Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 26, 2008


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Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 2, by justjames17.

Jake's encounter and rescue of the Japanese student and reaction to seeing the unconscious lad's erection had caused huge emotional problems for our young man, he'd never felt such feelings in his 16 years and that night at home in bed he had relived the event and wanked his long slender schlong to a huge conclusion as he arched his narrow hips up and an almost painful fountain of cum shot 60cm into the air and spattered liberally and hot on his tanned tensed and heaving torso. His slender but muscular body collapsed back quivering and shuddering as he panted for oxygen his heart thundering in his chest, cum drooled from his hot hard horn in a sticky finger glazing ooze as his balls drained out.

Jake lay there gasping his sweet teen body sheened in a mixture of sperm and sweat as he lay stupefied by the extreme climax he'd just experienced, never had a wank been so fulfilling or exhausting in the past, the vision of that cute young Japanese still whirled about in his brain and he now wished he'd got to know him more. He wished the two of them could have lain here in his bed mutually wanking until they reached a dual mind-boggling cumclusion. Jake could even picture that smooth ivory body lying here warm and trembling beside him, he remembered the texture of the lad's lips and the taste of the white salty froth that oozed from his mouth as he breathed life into that still body. A huge sigh shook Jake as he realised it was just a fantasy and couldn't have really come to fruition as he dabbled his long thin fingers in his cooling sperm before absent mindedly bringing his cummy fingers to his mouth and licking the sperm off with his warm tongue.

Jake shook his head startled by the taste of his cum, he'd not tasted it before and he rolled it about in his mouth mixing it with his saliva into a sweet cocktail shaken not stirred from his young healthy gonads. Jake immediately after swallowing the mix began scooping the juice from his firm flesh relishing the taste and texture of his elixir of life, he cleaned himself up thinking how he'd wasted all his spent sperm in the last four years since he first found out how good it felt to masturbate, gallons of goo had been wasted, wiped up with his cum cloth or tissues over that time. Jake smiled to himself thinking no more from now on every drop was going to be eaten, he then wondered what that Japanese boy's cum would have tasted like, would it taste the same as his after all the Asian's eat very different foods to the Aussies, would it make their sperm taste strange? He thought, "I wonder if I'll get the chance to find out one day?"

Jake rolled over and curled around his pillow hugging it to him as he slowly drifted off to sleep, only the soft whisper of his steady breathing sounded in the moon lit room as the curtains moved in the gentle breeze creating moving patterns across Jake's naked recumbent body. Jake's dreams were peopled by Asian boys both wearing skimpy speedos or naked as nymphs cavorting about him on the beach as he patrolled back and forth. He too was naked but wearing his yellow and black cap and sporting a stiffy like a steel bolt, no contact happened but he was excited to the max in his dream, his cock throbbed between his belly and bed as he moved about soft moans issued from his pink parted lips. Suddenly his body bucked and twisted as his excited nuts sent a nocturnal discharge out onto the sheet beneath his hot shaking body, this was something he hadn't had happen in years, his usual multi wanks had put paid to these unwanted emissions of his early teens.

Jake awoke in the morning stretched and rolled onto his back arching his body causing every defined muscle to tense and move under his smoothly tanned skin as he yawned then ran his fingers through his sleep crazy hair, he looked at the sunlight dappling the room and grinned thinking another perfect surf day. He looked at his sheet and stiffened in shock, there was a huge stain of dried sperm on the white cotton material. His eyes widened horrified as he thought, "Shit! What happened? How the heck could I do this I had a huge wank before I went to sleep, crikey I'll have to change the sheet and stuff it in the bottom of the laundry basket. I hope mum doesn't see it."

He jumped out of bed his morning woody wagging like a dog's tail as he stripped off he sheet before racing to the loo to empty his bursting bladder, he stood willing his wand to shrink and go limp so he could piddle, eventually it slackened enough for him to drain his golden piss into the toilet bowl he sighed and enjoyed the feeling as he piddled. After finishing Jake jumped under the shower and began to wash off his cum coated stomach, his mind began wondering whom he might get to meet or whom he might be able to get together with sexily, his teen hormones were on fire raging through his youthful fit body as his dick hardened again. As he washed it his hand locked about the slim shaft and he started stroking up and down, his other hand slipped under fondling his tight balls in their soft sack increasing his enjoyment. His long middle finger accidentally slipped along his prominent perineum to encounter his pink wrinkled muscle guarding his inner self, the new sensation stirred him even more than his wanking and he moaned under the spraying water spreading his feet apart and squatting slightly bending his knees.

His finger tip rubbed and prodded his pucker as he arched his head back exposing his long swan like throat as he moaned and began panting his climax racing raging through his slim superbly fit body. Sperm spewed from his throbbing tool spraying in huge pearly gouts onto the tiles as his body swayed uncontrolled Jake took his hand from his arse and held onto the taps to steady himself as the climax shook him to the core. Once it was over Jake gasping under the water said to himself, "Man that was an awecum cum, but I never got to eat it coz it all washed down the drain."

He finished showering as he heard his mum calling that breakfast was ready, he called back that he would be there in a minute and turned off the shower grabbed a towel and quickly rubbed himself dry enjoying the rough feel of the towel on his genitals. His brain now had a new challenge and that was the sensation his fingers had caused on his bum hole, he never knew it could be so sensitive or exciting so he vowed to add new games to his sexual fun. He grabbed a clean pair of grey briefs with white diamond shapes all over them and pulled on a pair of shorts then ran his fingers through his unruly wet blond hair as he headed for the kitchen his tummy rumbling with hunger.

His mother, Maxine, grabbed him as he entered and gave him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek as she said, "How is my beautiful boy this morning? Did you sleep well Jake?" Jake went red, as always with embarrassment when his mum did this said, "Aaw mum don't do that stuff I'm not a little boy anymore."

She laughed at him and replied, "Jakey you will always be my beautiful boy no matter how old you are and that's a mum's prerogative."

Jake blushing sat at the table and began wolfing down his cereal shovelling into his empty growling innards, Maxine sat sipping her coffee watching her pride and joy eat like a horse as she smiled lovingly at him admiring his perfect young body and seeing her long lost husband in Jake. Her heart ached at the thought of how alike Jake and his dead dad were, she had loved him with all her heart and when he'd drowned trying to save a family in the surf she would have ended her own life except that Jake was a baby and needed her. She was lucky her husband was sensible and practical and had provided for them with a big life insurance policy that kept them in comfort and meant she could stay at home raising Jake. Maxine lavished her son with love and Jake returned it in his own shy way, Lord help anyone who dared hurt her Jake, she would have turned tigress in his defence.

After breakfast Jake did the dishes and Maxine asked if he was going to the club, he replied, "Too right mum unless you need anything done?"

She knew how much Jake loved the club and shook her head saying, "No darl, you are free to do your duty."

Jake gave her a grin and a hug then a peck on her cheek as he left the kitchen to get his speedos, shirt and cap before leaving the house grabbing his bike and peddling off down the sunny road towards the surf beach. He arrived skidding to a stop in the wind blown sand on the paved car park, he jumped off the bike wheeling it into the surf club where he put it against the fence and hurried inside to see what was doing. Thomas was sitting at the main console behind the wide windows overlooking the still quiet beach, he waved to Jake and grinned saying, "How is our top rescuer going this fine morning?"

Jake blushed and looked at his bare feet as Thomas chuckled and said, "You did a top job yesterday Jake as good as the most experienced guys in the club mate we are all proud of you."

Jake blushed even more and couldn't find his tongue to reply and then Toby arrived calling out, "Hey dudes what's up?"

Jake was glad of the distraction especially as it was Toby, he was only a year older than Jake and was a total spunk, he was 5foot 9inches, blond haired and super fit, Jake hoped one day his skinny frame would fill out to look like Toby. Toby was a top surfer, he rode a board as if he was born on one and Jake couldn't ever remember seeing him fall off a board no matter what the surf was like and Jake loved watching him surf. Toby liked Jake and secretly fancied getting together with the younger hottie, he loved Jake's tall skinny but defined body, and fancied what was hidden in those flimsy red togs both front and back. Toby was gay and had been from an early age, his cute young body and almost white blond hair had made him stand out as a young boy, his love of the beach had led him to being discovered by men who led him into the sand dunes and coastal scrub where they had enjoyed their bodies and Toby loved it all. Toby was well experienced and longed to get it on with Jake but sensing the younger lifesaver's innocence hadn't dared make a move but he still hoped and dreamed.

The two lads went to the locker room to change into their speedos in preparation to beginning their patrol work, Toby who hadn't been on duty yesterday but had heard of Jake's rescue on the grape vine asked Jake what happened. Jake just told him briefly about the Japanese guy but didn't embellish the tale in fact he glossed over the details but Toby knew all about it and reached out his right hand grasping Jake's and shook his hand saying, "Top job Jake, I heard all about how good you were."

Jake tingled from head to toes at Toby's touch and words his face turned red as he blushed deliciously making Toby grin then he did something Jake had never experienced from another boy, Toby hugged him tight whispering in his ear, "Don't be so modest you are a hero mate, its an honour knowing you."

Jake was gob smacked that Toby had hugged him and the feel of his fit muscular body against his was mind blowing, he quickly turned away as Toby released him so his burgeoning boner wasn't visible. They both finished changing and donned their caps heading for the basement level where the boards and rubber ducky rescue boat ant jet ski were stored, there they rubbed sun tan lotion over each other to protect from sun burn. Both lads were getting excited as their slippery hands and fingers coated their smooth backs, once their backs were done they slopped the lotion on their own torsos arms and legs leaving their fit bodies glistening.

Once finished they left the building to begin checking the sand and bins for used syringes in preparation of the crowds arriving for the day, a few regular surfers were already enjoying the uncluttered waves. Thomas from above in the clubhouse sorted out where the flags should be placed and called the two lads on their 2way radios giving them the positions as they made their way down the beach to place the flags. As the sun lifted higher and the temperature soared the car park filled with cars and the beach filled with people all enjoying the beautiful weather the morning passed uneventfully apart from having to tell people to swim between the flags as they drifted out of the safe area, the shrill of the lifesaver's whistles shrieked as they gesticulated to get the swimmers attention.

Lunchtime arrived and in pairs the lads were allowed to get some food and take a break to eat and relax in the shade of the clubhouse, Jake and Toby ate together chatting, as they talked the drone of a plane was heard as the shark spotting aircraft flew along the coast. It arrived over the beach and circled back then sounded its siren warning of a predator in the area. It circled about above the denizen and three of the lads raced to the rubber boat and jumped aboard as the rest of the lads shouted for the swimmers and board riders to come out of the water, the people scrambled for the beach some in a panic as their legs pumped like pistons driving them fast to safety. The rubber ducky swooped back and forth above the shark until it turned away and swam out to sea leaving the area.

Calm settled again over the beach and most of the swimmers decided to take a break and eat some food to let the toothy beastie get well away, the board riders were already back out catching waves. The rest of the day was uneventful except for the odd cut or scrape from rocks or seashells and a lost child that caused a real stir until he was discovered asleep under a tree near the clubhouse. When evening arrived Jake and Toby went to retrieve the flags as the rest wheeled the equipment into the club, Jake didn't realise a pair of dark eyes was watching his every move, the guy was sitting in his car rubbing his bulging crotch as he perved Jake's unsuspecting body, looking down the slope onto the sand below the car park.

The predator had been with Toby a number of times but he fancied a change and the tall thin lad looked exceptionally interesting as he and Toby walked chatting together, especially when Toby suddenly jumped on the tall youth's back and they played horsey no the sand making Jake's muscles bulge invitingly. The bloke was certain he could see the skinny lad's dick twitching in his togs as the messed about and knowing Toby and from Toby's behaviour the guy got the erroneous impression that his taller young mate was into fun and sexy games. He decided to wait for the lad to leave the club before making a move on him when he was alone, he sat back rubbing his bone as the two speedo clad young spunks walked up the beach with the flag poles over their shoulders. They disappeared from view inside the club so he sat there day dreaming about the fun he was soon to enjoy as he watched the exit.

Time passed and his patience was tested, the lads were enjoying some socialising in the clubrooms, Thomas had organised a few pizzas and they all sat around enjoying the fun and companionship before making their way home. The stranger waited and waited, darkness descended and his patience running out he thumped his fist onto the dashboard of his car before swearing and starting the engine and driving away into the darkness. He vowed he would get hold of Toby and organise him to bring that cute young lad to him in the very near future.

Toby and Jake unknowing of the plot being hatched by the dark stranger were revelling in the comradely feelings as they lounged about the clubrooms stuffing pizza slices into their mouths washing them down with cold Coke. Thomas was reliving some of his experiences from years past on the beach and everyone was listening to them trying to learn more about their profession. Thomas was reliving a certain year when the surf boat race was totally destroyed as the monstrous surf caused by a huge low-pressure system down in the Southern Ocean sent massive seas roaring up from the Antarctic waters to crash with cliff shaking force on the coast. The surf boats were tossed on high like icy pole sticks, their crews thrown from the craft oars smashed like tooth picks as the heavy old timber boats were crashed against each other as they rolled on the face of the cruel seas.

The lads were hypnotised by Thomas's descriptions, their eyes wide open, as were their mouths as Thomas painted the verbal picture of the disaster. Some of the boats crews had their speedos torn from their bodies by the surging waters and were tossed naked on the sands in front of the watching crowds. The air filled with spume and spray as the beach disappeared under a dirty white covering of wind blown foam. The wrecked boats lay like dead sea turtles some upright and filled with water while others were upturned their shattered hulls on display. Never before had such devastation been wreaked on a surf carnival and the day was cancelled disappointing both competitors and the crowds as the damaged boats were removed they found some totally beyond repair their clubs left with the need to raise funds to replace them.

Finally Thomas ran out of tales and the food was gone except for the odd sliver of salami or an unwanted anchovy, the lads drifted off into the night to make their way home. Toby walked with Jake as they wheeled their bikes side by side discussing the tales heard from Thomas, at the point where they needed to separate to go to their homes they stopped both lingering not wanting to part. They dropped their bikes to the footpath and sat side by side on a bench, neither spoke but both trembled with hidden needs and desires. Neither dared make the first move and after some time they finally separated saying see you later and rode off in opposite directions, both mentally kicking themselves for wasting the opportunity.

That night both Jake and Toby wanked their hot hard dicks mentally picturing the other naked and aroused. Next morning Toby set off on his early morning run and as he ran up his street he saw a familiar car parked ahead of him, he thought to himself, "That's Con's car I wonder what he's doing here?"

As he drew level the passenger door opened and Con said, "Jump in Toby I want to talk to you."

Toby immediately started to crack a bar as he slid into the front seat next to the handsome older Greek bloke, Con and he had enjoyed much molten sex together over the last few months and Toby immediately reached across and groped Con's cock. Con hefted his hips up pushing his cock into the sexy young blond's hand Toby's fingers closed on the big 8inch muscle feeling it pulsing as Con's thundering heart pumped the necessary blood into the erect tissue. Toby moaned, "Gees Con I think its grown some since we last had fun together."

Con purred as Toby stroked his cock like a pussy, in no time Toby was unzipping Con's fly and freeing the pulsating monster from its cloth prison, the blond lad stretched across the centre console and kissed the drooling crimson knob licking up the issuing juice as Con grasped his ears pulling his cute face into his crotch as Toby gulped the fat salami into his gullet. As Toby sucked and bounced on his boner Con spoke hoarsely, "Toby, ugh, I want to, gasp, meet that tall, gurgle, young spunk you, mmm, were with yesterday, uuh."

Toby slurping up and down the pulsating prick gurgled incoherently; Con grabbed his short blond hair tugging his hot sexy mouth off his cock and said, "What did you say I didn't understand that gurgle?"

Toby licked his puffy pink lips and cleared his throat before answering, "You can't have him Con he isn't gay or at least he hasn't done anything sexual I'm sure."

Con grinned evilly and licked his thickish lips leering at Toby and replied, "That is great I'll be his first, I'll plunder his cherry and destroy his innocence."

Toby sat up wiping his lush lips as Con's words sank in he turned to stare at the handsome sardonic face of his sex partner and shook his head in denial, "No Con you can't do that he is so nice and sweet, he is as innocent as a babe. Please don't do anything to Jake I'll never forgive you if you do."

Con spat out his words, "Fuck you Toby I'll do what I want a little gay boy like you wont stop me having what I want, your tall sexy young mate will be mine even without your help. Now get out of my car and piss off."

Toby threw open the door and turned to get out, he hesitated for a second then turned back to confront Con, "You touch him you prick and I'll make sure you suffer for it one way or another, and you'll never have sex with me again either."

Con looked at the red faced angry lad and laughed at him saying, "You think I'm scared of anything you can do? I've got news for you Toby I'll fix your wagon in no uncertain terms, you won't be able to tell anyone anything. Now get out of my car before I beat the crap out of you."

To be continued.

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Hugs, James x

Next: Chapter 3

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