The Adam Chronicles

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Oct 24, 2013


Copyrighted 2013: This story is protected under US copyright law. No part of it may be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. The author grants and its mirror sites permission to post the story on their websites.

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains descriptions of homosexual activities between adult men. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

REMEMBER: Give to the site so that you can continue to read (and get off) with great fiction and non-fiction. Thanks to all my fellow site-posters who continue to inspire my writing (and my cock).

This Story is a semi-true one. It began on a social networking site between a young graduate student and me. This young man wanted an older, athletic man to be his coach, mentor and trainer. After some initial give and take, we began a correspondence on that site. Eventually, we moved into private emails. This story, told only through our correspondence, is about how a man seeks a Coach, what that Coach provides him, and how both of their lives may be changed by the experience.

To: AdamPENN, From Coach_Luke Thursday, October 04, 2012

Dear Adam,

I hope this email finds you well. The liniment left with you should only be used 3 times per day. After sending the Epsom Salts and the Seitz Bath mix, I realized that in your campus apartment you may not have a bathtub. I've already made contact with my two friends in the Uni Gym lockerroom. You may approach either the morning shift, or afternoon/evening shift guard on duty and ask to use one of the heated whirlpool baths in the athlete's physical re-hab area. Just show your ID. They will be expecting you. You will probably need to take a hot, soaking bath, either at home or at the gym morning and evening through the weekend, just to promote healing and comfort.

I must confess, Adam, that you continue to confound me. Typically, I exaggerate a trainee's expected time of discipline, as much to prepare for the breaking in, as to allow for relief when it never goes as long. I have never told a recruit to expect 10 hours of training. Never told one more than 8, and he barely got past six hours. So, I am astonished that we were still there with you until just past 9 PM last night. I am grateful that I chose two assistants so that we could work with you in shifts. Alone, I probably would not have been able to complete your discipline, training and assessment.

As I'm sure you surmised at some point, my assistants were Rusty and Derek. At each change of `guard', we discussed the observations for the prior 45 minutes or training, shared notes, and I recorded all of these in your workout files for continued reference. Just as you were measured and observed inside and out last Friday evening, you were also evaluated closely yesterday.

It was fortuitous that I chose Rusty to begin your first session in that first hour, as he is the largest and strongest of the three of us. While you seemed pliant and willing after Derek assisted you into the restraints, blindfolded and naked, I could already observe that your willfulness would be a problem. I had no idea how much of one. I observed no fear in these first few moments, either because of your trust in me or because your anger was already pulsing through every inch of you, including your painfully erect cock.

That's right, it was evident that as soon as Derek led you out into the room naked and blindfolded that just the scent of him next to you was enough to get you pulsing. However, you seemed just as engorged by the pheromones produced by all three of us. This was an interesting observation.

You showed little resistance as Rusty began with the mantra that we would repeat over and over throughout the night. As you were told, it is never repeated outside of our brotherhood and it is certainly never written down, but I am sure I don't need to write it here. It is echoing through your thoughts with every painful breath you take today and every wince you feel as you shift on your chair. You have now heard one-third of our "words to manhood." When you receive the other two parts, you will be one of us.

But back to your auspicious beginning. You were text-book compliant, even as Rusty asked you to contort your midsection even though you were tied spread-eagled floor to ceiling. Your frustration echoed on your face in the first fifteen minutes. Your ability to please was co-opted by your resistance. When it wasn't easy, you easily began to become angry. When Rusty chided you and teased you, first with his slaps then with the dildoes, it was evident you would not break willingly. His toys of choice may not have been my first choice, but you handled the original ass-play fairly well. Even the 10" dildo, the fourth in a series, did not cause you too much pain but that 8-ball rope sure seemed to. The final ball could not have been more than 3" in diameter and the entire length was less than 16 inches. This was my first clue that it was not necessarily the size, but the toy itself that you took issue with. Rusty was very patient with you as your screamed out your first expletive of the night at that point, barely 45 minutes into your training. Giant, controlled man that he is, he calmly repeated our mantra as he slapped you a bit, then tugged on your ball sac, forcing you to quit screaming "Fuck you!" and to moan with more sincere words of anger.

Then, he released your hands for what you would come to understand would be your first set of pushups and sit ups. This is to break your body, more so than the sexual beast within you, and at first you seemed compliant again. Willing to show your athleticism without understanding its import. After completing 100 pushups and 100 situps, followed by 100 quick dips, it was evident you are a strong man, but I could see the quiver within. As Rusty took your hands to re-attach your wrist restraints to the ceiling, it was almost as if I had a flash of what was to come. I don't have to relay more. You realize now, I'm sure, that taking a swing at a man who is 6'5", 250 well-chiseled pounds, while you are blindfolded and partially restrained is a stupid idea, but you were here because of poor choices. Why would I not be surprised? I promised you would not be bruised. I did not know that you would take a swing at a trainer. The water was necessary to revive you quickly, but I understand your anger. Once we ascertained that your jaw was not broken (he only back-handed you, by the way. If it had been his full fist you might have been hospitalized), we watered you, and traded off, allowing Derek his hour with you while I made notes.

I was amazed at how verbal you became despite the split lip and raging hard on. I'm not sure if you wanted to impress Derek in some way or you were embarrassed for yourself. Again though, your anger raged. The nut weights did seem to give you pause, but only for a moment. It is an out-of-body experience to feel this unusual pressure on one's ball sac, especially if not used to it. It was perhaps unfair for Derek then to take out his limp penis and taunt you with it, to rub it against your painful erection and then remind you that ejaculation meant further punishment. His pissing on you, though not condoned or encouraged by me, did seem to calm you – combined with the weight of the nut press – and I thought we might be moving in the right direction. But your stream of expletives that came next – followed by your own piss out of that hard on of yours- all over Derek and your naked torso was a surprise! I had no choice at this point, nearing the end of hour two, but to step in with the belt.

It is not a cliché to hear a Dad say, "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." I have been there. I know how it feels to rage with the undisciplined Alpha within me and to need to learn how to be restrained. A long time ago, I so desperately wanted someone to teach be to be a Man, to show me how to control my beast within. So, I hated applying the strap to your naked ass. I loathed each strike and I winced with pain as you cried out, cursing me and my loved ones for doing this to you. It was probably fewer strikes than you remember, but it was more than I've administered in a very long time, Adam. I could see Derek and Rusty at this point, both coming out of the observation room, watching. Only after 25 strokes did you finally quit screaming out and cursing, and quietly sough, but in your defense, you never did cry. Your anger was too great, at us or at someone else, to share your tears at this point. I went to record my observations and left you, again, to Rusty's large, strong hands.

It's very interesting that as the next two hours progressed you became quieter and quieter, interesting because it's in such strong contrast to your earlier response. Just as we had to begin by trying you physically, the next hours were a test of your sensuality and what sort of control we could hope to teach you. I did smile when Rusty released your hand restraints this time to force you to complete the physical trials, pushups, situps, jump squats, and you made no move to lash out at him. Perhaps we were making progress.

When the butt plug went in this time, you made little move to resist but you did moan softly again. As Rusty forced you to begin sucking his cock I expected you to resist but you complied eagerly. His teasing you this way, forcing you to suck then backing away, playing with your nipples then your balls, then forcing you to suck again, and never allowing you to touch your own cock in any way clearly began to take a toll on you. I saw you physically shake more than once, as if trying to will your own body not to orgasm. All the while, Rusty worked over you, reciting the mantra, touching you, and teasing you. I wasn't surprised that after more than an hour of this, when Rusty went to remove the butt-plug, that you shuddered and shot a thunderous load. Since you had not complied with the instructions we had given, he had no choice but to force you down to lick up your own semen from the floor. Here again, your alpha beast reared its head and you began to buck and curse. Clearly, you were not ready to be tamed. Only twice can I recall ever having to place a student in a collar and chain, but you did not seem to want to be trained or disciplined at this point. You truly were being difficult in multiple ways and psychologically, I was trying to solve your puzzle.

Derek stepped in at hour six to continue with the sensual punishment and though your responded to the mink whip for a while, you could not withstand his pressure once your arms were placed back into the ceiling restraints. As soon as Derek placed his cockhead just within your anal ring, you shot another huge load all over yourself and the floor. Again, collar, chain, licking, followed by your bucking and cursing. Why would you not submit and give up this anger, Adam?

I had to begin hour seven with you in the four floor cleats, on all fours, with the belt again. I could see a few welts from the prior discipline and I was reminded both of my promise to you and of your trust in me, but we were going down a new path with you, and I'd never met so much resistance. At this point, honestly, I thought I would lose you for good and we'd never get you back. Your gruff silence now became deafening. You complied with the physical calisthenics with no complaint, when your anus was teased and your cock constrained, you remained limp. Covered in sweat, cum and piss, you seemed someone wholly different – a survivor of some sort. When I offered you water during the next break, you turned your head, refusing me yet again. When I repeated the mantra and reminded you that you needed to replace these fluids and that I was not asking you to drink, you still were hesitant. I must admit Adam, that I was finding my self-control and years of self-discipline slipping. I wanted to strike out at you in anger at this point, as much for your stubborn foolishness as for your stupid pride. Finally you did drink and we continued but again, it was if your mind had now checked out of your body. Again, I questioned whether we would be able to bring you back whole and one of us.

Despite your lack of total compliance, I decided to move forward with the last of the trials. As the three of us stretched you out on the floor, hands and feet outstretched and attached to the floor cleats with the velvet ropes, you made very little movement. Even as I placed the lock-basket over your limp cock you made little motion. But when I instructed Rusty and Derek to get into position over you, you were clearly awakened to something. This had to be my final test of your control, to see if you could tame your sexual nature to something that you controlled and that did not control you. When Rusty's cock entered Derek's asshole positioned above you and Derek began to verbally instruct his team-mate in how to fuck him, you chafed and twisted. It was apparent that your cock longed to break free from its imprisoned state and join the others. Still though, you did not speak or cry out, and I was amazed by your resilience. At this point, you had probably completed more than 700 pushups and situps, your sinewy frame was awash in sweat and fluids and your muscles trembled with exhaustion, but you were still fighting the ultimate submission. When Derek got down on all fours, just above you so that Rusty could complete his fuck from behind him, it was evident you felt the heat of his body and his dick just above your torso. I saw your chest rise for just a second and start to heave forward and then you resisted, you lay back as if the floor had pulled you into itself and you were set apart from the heated sex happening just above you. Even Derek's thunderous orgasm, loud and trembling with his brother's large cock still buried deep within him, didn't stir you. As he showered your steel-enclosed member with his hot cum you lay still. Not until Rusty extricated his dick and came to lean over your head, did I see your lips tremble. As Rusty jacked off this load all over your face and mouth, repeating the mantra, I knew we would be successful. As he wiped his warm cum into your mouth, you ate it respectfully but not hungrily and licked his fingers clean as asked.

I had never taken a recruit to a ninth hour before but here we were with you. After 300 more physical repetitions, up and down, up and down – requirements that pressured raw muscles and bone, you stood before me, head high, still blindfolded, but a different man. I could tell. Only restrained by your feet restraints now, you could have reached out to strike me, you might have sought to remove your blindfold or your other ties, but you did not. I continue to softly repeat the mantra as my hands softly touched you, lingering over your bruises, your most sensitive places – your lower side, your nipples, your anus, your calves, and your arm pits. You made no move to stop me. I unlocked the cock cage allowing your cock to break free but only semi-erect now, and still you made no move. When I placed my hands on your shoulders and looked down into your masked face, you seemed willing and learned in all things. Then, when I asked you, the question that it seemed we'd all waited all night to ask you, you finally replied, "Yes, sir. "

It had been so many hours since I'd heard your voice except in screaming expletives that I was surprised by the soft tones those two words made. Even more shocking then, was the force of your sobs when they racked your body and you fell into my embrace. The tears you had fought for hours to contain then ran freely, soaking both of us, as I caressed you and held you tight. I whispered the mantra again into your ears and then told you you were free. You were finally free from that anger and rage that had cost you your own self-control. Your sobs eased as I placed my mouth over yours and kissed you as easily as if we'd just waked from a full night's sleep.

Derek and Rusty unleashed your feet restraints and then I told Rusty, "Take your brother to the showers and clean him up. I think he's learned his most valuable lesson yet." At the word "brother" I saw your head snap back and the faintest hint of a tired smile cross your lips. You knew what that meant. And the big guy swept you up and took you away, and that's the last I've seen of you in 36 hours.

These notes and remembrances have been hard for me to review. There is emotion as I write them but there is a great fulfillment I feel in this. Adam, you have amazing potential. Even your brothers, and yes Derek and Rusty would be proud to call you that now, were astounded by your physical endurance on Wednesday. But as I know, that all wasn't a result of your swimming prowess or extended training. When Men have sought training from me, they were either seeking to be submissive, because the beast that raged within them was one of fear and they could not control it, OR they knew that the beast that raged within them was great anger and if they did not learn to control it, they would be swallowed up. The first seek to be submissive animals in some sort of S&M rituals. There are those who may think what you experienced on Wednesday night fits into that pantheon. But it is not so. As we learned, you did not merely lack self-control – you had such an anger within you, such a beast untamed – that merely a few swats was not going to allow you to master it and gain your own self-control and self-respect. You've done that now, Son. Masterfully. It almost broke me to do it – and at some point I realized if you had not been blindfolded and I had had to stare into those soft blue eyes of yours, I may not have been Man and Coach enough to do it – but we did it. Together.

In the coming weeks, as your training continues, we'll also re-assess this night many times. There will be discussions. I know that there is much you will want to tell me regarding where that anger came from and who/what is responsible. But we have much time.

On Sunday or Monday, I will forward you your revised training regimen for the next two weeks. Things are going to change. There will be less swimming, and more weight training with me. There will be some boxing at Rusty's gym. There will be an outing or two to meet some others of your brothers. And there will be much to learn as you seek understanding in the last two portions of the mantra. But we will do this together. Today and the weekend are for rest. No swim, no biking, just sleep.

I'm sorry that you experienced pain and if I was the cause of any of it. I'm hoping that the physical reminders give you joy of your new-found freedom. You have much to celebrate and to look forward to in this new world of your new-found manhood.

Love, Coach

From AdamPENN to Coach_Luke, Friday, October 5, 2012, 3:58 PM

Dear Coach,

Had a great meeting with my thesis advisor, just before I got your message about possibly meeting up at the gym. Sorry I missed you. The session went very well--it seemed more focused and lacking in stress than ever before, and I felt really able to communicate my thoughts and goals...surprising considering how drained and achy I still feel. At one point she said I seemed much more "unconstrained" than usual and I had to stifle a smile. LOL. I told her I'd been really thinking about the meaning and benefits of discipline, and then it was her turn to smile and say she sensed I was allowing some breakthroughs in my life and wished me her best. How is it I deserve more than a couple very cool, wise older people in my life right now? Just a lucky dude I guess...

Hey thanks for the whirlpool refs at the gym. Those guys in the rehab facility were totally cool with me, even respectful, and said no problem for Sat. and Sunday, even during the week. They even gave me a key to a small locker to stash the salts and a towel. Guess that's one of the perks of knowing a "VIP" in the athletic dept.

Coach, there is still so much for me to ponder and digest about what happened at Derek's place. I'm glad I have today and the weekend to myself to recover, heal and come to terms with a lot of new and exciting (and still very raw and painful) shit in my life. I'm gonna stay close to home and I don't even feel all that horny, so I should have some productive and focused Adam time ahead. I still don't know how to describe or even understand the scope of what I went through, but I do know it was worth every minute. I am ashamed at the way I lashed out, but realize that the patience, firm hands and guidance you guys were willing to give me was a rare gift I might have gone my whole live without ever receiving. Even if I wanted to punch the shit out of you at times, and believe me I know I put you all through a workout too, I can now say it brought me far closer to the place (and the man) I want to be.

I'm gonna really strive to put my thoughts into words and express my perspective as I relive and analyze those sensations and reactions over the next day or so. Coach, when that knot of fever/anger/rage in me finally broke, and the tears finally flooded out while you held me is something I have waited all my life for, without really knowing it would ever happen. I sensed it was possible, but never thought I'd find the help to peel away all that nasty shit that kept those feelings buried deep inside. It was NOT going to happen on a therapist's couch, or through some spiritual quest, that much I knew. I wasn't sure I was worthy of that patience and effort from another man who possessed the capabilities and wisdom to train me. Maybe that's why I wasted so much time flirting and preening for dudes and girls who flattered me when I should have been seeking someone with the qualities to take me beyond all that. I'm not really focused yet, but I'll write you at length soon. I hope the extent of my gratitude is clear, even if my mind is still fuzzy and numb.

All my respect, Adam

Saturday, Oct. 6, early afternoon

Dear Coach,

I will say that after you had administered that whipping, something tough and destructive had definitely broken in me. Partly from the pain and mounting exhaustion, my mind was beginning to drift to new places, and I felt a strange disconnect between my conscious thought and physical being. I felt more pliant, and also began to wrestle with a new sensation--a sort of pleasure and satisfaction that comes from abandoning resistance and ceding control.

It's cool for Rusty to take physical charge of me now...I don't see so much to gain in resisting and fighting back anymore. I do my exercises now with resignation, just straining to achieve what is demanded of me and conserve as much strength as possible, not to resist but to better comply. Rusty's attentions are less aggressive now and definitely more concentrated on the sexual side of my strength. The plug in my ass is a bulky throbbing reminder of my submissive role in this situation, but now my complacency is being rewarded with his thick stiff cock which I hungrily swallow like it's a reward. He's being such a tease me a deep taste of his hard thick fuckpole then backing off and leaving me gasping and begging with my tongue for more. It's all I can do to keep my hands off my own dick, but I know now the price I pay for disobedience, so I just let it flail around, leaky and stiff but untouched.

I guess it was the combination of Rusty offering and then denying me his dick, his touch, the warmth of his breath as he repeated the mantra, his smell or just my complete physical exhaustion, but I had entered a state of almost unthinking sensation. Not a lot of intellect or analysis attached to it, just primitive, animalistic responses to physical stimulation and primal need. Nothing seemed to exist anymore except this man and his ministrations to me...unseen, powerful, at once owning and playing with all that was left of my being. I was his vessel to use as he wished. I didn't realize how hard my dick was as my body had become so numb and disassociated from my mind. When Rusty slid the plug out of my ass and it rubbed against my inflamed prostate I unleashed such a pent up spew of cum that even I was stunned and taken by surprise. It was not something I willed to happen, just a physical reaction of my body to stimulus.

That's why when his response was to make me kneel down and lick my seed off the floor, my seething rage returned. Again I was being shown that I bore responsibility for my acts, even if they were not premeditated. And the angry punk in me didn't like it one bit. All those dark forces came flooding back and again I wanted to lash out, to free myself and flee. That I needed even further restraints like a wild animal defying his trainers only increased my feeling of resentment.

These seething emotions really started to seesaw when Derek came back into my field of perception with his powerful scent and aura of sensuality. I was somewhat pacified by him, responding like a grateful pet to his attentions and stimulation. Then I felt the head of his hard cock penetrate my pulsing anus and my entire body was wracked by such a powerful convulsion of lust and surrender that it fucking happened cock spontaneously began to spasm and unloaded another ballsack full of cum. I knew this would entail a repeated punishment--the humiliation of licking up my mess from the floor, yet I still didn't want to accept that judgment as fair and continued to fight back.

Coach, when you took the strap to my ass again I think it finally started to dawn on me where all this effort was leading, and I was able to perceive that there were levels of control over myself I needed to master if I was ever going to find true gratification as a man. Spewing my cum like an adolescent without any physical mastery of when and to what effect was now something I saw as a symptom of my weakness, and something I was in need of learning to control. For sure, to be shamed and belittled for my failings was a bitter pill to swallow. The thought of me, Adam B, the achiever, alpha boy, top six percentile GPA holder, heartbreaking stud with a chain of conquests and notches on his bedpost--that dude now chained to the floor being forced to lick up his own spew should have filled me with such rage and need for revenge that no measure could quantify the force of my power. But a tiny glowing crack in that old way of thinking was revealing the consequences of my lack of discipline. It was dawning on me that a man who doesn't make a mess has nothing to clean up.

As near to a blind state of acceptance and resignation as I was at that point, the next event really brought home to me what the purpose of my punishment was, and the totally unexpected lesson I would take from it.

Exhausted, numb, heart pounding in my ears, laying blindfolded in a pool of sweat, piss and cum on a hard concrete floor. Think if you will about the path that brought you here Adam. Wish you had just blown it off and gone to the mall with Jared do ya? Derek and Rusty are again moving into my proximity, my field of sensation, but I don't think this time I will be the principal object, the direct recipient of their energy and efforts. The thrust of the session seems to have progressed from punishing and breaking me to testing my strength and power to resist. I can feel Derek over me on all fours, his knees pinning my upper arms to my torso...then whether by smell and sound alone, or the deeper gifts of perception I've developed in this dark sightless eternity, I sense Rusty kneeling over my head, his scent overwhelming me. Derek is hoarsly saying "fuck me man...put it in me..." and I feel the energy radiating out from their coupling as Rusty slides his hard cock into Derek's hole just inches above my head. The sounds of flesh sliding and slapping against flesh, the musky scent of their lust, the burning drops of sweat dripping down on my face from Rusty's ass crack and ordinary circumstances it would be an overload of carnal sensation. I don't think I've ever experienced anything close, not the best porn or the horniest session with the sexiest fuck buddy. I think of Alex in A Clockwork Orange, forced to watch what has inspired his worst acts over and over, but in contrast I am sightless, forced to inhale and hear everything I want and crave in such close proximity, yet unable to jack my cock, to participate, to feed my lust and hunger with what is right before me on my plate. And I know why. This is not a show put on for ME, this is not about ADAM'S pleasure...I am being flaunted with what I most crave yet deprived at the same time. And that's OK because I know now you get what you need in your own time and on your merits...and a real man will accept that others get theirs too without feeling resentment or envy. I don't need to bust a nut just because an insanely hot fuck is literally occurring in front of my face...It has taken three strong men eight hours to drive the point home, but it's not always about ME.

Yet resisting was still hard, and I admit when I sensed they were obviously close to cumming from the fierce rhythm of the fuck and their lusty cries, I felt the uncontrollable urge to lift myself up and lick Rusty's tight balls and hard dick as it plunged into Derek's ass, but I knew it was not my place to take that liberty. And thinking back it was a good thing I resisted, because I was given the first long delayed reward of this epic and endless day when Derek unloaded on my chest and torso, baptizing me in his sex and manhood. Then Rusty pulled out and shot stream after stream of searing hot cum on my face and lips. I hungrily swallowed his seed, and gratefully licked the thick ropes of manjuice collected on his fingers. But I was careful to do so respectfully, showing that his generosity and tenderness was appreciated and honored.

When I was allowed to stand again, and you came near to me Coach, taking me in your arms, softly caressing my sore spots and welts with such a gentle and loving touch, a warm and peaceful sensation started to seep into me. Then when you spoke to me and asked the question, and I exhaled the answer "yessir" the floodgates opened. A lifetime of hurt and unexamined detritus came flowing out in that rush of emotion, and I'm still unable to truly grasp what this means to my life and my being, or just what comprised that horrible torrent. I trust we will have time to explore that further and for me to adequately express the gratitude for the gift, since there is obviously no way I can ever repay it. Coach, the kiss you bestowed on me as my tears played out was like a breath of life, and I can truly measure a freer, stronger and more evolved existence from that moment forward.

When you referred to me as "your brother" to Rusty, a newfound well of pride and contentment in me just about overflowed. I think you probably figured as much, but that sweet phrase validating me and honoring a true milestone of progress on my path was the happiest moment of my life.

I look forward to hearing from you with new instructions. That you were also so personally challenged and moved by our session really has me in awe, and definitely humbled. Again Coach, there are no real words for my gratitude.

Have a great weekend.

Love, Adam

Monday Morning, October 8, 2012 To AdamPENN from Coach_Luke

Hi Sport,

I trust you rested well this weekend and the soreness is starting to go away. Your recent review provides me with even more insight into what took place last week. Thanks for that.

I spent most of yesterday afternoon reviewing your case file and this special correspondence that we have shared over the past few weeks. Though I've provided written reminders and reviews via email to my recruits for more than six or seven years now, yours is the only case where our emails have served as both correspondence and reflection. It has assisted me in your training, and it's also allowed me to amass a more accurate case file for you. I think when completed, that you will appreciate this back-and-forth journal of your journey. It already means a great deal to me as both personal reflection and professional review.

As promised, your workouts will change this week. I know that your goal was not to increase bulk overall, but I seriously would like to experiment with that a bit and see where you could end up. You do not have a true `swimmers build', per se. Your quads are much more developed, and though the wide shoulder to narrow hip ratio is there, you definitely have expanded definition elsewhere. I'd like to see more chest definition, especially in the pectorals, and perhaps gain an inch or two in the biceps. These are easily achieved without sacrificing your swim times. After Wednesday evening, none of us doubts your endurance level – if anything, this encourages me to push you a bit more into some areas where you lack some experience. Frankly, that's what I'm here for, so why not go for it?

Swims will now move to Tuesday and Thursdays. If you insist on 3 days per week, you'll have to build it into Saturday afternoons or evenings. Mike at the pool is a buddy. If it's after-hours, we'll get you your own key-code of access, but even with a veteran, I don't like the idea of you swimming alone.

New stuff- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are now weightlifting with me in the Uni-gym. Of course, as a student, you and I still cannot appear to fraternize in public (at least for my old-school purposes, we can't do so on campus). So, while we'll be there together (and occasionally one of us may spot the other), we'll not be doing the same thing at the same time. An observer will be able to tell though that you are repeating the same 3 routine sets right after me.

Mondays – Chest, Shoulder's and Tri's, Wednesdays – Back and Biceps, and Fridays – Legs and core. The specific routines (3 at a time, up to 12 reps of each, 12 total in each 90 minute workout) are attached. I've set up my times based around your class schedule. We should be able to get in 90 minutes each day – but that assumes you are there, in the gym, dressed and ready at the time I've allotted. Don't ever be late.

Based on your case file and performance last Wednesday, Rusty has requested (and I agree) that you start working out in the ring, Champ. Saturdays at 7 AM you'll be at his gym and begin working with a traditional sparring partner and Rusty. Rusty does have an apprentice he's working with right now (his 3rd trainee) so this is the only time he can spare me to work with you. The additional weight-lifting should help you here and once acclimated, he may allow you to move back to some of the kick-boxing work you've done in the past. My argument is that you have the heart of a lion, so we might as well improve your fighting skills. I hope you're happy with this challenge.

Finally, Derek has asked that you be allowed to do some training with him IF you have the time and inclination. Typically, I don't allow this level of personal overlap until our initial training is completed and brotherhood initiation has taken place. However, I'm willing to make an exception because 1) Derek has never asked before, and 2) he needs someone to help him move his focus beyond his business and work.

Derek, in addition to the bar, has his CPA license (his educational attainment we can discuss at some future date) so spring is really busy for him with tax work, etc. He's also taken on a number of full-time, year-round clients. He's very driven professionally. I do not oversee his workouts anymore since he's so focused. He has been training for Iron Man competitions for the last six months and just completed a test, mini-tri this past weekend. On reviewing your resume, he noted you have both swim and bike experience. He asked if he might ask you to assist in some training on Saturdays or Sundays ONLY IF it does not interfere with my assigned training. So, I said yes. Again, he will contact you. You are free to say NO, since I've laid out quite the rigorous athletic training already. If you agree to this, I will not ask you to report this activity as part of your weekly workout log, unless you choose to do so.

Every Friday, I will continue to expect updated academic reports via email as well as your weekly log of food/supplement intake, and exercise review. Your caloric requirements are going to change so we'll also address some diet changes at one of our meetings next week. We'll also schedule a bi-weekly measurement so we can assess your progress.

We'll keep this up for the next three weeks at least then re-assess. Rusty and I have discussed a possible reward activity for you based on how these three weeks go. I think you might particularly enjoy what we have planned, if you have the energy!

We have great hopes for you, Adam. I encourage you to do your best with this new regimen, even if it does ask you to move outside of your comfort zone a bit. I believe in your capabilities 100 percent. I'm looking forward to our workouts together.

See you in a few minutes.


From Adam To Coach Monday, October 8, 2012, 3:05 PM

Dear Coach,

Great to hear from you and thanks for the kind words. I am feeling great and nearly back in tiptop condition. Still have a small Bandaid on my lip, but the swelling's gone and the cut is practically healed. A few people have asked me about it but I just said I took a spill when my bike skidded in a humongous pile of fall leaves LOL.

I reviewed the new regimen you've laid out here a few times, and even though it's a tall order on top of my existing commitments, I am in total agreement and psyched to begin. Working out "with" you will be awesome, and I totally understand the need for discretion. Plus I would probably be on the receiving end of some dudes' envy issues if they saw us working out as a team.

I am down with reducing the swimming to two days, especially if I'll be adding additional weekend workout(s). I am especially gratified and proud that both Derek and Rusty have requested I work out with them. I always was a little leery of boxing, well, I think you probably know why now. I was afraid I would not be able to keep it on the level of sport, but I feel I've come to terms with some shit inside and look forward to training in a disciplined way with such an awesome trainer. I will def be there 7 am saturday. What do I need as far as gear, or should I wait for Rusty's direction?

As far as Derek's request, I am definitely up for it and looking forward to working with him and getting to know him better one-on-one. You know I really look up to the guy. I'll await his call and hope we can make it work for Sat. afternoons after sparring at Rusty's. I would like to reserve Sunday as the one day I can really devote to where I feel I'm lacking in my academic studies, and if I feel confident I'm on top of it, to plan and cook a meal with my friends. It's kind of a tradition, and I am really an enthusiastic cook--I love to plan and pull off a killer meal for my peeps. Not just because I like the praise and props, but it's also a good creative outlet for me outside my usual routines.

Which brings me to one last question...In outlining my new routines, you didn't mention sex quotas or goals. I already have pledged to myself to never exceed one load per day just because that is sufficient under the new discipline I'm pursuing. If I do get down with a dude for oral or fucking, I pledge to not jack off then for an additional day. There's a girl named Melody who I dated pretty regularly sophomore year, and she just got back from her study abroad year in Italy. She implied she'd like to hang out again, but I said I was really committed to a very rigid schedule and didn't have a lot of time. It would be cool just as a change now and then as I do love pussy from time to time and this chick is primo in that department. I just mention it because I will pass totally if you feel this falls outside the parameters for what you have in mind for me right now.

Again, many thanks and I look forward to seeing you at the gym.

Yours, Adam

Tuesday, October 09, 2012, 5:36 AM

Dear Adam,

Thanks for a great workout yesterday. I think you do know your way around a weight bench even though you tried to say you weren't much of a lifter. I think the lip looked pretty damn sexy. Scars help us tell the story of who we are.

I'm sorry that I neglected to mention your sensual emissions as part of the regimen. Yes, you remain at one blow per day – but this may be achieved however you deem fit. You can decide if you want to jerk it out or blow it in some pussy. That's your prerogative.

As for Saturday, shorts and tennis shoes are fine. A hard cup would be advisable. Rusty will provide gloves and sparring equipment. However you respond to Derek is up to you. As I stated in the regimen outline, academics are important too. I like the idea of keeping one entire day for yourself and it sounds like Sundays are a key part of that. Hopefully, evenings are also going to be pretty free for you to study or do what you need doing now that we've moved your workouts to mid-day.

We will need to discuss how you explain where you're now spending so much time to your friends on the outside. I think you're already handling that pretty well but let's discuss it more later this week.

Good luck with your swim today, Sport, and I'll see you in the gym tomorrow.

Best, Coach

From ADAM, to Coach, October 9, 2012

Dear Coach,

Thanks for getting back to me. Ten-four on the cum quota, and thanks for the discretion on how and where I bust it. I appreciate that.

I got a call from Derek, and it's all set up for Saturday afternoon. We're meeting at 2pm so we have plenty of time for a good run before he has to start prepping the bar for the evening. He asked me to meet him there at the back entrance, as even with us being brothers now and all, he didn't think it was cool for me to come over to his house until you had approved it. He really respects you Coach, and you are for sure the author of the code he lives by. He laughed when he told me, "I think you have a pretty good idea what happens when you disobey Coach by now little bro..."

See you tomorrow. I think you'll be pleased I went to the barbers this morning and got a nice clean buzz. I also shaved off the billygoat scruff on my chin. Dang my pecs and glutes are sore as fuck today but it feels like progress...

All my best, Adam

From Coach, to Adam, October 10, 2012, 11:43 AM

Hey Sport,

All sounds good. Sore as fuck is good too. Looking forward to making you sore again today. We'll see how your guns look at the end. See you in the gym in a just a bit.

Glad to know you got rid of the scruff.

Best, Coach

From Coach to Adam, October 15, 2012, 10:12 AM

Dear Aaron,

Thanks for a great day back in the gym today. I've gotten a partial report from Rusty about Saturday's workout in the ring, but I'm anxious to hear what you thought. Especially, I want to know if you feel challenged by this new direction and if it's something you'd like to continue. We both feel that you've got a lot of fight in you, so this is a good outlet.

No word from Derek. I suppose that went well?

Give me an update as soon as you can. Use that body rub on those triceps if you're still getting those random quivers in the muscle.

Best, Coach

From ADAM to Coach Luke, Monday, October 15, 2012, 11:43 PM

Dear Coach,

Sorry I've been slow to respond, but I've been burning it at both ends to complete that midterm essay I told you was coming due.

That's awesome to hear that Rusty was pleased with my workout. I do feel it's something I want to continue for sure, and really appreciate you guys' instincts that it would be a positive direction for me. You know I have fight in me, and tell the truth coach it's a lot hotter and stronger than I was willing to admit before. Rusty's assistant Joe was totally cool, really patient about setting me up with the right stance and moves. When we started to spar I just naturally responded to his jabs like I was going to kill the motherfucker, and Rusty was right there to bring me back and tone it down. Learning to pace myself, control the shit inside and stay alert is real good discipline for me, and that's what Rusty is such an ace at guiding. He got me to channel my combative energy in a way that I could see was really intense as a workout, but also bringing some clarity to my thinking. Again a lesson in give and take. He's a master, and knowing you were the one who trained him initially just reinforces the respect I have for you. I also love the atmosphere in the ring and the gym, the sweat, the gloves and bags, the muscle contact and just being really engaged with the guys. It's so different from the more solitary high and focus of swimming. I wasn't sure how Rusty felt about my prospects, although he was encouraging and even affectionate (well you know affectionate as he could possibly be haha), and I left there feeling really good. Sore and spent but good.

I know I'm still pretty much a tyro Coach, but I am trying to apply myself and adapt to the ways of the program. You mentioned that the process has a lot of steps and breakthroughs ahead, and I just want you to know I am in for the long haul if you think I'm worthy. I do hope we also get time to discuss other stuff besides my physical training, because the regimen brings up a lot of other questions as it progresses. I've been having some real strong emotional bouts for no good reason, but I think it's related to stuff I started to dredge up last week. I also may need some guidance on keeping my sexual impulses checked so they don't get in the way of my gains. I am getting my regular urge to jack off under control, but the physical and sexual connection with the other guys has become stronger and more present than I remember feeling before in sports or training. Is this normal Coach? Is it wrong to be wanting to connect with the guy I'm training with in a more physical or intimate way? Is it bad when the workout also makes me horny? You mentioned something about initiation into the brotherhood at some point in the future, and I know I am not there yet and don't want to get distracted from being able to go through that, but I need to know rules I guess. Maybe all this is just me because I'm such a horndog to begin with. I saw that girl I mentioned last night, and it was nice fucking a sweet tight pussy again and all, but I was sorta craving more the kind of connection you get in the ring or spotting a dude at the gym...just something more physically trying and--I don't know--"guy-like" I guess. I think it comes from some connections I made during my long disciplinary session about punishment and delaying reward, but I'm not really clear on it all...Sorry to ramble like this, but I can't really talk about it to anyone else.

When I left Rusty's I chilled in the sun at the quad and rested up, had a nice lunch/veggie wrap and protein drink at the diner, and then a really excellent run and workout session with Derek. He was tough and demanding, but seemed like he's definitely warmed up and forgiven me for the shit I did. I know my training with Derek is "off the program" and up to him and me to set the terms, but I'm surprised he didn't call you after, just because I know you guys are so close and as he reminded me at one point, I was a bit of a handful to break in. I was with him pretty much all afternoon, and after we came back to the bar we showered and I helped him work on some strain he was feeling in his right hamstring. It got so late I ended up helping with setup by bringing beer and liquor up from the basement and sweeping up a bit. I hope that's OK. He's such an amazing dude in so many ways, and I understand why you think so highly of him. I think he knows what a smitten little pup I've become where he's concerned, but I'm sure it's something he just takes in stride for the most part. He must have so many dudes giving him the eye all the time and he's no doubt on a level far above them all. It's probably just normal that he'd get a hardon when a buddy is massaging his glutes...I know I would, so I didn't make a big deal out of it. But I did sense he was having a little conflict about me and seemed a little hot and cold as the afternoon wore on, so I eventually decided I should just split. You know him so much better than I do, but I just wanted to share some observations...hope it's not out of bounds. We are provisional brothers if I'm right...

Anyway, I look forward to working out Wednesday, and will be sure to bring a packet of some of my recent academic feedback and assessments. I knew this year would be a breakthrough time for me, but I am beginning to think I didn't know the half of it...haha!

Yours, Adam

P.S. Thanks for the body rub...that helps. Definitely working some new muscle groups, but it's all good.


To ADAM from Coach_Luke, Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Noon

Hi Sport,

I'm glad to get your version of the weekend's activities and to know that Monday's lifts weren't too rough on your chest and tri's. I'm still of a mind that with a little more work, those pecs of yours could be a masterpiece – perhaps my Sistine Chapel ceiling! You're definitely on the right track. And Rusty was very complimentary of your performance in the ring. I look forward to my sparring with you at some point in the near future!

I'm looking forward to our time at the gym tomorrow with back and biceps, but I do want to get this reply out since we have little time for conversation when we're working out together (but separately). This Friday, instead of our workout, I'd like for you to report to my office (notice, an invitation, not a demand). I'll have my secretary block two entire hours (maybe more if I can clear a meeting) and we'll just talk. It's not unusual for me to have student advisement at this point in the term, so nothing to worry about appearances. We'll order in some protein and just chat. Perhaps I've let you go to long without a personal oral review of your progress, and I'm sorry for that. However, this should give us a good opportunity for you to reflect on your work so far. It sounds like you have many questions and multiple observations about your work and what you may still need to deal with in order to be successful. That's all VERY normal and to be expected. I'll look forward to our workout tomorrow and our talk on Friday.

On Friday evening, I've arranged a "special activity" as part of your training and I don't want to blow the surprise at this point, but it does involve a `workout' of sorts. As I may have mentioned earlier, Rusty has his 3rd apprentice in the program who he's been working with for almost six weeks now, so he's a little far ahead of where you are in terms of the discipline, workouts, and mantra. However, he's only 20, so there are some things that Rusty has been hesitant to guide him with until he's ready. He's also only about 5'7" tall and just over 125 pounds, so that's been a challenge for us as far as his regimen. Anyway, we've decided that we're going to do a bit of formal training of the two of you together. And that's really all I want to say about that at this point. You have much to work on tomorrow in workout, Friday in our conference, and you have papers to write and books to review.

Finally, let me offer these final instructions and thoughts. I think it's probably best if you avoid Cocky's bar for a while. I had a long discussion with Derek last night - one which was overdue, but he'd needed some time to process and so we did, finally, talk through a number of issues. One issue was your continuing additional training' with him, and what you referred to yourself as following him around like a little pup.' My conversation with him and your last email does give me some pause. For that reason, I think you could certainly continue to do some extra weekend training with him, but training only.

Let me assert here that I do NOT think you have done anything wrong! This is not a disciplinary action. However, you yourself have realized you are in a critical stage of your training. You are attempting to master some self-discipline, but you also have recognized the sensual attractions occurring during challenging workouts. Once mastered, you'll be able to handle this ultimate masculinity and balance your physical training with your sexual attractions. However, we don't need to cause additional distraction by any untoward infatuations at this point. While this type of interaction is not a first occurrence in my coaching career, it is the first to involve my SON, and so my thinking is framed a bit differently. I think a talk on Friday will help alleviate some of your questions and your concerns and also provide you some clarity. But, there can be no compromise on this requirement. I've informed Derek of this and he's agreed, reluctantly, to listen to reason and my experience. You must as well.

Despite an inauspicious beginning, Adam, I am enjoying our workouts and the challenge of your training. I see so much potential locked within that tough exterior of yours, but we all must tread carefully if we are to help you reach it. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.

I am, most affectionately yours,


--Coach Lucas from Adam, Wednesday 9:45 am

Dear Coach,

I'm looking forward to our workout today and our talk on Friday. It means a lot to me that you'll take the time to help clear up some of my questions and mentor me in areas where I still face some confusion and doubts. A lot of stuff is going on in my life, not all of it easy to deal with, but I want to be sure it's channeled into becoming the man I dream of being. I'm a lucky dude that I have you to help me with that.

The special training session with Rusty's apprentice on Friday night has me super psyched. I can't wait for it to go down, whatever it is you have planned! I just hope I can hold my own with this dude, having only had one training session in the ring. Maybe I have other strengths to balance out his experience and skill. Anyway, I'm beginning to really love being tested and trusting my powers...

I will of course respect your wishes re Derek, although I admit to being a little bit bummed about it. I guess I didn't really think--at least consciously--about the fact that he is your son, and the potential entanglements that brings into it. I just hope I didn't say anything to get Derek in trouble. I probably won't be able to stop thinking about him, but any interaction will be on his terms and I'll wait to hear from him as to when and where we meet for training.

With all respect and gratitude,


TO BE CONTINUED in PART IV of the ADAM CHRONICLES – Initiation and Completion

Next: Chapter 4

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