The 17th Summer


Published on Mar 18, 2021



The Seventeenth Summer by Mitchell Conner

Author's note: I wrote this many years ago and decided to edit and share it. The only truth to it is some of the feelings expressed when you first start to understand who you are and what your heart desires. Each of our journeys are different, and I hope you enjoy this while on yours.

DISCLAIMER: If gay content, descriptions of hot gay sex, romantic love, or actual dialogue in an erotic story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal wherever you live, or for your calendar age, stop now.

This work is entirely fiction, a story brought on by a perverted imagination, access to the internet and time to burn. The names, events, activities, and circumstances are fictitious. Any resemblance to a particular individual or anatomical part is just your over- active imagination. Some of the following story depicts unprotected sex. It's fantasy, not reality. Practice safe sex.

COPYRIGHT: This story is mine: all rights reserved by the author with the exception of its use by You're welcome to use it to pass the time but not to copy and repost as your own demented work or for commercial purposes.

Your comments are appreciated. I've been fortunate to receive emails that have helped me learn and grow as a writer. Outright flattery is also acceptable. I do hope that my stories help pass the time and provide a helpful distraction from an increasingly crazy world.

PLEASE DONATE: Nifty relies on donations so that you practice the ultimate form of safe sex by reading about it. Those same hands you use for pleasure can also type in a pleasing donation to Nifty.

That said, here's the story:

He pulled away from Akio's grip in an angry shrug.

Before as boys they'd played among friends, unafraid of the rough and tumble contact that comes from a world just starting to judge what it is to touch. In this season of adolescence they both stood now, glaring at each other. Was it the bear hug from behind that so angered Taylor, or was it the feel of skin on skin that lingered just a little too long? His face was flush from the electricity he'd felt. Their glares softened, not replaced by boyish smiles, but washed over with a look of resignation that things had changed inexorably between them, their ability to touch innocently diminished as the adult world strengthened its grip on them.

Before as boys they had played as friends in this small beach town. There hadn't been the divisions they would come to know as adults. Physical prowess was measured in their foot races along the beach. The winner was revered in that moment, replaced on that pedestal by the next boy's ability to turn perfect cartwheels in the surf. As darkness approached and they huddled around a bonfire they'd built, the ability to tell a compelling ghost story vanquished any memory of the agility or speed that had set the other boys apart. Each had their strengths, their abilities, and most importantly, their innocence – that thing that told what really mattered.

The summer that Akio turned eleven was the first time he'd heard it to his face.

"Jap." Joey had said it with a sneer on his face. Neither the look nor the word had ever come from Joey before.

Akio reacted to the sneer. "Pig."

Joey sneered back. "I'm no pig, but you're a Jap. My old man says you are."

Akio turned to shove him but Joey was already on the run down the beach, catching up with the other boys. As Akio ran to catch up with the group he became self-conscious. He looked at his smooth skin. Not a hint of hair on his arms. No tufts blossoming from his armpits like Jimmy. No dirty blonde hair like Taylor. His mother had told him he was Japanese with some Filipino. But until that moment he had been just a boy, nothing more, and now this.

Akio caught up with the boys and walked with Taylor. This summer they had paired off as friends. It happened every season, the group of friends mingling and intertwining like so many vines, always growing towards the sun.

He jogged next to his friend. "Taylor, am I a Jap?"

Taylor stopped his slow trot and looked at Akio, puzzled. Before he could answer they were attacked by the other boys. As they were pushed towards the surf Akio's eyes found Taylor's and searched for signs of the sneer that'd inhabited Joey's face. As they wrestled in the foaming water he found only the reassuring smile he'd seen for five years, and then lost himself in play.

The summer he was thirteen was the first time he heard it to his face.

"Queer." Billy had said it when he pushed him away. They'd been laying on the floor reading, the tile cooling bodies brown from a summer spent on the beach. As Billy lay on his stomach, head propped in his arms reading a Life magazine, Taylor had rolled over and placed his head on Billy's back like a pillow. When Billy rolled over onto his back and held the magazine at arm's length Taylor repositioned, intent on using Billy's stomach as his pillow.

"What are you, queer or something?" Billy said, pushing Taylor away.

Taylor looked at his friend in stunned amazement. "What do you mean?"

"My brother says that you act like a queer, always touchin' me," Billy replied, putting on an air of disgust.

Taylor felt the blood rushing to his head, felt himself go flush. He clenched his fists not in anger, but in an effort to control a flood of feelings. Of self-disgust. Of being innocent but carnal and not understanding the leading of a mind and body that was becoming increasingly foreign to him.

"What, you wanna fight me now?" Billy said, moving back as he saw Taylor's red-faced, clenched-fist transformation. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. 'S just what my brother says."

The following two summers passed by, empty of the boyhood flights of fancy that had carried them to adolescence. Friends no longer beckoned them to the beach. Their pursuits now took them all in opposite directions, dividing them as the world is inclined to do. When school started that fall Akio was nowhere to be found. Joey said that Akio's parents had sent him to spend the year in Japan "with all those other Japs." Joey now owned that sneer.

The new year came twice and Taylor marked the passing of yet another boyhood friend, this one to the force of geography. Before Akio others had disappeared to social cliques, athletic prowess and other forces of late adolescence.

The seventeenth summer arrived, lonely and without fanfare.

Walking on the beach late one night near those boyhood haunts, Taylor saw a lone figure silhouetted against the lights from the homes on the cliff above. Some type of recognition drew him to the apparition.

"You're back from Japan?" Taylor said upon recognizing Akio.

When Akio turned towards Taylor to answer, the light was cast upon him. Wherever he'd been, he'd gotten bigger, the boy having been replaced by a young man. Akio smiled at his old friend. "Yeah, just got back this morning. I'm so jet-lagged I couldn't sleep. How are you, Taylor?"

Taylor stood staring at Akio, recognizing but not comprehending the many changes in his boyhood friend.

"Taylor?" Akio said. "Taylor."

"Oh, sorry, it's just that you've... changed so much... and... uh." Taylor turned his head away in embarrassment.

"What?" Akio responded, reaching out and touching Taylor's shoulder.

"Nothin'. Nothin.'" Taylor replied. "Welcome home." And with that Taylor turned to leave, glad that the lights were far enough away to illuminate only his footsteps, not the crimson flush he felt growing inside himself. He'd been so obvious, he thought to himself. 'Damn that. Damn that.'

"Where are you goin' Taylor?" Akio said, walking after him. "Is something wrong?" Akio walked behind Taylor and caught up, putting a strong hand on each shoulder and stopping him in his tracks.

"I guess since you just got back you haven't heard, have you?" Taylor said, turning harshly towards Akio. His flushed face was now visible even in the light, the hurt in his eyes revealed.

"Heard what?" Akio said. "What happened?"

Taylor stood there, his fists clenched, jaw set.

"What is it, Taylor?" Akio persisted. "Please tell me."

"Heard... what they said... that I'm queer." Taylor said then added in a whisper, "That I'm queer."

Akio stood there as Taylor looked down at the ground. Taylor felt Akio's hand under his jaw, slowly lifting his chin so they were eye-to-eye.

"So?" Akio said.

Taylor sighed.

"Come with me," Akio commanded, and together they walked along the beach, then up the path to the street.

The walked silently together, up the street and towards their homes. They reached Akio's house first. Taylor stopped, unsure if he was to follow.

"Come in," Akio intoned.

Taylor entered the house with Akio, both pausing by the front door to remove his shoes, just as he'd done so many times over the past summers, falls, winters, and springs together.

"My parents are staying in Japan for another month," Akio said, explaining the silence that greeted them in the house.

Taylor followed as Akio walked up the stairs towards his bedroom. How many times had he climbed those stairs? Why did his heart beat so hard this time?

Akio turned on the lamp in his room and sat on the bed. Taylor stood before him. Akio nodded his head and Taylor sat at the foot of the bed.

"I learned a lot in Japan," Akio said.

"Like what?" Taylor replied.

"About who I am, the things that will shape my life, and what my destiny could be," Akio, now a man, said.

Taylor looked at Akio, wanting to understand, desperate to know those things which could raise him above the label he now carried with him.

"Tell me what you learned?" Taylor asked.

Their conversation continued until the sun came up and neither could recall when the words stopped and their sleep began. They slept on the bed, clothed, lying next to each other.

Taylor woke up first. He felt almost drugged, held in a comfortable embrace from behind by the sleeping Akio. Taylor closed his eyes, enjoying the moment before conscious thought told him not to do so, the warmth of that moment replaced by a desperate need to escape the feelings that had been exposed and even examined in their conversation. In the light of a new day those courageous thoughts now withered like vines in the hot sun.

Taylor gently rolled out of Akio's embrace and walked towards the bedroom door. Before leaving he turned and stood staring at his friend, watching him breathe rhythmically, the almond shaped eyes closed, the pink lips partly opened in a half-smile. Taylor caught the reflection of himself staring at Akio in the bedroom mirror. The blatant look of desire he saw reflected scared him to the very core of his being.

He turned and walked silently away, fists slowly clenching.

A few days later Akio happened upon Taylor, sitting alone on the rocks at the beach.

"You left before I woke up," Akio said. "I was so out of it I didn't even get up until that night. You okay?"

Taylor nodded his head slightly, keeping it down.

Akio sat down next to Taylor. "I liked talking with you."

Taylor kept his head down.

"Did what we talked about make any difference? At all?" Akio said, moving his head closer to Taylor's.

"Taylor?!?" Akio pleaded. He placed his hand under Taylor's jaw, lifting his chin. When their eyes met Akio could see the tears.

"What is it? Tell me. Please," Akio pleaded.

"It's just that... what we talked about... it all sounds so right... but... I can't."

"Can't what?" Akio said, puzzled.

"I can't deal with it, that's all... my parents... this town," Taylor said, choking on the words.

"Come with me," Akio asked.

"I can't."

"Come with me now," Akio commanded, as he stood and bodily lifted Taylor up by the shoulders.

Taylor felt the familiar touch of his boyhood friend now imbued with an unfamiliar sense of power and strength. He followed meekly.

They walked off the beach, up the street to Akio's house and entered, leaving their shoes at the door as was their custom.

"Taylor, I didn't tell you everything that night," Akio said, sitting down at the head of his bed.

Taylor stood in the middle of bedroom, staring at Akio.

"My parents sent me to Japan because they knew I was gay."

"They knew?" Taylor asked, eyes open wide in surprise.

"They knew and they supported me."

"How did they know?" Taylor asked, still astonished.

"I told them," Akio said.

Taylor looked down at the ground, embarrassed by his cowardice. "I could never do that."

"Probably not," Akio said, "But it doesn't mean you can't tell yourself that."

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked, looking up at Akio's eyes.

"That maybe you've admitted it to yourself, but you haven't accepted yourself as gay."

Taylor's eyes darted away from Akio's gaze.

"It's a lot, I know. I'm sorry if I'm being pushy. It's just that... " Akio's voice trailed off as Taylor raised his head back up, looking directly at Akio.

Blue and brown eyes flickered over each other, exchanging deep passion. Taylor stepped towards the bed to sit down, Akio stood up to meet him halfway. They stood next to each other, not knowing who should sit or who should stand. Akio shifted his left foot so that his hip rested at Taylor's right side. Their eyes never parting company, Akio put his left arm around Taylor, drawing him into an embrace. As their lips met their eyes closed, their awkwardness now finding a graceful swaying stance as they kissed.

Taylor felt their embrace--it seemed to give power to the desire he had fought so long to deny. He didn't remember lying down in the bed with Akio, he seemed to float dream- like in that embrace from the vertical to the horizontal. Passionate kisses were exchanged as hips ground into each other and hands explored where only eyes had sometimes lingered. Taylor watched Akio take off his shirt, the crimson light from sunset highlighting the smooth skin of Akio's torso. Akio then sat on top of Taylor, pulling his shirt off to reveal the already tan body and lean build. As they embraced again the sensation of skin on skin elicited a deep moan from Taylor, and as he opened his mouth to catch his breath Akio invaded with his tongue. Taylor took it in like a starving man, lust overcoming inexperience. Akio reached around Taylor and rolled onto his back, keeping Taylor in an embrace and now on top of him. Akio's hands kneaded Taylor's firm butt through the clothing as they kissed deeper. He grabbed Taylor's hair with one hand, holding and moving the head, driving his tongue to the back of his friend's as their hips ground together.

Akio rolled them over, again on top, sitting on Taylor's knees. In seconds he undid the clasp the pulled the shorts and underwear off in one deft move. Taylor's cock slapped him in the belly as the elastic waistband gave up its hold. Taylor looked up at Akio, not knowing whether to be embarrassed or ecstatic.

Akio smiled in reassurance and stood up on the bed, removing his own pants and underwear with graceful balance. His cock jutted out in front, dripping with pre-cum. He kneeled over Taylor then lowered himself into an embrace, all skin on skin, lips locked. Their hips moved in unison as their tongues fought each other.

Akio whispered into Taylor's ear, "I want to show you what I learned in Japan."

"What is it?" Taylor asked.

"Something I think you'll like," Akio smiled in reply. "Roll over and don't look."

Taylor, lying there naked, in the moment, thought for a second and realized that no greater harm could come to him now that he'd started to act on his hidden passion.

He rolled over.

Akio rummaged through a travel bag left near his closet. After a moment he returned to the bed and laid down on his side next to Taylor. Akio rolled Taylor over so that he embraced Taylor from behind. Taylor felt Akio's hard cock between his legs. Akio nuzzled Taylor's neck, reaching Taylor's earlobe with his tongue. As Taylor arched his back Akio's cock moved up into the crack of Taylor's ass. As it touched his hole Taylor felt a jolt of pleasure run up his spine and he unconsciously pushed back against Akio's cock. Their hips ground as Akio tightened his embrace on Taylor, using his fingers to massage and then slowly twist Taylor's nipples. Taylor now ground his ass into Akio's cock, slickened from pre-cum. Akio could feel himself shiver uncontrollably as the head of his cock pushed a little deeper into Taylor's ass.

Akio gently grasped Taylor's hands, pulling them up so that they were over his head, rolling Taylor onto his belly and laying solidly on top of him, never stopping the fucking motion of his hips. Akio held Taylor's wrists together, and from the side of the bed where he had laid them he picked up the ropes.

When Taylor felt the bonds being applied to his wrists he stopped and panicked, rolling onto his back, Akio sitting astride him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to hurt you. I told you I learned many things in Japan. This is one of them. Do you know what the other is?"

"What?" Taylor asked, momentarily reassured.

"That it's my destiny to be gay, and..." Akio said, then paused to lean down and kiss Taylor and added, "and my desire to be with you."

"With me?" Taylor asked, eyes wide.

"I had a lot of time to think in Japan. I thought of you often," Akio said, leaning over Taylor and making quick work of the rope around the wrists.

"Hey," Taylor said, twisting his hands as Akio pulled rope up and around a bed post.

"Do you remember when we played on the beach?" Akio asked.

"Yeah..." Taylor said with a smile.

"That's where it started. That's when I knew I wanted to somehow possess you," Akio said, looking into Taylor's eyes. "And in Japan I learned this way. Please, let me show you."

Taylor's answer was cut off when Akio gently placed his hand over his mouth. Akio moved his hand aside and took a deep kiss from Taylor, lying full on top of him. Akio then rolled to one side, moving his hands up and down Taylor's torso, gently flicking the head of the erect cock as it dripped pre-cum onto Taylor's belly. He kissed Taylor deeply as he slowly twisted a nipple, engulfing Taylor's tongue and moan at the same time.

Akio rolled Taylor onto his side so that his back was towards Akio. As before, Akio's cock found the crack of Taylor's ass. Akio nibbled Taylor's neck as he embraced him, his hands finding the now-tender nipples and slowly massaging them. Taylor ground his hips back into Akio's cock as it slipped around the entrance to the hole. Akio felt an animal-instinct building inside as he thrust his hips harder and harder against Taylor's ass. He wet the fingers on one hand and moved them down to the waiting hole, gently massaging and then inserting one finger. Taylor's breath came in short gasps now, as pleasure was spiced with pain and he continued to grind back against the intrusion. Akio spit on his fingers again and pushed deeper. With every grind from Taylor's hips Akio felt himself growing hotter and harder, thrusting his cock between Taylor's legs as his fingers worked the now slick hole.

Akio drew his fingers away from Taylor's ass and pushed his cock up towards the budding hole. He moved his hand and put it around Taylor's mouth, feeling the tongue rub against his fingers as a moan escaped Taylor's throat. As Taylor ground back into Akio's cock the head pushed into the hole and they both held still. After a moment Taylor started to push back, slow at first then with strength. Akio joined in, his cock pulsing from the heat of Taylor's ass as it took in the head and then the shaft. They both groaned when Akio's sparse black pubes ground into Taylor's smooth round ass. Taylor moved his hips again, first in small arcs, then larger, and larger until it was the ass fucking the cock.

Akio rolled Taylor over onto his stomach. He took his hand away from Taylor's mouth and bent his head down near Taylor's face. Taylor turned his head to kiss, their tongues bridging the gap between the depths of their mouths. Akio fucked harder, pounding Taylor's tight ass. Taylor pulled against the ropes holding him to the bed, enjoying the dual sensation of helplessness and participation.

As Taylor moved his hips in counter rhythm, Akio's thrusts grew frenzied. He lifted Taylor's upper body and put him arms around his bound friend, embracing, gripping, and twisting nipples as he fucked. He came white-hot, blood rushing in his ears making a noise like some mountain stream at flood-level. He pounded, then shook, communicating this motion to Taylor who likewise fucked back one final time against Akio's cock, arching his back as he shot, adding cum to the sweat-soaked sheets.

Akio lay on top, still inside him as they both gasped for air, kissing Taylor's neck, as the boy kissed his hand.

As their breathing slowed Akio kept caressing Taylor, who felt as though no harm could now come to him, even though it was he who was tied to the bed. Akio slowly withdrew his cock from Taylor's ass and leaned over to the nightstand, turning on a lamp. He reached inside the top drawer, took out a pen-knife, opened it, and cut the rope from Taylor's wrist to the headboard. Akio then cut the bonds from Taylor's left wrist, leaving a knotted loop of rope around Taylor's right wrist..

"Why don't you cut that off?" Taylor asked.

Akio looked into Taylor's eyes, their eyes sparkling in the light of the bedside lamp. "Because I want you to remember that we possessed each other. Because I want to possess you... forever."

Taylor's blinked, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Possessed and possessing. Cared for and caring. Akio leaned forward, kissing the tears out of Taylor's eyes.

"Do you remember that summer at the beach, when you pulled away from me?" Akio asked.

"Yes," Taylor answered.

"It was the first time I wanted you."

"I know," Taylor said, suddenly understanding the memory of that summer day gone by. As he looked into Akio's eyes he saw the boy within the man, and knew he wanted them both.

"Do you want me?" Akio said,

"Yes.... yes..." Taylor cried, putting his arms around Akio, drawing him down onto the bed.

Their conversation continued long into the night, and neither would recall when the words stopped and their sleep began.

He woke up and felt Akio's warm breath on the nape of his neck, held from behind in a sleeping embrace. He looked at his right wrist. The knot holding the rope in place would never fray. Its cords had been replaced long ago by spun gold, silver, brass and copper He wore it as a commitment to the world they had created together. Taylor moved his hand slightly behind himself so that it touched Akio's hip before settling on the side of his firm butt. Akio stirred from his sleep and ground his hip into Taylor. Akio's light kiss on Taylor's neck elicited a sigh and they both fell back to that innocent sleep so many can imagine but so few truly enjoy.

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