, I decided that we would skip that and immediately put his legs in the air with his ass on a pillow. As I looked at my work it became obvious that this guy was on a very short fuse and would most likely go off with a slight breeze.

When I asked if he was OK all he said was I'm so close, please just touch me. I quickly grabbed the lube and covered my index finger. I slipped my finger down over his hole and in one motion inserted it while at the same time taking his cock and sliding the very soggy foreskin back. His reaction was a bucking movement and as I massaged his very hard prostate with my finger his cock erupted with several streams of white hot cum that covered his chest and even part of his face.

As he dribbled his last drops and his ass relaxed I removed my finger and with my other hand took a large bit of cum off his chest and placed my finger to his lips with instructions to suck. He did and then smiled as he tasted the sweet saltiness.

After cleaning him up I explained that since he was so quick that maybe we should try again and he might last a little longer. He agreed, I released him and told him to stand so I could dress him. I then explained that he was going home commando because I was keeping his shorts. After putting his clothes on I took him to the door told to face out, opened the door and removed the blindfold and quickly shut the door.

I think you can imagine what I used his shorts for.

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