Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jul 20, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 10, by justjames17.

After lunch Jake had to hurry and get himself ready to report to the club for the afternoon shift watching over the beach goers, Maxine told him not to worry about the dishes Colin would help her do them. Jake raced to his room and got ready then raced through gave his mum a hug and kiss before jumping on his bike and riding flat out to the club. He arrived just in time to take his shift and immediately grabbed his gear before walking to the beach and checking out the crowd, George saw him arrive and hurried up to say, "G'day Jake, I'm over there with Chad keeping him company; the poor bloke is still feeling pretty down after last night."

Jake grinned and whispered, "Love you George you are so caring mate. I hope we can come up with an idea to help him with that Con bastard."

George gave Jake a playful punch to his flat firm belly as they grinned at each other like two clowns, they felt like two little kids when they saw each other completely unable to suppress their happiness. Jake walked across to where Chad sat next to his surfboard, Jake suddenly realised how sexy the guy was, he was totally adorable and had the body and looks of a Greek God except for his unruly curly blond hair. Chad looked slowly upwards; starting at Jake's feet his eyes crept up paused at his red speedos to ogle Jake's long schlong lying soft in the shimmering lycra pouch, he slowly lifted again taking in Jake's flat firmly muscled stomach then his pecs before finally staring at the lifesaver's face.

Chad smiled up at Jake as George grinned on the sideline, he'd seen how Chad had ogled Jake and thought it was so cute, it confirmed George's opinion of how cute Jake was seeing a hottie like Chad fancied him. Chad reached up a hand and Jake shook it, Chad said, "Thanks for being a friend last night mate I really needed it after what happened."

Jake nodded smiling and replied, " It's ok mate it was the least we could do the state you were in. Have either of you thought of a suitable way we can fix that arsehole Con?"

Chad shook his head his long tousled blond hair bouncing about glistening in the sunlight, George spoke up, "Remember your idea of being a decoy Jake? Well I think we must go along with that but we need a plan of attack because Con's much stronger compared to each of us."

George continued, " What if you come down to the beach one night alone after the club closes and everyone has gone home, Chad and I can be hiding on the club balcony in the dark. Somehow you have to lead him here, when Con appears following you down onto the beach we will follow behind at a distance but close enough to be able to run in and help you when he tries to attack. We'll need ropes and stuff to tie him up or maybe handcuffs to restrain him, once he's powerless then we can work out what to do to repay him for what he's done."

While they were talking a shiny BMW slid into the car park above them and Akira and Daichi left their car and walked down the ramp to the sand, Akira's quick eyes spotted Jake and he nudged Daichi nodding his head towards the three teens. Daichi smiled toothily and they headed towards Jake and his mates, Jake looked up and saw the two Japanese heading towards him and he smiled waving his hand as both tourists grinned waving back. They reached the trio and Jake introduced the newcomers, everyone shook hands and the conversation turned to the weather and the surf. Jake made his excuses and began patrolling the sands watching the swimmers frolicking and swimming. He loved this job because he could watch the hot surfers as the bent and twisted balancing on their boards, the display of wet bodies was a real turn on, even the blokes wearing the wet suits were worth a look as some were tight enough to show good bulges and their firm muscular rounded buttocks.

In closer were the families and younger kids messing about in the shallows, boys riding their skimmer boards, mostly wearing baggy bright coloured board shorts but quite a few in tight revealing speedos; all told it was a gay guy's paradise with so much delicious eye candy to see. Suddenly there was a commotion and people shouting and pointing out to sea, close in just outside the break were a couple of Wright Whales spouting and cruising by on their way North to the tropics. Everyone was astounded at how close in the gentle giants were, the board riders were almost close enough to pat the huge mammals. Chad looked at the swimming behemoths and turned to Daichi and Akira and said, "I don't know how your countrymen can murder these beautiful creatures the way they do."

Daichi nodded his head and replied, "I no agree with whaling. It is barbaric and many Japanese agree, but the fishing industry is very powerful and our government is scared to offend them."

Chad smiled at the man and reached out to shake his hand, Daichi grasped his and shook it while Chad felt a weird sensation zap through him and concentrate in his groin. He looked into the handsome Japanese man's dark eyes and they seemed to stare right inside his mind, Chad dragged his eyes away and Daichi still held his hand for some time as Chad's cock twitched and swelled. Akira watched the sexy blond surfer's reaction and saw his blue speedos stretching quickly as the lad's penis grew larger and stiffened, Chad was embarrassed and his tanned face darkened as he blushed. George sniggered and whispered into Chad's red ear, "Looks like you found an exciting friend Chad-a-luscious hehehe, I must say he and his mate are very sexy looking blokes and by the tenting they are displaying the feelings are mutual mate." Daichi looked across at Jake and asked in Japanese that Akira translated, "What is wrong Jake, I can tell you are worried?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders and related what the problem was with Con and his sexual predations; Daichi listened as his lover translated his face turned hard and cold as he learnt of Con's behaviour. He growled words and Akira blanched at them before thinking hard how to relate what his lover said, "Daichi says he needs castrating, balls cut off and served to him on plate."

Jake gaped at the words and shook his head, "No Daichi we can't do that to him no matter how bad a mongrel he is."

As they spoke together Con appeared strutting down the ramp his oiled body gleaming in the sunlight, every muscle defined and glistening erotically, Akira's eyes locked on him and he licked his lips asking who the muscle man was, he was crestfallen to hear it was the rapist they were discussing. Daichi looked coldly at Con who had paused to give everyone a chance to admire his physique before descending onto the sand, Daichi's cold black eyes studied the hunk intently before he reiterated, "He should be castrated and shamed, he is too proud of himself and his prowess with his penis."

Con's eyes cruised slowly across he crowd and locked onto the Jake and the group about him, he smirked at the sight of his latest victim Chad and he openly groped his fat cock in his skimpy tight speedos ensuring Chad saw him do it. Chad's face turned red as the shameful memories returned of that hunk raping him then tossing him aside like a used banana skin, he remembered the feel of that awesome cock filling him and sliding back and forth stimulating his virginal prostate making him moan like a whore as he was plugged and raped.

Chad unable to control his thoughts felt his cock stirring in his own tight togs as he began remembering the thrill of the animal like sex once he'd adjusted to the length and girth of that formidable fucker. He remembered Con's so sexy muscular body slamming into his firm buttocks as the sexual predator had his way, the incredibly full joy then empty sadness as that mighty muscle moved in and out of his anguished arse hole. The musky scent of Con's sweat as he heaved and ground himself deep inside Chad's churning guts then the ultimate moment as that impaling pole swelled and pulsated before pumping huge hot gouts of semen into his tight tunnel. Chad was trembling as he relived the moment and he watched that awe-inspiring body posing there gleaming in the warm sunlight for all to study and feel inadequate.

Chad's togs were straining to contain his bulging boner, Jake looked down and saw the sexy surfer's predicament and reached out his hand to drape a towel over the lad's shoulder to cover his excitement. Daichi 's gimlet eyes watched the posing stud and his mind raced with nasty thoughts of what he could do to the young rapist, he surveyed those tight skimpy speedos with their hidden treasures and pictured the guy stripped naked and restrained unable to stop any thing being done to him, things as bad or even worse than he'd done to other completely innocent lads. Daichi smiled but his eyes remained cold and calculating, Akira watched his lover and knew his mind was boiling with disgust and thoughts of retribution against the big handsome thug, he feared what Daichi might do.

Con not knowing he was in imminent danger from the Japanese man standing with Jake and his mates grinned triumphantly as he turned away and surveyed the almost naked bodies scattered over the sun warmed golden sand. His eager eyes soon sorted the chaff from the wheat as he picked out the hunkiest young lads on view as if they were in a supermarket showcase just awaiting his attentions. He strutted onto the sand his full rounded buttocks gyrating as he walked the deep dimples appearing and vanishing as the muscles moved, the taut lycra stretched across the deep crack sensuously as he strode along. All eyes watched him both males and females, following his every movement, those not knowing of his appetite for taking what he wished were dreaming what those brief togs covered and longing to fondle those beautiful genitals.

Con moved down the warm sands and along the beach eyeing off the young males searching for the one he would take up into the sand dunes further along the beach. Jake and his friends stood watching his progress until they saw him stop and drop his backpack and spread his towel out near a very cute blond swimmer who lay asleep on his back with his togs showing a nice bulge obviously reacting to the heat of the sun. Con settled himself and sat on his large beach towel, he began coating himself with sun oil before lying back with his right arm outstretched so his hand almost touched the sleeping lad's hip. Con lay there his head turned watching the lad's chest rise and fall as he slept, his fingers moved and gently touched the silky material of the young swimmers swim trunks where the lad's buttock dimpled. The sleeper didn't move and Con became bolder sliding his fingers slowly up onto the prominent hip bone that stretched the smooth tanned skin before it dipped down then rose up over the lad's lower abdomen and pubic mound.

The youth didn't stir, he was deeply asleep still recovering from the party at the club the night before, Con lifted himself and turned on his side facing the prone lad before running his fingers up and down the young man's firm flat abdomen gently massaging his relaxed abdominals. Con was so busy he didn't see Jake and his mates approaching but suddenly he and the sleeping lad were surrounded as Jake said, "Keep your greasy hand to yourself arsehole, we know what you are up to and this guy isn't here for you to attack so piss off and leave him alone."

Con pulled his and back as if the lad was burning hot, he looked at Jake glowering his fury at being interrupted but seeing he was outnumbered he gathered his gear and pushing Jake aside hissed, "Don't worry you skinny whimp, you'll get yours one day I'll catch you alone and then you're history pal."

With that he stormed off as the young swimmer sat up a look of confusion on his face as he looked up at all the blokes surrounding him and asked, "What's going on guys?"

Jake grinned at him and gestured at the retreating Con saying, "We just saved you from being attacked and raped by that slimy moron, be aware he is a real prick and you don't want to let him get you alone."

The young lad blushed in confusion saying, "Uum but I'm not into guys for sex why would he try it on with me?"

Chad squatted beside him and said, "Neither was I mate but he got me after the party when I was pissed and he took me into his van and raped me, believe me you really don't want to let him near you."

The lad got up and scooped up his gear saying, "Thanks guys I'll go up near the club and find a possie to lie down I should be safe amongst all those people."

Daichi watched the departing Con grimly his mind racing with thoughts of retribution.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 11

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