Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 25, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver by justjames17.

Jake was still at high school when he finally got his first chance to join the senior lifesavers (lifeguards) at 16 he was lucky to attain a position but due to his early years in the juniors and his keenness he was adopted into the group. Jake was very tall for his age at 6foot 2inches (185cm) he was very slim maybe even skinny but his gangly youthful body was extremely trim and taut with every muscle and bone clearly defined under his smooth tanned skin due to his swimming and junior iron man activities. His unruly long blond hair never looked as if he combed or brushed it and it stuck out crazily from his scalp, he had dark eyebrows that highlighted his baby blue eyes and lush reddish pink lips that begged to be kissed, although so far nobody had done so. Not that quite a few girls fancied him but Jake was single minded about his studies and his weekend job as a lifesaver, there was no time for sheilas even if he'd been straight.

When on patrol at the Gunamatta beach in his skimpy red speedos he made an eye catching figure as he strode about wearing his yellow and black cap with his blond hair flowing out about his hidden ears, girls on the beach ogled him constantly as did quite a few blokes who fancied his extremely fit young body. Jake's genitals showed clearly under the covering red lycra, the shape of his neat scrotum and soft long thin 4inch dick wobbled about enticingly as he ran or walked especially when he left the water and the flimsy wet material moulded to his body, his tight muscled arse with its deep dimples was mouth watering.

Jake soon was a favourite among the guys in the club and they had fun setting him up in a staged event where they lined up an ex footballer, a rugged burly bloke in his 40's to deliberately ride his surfboard in the swimming area and sent Jake out to remonstrate with the man and tell him to move on. Jake set off down the beach and confronted the man who was a couple of inches taller and outweighed him by around 100 pounds, the man was not fat but heavily muscled and being aggressive to the young lifesaver. Jake stood his ground even though he was crapping himself and trembling with fear, the bloke began poking Jake in the right pectoral as he advanced on the lad telling him to come back when he'd grown up and was man enough to do the job.

As the bully swaggered back into the surf hefting his fibreglass board Jake paced about in a circle screwing up his courage to go after the big agro surfer, the other guys watched from the clubhouse laughing themselves sick. Jake finally set his broad but light shoulders and dashed into the surf his long legs flailing as he splashed after the burly much bigger surfer. He confronted the man and again told him that it was forbidden to ride a heavy dangerous board amongst the swimmers foam boards only were permitted, the bloke thrust his chest against Jake's frowning down pugnaciously as he almost spat his words, "Piss off you skinny little pest before I chew you up and spit you out to feed the fish."

Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he quailed before the bully, but he stood his ground knees knocking and the bloke growled surlily and swung around storming back towards the beach. Jake drew a deep thankful breath and exhaled heavily as he made his way back through the waist high surf to the beach. The surfer waited on the firm sand at the waters edge and as Jake came from the water he hissed menacingly, "Your dead meat you little turd, once you leave this beach I'll be waiting for you and I'll beat the living crap out of your puny little body."

The bully stormed off towards the car park as Jake trembling and red faced with emotion headed up the soft sand to the clubhouse, his fellow lifesavers all struggled to hide their mirth as he entered. Thomas the boss of the shift congratulated Jake on the job he'd done and told him he had plenty of guts to stand up to that thug, he went on telling Jake the same guy had decked two lifesavers a couple of weeks ago and the police had been called but he gave them the slip. Jake puffed out his thin chest and boasted, "I'd give him what for if he tried anything because he was heavy and slow so he could run rings around him like a blue heeler with a bull."

There was a heavy knocking on the door and Mike whispered, "It's the bully surfer and he looks pretty mad."

Thomas told Jake to hide himself before they let the bloke in, Jake dived under the desk as the door opened and the huge man came in, he demanded to see the little dweeb who had ruined his days surfing. Thomas nudged Jake with his bare foot and whispered, "You'd better front him mate or he might wreck the club."

Jake trembling came out and stood up facing the huge burly thug he was trembling expecting all hell to break out but the guy looked at him reached out a massive hand making Jake flinch then he ruffled the blond hair and grinned. Everyone cracked up laughing and giggling uproariously as Thomas, hardly able to speak, introduced Jake to Barry the footballer. Barry gave the skinny lad a bear hug and then held him at arms length his huge hands clutching Jake's shoulders as he said, "You were fantastic young fella, the way you stood up to me was great the club should be proud of you."

The crew all mobbed Jake shaking his hands and patting him on the back as they laughed uncontrollably, tears running down their faces as they relived the prank and Jake's reactions. The mirth slowly ebbed like the tide which now created a strong rip along the sandbank, as Thomas watched he saw three swimmers slip from the bank and get caught in the rip which began sucking them out to sea as the struggled to swim against the fast current. The crew raced for the beach with their rescue boards, throwing themselves into the surf they paddle furiously towards the thrashing bobbing swimmers, as they near them one swimmer throws up his arms and vanishes. Jake being closest dives off his board and swims down to grasp the lad's thick black hair pulling him back towards the surface.

He breaks the surface pulling the lad up onto his chest as he kicks his legs with the current chasing his drifting board the other two are rescuing the remaining swimmers as Jake reaches the board. He turns and with one-hand pulls it close then using his other arm and his legs he boosts the limp lad up onto the board before sliding on himself. He turns the board and paddles across the current towards the safety of the submerged bank once there he paddles fast to catch a wave and rides it into the beach holding onto the unconscious swimmer. He reaches the shallows and slides off the board beaching it and drops to the sand to work on the young Asian.

He checks the lad's mouth then pinching the patients nostrils closed he begins giving him the kiss of life, watching the lad's chest as it rises and falls, the lad coughs and splutters then begins to breath on his own white froth issuing from his mouth staining his lips. Jake notices the lad has a hard on in his speedos due to the semi suffocation, Jake drags his eyes from the bulge amazed at the strange feelings surging inside him at the sight of the guys stiffy. He's never felt like this before and feels really bad being excited by a semi drowned lad's erection, the crowd has gathered around the two of them, he hears a young boy say loudly, "Look mummy that man has a stiffy."

He hears Thomas's voice ordering them to back off and give the lad some air space, Thomas drops an oxygen bottle and mask along with a silver emergency blanket to wrap the lad in and help maintain his body heat as he uses his radio to call for an ambulance while Jake fixes the mask over the shaking lads nose and mouth. The other two rescued swimmers, another Asian lad and a girl both shivering with shock, come through the crowd and kneel beside the semiconscious lad, they are Japanese students attending the university in Melbourne. They are unused to surf swimming and are stunned at their close scrape with death, Thomas offers the two a blanket that they drape around their shoulders after thanking him. They thank Jake for his valiant effort in saving their friend and he blushes under his tan, the ambulance arrives and the lad is soon whisked away to the nearest hospital and the crowd disperses.

Jake is quiet as he collects his board and carries it to the club, his mind is turmoil of thoughts about the boy's boner and his weird reaction at the sight of it, was he gay? He had never had a similar feeling before but the sight of that straining cock stretching those flimsy speedos had stimulated something deep inside him. He made his way up into the club and put on the kettle to make some tea as he sat there thinking hard; ok the Asian was attractive and had a very smooth ivory skin, Jake had noticed the blokes prominent hip bones and the valley on each side sweeping down to disappear inside the togs where that so hard cock had glistened under the wet lycra. Jake as he relived the event felt that stirring in the pit of his stomach, his heart beat accelerated and his dick twitched in his speedos.

Jake sat hunched over hiding his burgeoning boner from view as he willed it to soften, he thought about the set up with Barry the footballer to take his mind off the problem and slowly he returned to normal. Once he was soft he got to his feet and made the pot of tea as he called to the crew that it was ready. The guys arrived all upbeat after the successful rescues and chatted about the event and congratulated Jake on his first real rescue that resulted in saving a drowned swimmer.

Just at the end of the day as they were stowing away the gear in preparation to going home, the three Japanese students appeared at the club looking for Jake to thank him, the young man he'd saved took Jake's hand in his and again Jake felt that surge of adrenalin and electricity surge through him as he relived that sight on the beach. The student thanked Jake and offered him $100 in thanks but Jake refused it so he said that it should go into the donation box to help run the club. Thomas thanked the lad and gave him a receipt for the money and the three left the club climbed into their car and drove away, again Jake was in a quandary about his reactions.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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