Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on May 29, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 6 by justjames17.

The lads stirred as the bright early morning sun disturbed their sleep, Jake squirmed feeling the hot buttocks clamped about his morning hard on, he enjoyed the feel as he rubbed his erection up and down between those warm fleshy pillows. Colin lay there half asleep a smile on his lips as he felt his cousin's prong sliding moistly up and down his smooth sweaty crack. Colin was like Jake a virgin to anal sex, he'd wanked alone and with mates but his butt was still cherry, that doesn't mean his tight little ring didn't enjoy being stimulated, the multitude of nerves there in that tight little muscle tingled at the touch of Jake's javelin. Colin eventually moved and rolled onto his back away from that stiff muscle, his own dick was in the same state of urgency needing a warm hand stroking it to fruition.

Jake gurgled as Colin rolled off his poking prong, "Aaargh Colin why did you move away I was getting so close to creaming your hot crack?"

Colin giggled and stretched his stiff dick pulling it up and waggling it in his fist, he looked at his sexy cousin and grinned, "Wanta do a dual wank, a double act cuz?"

Jake rolled his eyes at Colin then sighed, "Ooooh I suppose so but I'd rather have juiced your bum."

Colin began a slow but sexy stroking up and down his skinny spike and Jake watching him matching his tactics, the two lads lay close together feeling each other's body heat as they wanked slowly. Gradually their hands moved faster and their grips tightened as they got into the hot action and their feverish fantasies grew in their rioting teen brains. Their chests rose and fell faster as they gulped air, their hearts pounded like their flying fingers, both lads being uncircumcised produced heaps of pre cum lubing their moving flesh cowls stimulating their so sensitive slippery knobs. Both rock hard rods throbbed and pulsed as their hands raced up and down the firm silkiness.

Their dual climaxes approached, heavy panting and gasping moans filled the bedroom as their slim muscular taut young bodies tensed and raised up at the hips, thrusting those quivering drooling dicks high into the air to erupt. Gushes and gouts of cum spurted in ropes of pearly cream that flew from their swollen throbbing cherry red knobs to splat down across their tensed torsos, spurt after spurt shot high and far creaming even their sweaty flushed visages. The pearly decorations like tinsel on a Christmas tree hung glistening from brows and noses, laced across tight closed eyelids dampening the lad's long lashes. Even their gaping panting mouths received part of their offering and the lads tasted their protein rich baby batter, as they collapsed with the final dribbles drooling down their palsied hands both lads tasted their juice and smiled with delight as they breathed hard.

Colin looked dreamily across at Jake and saw the copious covering on his face and torso and he croaked, "That was so awesome cuz, we both did ourselves proud."

Jake smiled drowsily as he languidly stroked his still hard prong, he rolled the sperm about in his mouth relishing the sweet flavour, he swallowed and replied, "Yop cuz it was totally mind blowing, I don't think I've ever creamed so much before."

Colin reached across and scooped cum from Jake's cheek and lifted it high watching the creamy string sway before bringing it to his lips and sliding it inside his mouth, he locked his sweet lips about his digit and sucked the sperm off dragging his finger slowly out making a loud popping sound as it left his mouth shiny with spittle. Jake watched his cousin with wide eyes as he ate his cum, he then followed suit and hooked a nice finger full from his Colin's fresh semen. Soon both lads are sucking and licking each other, eating every drop of that so special spoog until their bodies are clean and glistening with spittle. Then they kiss, their soft lips pressed together and their tongues weaving in each other's mouths until Jake's mum's voice destroyed the mood calling them to breakfast.

The two lads raced to the bathroom to empty their bursting bladders and wash up before going to breakfast, Maxine smiled at the two as they appeared wearing board shorts, Jake leant Colin a pair of his until he could buy some for himself. After eating and cleaning up they left heading for the beach with Jake dinking Colin on his bike, they arrived to find the club open and the early swimmers already enjoying the sun, sand and surf. Colin followed Jake inside where he was introduced to the guys on duty, Thomas eyed Colin off and said, "You know anything about lifesaving Colin?"

Colin shook his blond head and replied, "No Thomas, I come from up the bush there's no surf up there only the river to swim in."

Thomas shook his head, "Pity mate you'd make a perfect member with that physique, you're better built than your cousin here, old skin and bones Jake HAHAHA."

Jake huffed and puffed trying to make his muscles look better and both Colin and Thomas burst out laughing at his attempts, Jake blushed crimson dropped his boardies and donned his cap then stomped out embarrassed to the max and made his way down to the beach as Toby walked into the club and Thomas introduced Colin to him. Toby looked at the blond haired teen and immediately felt his dick throb in his speedos as he took in the apparition of teen spunkiness. Colin too was attracted to this new arrival in the tight speedos with bulging manhood and superb body, he too felt a twinge at his crotch as he beamed and shook hands. Both lads felt that strange tingle as they shook hands in greeting; both lingered in the grasping and enjoying the intimacy of the contact. Thomas speaking loudly broke the mood; "How about taking Colin out in the rubber ducky for a run along the beach Toby, I'm sure he'd enjoy that."

Toby looked at his boss and grinned then turned back to Colin, "You up for that Colin?"

Colin nodded excitedly and Toby led him away down to the beach where the boat sat waiting on the sand, they pushed it into the water and Toby got Colin to hold it in the waves while he primed and started the outboard. The motor revved into life and as Toby engaged the gears he told Colin to swing aboard, the boat took off leaping like a steeple chaser over the first wave in a sheet of spray to slap down in the trough between the waves then accelerated to burst over the next creaming wave, Colin hung on like grim death as the boat was airborne again before slamming down and racing on out to sea. Toby was yahooing and grinning water dripping off his face smooth torso while his togs glistened wetly, he laughed and yelled, "That is something isn't it clearing the beach break? Now we are out deep we can motor along and enjoy the scenery."

Colin sat back and wiped the water from his eyes, his board shorts saturated clung to his thighs cold and clammy as the wind of passage blew on him raising goose bumps on his silky skin. The sun soon warmed them as they cruised slowly along the beach watching the swimmers and board riders, Colin was fascinated by the board guys he told Toby he'd love to learn to surf and Toby grinned saying that could be arranged.

Back on the beach Jake was walking dejectedly along after he saw Toby take Colin out in the boat, he sat on a large tree trunk washed ashore and half buried in the golden sand his mind revolving about how he'd upset Toby. He hadn't looked around him as he sat down but there was a family nearby, a lad and his parents, the parents were asleep but he lad's eyes were riveted on Jake. He'd watched the young lifesaver come down the beach and sit there looking sad, he'd taken an instant fancy to the tall slim guy and as he lay there on his back resting on his elbows, a pale blue cap on his head shading his eyes while his small dark blue speedos exposed a really nice bulge that any lad would be proud of. George was just eighteen, his birthday only three days ago and he knew he was gay although he'd not experimented with other guys as yet but the tall blond lifesaver made his whole body feel alive and tingly just looking at him, he looked down at his own pale untanned body wishing he looked as sexy as the tanned lad on the log.

George wondered what it would feel like to have this young blond stud wrap him in his arms and press their bodies together so their dicks were rubbing against each other; he wondered how he might get to know the lifesaver and his busy mind raced with ideas. Should he approach him to try and comfort him, as he looked so down or maybe enter the surf and make out he was in difficulties and let him rescue him? Both had their good points but George was unsure, he'd never tried anything like this before, he felt his dick throbbing hotly, the warm sun and his thoughts stirred his dick into a fevered frenzy as it strained to grow in the tight speedos. George looked down at his bulging togs and felt terribly uncomfortable, he pushed his hand down trying to ease the pressure but his sexy new togs had no real give in them, he got to his feet and headed for the water hoping to cool things down in the surf.

As he passed the log and Jake he looked closely at the handsome blond and was even more impressed by what he saw, Jake hardly glanced at him as he hurried past and dived into the creaming sea. The shock of the cool water on his overheated body made George gasp and he inhaled a mouthful of water, he coughed and spluttered as he brought it up again causing him to slip off the sandbank into deeper water where a slight rip was running. Jake saw the lad looking distressed and in trouble, immediately his training kicked in and he loped long legged down the sand and dived into the surf swimming towards where George was struggling in the smooth running surge. Jake reached George and grasped him drawing his body onto his as he swam across the current back towards the shallows. George was on his back resting on Jake's torso as the lifesaver towed him back to the shore, George was overjoyed how things worked out he hadn't faked being in trouble and now the spunky guy was rescuing him. George relaxed in Jake's grasp and enjoyed the feel of the guy's bulge rubbing on his bum as they moved through the water.

George's dick was throbbing hard in those tight togs as he became hornier and hornier, they reached the shallows and Jake held George upright in his arms as they stumbled from the surging water and collapsed on the sand together. George coughed and spluttered as Jake got to his knees beside him asking in a concerned voice if he was ok. George acted as if he was still half drowned and Jake continued to hold onto him, George was fully and achingly erect in his close fitting togs, the obscene bulge glistened in the light as the water dripped off and evaporated slowly in the hot sun. Jake finally laid George out on the sand on his side in the recovery position and sat back on his haunches studying the seemingly distressed swimmer.

Eventually his eyes slid down from George's flushed face to his pale torso then on to the very small tight speedos, his eyes took in the big straining boner trapped there in front of him and he was amazed at the size of what he saw on the slim lad. He thought to himself how unfit and pale the bloke was yet how incredibly endowed he was and wondered what it would look like when released from the tight prison. George knew the lifesaver was studying his erection so he moved slightly and bent back making his bulge even more prominent; he turned his face to the lad's crotch and saw that his rescuer's cock too was growing in his red flimsy speedos. George licked his salty lips and wondered how that dick would taste in his mouth.

Jake still breathing hard from the exertion looked down at George and saw the interest he was taking in his groin area and how excited the guy's aroused dick looked cramped in those unreal togs. Jake felt a thrill run through him at the reaction he saw and dream like his hand seemed to move of it's own volition towards the swimmer's crotch. George lay there open to the trembling advancing hand as it moved towards him, he prayed for the contact so he too could investigate that long slim throbbing stiffy he was watching. Jake's fingers contacted the shimmering swelling, he felt the silky material straining to contain that throbbing muscle, they grazed across the swollen manhood and then withdrew as he realised they were on the open beach close to where the guy's parents lay. Only the log gave any cover to their position and that was only partial, Jake loved the sensation of his fingers sliding over the hot bulge and he grinned at George's flushed face.

George whispered, "Oh that was awesome mate to feel your hand on my dick, I'd love to do more sexy stuff with you. I think you are molten hot."

Jake looked around the area and whispered back, "Well we could go up over the sand dune it is pretty private in there coz there's tee tree and stuff."

George grinned excitedly and asked, "So we go together or singly?"

Jake replied, "Singly, you go first then I'll follow in a couple of minutes."

George nodded and pushed himself to his feet and set off across the beach past his still sleeping parents and struggled up the soft sand on the dune's face before disappearing over the edge and out of sight. Jake adjusted his stiffy then sat there impatiently waiting for time to crawl past and willing his hard on to soften before he set off to follow George. Jake finally got to his feet and walked quickly up to the dune and over the top sliding adown the far side in a flurry of sand; he saw George's footprints and followed them into the scrub. George had stopped hidden from the dune and had undone his togs pulling them down under his big hot balls as he gently stroked his cock while waiting for the hot lifesaver to join him. He felt totally naughty doing what he was but the thought of making out with the tall blond hunk far outweighed the slight guilt he had, his hot hard shaft felt unreal in his grasp, much better than when he did it at home in private.

He heard movement and turned his head to see Jake arrive and move close to him before he reached out those long tanned arms and scooped George into his grasp, George quivered and gasped at the electric touch as his body moulded against the taller slimmer torso. Jake kissed George's short hair. George looked up and Jake's face came down lips pouting and then their mouths melded together, lips locked and George felt Jake's tongue rub against his trembling lips. He opened to Jake's insistent tongue and it slid like a reptile into his mouth, George sucked on it tasting Jake's mouth as it weaved about exploring the warm moist cavern. Both lads' dicks were jumping excitedly and drooling as their ardour grew to boiling point. Jake being a little more experienced dropped to his knees and rubbed his face on George's pulsing pud, George whimpered and clutched Jake's head tangling his fingers in the blond's long unruly hair. Jake moaned and ran his tongue around George's full balls pushed up tight by the waist band of his tight togs, the smooth silky skin felt wonderful on Jake's tongue as he licked and probed those sexy jewels.

George was swaying like a slender palm in a cyclone, his whole being concentrated in his now aching nuts as Jake's wet tongue made oral love to his gonads, Jake slathered those hot orbs relishing the salty sweaty flavour as his hands clenched and massaged George's full firm buttocks holding him steady. Jake slid his tongue from the scrotum up the pulsing urethra under the hot hard horn till he reached the frenulum, George's foreskin was pulled back by the extreme erection and Jake licked and teased the joining driving George to whimpers of lust, "Oooh, oooh, mmmmmm, geeeees suck me, oooh pleeeeease suck my dick. Take me in your sexy mouth."

Jake kept teasing him until he was in pain almost losing his hair to George's clenched tugging talons, Jake moved up slurping and sucking on the swollen glistening crimson knob tasting George's lovely liquor leaking from his pulsing slit. Jake relished the flavour of the teen's tossle and began running his tongue around the nerve laden corona of the flanged cock head, George nearly collapsed as his knees gave way only Jake's grasp stopped him falling in a faint to the ground as his senses were overwhelmed. Jake bobbed and sucked, licked and tongue twisted about that rock hard vibrant rod, until the boiling heat generated in the lad's groin turned his balls into mini furnaces. George's dick so stiff and hot it was glistening as if fit to burst as it bounced and throbbed in Jake's warm sucking bobbing mouth, the feeling of warm moist flesh and the agile tongue dragged George up and tipped him over the edge as his sperm boiled like lava and erupted shooting up and out the swollen slippery glans into Jake's gulping maw.

Jake choked as the first hard gush filled his mouth, George's juicy fresh sperm flooded his mouth and overwhelmed Jake's taste buds, fast swallowing gave room for the next gut wrenching spasm as George's roiling balls fired off. Eventually the deluge ebbed and Jake was able to siphon the last sweet dregs from the diminishing hard on as George swayed and whimpered his delight. Soon that slick silky knob was causing George indescribable anguish as Jake's tongue kept licking him, the exquisite sensitivity swept through him causing him to tug his wand from Jake's lips. Jake relinquished the semi soft wand and sat back licking his moist lips as he looked up at the red faced George who stood there shaking and sweating in the after glow of a huge climax.

Jake's hands still clutched George's cute arse feeling the shivers running through those glorious pale pillows of flesh and muscle and the clenching of those sexy buttocks created the deep dimples in his full rounded arse cheeks. The feel of George's bum made Jake hot as his fingers kneaded the rubbery flesh and pulled them apart, he slipped fingers deep into the crevice and felt the incredible heat generated in George's inner core. George felt Jake exploring and he moaned his acceptance encouraging the continued investigation, Jake slid his middle finger onto the tiny entrance guarded by the tightly clenched muscle, the sphincter twitched and throbbed as he rubbed gently across the tight folds. George was feeling incredibly sexy as the massage continued he began deliberately flexing his tight ring against Jake's invading touch, soon the tip of Jake's finger slid into the hot little lips of his ring and George's muscle nibbled on the digit excitedly.

Jake felt the muscle opening up and took advantage pushing deeper into that boiling hot chute, George clenched on him vice like so Jake wriggled the top of his finger about feeling the silkiness and slickness of George's inviting rectum. Jake's cock was burning hard like a fire brand, he was desperate for relief as pre cum drooled constantly to the sand between his knees, he was imagining how it would feel to have his pole rammed deep up this spunky lad's hot bum. George too was hanging out to have sex and especially with the so sexy blond lifesaver he'd dreamed of a guy rooting him and filling him with sperm, he was a little afraid that it would be terribly painful.

George was prepared to take what came as long as Jake was the guy to do it, he loved the feelings that finger was generating inside him as it squirmed about inside his bum, he forced his ring to relax and Jake began to slide in and out rolling on the muscle and stimulating the nerves of his puckering entrance. The feelings confirmed George's desires to go further and his heavy breathing and soft moans excited Jake into pushing a second finger up into that hot buttery tunnel and swirling them around stretching the constricting entrance. George pushed down opening his arse to the intruders while his flaccid penis began to inflate again, Jake's fingers touched his hidden button making him jerk and whine in pleasure, again and again Jake found the trigger loving the responses George gave as he prodded the nut sized lump. George was soon begging him for more stimulation and Jake rubbed himself excitedly ensuring he was as hard as possible in preparation to trying to enter the tight ring.

George bent over at the waist and reached back grasping his buttocks stretching them apart offering himself and giving Jake the view of his smooth shiny crack with the little reddish ring puffy from the stimulation as he worked his fingers about inside it. Jake groaned loudly as he watched the muscular ring flexing rubber like around his swirling fingers, lust filled Jake as he wanked his cock then he lined up and thrust as he pulled his fingers free. Before George closed tight his blunt bludgeon was rammed inside the sensitive muscle and trapped, as it slammed shut with a death grip on his throbbing tool. George was breathing hard and fast air hissing between his clenched teeth as he tightened up from the blunt invasion, Jake held still instinctively somehow sensing George's anguish as the sphincter flexed tight around his partly buried spear.

Jake was standing rigidly his cock head baking in George's incredible inner heat, he could feel the mushy silken insides flexing rippling around his buried boner's excited head, it caused him to shudder with pleasure and his desire to push deep raged in his groin. He had to control himself, biting his bottom lip to stop his balls delivering up their boiling cream; George's incredible innards were tantalising and caressing his excited prick. Jake clutched George's sharp hip bones and wriggled his prong about making the lad moan in response, then little by little he edged deeper into that wondrous wand devouring chute. George was panting as sweat broke out on his pale smooth flesh; the feel of Jake's penis was making him molten hot as it slowly eased deeper, gradually filling him to capacity. Excited bolts of pleasure zapped through both lads as they enjoyed each other in a sublime haze of sexuality, Jake's face was pressed to George's neck, his nose buried in the lad's hair as he snuffled like a hound on the track of a fox.

George pushed back trying to bury Jake's long slender schlong completely up his quivering quim, his young body revelled in the tremendous thrill as the sensations rocked his body. Jake was arched back from the hips as he ground his hard prick into George's aching anus as his pubis pressed hard against the stretched sweaty crevice, both lads were panting, huffing and puffing as their bodies quivered like jelly. Jake couldn't stand it any longer and he slid back slowly dragging his swollen knob down George's clenching chute, the flange rubbed and pressed on his swollen gland sending even more mind blowing bolts throughout his already overloaded system. The extra stimulation triggered his climax and he yelped like a puppy as his balls erupted forcing out a huge gout of thick teen jism that raced up and out of his throbbing tool to fly through the air and splatter down on the dry sand nearly 2 meters in front of them.

Jake felt George's body tighten and clench on his slippery shaft, the heat and incredible tightness ripped his own intense culmination, his balls drew up cramming against his cock as the cum boiled through the tubes and into his swollen urethra before shooting up and out into the dark hot confines of George's convulsing colon. Hot pearly sperm painted and frothed up this humid clinging chute as both lads spurted their essences in unison. George's legs gave out and he collapsed moaning to his knees ripping Jake's prong from is stretched ring and the last sports of Jake's cream spattered across his bare back. Jake looked down in amazement as his cock was left throbbing in mid air, the cooler air on its slimy hotness made him shudder as his humping hips continued in automatic mode thrusting into the non existent arse.

Both lads slowly slipped back to full consciousness as their sexual lust cooled with their drained balls, George looked up at Jake and his face showed a multitude of feelings, pleasure from his first astounding intercourse, love for the tall blond surfie and a bewilderment at how he was on the sand looking up at Jake towering over him red faced and hands o knees as he panted still. Jake looked down also in a fuzzy bewildered but totally satiated state as he looked at the pale young spunk he'd just rooted, he too felt an attachment to George as his first real conquest, his first anal sex partner. He knew now just how incredibly exciting and erotic it was to have sex, yeah he enjoyed the oral fu with Toby but this was something else much more physical and satisfying. He dropped down beside the sexy George and they both kissed softly languidly, their ardour cooled from their original conflagration back to simmering warmth that filled their bodies and psyches. Both lads hugged languidly as they kissed their hands fluttering like butterflies about their cooling naked bodies until eventually Jake whispered, "We'd better get our gear back on and go back to the beach or your rents will think you have drowned or been kidnapped."

George nodded and reached for his discarded speedos picking them up and tugging them up his legs and over his cute arse as he settled his cock comfortably in the tight pouch, he gave it a gentle rub and feel as Jake pulled on his togs and turned around just in time to see him fondle his goodies. Jake grinned and whistled softly as he admired that shiny bulging package, he couldn't resist having a good feel himself as his fingers caressed the satiny smoothness feeling the warmth of his new friend's genitalia. As they kissed again Jake pulled back and smiled at George who opened his closed eyes and looked at him quizzically Jake said, "Hey George there is a party on tonight at the club would you like to come?"

George grinned and giggled, "Hehehe, I think I just did and I'm certain you did I can feel your little babies squirming inside me."

Jake gurgled mirthfully, "Hahaha, that's for sure I pumped a heap when I spermed your cute arse just drove me insane. The party at the club, will your parents be ok with you coming?"

George nodded, "I'm sure they will specially if I tell them it's to raise funds for the club they'll give me some dosh to donate. What time is the party?"

"Eight o'clock and it will probably finish at midnight or there abouts," Said Jake.

George grinned, "Cool casual dress I suppose but not speedos and towels?"

Jake nodded and took George in his arms as he poked his agile tongue into his mate's mouth; they kissed feverishly before pulling away once again. "I'll see you tonight George I'd better get moving I'm on duty from noon till 5pm. Bye George you sexy spunk."

George rejoined his parents who were still asleep; he walked into the water till waist deep then pulled down his trunks to let Jake's babies swim free. His parents awoke as he dried himself and he mentioned the surf club party they were all for him going and cautioned him to not drink alcohol or get involved in drugs while there. They packed up their gear and headed back to where they were staying, as they passed the surf club George gave Jake the thumbs up as he grinned happily.

At 7.45 George was at the club waiting outside for Jake, he was wearing a Hawaiian sleeveless shirt and tight tan jeans that accentuated his cute arse and nice bulge, George undid the shirt showing his smooth torso with his cute belly button and soft nipples, guys and girls entering the club eyed him off, some curiously, some hungrily as they passed then he saw Jake appear walking towards the club in seconds George's dick was stiff and pointing down the left leg of his tight pants. He dropped his hand down so it highlighted the thick tube and Jake's eyes lit up as he noticed the arousal on display, Jake stood close and they chatted quietly waiting for George to go soft again before entering the now noisy club where a band was in full swing playing old beach boys' surfy numbers.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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