Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 14, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 13, by justjames17.

Vlad and Victor walking away leaving Con standing there with his tool drooling and unfulfilled made Con determined to get his way with the two tourists, he didn't realise just what he was tackling. They weren't just cock teasing tourists he was attempting to get his way with, both the vampires were far more intelligent and powerful than the muscle bound stud, Vlad in particular had mental powers that could bend any human to do what he wished by simply looking into their eyes and mesmerising them in seconds. The two living dead strolled away into the scrub to enjoy a bit of sexual pleasure together and fantasise about the sexy stud they left behind.

Con dropped down and sat on his towel his mind in turmoil from the feelings he'd never experienced, rejection and frustration made him wince and frown as he slowly began to stroke his hard meat. He soon began to forget the insult he'd experienced as his blood heated and he was imagining raping the younger tourist while his mate was hog-tied watching the act. Con's breathing sped up as his balls tightened and his cock throbbed hard bringing him to his knees as he began spurting his hot rich seed in huge gouts onto the dry sand. He fell back holding his sticky slick cum gun in his hand as he lay there breathing heavily, his huge muscled chest rising and falling glistening in the sunlight as he recuperated from his climax.

Con felt hot and sweaty after blowing his impressive load and he decided to head down to the beach and cool off, his feet sinking into the hot sand as he jogged through to the sand dune then slid down the steep face onto the beach. He headed for the water and ran into the cool water diving under a breaker and surfacing behind it shaking the water from his wet hair in a burst of diamond like droplets. He stood up and stretched his arms up to the sky baring his hairy wet pits as the next wave erupted about him lifting him off his feet and partly carrying him back towards the beach.

Above lying on their stomachs Vlad and Victor watched the muscular stud as his body was left on the wet sand like a stranded fish, they both admired his totally fit and power filled body as it lay there glistening wet and the next wave gambolled surging up his splayed legs to burst up over his bulging crotch onto his ridged abdomen. Vlad turned to Victor grinning and raised his eyebrows questioningly, Victor chuckled and said, "Oh Vlad we will have such fun feasting on that stud."

Vlad nodded and said, "Yes and the beauty of it is, nobody will give a toss about him disappearing from what I have seen he deserves all he gets."

Con stirred and stood up his fingers poked into the leg band of his tight speedos trying to remove the sand grains that had infiltrated inside from the surf, unsuccessful he undid the cord and waded out into the water as he pulled down his speedos baring his beautiful bubble bum. Both Vlad and Victor whistled silently at the fabulous display as Con bent to rinse off the sand exposing and stretching his deep crevice giving them a flash of his rosy ring. Satisfied the sand was washed off Con stood up tugging up his togs and settled his genitals comfortably in the slick wet pouch before retying the cord and walking from the surf.

On the beach he did some muscle flexing poses as he admired himself and even kissed and licked his bulging biceps lovingly, Vlad chuckled, "Hehehe look at him he is so much in love with himself its sickening."

Simon sniggered then answered, "Oh well I suppose with all the effort and work he must have put into gaining all that muscle he has a right to be a little Nacistic about it."

Con finished posing and began to climb the dune again; Vlad and Victor wriggled down out of sight before making their way back to their gear out of sight of Con when he appeared at the top. Con returned to his towel and found a youth going through his gear, the lad saw his shadow and dropped the backpack and bolted into the scrub hotly followed by Con who was shouting, "Come here you little arsehole and I'll teach you not to be a thief." Back at the surf club Jake's poor nuts and cock were chilled and shrunken by the ice pack Chad held to his crotch after being kicked by a swimmer he rescued. Chad asked, "Has the ice pack worked Jake or are your nuts still aching mate?"

Jake moaned and said, "Ooooh mate I can't feel anything down there I think you've frozen them completely."

Chad grinned at him and removed the pack putting it back in the freezer before returning to check out Jake's nearly blue shrunken manhood, "Man you look like a little boy except for your pubes, your cock and balls are almost hidden from view. Do you want me to warm them up for you?"

Jake shivered even though it was hot, Chad rested his hand on Jake's shrivelled dick feeling the chilly flesh he brought his other hand down and cupped the wrinkled sack but found it empty, Jake's gonads were nestled tight up in his groin out of harms way seeking the body heat. Chad looked up Jake's shivering body and they locked eyes, Chad saw Jake was happy with him holding his bits, he decided to up the ante and bent down taking the shrivelled dick in his warm mouth and began massaging it with his moist tongue. Jake groaned and wriggled on the table as feeling returned to his defrosting dick, he could feel the exquisite sensations as Chad's tongue wrapped about his warming flesh.

Jake was rapidly thawing out and getting more and more excited as Chad bobbed up and down his stiffening growing meat, Jake Grasped Chad's blond hair and pushed him down until his nose was rubbing in Jake's pubes. Jake ground his hips up poking his now fully erect cock deep into Chad's spasming throat as the lad gurgled and gagged on the throbbing stiffy but valiantly kept sucking. Jake was soon proving his balls weren't damaged by the impact on them during the rescue, his cock spurted a thick load of sperm down Chad's gullet. Chad gulped and took every tasty drop before sucking the last vestiges of cum from Jake's still throbbing tool.

Jake lay back gasping and grinning like a loony while his slick dick jerked on his flat belly, Chad stood beside him licking his cute lips as he ran his fingers around Jake's abs feeling his silky smooth skin as Jake's muscles contracted and twitched in the after shocks of his ejaculation. Chad spoke softly, "That was awesome Jake, I loved how your cock spurted and pumped out a huge tasty load, your's tasted so fine compared to that arse hole Con's, his was unbelievably thick, salty and so strong."

Jake took Chad's hand in his and brought it to his mouth kissing it, "Thanks Chad you were great, you suck like an expert mate some bloke is going to be lucky to snare you as his lover."

Chad blushed and looked away as he thought how he wished it could be Jake who loved him but knew Jake's heart was for Toby still even though he was infatuated with Chad's cousin Colin at the moment. Jake sat up and swung his long legs off the table swinging his feet as he sat there thinking silently, he knew Chad had the hots for him but even though he was the hottest thing around he just couldn't feel for Chad as Chad obviously did for him. He thought about Toby and how he'd been whisked away by his cousin and he felt both sad and angry it had happened.

Back along the beach in the scrub behind the dunes, Con's chase after the young thief petered out; Con was too slow and heavy, his feet dragged by the soft sand and fit as he was he was built for power not speed and the lithe youth was too fast for him. He gave up the chase and stood bent over hands on knees panting in the hot sun as sweat dripped off his hot body, the youth stopped near by and laughed out loud jeering at Con, "Hahaha, you great muscle bound dick head you couldn't catch a cold never mind me, you too old and slow hahaha."

With this he began dancing around Con laughing and jeering, Con was furious at his inability to catch the little prick and he stood there panting as the skinny little kid made a fool of him. He watched the boy from beneath his frowning brows and he saw a very cute lithe young body wearing just a sexy pair of cargo shorts that although grubby and baggy in the legs fitted the lad tightly around his pert arse and genitals. Con stayed motionless making out he was still stuffed but in fact he was coiled like a spring just waiting the right time to pounce like a tiger on the teasing unsuspecting boy. The lad started jumping close then back as if daring Con to grab him but relying on his speed and agility to avoid capture until he delayed just a fraction of a second too long and Con leapt at him knocking him on his little bubble bum onto the hot sand knocking the wind from his slim body as Con thudded on top of him. The lad squirmed and beat on Con's broad back with his fists but he was caught and not strong enough to free himself as Con pressed his muscular body against the slim squirming young body.

The boy's face was trapped in Con's hairy arm pit and he smelt the musky sweat there from the stud's exertion chasing the boy through the scrub, Con closed his arm putting the lad in a headlock as he tightened his muscles. The lad struggled to breath and his body threshed about frantically trying to escape as Con moved slightly freeing the youth from beneath his bulk. The powerful arm held him tight and restricted his breathing; the lad was half suffocating as he gurgled into Con's sweaty strong smelling pit. Con watched the lad's mid section as he bridged and tensed his body, the sweet bulge in his cargos swelled in size as he choked. Con relaxed his arm so the lad could suck air, a huge shuddering gasp shook his slim frame as he filled his straining lungs.

Vlad and Victor watched the scene ready to interfere if Con over stepped the mark with the youth, they could see he was revelling in the power he exerted over the youth, Con's speedos bulged impressively as his big fat cock filled and stiffened. The youth now able to speak croaked, "Aaaargh, please mister let me go, I'm sorry and I won't touch your stuff, I'll leave and you wont see me again."

Con laughed and tightened his arm, "No way you little thief I'm going to make you pay for what you did and for giving me all that crap before I caught you. You're going to suffer and pay big time."

The lad threshed about his slim hands grasping Con's forearm trying to pull it away so he could breath as his legs threshed and kicked about uselessly, Con grinned in his lust and power over the youth as he watched the feeble strength of the lad. The youth stopped struggling as he began to almost pass out so Con let him breath again, Con whispered in his ear, "I'm going to root your tight little arse boy do you realise that?"

The lad shouted, "No way you pervert let me go."

Con laughed aloud, "Hahaha squirm and resist all you like I'm enjoying it."

Con reached down to the waistband of the lad's cargos but as he did two shadows blocked out the sun, Con jerked and looked up to see Vlad and Victor standing over him threateningly. He glared up at them and growled, "Piss off and mind your own business."

Vlad squatted down and placed his hand on Con's bulging bicep and squeezed, Con's face turned ashen as he felt the unbelievable strength crushing his muscle, he groaned loudly and released the youth who staggered to his feet clutching his throat as his breath rasped in and out. He looked down at Con then at the two men who had appeared as if from no where, he thanked them for helping him and Vlad smiled at him and told him to clear off out of there. The lad nodded then sank his sneaker covered foot into Con's crotch making him grunt loudly before the lad ran off yelling, "Hope your balls swell up and drop off you perv."

Vlad released Con's arm as the man doubled up curling into the foetal position clutching his sore nuts, Vlad hissed into his ear, "You just keep making huge mistakes don't you buddy? Something bad will happen to you one day soon I'm afraid."

Vlad stood up dusting his hands and he and Victor laughed loudly as they walked away leaving the distressed Con still inert and moaning on the sand. Victor quietly said, "Vlad my love, I can't wait to feed off that big musclebound stud, he will keep us happy for a month I bet."

Con finally recovered and stumbled back to where his gear was to find his wallet missing with all his money in it, he cursed and growled, "That rotten little bastard has come back and nicked my wallet while I was getting over him kicking me in the nuts, I'll kill him if I get my hands on him again."

He gathered up his gear and slowly and painfully made his way over the dune and down to the beach where he put down his backpack and towel before hobbling into the cool water to assuage his still aching nuts. He pulled down his speedos and knelt in the surf gently massaging himself, the cool water alleviated most of the aching and he pulled up his togs and made his way back to shore tying the cord as he went. Con made his way back to the club and up to where his van was parked, he tossed his gear in the passenger seat he slid in after putting his towel on the hot seat. He turned on the radio and sat there resting and day dreaming about his revenge on the young thief and the two interfering American tourists.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 14

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