Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Oct 16, 2008


This tale contains descriptions of sexual acts between males; if this is not to your taste or you are under age or it is against the law where you live to read such matter please leave now.Your comments and ideas are welcome at all emails answered except flames which are extinguished on arrival.

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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 15.

The foam and spray subsided as the wave surged on into the beach leaving the boats in its wake, one craft upended and semi submerged in the frothy sea,. The other vessels all headed out to deeper water as more massive seas built up surging towards the shore. The crew of the turned turtle boat struggled amidst their floating gear, scrabbling to catch the bright orange life vests as they bobbed on the disturbed sea. The next comber approached rising like a wall sucking the floundering people towards its glassy steep face before it broke in a mighty roar crushing the three struggling people beneath tons of water.

Jake witnessed the disaster as he heard the roar of the wave and turned to see the second wave monster the stricken boat and crew, his feet pounded down the beach as he raced to see if he could rescue the now submerged people, the jet ski revved up as another member prepared to race out into the pounding surf. Jake's lean body arched as he dived into the maelstrom his head broke surface as he swam hard towards the area of disturbed aerated sea. He reached the approximate area and duck dived towards the sandy bottom, he spotted the wrecked boat lying wallowing bow upwards its buoyancy tanks seemed unable to raise it back to the surface. A body drifted into view and Jake kicked his long slim legs hard driving him towards the inert form.

He grasped a floating arm and turned kicking hard towards the surface above as the next comber crashed down in a roaring surge of white water above him. The current and surge nearly tore the body from his grasp as they were tumbled about as if in a washing machine, limbs flaying about as their bodies were twisted and turned. Finally Jake surfaced coughing salt water as it spewed from his mouth and nose, he pulled the person up to the air and looked at the pale wet face, it was a lad about 16; his seemingly lifeless body floated limply in the frothing water as Jake began towing him back towards shore as the next monster raced up behind him.

The sea broke and the surge hit Jake lifting he and the boy's body sending them careening on the surge towards the shore. They were propelled into the shallows and Jake scrambled to his feet lifting the lad in his arms as the sea ran back sucking at his legs, he staggered ashore and lowered the limp lad gently to the sand as people came from all around silently surrounding the two as they watched Jake begin trying to resuscitate the lad. Jake checked the boy's mouth for obstructions and then began giving those pale lips the kiss of life. Again and again Jake blew life giving air into the lad's lungs watching the tanned chest rise and fall each time, no sign of life as he worked hard then a wet chesty cough that blew a spray of froth, water and mucous from his mouth. The lad shuddered and moaned coughing again and again as Jake rolled him onto his side helping to drain the seawater from his oxygen starved lungs. Slowly the boy recovered, his eyes opened staring blankly at first as his breath rasped wetly in his throat, more white froth and mucous oozed from the corner of his mouth as Jake placed a towel a bystander proffered to help cover and warm the cold shaking body. The lad's sodden wet cut off knee length jeans clung to his coltish legs and his shrunken package mounded slightly under the partly unzipped fly as Jake covered him with the towel.

He lifted the lad in his arms struggling to get to his feet until another bystander reached out and helped him up; Jake thanked the man and set off carrying the still coughing gurgling lad up the beach and into the clubhouse. The jet ski made it back to the beach with the other two survivors, one the lad's father the other his uncle, both men were frantic about the lad and after reaching the beach set off up towards the club following Jake. The senior Lifeguard Thomas had called for an ambulance and as Jake carried the semi conscious lad inside the wail of the siren could be heard in the distance.

Meanwhile Con and his old mate Mark were climbing the steep slope of the sand dune to find a nice spot to sun bake and enjoy a few beers, the warm dry sand was sliding from under their feet as they struggled upwards. Finally Con stepped onto the crest and placing the esky on the sand he reached out a hand to help Mark. Their strong hands clasped and muscles bulging Con literally dragged his mate up beside him. Mark thank Con and picked up the esky as they walked on into the wind contorted scrub, they moved on till Con found the clearing he favoured and there they spread out their towels and stripped to their speedos. Con watched Mark as he stood on one leg tugging off his shorts, he admired the muscles as he maintained his balance and he could see the strip of dark lycra between Mark's firm rounded arse cheeks where he'd sweated during the walk and climb in the heat.

Con imagined sinking his tongue into the hidden cleft and slurping his tongue up the hot crack licking the salty sweat as he inhaled Mark's fragrance, Con's cock was achingly stiff as he watched the supple muscular body. Mark having disrobed dropped to his knees on the towel and rifled his carry all searching for the bottle of sunscreen. He pulled it out and began slopping it on his torso face and arms, Con's eyes sparkled as he watched the glistening muscles as Mark worked it in. Con was trembling with eagerness and when Mark finished his front he suggested doing his back for him, Mark nodded and smiled up at Con offering the bottle and thanking him for his help, "Thanks Con I'll do yours when you finish mine if you'd like."

Con began smoothing the slippery cream onto Mark's broad muscled shoulders, he reveled in the feel of the smooth skin slick under his hands, he was massaging Mark's body as he spread the cream, Mark began to sway and arch his golden head back eyes closed and lips slightly parted as Con worked his magic fingers on his flesh and muscles. Con was lusting as he worked, his speedos were so tight they looked as if they would split open as his turgid tool strained stiff as steel and leaking copiously. Con gently urged Mark onto his stomach and he lay on his towel hiding a throbbing boner caused by Con's magical fingers.

Con massaged the upper swelling mounds of Mark's beautiful buttocks down to where the waistband of his tight togs dug into the silken flesh, Con moved down to Mark's thighs and stroked the cream into the lightly haired legs, kneading the muscles and tendons as he moved down towards his mate's feet. Mark was squirming about his breathing heavy and he was almost whimpering with pleasure, his cock was as hard as he could ever remember and couldn't believe it was from Con's actions. He could understand it if it was a hot sheila but then he thought back to their fun together when they were younger ad the wank sessions he and Con enjoyed along with some other mates. He hadn't thought about this in a long time as his sex life was amazingly good, he never had any difficulty finding a girl to share his bed, yet here he was boned to the utter max while Con was oiling his body.

Con finished the pleasant task and lay on his towel passing the bottle to Mark who hesitated getting off his belly due to his raging rod, Con laughed and said, "Come on Mark lube me up before I get incinerated mate."

Mark moved pushing himself up onto his haunches trying to hide his hard on from Con but Con moved making sure he saw the straining schlong as Mark twisted around and straddled his waist plonking his arse onto Con's upper thighs while his now aching balls rested on the full firm mounds of Con's full buttocks. He began to spread the lotion on Con's sexy body and marveled at his development and the power of the broad bronzed back, Con sighed and flexed his muscles encouraging Mark in his endeavours. Mark's boner was pressing against Cons rippled spine as he worked on his mate's shoulders and neck, the eel of his cock rubbing on the warm hard flesh was turning him on incredibly.

As Mark worked down towards Con's waist he wriggled back to squat on Con's upper thighs positioning his aching cock on the cleavage between the muscled orbs, Mark's eyes watched as he rubbed up and down, he saw his bulging bone sliding back and forth and he pictured what was hidden under that silky material. Mark was getting confused and graphic ideas, things he had never pictured or thought of, the thought of pushing his prick into that deep hidden vale of manliness. He shook his head as perspiration oozed from the pores of his hot blushing face, no way he thought I'm not gay I've never thought about rooting a guy before and I'm sure Con is as straight as an arrow. He finished the task and slid off Con to again lie face down hiding his embarrassment.

Con purred his thanks and lay there his face turned towards Mark watching the blond Nordic looking spunk as he lay there eyes closed and body glistening in the warm sun, Con looked at the bubble bum and saw the deep dimples in the sides of Mark's awesome arse, Con was thinking how superb it would feel to plunge his long thick pole into that innocent virginal vent. He imagined Mark's cries of pain and contortions as he plumbed the hot moist tight depths of Mark's manly core. After some time Mark drowsed then fell asleep, Con lay there watching the slumbering spunk as he groped his massive member in anticipation.

Con waited for some time ensuring his mate was dead to the world before he called softly to him without any reaction, he stretched out his hand and caressed Mark's arm, again he slept on. Con sat up and moved across straddling Mark's waist and gently slid his fingers under his mate's waist to reach and undo the knot of his speedos. Success he released the knot and he pulled his hands out and took a grip on each side pulling the flimsy togs down, he tugged hard to release them from under Mark's hips and succeeded in removing them slipping them down those long muscular limbs he'd so lovingly caressed as he put on the sun screen. The speedos removed Con brought them to his face and inhaled Mark's erotic aroma, feeling his cock throb like a mad thing.

Con repositioned himself on Mark's thighs and studied the finely furred orbs of muscle and flesh, the fine golden fuzz gleamed in the sunlight, Con bent down and kissed both buttocks then licked the slit between them. He gently spread Mark's listless legs apart then picked up the sun screen and squirted some on his middle finger and placed it between those fuzzy cheeks pushing it in till it found the pinkish pucker. He dabbled about spreading the slick lube around the wrinkled portal then a second squirt into the twitching muscle before pushing in gently and slowly.

Mark wriggled and turned his head making a strange mumbling sound but slept on, Con was trembling like a coiled spring as he massaged the sunscreen into his throbbing tool. He positioned himself on toes and one arm while clutching his rock hard rod in his other hand preparing to lunge hard and deep omto Mark's unsuspecting arse. As he took a deep breath before doing the deed shadows darkened the bright sand about them, Con frowned and turned to abuse whoever was watching but his words froze in his throat when he saw what caused the shadows.

Back at the clubhouse the paramedics were working on the lad before putting him on the gurney to take him out to their ambulance, the lad's relatives were hovering worriedly. The paramedic told them he would be ok but needed to overnight in hospital after taking in so much seawater. They finally loaded the lad and strapped him down then wheeled him out and into the ambulance, the boy's father accompanied the boy while his uncle returned to the beach where his damaged waterlogged boat lay like a dead sea creature on the surf's edge, the strong seas had brought it ashore leaving it high and dry as the tide receded.

The police had arrived and they discussed how he could remove the craft, the man said that if his mates could organize a rope and drift it ashore, or the jet ski could take the anchor rope out to them after he'd bailed and drained out the water maybe they could tow it off the beach and back to where they'd launched. The police agreed but said the water police boat would be along soon and maybe they could organize the salvaging. The boat owner undid the bungs and began draining the water from the craft, a crowd of spectators joined the man after the hull and buoyancy tanks had drained, they helped him push and slide the heavy craft around and down the beach till it rested in the shallows. It looked sad and forlorn its windscreen torn from the cabin roof and a large hole where once the depth sounder had sat, the sandy and water logged bunk cushions were brought back from further up the beach where the current and waves had carried them, along with some of the gear that had also been carried ashore.

The police craft arrived and as the surf had calmed they approached the beach then halted and fed a buoy attacked to a towline ashore, the boat skipper attached it to the boat's bow bollard and signaled to the police as he climbed aboard the boat. The police craft gunned its powerful engines and began to ga ahead tightening the rope, nothing happened for a minute the tow rope twanged and shivered under the load, Jake returning to the beach joined a group of onlookers as they rushed into the shallows and began heaving on the stranded boat until it began to move grinding on the sand. A wave rolled in slapping onto the bow lifting it and the boat shrugged off the beach moving out to sea behind the larger police boat.

The beach now clear Jake returned to his patrol, the rest of his shift was quiet except for a girl who cut her foot on some buried broken glass, Jake helped her up to the clubrooms for treatment and bandaging. As he returned to the beach he felt a sting in his foot and he lifted his foot up to find a used syringe hanging from the needle embedded in his flesh. Jake's face blanched as he realized the possibilities of this accident, was the needle dirty and infected with either hepatitis or even aids? Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he began to hyperventilate in fear. He removed the syringe and hobbled back into the club reporting to Thomas who looked green in the gills as he saw the needle. He sat Jake down and called to Mike another senior lifesaver, Mike arrived and listened to what happened and said, "I'll drive Jake up to Mornington hospital where he can be checked out and they can take blood tests and such."

Mike helped Jake down to the car and they set off fast up the highway.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 16

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