Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Nov 16, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 17 by justjames17.

We left the story with Jake having received a needle stick injury from a discarded syringe left in the sand on the beach, he was rushed to the city for treatment but now must wait for up to three months before he knows if he's been infected with either Hepatitis or Aids. Con met his fate at the hands of Vlad and Victor and his remains have been disposed of somewhere in the scrub amongst the sand dunes. The lifesaving club is not a happy place after Jake's injury and the mood is sombre although the lads must carry on their duties looking after the swimmers and beach goers.

Jake was brought home from the hospital check up and dropped off at his house where Maxine came running out to greet him, she was stunned by the change since he'd left home in the morning, Jake looked sallow far from his normal sun tanned self, his usually twinkling blue eyes were dull and expressionless as his mum hugged him to her breast. Jake just stood unmoved as she hugged and kissed her son, Maxine released her rib crushing grip and looked at Jake, "Jake love please don't give up on us, your chances of being ok are high it is most unlikely you are infected with anything."

Jake just pulled away and walked zombie like into the house leaving her standing with tears running down her cheeks watching after him until he disappeared inside. Maxine wiping her eyes stepped up onto the veranda and sat on the porch swing seat and began crying softly, her shoulders shook as she covered her eyes. Jake shuffled through to his room and fell onto his bed rolling onto his stomach and burying his face in his pillow as he too broke down weeping and cursing his fate.

Weeks passed and Jake found out he was not infected with Hepatitis, a relief to be sure but still the dreaded sword of Aids hung over his head, he kept clear of the beach and even his mates, they persisted trying to visit and cheer him up but he remained shut off in his world of misery and worry. Their visits gradually dropped off until only Chad persevered continuing to come around and sit with Jake in his room, it hurt Chad that he couldn't get through to Jake because he loved him, but there was no spark in Jake at all.

The weather changed as the summer ebbed into autumn, the crowds of holiday makers disappeared leaving the small town quiet, the club virtually shut down although weekends they still manned it for those that trekked to the beach until it got too cold for casual surfers, the die-hards still fronted wearing thick wet suits to keep out the cold as they braved the winter wild surf. Jake was sent a letter to report back to the hospital for his final check up, he was scared to go as he worried it would be bad news.

Maxine drove him up to the city and they went in together to see the doctor, he asked Jake how he was feeling and saw how scared the young man was he smiled reassuringly at Jake trying to distract him as the nurse began donning her disposable gloves in readiness to take his blood samples. Jake was trembling as she strapped a tourniquet about his arm and told him to make a fist a few times to pump up his veins before she slipped in the needle and began filing the small vials, removing one before attaching the next. Blood taken she removed the needle and put a cotton bud on the puncture wound telling Jake to press hard on it while she put labels on the vials. She then took away the cotton bud and placed a small circular band-aid on the tiny wound before thanking Jake and taking the vials away to the pathology lab.

Jake was pale as a ghost after she finished and the doctor asked Jake to strip to his briefs and sit up on the examination table, he began examining him giving him a thorough check up, taking his blood pressure and temperature, checking his eyes ears and throat and his glands before he asked Jake to lie down. Jake laid back and the doctor felt the glands in his groin for any swelling but the only swelling was in Jake's penis which began to awaken and erect from the man's actions.

Jake squirmed and his face flushed red for the first time since his accident, the doctor ignored the rapidly stiffening cock as he began examining Jake's legs working down to his over large feet where he searched for the needle stick site but found nothing but healthy flesh. To take Jake's mind off his embarrassing boner the doctor gave his feet a tickle and Jake jerked and gasped but his aroused tool bounced on his flat firm muscular belly and refused to diminish.

The doctor looked up Jake's long legs to the tented briefs and grinned at the flustered lad, "Well Jake it seems one part of you seems to be excited and happy."

Jake blushed and tried to cover himself with his hands but the doctor grinned and said, "Don't worry Jake I've seen plenty of erections here on the examination table, but seeing you are so aroused would you like to give a sperm sample and we can test that for you as well as your blood?"

Jake looked at him red faced and asked, "You want me to wank off here and now?"

The doctor chuckled and handed Jake a small plastic container as he said, "Well if it embarrasses you too much I'll pull the screen around the table so you will be hidden."

Jake thanked him as the doctor pulled the screen across; as soon as he was hidden he began stroking his cock hard and fast using spit as a lube, his moist foreskin squelched as he wanked and he was sure the doctor could hear him pulling his pud. Having been celibate for so long, his balls were chockers with sperm and in no time he was panting as his nuts drew tight and erupted spewing sperm into the container. When his balls were drained Jake was amazed at how much was in the container and the doctor appeared to take it and his eyes widened at the sight of so much white sperm. He looked at Jake and smiled, "Congratulations Jake I think you've set a record with this sample, we could probably artificially inseminate a 100 females you young stud."

Jake giggled and blushed bright red but felt better than he had in months, maybe I'll be alright he thought to himself for the first time since the accident he was feeling positive vibes. The doctor asked him to wash his hands and get dressed while he wrote up his case notes, then when Jake reappeared dressed he sat down at the desk looking across it at the doctor. The doctor lounged back in his swivel chair his fingers interlocked in front of his chest as he studied Jake, after a time he began to speak, "Well Jake, I notice you have lost some weight since your last visit and that's a worry as you certainly weren't overweight before but you are on the last leg of this terrible event, in about three days I'll be ringing you with the final results. So you can go home and try to relax until I ring you."

Jake looked at him and nodded, then the doctor got to his feet and reached across the desk taking Jake's hand in his shaking it as he said, "Ok Jake your mum is waiting outside for you so you'd better get going, I'll talk to you as soon as I have the results. Goodbye young fellow and good luck in your life."

Jake left the office and walked out to see his mum waiting anxiously, as soon as she saw him she was on her feet her eyes searching his face for any news or emotions, she saw in Jake's eyes a spark that had been dead for months and he seemed to be more erect than when they arrived. They left the hospital walking to the car and set off out of the city heading for home, Maxine asked Jake how things went and he said it was ok and the doctor was great. Maxine then decides to give Jake a treat, "Would you like to grab lunch somewhere Jake?"

Jake thinks for a second and says, "I could go some fish and chips mum."

They spot a shop and pull over then order their food, after being served they take the food outside where there are a few tables and chairs, sitting down and eating the hot food, Maxine notices Jake is eating hungrily something he hasn't done in ages and she thanks the Lord for the change. They dump the wrappings in the bin and climb back into the car heading for home.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 18

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