Thats Life

By moc.liamtoh@erehdamllaerew

Published on May 7, 2002



Revised author's note (by popular demand):

Hello, this is my first time posting a story. Email me with any feedback, comments, criticisms anything. Email:

THANK YOU to those who have written in to me. Your interest is what makes me continue on with writing the story.

First off, if you are under age or it is illegal for you to be reading such "filth", please leave. This material contains crude language (gosh!), and homosexuality (oh my!), so if you are offended, then, yes....goodbye!

This story is purely fictional. So, any similarity to anyone or anything is purely coincidental.

I would like to thank my editor, Jay Alexander, for taking the time to go through my work and make it presentable. Phew. (I got an professional is that?!)

This is not a stroke piece. (Apparently, it was pointed out to me that if I say this, it attracts more readers than it HEY!).


It is a story of self-discovery and the trials and tribulations of a young man dealing with life, being gay, falling in love, etc.etc.etc. Just read the story and find out. If you want to put this story somewhere else, distribute it, whatever, please ask me first. Thanks!


I think Thane saw the panic in my face, "Hey, you could crash at my place too if it is too late to go back to your Rez, I know how anal roommates can be."

"You don't live on Rez?" I tried to concentrate on the situation and on standing up straight but I soon realized I was leaning a bit into Thane. Shit, but to hell with it. I was too piss drunk to care.

"Naw man, I got my own apartment. You could crash on the couch. No roommates." He saw my hesitation.

"I promise not to get freaky-deaky with your ass." I looked up, shocked. He was smirking again. Dude was playing with me.

I laughed. I guess I didn't have much choice. "Ya, sure, let's go."

As we exited the bar, I saw him steer us towards this sleek silver Porsche 9-11. Sweet.

"Nice wheels, bro." I said.

"Thanks, gift from the `rents for attending University." He laughed. I was stunned. My parents would never in a million and one years think to give me a gift for University. I knew this dude was loaded.

"Sweet deal, ain't it....?" He asked me.

I was focusing on the car. "Huh?"

"Parents...they're a sweet deal, huh?"

"Nah, not mine anyway." I guess I hesitated a bit too long. He looked over at me, while we pulled out of the parking lot. He didn't bother asking me to elaborate.

I was still a bit light-headed from the alcohol but I soon lost all my cool when we rounded the corner and came face to face with this motherfucker of an apartment complex. It was bitchin! I mean, this was what made money talk.

"Close your mouth bro, a fly might get in." Thane laughed at me. I was in total shock and I tried as hard as I could to not let it show, but it was hard. I mean, no one could blame me, if they'd just seen this place. It looked like a freaking Five Star hotel with a door man and all. I was floored.

"Wow" was all I could mutter. We rode up the elevator to the 5th floor and I couldn't help myself from repeating, "wow, wow" over and over again.

Then I was pretty much knocked into unconsciousness when we went into his pad. I won't even try describing it, it was just too phenomenal. I headed straight for the balcony. Wow, what a view. I knew there were rich areas in this stupid-ass city. Now, I was in the hub-bub of it. The guy's family was seriously well-off. I suddenly felt self-conscious. I felt like a kid at a museum...afraid to touch anything, lest I ruin it.

Thane gave me a tour of his apartment. He had a jacuzzi in his bathroom and his bedroom was marvelous. It was done in dark green with the furniture in dark wood. So male. He had a queen-sized bed. I also saw a lone figure at one of the tables in his bedroom, it was a replica of the statue of "David". I thought that tidbit of fact to be...interesting, shall we say. But, didn't dwell on it much. Wow. My dick was instantly hard after seeing his bedroom.

The decor was posh. When I asked him about it, he said he did it all. Of course, I would expect no less. After all, he was an art student, but it made me realize how good he actually was at it. We went back to the living room and I just stood there, afraid to mess anything up.

"Sit down dude, I'll make us a drink. B52?" Thane spoke finally after letting me just gawk at the place for 10 minutes or so, after he gave his tour. He knew I liked the drink at the bar. What a thoughtful guy.

"Wha..? Ya, sure, that's fine."

"Great." He went to make us a drink and I just sat down on the couch. I was so worn-out. The alcohol was getting to me. I rubbed my eyes, and tried not to think about Kenny, because that only made me depressed.

Thane soon brought out my shot. He had made himself the same thing. He looked into my eyes. I was caught. It was so intense. After what seemed like eternity, he spoke, "To new friends," and we clinked our glasses and I gulped down the shot like my life depended on it. That moment was powerful. Something was going on, but I was definitely not sober enough to figure it out. I looked over at Thane and he had a smirk on his face.

"Be right back," he said. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I soon found out, when the he brought out a motherfucker of a bong. "Light it up!" He said and laughed with glee.

I couldn't help it, I was gone too. I started going into hysterics along with him. We each took turns puffing from the bong. I was so fucked up. I tried really hard to keep my cool but everything that happened, we found it funny and soon, we were rolling on the floor in laughter. I tried to get back my composure and started to pick myself up with the help of the glass coffee table.

Big Mistake.

I guess I put too much weight on the coffee table, and it fell with a thud, right on the marble floor. Into pieces. I fell with it. I was horrified. It probably cost more than my life savings

"Are you ok?" Thane asked, voice sounding concerned. For the coffee table or for me? I looked over at him. I guess the fear showed on my face. "Hey, Galen, don't worry about it, it's a stupid coffee table. Are you ok though?"

"Ya...ya...I think so." I said with shakiness. Thane held my gaze again and without knowing why, he gently took my right hand into his and looked down. I looked down as well and it seemed that a piece of glass had cut my right hand.

"There's blood." He stated and looked back up at me.

"So there is." I was too drunk and out-of-it. Things were all happening at once. The ganga, the alcohol, Thane's euphoric presence. It was getting to my head. I gave him a lopsided grin. "Sorry, I guess I will work my ass off to pay you for the table, k?" Thane was freaking me out. He just kept on staring at me, all the while holding my hand. I tried to tug my hand back, but he had a firm grip.

"Th-thane?" I asked.

He kept on looking at me, and then back down at my hand.

Just like that, he put my hand to his face and stuck out his tongue, and lapped up a stray drip of blood. He looked back up at me, as if asking for permission. I sat on that floor, broken glass all around, confused, frightened, excited...waiting.

That was all the permission he needed. He started sucking on my wound in earnest and then he took one of my fingers in his mouth and started sucking on it, while rolling his tongue seductively around it. I moaned in appreciation.

Thane stopped what he was doing and chuckled. I was so embarrassed. I didn't know the etiquette of gay foreplay. Hell, I've never had any experiences like this before. I started fumbling for words to make up for my naivete. "Sorry...I..I..."

"Shut up." and with that he kissed me on the lips, hard. Taking my fucking breath away. He was demanding, letting me know he was a man. All man. His tongue demanded to be let into my mouth. I gladly opened for him, my mouth, myself. His tongue shot in like a bullet and started fucking my mouth, brutally, intensely. I was lost in that moment. I let myself give in to the kiss, to enjoy my first kiss from a man. It was historic.

After the kiss ended, I felt like I was on cloud nine. I had a shit-eating grin on my face. I looked over at Thane. He cracked up.

"Sorry, that was my first time."

"So it was Galen, so it was. How was it?" He smirked. Like he didn't know.

"Um..." I paused. "Ok..." Two can play at this game.

"Ok?! Ok?!" Thane screamed and jumped on me, pinning me down. I started laughing. It all felt so wonderful. No wonder people were so keen on getting hooked up. Having a lover definitely had its perks. We fooled around on the couch for a while until we were both out of breath.

"Sorry...again..for the table. I swear...I'll pay you back." I panted. He gave me a mischievous grin and winked, "I already have the payment arrangements in mind."

"Dirty, dirty boy." I playfully smacked his ass. I looked at him. I don't know how I got so lucky. He truly was an Adonis and he was mine. Or so I thought.

"Hey Thane, does this mean...?" I couldn't finish. I didn't know what to call it. Relationship? The word stuck to the roof of my mouth like peanut butter. It wasn't a very natural thing. It felt awkward.

"That you are gay? Yes. That I am gay? Yes. That we could be in a relationship? I hope so..." He looked at me questioningly.

I cringed. No one has ever uttered those words to me, especially with me in the context. My dad and brother called me derogatory names, but not knowing that I was really gay. So, I was gay. Gay. Faggot. Poofta. Ouch!

It definitely was gonna take some getting used to. I mean, here I was: a gay closeted guy. Actually, that's not even correct. I was so far in the fucking closet that it might as well have been a fucking house. A closet wasn't big enough. I hid myself that much. I lowered my head. My world was spinning out of control. I know my libido wanted this, wanted Thane...but I don't know if I wanted it.

I guess Thane picked up on my hesitation. He moved away from me and sat at the end of the couch.

"Look Galen, let me tell you something. I'm not preaching here, so please don't take it like that. You have to get comfortable about the whole "gay" thing. If you want to be in denial: fine. But, when you're ready. I am here. I won't push you." He got up from the couch. He was leaving. My rational brain said, "No dofus, it's his house," but it seemed that he was leaving me, leaving us.

"Wait, Thane..." I persisted. I didn't know what I wanted or how I wanted my life to go, but I knew I was not willing to give up on Thane.

"Yes....?" He drawled it out, giving me time to think, time to back out. "I want you." I rushed up to him and kissed him, hoping that whatever doubt he had about my sincerity could be washed away, for I gave everything and a bit more to that kiss.

He smiled his sexy ass smile, "Good," then as an afterthought, he continued, "you know Galen, you can talk to me about any problem. I have already gone through the whole 'dealing with being gay' so I am an expert. Or something close to it."

He was being nice, but he couldn't help me. "Thanks, but you wouldn't understand. It's not as easy as yours. My family is....different."

Thane sighed. "Galen, sit...." We took a seat on the couch. I curled up into him and he put his arm around me. It was so nice. So right. He finally spoke. His voice was so sad, "Do you know what I wouldn't give to have a family again?"


"All this, it came with a price Galen." I looked up at him again. Silent tears dripped down his perfectly chiseled cheeks. "My father....," He took a deep breath. This must be some heavy shit. I felt awkward, but sadistically happy, that he was willing to share all this with me, that he trusted me so much in such a short time. It took me years to trust someone. Hell, I didn't even trust Kenny yet - not this much. Otherwise he would know I was gay. "We all have so many skeletons in our past," I thought with bitterness. I turned my attention back to him and gave him a tight squeeze. That was all he needed to continue.

Thane cleared his throat. "As I was saying, my father is a very influential businessman and into politics. He is very conservative. My mother died when I was little. I have a step-brother from my dad's marriage to this bitch. She serves his purpose well enough, as a trophy wife. They are shallow. Very shallow. When I came out to my father, he calmly told me that I had disgraced him and the family. He wanted to never see me again. I was so hurt. I stormed out and didn't come back home for months. I got into heavy shit: drugs, sex, you name it." Thane looked at me, looking for approval? I smiled at him.

He continued, "Ya, so I came back to him, demanding money. I was fucked up, Galen. I threatened to expose myself to the community. He pretty much paid me to keep my mouth shut. Now he has only one son, his step-son, the bastard. He's told everyone that I have run away. Ah you see Galen. All this?" He spread his hand all around his apartment, gesturing, "This is to keep me happy, and sedated, and to keep my mouth shut. I gain all these, and lose a family." He was openly crying now. I was so shocked. I guess I wasn't the only one with problems. Suddenly I felt horrible about being envious of him, his wealth. It came with a price - everything came with a price.

"I know, it's hypocritical of me to keep this money, Galen. It's blood money. But, dammit, I deserve it....every cent I waste of that bastard's, it's a reflection of what he did to me. I feel glee....I'm sorry." Thane was still sobbing.

I kissed him. No words would have sufficed. I felt closer to Thane. I secretly thanked him for letting me into his life in such a short time. He was brave enough. Maybe one day, I will have the courage to do the same. We sat there for God knows how long, lost in our own thought, holding each other. Two lost souls forced to face reality. It was a sobering thought.

Next: Chapter 5

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