Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 16, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 12, by justjames17.

At Tullamarine Airport a Qantas 747 whined as it descended to make a landing, the thud of the undercarriage extending and locking into position roused the seat belted passengers, next they stiffened clutching the armrests and a few screamed as the plane dropped like a lift when it hit a slight wind sheer, luckily the plane was still at a safe altitude to fly through the turbulence and continue its juggernaught like approach and its wheels kissed the tarmac gently in a puff of blue smoke. The rumble and shudder of its arrival back on earth caused it to jiggle slightly as it raced along the concrete, then the roar of reverse thrust filled the fuselage as the captain pulled back on the throttles and stood on the brakes slowing the huge aircraft and pushing the passengers against the restraining seat belts. It slowed and turned off the main runway onto a taxiway and headed towards the long extended finger where the plane would park and the passengers would disembark to enter the terminal.

Vlad looked across Victor to peer through the window for his first close view of their new homeland, his hand grasped Victor's thigh as he leant close to his lover, their flight had been long but not boring, the good looking steward had been exceptionally obliging to them and entertained them. Both Victor and Vlad had drained his balls several times during the long flight, his sperm sweet and filling but he couldn't understand why these two handsome guys wouldn't let him reciprocate and even though he offered his pert arse they hadn't showed any interest in filling it with their awesome cocks. Still he was happy enough to have had them suck him off four times his balls hadn't been drained so empty in a while. He gave them his mobile phone number and his address and told them he'd be glad to entertain them when he was in town. Vlad patted the pert buttocks in the tight trousers saying softly that they surely would be in touch.

Vlad decided that the handsome fit young steward would probably be their next victim when they needed blood and it would save them cultivating a stranger, as he was so eager to be with them again. They disembarked and approached the customs area and awaited their baggage at the large carousel surrounded by the passengers from their flight, Vlad was planning on going through without any problems with the blue shirted officers and they picked up their bags and made their way to the exit. An officer stopped tem and began to say that he was going to check their baggage but a gesture and a sharp look from Vlad into his eyes seemed to stop him in mid speech and he just stood there blinking stupidly as Vlad and Victor walked on. Immigration was a doddle as Vlad once again simply looked into the woman's eyes and gestured, she didn't even record their arrival on her computer and the two living dead walked out of the terminal and hailed a cab to take them into the city.

The taxi made its way out onto the freeway and accelerated with the exodus of cars swarming out carrying passengers and families homewards, the trip in was quiet as the driver gave up trying to converse with the two silent passengers. He was quite miffed by their lack of response, as he was interested in them more than just fare paying passengers, he was a university student from Bangkok and was gay and very handsome, he hoped to maybe get into bed with these two sexy looking guys and having some hot sex. His attempts to befriend them were rebuffed with silence and after a short time he gave up and concentrated on the traffic as they swept along at 100kph. They soon reached Melbourne and Vlad and Victor were taking in the sights, as the cab moved through the heavy traffic, the tram stops were crowded with people and our vampires were impressed with the general appearance of the waiting passengers. Many were Asian and looked like students, it seemed as though there were many overseas youths studying and living here while their families were back home. Vlad began to think that there were great possibilities for feeding amongst these overseas students.

Suddenly Vlad asked the young driver where he was from after apologising for their previous silence, as they were very jet lagged. The driver instantly brightened up and told them he was here studying and his family were back home in Thailand, he went on to say how lonely and homesick he felt and how he had few friends here. Victor asked him what he did with himself when he wasn't studying and the young driver said, "I drive cabs to earn money and I go to a hotel in the city where lots of Asian guys went to meet Australian men and hopefully make friends there."

Vlad asked, "Oh do many of them hook up with Australian men?"

The driver grinned and nodded saying, "Oh yes they do, there are lots of older men who go there looking for young friends."

Victor smirked at Vlad as he said; "You mean that hotel is a hang out for young Asian gay guys looking for old men to pay them?"

The driver nodded, "Oh yes some are there to find wealthy sponsors but many just like going with older men they seem to appreciate the young guys more than young Aussies do, most of them stick with their own."

Vlad grinned evilly at what he was hearing; all these foreign students out looking for guys to be with sounded like a smorgasbord to him, the possibilities for feeding would be incredible. Victor looked at Vlad and a wordless message flashed between them and both smiled as the young driver rabbited on about the hotel, Vlad asked him if he had an older Aussie mate but he shook his had and said, "No I haven't been so lucky yet but he hoped to soon."

Victor looked at the young Thai closely and saw how good looking he was, his dark complexion and thick black hair parted in the centre, the black flashing eyes and pert little nose above the thickish lush lips made him feel as though he wanted to kiss those luscious lips. Vlad reached forward and ran his fingers up the driver's neck ruffling up through the short hair then into his thick locks above, a shiver of pleasure raced through the driver who arched his head back into Vlad's hand. Victor was treated to the sight of the young guy's bared arched throat as he almost purred at Vlad's touch. Both vampires felt a stirring in their loins as the desire to take his eager lad raced through them, but they knew it was not to be but at least they could drain his eager young nuts for him. Vlad asked him if there was somewhere to go so they had some privacy as they wished to have some fun together with him, he nodded and drove off the main road making a left turn into a road running through a huge parkland, the sign indicating it led to the Zoological Gardens.

He drove them around the outside of the Zoo that was closed at this hour and they ended up at the rear entrance in a huge empty car park, he parked the cab behind a large tree and turned off the engine before turning in the seat smiling at his passengers. Victor climbed out and indicated the driver get in the rear with Vlad; he did so jumping out of the driver's seat and almost leapt into the rear where Vlad waited for him. In no time the young Thai's pants and briefs were round his feet and his blue uniform shirt was round his neck exposing his torso as Vlad began licking and nibbling on his taut smoothness.

The driver squirmed and panted like a dog on a hot day as his body was mouthed and sucked, his cute mahogany coloured cock wagged and pulsed while is balls were tight in their wrinkled hairless bag. Victor was squatting outside with the door open and began kissing the frantic driver; their tongues slavered and twisted together as saliva flowed back and forth between their eager mouths. In no time at all he driver arched his hips up driving his erection deep into Vlad's mouth and unloaded a huge volume of incredibly tasty sperm. Vlad sucked and bobbed to get every drop of cum from that cute Asian cock while his hand squeezed the excited tight nuts and his long middle finger was deep up the tight ring rubbing on the young driver's love button.

Once his nuts were drained Vlad pulled off him ad kissed Victor sharing the Thai delicacy with his lover while the satiated driver slumped across the seat between them, his narrow chest heaving and his ribs looked like a xylophone under his tight skin. The muscles of his belly were tight and straining as his wet cock still flexed again and again bouncing on his abdomen. Vlad and Victor broke their kiss and watched the distressed young Thai slowly regaining his equilibrium before he sat up groggily but beaming his pleasure. Vlad thanked him for his tasty cum and began tugging his trousers up his slim muscular legs, the driver lifted his arse up and Vlad pulled them up before tucking the now flaccid dick back in the lad's underpants and zipping his fly.

The driver climbed out and got behind the wheel while his passengers climbed in the back and off they went back towards the city, at the hotel the driver unloaded their baggage and while they were paying him he gave them his mobile number if they wished to see him again. He drove off waving to them as the hotel porter wheeled the bags inside the hotel foyer; Vlad and Victor signed the register using false names and paid a week in advance in cash for a suite before being led to the lift and taken to the 20th floor. They tipped the porter and explored the suite before flopping on the huge bed and relaxing, after a few hours rest their jet-lagged bodies awoke their brains still out of sync with the time in Melbourne. Vlad got up and plugged in his laptop and started browsing through the tourist areas to see what they could explore, Victor wanted to try the Aussie surf and discovered the Mornington Peninsula close to Melbourne.

Victor was happy and said, "That sounds cool Vlad what's that weird name on the map there?"

Vlad looked where Victor's finger pointed and read the word, "Gunamatta Victor, what a weird name must be native Australian, I think they are called Aborigines, it certainly isn't English."

Victor looking over his shoulder said, "That area looks great we can hire a car and tour there checking it out, they probably have surf shops in the area that sell boards & gear. I'd love to teach you to surf spunky one."

Vlad chuckled and said, "That would be fun I didn't get time in California to learn I'm looking forward to doing it. I wonder if that Qantas steward is into surfing?"

Victor rolled his eyes and said, "You never stop thinking about feeding do you?"

Vlad smiled and licked his lips, "Well it is a wonderful past time and necessary for our survival, there is nothing like the taste of fresh blood, even after so many centuries I still get a charge out of feeding."

Victor groaned but deep down he agreed with Vlad after his experience before leaving America, he felt hungry as it was and he said, "Well then Vlad can we order some normal food from room service I'm famished."

Vlad chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Of course we can I have to eat as well as feed you know that, food sustains our bodies while haemoglobin sustains our lives, we need both to maintain our equilibrium."

They ordered a 3-course dinner and settled back to await the arrival of the food from room service, a gentle knocking on the door announced its arrival and Victor hurried to open it allowing the young waiter to wheel in the serving trolley with its gleaming silverware and domed plate covers. Both men ogled the young guy, he was in his late teens, red haired and pale complexioned with faint freckles adorning his smooth cheeks and nose, a pair of bright blue eyes with long fair lashes twinkled as he beamed at the guests while setting their table for the meal, "Your dinner sirs, I hope you enjoy it."

Vlad reached into his wallet and gave the charmer a $20 note thanking him for his service, the lad slipped the money into his pocket thanking him and bowed slightly as he backed away from the table to leave them to eat together. The waiter left the room and Victor whistled softly then said, "Well so far these Aussies are equal to the spunks in California if not even a little better."

That evening the two went out to wander the city streets and check out the sights, the streets were crowded with people making their way home or heading to restaurants and theatres, our two meandered along through the city till they arrived at Federation Square on the banks of the Yarra River. Here there were lots of people, mainly teenagers who were listening to some local Rock Band performing on a stage and projected onto a large screen on the side of one of the buildings. The locals were dancing and carrying on as they enjoyed the music and there seemed to be no problems with boys dancing with boys or girls with girls, they stayed watching the fit young bodies as they enjoyed themselves then wandered on into the night down the steps to the walkway along the river.

Ahead of them were two gorgeous youths holding hands as they walked oblivious to those around them, their slender willowy bodies encased in extra tight jeans and form fitting t-shirts accentuating their sexy bodies. Vlad and Victor followed them for a distance before sitting on a park bench watching the lights reflected on the smooth black water, they sat silently communing with the night until they heard raised voices then the sound of fists slamming into flesh and bone followed by cries of pain. Vlad and Victor hurried towards the sounds of violence and soon came upon the young gay couple being punched and kicked by four younger thugs. Vlad bellowed loudly as they ran towards the group, the four younger lads gave a couple more kicks before running off into the darkness laughing and yelling their cowardly taunts of faggots and poofters got what they deserved.

Victor and Vlad removed their polo shirts and tugged off their t-shirts then bent to the two lads, Victor cradling one's head in his lap as he dabbed at his nose from which blood gushed, Vlad lifted the second youth as if he was a feather and carried him to a bench nearby where he began ministering to the unconscious young man. The two bruised and battered boys gradually calmed as their wounds stopped bleeding, Vlad and Victor cleaned them up using their t-shirts and a tap nearby. Once the two youths were calm they asked if they needed help to get home and both nodded saying that would be great, as the gang had stolen their wallets. They helped the lads up to the road and flagged down a taxi helping them inside and climbing in behind them, they told the driver their address and the cab did a u-turn heading out of town.

They drove down the grand tree lined avenue of St Kilda Road past parks, the Art Gallery and the Shrine of Remembrance then down to St Kilda where the two lads had a flat, the paid the driver and helped the two bruised and battered boys inside their unit. Once inside they had a view of the purple green bruises and both boys were trembling from the shock, Vlad told them to get a hot shower and the two led the way to their bathroom where they sat on the cupboards while Vlad and Victor helped them undress. Now naked their slim but sexy bruised bodies in full view, Vlad and Victor both whistled their appreciation and approval making the two youths blush at the compliment.

Due to the condition of the lads Vlad and Victor decided to leave as soon as the two had bathed and gone to bed together, they tucked them in and gave each a sweet kiss before leaving them cuddled together in bed and making their way back to their hotel by taxi. Vlad and Victor settled down after their exciting few hours and yawning wildly they snuggled up and fell into a deep slumber. Next morning dawned fine and hot and after breakfasting and showering the two hired a car to drive south and investigate the surf beaches they'd looked up the night before.

They arrived at Gunamatta and found their way to the car park where they were lucky to grab a spot overlooking the beach as a car pulled out, they parked the car and Vlad pulled on the hand brake before alighting and joining Victor leaning on the low wooden fence bordering the parking area. The beach was alive with people enjoying the fine day although the surf was not cooperating and small waves gambolled into the beach. Vlad nudged Victor in the ribs nodding his head at a superb hunk of a surfer; his deeply tanned body bulged with muscles as he swaggered away from a small group standing near the ramp walkway. The group were all glaring after the stud including two Asian guys one a fair bit older than the other, a very tall thin blond wearing a red and yellow lifesaver's cap also glared after the muscle man and Vlad muttered, "I wonder what he said or did to arouse that animosity from those guys."

As the hunk swaggered away he looked back over his shoulder and glared at the group allowing Vlad and Victor to see his exceptionally handsome though arrogant looking face. Vlad licked his lips as he said, "Now Victor there is a real feed on the hoof, that arrogant looking stud will provide a marvellous feed when we are ready, we must get to know him so we can keep tabs on him I think."

Victor tore his eyes from the glistening oiled muscle rippling body and looked into Vlad's eyes as he nodded silently but his mind was conjuring pictures of the two of them draining the blood from that incredible young Greek God like surfer. He was imagining those bulging muscles twitching as he moaned and squirmed in their arms while allowing them to feed from his arched throat. Victor's cock hardened at the thought of what lay ahead, he realised that now he had fully converted to the ways of the Living Dead, the earlier rejection and revulsion to feeding gone for eternity, now he and Vlad were finally united as one.

They removed their sneakers and donned some thongs before setting off down to the sand to follow the surfer as he walked along the beach away from the crowds about the surf club. The surfer turned away from the water and climbed the tall sand dunes lining the beach before disappearing down the reverse slope; Vlad and Victor followed his footprints up the steep slope their feet sinking into the sun warmed sand as they struggled to the top. They paused and looked back towards the swimming area but saw they were almost out of sight, they saw the tracks leading away towards the wind deformed tea trees where they disappeared from view, both man set off down the slope sliding in the loose sand till they reached the bottom.

They slogged through the hot sand sweat breaking out in the breezeless heat of the valley behind the high dunes, they reached the scrub and followed the footprints on the sand track through the trees until they heard movement ahead, they slowed and paused listening carefully to the regular moist slapping sound from close by as they looked at one another and grinned.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 13

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