Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on May 16, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 5, by justjames17.

Jake and Toby watched the two policemen checking out Con's van before they turned and shone their torches at the upper story of the darkened clubhouse, they stood together talking and slowly they began approaching the compound torches swaying as they walked. Toby whispered, "What are we going to do when they find us? How do we explain being here at this time?"

Jake was scared witless as he thought they were going to end up in deep do do's, he was wild with himself for getting into the situation with Toby, he wished they had stayed on the beach and made out instead of putting themselves in jeopardy like this. The cops would surely guess they had been up to no good and would probably contact both their families, which would be really awkward to explain to their folks. The two officers were only a couple of yards from where they cringed behind the fence when their radio crackled. They could even hear the dispatcher giving them the instructions to attend the hotel where a brawl was going on, the two men ran for the divy van jumping in and taking off in a hurry as the tires spun in the loose wind blown and on the car park's hard surface. Toby looked at Jake in the reflection of the departing van and breathed out a huge sigh of relief at the luck they'd experienced.

Jake shaking with tension seemed to slump as the police left the car park, Toby took him in his arms and hugged him tight before kissing him, Jake still scared didn't respond and pushed Toby away saying, "Don't Toby, I'm not in the mood now after what just happened. Let's just call it a night and head home."

Toby was taken aback by Jake's rebuff, he grunted his displeasure and stood away releasing Jake, "You don't like me now Jake?"

Jack shook his head his mind a whirl of confused thoughts, but still suffering from the fright replied, "I don't know Toby, I'm just confused and still scared about what happened. I think we'd better just get out of here quickly in case the cops return."

Toby's shoulders slumped and he turned grabbed his bike and began wheeling it from the club's yard leaving Jake standing there also looking miserable, Toby slung his leg over the bike and began pedalling away. Jake stood there watching his sexy friend ride away before he too wheeled his bike out onto the car park and set off into the darkness riding up the hill towards the loom of the town lights over the hill. It seemed a long lonely ride home now that he'd recovered from the fright he was kicking himself mentally for pissing Toby off like he had, he doubted the spunk would even talk to him next time he saw him.

Jake arrived home dumped his bike in the driveway and walked inside, his mum greeted him and said, "Your late Jake, your tea is on the pot there keeping warm for you."

Jake mumbled his thanks and turned of the stove removed the pot lid covering the meal and grabbed a tea towel to lift the hot plate off and wiped the moisture from under the plate. He sat at the table by himself poking at the food but eating little, his appetite diminished by his emotions, after eating a small amount of the meal he got up scrapped the remnants into the rubbish bin and rinsed off the plate. He then went to his bedroom and lay in the darkness staring miserably into the darkness and listening to the noise from the TV in the lounge where his folks sat together watching a DVD.

Con scrunched into a tight ball laid teeth chattering and body shaking uncontrolled as the night dragged on, the tide began to ebb and the spray ceased to slash on his tormented body. The sun crept above the horizon, washing the sky with pastel colours as it inched into view; Con saw the change and knew he'd survived the long freezing cold night as his hopes rose with the golden orb. He unfurled his frigid limbs, muscles aching as they uncoiled; he swung his legs over the edge of the hard rock shelf and felt the cold dampness of the still wet sand under his bare feet. His torso and knees burned where the scrapes and guts from his slide down the rock reacted to the salt seeping into them, Con gritted his teeth as he staggered reeling towards the entrance and the daylight. He padded outside disturbing some seagulls fossicking in the long strands of bull kelp left by the receding tide searching for hoppers that always seemed to accompany the fat twisted brown rubbery ribbons, the gulls flapped away squawking in protest at his appearance.

Con's bladder demanded to be emptied so he pulled down his zipper and tugged out his long thick schlong pointing it out to sea and letting rip with a strong jet of urine, as he finished pissing he started stroking his prick his thoughts turning to the young spunky lifesaver he desired. Con wanked and rolled his fingers over and round his fat purple plum like slippery knob, the action caused him to moan aloud his voice echoing back from the cave and cliff behind him as the gentle surf gambolled creaming onto the sand in front of him. Con arched his body tensing his muscles as his balls tightened; sperm boiled and churned building pressure before erupting from his throbbing fat tool. Con growled loudly his fit muscular body bucked and tensed as he ejaculated, spurts of thick pearly cum arced from his swollen glans to spray out onto the sea in gouts to be absorbed into the water and disappear. Con milked the final dregs from his still pulsing prick to drool down onto the sand between his splayed feet where it glistened in the light until it was absorbed into the damp sand.

The wank had warmed him internally and Con now stood rubbing himself trying to stimulate a little warmth in his arms and torso as his eyes scanned the sea and sky before he turned to look at the formidable boulder blocking his way to safety. Con shuddered as he walked across the chill beach till he stood looking up the rough vertical wall of sandstone, his eyes scanning for the needed cracks and crevices or knobs to climb the almost sheer face. He began to climb his feet scrabbling as his fingers dug into cracks, little by little his still chilled body inched higher, he cursed as he tore a finger nail off, the pain nearly causing him to lose his tentative grips. Resting his face against the rough surface he waited for the surging pain to ease before he resumed the torturous climb, eventually to his relief he was able to peer over the top of the boulder and see the jumbled boulders and smaller rocks leading down to the main beach.

Con's body, fit as he was, trembled with fatigue after the miserable night spent wet & chilled to the bone and the strenuous climb to reach the top of the gigantic mass of fallen cliff. He straddled the top edge of the sandstone the rough edge pressed between his thighs, he moved slightly to adjust his large balls that were in danger of being squashed under his weight. Con gathered his strength to climb down the side of the boulder and continue making his way to the beach, he eased himself around and began the descent, soon his bare feet landed on the smaller boulder and in no time he was standing on the soft sand of the beach. He hastened as fast as he was able towards the distant car park, the beach was still deserted, as it was so early, reaching the walkway up the sloping dune he walked up and saw his car sitting forlornly in the deserted area.

Com fumbled his keys from his pocket unlocking the door and sinking gratefully onto the seat leaning back and closing his eyes as he sighed in relief, the feel of the sheepskin seat covers under his body was pure luxury after his cold and hard uncomfortable night in the cavern. He relaxed for a few minutes before starting the van and heading away from the beach to go home, he was hungry and tired so he hurried home and went inside raiding the fridge, then cleaned up and disinfecting his cuts and scrapes in the bathroom before heading to bed where he collapsed and fell into a deep sleep ignoring the bright sunlight pouring through the window.

Jake awoke and after a fast wank to suppress his morning bar he arose and headed to the shower, while bathing Jake's mind turned to what happened last night and how he'd reacted to the problem when the police arrived. He was disgusted with himself for turning on Toby the way he did, it wasn't Toby's fault he was there of his own choice so he had no right to be abrupt with his mate. He hoped Toby would realise it was the fright that made him behave as he had and wanted desperately to apologise to Toby as soon as he could. After drying himself he pulled on a pair of speedos and then his bright baggy board shorts over the top before donning a Quicksilver t-shirt and running his fingers through his unruly blond hair. The smell of bacon and eggs cooking made his mouth drool and he bolted down to the kitchen giving his mum a peck on the cheek as he passed her at the stove before sitting at the table and wolfing down his cereal.

Maxine looked at her son, she loved Jake to bits, he was her light in life always happy and eager to help, but this morning she sensed he was not his usual buoyant self there was something not quite right as he sat there silently eating. She was glad whatever it was worrying him hadn't caused him to lose his appetite and she smiled at him before saying, "Jake I had a phone call last night after you went to bed, it was from Aunt Jessica asking if her son Colin could come down from Seymour and stay over the rest of the holidays."

Jake looked up at her quizzically as she continued; "You wouldn't mind sharing your room with Colin would you honey?"

Jake thought hard for a minute thinking back to the last time he'd seen Colin, it was a few years ago at his Grandpa's funeral, Colin was a blond kid, all knobbly knees and elbows but cute enough he remembered, Colin had dogged his heels at the funeral and the get together afterwards. He looked at his mum and asked, "Where will he sleep in my room there's only room enough for my bed?"

Maxine chuckled and replied, "You have a king size bed remember, I'm sure you two can sleep in it ok without coming to blows."

Jake sat there thinking hard, he wondered how it would affect his wanks morning and night; Jake sighed and thought, "Oh well I suppose I can go jack off in the bog if I have to."

Jake nodded and asked when Colin would arrive and Maxine said, "This evening we will go pick him up at Southern Cross station in the city, I hope you can come with us."

Jake knew he didn't have anything else lined up so he nodded and asked what time were they leaving to go get Colin, Maxine told him they had to be on the road by 3.30pm to ensure they got into the city in time for the 5pm arrival of the train. Jake decided he'd have time to go to the club and see if he could find Toby and get a couple of hours surfing in so he did the dishes and grabbed a towel then headed out on his bike. The club was open and a few guys were surfing while some were on duty in the club above the beach watching for trouble. Toby was missing so Jake just dragged out his board and went down to join the group riding the waves, he enjoyed the light surf conditions and pulled off some gnarly rides before knocking off to grab a feed from the take away van that set up in the car park.

After a rest to let his lunch settle he re-entered the water to catch a few more waves before he had to set of home to shower and change clothes for the drive up to the city to pick up Colin. The drive up gave Jake plenty of time to daydream about Colin and how he might have changed, he suddenly thought, "Crikey he must be nearly my age now, this could get interesting."

They parked the car and walked into the huge new station, Jake looked around and up at the glass undulating roof and thought how ugly it looked, then his eyes dropped to the platform where the train was humming to itself and saw a blond vision looking back at him and grinning. Was that Colin he thought, "Struth he is awesome."

The apparition moved towards them, his slim long legs moved so smoothly, gone was the vision of knobbly knees and awkwardness this boy was a total hunk. Colin wore a white t-shirt and tan cargo shorts a pair of sunglasses hid his eyes but the blond hair and tanned flesh made up for the hidden eyes, Jake's eyes scoped the crotch of the loose shorts as Colin approached them. Colin spoke, "G'day Aunty Max, thanks for letting me come and stay with you guys, hi cuz how's things?"

Jake tore his eyes away from the crotch and slowly raised them up to the face, as he grinned back, "Hi back cuz, long time no see huh?"

Colin grinned and his white teeth shone like stars in his suntanned face then he said, "You still surfing mate? I hope you can teach me how to hang ten or whatever."

Jake nodded and said, "Yep I've joined the lifesaving club too these days so we can spend heaps of time at the beach."

Colin's eyes widened, "Wow you save lives Jake that's awesome, I'll feel totally safe in the water with you around."

Jake blushed and looked away as Maxine said, "Come on you two you can yak all you like in the car on the way home, let's get on the road the traffic will be crazy by now."

They drove out joining the heavy exodus of cars and trams leaving the city to battle their way home to the suburbs, Jake sat in the back beside Colin as they chatted away like a couple of long lost mates. Colin sat legs wide apart and every now and then to emphasize a point he'd nudge Jake in the ribs gently, Jake was getting excited by the contact and was struggling to control his cock, it had ideas of its own in that little red head. He kept staring sideways at Colin's crotch wondering what was hidden under the glove soft baggy material. They finally arrived home and Jake grabbed Colin's bag from the boot, Colin tried to grab it but Jake won the tussle and hauled it inside and up to his room with Colin tagging along behind. They entered and Colin stared about then asked, "Is this where I'll be kipping Jake, it looks like your room by the posters and the computer and stuff I hope I'm not putting you out of your own room cuz."

Jake grinned at him and replied, "Nope you aren't putting me out we are sharing the room for the duration of your stay."

Colin gawped at him then a light twinkled in his cornflower blue eyes as he absorbed what Jake said, "We share your bed? I hope you don't snore or squirm about in your sleep cuz."

Jake sniggered, "How would I know? I'm asleep if I did do those things."

Colin smirked, "Well we'll soon find out I suppose, it will be a new adventure for me I've never slept over before."

Maxine called them down for dinner, they arrived laughing and Maxine grinned at them, "Well its good to see you boys hitting it off together."

They all sat around the table eating a home made pizza, Colin said how good it was and Jake told him his mum made the best pizzas you could eat, Maxine blushed at the compliments hiding behind her cup of tea. The meal finished Jake began washing up and Colin joined him drying the crockery, after dinner they all retired to the lounge to watch TV but as there was stuff all on Jake said, "Come on Colin lets go up and get on the net."

Colin joined him as they made their way to the bedroom where Jake switched on his computer and waited for it too boot, after it came to life he opened up a game and the two of them began playing. Sitting side by side at the desk their knees touching and arms brushed together as they used the dual controls lost in the speedway game, Jake beat Colin who turned and grabbed Jake in a headlock. Jake grasped his cousin round the waist and they began wrestling together, they left the desk and reeled across towards the bed until they stumbled back falling in a tangle of limbs onto the mattress. Much giggling and laughter could be heard as the two lads wrestled and tried to pin one another down. As they became more heated the laughter turned to grunts as they strove harder and harder. Both lads sported stiff cocks in their pants as their youthful bodies tensed to the max trying to overcome each other.

Their powers were matched ach equal to the other as they strained every taut muscle clearly defined under their smooth silken skin, eventually they collapsed limply on the bed too exhausted to continue the game. Colin lay panting partly under Jake's body, his crotch pressed to his cousins, Jake turned his flushed sweaty face to Colin's and he grinned, "Looks like we are even eh cuz?"

Colin nodded wiping his damp brow and brushing the hair from his forehead, "Sure looks that way cuz, no way could I get the upper hand but it was fun trying."

Both lads were now feeling weary and as it was getting late they decided to turn in, Jake went to the bathroom and washed his face and hands cleaned his teeth and emptied his bladder and had a fast but satisfying wank into the hand basin washing the evidence away down the drain. He returned to the bedroom and Colin headed off to do the same, while he was in there Jake shut down the computer and undressed down to his skimpy pale blue briefs before slipping into bed and pulling the sheet up over him. Colin appeared shortly after and as he stripped off he was looking at the sheet covering his cousin, he could see the peaks where his feet poked up then the long mounds of Jake's legs ending at a third peak where his cock was held compactly in his underpants. Colin's eyes lingered there after he checked Jake wasn't watching him, he pulled off his shirt followed by his cargo's, he put them neatly on one of the chairs at the pc before slipping in beside Jake wearing his check boxers. The two lads lay there side by side in the darkness talking desultorily until they both drifted off to sleep.

During the night both lads rolled in their sleep and ended up spooned together Jake behind Colin his arms wrapped about his cousin's smooth fit body and his stiffy crushed to the perfect mounds of Colin's full firm arse cheeks.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 6

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