Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jun 2, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 7, by justjames17.

Jake and George entered the club as the music rocked the building, even though the songs were old they suited the mood and the surroundings as the members and surfies enjoyed the songs, their sleek suntanned bodies cavorting about the dance floor as the lights glinted and glistened on their blond hair and the bleached fuzz on their gyrating bodies and limbs. The two lads stood watching this molten display of sexy teen and early 20's bodies; the males far outnumbered the females in the gathering. Most of the blokes were dressed very casually in board shorts of garish colours and loose white t-shirts, showing off their bronzed arms and legs.

George began to sway to the beat and Jake watched him grinning as he copied the moves, neither lads had danced before but the great beat got them stirring as they watched the other dancers. George moved behind Jake and pressed his groin to the firm buttocks as they moved in Jake's jeans, his hands slid around Jake's waist to meet on his hard young abs and George loved the feel as those taut mounded muscles moved under his caressing fingers. Jake felt the gentle caress and the hot bulge rubbing against his tight arse cheeks and his brain went into overdrive, he felt George's dick swelling as it rubbed against him and made his arse tingle in a strange way. He suddenly felt a desire to feel George's tool sliding up his cherry arse, Jake had never had a desire such as this before he had always dreamed of doing it not taking it but this feeling was suddenly gripping him and he began to sweat as his blood heated and his heart started to suddenly beat faster.

Their bodies mutually attuned swayed as one as Jake leaned his head back resting on George's shoulder, the two were lost in a world of their own until Con suddenly appeared in front of Jake and said, "Whose your little girly friend spunk?"

Jake jerked back to the present glaring at the dark saturnine face leering into his as Jake groped his bulging crotch squeezing Jake's semi turgid tool in his strong grip. Jake glared at Con and grated out, "Get your hand off my cock and piss off."

George slid a hand down and forced his fingers between Con's hand and Jake's softening dick, the fact that it was Con groping him made Jake lose his burgeoning boner. George pushed Con's hand off Jake and he held his hand protectively over Jake's jewels, Con glowered at the two young lads then spat on the floor between Jake's feet hissing, "This isn't over Jake I promise you, I'll get what I want one way or the other."

George whispered in Jake's ear, "Who the hell is he and why is he being such an arse hole?"

Jake told him about Con following him and molesting him and how Toby rescued him and how he'd upset Toby, George listened to Jake and hugged him, pulling his sexy arse against his throbbing bone as he told him the story. As Jake finished his story Toby appeared with Jake's cousin in tow, they greeted Jake and he introduced George, the four lads chatted together as Toby tried to show Jake he wasn't pissed off with him. The four lads were soon at ease as Toby started to dance showing the others some hot moves, soon all four were dancing together working up a sweat and after a few dances they moved together to the bar where they ordered cokes to allay their thirst. Con was hovering about his eyes fastened on Jake as he glowered and felt his desire burning deep inside himself.

As the turn continued the dancing got more and more heated guys danced with guys as the few sheilas were snapped up by the hottest blokes, couples kept disappearing out into the night as they got sexy and the beach was the popular spot in the darkness. The local law were conspicuous by their absence; they didn't want to put a damper on the club's fundraiser unless they were called to handle a problem. The couples both straight and gay were having hot fun on the beach as the music boomed across the sand from the club above. George whispered in Jake's ear, "Let's go for a walk down the beach mate."

Jake nodded and they made their way out into the cool night air, both lads shivered slightly as their hot sweaty bodies felt the chill, goose bumps rose on their smooth flesh as they exited the club. The strolled arm in arm together down the ramp and onto the soft sand turning to the right to head for the dune area. Back in the club Con suddenly realised both lads had disappeared, he'd been to take a piss when he returned he searched the room but they were gone. He cursed under his breath eyes darting here and there to make sure the lads were gone, he quickly walked outside to see if they were taking a break but no sign of them near the club.

He knew it was futile to go looking for them in the dark, as they could be anywhere, he decided to see if he could find a guy to take home with him. He spotted a hot fresh faced young blond lad at the bar drinking a can of Bourbon and Cola he looked to be just the age he got off on and was showing that the grog was knocking him around as his eyes were slightly glazed and he had a silly grin on his good looking face as he swayed slightly, he put one hand on the bar steadying himself. Con moved in beside him like a hungry shark and nodded to him smiling and showing his sparkling white teeth in his dark bronzed face, he looked into the glassy blue eyes under the mop of curly blond hair and saw the lad was well away in an alcoholic haze.

Con studied the young spunk saw the rather tatty worn old jeans with frayed slits in various places, the chubby rounded arse that poked seductively out as he slouched against the bar, Con could see the full basket of goodies stretching the soft worn denim of the lad's crotch; all told a truly delectable morsel that Con fancied eating in all ways possible. He moved closer to the lad and could feel his heat emanating from his stocky young body, a furtive hand brushed briefly across the full mounds of the lad's tight arse rewarded Con with the feel of the full warm sensuous buttocks. Con pictured those delicious buns naked pale and trembling as he fondled the lad sensuously before taking him bodily and thrusting his big weapon deep into the lad's tight rear end.

Con asked the lad his name and he grinned sloppily mumbling "I'm called Chad, what's yours?"

Con grinned at him his hand extended to the young man as he responded, "My name is Con and can I say you are a hot dude?"

Chad giggled drunkenly, "Hehehe thanks pal you're pretty hot too, are you Italian?"

Con shook his head and told him, "No my ancestry is Greek mate. I bet yours is from Scandinavia, maybe Swedish?"

The drunken youth shook his head the mop of golden hair flopping about as he spoke, "No I'm Aussie born and bred from many generations but originally there was English and German in my family."

Con grinned and rested his hand on the bare shoulder of the lad and his fingers gently rubbed the hot firm muscle and slipped down into the arm hole to rub over the firm little nipple on the lad's right pectoral, the lad whimpered and shivered at the touch as Con whispered, "Want to come outside and get some fresh air?"

Chad grinned stupidly and nodded downing the last of his can and he staggered as he let go the supporting bar, Con slid an arm around the lad's narrow waist and supported him out through the dancing crowd to the doors. They left the club and Con led Chad across the car park to where his van was parked right over in the furthest corner where it was as black as pitch. He unlocked the back of the van and opened it up as he said, "Climb in Chad there's a mattress in the back we can relax and chat comfortably."

Chad clambered awkwardly inside and flopped on the mattress, Con climbed in after him and moved the limp lad over so he could lie beside him. Chad mumbled incoherently as Con pulled him to his body and nestled that full bubble bum against his growing boner, Con's hand slid around Chad and under the singlet to feel his warm belly and rub over the firm 6 pack he discovered there. Chad moaned, "What are you doing mate?"

Con Stopped moving his hand but flexed his engorged cock against Chad's arse as he whispered, "I'm just enjoying feeling your sexy muscles, you really are a hot babe do you know that?"

Chad's muddled mind took a while to absorb what Con said but eventually he mumbled, "I'm no babe I'm a bloke, a surfer and I'm not a gay boy, so let go I want to go back to the club."

Con tightened his grip on the lad who squirmed trying to escape the unwanted advances but Con was bigger and by far the stronger as he crushed the struggling lad to his body. Chad groaned and went to shout, as he took the deep breath Con felt his move and instantly placed his hand over Chad's mouth to stifle his attempt to shout for help. Chad bucked and squirmed frantically but his struggles were futile as Con controlled him firmly. The lad couldn't break free and in his drunken state he soon gave up surrendering to the strong stranger. Con sensed his capitulation and relaxed somewhat as he continued feeling and stroking up and down Chad's perfect torso, he was enjoying the feel of the silky smooth flesh taut over the lad's superb musculature while Chad began to breath faster.

Con's hand slowly moved down till he was cupping the big bulge of Chad's genitals, the lad was still semi soft but he was big and he could feel two large egg sized balls under the fat dick. Chad whimpered as the hand squashed his goolies, Con was enjoying the hot soft bulge but soon his manipulations caused Chad to start cracking a bar and against his wishes his dick had a mind of its own. Con loved the feel of Chad's young throbbing tool as it chubbed up in his grasp, soon it was as stiff as his own and pulsing hotly as he began stroking it like a kitten through the glove soft worn denim.

Con undid Chad's top button and slowly slid the zipper down, enjoying the sound as it slowly slid down opening the fly and loved hearing the rising moist whimperings under his masking hand on Chad's mouth and nose. Chad felt the cool air on his genitals as Con opened his jeans he moaned and felt the man's hand grasp his now excited erection and begin slowly stroking it. Soon the lad's cock was moist as pre cum began flowing from the excited member, Con's thumb rubbing back and forth across the leaking slit was driving the lad insane with he desire to cum but Con knew he was close so stopped stimulating his knob and sucked the slick sweetness from his thumb tasting Chad's elixir.

Chad had stopped struggling and begun humping into Con's hand as his excitement grew then when Con stopped he mewed his protest, his hips bucked trying to keep up the stimulation but Con smiling sardonically moved his hand away adding to Chad's frustration. Con was an expert at torturing a young horny teen he loved to make them go crazy with lust, Chad in his inebriated state was a perfect subject as his resistance was lowered by the grog. Con occupied himself removing the tight clinging denims tugging them down the muscular legs pausing every time Chad tried to jerk off to slap his hands away from his throbbing jerking dick.

Con finding Chad was determined to wank removed the studded belt from the lad's jeans and rolled him over onto his belly as he pulled his arms behind is back and fastened the belt around them before feeling his cotton covered buns then rolling him onto his back again. He finished tugging off the jeans then pulled down the tight cotton briefs baring the lower half of the spunky young surfer. Con then pulled up the shirt tucking it behind Chad's head exposing his superb nakedness under the soft dim glow from the interior light of the van. Con now had Chad as he wanted, naked, aroused and squirming for sexual relief but it wasn't going to be as the lad wanted, he wasn't going to wank or suck that sweet chubby. Oh no, Con was going to take this surfy's cherry and while taking it he would make sure that the lad got off and spermed to the max, Con's big fat flange would stroke and stimulate Chad's love button driving the young guy mad with the sensations until he blew his pent up load. Once Chad had cum Con would finish rooting him before licking and eating the sweet offering from Chad's body.

Con moved in and lifted Chad's feet up bending his legs back till they were by his ears, the wondrous buttocks were stretched and there nestled in that smooth sweaty valley was the object of his desires that pink portal to paradise. Con bent down breathing heavily on the puckered muscle making Chad whimper, "No please don't I'm not gay I'm straight I have a sheila."

Con ignored his plaintive whimperings and ran a wet tongue up the smooth valley dabbing over the puckered flesh of Chad's tight clenched ring, Chad moaned and wriggled, "No, no, noooooooooooo."

Con laughed and continued making long licking passes back and forth tasting the lad's sweaty flesh and ensuring his tongue lingered on the little muscle with each pass until Chad was moaning and his anus was puckering like a tiny pair of lips. Chad's inhibitions were worn down by Con's expert oral skills; his ring was twitching and itching crazily and the lad felt he needed something to scratch that insufferable itchiness. That something was stiff and hotly hard, drooling with anticipation as Con stroked himself in preparation, he moved close to the now panting Chad and rubbed his slick plum coloured knob against the pink entrance.

Chad looked down between his straining thighs and saw Con's slavering monster, the piss slit gaping and dribbling a continuous silvery string of pre cum, he shuddered at what he saw, the fat purple cock head looked huge nearly as big as his tight ball bag, "No way," Chad thought as his raging mind conjured a picture of that bludgeon punching into his tiny entrance that was a one way gate, it wasn't meant to take in only push out. Chad croaked out, "No way mate that monster wont fit up my chute its way too big."

Con smirked down at the red faced blond haired cutie and replied, "Want to bet on it Chadalicious? I'll get it up there come hell or high water mate your sweet tight little ring is like rubber it stretches."

Chad shook his head as Con rubbed his drooling dong up and down his slick crack and prodding the pud against his tingly and twitchy twat, Chad grunted in anguish and pain as Com pressed in to his straining pucker, the lad clenched tight trying to prevent his vent being brutally plundered. Con squirmed his hips as he clenched his fat shaft giving rigidity to his spike as he continued trying to drive into Chad's virginal depths, the van rocked on its springs as the struggle raged inside.

Meanwhile up on the club's balcony Toby and Colin were snogging together in the faint light from the floor below, both lads soft lips locked together as their agile tongues swabbed and interlocked sensuously. Down the beach in the dunes Jake was laying on his back naked, his sexy arse tilted up as George plunged his pole in and out of that newly christened colon, Jake grunting and groaning in lust and pleasure as he wrapped his long slim legs around George's waist pulling them together. The club dance was faltering as the room emptied, couples disappeared outside, the beach area was dotted with coupling couples as sex ran wild, more were to be found in cars and around the club's grounds, the sounds of heavy breathing, moist lips pashing and male appendages doing what came naturally could be heard as they slid moistly in and out of tight well lubricated orifices both male and female.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 8

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