The Adjustment


Published on Mar 20, 2016


MF/m humiliation degradation, control authoritarian submission

This story is completely fictional. I, Sir Jef outlined the story for clitdick and then clitdick writes the next chapter. I think you will agree he is a gifted writer.

Feel free to email Me at and give us feedback on the story and how you like to be humiliated or humiliate someone.

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The Adjustment Chapter 2

There was no going back. The business would go on as usual. Jack would still continue his work as a chiropractor. Kim would continue to run the office and do massages, body waxes etc. As far as the community was concerned, nothing had changed, but for Jack everything had changed.

Jack was no longer the man in charge, either in the office or at home. In both places, it was Kim who had the authority, and Kim seemed intent on breaking him and humiliating him. She had tried to find sexual fulfillment in their marriage, but Jack had been oblivious to her needs. If he was satisfied by sex, he assumed that she was. Her resentment had built up until now she was consumed by pent-up, unsatisfied desires as well as an overwhelming bitterness against the man who had neglected her needs for so long.

'Jack, we're going to do things differently now. We'll go on having Marcus in to clean, but I've done my last lot of washing and ironing, my last shopping, my last bit of cooking. You'll be doing that from now on. And you're not sleeping in my bed any more. Michael will be moving in later today, and he'll be taking your place there. You can have that bit of foam from the attic and sleep on that at the end of the bed.'

There was no discussion. That was how it was going to be. Michael arrived that evening, looking triumphant. He had exchanged his grotty bedsitter in a rough part of town for a beautiful house in a leafy suburb. When he had first seen Kim looking at him, he had wondered if there was any money in it, but this was beyond his dreams. He knew that his new position was dependent on keeping his body looking good and being able to satisfy Kim in bed. He was confident that he could manage both, though he might need to take out a gym membership. He would continue with his work as a carpenter on the building site until the present contract ended, but then he would review the situation. He didn't want to be a carpenter all his life. If he could dominate Mike and marry Kim, he reckoned he could get himself a pretty comfortable billet for life.

'Right, Jack. Let's get things sorted straightaway. You need to know how things are going to be from now on. Kim's explained some of it. I need to make it clear how things are going to be between you and me. First, there is going to be just one man in this house. Who's it going to be?'

'It sounds as if it's going to be you, Mike.'

'Right the first time, Jack. And that means I get respect from you. No more 'Mike' for you. From now on, in this house, I am 'Sir' to you. When I come into a room, you get up, and move to the wall with your head bowed. You don't speak unless spoken to. You lower your eyes when addressing me. Understood?'

'Yes, Sir.' Jack struggled to get the words out.

'And there is no need for you to wear clothes in this house. It's always warm enough. And when you're naked, it's obvious to you, me and everyone else why I'm the man around here and you're not. Why do you think that is, Jack?'

'Because my cock is puny, Sir.'

'No, Jack. Because you haven't got a cock. You never had a cock and never will have. Only men have cocks. You are a boy, Jack, and what you've got there is a clit. So take off your clothes now and put them in that bin.'

Jack stripped. He looked down at his clit. It seemed to be smaller than ever, shriveled by his humiliation. His balls had retracted into his body. He had not particularly thought about this before. He had been proud of his body, his deep, hairy chest, strong arms, well-muscled legs. He was the very image of the school rugby star - which is what he had been. But only if you didn't look at what he had between his legs - or rather, what he didn't have. Erect, his clit was not much than four inches long, and thin with it. His balls were well-nigh invisible, even in a warm room. Jack realized finally that he wasn't a proper man. He had been deluding himself. Kim had never found satisfaction in sex with him. Probably no woman ever had. They had pretended for a while but then given up on him. So now he was going to find his proper place in life.

'You can see now what I mean,' said Mike, looking at him.

'Yes, Sir.'

At that moment, Kim came in.

'Hi, Kim. I was just explaining to Jack how things are going to be between him and me from now on. He seems happy with the new arrangements.'

'He certainly does, Mike. Look at that little penis. Hard as board! I need a drink. Jack, two glasses of wine. It's in the fridge.'

Mike sat down at the table and Kim walked across and stood in front of him. She knew what she wanted of him. Mike put his hand up skirt. He was glad to find she wasn't wear panties. He had told her to leave them off, and she enjoyed the freedom. He stroked her little clit. It never took long to get her wet and hungry. God, it was a good to have a stud in the house who knew what she needed and gave it to her when she wanted it. She sat astride him. She could feel his hardening cock through his trousers. It felt good. She moved against him.

'I've just thought of a name for Jack,' she said.

'Yeah - he needs a name. Mike doesn't sound right any more.'

'What about clit? What he's got doesn't count as a cock. It's a clit.'

'That's great, Kim. Suits him. Hear that Jack? You've got a name.'

'Yes, Sir. Yes, Kim. If that's what you want.'

'What did you call me?' Kim snapped back. From now on, in the house, it's Ma'am.'

'I'm sorry Ma'am." This was the woman who had moved under him in the first months of their marriage, the woman who had cuddled up to him and stroked his cock and asked him to fuck her. She wasn't there any more. If Jack thought he seemed to be changing into someone else, Kim had certainly changed into someone else. He thought they had been happy. He had had no idea of the fury that must have been building up inside her. Now, none of the times they had shared, which he thought had been good times, seemed to matter any more. She thought only of humiliation. And Mike did what he was told - and seemed to enjoy it.

'Let's take the wine upstairs, Mike. It'll give clit more space while he cooks the meal.'

It was a while before Jack went upstairs to find them. He was no cook, and was anxious about this first meal. He played safe and gave them carbonara, followed by fruit salad. They could finish off the wine. Before he put the egg mixture in the spaghetti, he went upstairs to see if they were ready to eat. He knocked on the bedroom door and went in. Mike was lying on his back on the bed asleep. Kim was reading a magazine. They both looked pretty replete. It was obvious that they had been fucking.

'Supper will be ready in a few minutes, Ma'am.'

He went downstairs and waited until he heard them coming down, before mixing. They were both wearing bathrobes, Mike wearing Jacks.

'What's this other place? Are we expecting anyone?' Mike looked perplexed.

'I hope you don't think you're eating with us, clit,' said Kim. 'You eat after us, whatever's left.'

'Yes, Ma'am. Yes, Sir. I'm sorry.'

And so it went on until it was time for bed. Neither Kim nor Mike addressed a further word to him. It was as if he wasn't there. He cleared the meal, ate what was left (not much) and washed up. Then he waited in the kitchen, not daring to sit down, until he heard Mike call.

'Clit, upstairs!'

He moved quickly to follow then upstairs. He was dreading this. He wished he could have a room of his own, but this was not on offer. Mike and Kim were already in bed, ready for another session.

'No need to wash. Just get on the mattress.'

The foam mattress at the end of the bed was from Jack's old camping gear. It had been hard when rolled out on the ground on his camping holidays. It was hard now. He wished he had something to cover him. He wished he didn't have to listen to Kim and Mike making love.

'You can watch if you like, clit,' said Kim. 'I know you enjoy that, you little perve.'

Jack didn't want to watch. He wanted to be somewhere else - anywhere else.

'Hey, clit. You heard what the lady said. Stand up and watch. You might understand where you got it wrong.'

Jack stood up. Mike had the most beautiful body. A dusting of fair/ginger hair all over his chest, thick hair on his legs and up onto his butt cheeks. His muscles were well developed, and above all he certainly knew what he was doing. Kim was moaning softly as Mike buried his head in her bush, pushed her lips apart and gently licked her clit. Jack couldn't help feel his penis getting hard as he watched. He also couldn't help realizing that he was watching Mike more than he was watching Kim. He couldn't take his eyes off Mike's body. In the end, Kim exploded in way that Jack would ever have thought her capable and Mike came over her face and then licked it up. He rolled over on his back.

'Clean me up, clit.'

Jack knew what was required. He started lapping Mike's cock. It still felt wrong. He knew what would make it right - if he gave in, if he gave up, and stopped pretending. If he stopped thinking of himself as a man, it would come more easily. He could concentrate on serving this handsome guy. Part of him wanted to. He knew that. But part of him was afraid of letting go. What would he become? What was he becoming already?

'Kim too.'

Mike lapped out Kim's pussy. So this was what cum tasted like when mixed with Kim's juices. It tasted of both of them, sweet and sexy. Jack wondered if now he was going to be down there more than he had ever been when they were married. He didn't know why he had thought it wasn't important to do this. He had just wanted to get his cock inside her and thought everything else would follow. Well, it did - for him. In a way.

'I need a piss. Come into the bathroom, Jack.'

'Until he gets used to it, get him to drink it out of a tooth mug,' called Kim.

Mike filled two tooth mugs and gave one to Jack.

'Kneel down, clit, and start drinking.'

It was a nightmare. He held the mug with the warm, yellowy mixture. He had never tasted piss before - even his own. It was a disgusting thing to do.

'Drink it, fuck - or you'll get your butt beaten.'

Jack took a sip. He smelt bad. It tasted strong and salty. He tried to drink more, but he gagged and coughed a mouthful onto the floor.

'That's it, clit. I warned you.'

Kim had got out of bed and had come to the bathroom door.

'He's got to learn, Mike. See if a beating will help. Go and get your belt, clit.'

Jack went downstairs and fished his belt out of the bin. He had never been beaten in this way before. His father would never have thought of beating him, and it had long been off the agenda at school. He didn't know how he would respond. Maybe now was the moment to stop this experiment, simply to say to Mike and Kim that enough was enough. He would leave, they could get a divorce, they would sort out a settlement, and he would start again some place else.

As he came back into the bedroom, carrying his belt, he started to say his piece.

'Kim, Mike, I've had enough. I'm sorry things haven't turned out for us, Kim. I'm leaving now and I'll go to the solicitors in the morning. I'm not going to fight you. I'll be generous with the settlement.'

Mike stared at him.

'You've got this wrong, clit. You're not going anywhere. If you run, I'll find you. I've got some good mates who know how to track a guy down. And I can tell you, they are not very gentle when they find him. When they find you, they'll part you from that apology you've got between your legs. You'll end up with a real clit, I can promise you that.'

'I'm sorry, clit,' said Kim. 'We are not letting you go. That's not part of the plan at all. You're here for as long as we want you and when we've finished with you, we'll make sure that you won't be going telling tales to anyone.'

Jack made a bolt for the door, but Mike was too quick for him. There was hook high up on the outside of the bathroom door. Mike tied Jack's hands together and pulled them over it. He then took up the belt.

'We've got to sort this out, clit,' said Kim. 'When either Mike or I tell you do something, you do it. We don't want to waste our time persuading you. That's not how things work here now. When you are disobedient, you get beaten. Put a pair of my panties in his mouth, Mike. I can't stand screaming. Give him thirty hard ones.'

The first of the blows landed on Jack's butt cheeks. They felt on fire. The blows kept coming hard and fast. The pain ripped through his body. He couldn't cry out. He struggled, but he was fixed to the door. And then, as it ended, and Mike was untying his hands, he found himself cumming. It wasn't a proper ejaculation. He wasn't even particularly hard and the pleasure was fleeting, but it was real.

'Fuck. He's cum all over me, the little shit,' shouted Mike. 'Lick it up, Get it off me, you disgusting, perverted faggot.'

Jack got down on his hands and knees and started licking the cum off Mike's hairy legs. He was in a daze. How could he cum like that? What was going on? He was hurting, his butt was stinging, and yet he was shooting cum.

'Another twenty-five for you, clit. You don't cum without permission. That's way out of order.'

'I married a real little perve, Mike,' sad Kim. 'What could I have been thinking of? Yet to look at him, you would never guess. With his pants on, you'd take him for a real man.'

Jack was tied up again and the blows started again. Mike was enjoying himself. Jack may not have been beaten before, but Mike had. His dad had often taken the belt to him when he was a boy. Sometimes it was because he had done wring, but sometimes it was just his dad taking it out on him. His dad was a bit of a loser. He drank too much. He couldn't hold down a job for long. Mike's mother was long gone. It was only Mike and his dad. Sometimes Mike thought that his dad beat him because he didn't have a wife to fuck. Re-directed energy or something. He noticed that, after a beating, his dad's pants were sometimes tented. Sometimes he would take his cock out and expect Mike to blow him. They didn't talk much. Then, as he finished the second round, Mike discovered that his own cock was hard too. He liked that. It made him feel like his dad. His dad might have been a loser, but he was a big man. He was taller and broader than Mike, and hairier. He had the same light ginger hair but it was all over him - shoulders, back, butt. Mike wished he looked more like his dad, but at least now he felt like him. It felt good to have a belt and to be lashing out at this perve.

'Now drink it - all of it'

The piss was now cold. Maybe that made it easier. Jack tried to block out what he was doing. He gulped down the contents of the first mug. It worked. If he didn't think, he could do it. Mike handed him the second mug and he managed to drink the contents of that one too.

'What a bloody waste of time. You're going to have to get your act together fast, clit,' said Kim from the bed.

Jack crept onto his mattress. He felt humiliated. He hurt, and yet the pain was somehow comforting. He wished that Mike would take him in his arms and hold him, but he knew that that was never going to happen. Even so, the beating had somehow soothed the pain inside him. He felt released from things he never knew had burdened him. He felt as if he was beginning something new, and that anything was now possible. Pain was very mysterious. It seemed to open doors in the mind. In a weird way, although he feared Mike, and despised him for the common and devious brute he was, he felt a sort of gratitude to him.

Jack felt a kick on his butt. It was Mike. He realized it must be morning.

'Get in your feet and bring us some coffee. There are a coupe of croissants in the fridge. Warm them up and bring them too.'

As Jack went downstairs, Mike climbed back into bed. Kim was just beginning to stir. She cuddled up against him.

'I've been thinking about clit,' said Kim. 'I know his clit is a joke, but I don't like it hanging there. He's quite strong. If you're not around, what's stopping him from trying it on with me.'

'He knows better than to try anything like that, surely?'

'Clit never had any trouble getting it up, and once or twice when we were together, he more or less raped me. I got the impression that taking me when I didn't want him turned him on.'

'Dirty fucker. So what have you got in mind, Kim?'

'I want him locked. That way, I'll feel safe.'

'Great idea. I know a guy who works for a chain of sex shops. I'll see if he can send someone round to the office today to get him fitted.'

'That would be great, Mike. Thanks so much.' And Kim slipped down under the covers to give Mike a demonstration of just how grateful she was.

Jeanie in reception was counting the days. Just a few weeks to go. It had been a long haul, but she was in the home straight now. It had been bad at the beginning. She had felt sick most of the time. She had been sick several times at work, but had struggled on. But now she felt better than she had felt for a long time, even though she was carrying around this great bump in front of her. And a week from now she would be free. She was taking maternity leave. It would be fun, just being at home, getting ready.

The man with the case didn't look like a customer. Probably he was selling something.

'I'm here to see Kim,' he said. So it was something personal. She pressed the intercom.

'A gentleman to see you, Mrs Slade,' she said.

'Thank you, Jeanie. Tell him to come to my office and I want Jack here too.'

'Mr Slade has a client with him at the moment.'

'Don't worry about that. Tell him I want to see him.'

It seemed strange, but Jeanie pressed the intercom again and gave the message to Mr Slade. She was surprised that he responded immediately and followed the other gentleman into Mrs Slade's office.

'Right, so Mike sent you? You know why you're here?' Kim looked the gentleman over. In fact, she thought, he wasn't a gentleman at all. He was a skinny, pasty-faced guy in his late fifties, who looked as though he had lived most of his life underground. Still, she didn't want to fuck him. She wanted the stuff.

'Yes, Mrs Slade.' The guy thought that he wouldn't try using her Christian name. She didn't look like a lady who would respond to that.'

'Well, let's see.'

The guy opened his case. Jack could see what was there. A whole collection of chastity devices.

'What's going on, Kim?'

'Careful, clit.'

'I'm sorry, Ma'am. But what is this?'

'I want you locked, clit. Now don't make a fuss. We don't want Jeanie involved - or that client you've got waiting for you. Now.' she turned to the salesman, 'He's a sly little prick and his tackle is tiny. I want something that he can't wriggle out of.'

'Might I see?'

'Strip, clit'

Jack stripped. The thought of Jeanie knowing what had happened to him was too much to bear. He would make it all seem as normal as possible.

'It is unusually small,' said the guy looking at Jack's shrivelled cock. You may need a custom made device to be sure. I'll take some measurements and send you an estimate. Meanwhile, I can let you have a device that will be pretty effective for the time being.'

'That sounds good,' said Kim.

The man took out a tape measure and measured the length and circumference of Jack's cock. It shriveled even further in the man's hands.

'I'm more of a grower,' said Jack, by way of explanation.

'Ah, yes,' said the man. I'll need to measure it erect, of course.'

'Get it hard, clit', said Kim.

Jack struggled. Kim and the guy were staring at him. Neither showed anything but an entirely clinical interest in him. He tried to think of something to excite him. He tried to think of Kim lying on the bed, offering him her pussy but, instead of her, images of Mike kept getting in the way. He saw his strong, hairy body and his beautiful, manly cock standing up proud, ready for action. He wished that he was more like Mike. He wished he had Mike's cock. He wished he had a proper cock to jack off.

In the end, he was hard.

'Not a great deal of difference, is there?' said the man, taking out his tape measure. 'It was around three and a half inches soft, and I think perhaps four and half inches erect. It is well below the smallest size that we produce. I'm afraid you will certainly need a custom-made one'.

'No problem,' said Kim. 'I want him safe. I don't mind about the price. But I do need something to be going on with while you're making it.'

'Of course, Mrs Slade. I would recommend this one. It is a trifle large for him, but you'll notice these quite sharp points. They press against the shaft and no one who wears it is going to want to even try to get out. They will only rip the skin. And any attempt to get hard will result in some nasty pin pricks.'

Jeanie was on the intercom. I'm so sorry to disturb you, Mrs Slade, but your next client is here.

'Of course, Jeanie. I'm nearly done. Ask him to wait a moment.'

'This won't take long,' said the man, kneeling done and screwing the device on to Jack's cock and balls.

Jack went back to his office. The device was heavy and constricting and he felt the pins pressing against his shaft. The slightest growth in his cock was clearly going to result in a pretty sharp pain. He tried to put it out of his mind as he opened the door of his office.

As soon as the man had gone, Kim returned to professional mode. At least that was one job well done. She felt relieved.

'Will you ask Mr Pamuk to come in, Jeanie?'

Mr Pamuk was a surprise. He was very tall - 6'4" or so - and slim. He was also young - he could not have been out of his teens. He looked Middle Eastern - dark-skinned and swarthy. He already had a five o'clock shadow, although Kim thought he had probably shaved that morning. Kim felt her stomach turn. She wanted to drop to her knees, open his flies and gobble him. But she was a professional woman and would be professional. She was glad that her clients couldn't read her mind.

'Good morning, Mr Pamuk. How can I help you?'

He looked embarrassed. He took his hands out of his pockets and clasped them. Then put them back in his pockets.

'It says outside that you do waxing.'

'That's right, Sir. I do.'

'Well, I need waxing. We're into summer and I want to go swimming, but I'm covered in hair and people just stare at me. It's a real turn-off for girls. I want it off. I want to be smooth.'

'I can believe that people stare at you, Sir. You are a very good-looking young man. I think they stare at you because they find you attractive, not because of the hair. But take your top off and let's have a look.'

The young man peeled off his pullover and T-shirt. He was indeed hairy. It was young growth - not yet bushy - but his arms and chest was already covered and the soft black hair climbed up over his shoulders.

'Turn round'

His back was covered, spreading up from his belt line, fanning out to meet the hair that extended down from his shoulders.

'Would you mind taking your trousers down, so I can see the rest of you?'

He stripped them off, leaving his underpants on. His legs were a mass of black hair back and front and it was clear that his butt cheeks were also liberally covered. Kim had never seen such a beautiful covering in such a young man.

'I can certainly wax your back, Sir, but I do recommend that you don't have your chest waxed. I am very happy to give it a light trim, but you are remarkably good looking and your hairiness enhances you.'

'I don't like it, Mrs Slade but, if you think a back wax would be best, perhaps I'll have that first and see how I feel.'

'I'm sure that's the right decision, Sir.'

'There's just one more thing, Mrs Slade.' He looked embarrassed.


'Could you wax my butt as you're waxing my back? I really don't like my hairy butt.'

'Of course, Sir, and I'll give the hair around your genitals a light trim too. Most people ask for that. It's important to look neat when you're wearing your swimming gear.'

'Thank you, Mrs Slade.' She could see that he was turning a crimson red color.

He lay down on the bed and Kim started work. The young man had obviously decided that he was going to endure the pain without making a sound. Kim was impressed. There was a lot of hair to get off, but he showed no reaction at all.'

'Will you now take your underpants off so that I can wax your butt, Sir? And could you stay in a kneeling position so that I can reach you more easily?'

He knelt up and pealed off his underpants, then rested on his elbows with his butt in the air. He was a glorious sight. His waxed back now showed the natural golden brown of his skin, with some redness that would soon fade. His butt cheeks had almost no definition. Clearly he did not do squats, even if he went to the gym. But above all, Kim saw these huge balls hanging down between his legs. Any bull would have been proud of them. They looked tremendous, though vulnerable. And, what was more remarkable, she could see a great sausage of a cock hanging down even lower than his balls. This young man was prodigiously endowed.

She found her hands trembling as she worked on his butt, gently spreading his cheeks as she worked into his crack. Unusually for a young man of his age, he smelt clean and well-washed.

'Can you now turn and lie down on your back and I'll just trim your pubic hair. It won't take a moment.'

She tried to stay professional, but wondered whether the young man noticed her flushed cheeks. She cradled his great penis and the accompanying balls as if they were her new-born baby, a gift from God, a supreme treasure. She almost forgot to trim the hair as she stared mesmerized down at them.

'A lot of grown men would be very proud of this equipment, Sir.'

'It's a bit big. I used to be embarrassed by it when I was younger and it kept on getting hard when I didn't want it to. But I'm used to it now. I can't wear tight trousers, and I wear baggy swimming trunks.'

Kim thought, if you were mine, you would wear the tightest trousers and the smallest swimming trunks available. But she didn't say anything, giving him her best professional, detached smile.

'All done, Sir. You're all ready for the beach.'

After all the overweight and middle-aged men and women she had worked on, this young man had been a birthday treat.

'Tell Jeanie we only charging student rates for you. I assume that you are a student?'

He looked uncomfortable.

'I'm not really university material. Studying isn't my strong point, I'm afraid. And I haven't found a job since leaving school. My mother's getting anxious. She can't afford to keep me much longer.'

Kim looked at him. He was beautiful and vulnerable. She wanted to take him in her arms and hold him fast. She wanted to mother him, as well as blow him. Then she had an idea. They had the applications in for Jeanie's successor. None of them looked very interesting. This lad was well-spoken and polite. He would make s great receptionist. And once he was in the office, who knows what might happen next.

'I've got a suggestion.' She felt exhilarated by her daring. 'Our receptionist here is on maternity leave from next week. We need a replacement. Would you take the job?'

The young man looked startled.

'Gosh, Mrs Slade. Yes - I would love the job. And I promise you, you won't be disappointed in me.'

'I'm sure I won't. Come in tomorrow, so that Jeanie can show you the ropes. By the time she leaves, you'll know what's what.'

As the young young man left, Kim felt she was beginning a whole new adventure. Things were turning out just fine.

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