The Adult Arcade


Published on Jul 29, 2022



The Adult Arcade

(Note: This is a story about sexual encounters between teenage boys. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered a health risk and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please find other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.)

Tuesday, August 1, 1965

Eric was ahead of his time. The Summer of Love was two years away, and gay pride even further out, but Eric was already there. At a time when "condom" was an abstract concept to a rural fifteen-year-old and "pulling out" was a military tactic, Eric was getting a fun head start on the future.

Having taken up hitchhiking, Eric quickly discovered that fewer clothes not only produced faster results but also fringe benefits. So his t-shirt was in his hand, and his sun-bronzed body was clad only in a provocative pair of white shorts he'd mail-ordered from Parr of Arizona.

Form-fitting without being snug, Eric's lightweight "chop top trunks" clung to him like a loose layer of skin. With neither visible means of support nor apparent method for removal, they seemed to be an integral part of his body. Like the model in the Esquire ad that inspired the purchase, Eric was ten percent soft seductive swimwear and ninety percent hard adolescent hunk.

A cool westerly breeze ruffled Eric's corn-silk-colored hair and cooled his perspiring, muscular back as he held out his thumb at the freeway entrance ramp. He tightened his hard abs to emphasize his athletic physique and draw attention to the trace of blond fuzz growing upwards out of his shorts. His sparkling, blue eyes reinforced the friendly smile on his smooth, innocent face.

The farm boy driving the 1962 Rambler convertible was hot, no doubt about it. As he reached to open the passenger door, his white muscle shirt displayed biceps that made Eric green with envy and his cock hard. The barbed-wire tattoo around the dark-haired hunk's right upper arm provided him with a country-tough-guy look that turned Eric on even more.

"Where you goin', kid?"

"Portland. Lloyd Center."

"Hop in. I'm Wayne."

Eric climbed in and tossed his shirt into the back seat. Making a token effort to adjust his semi-hard cock so it didn't show so bad, he smiled at the stud sitting next to him.

"Thanks for the ride, Wayne. I'm Eric."

"No problem. Do you live around here, Eric?"

"Yeah. Just across the river. How about you?"

"Up by Hood River."

Wayne paused as he merged with traffic and accelerated to well over the speed limit.

"Dressed like that, I figured you'd be headed for the nude beach at Rooster Rock."

"I've been there a few times, but not today. The Lloyd Center is having a big five-year anniversary."

"Yeah, I hear it's the biggest mall in the country."

"That's what they say. Bigger than the Northgate Mall in Seattle, for sure."

"Ever get any pussy on that nude beach at Cock Rock?"

Wayne seemed to have a one-track mind. That he was casting himself as straight wasn't surprising. The guys who gave Eric rides usually did, and sometimes were, though picking up a kid who deliberately radiated sexuality suggested otherwise. The undisguised lust in Wayne's eyes as he surveyed Eric's smooth, tanned body confirmed his interest.

Eric smiled inwardly. Getting fucked was half the fun of hitchhiking, and the farm-boy stud would be an easy score. As a counterpoint to the cocky, macho image Wayne presented, he'd play his diffident, innocent, backwoods-boy role - one he'd found useful in the past.

"No, I haven't. How about you?"

Wayne smirked. "Lots of times."

Eric knew it was bullshit. The girls, few as there were, all hung out at the main beach with their parents or boyfriends. The only pussy to be found was boy-pussy further up the beach. Eric played along with Wayne's fantasy.

"I didn't know there were girls there who'd put out." He smiled shyly. "Besides, I wouldn't know what to do with it if they offered it to me."

Wayne laughed as he glanced at the growing tent on the left side of Eric's shorts.

"With a cock like that, you'd be a shoo-in. Why don't you pull it out and show it to me?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Eric hadn't heard that line since grade school. With a show of hesitation, he reached for the tabs of the zippers hidden in the side seams of his shorts and partially opened them. Wayne glanced down.

"Cool shorts." He winked conspiratorially . "Easier to get them off for a beach-towel quickie."

That was very true. Eric had taken advantage of the feature more than once, but the quickie hadn't been in the orifice Wayne was promoting. He smiled shyly.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Wayne reached over and ruffled Eric's shaggy blond hair.

"You gotta get over bein' bashful, boy. You'll never get any pussy that way."

Eric's pussy-mentor had forgotten his name. Since he was now just "boy", he gave Wayne his best boyish smile. Wayne continued.

"Nice all-over tan. You must not wear those shorts much."

Eric blushed bashfully. "I spend a lot of time skinny dipping."

Wayne smiled. "Nice. Now pull out that boner and show it to me."

With pretended reluctance, Eric pulled out his pole. Wayne inspected it.

"Nice. Stroke it a few times."


"Come on. Be a good sport."

Anxiously watching Wayne, Eric stroked his pole, quickly making it harder and longer. Wayne looked over again.

"You've got a nice one, boy. You gotta use it for something besides jackin' off. Leave it out. I like lookin' at it."

"Are you gonna show me yours now?"

"A little later. Can't do it while I'm drivin'."

Eric could have solved that problem, but it wasn't in his script.

For the next half-hour, they made small talk about the weather, the waterfalls on the left, the river on the right, and what it might be like to be the captain of the tugboat which was pushing four barges upstream. Eric learned that Wayne was exactly what he seemed to be - a seventeen-year-old, high-school-dropout ranch hand. All the while, Eric absentmindedly stroked his boner for the cowboy's benefit.

As Wayne shifted down to take the Lloyd Center exit, he put his hand on Eric's knee, and then let it drift upwards to grasp the boy's throbbing pole. Still doing his shy act, Eric put his hand on Wayne's wrist as if to pull it away, but then arrested the action and looked out the window as if he'd decided to ignore what the farm boy was doing.

In the park-like area that fronted the mall, a couple of shirtless hunks were playing with a Frisbee. As Eric watched them, Wayne took the conversation in a new direction.

"Ever mess around with a guy?"

Still watching the hot Frisbee players, Eric replied hesitantly, as if reluctant to reveal such a thing.

"Yeah, a little bit... With a friend... Once."

Wayne removed his hand and turned into the mall entrance. Eric actually had no interest in the mall - it was only a starting point to walk downtown. Stroking his pole slowly and seductively, he turned back towards Wayne and made an offer he expected to be refused.

"You can let me out here if you want to."

"I wanna check out the inside parking area. I'll take you to the elevator."

Wayne circled up the ramp to the unoccupied top level. Parking in the corner furthest from the elevator, he turned off the engine.

"Time to pay for the ride."

Eric feigned confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Wayne stripped off his shirt and unbuttoned his cutoffs. Eric salivated. The guy was a hunk with a cock to match.

"Lift the lever on the right side of the seat. Five times"

Eric fell backwards in stages as the seat folded flat. Wayne laughed at his look of surprise.

"I guess that feature of the Rambler is new to you. Take off your shorts."


"As if you don't know."

"I don't wanna take 'em off."

"Take 'em off anyway."

"You're gonna fuck me, aren't you?"

"Is the pope Catholic?"

"I don't want you to fuck me."

"Tough shit. Take 'em off."

"Are you gonna use a rubber?"

"Hell, no."

Eric was having fun. As he slid further onto the backseat, he pulled his shorts out from under himself and laid them beside his shirt. Resting his feet on the edge of his seat, he watched in silence as Wayne lubricated his pole, then reached between the younger boy's legs to grease the portal to paradise.

"Did your friend go all the way?"

"What friend?"

"The one you messed around with."

"All the way where?"

"Don't play dumb with me, boy."

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Didn't he fuck you?"

"No, he gave me a blow job."

"You've never been fucked?"


Wayne smiled with satisfaction. Setting the lube aside, he dropped the driver's seat down and carefully positioned himself on top of the younger boy. Moving his feet to the dashboard, Eric continued with his role.

"Aren't you gonna take your shorts off?"


"Why not? You made me take mine off."

"I can fuck you just as well with them on."

"Are you gonna pull out?"

"Sure, after I go all the way."

"All the way where?"

"Listen, boy. Are you tryin' to jerk me around?"

"Why would I wanna do that?"

"Quit stalling, kid."

"I just wanna know... No... Don't...You can't... Fuuuuuck!"

With his bare feet pressed against the dashboard, Eric clutched at the edges of the seat and howled with excitement as Wayne slowly slid his shaft seven inches inside.

"Noooo... You can't do this to me!"

Wayne looked down at Eric's stunned expression with an evil smile. He pulled back and slowly thrust in again.

"You're so hot, kid. I can't wait to cum inside you."

"I don't want you to cum inside me."

"You got your ride, boy. Now I'm gonna collect the full fare."

Apparently resigned to the experience, Eric idly stroked Wayne's muscular back. The older boy's rigid pole felt so good sliding in and out. His own excitement was growing, and he knew he'd get off too, like he always did when a new guy fucked him.

Eric smiled to himself. A half-dozen adolescent drivers now thought they'd taken his virginity. It was more fun for both of them that way.

In the warm, late-morning sun, Eric walked the half-mile down the hill and across the river to the downtown area. Having used his shirt to clean himself up, he'd left it in Wayne's car. He'd buy one at the thrift store if he needed it.

The first adult movie arcade in town had recently opened. He'd heard about it on the radio, mostly because of the protests over its existence. He'd laid as much groundwork as he could. Now he'd see if he could get in.

As expected, the arcade was in the seedy part of the downtown area. A shirtless, barefoot fifteen-year-old was an anomaly that turned the heads of passers-by. Oblivious to the attention he was getting, Eric continued until he was in front of a marquee that both warned and titillated the observer about the delights inside - and specified clearly that one must be eighteen to enter.

Eric opened the opaque glass door and entered, not prepared for what he found. Most of the store was occupied by magazines, the full-color covers of which showed young women displaying their assets as fully as possible while still modestly clothed. Beyond that were more racks with 8MM movies for sale, guaranteed to reveal every sexual perversion known to man. Behind the counter was a display of primitive rubber dildos, and in front of them, a bored clerk in his early twenties. The clerk surveyed Eric with a jaundiced eye.

"How old are you, boy?"


"Let's see some ID."

From the hidden pocket on the front right side of his shorts, Eric pulled out a driver's license with a photo in which he'd tried to look as mature as possible, and on which he'd rubbed dirt to make it appear it wasn't only a week old. The document declared that he was a couple of months past his eighteenth birthday. The clerk looked up at him.

"Where's your shirt?"

"I lost it."

"And I suppose the dog ate your shoes."

The clerk stared at him for several seconds. Eric boldly stared right back. A fleeting smile crossed the clerk's face.

"You've got more balls than a bowling alley, kid. If you're eighteen, I'll eat my hat. But I like kids with balls. What can I do for you?"

Eric put away the driver's license and handed the clerk a five-dollar bill.

"I need some quarters."

The clerk counted them out and handed them to him.

"The door's to your left."


Eric wanted to check out the magazines, but he also wanted to be out of sight of the clerk before the guy changed his mind. He headed for the door to the darkened back room. At the entrance, a bulletin board revealed what movie was showing in each of the ten booths. All of them were straight. Eric was disappointed, but not surprised. Gay movies weren't exactly mainstream yet. As he turned to leave, the clerk spoke again.

"Try eleven and twelve. At the end of the room. We don't advertise the gay films."

"Okay, thanks."

As he turned again towards the back room, movement nearby got his attention. Pausing briefly, he saw a boy holding a magazine and evaluating him closely. Apparently it was underage-patron day, because the kid wasn't more than a year older than Eric.

Eric did a similar evaluation. In keeping with the current fads, the boy wore a spotless white t-shirt, white Converse athletic shoes, and extra-long loose-fitting Levi's with the cuffs turned up three inches. With curly black hair and dark expressive eyes, the high-school jock was a walking wet dream.

Still wishing to be away from the watchful eye of the clerk, Eric turned away from the heavenly hunk and stepped into the arcade room. It was clean, but there was a unique pungent odor that he couldn't identify. Everything was painted black, and the only illumination was provided by a handful of nightlights and the emergency exit sign over the door in the rear.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Eric took stock of his surroundings. The room was thirty feet long and twelve feet high. An eight-foot-wide hallway led from the front to the rear. Along each side were six cubicles with seven-foot-high walls. Each cubicle was five feet wide and ten feet deep and contained a single continuous-loop movie projection system housed in a plywood enclosure. The backs of the three-foot-wide enclosures faced the hallway, leaving a two-foot-wide, open walkway around to the private, recessed viewing screen inside the cubicle.

The whirring sound of movie projectors indicated three were in use. Eric was happy to find the two at the end vacant. Arbitrarily selecting the one to the right, he walked down the narrow seven-foot-long walkway and turned into the open space in front of the viewing screen. A single nightlight allowed him to observe a box of tissues and a wastebasket, and to find the coin slot in which to drop a quarter.

The silent movie started where the last patron had left it. Projected onto the screen, two naked, agile eighteen-year-olds wrestled on a bed. The wrestling quickly transitioned to kissing and groping. One of the boys reached for a container of lube on the nightstand and greased his hard pole. Then the screwing began.

The boys were hunks, and Eric was quickly hard. Unzipping both sides of his shorts, he removed them and hung them over the dividing wall. Dropping a little saliva onto his boner, he began to jack off, synchronizing his strokes with the boy in the movie. He was just getting into his stride when the screen went blank. Oh yeah, more quarters. He inserted the rest.

As the movie began again, Eric sensed a presence and turned to look. The boy he'd seen earlier had slipped unnoticed down the walkway, and now stood silently behind him. His shirt was draped over one shoulder, and he was unbuttoning his Levi's. Eric watched as he pulled out a magnificent boner and began to stroke it.

Eric's eyes took in the boy's rock-hard abs, smooth muscular chest, and broad athletic shoulders on their way up to his innocently seductive face. He was the personification of youthful sensuality. Hypnotized by the boy's faint musky scent, Eric reached out and gently touched his hard abs.

"Wanna watch with me?"

The boy smiled slightly and nodded his head. Then he hung his shirt next to Eric's shorts and inserted several quarters into the machine. Eric moved to one side so his companion could see better. His eyes returned to the movie, and his hand to his pole, but his mind was on the boy behind him, who had not yet uttered a sound.

After a few moments, the boy's hands reached around to roam over Eric's chest and abs, and then moved back to caress his ass cheeks. Eric gasped and his knees buckled as a middle finger found his pucker, still sensitive from the stimulation it had received only an hour earlier.

Placing his other hand flat on Eric's abs, the boy gently teased the portal open and slid his finger inside. Eric squirmed in ecstasy as the boy expertly massaged his prostate before twisting the finger in as far as it would go.

Removing his finger, the boy slid his rigid pole along Eric's ass crack, and then down between his legs. With a sudden rush of excitement, Eric realized it was lubricated. He also realized it was covered with a condom. Turning around, he looked into the boy's eyes, which quickly showed disappointment.

Having become used to the silent communication, Eric smiled and reached for the boy's hard cock. Gently removing the condom, he tossed it into the trash can. Looking up, he was rewarded with a broad grin as the older boy pulled a tube of K-Y out of his pocket and lubricated his bare boner.

Turning back to face the movie screen, Eric spread his feet apart and braced himself against the projector enclosure. His companion positioned the tip of his pole and gently pressed forward. Eric groaned with excitement as the steel-hard shaft gained entry and slowly buried itself inside him.

His hands now on Eric's shoulders, the boy began a slow thrusting motion. He adjusted his position slightly to increase his depth of penetration. The boy might only be a year older, but he knew how to fuck standing up.

Eric moaned softly as his sexual excitement grew. Part of his attention was still on the movie, where the top was screwing his buddy doggie style. The buddy clearly enjoyed it. Eric was enjoying the hard cock inside him too.

Now the boy's hands grasped Eric's hips as he drove in harder and faster. Eric's arousal intensified, and precum dripped continuously from his hard cock as his companion approached his climax.

The end came suddenly for both of them. The boy gasped with excitement as he drove his pole in deep and held his position. As his body pumped spunk into Eric, the younger boy blew his load against the projector enclosure.

The boy pulled out slowly, buttoned his Levi's, and retrieved his shirt. Pausing briefly, his eyes met Eric's. He smiled softly, and then he was gone.

Eric stretched, and then made use of the box of tissues and waste basket before reaching for his shorts. The movie was still playing. No longer interested, he returned to the front room. The clerk looked up from the dimestore novel he was reading.

"Did you have a good time with my kid brother?"

It took a few seconds. A smile slowly spread across Eric's face.

"Yeah, I had a really good time."

The clerk chuckled. "So did he."

A light was dawning.

"Is that why you let me in?"

The clerk put down his book. "Yeah, he hangs around when I'm working. Sometimes, I let a kid like you in for him to have sex with." He handed Eric's five-dollar bill back. "It's on the house today."

Eric smiled. "Thanks." He thought for a few moments. "Your brother was awfully quiet."

The clerk was silent for a while.

"Barry has aphasia as a result of a head injury. He can't communicate verbally, so he has difficulty developing relationships. But otherwise he's a very normal teenager - a very normal gay teenager, that is. He enjoys sports, but mostly individual sports that don't require much communication, like wrestling and cross-country for example."

Eric thought for a while. "He might not be able to talk, but we had no trouble communicating."

"That's what he said too. He communicates with me using sign language."

Eric looked down at the floor and then back at the clerk.

"I wish I lived around here and went to school with him. I think we could be friends."

The clerk smiled. "So does he."

Eric looked at the shirts on the wall and returned the five dollars.

"I'll need a shirt to ride home on the Greyhound." He pointed. "I'd like one of those, size medium."

The clerk handed him a white t-shirt that announced in bold black letters:


Then he reached under the counter.

"Here's a magazine I think you'll like, compliments of our distributor."

The magazine was in a plain brown wrapper. Eric pulled it out and looked at the cover, then the centerfold. The two guys screwing were nowhere near eighteen. He grinned up at the clerk.

"Thanks, buddy. This has been an awesome day."

*** I would like to thank my friend Michael for his assistance in editing this story. Any and all errors are still my responsibility. ***

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