Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 9, 2008


This tale contains sex between males plus vampiric behaviour, if this type of story is not your cup of tea or you are underage or it is illegal where you reside please leave now.

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This chapter takes p-lace in the USA but will tie in with the story in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it ;o)

The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 11, Vladimir by justjames17.

Vladimir was born in the dark depths of Transylvania back in 1512, the times were hard and the ruling class treated their serfs abominably. Vlad was born to poor parents who eked out a miserable living grubbing the soil of their master, the Count Draco, an evil personage who took what he desired be it money, food or sex. He used his servants and serfs, as possessions not people; he took young virgins of both sexes into his forbidding granite castle to satisfy his depraved desires for sex and the blood needed to survive.

This brooding forbidding grey structure stood on a rocky crag dominating the landscape when the countryside was not shrouded in fog or smothered in ice. The path up the mountain was lined with dead trees, their bare boughs and branches raised imploringly skyward as if in supplication rattled about in the strong chill winds, the sound of this and the howling of prowling wolves were enough to put fear into the population. The Count travelled from his eyrie in a coach constructed of ebony and was drawn by four jet black horses whose white rimmed eyes and foaming mouths caused the locals to hide or at least turn away and hide their eyes.

Vladimir was just eighteen, he was digging in the hard semi frozen soil preparing for the spring planting, he wore all his warmest clothes to keep out the chilly wind whistling down the valley, he heard the coach too late it was upon him before he could react. The Count saw Vlad and ordered the coach to stop, the coachman hauled hard on the reins and used his foot on the brake lever, the rear wheels ground screeching on the gravel as the careering carriage swayed as it slowed to a halt. Vlad stood rooted to the spot as he saw the Count staring from the window; his pale white face and jet- black oily hair highlighted the dark brooding eyes and ruby red lips turned up in a lecherous sneer.

The Count called imperiously to Vlad, "Come here boy I want you."

Vlad dropped the shovel and removed his hand knitted stocking cap as he timidly approached the awe inspiring carriage, the horses snorted and pawed the ground whisking their long tails as Vlad approached. The lad's shiny blond hair glowed in the pale sunlight as he shuffled unwillingly forward; Count Draco surveyed the youth admiring his sturdy build even hidden under the bulky clothing. Vlad stood beside the coach head bowed subserviently, the man's thin pale hand reached out and grasped Vlad's golden locks then pulled up tilting the lad's face up so he could study him.

Count Draco saw a youth with unblemished skin, beautiful blue eyes with long golden lashes, a few remaining boyish freckles across his cheeks and handsome nose, lush red lips dry with fright but so desirable and kissable above a strong jaw. The Count felt a surge of desire for the young peasant and drew the lad closer to the open window pulling him up on tip toes as he bent out and down to press his fetid lips to the lad's. Vlad recoiled somewhat from the contact, the stench of the Count's breath causing his stomach to heave and he fought against vomiting into his Lord's face. The nobleman felt the lad's attempt to withdraw and increased his grip on the lad's hair causing him to wince in pain, the Count knew innocence when he saw it; this young peasant was sweet and pure, a definite virgin, not to mention comely and well put together, exactly what he desired.

The Count opened the door and ordered Vlad to climb in, Vlad protested he had work to do and that his family would need him, the Count hushed him with an imperious slap across the face then a soft caress quietened the sturdy lad. "Get in the coach lad or your family will suffer greatly from my wrath."

Vlad knew he was beaten and he hauled himself up into the carriage and slumped in the seat opposite the evil nobleman who sat back in the plush seat staring at him those evil dark eyes seemingly devouring and seeing deep inside him. The young man shuddered and dropped his eyes to stare at his muddy boots on the clean carpeted floor of the creaking crazily swaying coach as it was driven at break neck speed up the winding twisting roadway towards the castle above. Vlad peeked out the window and was startled to see six wild wolves running beside the racing carriage, their slobbering drooling mouths hanging open and their bright red tongues flapping as they careered along.

He suddenly jerked back as he felt contact on his groin; he looked down to find the man's shiny black leather shoe, with its bright silver buckle rubbing on his crotch as the man leered across the coach at him. Vlad was terrified by the man's act but even though scared as he was he felt excitement growing down there. His virginal cock, only ever touched by his own hand, was growing in his rough pants, he began to sweat even though the day was cold as he swallowed hard again and again trying to clear the lump in his throat.

The Count chuckled evilly as he felt the lad's soft penis swelling under his shoe; he increased the movement stimulating the young peasant even more and was amused to see how the lad reacted to his advances, his fair cheeks darkening as his embarrassment flourished. Draco knew he was going to enjoy himself turning the lad and making him his own, he licked his thin lips relishing the thought of what was to come once the lad was in his clutches in the castle. The coach rattled across the wooden drawbridge and into the castle's barren courtyard, where it halted the horses panting from the strain pulling the heavy carriage up the mountain stood with steam rising from their sweaty coats as they chewed on their bits, frothy saliva dripping to the cobble stones of the courtyard. The Count dismounted from the carriage and turned ordering Vlad to follow, Vlad looked bout searching for an escape rout but then remembered the slavering wolves he gave up all thought of escape and slowly climbed down from the coach following the elegantly though sombrely dressed nobleman up the large rugged stone steps to the huge nail studded entrance doors.

Inside the ghastly building they entered a vast entrance hall, the vaulted ceiling high above almost hidden in the gloom, a massive stone staircase swept up to the first floor, Vlad felt insignificant in the huge area. The Count smirked at his demeanour knowing the lad was terrified and feeling very much alone away from his kith and kin below in the valley. Draco reached out his hand and touched the lad on the cheek causing him to flinch, the feel of Vlad's soft smooth flesh sent a shiver of pure delight through the man, Vlad shivered too but his was horror not pleasure. Draco invited the lad to sit in the huge parlour off the vestibule, the rich furnishings showed lack of use and the velvet had a distinctly dusty look, as Vlad peered about he noticed cobwebs festooned the dark corners and the huge candelabras that hung from the high ceiling. The room smelt musty and damp, the fireplace was stacked with wood and the Count suggested that Vlad light the fire to remove the chill from the air.

The young peasant walked across the room to the huge stone fireplace, it was big enough to stand upright inside it, there he found a box containing a flint and steel and after some effort he coaxed a fire into being. The fire soon began to crackle and pop giving a warmth and jollity to the vast sombre room and made Vlad feel a little more cheerful. The Count poured a goblet of wine and presented it to the lad, Vlad refused saying he didn't drink alcohol but the man insisted and forced the ornate goblet into his hand. Vlad sipped on the ruby red wine and found it pleasant, he drank it down thirstily and the Count refilled the large goblet encouraging the youth to drink it. Soon Vlad felt an inner glow building in his belly and brain as the strong wine hit him, the Count poured more wine and Vlad drank it, his head exploded and his brain whirled as he slumped limply back sprawled legs akimbo in a drunken stupor.

At last the Count now had the lad where he desired; he was semi conscious and totally out of control ready for the man to mould to his disgustingly depraved desires. The man sat beside the listless lad and inhaled his youthful musky fragrance; the smell of honest sweat and the soil of the land filled the man's nasal passages as he sat there staring at the totally befuddled young man. The sheen of his smooth flesh glowed in the flickering firelight and the sight of the unprotected throat with its pulsing artery drew those black hungry eyes as the man's tongue glided across his thin leering lips. He could almost taste the lad's sweet life force as he watched the pulse of the youth's strong young heart.

The Count needed the essence of youth to keep himself as he was, otherwise he would shrivel away and turn to dust after all it was over four hundred years since he was born. The numerous young peasant lads and lasses that had passed through his hands had provided the needed haemoglobin to keep him looking like a fit forty year old. Only twice a year as the refreshing sustenance was used up did he crave a fresh subject to drain but in this instance Draco felt strangely different. He didn't wish to suck the lad dry he had the desire to bite that throat and infect him with the vampiric virus then to mate with him and keep him eternally as a companion. He ran his fingers down the lad's soft but firm throat, feeling that pulsating blood vessel that carried the flow of his life force, the man bent in and kissed the silky skin tasting the lad's salty sweat as he began to undo the crude fastenings of his outer clothing.

Once he'd bared the lad's torso he was able to ogle the smooth silkiness of young flesh, the skin stretched taut over the rippling muscles created by the hard life of the peasant farmer slaving to make a meagre living. The Count all but drooled at the sight, the tight pectorals decorated with two delicious looking soft nipples, not a single hair to be seen even low down where the tight curled navel reposed no fair treasure trail was visible. Draco shuddered, closing his eyes as he caressed the naked flesh, feeling with his sensitive fingers each hidden knot of muscle as the lad's torso lifted with every slow breath and subsided with each exhalation. The Count drank in the lad's wine tainted breath relishing the fresh fragrance, he bent further pressing his lips to the lads and kissed him sensuously sending his exploring tongue into the partly agape slack mouth.

Draco tasted Vlad siphoning saliva from his moist mouth and drinking it down like a fine wine, the man's tongue skewed about exploring the warm orifice and fondled the youth's own limp tongue. Vlad's partly closed glazed eyes stared into the Count's evil orbs as the man sucked his mouth juices hungrily; the man's cold hands scrabbled down his smooth warm chest, the sharp claw like fingernails raising goose bumps as they moved slowly and sensuously down his muscular abdomen until they reached Vlad's bared crotch.

Draco felt the lad's heat on his cool hand, the sensuous feeling made him draw a deep shuddering breath, as he still sucked on Vlad's now gaping mouth. The Count's hand closed about the youth's slack warm muscle rubbing up and down its pale pink five flaccid inches and pulling the long loose cowl of flesh back and forth baring the moist pink knob as it slipped slickly up and down. Vlad lay there his breathing slowly increasing as the man worked him up to rigidity, the muscle stiffened and swelled as his strong young heart pounded away causing it to flex and pulse. Draco pulled away from those inviting sensuous lips to stare at the growing manhood; it was astoundingly beautiful just as its owner was.

The hard silken covered hard shaft felt amazingly hot and alive as it pulsed in the man's cool grasp and the velvet skin moved up and down over the inner hardness. Vlad was now lying fully back o the lounge his bare legs spread wide as the Count stroked him, the sensation of even the frightening Count's hand wanking him was unreal, the feel of a strange hand on his excited hardness was dragging him quickly to culmination as his large smooth balls tightened. Vlad was gasping for air as he humped his broad hips up into the Count's stroking hand forcing his 8inch bone through those tight clasping fingers.

Vlad's cock throbbed and swelled growing towards a massive climax that surged and boiled in his big virile eggs, the urge to ejaculate swept through him uncontrollably and centred in his groin before driving the sperm out and up his swollen urethra. Draco feeling the panting lad's eruptions begin and quickly bent down and taking the swollen red glans into his mouth to receive the lad's tasty teen elixir and drain him dry. The gushing discharge flooded the jaded entity's mouth with fresh tasty hot semen, the lad's life force contained in the thick creamy sperm made the man groan with delight as he gulped it down, feeling the young man's vitality surge inside him.

Sperm wasn't as sustaining as blood but it gave the evil entity an instant uplift; Draco felt the charge surge inside him and the feeling of well being filling his jaded body. He licked Vlad's crimson cock head slurping up the last pearly dribbles as they appeared until the youth whimpered and pushed him away from his excruciatingly sensitive cock. The Count stood up towering over the reclining exhausted lad like a huge black force; his evil eyes glowed red as the coals in the fireplace behind him as he licked his thin lips. Vlad looked up shuddering at the apparition as the cold claw of fear grasped his thudding heart, he feared for his life and sanity as cold shivers fled up and down his spine.

The Count smirked down at the terrified lad and said, "Fear not sweet Vlad you will not doe and I shall not harm you in fact I will bestow upon you my greatest gift, you will join me as my companion and lover for eternity."

Vlad shook his blond head raising his palsied hands up as if to fend off the nobleman, "No please no, I'd rather you drain my body and allow me to die than live as a vampire for ever."

He lifted his head arching back exposing his broad muscular throat, his smooth far skin exposed and his artery throbbed visibly as his heart pounded crazily in his chest, "Come Count Draco bite me, sink those sharp fangs into my throat and siphon my blood from my body as you just did with my sperm."

The Count shook his head and bent down bringing his handsome though evil face close to Vlad's, the peasant smelt the fetid, miasmic foul breath huffing on his face causing his stomach to churn as he almost regurgitated his morning meal. The man's wet tongue slurped up Vlad's bared throat to his ear, Draco used his long aquiline nose to brush aside the curly golden locks as he insinuated his appendage inside the young man's ear. Vlad moaned and shuddered at the touch as he tried to twist away from the unwanted intrusion into his person. The count's strong hands clutched his head pinning him in position against Vlad's squirming efforts to escape his unwanted attentions.

The night drew in as the swirling mist hid the crag and castle, the temperature dropped and frost formed on the dirty windows, the Count lifted Vlad up effortlessly and carried the reluctant lad up the grand staircase to the first floor and entered a huge bedroom containing a huge four poster bed with heavy dusty velvet curtains. He flopped the lad onto the mattress his limbs splayed out, Draco bent over him undoing and removing Vlad's boots before stripping the grubby pants off his muscular legs leaving the lad in his cotton drawers with his large soft penis protruding from the fly. He removed the previously undone jerkin and shirt then stood there devouring the youth with his burning depraved eyes.

Vlad quaked on the hard bed looking up his handsome face a mask of terror as he lay almost naked on the bed, Draco began stripping, he tossed his black cape with its crimson lining aside onto a large ornately carved chair beside the bed before removing his cravat and frilled shirt baring his pale but muscular torso. Vlad saw how well built the Count was, his pale white skin rippled with power as he shrugged out of the shirt before tossing it to flutter down on top of the cape. Draco stretched and extended his arms above his head giving the young peasant a view of his black haired pits, the dark hair in contrast to his sickly pale flesh, Vlad noted the large prominent brownish nipples adorning the hard mounds of Draco's pasty white pectoral muscles.

The Count finished stripping and climbed onto the bed after ripping off Vlad's flimsy worn cotton drawers leaving the terrified lad naked and exposed, Vlad's smooth flesh broke out in goose bumps both from fear and the chilly dampness of the huge room. Draco squatted on the youth's hips his long fingered hands crawled up and down over Vlad's torso, the long nails raking his flesh gently and nipping on his nipples. Vlad shivered and shook but his body responded even though his mind revolted at the attention, his big fat tool swelled and pulsed under the evil Draco's arse and the Count squirmed on it to enhance its growth.

In no time the youth was firm and fully erect much to the man's delight, he began sliding back and forth grinding his own balls, perineum and swollen and drooling manhood back and forth on the throbbing prick. Vlad was beginning to sweat and moan as his excitement built, suddenly the Count dived down and kissed the youth's gaping lips driving his tongue deep inside the warm wet orifice. Vlad startled from his sexual reverie closed down on the offending member that swirled and swabbed about inside his reluctant mouth he could taste the unpleasant flavour of Draco's saliva as it dribbled into him and he struggled to push the powerful entity off him.

All to no avail the youth strong as he was couldn't match or overcome the man who was having his way and wouldn't be stopped. Faintly through the window could be heard the plaintive howls of the wolf pack as they circled about the entrance of the castle gatehouse. Their mournful wails befitted Vlad's mood as he was being forcibly seduced and abused, the lad realising he was powerless to stop what was inevitable and fearing to anger this awesome creature surrendered to his advances.

Draco sensed the youth's capitulation and moved back to kneel between those smooth strong thighs forcing them apart before lifting Vlad's legs up resting his ankles on his shoulders and spitting saliva down into the stretched valley between his buttocks. The drool ran down across the trembling young man's brown wrinkled portal and it glistened and twitched. The Count then positioned himself rubbing his cock head up and down across the muscle before lunging fast and hard into Vlad's steamy anus.

Vlad's scream rattled the windows ad set the wolves into a frenzy of barking and howling, he felt as if he had been torn asunder by the brutal insertion and tears of pain and disgust glistened on his smooth cheeks as he sobbed and moaned in distress. The Count rested enjoying the cloying heat and quivering muscles of the lad's rectum, his weapon was hot and hard while the soft hot scabbard mushily enfolded about him and caressed his hardness. Vlad calmed s the initial pain eased and he felt the strange fullness inside him, he moved slightly and the hard tool rubbed his special place, a feeling that surprised him as it made his now soft cock twitch. He wriggled again to see if he could repeat the feeling and yes it zinged through him a second time, Draco felt the lad's tentative movements and smiled sardonically, the callow youth was now his.

Draco began to move, sliding his eager prong in and out of the now arse clenching lad, the feeling on the Count's swollen member was exquisite as he rooted the rioting ring. Vlad's panting moans filled the chamber as he became totally involved and enjoying the pounding prodding of his mushy sensitive innards, his whole body and being enraptured and entranced by the Count's actions. Draco was enjoying the plundering of the bumpkin, the taking of his innocence and virginity.

Vlad was lost his brain a whirling hodge podge of sensuous emotions and feelings as his body was played like a musical instrument by the vastly experienced ancient being, he felt the inserted swollen manhood growing ever larger stretching his already straining colon. His glazed eyes looked up at the caricature of the Count's contorted lust twisted visage, his own features grimacing in unison as both strained towards a howling climax. He felt a gushing flood of heat filling his entrails as the Count howled like a wolf arching his body while thrusting forcefully into Vlad's tortured sphincter, Vlad felt the cum flood and he too climaxed spraying his hot essence over both straining torsos.

Draco's body shook and ground in a frenzy of sexual culmination as he discharged his virus filled sperm deep inside the innocent guts of the young peasant, there the virus would infiltrate into Vlad's cells changing him from human to a superior being. Draco slumped lying heavily on top of the panting vibrant body pinning Vlad to the bed as both gasped heavily for air, their cocks still throbbing and sliming, oozing the last remnants of their unbelievable ejaculations. Draco was pleased he had his partner, someone to be with through eternity, a handsome and sturdy younger lover and companion. They would share the fruits of heir relationship, young virginal virile lads and lasses whose strong pure blood would sustain and renew their own beings.

Draco slipped free of the tight muscle his wet slimed schlong now flaccid lay wet on the bed while Vlad's stretched sphincter slowly closed and leaked the impure discharge of the creature onto the brocade bedspread. The callow youth now knew he couldn't return to his old life, his violated body and corrupted mind could never lead a normal life with his family, he was soiled and destroyed sexually changed from an innocent hard working farmer to a toy and sexual partner of the Count.

Time passed and yes Vlad drank the blood of young humans, some were even known to him. The first time the Count dragged a young peasant lad in Vlad recognised him, it was the son of the village headman. He was a beautiful dark haired youth of superb build and pleasant nature, he and Vlad had been classmates at the village school from their first year. The thought of drinking his blood revolted and terrified Vlad but as he watched the Count fondling him as he slowly supped on his throat changed Vlad. He became sexually excited at the sight and the sound of the lad's whimpering moans as his naked body responded to the Count's fondling fingers, the slow draining of the excited lad's blood gradually changed his skin colour.

The Count lifted away from the bared throat, blood glistened on his thin lips as he offered the lad to Vlad. Vlad's resolve weakened and he lifted the semiconscious young man onto his lap and bent down kissing those pale lips as he stared into the partially glazed eyes. The lad was panting softly, his sweet breath aroused Vlad and he bent close sinking his fangs into he bruised area vacated by Draco. The youth whimpered softly and his whole body arched as Vlad bit down and sucked on the rich haemoglobin pumping from the pulsing artery. The lad's heart began to speed up as the blood drained out and with a sigh he went limp and passed away.

Vlad's first feed was done he knew now there was no going back he was a vampire after this and the two beings lived and fed together for over 100 years. Then one night they were prowling searching for fresh blood, they separated and went their own ways, the Count was seen by a watchman who raised the alarm, the village awoke at his call and running out cornered the snarling being as he clutched a victim in his arms. Draco was pelted with stones and small rocks knocking him to the ground as the villages closed in about him. Bleeding from multiple wounds he cringed against the rough wall as the furious locals some bearing pitchforks and shovels began attacking him savagely. The Count screamed in his terror as the four rusty prongs of a pitchfork slammed into his stomach and an axe struck him on the neck almost decapitating him.

His body slumped to the dirt as his blood pooled around him, the peasants picked his limp body up and carried it out to a field where they built a fire and tossed his limp body onto the pyre. They danced and sang while drinking toasts to celebrate the destruction of the filthy vampire. They believed that the living dead was no longer and were unaware of the existence of Vlad who skulked away back to the castle where he quickly packed the Count's huge wealth before summoning the coach for a getaway before daylight when the villagers might attack the castle in spite. Vlad made his way out of Transylvania to Hungary where he set up residence in a secluded manor house; he fed as usual but ensured he only took his victims from long distances away from his residence.

Over the years Vlad shifted continuously selling one residence to buy another somewhere else to allay any chance of being suspected or caught. The handsome blond hunk remained just as he was a sexy looking eighteen year old and his body was the envy of many a male who happened to see him semi naked. In the 1990's Vlad sold up in Europe and transferred across the pond to the United States of America to explore fresh fields where vampires were unknown. He loved the way of life and the freedom young males enjoyed there it made for easy pickings especially on the West Coast where the lads and lasses wore as little as possible and spent many hours enjoying the sun and surf.

Vlad set up house in a beautiful mansion overlooking the beach at Malibu, here he had open house and the surfie teens flocked there to enjoy the parties and sex laid on by the sexy young owner with the fascinating accent and courtly manners. Vlad soon was surrounded by nubile young lasses and horny youths all semi naked and smelling of the sea. He enjoyed watching the taut tanned bodies and as his parties got wilder the teens soon were enjoying wild sex all over the house. Vlad enjoyed being a voyeur seeing the superb fit lads and lasses writhing about doing what comes naturally, he had every opportunity to choose his victims especially amongst the transient teens that flocked to the West Coast to enjoy their holidays there.

Vlad picked only the sweetest and fittest young victims to sustain him; he was delighted with his new living style and decided to stay there. One night a party was raging and a very muscular blond surfer was making eyes at him, he wore low riding blue denims with a wide tan leather belt with a large brass buckle and rings of brass surrounding the holes punched to take the buckle's tongue, the belt rested just above his bulging crotch, above his torso partly covered by a white cotton singlet that as he danced exposed his firm muscled abdomen and the top of his check boxers. All told a delicious looking combination that had Vlad excited and hungry but also he felt a desire for more from this handsome young stud, he had the urge to keep him and turn him so he could be his companion as the Count had done to him so long ago.

As the party continued, the smell of pot, sweat and testosterone filled the air as gyrating bodies danced crazily while others lay about snogging and having wild sex. Vlad was enjoying the sights and scents as he sprawled out on a lounge, the young surfie stud was watching him closely and displaying a prominent bulge as he squeezed and groped himself. A hot looking girl slung her arms about his neck and attempted to kiss him but he shrugged her off saying something that caused he to gape furiously at him before turning and flouncing off into the crowd.

Vlad watched the youth with increasing interest as he watched Vlad, after some time of mutual staring Vlad arose and sauntered slowly and brushed past him carefully negotiating about the coupling bodies sprawled about and made his way outside onto the large deck overlooking the moon lit sands. He stood resting his hands on the railing staring down at the gambolling waves curling silver onto the shore, movement behind him drew his attention as someone approached and stood close beside him; so close he felt their body heat on his bare arm. Vlad knew it was the blond lad without turning his head, he knew that the spunk would follow him because he had fallen under Vlad's spell.

They stood silently together communing with the night with their bare arms and hands touching gently, Vlad felt the youthful virility coursing through the lad's veins. The life force he needed to drink to survive but at the same time that strange but forceful attraction drawing him to this gorgeous youth. Vlad slowly turned his head to face the lad who mutually turned at the same instant, their eyes met and a fire coursed between them. As one the two moved together arms enfolding about their muscular bodies pulling them tight into an embrace as their lips met and tongues danced together sensuously.

Vlad tasted the lad and found him delicious and the youth ignored the strange flavour of the Vlad's acrid musty mouth, they kissed passionately as both ground and swivelled their hips together rubbing boners fit to start a fire. The fire of passion erupted within the two men and Vlad knew that their passion must be consummated and quickly as the youth's air trigger was nigh, his stiff penis was pulsing precariously close to eruption. Vlad led him back inside where they paused and holding the youth against him he nuzzled and kissed the crook of his neck tasting that sweet flesh. Vlad had to exert exceptional control to keep his fangs retracted as he gently bit and sucked on that smooth bronzed flesh. He pulled away and then took the young man's hand and led him up to the second floor to his bedroom where he closed and locked the door before lifting the lad like a feather and tossing him onto the bed.

The youth looked up at him in amazement, "Wow you are so strong I'm no lightweight but you picked me up without any effort at all."

Vlad smiled down at the prostrate lad as he began undoing his scruffy jeans, the lad's eyes watching eagerly as he did, Vlad was going commando so as his zipper slid down his neatly trimmed light brown pubes appeared. His jeans slid down exposing his mammoth erection and the lad licked his lips in anticipation, Vlad kicked off his red and orange sneakers before removing his tatty denims and he stood upright swinging his hips side to side making his wang wag like a dog's tail. The lad giggled and rubbed his own bulging boner through his jeans, his chest rising and falling as he breathed hard, the love bite on his neck was showing darkly on the side of his tanned throat.

Vlad's eyes cruised the gorgeous youth's body before he moved close standing beside the huge bed then he clutched the lad's singlet rending it to shreds as he ripped it from his taut body. The youth gasped aloud and Vlad grinned as he began undoing the heavy leather belt as he knelt on the bed and started licking the quivering torso making the youth gurgle with pleasure. His jeans undone and tugged down exposed his tented boxers damp with his juices, Vlad inhaled deeply taking in the hot muskiness of the excited teen. Kissing the intriguing belly button and licking the faint treasure trail Vlad pulled off the polished black shoes then tugged off the jeans, his face neared the pulsing pole pushing up the cotton tent and suddenly he kissed he hot wet tip where it strained against the damp cotton material.

A guttural sound escaped the sweet lips, "Aaaaargh! Oh far out suck me oh please suck my cock."

Vlad looked up the arched tensed belly to where the lad's eyes looked back watching him a pleading expression on his face, Vlad grinned and pulled the waistband of his boxers down freeing his very adequate 7inch plus circumcised smooth prick. Vlad ogled it, a thing of beauty, as it pulsed to his excited pounding heart beat. The sight inflamed Vlad and he pounced upon that wondrous wand swallowing it eagerly as the lad arched fully up off the bed bent like a taut bow driving his hot hard cock deep into the moist warmth to meet Vlad's flailing tongue.

A loud squeak issued from the lad as his tool was engulphed and swallowed into Vlad's massaging gullet, his palsied hands grasped the vampire's head crushing the blond gelled hair spikes flat to Vlad's skull. Moans and slurping moist sounds filled the air as Vlad sucked and slobbered on the throbbing teen's bone, he drank the copious pre cum oozing from the cherry red glans as he licked the sensitive cock head. The tormented lad's moans increased and unintelligible words issued from his grimacing mouth as his body writhed and tensed incredibly, his abdomen writhed like the waves on the sea outside as his muscles tensed and relaxed, his full balls drew tight nuzzling his cock base then he grunted loudly as he climaxed. Sweet globs of sperm raced up his throbbing tool to spurt hot and hard into Vlad's gobbling gob, he drank every drop of that viscous vital fluid as it poured in gouts down his gulping gullet.

The climax dwindled and the lad collapsed limp on the bed as Vlad sucked the last dribbles from his meaty hose, Vlad pulled off the now flaccid dick using his tight lips to siphon the last drops from the lad. The flaccid dick flopped moistly to his still heaving belly as Vlad sat back on his haunches feeling the vitality of the young man surge through his jaded system. A quick pick me up of teen sperm worked wonders on Vlad who now decided he definitely needed this ravishing lad as his companion.

He grasped the lad's limp legs lifting them up folding him over and lifting his gorgeous glutes upwards and opening his arse to view, Vlad licked his lips before diving into the smooth inviting crevice and kissing the pink puckered muscle. The lad groaned aloud, Vlad licked his hole to hear him yelp like a puppy as his sphincter went crazy clenching and flexing; Vlad tongued him and licked him teasing that vibrant vent driving the youth crazy with desires he never knew. Vlad rushed on lubing the quivering quim until it was slick and wet, he moved in close and rubbed his rubbery knob about exciting even more the lad's anal muscle.

The youth moaning loudly begged Vlad to take him, Vlad needed no invitation and plunged his prong deep inside the moaning lad taking him in one move, the lad squealed at he top of his voice as Vlad's monster stretched his virginal chute filling him to the max, and he threw his arms up pulling Vlad down so he could kiss him as he rooted his tight arse. Vlad served him hard and deep, sliding back and forth relishing the tight ring stroking up and down his penis drawing him inevitably towards his impending crescendo. Vlad cummed copiously flooding his virus ridden sperm deep inside the moaning lad and making him his for eternity or until one or other met their demise by some means or other.

Vlad pulled free and kissed the panting sweating lad tenderly as he asked, "Seeing we have made love can I ask your name?"

The youth nodded and licked his lips before whispering, "I'm called Victor, Victor Wells."

Vlad kissed him and told him, "Well Victor Wells, I have some news for you that I hope you will like. I am a vampire; a living dead being and I have just infected you with the virus that made me so; we will be partners for ever and I love you with all my heart."

Victor looked up at him a look of consternation on his sexy face, he couldn't believe his ears, was he going mad or was the sexy dude pulling his leg? "A vampire? Come on buddy they don't exist in real life they were a figment of the imagination of some dude way back in the 1800's."

Vlad smiled at his words shaking his head, "Yes a guy called Bram Stoker wrote a book about Dracula, but it wasn't fiction Victor it was the truth. I was infected by the Count Draco himself back in 1530 nearly 500 years ago."

Victor shook his head, "No way are you that old Vlad you are about my age you can't fool me friend."

Vlad hugged him then pulled back and said, "Look at my teeth I'll prove it to you."

Victor watched fascinated as Vlad opened his mouth wide and allowed his fangs to slowly protrude, the needle sharp fangs gleamed white and Victor's eyes bugged wide at the sight. He gasped aloud, "It's true those fangs can only belong to a vampire, are you going to bite me and suck my blood?"

"Never!" said Vlad, "You will be my companion and lover thru eternity barring any unforseen occurrence, you and I shall enjoy a long life filled with much pleasure together as we will never age but we must drink blood of humans to survive."

Victor looked uncertain and afraid, "We must drink blood you mean we do have to do what was described in the book and horror films?"

Vlad hugged Victor, "Sadly yes my lover we must kill and drain their blood to maintain our lives. Don't worry Victor they die a peaceful death as the blood drains from their bodies, we need to share a human between us every six months that is sufficient."

Victor shook his head, "I don't know if I can do that Vlad, I can't kill somebody."

Vlad kissed him softly and went on, "Victor you will have to or you will wither away and rot, you are now a living dead and nothing can stop that the virus is multiplying and rampaging through your sweet body as we speak."

Victor shaking with pent up emotions said, "I don't feel anything Vlad maybe I'm immune to the bugs."

Vlad sadly replied, "No my sweet Victor, you are infected it takes time for the changes to occur, but my love you are now truly a vampire."

Victor whimpered then asked, "Is there no cure for the virus Vlad? Couldn't we go and seek help from the doctors or a hospital?"

Vlad shook his head, "No my young lover there is no cure known."

Victor continued, "But Vlad how long since you tried for a cure?"

Vlad shrugged and said, "I haven't but I'm certain there is nothing to be done."

Victor frowned, "Medical science has come ahead in leaps and bounds since they unravelled DNA, we could go and get blood tests then we could be treated by specialists."

Vlad began to get angry, "No Victor enough; I've told you we are doomed to be living dead there is no cure."

Victor bit his lip and stopped arguing but resolved to see a doctor as soon as possible; Vlad having silenced his objections now began licking him all over loving the taste of his salty sweat and soon had the lad erect and leaking juices again. Vlad climbed up and squatted over the prone lad's hips before lowering his arse down onto the stiff spike moaning his delight as Victor's pulsing prong speared up into his hot moist hole. Vlad rode the hard muscle panting as his body surged towards another climax, Victor forgetting his anguish responded thrusting his hips up driving his eager erection deep inside the hot silky living sheath of Vlad's male pussy. Both men reached their pinnacle together and spewed their essences voluminously as pearly gushes of sperm pumped from their excited gonads.

They both slumped down panting and shuddering through the after glow of a huge sexual high as their sperm cooled and the sweat dried on their tired bodies. The sounds of the party below permeated the room disturbing them and Vlad rolled over pulling off Victor's slimy schlong causing him to groan at the empty feeling as the cool air invaded his still stretched sphincter. Vlad struggled to his feet and stood up before waddling to the en suit to empty out Victor's sperm, the younger lad lay there eyes closed with a dopey self satisfied grin on his face as he caressed his torso and played with his nipples and soft prick. Vlad returned and saw Victor's erection again up and throbbing and he laughed aloud, "Don't you ever get soft and stay that way you randy young devil?"

Victor's eyes opened as he smirked back at him, "Not often Vlad I can't help being horny I'm only 18years old not 500 or so like you."

Vlad walked close and playfully cuffed Victor across the head then bent down and kissed his moist pink lips before saying, "Come on let's go back to the party I feel like dancing."

Victor got off the bed and farted before racing to the bathroom and evacuating Vlad's sperm into the bowl, he washed up and returned donning his shoes, boxers and jeans as Vlad dressed beside him. They returned down to the ground floor and joined the revellers dancing together and kissing every now and then, their behaviour attracted no interest, as there were girls pashing girls and guys fondling and kissing amongst the straight couples that were making out. Everyone was out for as much fun as they could get, but like all things the night petered out and gradually thinks quietened down as many of the revellers drifted out and away. Vlad due to his infusion of Victor's delicious semen needed no blood that night so he and his lover went to bed and slept long into the next day.

Vlad awoke with the afternoon sun burning through the floor to ceiling windows, he opened his eyes and then rolled on his side staring at the still sleeping stud beside him, his heart swelled with emotion as he studied the sweet innocence of Victor's handsome face. He lay there drinking in the youthful beauty, the strong muscular body and the sweet smooth weapon standing tall from his morning wood, it pulsed on his firm curved belly like a living creature. Victor stirred and stretched rubbing his eyes then he opened them squinting in the brightness and licking his dry lips, he smiled at Vlad and whispered, "Good morning Vlad did you sleep ok?"

Vlad grinned and bent over nibbling the tip of his nose, "Its afternoon my sweet friend and I'm badly in need of a shower so if you want to arise and join me let's go."

With that Vlad left the bed and padded across the floor his superb rear view enchanting Victor who lay there stroking himself and admiring the play of Vlad's muscles as he deliberately swaggered seductively to the en suit. Victor slid from the bed and followed him stopping at the toilet to empty his full bladder before joining Vlad in the shower, they washed each other and messed about till each painted the recess with their copious cum then dried off before dressing.

They stood together on the balcony watching the crowded beach below picking out the hotties and commenting on each one, neither of them had a desire to feed yet, Vlad because he'd drunk Victor's sperm and Victor still wasn't fully changed as it took time for the virus to break down his system and convert it. Victor even felt hungry for normal food and he asked Vlad, "Do you eat normal human food as well as blood?"

Vlad nodded his head and said that he did maybe once every few days but not like a normal human who ate two or three times a day, it wasn't necessary for survival. Victor's tummy rumbled and Vlad chuckled then suggested he go make a sandwich or something, the young lad went inside and began preparing some food while Vlad stayed surveying the living menu items below. After eating Victor said he was going for a drive and asked if Vlad wished to come, Vlad shook his head and said he preferred to stay at home but cautioned Victor to be home before dark as they were partying again.

Victor left and drove off towards Los Angeles; he'd made up his mind and was going to see his uncle a renowned clinical physician, as he drove his mind was reeling with his situation. He didn't want to lose Vlad because he was head over heels in love with him but still he didn't feel ok about living forever and feeding on peoples' blood. His mind so involved in with his problems Victor's attention slipped and he was speeding along the highway; his attention was quickly drawn back to his actions when he heard the siren behind him and saw the CHIP Harley with flashing lights in his rear vision mirror.

Victor immediately pulled over to the roadside and stopped watching the patrolman drop his heavy bike onto its stand and then approach his car hand resting on the gun in his holster. Victor admired the smart uniform and the tight fitting jodhpurs that accentuated his masculine goodies as the guy approached to stand next to the driver's door. "Licence and registration thanks sir." Said the young officer.

Victor produced both for the man who noted the details on the infringement notice as he said, "Do you know you exceeded the limit by twenty miles an hour?"

Victor looked ruefully up at him seeing himself reflected in the mirror lensed sunglasses the policeman wore, he apologised and said he had a lot on his mind and had never been fined before. The handsome officer looked down between Victor's thighs and noticed the enticing bulge of the sexy young driver's crotch, he hitched his heavy equipment belt up and resettled it as he felt his cock tingle in his heavy uniform pants. He noticed the driver's eyes lowered and stared at his crotch making him feel even more excited, he spoke softly, "Well seeing you've not been in trouble before maybe we can sort something out and I'll just give you a warning."

Victor looked up beaming at him and said, "I'll do anything you like not to be fined, what do you suggest would be a good idea?"

Officer Miguel Garcia nodded and said, "Follow me and I'll lead you to a nice quiet spot and we'll fix things."

With that he put his book away and gave Victor's cheek a soft but fast fondle then strutted back to his bike and started it taking off I a spurt of gravel and dust then led Victor down the highway to a dirt side trail that led up a hill into the scrub. Once over the crest they stopped and Miguel parked his machine and walked back undoing his fly, he pulled out his hot semi hard cock and jacked it a few times getting it fully erect then presented it to Victor saying, "Here give me a good suck and blow me then eat my cum and I'll forget you were speeding."

Victor licked his ips and opened his mouth taking the smooth dark brown boner into his mouth sucking ad licking the sweet juices as he began bobbing back and forth while fondling the big sweaty nuts hanging out of Miguel's open fly. Miguel gripped Victor's blond head and began slamming his schlong deeper and deeper ignoring the grunts and gagging sounds from the young driver. Victor's eyes watered as if weeping and snot and spittle ran from his bruised nose and puffy lips as the cpr brutally face fucked him until he bellowed a guttural braying sound and blew his load own Victors aching throat.

His climax over Garcia took his long wet dick in his hand and face slapped Victor hard a few tines then wiped the remaining cum off on his flushed smooth cheeks. He tucked himself away and zipped up then without another word swaggered off to his bike started it spun around on the dirt track and roared off leaving Victor humiliated and weeping behind him. Victor sat there for some time coming to terms with what just happened before wiping his face on a towel left on the back seat and then starting his Mini convertible and turning around making his way back to the highway again.

He arrived at his unless office in the hospital and walked in asked the receptionist if he could see his uncle, she buzzed the intercom after asking his name and announced he was there, his uncle Mark immediately asked her to send him in and as Victor opened the door to his office his uncle grabbed him in a bear hug saying, "Welcome to my office Victor, what can I do for my favourite nephew?"

Victor blushed profusely and hugged his uncle back before hey parted and his uncle perched on the edge of his desk as Victor sat in a chair, his uncle looked at him and frowned, "What is wrong Vic, I can see you are troubled and worried, have you picked up a venereal disease or something?"

Victor looked up at him and cleared his throat, "No uncle Mike not exactly but I'm afraid I have been infected with something that I thought was a myth."

"A myth young Vic what do you mean a myth?" Asked his now intrigued uncle.

Victor grimaced and blushed, "Do you believe in vampires uncle Mike?"

The doctor looked at him as if he'd lost it and said, "Vampires Victor ? They are a figment of the imagination like where wolves and other horror tale beasties."

Victor nodded and replied, "Yes I thought so too Uncle Mike but this guy I met yesterday after we'd had sex he told me I was now infected and we were going to be lovers together for eternity and we would suck the blood of people to survive."

His uncle chuckled then said, "I think maybe he was pulling your leg Vic, maybe he meant he wanted to be your lover for ever."

Victor went on, "Oh no it was more than that he was adamant I was carrying the virus after he spermed in me and it would slowly change me into a living dead like him."

Mike shook his head unbelievingly and said, "Well we can soon allay your doubt lad I'll just take a blood sample and we can analyse it and I'll let you know the results in a few days; I'll call you on your cell phone ok?"

Victor nodded and thanked his uncle who swabbed his arm then picked up a syringe and pierced a vein extracting a sample of Victor's blood, he wiped the pin prick and placed a cotton swab on the spot telling Victor to press on it then pumped the blood sample into a number of small vials before capping them and writing Victor's name on the labels. They sat chatting about family affairs before Mike had to see his next patient; Victor left the hospital feeling as if he'd betrayed Vlad.

The long drive back to Malibu was frustrating as the traffic was heavy and he finally reached Vlad's home and parked under the house, Victor sat in the car composing himself before seeing Vlad and he could hear the music thumping as the evenings party was starting to crank up. He climbed from the Mini and walked up the stairs to the upper floor looking through the open door to see the beach people already at it dancing and groping each other while Vlad lounged there grinning and watching their antics. Victor slipped inside as a car full of revellers pulled up, he made his way to the lounge and joined Vlad who grabbed him and kissed him passionately, "I've missed you terribly my sweet one, I hope you had a good time wherever you drove to?"

Victor returned his kiss and sent his tongue exploring before replying, "Yes thanks Vlad, I went to see my uncle in the city and spend a little time catching up on family things."

He felt guilty lying to Vlad but it wasn't a complete lie he thought, Vlad looked deep into his eyes and Victor blushed immediately, "I think there is more that you aren't telling me sweet lad but we'll discuss this later let us enjoy the party."

They got to their feet and began joining the revellers as things heated up clothes were shed and soon everyone was either naked or wearing skimpy speedos or underwear. The sights and scents of so many hot bodies was an aphrodisiac as bare, toned and tanned flesh undulated all around them. In the swirling gyrations hands were moving about willy nilly groping, caressing, fondling and feeling various parts of human and living dead anatomies as the party got wilder and more under the influence of various substances including just pure unadulterated testosterone.

Victor and Vlad were as entranced as any other party goer as they too groped and kissed various young fit males while rejecting the advances of the girls, soon couples broke away to enjoy one another's bodies and the scent of sex and heavy breathing, gasps and moans filled the air. Vlad was stuffing his long prong up Victor's tight rear end while a ravishing young surfer lad sucked his lover off, Victor was groaning in utter ecstasy as his body moved to the pounding from behind driving his slick schlong deep into the young Asian looking guys accommodating throat. Vlad watched the youth gobbling and gagging on his lover's log and knew that this eager youth would be their victim to be bled dry, luckily Victor's sperm was still not virus laden so there was no risk of the lad turning into one of them.

The raging night continued and slowly the numbers thinned as the exhausted reeling young left to find their ways home or to secret places where they could continue their frantic trysts leaving Vlad, Victor alone with the young black haired surfie whose name they didn't know. The lad was drunk as a skunk flopped out on the lounge his upper torso leaning across the vampire's chest, the youth's inviting throat arched due to his head being unsupported. Vlad almost dribbling with desire to taste the virile youth's vitalising blood, only a teen on the cusp of adulthood could satisfy and provide the needed nutrients. Prepubescent humans' blood wasn't fully matured, like their bodies and was virtually useless, so the beings of choice were in the 16 to 20 year old group when they were capable of reproducing.

Vlad stroked the lad's throat gently rubbing his fingers up and down the prominent blood vessel as he licked his lips before allowing his fangs to protrude, Victor sat there watching his lover and couldn't help feeling excited. Then he moved across and lifted the lad's soft cock up sucking it and stimulating it to hardness, the youth murmured in his stupor as his dick grew tall and hard. Vlad watched his lover and held off sinking his fangs into the smooth soft throat so the lad's blood supply could fill the erecting muscle, Victor knew he was giving the youth extra time by sucking him off apart from his desire to taste the sweet sperm one more time.

The drunken lad was slow to ejaculate but after Victor worked him hard fingering his prostate and sucking for nearly 15 minutes finally he groaned and pumped a goodly amount of sperm into Victor's mouth, he sucked the lad dry and sat back wiping his lips then said, "Vlad can't we let him live? He is so cute and special he doesn't deserve to die this way."

Vlad looked at Victor and saw the pain and pleading in his handsome face he was torn between the desire to feed and the anguish of his lover, he retracted his fangs and smiled at Victor, "I will have to eat his cum too, then I will not be so in need of his sweet blood my Victor."

Victor beamed happily back and hugged Vlad, "Oh thank you Vlad you won't regret allowing him to live I'm sure."

Vlad chuckled softly, "Hehehe, you are so sweet Victor, but the day will soon come when you must feed to survive then pity will have to take a rear seat and you will join me at the feast."

Victor thought to himself, "No way.; especially if Uncle Mike can find the virus and cure it, then we will be free and can live together as normal people."

That night they took the lad to bed with them and during the night they drained his fertile balls again and again till he sobered up as the sun rose, the poor youth looked in a bad way his empty nuts ached and his dick was so sensitive it felt red raw. He looked at the two sleeping guys in the bed and wondered what they had done together last night; all he remembered was passing out on the couch during the party. He sat up his head spinning and aching and felt as if he was dying of thirst, his dust dry mouth seemed full of desiccated tongue, in all he felt terrible. He slipped off the bed and headed to the lounge room which was littered with discarded clothing items and bottles, overflowing ash trays and dirty glasses, he fumbled around till he found a 2liter Coke bottle that was half full of flat cola and picked it up with a trembling hand tilted it to his puffy dry lips and gulped down the warm contents.

He wiped his mouth on the back of his and blearily looked about at the shambles, he saw his board shorts crumpled up on a couch and his t-shirt lying discarded on the floor nearby. He staggered across and fell onto the couch then fumbled his boardies on one leg at a time and struggled to pull them up and retie the waist cord before donning his damp t-shirt, it reeked of booze someone had dropped a glass or bottle on it. He sat here holding his still aching head trying to summon up the strength to get up and leave.

Victor stirred and awoke, he looked for their bed mate to find he was missing he got up stretched and walked to the toilet to empty his bladder, he stood there holding his warm weapon watching the golden stream stir the water in the bowl creating a froth. His bladder drained he shook off the last droplets and moved to the hand basin running cold water from the tap he scooped two handfuls up splashing his face then looked at his blood shot eyes and grimaced. What a night they had had together he tried to remember how many loads they had drunk from the seemingly unending supply of teen juice, he shook his head and dried his face before wandering out into the lounge.

There sitting bent over on the couch holding his head was their young bedmate, Victor grinned at the bedraggled sight confronting him and walked over to ruffle the thick black unruly bed hair on the lad's head. The youth jerked upright in fright, he hadn't heard the naked Victor approach, his eyes took in the superb naked body in front of him and he smiled ruefully. Victor smiled down at him and suggested he come through to the kitchen while he prepared breakfast, the lad nodded and Victor helped him to his feet and shepherded him to the kitchen sitting him on a stool at the breakfast bar.

While he got the coffee perking he asked the lad his name and found out it was Calvin, Victor smiled and said how he liked the name and it suited him, he then asked how old he was to hear he was just 18 three weeks ago. Victor then asked if he'd enjoyed the party and their fun afterwards to be told he had enjoyed the party but everything after that was a blank, he couldn't remember what happened after he sucked Victor off while Vlad was rooting him until he came too feeling so sick and sorry this morning. Victor toasted some bread and got Calvin to butter it while he poured the coffee into the mugs. They filled two bowls with cereal and milk while sitting facing each other and began eating, Calvin was ravenous and polished off two huge bowls of cereal while Victor toyed with his not really feeling all that hungry which amazed him.

As Calvin ate he brightened up and colour returned to his pale ashen cheeks, they finished eating and Calvin asked where Vlad was, he nodded when Victor told him he was still asleep and he wouldn't wake him. Calvin looked at his watch and said, "Gees I've got to run, my folks will be wondering where I am, thanks for the party and the breakfast Victor maybe we will meet again."

Victor got to his feet and walked around to hug the sexy cute lad then kissed him softly and said, "Maybe Calvin you never know."

The youth left the house and descended to the street level and headed towards LA thumb raised hitch hiking, Victor stood at the large picture window overlooking the highway watching the sweet guy till a car stopped and picked him up then drove off up the road. Victor sighed thinking how that cute guy might have been now an empty husk drained of his vital life force. Victor began cleaning up the mess hoping to wipe that dread scene from his mind and to have the place cleaned up before Vlad arose. He worked diligently and after carting out the rubbish and binning it he ran the vacuum over the carpet and then sat down resting on the lounge. After a few minutes rest he got up and walked into the bedroom to find Vlad still out like a light, he climbed onto the bed and snuggled up behind him and hugged Vlad to him, Vlad murmured in his sleep and wriggled against Victor, in no time Victor feeling warm and snugly dropped off to sleep as well.

Vlad awoke and lay there feeling Victor's body spooned to his he smiled dreamily and gave a squiggle rubbing himself against his lovers crotch, he bent his head and kissed Victor's limp arm where it rested on his chest and felt the fine sun bleached hairs tickle his lips. Vlad licked and sucked on the sweet flesh thinking of what he'd missed last night when Victor talked him out of feeding, he enjoyed the instant high from the sweet sperm he'd ingested but it didn't make up for the long sustenance obtained by drinking the blood of a virile youth.

He sighed and disentangled himself from the sleeping Victor and slipped off the bed heading for the toilet to piss, he finished his morning ablutions then walked out into the lounge room prepared to see the shambles left from the party, he was astounded to find the place neat and tidy even the smell of cigarettes, pot and sex was missing as Victor had sprayed an air freshener then opened the huge sliding doors to the balcony to allow the fresh sea air to enter. Vlad beamed with pleasure and strolled to the balcony to survey the gently breathing ocean, he stood there naked, hands on the low colour bond metal wall that hid his nakedness from those on the beach. He noticed a familiar face looking up at him and recognised a partygoer from last night who had obviously slept on the beach, the young red haired guy looked badly hung over and Vlad called to him, "Come up for some brunch if you feel like it."

The tall slim freckle faced young man beamed his appreciation and headed for the fence dividing the house from the beach and disappeared from view. In seconds there he was climbing the steps up to the balcony and Vlad greeted him giving him a hug before nibbling on his ear. The lad shivered and giggled as Vlad's tongue entered his sensitive ear hole, Vlad groped his firm buttocks pulling the youth against him causing his swelling teen tool rub on his own. Vlad led the lad inside and over to the couch where he stripped off the youth's overlarge shirt and his long baggy board shorts, the lad's pale white torso down to his knees was pale white and exceptionally smooth, he obviously shaved what body and pubic hair he had leaving his body as smooth as a pre teen.

Vlad dropped to the floor on his knees and sucked on the long slender schlong bobbing back and forth deep throating the lad who was moaning frantically and shaking all over with excitement as he clung to Vlad's head with a grip of steel to steady his swaying humping body. In no time the lad was whimpering his ecstatic delight as his low hanging nuts tightened and almost disappeared into his pale groin, his cock was pulsating as he panted and quivered every muscle tensed his body, his long slim belly bulged with a nice set of abdominals as his climax surged through his whole being to spurt out his rigid rod into Vlad's demanding suctioning mouth.

Vlad drank the vital juices down filling his belly with the sweet elixir of life and waited for the flood to finish, the lad's dick ceased drooling and his legs turned to rubber as he swayed in Vlad's powerful grasp. Vlad laid him on the lounge before licking his way up that pale white still quivering torso to the long throat with its prominent Adam's apple. His eyes locked on the throbbing artery visible under the youth's tanned throat, his fangs automatically descended and he moved close to the gasping lad. He kissed those moist panting lips sucking in the lad's expelled air as he kissed him tenderly before moving to the young mans throat ready to sink his fangs into that blood filled vessel. A shout behind him caused Vlad to jerk upright and the youth to bounce in fright as he laid there, Victor had arisen and walked out to see what was occurring. Vlad felt a surge of anger at being interrupted at his feed glared at Victor momentarily then his face softened as he saw the distress on his lover's face. Victor ran across and Vlad stood up, they came together and hugged, Victor whispering, "Thank heaven I arrived in time to stop you killing that poor guy."

Vlad grumbled in reply, "Victor you must learn w need to drink blood to survive, I've told you lad's sperm is only a snack not a meal we have to have haemoglobin to live as we should."

Victor shuddered in his arms, "No Vlad I'd rather die than kill a person and we must find a cure to the disease."

Vlad had a premonition that Victor had done something terrible, "Where did you go yesterday my love and whom did you see?"

Victor was shocked at Vlad's direct questioning and floundered for an answer, would Vlad be furious at what he'd done, in fact would it mean the end of their so brief relationship? Victor looked down at the floor and Vlad slipped a finger under his chin lifting his face up and kissed his lips. Victor's eyes welled with tears and one slipped down his smooth cheek as the lad o the couch spoke, "If you guys want to be alone I'll leave."

Vlad realising he'd invited the youth for breakfast, chuckled as he thought, "Whose breakfast was I meaning his or mine?"

He turned to the naked youth and smiled, "No you can stay, I promised brunch and we will start preparing it now."

Victor sighed in relief as the subject changed, he mentally thanked the guy for his interruption as Vlad turned and headed to the kitchen area. The naked lad grinned up at Victor completely unflustered by his nakedness and his eyes scanned up and down Victor's tanned body fastening finally on Victor's swaying manhood. He murmured, "Wow nice cock there pal."

Victor smiled at him and studied his pale body with the tanned face, throat, arms and lower legs he looked at the slim pale dick lying flaccidly on the lad's pink nuts, "You aren't too bad either I love your shaven groin is your arse smooth too? Who shaves you or do you do it yourself?"

The youth giggled and said, "I do it in front of the bathroom mirror."

Victor grinned and replied, "Gee that must be difficult because everything is reversed it's a wonder you don't cut your genitals off."

The young guy laughed and answered, "Yeah it takes a lot of practice but I haven't nicked myself for ages now."

Victor shook his head in wonder and said, "Well I don't think I'd be game to do it myself and it took me so long to finally get my pubes I really don't think I'd like to lose them now."

Vlad walked in as he said this and asked, "What don't you want to lose bubs?"

Victor laughed and said, "My pubes, I was saying I wouldn't shave them off like he does."

Vlad smiled and replied, "I don't know you would look stunning with a totally smooth body I think and that sexy big penis would look even larger."

Victor blushed looked like a tomato and headed for the kitchen saying, "Come on let's eat I'm hungry."

After they had polished off the sandwiches Vlad made and drunk a cup of coffee the tall young red head thanked them and got dressed saying, "I'm heading back to the beach to give you guys some privacy, see you all again I hope."

Vlad and Victor donned sunglasses and waved him goodbye from the balcony then settled out there on the sun lounges to enjoy the warm day. Back in the city Victor's uncle Mike had got the results from the blood test and sat there not believing his eyes, a completely unknown virus was living in his nephew's blood and altering its make up in some incomprehensible way. He reread the report again and again, was what Victor told him about vampires true? He couldn't believe it was possible yet there was something totally alien about this virus he had become infected with. Mike sat back in his comfortable leather swivel chair and tilted back closing his eyes in concentration as his brain reeled with the shock.

After some minutes he picked up the phone and searched for Victor's cell phone number then punched the buttons and listened to it ringing, the phone rang out and went to message bank and Mike frowned before leaving a message for Victor to come ad see him at the hospital urgently. He hung up the phone and sat there lost in thought until the intercom buzzed and a new patient was announced. Mike was totally involved for nearly an hour with patients before he had a few minutes to try ringing Victor again still no answer just message bank. On and off through the day he continued trying to reach Victor without success and he was becoming more and more frustrated and worried.

By the end of the day still no success so he got Victor's address at Malibu and set off in his Mercedes Grosser and set off towards Malibu through the evening traffic. He eventually pulled off the road outside the imposing double storied house and checked to see there were lights on before climbing from the car and searching for the front door in the darkness. He finally found an illuminated bell push and pressed the button hearing chimes sound somewhere inside the house, footsteps sounded hurrying down from the upper floor and an outside light flicked on as the door opened.

Victor nearly passed out at the sight of his uncle standing there; he quickly came outside and closed the door so Vlad couldn't hear them as he greeted Mike, "Uncle Mike what are you doing here? Why didn't you ring me as you said you would?"

Mike grumbled, "I've been ringing you all afternoon but kept getting your message bank, is your phone switched off?"

Victor slapped his forehead, "Damn it the battery is probably flat I forgot to charge it and haven't used it all week."

Mike put his hand on Victor's shoulder and said, "That is he least of your worries Vic, I have serious and worrying news about your blood test. You have contracted a mystery virus we have never seen before, at least here in America anyway. I want you to report to me tomorrow for more tests because whatever this virus is its changing your blood and metabolism."

Victor nodded his head and said, "I'll be there but you must go before Vlad comes to find out whom I am talking to, so please leave now uncle Mike I'll see you tomorrow."

Mike asked, "Vlad is your friend a foreigner? Is he from Europe? If so where was he born?"

Victor nodded and replied, "Yes he has a very sexy accent and I believe he was originally from Transylvania. He says he is nearly 600 years old, I know it sounds crazy but I believe him. I've seen his fangs, they are hidden until he wants to suck blood then they appear in his mouth it's so scary uncle Mike."

Mike grasped Victor's arm trying to urge him to come with him, "Come Victor, it sounds like you aren't safe here with this weirdo; come back to LA with me now and I'll get you admitted to hospital tonight, you'll be safe there."

Victor shook his head and reiterated that Mike had to go and go now before Vlad came downstairs, Mike reluctantly turned away and walked slowly towards his gleaming black car unknowing that above behind the curtains Vlad was watching them a frown upon his handsome face. Mike drove slowly away into the night as Victor returned inside and climbed the stairs with a feeling of apprehension and guilt for exposing Vlad to danger. Vlad stood in the middle of the lounge room waiting for him and knew exactly what Victor was feeling, "Who was that you were with my sweet lover?"

Victor couldn't meet Vlad's piercing eyes as the he waited for a reply, Victor's mind raced trying to think what to say but Vlad spoke again, "That was your uncle who is a doctor yes? That is who you went to see the other day wasn't it?"

He went on, "Oh Victor what have you done to us? Don't you realise that science can't help you? There is no cure."

Victor shuddered and tears ran down his cheeks as he sobbed heart deeply, Vlad took him in his arms holding him gently and kissing his hair. He continued speaking softly, "Victor they will come for us and kill us these humans, they fear and revile us. They don't realise we are a superior being to them and so they will come and destroy us."

Victor's tears flooded down saturating Vlad's shirt as his body shook; Vlad kissed his forehead and spoke again, "We must be prepared to flee my love, maybe south into Mexico where the people are more easily controlled by their old myths and ancient religious ideas or maybe to Australia where things are more laid back."

Victor feeling he had betrayed his lover nodded in agreement as Vlad asked, "Do you have a passport my love?"

Victor told him he did as he and his family had gone to the Caribbean 12 months ago, Vlad was overjoyed to hear he news and he immediately set to on the computer organising the transfer of his main funds and he also checked the airline departures for overseas. He found that Qantas had a flight QF26 the next night at 21.05, Vlad then contacted the airline booking office and tried to book 2 seats on the flight but was told it was fully booked but there were seats available the night after. Vlad thanked the clerk and booked two seats one way to Melbourne. First thing next morning he and Victor shifted out of the house and with their luggage stowed in the big blue Chevy Suburban SUV headed for the city to organise visas to travel Australia at he Australian consulate.

The young female consulate secretary shook her head saying that it would take at least 48 hours to process the visas for them, Vlad smiled charmingly at her and she nearly passed out at his charm, good looks and his attentions. Vlad asked softly if there was no way to speed things up, she was all flustered as he gently touched her hand with his eyes boring into hers hypnotically. She nodded and began typing on her computer her face now expressionless; she was completely under his spell. Like a robot she typed away checking things then said, "Everything is in order here are your visas I hope you both enjoy your trip Down Under."

Vlad smiled and touched her hand again inviting hr to join them for dinner when she finished work, she readily agreed and Vlad said they would pick her up at 5pm. He and Victor thanked her for her excellent work and Vlad took her hand kissing it in an old worldly fashion causing her to blush and fell extra special. Outside Vlad grinned at Victor's stunned expression as he said, "She will come to dinner Victor but she will be the main course, she cannot be left alive to give away our plans, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Victor nodded unhappily but understood Vlad needed to cover his tracks as he was travelling under another name, they headed for the motel and went inside their air-conditioned room to rest as the temperature had risen considerably. Both men undressed and flopped onto the bed together and closed their eyes to pass a few hours together and out of sight in case Victor's uncle Mike started searching for him. Time came and they dressed again and went back to pick up the young consular secretary, she was waiting outside the building's gates and Vlad tooted and beckoned her, she ran across the road and Victor held open the rear door for her to climb in closing it behind her an rejoined Vlad in front as he drove away.

They drove out through the suburbs to a small restaurant isolated on a cliff overlooking the Pacific, they entered and were seated then ordered their meals all the while Vlad was charming the girl, Victor sat quietly watching his lover and knowing what he did was feeling very up tight. After the meal Vlad suggested they go for a stroll along the wild beach below the cliff, the girl was so far under his spell she readily agreed and he trio set off down the steep zig zag pathway down to the driftwood studded sand below. They weaved around some massive tree trunks deposited over the years and smaller logs and branches until they were well away from the restaurant.

Vlad took the girl in his arms and kissed her before bending her head back and to the side then sinking his needle like fangs into her flesh piercing the jugular vein. The girl whimpered softly as he began sucking her blood, he body limp in his arms and unresisting in her trance like state, Vlad drank his fill before offering her to Victor who driven by the sudden urge took her from Vlad and mouthed her soft unresisting flesh, he was suddenly surprised to fid he too had fangs that slid from his upper jaw and sank into the semi conscious lass. He felt the sudden joy and thrill of the life force flowing into his body overcoming his original disgust of the vampire ways.

The vampiric virus was now overpowering his human side and he was becoming a full fledged living dead being, he drained the girl's body and lowered her lifeless body to a rough log of drift wood as Vlad put an arm about his shoulders and kissed his bloody lips before whispering, "At last my love you are with me we are as one now. We must get ride of the human's body so she will never be found."

Vlad walked to a nearby tree trunk of considerable size and grasped it in his arms as he flexed his muscles, they bulged under his silken bronzed skin s he trained to raise the massive tree trunk. Victor watched entranced and disbelievingly as slowly he raised the huge trunk up from where it had lain for many years exposing the deep depression beneath it in the sand. Vlad grunted out, "Quickly Victor place her body in the depression before I drop the trunk back."

Victor rolled the dead body into the hole as Vlad groaned loudly and let the huge mass thud back on top of he inert body driving it into the sand and covering it completely. Vlad dusted off his hands and checked the trunk to ensure nothing was visible to the eye. Both vampires left the beach and in the darkness climbed into the SUV and set off back to civilisation. The trip back to their motel took some time and Vlad kept stroking Victor's thigh and crotch I his pleasure that his protégé at last had turned to the dark side.

They reached the motel and stripped off jumping onto the bed and enjoying each other's bodies, sucking, licking caressing, nibbling and nipping before finally joining together in mind blowing sexual intercourse where both guys spurted gigantic volumes of sperm up one another's rectums. They then showered and cleaned each other before drying off and slipping onto the bed to sleep. During the night Victor dreamed of sucking he blood from the girl and he awoke sweating profusely shaking with confused emotions and lay there his mind reeling for the rest of the night until the sun dawned.

Vlad awoke and stretched like a huge cheetah before looking at Victor and seeing the dark circles under his eyes sensed he turmoil I his lover's mind. He kissed Victor gently and caressed his handsome face before saying, "Victor don't fret you have made the change now w are together for eternity my love. Your past human life is soon to be a memory and in time it will fade to nothing as we go on into the future. Just think of the new possibilities confronting us in that huge land Down Under."

The day fled past and the night settled over the sprawling city, Vlad and Victor move from the motel to the airport and picked up their tickets before boarding the huge rd and white 747 with the kangaroo on its tail. Back in LA Mike, Victor's uncle was frantically trying to contact his nephew to no avail; both their cell phones lay on the bench in the Malibu beach house unwanted and tossed aside. He drove down to Malibu and knocked on the door till his knuckles bled, no answer the house was silent and deserted.

The huge jumbo jet lumbered down the tarmac lifting off into the smoggy night air and climbed away turning west heading across the Pacific leaving the United States behind. Vlad and Victor sat side by side in first class watching the very handsome young steward as he greeted the passengers asking what they would like to drink. His very fit and slim but sexy body suited to the uniform he wore, Vlad smiled to Victor and said, "This flight might be very enjoyable don't you think my love?"

Victor looked at he young ma and nodded smiling back at him, he steward arrived and asked what they preferred to drink and both answered in unison, "YOU."

The End

Maybe Vlad and Victor might turn up again in the near future after they arrive Down Under, who knows what might happen I certainly don't HEHEHE ;o)

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Next: Chapter 12

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