Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 27, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 14, by justjames17.

Con left the car park and headed home, he was both frustrated and furious at what had happened, his ego was bruised badly and he was determined to seek revenge on the two tourists and the young thief if by chance he can find him. He was driving fast and his mind was not on what he was doing, he rounded a corner too fast and swerved to the wrong side of the road. His eyes bulged from his head as he saw the delivery truck heading right at him, he turned the wheel frantically and the panel van hit the curb mounting the footpath and smashed through a wooden picket fence demolishing a rose garden before finally stopping just short of the house.

The residents hurried out to find the battered panel van stopped on their front lawn, Con still seated behind the wheel shaking from his near miss, they called the police and when they arrived Con had regained his composure. They breathalysed him bit found no alcohol in his system and when Con offered to pay for the damage they took his particulars and left him to it. A tow truck arrived and winched the panel van out loading onto its flat tray, three tires were flat and Con asked that they drop it off at the local tyre retailers. The truck took Con and his van there and dropped them off, Con got new tyres fitted and charged them to his account before completing his journey home; his temper not improved at all after his expensive little disaster.

He stormed inside slamming the front door and rattling the windows and stomped to the kitchen ripping open the fridge door and taking out a stubby of beer, he popped the top and took a deep gulp then wiped his arrogant lips with the back of his hand as he walked into the lounge and slumped on the couch leaning back closing his eyes. After some minutes he drank down the rest of the beer and sat there staring at the blank screen on his TV, he picked up the remote control and switched on the set then the DVD player. He lounged back as the screen lit up with a scene of a big stud with a much smaller guy, the stud was hammering the younger smaller lad's rear end, slamming his big prong in and out of the writhing lad's arse. The room filled with the sound of sex, the moans and grunts, the slapping of flesh against flesh, whimpers of pain and anguish.

Con's eyes were riveted on the scene as he groped himself, his face twisted, all vestiges of handsomeness vanished as he began to pull his fat schlong from his shorts and stroke it. His debauched face with lips grotesquely leering and tongue slavering across his lips, eyes ablaze with violent lust, his bare chest heaved as he tugged and twisted his nipples one at a time torturing them sending jolts of pure pleasure through his tensed sweat covered body. Con drove himself to a tremendous climax in time with the stud on the screen, the screen showed a close up of the ravaged ring of the young man as creamy sperm spurted out from the tight connection. The stud collapsed quivering and gasping on top of the whimpering victim, Con slumped back panting as he absentmindedly stroked his still flexing drooling dick. The glazed expression cleared on his sweaty face as he shook his head and stared at the fuzzy static on the screen, the DVD has finished.

Con grabbed a discarded t-shirt off the low coffee table in front of the couch and cleaned himself up before tossing it aside and pushing himself up to pad into the kitchen for a second beer, he unscrewed the top and walked back to the couch flopping back on the cushions then swinging his feet up and lying back sipping his cold ale as he flipped over to the news. He was watching the news when the phone rang, he frowned wondering who was disturbing him and climbed to his feet putting the beer on the coffee table as he went to answer the phone. He picked up the receiver and grunted into it but he smiled when he heard a voice he knew, Mark, a friend who he went to school with, a guy he'd always fancied but never attained.

Mark had shifted to Western Australia after leaving college; he attained a scholarship and was training to be a mining engineer over there at the University of Western Australia. Mark was back in town for a holiday and was hoping to hook up with Con and catch a few waves. Con was overjoyed at the thought of seeing his blond and cute friend once again; they had kept in touch by email and the odd phone call but that only made Con hungrier to get with the spunky guy. They chatted for a while reminiscing about school and what was going on in their lives and Con arranged for Mark to call round and see him next morning. By the time he'd hung up Con was again hard as a rock, he envisioned Mark as he remembered him, slender, blond hair blue eyed and as cute as a guy could be. He was small built and wiry with the nicest bubble bum in the school, Mark was extremely popular with the girls and it was whispered he was a totally hot in bed.

Con had lusted after the guy but he wasn't game to try anything back in those days, not like now when he could easily overpower most those he lusted after, since leaving school he had worked on building his muscles and strength. Con expressed his desire to see Mark and get together with him for some surfing and fun, Mark sounded happy that he was welcome and said he'd meet Con at the beach tomorrow. Con was creating mental pictures of Mark, what he'd look like now and how sexy his body would still be, Con's cock sprung a bone and he was flopped back enjoying playing with himself. One hand squeezed and caressed his hard hot meat while the other tugged and rolled his big firm nuts in their smooth hairless sack, Con had a dreamy smirk on his face as he pictured Mark's smaller fairer body, his sexy rounded arse and his small but perfect prick. Mark was one deliciously hot package from what Con remembered and he was hot to really get to know him in every possible way, particularly intimately.

As the night progressed Con dug out a DVD of a cute blond guy being ravaged by a big dark stud, he loved this film, the blond was bronzed all over except for where his tiny tight speedos were, when the stud stripped him the pale white orbs of his arse with the deep dark crack were a total turn on. Then when the stud yanked his slim legs apart and rammed his big bone deep up that tight hot hole Con nearly blew a load without wanking. He relished how the blond writhed and grunted it brought back memories of some of his incredible sexual bouts with the young fit surfer lads. He was envisioning Mark in the same position, helpless and totally overpowered. After the film finished Con dragged himself to bed his balls drained and cock limp, he needed sleep to regenerate his sex drive for the new day ahead. Con fell into a deep sleep and knew no more, his naked body shimmered in the bright moonlight shining through the window onto his bed, as he slept a shadow blocked out the light as Vlad and Victor stood outside watching him sleep and admiring his smooth powerful body.

Next morning Con awoke refreshed and with a woody like steel, his bladder cried out for relief and he bolted to the bathroom to empty it, he forced his steel hard pole down aiming it at the bowl and lifted his head closing his eyes willing his bladder to start pissing. A spurt of golden urine splashed foaming into the white bowl as his bladder emptied out forcefully, Con sighed and smiled dreamily then yawned widely as his cock stopped, he shook himself off and gave it a couple of wanks before flushing the toilet, he washed his face and began shaving, he noticed some small red spots on his throat but shrugged thinking mossies had bitten him, after shaving he rinsed his razor then patted on some after shave enjoying the sting and again admiring himself in the large mirror on the wall. Con thought, "Gees I'm so buffed and hot any bloke should be happy that I'd want to have sex with them."

He walked out to get breakfast his fat schlong waved from side to side as he strutted proudly into the kitchen, he grabbed a large bowl and dumped eight Wheat Bix in adding milk before pouring a tumbler of chilled OJ, he sat down and began fuelling himself for what lay ahead. Once he'd eaten he rinsed off the plate and tumbler before going for a shower, he bathed quickly and towelled off then cleaned his teeth grimacing to show off his pearly whites against his bronzed face then combed his thick black hair. He swaggered to the bedroom and pulled out a very brief pair of red speedos and slipped them on tucking his astounding genitals away comfortably in the flimsy silken pouch, he stood admiring himself in the full-length mirror striking poses that accentuated his bulging muscles, genitals and gorgeous full muscular buttocks. Con smiled at his image and preceded to oil himself to accentuate his musculature, he enjoyed the feel of his hands caressing his body as the slippery oil lubed his ministrations.

Con finished oiling his superb body and stood there flexing himself as he checked out his glistening body, a smirk on his arrogantly handsome face; he turned reluctantly away to pull on a pair of silken running shorts with long slits in the outside that exposed his red lycra togs as he moved, a tight sleeveless t-shirt completed his attire and he slipped his feet into a pair of brown leather sandals. Con picked up his keys and some cash from the top drawer of the bedside table dropping it in his backpack and set off to the van. Con cruised the streets on his way to the beach hoping he might spot the young thief from yesterday but no such luck, he pulled into the car park at the local mall to get some grog and food to take to the beach.

He strolled inside and saw the arcade where all the local teens hung out playing the games, he decided to check it out on the off chance the little prick might be there spending his ill gotten gains. Con paused in the doorway searching slowly and carefully the first visible rows, the lads all concentrating on their games didn't notice him there, he moved inside slowly moving to the left to check out the next couple of banks of machines and there he was, the little mongrel twisting and moving as he zapped space aliens or whatever the game was. Con watched his lithe slim young body as he moved about, dressed in a tatty pair of denim cut offs and a wife beater, his long slim arms and legs on display as was his cute bubble bum and basket.

Con's lips curled into a sneer as he crept towards the lad, a boy next to his victim looked around and squeaked a high pitched warning alerting the lad who jumped away and hit the ground running like a rabbit. Con was stunned at the speed of the lad's reactions and by the time he began to move the lad was out of sight behind the next row of machines. The other lads seeing an adult aggressor began blocking Con's path and he had to shove them aside one after the other giving the miscreant more time to escape. Con's growls of frustration rase until he was swearing loudly and shoving the boys brutally out of his way, the owner of the arcade appeared and warned Con to get out or he'd call the police. Con snarled and left the arcade searching the crowded mall as he exited, no sign of his young thief so Con swearing under his breath walked on to pick up the items he wanted.

Con returned to his van and stood with eyes bugging out, his new tyres were flat, all four wheels sitting on the rims; impossible he thought somebody had let them down. He was right; each tyre had a slit in the wall where a pocketknife had been pushed through the rubber. Con looked to the heavens and swore loudly, he pulled out his mobile phone and rang for a tow truck, the truck arrived driven by the same driver as yesterday, the bloke shook his head in amazement, "Crickey mate this is ridiculous nobody can wreck tyres this fast."

Con glared at him and growled, "Some arse hole has knifed them, I'm going to kill the little prick when I catch him."

The driver winched the van onto the back and set off to the tyre retailer pulling in beginning to lower the van while Con stomped into the office to organise the fitting of four new tyres again. The van was jacked up and the first two wheels removed, thirty minutes later Con was on the road $400 poorer, he drove to the beach and parked the van close to the club hoping it would deter the little prick if he came down and tried to spike his tyres again. He sat there looking out for Mark's arrival; he listened to the local FM radio station that was playing old surfing songs by The Beach Boys. He sat there tapping his hands on the steering wheel feeling the beat of the surfie songs; he missed seeing the red and black Mini Cooper S drive into the park and pull up a couple of cars away.

The door opened and out stepped Mark, his golden curly hair gleaming in the sun as he stood up and looked around the area, Con caught the movement in his peripheral vision and glanced across. He did a double take, who the hell, no it couldn't be little Mark, that stud was equal in build to himself except he was blond and fair skinned, he wasn't as tall but his musculature was mind boggling on his smaller frame. Con couldn't get out of the van fast enough, he fumbled with his seat belt as Mark was approached by a couple of the lifesavers, Jake and another dude Con didn't recognise. The three began talking animatedly as the two young guys ogled Mark's hot wheels, Mark was enjoying their excitement as he showed them the gear in the car allowing both lads to sit in the front seats.

Con slammed the van's door attracting Mark's attention, he looked across and his lips curved up as he saw Con, he grinned showing his perfect white teeth contrasting vividly in his tanned face, he gestured a greeting wave and Con felt a shiver of pleasure course through him. He grinned back his ire at the morning's problems evaporated at the sight of his old schoolmate, Con walked across and stuck out his hand as he said, "G'day Mark, its great to see you again mate."

Mark took Con's hand in his with an iron grip as he shook it pulling Con into him and putting his other arm around his old school mate's back, They hugged cheeks touching as their torsos pressed tight, Con could feel Mark's genitals pressed to his upper thigh as he pressed his leg between Mark's. The heat as those soft appendages rubbed on his thin shorts sent a jolt through his body, Con was sure the same was happening to his mate. Mark on the other hand was not into blokes in general he was basically heterosexual, although he had had a few encounters with guys in the isolation of the mines, he also had a hot fiancé waiting back in the West and this trip was mainly business as his mining company had sent him across for a conference about the climate change problems and how it may effect the mining industry.

Con's cock started to thicken and stretch as he hugged Mark, but Mark sensed Con's arousal starting and broke the hug stepping back a little and watching Jake at the wheel of his rented Mini. Con felt a cool chill of rejection something he wasn't really used to and it brought back the angst of the morning, he frowned at Mark and eyed off his mate's crotch but saw no sign of arousal in his colourful board shorts. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Mark when you are ready can we go find a good spot on the beach, I've got food and grog in the Esky."

Mark nodded saying, "Yeah mate give it a minute till the lads have finished with the Mini."

Con felt jealous that Jake was monopolising his mate's time that he should be sharing with him, he stood there with a sullen expression watching Mark laughing and joking with the two younger lads, Con's patience was beginning to wear thin. Finally Mark said, "Well guys you've made me dizzy with all your questions I'd better head off with my mate and spend some time with him."

Jake and the other lad climbed out of the shiny little speedster and Jake tried to talk to Mark to warn him about Con but it was impossible and in the end he shrugged thinking Mark appeared strong enough to look after himself in any eventuality. Mark and Con unloaded the Esky and gear from the van and set off down onto the beach then Con led the way towards the sand dunes. Jake stood leaning on the car park fence watching the two studs walking away into the distance, he couldn't help thinking what a hot pair they made. A hand on his shoulder broke his reverie; he turned his head to find Chad smiling at him, "Penny for your thoughts Jake."

Jake smiled at him and said, "I was watching that arse hole Con leading a really hot guy down the beach, I hope he will be ok."

Chad looked up the beach and could just make out the two figures in the distance; he looked back at Jake and asked how his goodies had recovered from yesterday's accident. Jake grinned at his sexy mate and replied, "Good as gold mate no repercussions apart from a little tenderness."

As they chatted a number of cars arrived, some belonging to club members also Vlad and Victor in their silver BMW, the two living dead sauntered down onto the beach and off towards the sand dune area. They strolled side by side as the discussed the sweet supper they'd enjoyed last night when they had sipped upon Con's throat as he slept, it was an entrée to the main feast they were preparing to enjoy in the very near future.

The beach was filling with swimmers and surfers and Jake had to begin his patrol, Chad followed him onto the sand and sat near the ramp watching his tall skinny mate as he walked the shore watching for swimmers in difficulty. The rubber ducky and jet ski were parked at the water's edge ready for use when needed, at the North end of the beach the rugged cliff rose from a low rock shelf, this platform was used by rock fishermen and was dangerous as rogue swells could appear and crash across the slippery rock sweeping the fishermen off their feet and sucking them into the surf. Jake's patrol that day was the Northern end of the safe swimming area and he also kept a watch on the rocks as well.

Being a beautiful day there were already a number of guys casting off the rocks into the surging sea, and offshore there were a number of fishing boats trolled and one anchored close in not far beyond the break catching arrow squid. The board riders were catching waves and riding them into the beach all told it was an idyllic scene that soon would turn to chaos due to a deep depression down in the roaring forties between Australia and the Antarctic. These depressions whipped up storm force winds of cyclone strength, which on occasions could send huge swells North towards Tasmania and Victorian waters. Such a depression was raging and unknown to all the swells were racing towards land; the unsuspecting fishermen were enjoying themselves in the ideal conditions boating the inky slippery creatures.

The first sign of trouble hit the boat furthest out its skipper saw the building mountain of water rising offshore as it approached the shallowing water, he slammed open the throttle to his outboard and grabbed the microphone with one hand sending a warning to the other boats as he drove up the almost vertical face of the wave as its peak crinkled ready to break. The boat burst through the crest and was airborne as it powered on, the wave broke behind the airborne craft and the boiling frothing sea hid the shore and other boats from view.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 15

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