Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Nov 30, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 18 by justjames17.

The days dragged by as Jake waited for his HIV test results, his fingernails were bitten to the quick while he was tense and angrily abrupt with his mother Maxine and his friend Chad. Both these people loved Jake and were torn apart watching him tearing himself apart, he was still losing weight and his summer tan had faded to a pasty white not unlike the belly of a fish. Chad tried to be there for Jake but his efforts were rebuffed angrily, "What do you want Chad? Do you want to pity me or what? I don't need you here trying to maqke me feel happy because I can't be that way until this sword hanging over my head is removed."

The continual rebuffing hurt Chad and Maxine could see the lad's pain and tried to be there for both lads, but Jake refused all help and that was so unlike him to be so bitter and angry. It was understandable she knew as the pressure and doubts about his future were uppermost in his mind, after all Jake was a lad who enjoyed helping people but that had caused his current problem when he was needle sticked on the beach by a drug addicts careless disposal of the used syringe.

Finally the day arrived and he was telephoned to report back to the hospital, he asked why they couldn't tell him over the phne and was told he needed to talk personally to the doctor. Maxine drove Jake up to the city and they had lunch at Hungry Jacks before making their way to the hospital. The ride up in the lift seemed to take forever as Jake was desperate to find out if he was going to live or suffer the terrible debilitating effects of the dreadful virus. They stepped out on the fifth floor and entered the waiting room after reporting to the receptionist, they sat together flicking through the dog eared magazines not really reading them or even looking at the pictures it was more something to distract their minds from the waiting.

Eventually the receptionist said for them to go through to the doctor's office, they slowly got to their feet and walked across opening the door and entering the room. The doctor stood and greeted Jake and Maxine asking them to sit in front of his desk, he sat and looked at Jake as he asked him how he was feeling. Jake just grunted and the doctor looked at Maxine raising his eyebrows, Maxine shook her head slightly and the doctor knew that Jake was not travelling well with the problem. He looked at Jake as he opened the folder on his desk turing a couple of pages before he cleared his throat and said, "The news isn't as good as it could be Jake, unfortunately the virus is present in your blood test, now we must face the fact that you are HIV positive but this doesn't mean you are going to die."

Jake sat there white as a ghost as he heard the words he so didn't want to hear, his heart dropped and his stomach lurched, bile filled his throat and mouth as he looked for a receptacle to vomit into. He saw the waste paper bin beside the desk, Jake fell to his knees and grabbed it as he regurgitated his lunch, his thin body heaved and heaved until no further food came up just drool and bile. Maxine was hugging him trying to comfort her stricken son as she tried to arrange her thoughts to speak.

The doctor pulled some blue rubber gloves on and pulled out a handful of tissues to wipe Jake's face, this done he helped Jake to sit back on the chair. He returned to his chair pulling off the soiled gloves and began to discuss the treatments and possible eventualities in Jake's future. Jake seemed to be in a world of his own, he either didn't hear the doctor's questions or chose to ignore him as he closed up within himself. The doctor looked at Maxine shaking his head and said quietly, "I think maybe Jake should be admitted overnight so we can monitor him, I'm worried about how he's reacting to the news."

Maxine nodded her head silent tears began to run down her cheeks as she looked at her totally shattered son, the doctor picked up the phone and asked the receptionist to put him through to the psych ward. As soon as he was connected he asked if they had a spare bed For Jake and they agreed to take Jake overnight for observation, the doctor nodded and hung the phone up before telling Maxine and Jake he had a bed for him. The doctor led Jake from the room and across to the lift then the three of them went down to the ground floor and along a glassed walkway into the left wing where the psych ward was situated above one of the underground car parks.

The staff took Jake by the arms gently and with Maxine following they led him through the locking doors into the security ward where he would be under surveillance all night. Jake was moving like a zombie without any reaction to external stimuli, he was in a dazed world of his own and the staff undressed him then put on a hospital gown before putting him on the bed. Maxine kissed Jake on the forehead saying she'd see him tomorrow before leaving him, tears running down her cheeks as she sobbed heavily. Outside in reception, the doctor was waiting for her and they sat on a comfortable lounge while the doctor began explaining the current treatment of Jake's virus.

He explained that although so far no cure had been found that the virus could be controlled so that the sufferers could lead long and reasonably healthy lives, of course the sexual side of life was taboo unless condoms were used but that kissing was ok as the virus was carried by blood or semen. Maxine though still in shock nodded her head and a tentative smile creased her tear moist face, "So I'm not looking at Jake deteriorating and suffering all those terrible things that earlier aids sufferers developed, the sores and proclivity to getting other diseases?"

The specialist nodded, "Yes Maxine, Jake should be able to live a reasonably normal and healthy life with certain restrictions regarding sexual contacts."

Maxine thanked the doctor and left the hospital making her way to the car but her mind was in turmoil over her son's terrible news, she sat in the car for some time trying to calm herself so she could begin the long drive home. She finally started the car and drove out of the car park to join the queue waiting to pay the fees and exit the hospital. The trip home seemed to take forever as she battled the heavy evening traffic and by the time she reached home she was mentally physically and emotionally exhausted, Maxine parked the car and went inside collapsing on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

Chad came down asit got dark, after he'd had his dinner and knocked on the door for some minutes then gave up and headed down to the club to see if they had heard any news. The club was closed and in darkness so he returned home and watched TV until bedtime thinking he'd see Maxine and Chad in the morning. Maxine awoke at 6am after a bad night filled with nightmares, her bed showed the turmoil of the night, sheets twisted and tangled from her tossing and turning, she felt exhausted but knew she had to return to see Jake.

She got out of bed and showered to wash away the perspiration and to try to wake herself up properly. After bathing Maxine made a pot of tea and toasted some crumpets for her breakfast, she ate only because she knew that she must to keep up her strength. Her thoughts went to Jake kept in the psyche section of the hospital, she hoped he was ok and that he would be more conducive to listening after the initial shock wore off and he'd had a good nights rest. As she was getting ready to leave Chad arrived and knocked on the door, Maxine called for him to come in and finished dressing, she came into the lounge to find Chad sitting on the couch looking up at her questioningly.

Maxine greeted Chad, "Hi Chad, Jake's still up in Melbourne in hospital. He had bad news yesterday that knocked him for a loop."

Chad's face dropped as he digested the news, "You mean he has got aids?"

Maxine saw the horror and anguish on his face and she came across and sat next to Chad hugging him as they both began to cry, Chad sat there sobbing and swearing over and over, "Fuck its not fair."

After a time they calmed down and Maxine asked if Chad would like to come with her to pick up Jake from the hospital, he nodded and said, "If you think I could help Jake by being there I'd like to be there for him."

They set off through the town and turned onto the highway heading north, both Maxine and Chad were silent as the car hummed along the road in the light traffic, as they neared the city outskirts they hit the morning peak and slowed to a crawl. Eventually they turned off and entered the hospital grounds and entered the car par after taking a ticket from the machine to operate the boom gate. Maxine led Chad and took him to the Psyche ward where they were told Jake was in the main hospital talking to the specialist.

Maxine hurried with Chad up to the office of the doctor, the receptionist greeted her and Chad took a seat while she entered the office. There she saw Jake sitting looking glum as he listened to the specialist's talk on the where's and whys of the things he had to face up to and accept. Jake turned as Maxine entered his eyes looked lack luster almost blankly at her, he acknowledged her with a monotone, "Hello mum it's good that you are here, I'm ready to go home."

The doctor raised his eyebrows at Jake's obvious dismissal of his attempts to assist him and Jake got to his feet and looked down at the seated man, "Its ok doctor I know that my life is stuffed and I don't need to hear anymore. Thanks for trying to explain everything but its really a waste of time."

The doctor replied, "No Jake your life isn't stuffed as you put it there's lots you can do."

Jake held up his hand like a traffic cop stopping the cars and turned away heading for the door, "Come on mum lets go home I'm sick of this hospital."

The doctor handed Maxine his card ans told her he was there if they needed him and maybe Jake needed counseling by an expert or maybe a person from the aids support association could help him adjust. Maxine apologized for Jake's attitude and thanked the doctor as Jake entered the waiting room and saw Chad looking up at him. Jake glowered at his mate and growled, "What the fuck are you doing here Chad? I don't need or want to see you ever again."

Chad sat there dumbfounded just staring up at the furious Jake, he couldn't believe his ears, why was his mate behaving so mean to him? Chad loved and was desperate to help and be with Jake no matter what, but here was his friend and idol abusing him and denying him in front of his mum and two strangers. Chad's eyes misted up as tears brimmed in his eyes, Jake stormed past towards the door as Maxine moved to comfort Chad, "I'm sorry Chad I didn't expect Jake would treat you like this, come on we'll head home."

They caught up with Jake and led him to where the car was parked, Chad slipped in the back seat and Jake in the front next to his mother, no words were spoken after Maxine tried a few times to talk to Jake but his stony silence put paid to any conversation. The trip home was miserable, Chad was crying quietly and spasmodically while Jake sat there like a statue silent and glowering through the windscreen. Maxine dropped Chad off at his home and continued on to their house, Jake flounced from the car slamming the door behind him as he stormed up onto the veranda and inside the front door leaving it open much too her amazement.

Maxine locked the car and followed Jake inside closing the door behind her, no sign of Jake so she made her way to his room and tapped on the closed door. A grunt indicated he'd heard her and she gingerly opened the door, Jake was face down on the bed hugging the pillow to his face as he sobbed deeply. His slender frame shook with the intensity of his pain and grief; Maxine felt her heart stop in her breast as she looked at her shattered son dare she try and comfort him or would he reject her attempt?

Her motherly instincts took control and she sat on the bed and gently rubbed Jake's back as she bent down and kissed his unruly blond hair whispering, "Its ok Jakey, I'm here for you my sweet son. We'll get through this together and we are all here for you especially Chad, he's so in love with you."

Jake's tears gushed forth as he wailed into the pillow, "Why me mum? What did I do to cause this to happen?"

Maxine began crying as she said, "Jake you did nothing wrong, you've always been a truly good and loving boy who only tried to do his best in this world. Nobody could ever point a finger at you and say you had done a bad deed. It was caused by some irresponsible person not disposing of their dirty needle properly."

Maxine lay down behind Jake and cuddled him until he cried himself out and slipped off to sleep, she lay there gently stroking his fair hair as she watched his troubled face gently fade to a peaceful expression in his dreaming. Maxine slipped from the bed and tip toed from the room closing the door behind her as she made her way to the phone, she rang Chad and told him Jake had calmed down and maybe tomorrow he could come and visit him if he wished. Chad was happy to hear her encouraging words and said he'd be there before lunch time to see Jake.

During the night Jake's cries awoke her and she stumbled to his room, Jake was threshing about crying out sweat beaded on his body and face as a nightmare gripped him. Maxine slipped onto the bed and held his hot sweaty body in her arms trying to calm him, slowly he responded and his movements stilled as he dropped into a dreamless sleep once again. Maxine decided to stay alongside Jake and sleep there hugging him to her, Jake slept on and she dozed off as well.

The sun awoke her beaming in the window and she looked at her sleeping boy as she brushed the hair from his brow and eyes, Jake stirred and rolled onto his back, his shorts tented up by his morning hard on. Maxine smiled to herself, thinking at least that was something normal for Jake, he always awoke with an erection the same as his father had. Maxine slid from the bed after seeing the time and headed for the kitchen to get breakfast on the go, bacon and eggs she thought, Jake's favourite morning tucker, the aroma would probably awaken Jake if she knew her son.

The scent permeated the house and she heard movement as Jake arose and made his way to the bathroom, she smiled to herself and popped some bread into the toaster as the kettle whistled announcing the water was boiling. A pot of tea was brewed when Jake appeared his hair wet and flat on his head from the shower, "Morning honey."

Jake came across and hugged her resting his head on top of hers, Maxine could hear Jake's heart thumping in his chest, "Morning mum, sorry for my bad behaviour yesterday but I had a terrible night in that ward, the patients were screaming and yelling all night."

Maxine hugged him and said, "It's ok Jakey, you had a huge shock and that terrible psyche ward wouldn't have helped you at all, just remember that we are all here to help you get through this. Chad will be over later to spend some time with you."

Jake nodded his head and released his mum then sat at the table while she served up his breakfast, he tried to do justice to the meal but his appetite was not what it used to be, he drank his tea and ate a slice of toast along with about half the bacon and eggs on his plate before rising from the table and tipping the rest into the kitchen tidy bin. Maxine watched him with worried eyes as he thanked her then rinsed off his plates and putting them in the dish washer, Jake left the kitchen and returned to his room to lie down again. Two hours later Chad arrived and Maxine knocked on Jake's door and announced his arrival.

Chad walked into Jake's room and across to where his friend lay on the bed, "Hi Jake, I'm glad you feel a bit better than yesterday mate."

Jake rolled onto his back and looked up at Chad, "what makes you think I'm feeling better?"

Chad was taken aback a little, "Well you seem to be and you aren't calling me names or being nasty."

Jake looked up at him and went on, "That doesn't mean anything, I'm still infected and my life is ruined, you expect me to be happy or something Chad? My life is totally fucked mate can't you understand what this means?"

Chad stood there his lip trembling, "Jake your life isn't over it just means you have to be careful that's all mate."

Jake jumped from the bed pushed Chad away and ran from the room thundering down the passage and out the front door, Chad stunned by his behaviour finally ran after his friend calling out, "Jake hold up, where are you going?"

Jake ran flat out up the long hill towards ravine that ran down to the rocky shore beneath, Chad trailing behind him ran flat out trying to catch up. The scrub thickened as they ran up the track, Jake was intermittently hidden from view by the bushes and trees but as Chad gradually closed the gap Jake reached the edge and either fell or leapt from the top into the scrub filled gully disappearing from sight. Chad raced to the edge peering down into the small canyon trying to locate Jake but was unable to see him. Had began climbing down the sloping bank grasping branches and roots as he descended, at the bottom he heard a groan and he worked his way along the rugged floor.

Jake was lying on his back seemingly unconscious as Chad worked his way to him, Chad gently lifted Jake's shoulders and rested him on his lap, he looked down at his mate, Jake's top had pulled up exposing his abdomen Chad gently rubbed his hand on the smooth warm flesh as he cradled Jake. Chad could see Jake's bulge in his jeans and it awoke all his desires, he idolized Jake and loved him intensely. Jake groaned and his eyelids fluttered, Chad whispered, "Are you ok babes? That was quite a tumble you had."

Jake opened his eyes and looked straight into Chad's he saw the concern and love gleaming there and he sobbed heavily, Chad bent down and kissed him on the lips before saying, "Jake I love you and want to be with you. We can get through this together if you'll only let me in."

Jake burst into tears, his skinny body wracked with huge shudders as Chad began weeping with him, "Chad I love you too but we can't be together; I've got aids we cant love one another or you too will catch it."

Chad rocked Jake in his arms, "We can love one another babes, it means we must use condoms but if we are careful it can work. Anyway if I catch it then we can be lovers completely."

Jake pulled back a little, "No Chad don't even think about that, if I infected you I'd never forgive myself."

Chad hugged him again, "Don't worry Jakey we'll be careful ok? Now can you walk mate?"

Jake nodded and Chad helped him to his feet, they worked their way back along the gully until they could walk up the side easily and made their way back to Jake's. Maxine was waiting on the veranda a worried expression on her face until she saw the two lads approaching holding hands. She smiled with joy and walked out to meet them hugging them both to her breasts, "I'm glad you two have sorted things out, now I have two beautiful sons."

And so we reach the end of Jake's tale I hope you enjoyed it.

The End.

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