Thats Life

By moc.liamtoh@erehdamllaerew

Published on Jul 20, 2003


Author's Note:

Well, boys and girls, THANK YOU for the emails. Once again, I am grateful for them: however long, however short, however in-depth, however critical...however...they are the only thing that motivates online authors.

So, please feel to write in:

Ok, some clarifications (not that I don't mind answering these questions myself, but they are so common so I thought I would answer them here):

  1. Ca-na-da, that is where this story is set. Not 'assumingly' USA, or, if the 'USA analogies' don't match up - Britain. 2) Sorry, there is no mailing list. 3) There are no other stories by me on the net. This is my first and last attempt. :o) 4) Obviously, if you are here, CHAPTER 20 was NOT the last chapter. There are many more issues that have yet to be resolved, and I think I mentioned earlier something-or-other about 25 chapters. 5 more to go, maybe 6, might break up one chapter into two. 5) W.E. - Well Endowed. Wanna examine?

Jay Alexander - editor extraordinaire, thank you. You indulge in my most random, bizarre, STUPID ideas and thoughts with patience, humour (I am Canadian) and an open mind. You get me - in a twisted sort of way. Thanks, man. Cory - many, many thanks for your input and nightly theatres (I know that must have been hard work, especially for this chapter...for the two of you). Hope both of you are enjoying your holidays.

If you are under age or it is illegal for you to be reading such "filth", please leave. This material contains CRUDE language (gosh!), and HOMOSEXUALITY (oh my!), so if you are offended, then, yes...goodbye!

This story is purely fictional. So, any similarity to anyone or anything is purely coincidental. If you want to put this story somewhere else, distribute it, whatever, please ask me first. Thanks!

Aside from the ol' 'in-n'-out', there are other things of interest...


So, here we were, the two of us, finally going to live together, as an openly gay couple. I had come a long way since September. I would have never predicted all this. Never. It's hard to explain but with Kenny, the idea of coming out was not as scary nor as lonely. Probably because he knew and would have to answer to the same people I would when we both came out. We would survive, if we did it together. We had in the past. Everything that we would face, it would work out, because we would be doing it - together.

Us against the world. Kenny and Galen. Nothing could stop us now.

My apartment looked bare. Well, it was never really all that full to begin with since I only lived in it for two months, but, there was a certain sadness to seeing the "spotted" walls without my paintings leaning against them. This was the first home that was mine, all mine. I found a bit of myself at this place and in turn, opened up new doors in my life.

But, now, better things lay ahead of me. Kenny.

I smiled and did a little jump in the air and then, led by instinct, looked around to see if anyone caught my stupidity. Only the brown, taped, cardboard boxes stared back.

Kenny was bringing the moving van around to my place in an hour so I did one last check around my apartment, making sure I didn't leave anything behind, and then sat down heavily on the couch, taking a moment to breathe everything in. All the changes. All the MIND-BLOWING changes. I guess things never really change, we do. I was growing up, moving on to another stage in my life. And, it felt damn good!

The phone rang me out of my thoughts.


"All set, man?" Kenny asked.

"Yup, just waiting for you guys to come by." Kenny had come by last night to help me pack since he had packed all his stuff during the day but I still had to work at the Art Gallery. He was also bringing Dwayne and Paul to help us move my bed, the couch and all the other stuff.

"Well, we're just waiting for the moving van to show up and then I'm gonna load my shit and head over to your place, cool?"

"Cool. See you soon."

I heard Kenny's voice drop a notch. "Can't wait. Whatever else we forget, make sure we don't fucking forget the bed."

I smiled. He was flirting with me. It felt...weird. I mean, all other times, when we joked like this, it was just that...a joke. Now, there was a 'ring' of truth to it. Fuck a 'ring'. For me, BELLS, big-ass church bells were going off in my head. That's how happy I was.

I laughed nervously and voiced my thoughts. "Kenny, dude, this feels weird, eh?"

He pretended to be clued-out. "What does?"

"Fuck, Kenny, don't leave me alone, hanging like this. Tell me that you're also weirded out by this, by us, how we're talking now...flirting and if we' know..."

I didn't want to be the only one feeling the changes in our relationship and trying to adjust to it. Seeing him as a best friend for fifteen years and then, being thrust into a 'relationship' with him was something that was my dream. But, like most dreams, the storyline was muddy. It went from Kenny one day waking up and saying he loved me to us somehow ending up on his bed, fucking our brains out. Of course, the 'fucking' part was in minute detail but, everything else somehow...fell into place. Dreams were funny like that. They unfortunately left out the little wrinkles that showed up in reality. Like the changes in how we were now gonna interact with each other or the boundaries that have suddenly disappeared between us. Yeah, it was definitely 'weird'.

"Oh! That 'weird'!" I heard the faint laughter in his voice traced with nervousness as well. "Truth? I do feel it too...but, it's a...I dunno...good 'weird'. Is 'weird' ever good?"

"'Weird' can be good." I agreed with him. "This is definitely the good 'weird'." Something that I didn't mind experiencing.

"I think WE are weird." He laughed. "A'ight, we'll talk about how weird 'weird' can be when I see you. Until then, try not to jack off thinkin' 'bout my ass."

I blushed. "I've never..."

He interrupted me. "Dude, don't lie! I can tell, is growing."

I laughed. "Shut the fuck up and get your ass here as soon as you can."

"See? I knew you were thinkin' 'bout my ass."

I was about to respond but all I heard was the dial-tone. Motherfucker!

That first night together in our own apartment, we just sat on the floor of our new bedroom, opposite each other, surrounded by boxes, my old bed, and some other furnitures. Dwayne and Paul had just left, after helping us move in and then shoot the shit while chowing down on some pizza and chugging back some cold ones. By the time they left, we were way too drained to start unpacking so we each had taken a shower, washing all the sweat and grime off, and were now too tired to move so we sat and relaxed. Our own place. Finally.

He was doing really good, almost a week without alcohol. He would survive, I knew he could, even though as part Irish, the dire need to drink like a fish was in him, or so I said. He, on the other hand, said that he was surviving because of me. I didn't believe it for a second. Boy had more determination than any person I've seen, besides Mama Brien, and that explained everything.

I let the realization sink in that we were finally together after all these years. Every so often I would pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. It had to be a dream. I didn't deserve this much happiness.

Kenny broke into my thoughts. I looked over at him.

He was so fucking beautiful. Chiseled. Square jaw and chin, straight nose, pouty lips, dimples, twinkling blue eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled.

A physique attained from playing basketball: lean and sculptured with tight muscles. Broad shoulders, strong arms. He was shirtless and apparently didn't wipe himself very well because water from his recent shower clung to his skin, the droplets catching the light, making his skin shine, especially his tattoo. His chest was so tight, so defined and almost hairless, with a sparse patch right between his pecs. His nipples were brown and so fucking sexy, and... and, I shit you not, they were begging me to suck on them. And then, his midsection - compact with muscles, a six-pack clearly visible with a line down the middle, and a small, brown treasure trail that disappeared into his boxers. Straight, narrow hips. Even his belly button was turning me on.

He had on a pair of shorts and the label of his boxers was peeking out from the top. Two long, muscled, tanned legs lay spread apart on the floor, dusted with brown hair. I imagined those legs wrapped around me, the hair tickling my flesh. Hell yeah!

Everything about him screamed - male. Hard lines and planes, rigid muscles, taut flesh, jagged edges, calloused hands, rough stubbles. Rawness. The dawg was looking mighty fine. And people wondered about the beauty of a man. Fuck that, just look at Kenny.

Puberty was definitely good to him. He had come into his own, unlike me, who was desperately wishing for puberty to finish its damn job, or, in some places, start its damn job.

I suddenly felt so inadequate beside him and, at the same time, the luckiest guy ever 'cause he wanted to be with ME.

"Wha'chu thinkin' 'bout?" He asked.

"You." There was no pretense anymore. I just said what came to me. We had wasted so many years, because we were afraid of mere words...not anymore.

"Mmmm...and whaddya figure?"

"That I can't understand how I could love you so much and still think it's not enough."

He smiled that endearing smile of his that made him look like a mischievous kid, yet, still look like a man with carnal desires. Now, how is that possible? Only Kenny can achieve it.

"Come 'ere," he said.

I crawled over to him and squatted between his spread legs, gently running my fingertips along the bottom of his right foot, slowly, gauging the length. He squirmed at my touch. When I finally reached his toes, I tugged on his big toe, whispering, "Big foot."

I smiled as I let my eyes travel up from his foot to his crotch and then to his eyes. They were twinkling with mischief and his smirk just heightened those irresistible dimples of his.

"Is that a problem?"

"I really hope not."

At my remark, he pulled me into him and lifted me onto his lap. I rested my head on his muscled pecs. They were the softest yet hardest pillows I've ever felt. Go figure...Kenny makes me contradict my whole being. And I loved it.

His chin rested on top of my head. I inhaled his fresh smell. I could go to sleep like this and I wouldn't care that I was on the dusty floor.

I felt his hot, soft breath on top of my head as his arms encircled me, pulling me closer into him. At moments like these I always realized how much bigger he was, feeling as if his body swallowed me whole. This, I could tell, would soon become my safe retreat from the rest of the shit that the world dealt out to me. I closed my arms around his neck, tightening my hold on him, hoping that I provided the same for him as he did for me. He sighed deeply into my hair.

I moved my hand to where his heart was. I wanted to feel his heartbeat. I didn't trust myself. I wanted to make sure he was real.

"Babe, I'm alive...don't worry. I ain't going anywhere...for a long, long time...I plan to be with you for a while. Can you believe it? Me? Commitment? But, bastard that you are, you did this to me...and I love it." I looked up at his eyes and saw the sincerity there. He had called me "babe". It came out so naturally, like he didn't even think about it. Thane had called me that thousands of time, but this was the first time coming from Kenny's lips.

I tingled with delight. It was too much. Of course, I had to give him hell for it. I made gagging noises while holding my stomach. "Too much, too much fromage. Augggh!!! When did you become the Romeo of words?"

"Fuck always have to kill a moment." He got me in a headlock and gave me a noogie. Ah yes, always the romantic...

Our laughter quieted down as we both caught each other's eye. It suddenly got serious. I turned so that I sat straddled on his lap and looked at him...up and down. He was flawless. Everything about him was beautiful to me. He did the same to me. I was shirtless as well with just shorts on, but I knew I didn't look half as good. The way he was looking at me though, his eyes begged to differ with me. I got off on that, glad that I pleased him too. Not that it would have mattered.

It was Kenny.

He was the boy who's seen me naked ever since we were kids. He knew how I would have looked in the light, in the dark, in my boxers, out of my boxers, while I'm pissing, while I'm shitting, while I'm bleeding, while I'm laughing, while I'm crying. He saw me grow up, go through all my stages. With Kenny, I was not afraid of showing him the ugly side of me, the weak side of me, knowing that however ugly I am, however weak I am, he will still accept me as what I am. We were beyond that. To me, he was the most beautiful being to grace this earth simply BECAUSE he was Kenny O'Brien.

Kenny has seen every side of me and he accepted me through and through. I know how rare that is to find in this world. He knew me as I knew him. There was nothing left to hide. He knew me even better than I knew myself.

I stroked his cheek and he turned his face and nuzzled into my palm. I held him in the palm of my hand.

"Galen...please...," he pleaded.

I gave him what he asked for - I kissed him.

He sighed and rested his forehead against mine. "God, baby, you taste so sweet."

So, I let him taste me again because, truth be told, he tasted even sweeter.

He pulled me along with him as he lay down on the floor while I lay on top of him, never breaking our kiss. We fit together perfectly. My lips to his. Like ying and yang. The great duo was reunited at last.

I grabbed his legs, asking him to wrap himself around me, and he complied, pulling me tightly into him.

The kiss became more and more urgent. We were trying to get to each other's core, not being satisfied, trying to taste each other's very essence. It was frustrating, yet, deeply erotic.

I was hard. So fucking hard. My dick throbbed against his hard abs. He bucked himself when he felt me, trying to push me into him. I got the message. I ground my dick into his abs. I felt the moan rise from somewhere deep within him and it was lost in our kiss.

We were lost in our kiss.

Those hands of his that made me hard every time I looked at them, because they seemed so calloused, so unyielding, so strong, all of a sudden, were so gentle. They roamed my back, sliding up and down the curve of my spine, sending shivers and hot flashes all throughout me. I was finally getting all my fantasies, all my wishes.

I ran my fingers through that mass of hair that had tempted me for so long. It was silk within my fingers. I pounded my dick into him, driving it harder into Kenny. I felt his dick on my left thigh. It was hard and it was because of me. I almost came knowing that Kenny really did want me as much as I wanted him. I was so fucking close.

I felt his hands go lower down my back, into my shorts, into my boxers. He massaged my asscheeks. I felt him brush against my crack and the hands slowly retreated. He was wrong. I wanted him there so much. As if to let him know, my dick pounded harder into his stomach. It had a mind of its own. After cumming to fantasies of Kenny for so long, my dick needed no guidance. It was home.

His fingers slid into my asscrack and I moaned. One of his fingers found my hole and I arched my lower back up, causing his fingertip to penetrate my virgin hole. He broke our kiss. "Galen, you sure?"

"I want you to be my first."

I saw confusion cloud his eyes, and then finally, my words sank in and realization appeared.

I shook my head slowly. "I always knew he wasn't the right one." One hint was when Thane tried to persuade me to give my ass if he gave me his. I never knew lovemaking was a business deal.

Kenny smiled the happiest of smiles yet. I saw pure glee in his eyes.

"Bastard! You really hated Thane when we were together, didn't you?" I lightly punched him in the gut, but, I was smiling inside too.

Kenny's reaction: kinda endearing, kinda fucked...but all real, and that's all that mattered.

He shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "We-e-ell, 'hate' is such a strong, vile word, more like wanting to rip his testicles out and feeding them to the dogs, if I got the chance...but, you know, whatever..."

I laughed, looking down at him underneath me, and scratched his head. "Stop that! He's a cool guy, he hooked you up with my digits, didn't he?"

"Still...," Kenny's hand slid between us, caressing my stomach in slow circles, barely missing the head of my cock that was trying to escape from my shorts. He pouted, "He touched you."

I rolled my eyes. "How about if I hate all the chicks that touched you?"


"KENNY!!! That's not...agghh...forget it! You're hopelessly frustrating, and I KNOW you do this on purpose!"

Kenny blinked his eyes exaggeratedly. "I'm just misunderstood."

I cracked up really hard. 'Misunderstood' my ASS!

"If I didn't know you better, dude, that line might have worked," I said.

Kenny grinned at me. I wondered if he knew how much strength he gave me. I smiled back, but, I couldn't resist teasing him back. It was a favourite pastime of mine. "You know, it was your fault that Thane and I hooked up."

He flipped us so that I was under him now and glared down at me. "WHAT???!!! You better make this shit good."

"Well, if you didn't find my drawing that morning, and make me scared to face you, I would have never gone to Hannah's place, and then to the bar where I got drunk, met Thane and went back to his place."

"I'm giving you 10 minus 5 seconds to take back those words before I kick your puny ass, kid!!"

I laughed again in response.

He leered evilly as his eyes took in the length of my body. "Maybe, not kick your ass...I have other ways..."

With that, I felt his hands go to the front of my cotton shorts. He circled the wet spot that stained there and I shuddered feeling his thumb stroke my cockhead through the clothing. Kenny watched my face as he slowly pulled the string, loosening my shorts. He put his hands on my hips and moved them down, taking my shorts with him as he stripped me.

The sudden exposure of my soaking cock to the air passed a shiver through my body. Kenny grinned at the sudden twitch of my body and looked down at me. I flushed under his scrutiny, knowing that I was going to be completely exposed to him. Open. Totally naked.

We've seen each other naked so many times, even making fun of each other's packages as we were growing up, but this time, it was different. He WANTED to look at me. He didn't move, only his eyes, which seemed to dance along the surface of my flesh. Finally, his eyes met mine and he smiled a soft smile. Anxiety left my body in a rush, replaced by calm acceptance of what this moment was all about.

Now, it was my turn.

I sat up and lay Kenny on his back on the floor. My hands could not help but touch him, feeling his chest, his stomach, until they stopped to linger at the waistband of his shorts. I snapped open the button and slowly lowered the zipper making sure to avoid his hard-on which got in the way. I guess I was too slow for Kenny because he was writhing with impatience. I lowered my face and kissed his flesh - at the point where his treasure trail disappeared into his boxers, right under his belly button. My tongue trailed higher until it circled his belly button and then dove in. I heard Kenny moaning in the distance but I was too lost in the sight before me, the complete access to Kenny's body. Mine.

I pulled down his clothing and he willingly assisted me by lifting his ass. I chuckled as I got back to planting feather kisses all along his treasure trail.

Kenny scratched my head gently. "That tickles."

I climbed up until I was face to face with him again as my eyes drank in every inch of Kenny along the way. Then, I lowered myself onto him and kissed his parted lips.

I finally felt him. Skin to skin. I felt his dick on my thigh. It was wet with pre-cum. I wanted it like it was my last meal. I left his lips and kissed and licked my way to his neck, marking my territory. He tasted so good, so salty. A moan rose from within him and his Adam's apple vibrated, drawing my attention to it. I sucked on it and felt him continue to moan. I felt his moans in my mouth, through the vibrations. I felt his pleasure. I tasted his pleasure. And it was indescribable.

Moving to his right arm, I admired the tattoo; one of my best works if I must say. It was quite intricate in its details. On his tanned skin, the black of the tattoo stood out even more, the cross stood out, demanding to be recognized.

We were pure. Our love was pure.

I kissed the tattoo and moved on to his chest. After much of his moaning and pleading, I decided to grant his wish. I plunged down on one perfectly formed, brown nipple - hard. It was inviting me to suckle it. I suckled it like a newborn to its mother's tit. I grazed it with my teeth and Kenny practically howled. Oooh...I see!

I did it again. Kenny gritted his teeth. "Galen, if you want me to come right now, keep doing that...."

I stopped. I couldn't waste a single drop of Kenny.

I moved my exploration lower, to his perfectly formed six-pack abs. I flicked my tongue into his belly button again. It was an innie and his pre-cum had gathered there. I tried to get every drop out of there with my tongue. That just made him buck like a wild horse.

A trail of brown hair led me down further to the thing I've wanted and dreamt of my whole life. No wonder it was called a 'treasure' trail. The treasure trail thickened into a bush of brown, wiry pubic hair and between all of that, it stood, literally, pressed against his abs. His cock was fucking beautiful. It screamed power and sex and rawness like no other cock I've seen before. The shaft itself was only slightly smaller in diameter compared to the big head, making the whole thing look almost unnerving. Kenny oozed sex-appeal - one look at him and anyone would think 'sex' - raw, uninhibited sex. You could almost taste the sex on him. And, it all was magnified in his cock. It was darker than the rest of him, with big veins zigzagging along, fitting him perfectly, with two round, oh so lickable, balls completing the package. And what a package.

I buried my face in him and inhaled. I felt his hips rise to smother me into him even more as he moaned. I smelled him and my mind flashed back to first year, one night me coming home from my night class, entering our room and being suffocated with the smell, this smell - of sex. He wasn't there but I knew he had had someone there while I was in class - fucking them. I felt dirty and sick and guilty and ashamed and scared and I STILL couldn't stop my feet from moving me towards his bed, closer and closer to the smell, to Kenny's smell, until I inhaled and choked, smelling the lingering smell of perfume mingling with Kenny's cologne. I felt sick as I ran from the room and threw up in the bathroom. That should have been one of my many clues that I wasn't over Kenny.

And now, I was allowed to explore, taste, touch, feel and smell him all I wanted, without feeling dirty, without feeling sick, or guilty or ashamed or scared...

I looked up at him. His eyes were cloudy with wonder and disbelief. I ran my hands along his sides, gently caressing him. "Kenny, whenever you feel weird...let me know, eh?"

He gulped and nodded. "Weird...yeah...but the good kind."

We caught each other's eye and grinned. It would all work out. We knew.

I spread his legs and reached between, gently twirling my fingers in his bush. Kenny groaned. I ran my fingers along the surface of his balls, watching Kenny's body react to my touch, to the anticipation of what was about to happen. I flicked my tongue rapidly over the flesh that connected his balls to the base of his shaft, getting a very pleasing reaction from Kenny. Moving along to his heavy, juice-filled balls, I licked one and then the other, switching, getting them good and wet. I wanted a better taste so I took one into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it. And then the other. I could have kept going forever but Kenny was pleading under me, begging me to take him in.

I reverted my attention back to his cock.

I had seen it countless number of times, but knowing that it was hard for me, the foreskin pulling back for me, exposing the shiny red head for me, standing erect for me, dripping for me, pleading for me, begging for me, me, me, me, fucking me - made it seem new, more marvelous, and way more beautiful.

I grabbed it, feeling it pulsate in my hand, hard and waiting for me, solely for me. I blew air on the exposed head, and with my palm, gently added pressure to the glans, stroking and squeezing. Kenny hissed in response, caressing my head, urging me to take him in. I started to stroke his cock, making Kenny squirm. Finally, I tightened my hold around his cock, making a drop of pre-cum leak out of the head. It twinkled. I licked the exposed head, taking in my first taste of his cum right from the source.

Just as I had predicted: rapture.

I licked up and down the penis, getting myself ready for my treat. Kenny kept moaning under me, leaking so much fucking pre-cum. I covered the head with my mouth, gently suckling on it, as he filled my tastebuds with the euphoric taste of him. I rolled the foreskin back even more with my tongue, making sure that I didn't leave a single nook undiscovered.

He was mine: so vulnerable, so innocent, so beautiful. Completely surrendering to me. Trusting me with his very self.

I couldn't help it any longer. My tongue was salivating. I sucked him in, slowly moving down his length, trying to adjust to the newness of his cock, his length, his thickness, stretching my throat, until I couldn't take any more. My throat just opened up for him, knowing he belonged there. I felt his pubes tickle my nose, my hand enclosing the rest of his shaft at the base, as I breathed in the scent of Kenny. He was bigger and thicker than Thane and I was looking forward to the many practices needed to deep-throat him completely.


I had to chuckle and I guess he felt the vibrations against his dick because he groaned. I sucked him, again and again, tightening my lips around his cock, feeling my power over him, over his pleasure, over his being. I had the ultimate power over his pleasure - over building it to surreal heights, and releasing it to surreal depths.

My tongue ran along the sensitive underside of his cock and then back up to the piss slit, and then switched again. It was so familiar. I had done it countless number of times in my dreams.

Yet, I rediscovered him at the same time. The subtle curves and the veins of his cock that could only be felt with such intimacy which I lacked in my dreams. Kenny tried to relax and enjoy, but the tension was too much for him. I could see his fingers scraping the wood on the floor and so his instincts took over as he started to slowly thrust his hips up to meet my mouth. I held on to his tight asscheeks, setting our rhythm. This was heaven.

But, really though, my greatest pleasure did not come from his cock, as enticing and delectable as it was. It came from Kenny, his moans, his face, just him. Looking at him enjoying himself because of me.

I felt his abs tighten under my hands. He was about to come. My fingers pressed and massaged the spot right behind his balls, his prostate from the outside, and he just bucked in response. I had pulled the trigger.

"Holyyyyyyyyyy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!"

Kenny arched himself up...burying his cock deeper into my, more than willing, throat. I felt his cock expand and then...load after load of Kenny's juices filled my mouth. I gulped and gulped, finally tasting the taste of his actual cum. It was over way too soon...

I suckled on his half-hard cock, making sure to lick every drop off of him. They belonged to me now. Every last drop.

We were both panting...trying to recover from our first session of lovemaking.

I was worried about Kenny. This was his first time making love with a man. I looked up at him as I caressed his thighs. "You ok, baby?"

Kenny's eyes were huge. A silly grin broke out on his face. "I'm abso-fucking-lutely fantastic!! Holy fuck!!!"

I laughed and kissed his inner thighs and then laid my head on his right thigh. "Why, thank you."

His eyes were still bright, as if he just discovered gold or something, "No...thank YOU. That was the best head that I've ever received. Hands down!!!"

I moved up to lie beside him on the floor and caressed his cheek, then kissed him, letting him taste himself. He scrunched up his face in response. I laughed and kissed him again. "I love you."

Kenny just grinned and a mischievous look appeared on his face.

He was ready faster than I was, and he's the one who just came! He wanted to desperately return the favour.

Without any warning, he picked me up and moved us over to the bed. I felt the magnitude of his strength, as the muscles in his arms flexed as he picked me up. Damn, I got harder, feeling Kenny's powerful body beside mine, and seeing the tattoo jump as his arm flexed. Oh yeah, I was definitely hard!

We lay on the bed. It was a small bed, a single. It was my bed from when I lived alone in my apartment. We would be getting a new one soon, but today, it didn't matter. We could be at the bottom of the sewer making love to one another, and it wouldn't have mattered.

His hands caressed each part of my body, followed by his lips. First, his fingers moved to my lips, which were soon replaced by his own lips. He sucked on my bottom lip and started nibbling on it. Then, throwing caution to the wind, his tongue plunged into my mouth, fucking it - giving me a premonition of things to come. When we had ravaged each other enough with our mouths, he moved on.

To my neck. Damn! Boi can suck. He bit, licked, and sucked. The neck is one of my "spots" and I was groaning like crazy, pushing my body into him, grasping his tightly muscled upper arms, my cock rubbing against his hot, sweaty skin, sliding with ease.

His tongue moved lower, circled my nipple, slowly making the circumference smaller and smaller until I was begging him to relieve me. His lips finally closed around the pink nipple and sucked it in, as the little stubbles on his chin tickled my flesh. I felt him rapidly flick his tongue back and forth, arousing my nipple even more. It turned as hard as a bullet under his skillful administrations. I arched myself up to get more of him, if that was humanly possible.

While he sucked on my nipples, taking in one and then the other, his hand made its way down to my crotch. He twirled his fingers around my pubic hair, teasing and pulling, until finally, his hand found my cock. He started slowly stroking it, pulling at the foreskin, up and down, up and down, my pre-cum helping him in his quest to get my cock harder. His hand felt like a tight glove on my cock. It molded perfectly.

Slowly but surely, his red, puffy lips parted and stood hovering over my aching, dripping cock. I saw the mass of brown hair move back to see a pair of dazzling blue eyes looking back at me, winking at me.

"Sorry if I can't do this as well as goes."

My own eyes widened in surprise and realization of what was about to happen. I remembered my first time sucking a cock. It was so hard for me to accept it. I didn't want Kenny to go through that. I was about to tell him to stop, but it was too late.

He closed his mouth on my cock. The wetness, the heat, the warmth. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Logic flew out of my head in that instant. Kenny's hissed as I caressed his head; the hair was so soft under my hands.

He took his mouth off again and my cock hovered so very close to his lips. I felt like I was riding on a roller coaster, the initial stage, the anxiety as the roller coaster slowly reached higher, higher, as Kenny gently licked the head of my cock, never fully encasing it within his hot mouth. Finally, his lips parted again and I felt the warm breath on my cockhead. The roller coaster was right at the top, just waiting to drop. My legs shaking, blood boiling, goosebumps all over my flesh, waiting for the excitement that I knew would come. And then, the roller coaster plunged forward, down, at breath-taking speed, my stomach in my throat, the thrill, the extreme pleasure, the fear, the lust, Kenny's mouth finally covering my cock again. I growled.

JESUS!!! Multiply this feeling with the world's most intense roller coaster and I couldn't even get close. I was on a high like I've never known before, feeling Kenny's mouth giving me pleasure. I was shaking so hard. I couldn't last long. No way in hell!

He took it very slowly, sucking the head first and getting used to the size as he gathered saliva in his mouth and then slowly moved down, taking in more and more of me. We maintained eye contact throughout. I almost came looking at the image in front of me - Kenny's mouth wrapped around my cock, his blue eyes looking at me in pure bliss.

His tongue ran along the head and hit the slit.

"Shittttttt," I moaned.

Kenny was sucking on my cock and he was enjoying it. I couldn't believe it. Who the fuck said miracles don't happen?

I tried to stay still, letting Kenny set the pace, letting him get used to it. He couldn't take all of me, and he had to come up for breath a few times...not to mention, the few scrapes of the teeth, but the fact that he even tried more than made up for it. His mouth felt so good, so right, so tight, so warm, so wet - so perfect. The stubbles on his face kept digging into my balls and the sensation was incredible.

I couldn't take it. I wanted it all. "Kenny, baby, I'm comingggg..."

In response, his mouth tightened around my cock. Shit! My back arched, my feet dug into the mattress as my cum escaped me.

"Oooohhh GOOOOOODDD!!!!!" I came and came and he tried in vain to swallow every drop. My body slumped back into the mattress, completely drained of energy which Kenny had sucked right out of my willing body.

He slowly came up to join me at the head of the bed while working his jaw from side to side. I was sure it was aching. He elbowed me and pointed to my cock. "Galen, I finally met your friend, wha'chu call him? Jawbreaker?"

I blushed and punched him lightly, unable to look at him but, nonetheless, basking in the compliment.

He chuckled when he saw my embarrassment and licked his lips which were now swollen and glossy. I smiled knowing I was the cause of it. "I'll get to know him real well, trust me. Fucking need more practice. And you made it look so damn easy."

I laughed. "Yeah, what a talent I have. Ma will be so proud."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, biting back a smile.

I smiled as we lay beside each other, contemplating the recent events. I licked my remaining cum off his face and then kissed him, feeding him my seed, tasting my taste on his tongue, mixed with a lingering taste of him.

I wondered if he was disgusted with himself, afraid of what he'd just done. I was replaying my first time: hell, I was a nervous wreck with Thane. I looked over at Kenny. I could never forgive myself if I hurt him, if I pushed him. He returned my stare. He was smiling, a lazy smile, but nonetheless, a smile of ecstasy.

I know mine mirrored his own. I felt so much love for him, I was bursting with it.

"How was I?" He asked. There was a hint of pain there. Even without asking, he was asking me if he was good enough for me, considering Thane.

Kenny, the fact that it was you, made it the most perfect experience in this world.

I smiled at him while caressing his face, reassuring him. "Can't really put it into words..."

I lay my head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart. It gave me reassurance, letting me know that he was with me, alive, and breathing, never leaving me. It would become a habit of mine as time passed. He understood and to ease my insecurities, bundled me up in his arms and kissed me before closing those blue eyes of his that always made me go weak in the knees. I stayed up for some time, thinking about everything, and thanking God for Kenny.

But, we were both too tired after the move and our session of lovemaking. The song sung by Kenny's heartbeat led me into the world of dreams.

I opened my eyes to the feeling of Kenny running his hands up and down my body with gentle strokes. As my eyes focused, I was met with those baby blues. I stretched along the length of him and yawned, snuggling closer to the warmth of his body. I liked how Kenny felt next to me. I really, really liked it. I wanted to bury myself in him. Kenny chuckled and held me tighter. We had forgotten to turn off the light when we dozed off to sleep and it was still night outside. I smiled up at him. He traced my face with his fingertips and his voice was barely above a whisper: soft, husky and Goddamned erotic.

It rippled off my skin, his baritone voice. "You know how my Grandma calls you 'Angelface'?"


Every time Kenny's Grandma saw me, that's what she called me, after which she never failed to shake her head in dismay and admonish Kenny for ruining my innocence. I hated it. It made me feel even more stuck in time, in childhood, when all I wanted to do was catch up with Kenny.

Kenny nodded his head in confirmation, his gaze intense. "Yeah."

I blushed under his scrutiny. "Stop looking at me like that."

He smiled but his gaze intensified. "Like what?"

I pointed a finger at his face. "Like THAT!"

He swallowed my finger and I felt his tongue swirl around it, reminding me of his tongue on my cock just a few hours ago. My cock apparently was remembering too because it was rearing to go! I moaned as I realized that we REALLY had left childhood behind a long time ago. The Kenny and Galen who sat up in that treehouse was the past, and the future was...I shuddered, thinking of the possibilities.

Kenny was thinking the same thing as me, but, in a different way. "I'm corrupting you, Galen."

"I think it's the other way around, Straight Boy." His Grandma had NO idea. If she knew, she would cross herself a million times.

Kenny grinned. "True say."

I smiled at him and touched his face with one hand while my other hand squeezed his cock. "Besides, maybe I want to be corrupted."

Kenny actually blushed this time. "You flatter me too much."

"I just tell the truth."

He kissed me. "Hmm....bro, you know how happy I am?"

I let go of his cock and felt a pang of guilt. I really was the one doing the corrupting here. He sucked his first cock today, 'cause of me. "I would feel weird after, you know...," I said.

He slapped my ass, admonishing me, "Galen! You mofo! Why the hell for? I've only just wanted to do that...for...forever..."

"Ow..." I massaged my asscheek and continued, "I dunno...when I first..." I paused. It wasn't right to talk about my lovemaking with Thane to Kenny, not now.

"Go on. I want to know. It's a part of you, man," Kenny whispered. I looked over at him. I saw a muscle in his cheek twitch. He was not okay with it, but he still wanted to know.

"Well, I kinda freaked when I first did it. Not outright, but subconsciously, something broke. I looked at my reflection and became detached from the guy I saw. The fort, the wall I kept up, making myself believe that I am not truly gay until I sucked a dick..."

He interrupted me. "If sucking your dick makes me gay, I wouldn't fucking wanna be straight."

I blushed again and tickled his sides. "Stop with those lines....I don't like my hard-ass Kenny turning all softie on me..."

He laughed, capturing my wrists and pinned them to his chest, then, bending forward, kissed the tip of my nose while a yawn escaped him. "Right, right, gotta keep up appearance. But, baby, I can't help it, I'm in love....'sides, only you get to be cheesy?"

I groaned. "I am neve-mmmm."

He shut me up with a kiss. Again, he ran his tongue along the back of my gum which sent shivers all along my body. Boi was learning about all my buttons, and quickly too. Daym!

When he broke away from the kiss, his eyes were full of sorrow. I immediately felt that I had done something wrong. "Babe, what's wrong... Kenny...?"

He smiled a sad smile. "Just thinking, man, how fucking sweet it is to finally be here, with you, like this. A couple of months back, I could have never imagined this. You didn't call for my birthday, bastard."

It was my turn to feel his pain. "I am so sorry. I wanted to, so badly that my hand itched the whole day wanting to pick up the phone, just to hear your voice. You don't wanna know how I spent your birthday. I'll tell you all about it another time, but, let's just say it involved me being depressed, Thane having a genius idea that could cheer me up, a gay club, a fight and me getting a black eye. Not fun! But, damn! We're so fucking blind sometimes that we let our bullshit egos get in the way. You know, I never felt you used me, as much as you say that you did. If it was true, then I used you just as much. Yours was the only real friendship I knew. Shit, we have missed out on so many lost days where we could have been together, if only..."

"Well, we gotta make the most of it now, right?"

I simply nodded.

His fingers kept on gently tracing each contour of my face, as if trying to memorize me. I did the same. Finally, his thumb tentatively brushed the bump on my lip from our fight in the snow. "I am so fucking sorry, Galen."

I sighed. We had gone over the event of that day many times, but he still carried a world of guilt on his shoulders. Kenny had explained to me his side of it: how he felt like we were finally back in familiar territory - our hometown - away from Uni, away from Thane, the tension between us those months momentarily forgotten, finally chilling at his place like we used to. Smoking up, joking around in the snow, and then we had a 'moment' and I interrupted it, and he automatically thought it was 'cause of Thane when for me, it was about not trying to make Kenny, who I thought at the time to be straight, be uncomfortable. Then, the fight, bad exchange of words from both sides, until my 'great' monologue which I refused to stop...until the punch.

He knew that I already forgave him, but he still couldn't forgive himself. Truth is, I've seen Kenny hit; I knew his strength. He was fucking 8 inches and about 70 pounds bigger than me. He could have taken out my jaw. Easily. He was holding back that day, in a big way. I cut my bottom lip 'cause my teeth bit into it when I fell. Now, there was a tiny bump, hardly there, but he was still carrying around all that guilt, because he had never before raised a hand to me. He looked so ashamed. I couldn't see him like that.

I tugged at one of his ears, as I tried to lighten the mood. "You know, I kinda like it. Gives me some toughness, some character. When people ask, I tell them that I got into a fight with this mofo of a dude named Bubba, and if they are worried about this scar, they should see how I left Bubba."

That got a half-smile out of Kenny. "Nice try, Galen."

Oh God! "Look, just let it go. Besides, I'm glad it's there. It's the story of us. Our struggle. We struggled to get to this moment, Kenny. And lest we forget....It's bullshit that the society in which we live demand that we have to struggle, that we have to fight to feel comfortable with who we are naturally, but we did it ...we won...and I have the battle scars to prove it, bro."

Kenny kissed me. "Li'l better..."

In response, I deepened our kiss. His hand began exploring again. I knew where it was headed. When it reached there, I covered his hand with mine. I was asking him to stay. And stay he did. He stroked my ass like it was a fragile object, ready to crumble at his touch.

I felt a wave of emotion surge through me. He was that gentle.

This magnificent giant, who I couldn't ever imagine settling down, falling in love, giving a shit about anyone, had fallen in love with me. Little old me.

"You sure?" Kenny asked.

I had never been more sure of anything in my life. I brought his hand to my rock-hard cock and raised my eyebrows in answer.

Kenny chuckled and started to get up from the bed.

I grabbed his upper arm. "Where you going?"

"Hold up a sec." He went to his backpack lying on the floor and rummaged around for something and then, came back holding his hands up. In his right hand was a rubber and in his left was a tube of lube. He came to stand in front of me as I sat up on the bed, legs dangling off the ends.

I smirked up at him. "So, someone was planning this, eh?

He blushed. "Naw, man, I'm just saying, you know, whatever, we don't gotta...but...I thought..." I let him squirm for a while even though I had also bought both things at the local drugstore and they were in my backpack, ready for action as well. But, I wasn't gonna tell him that. He was blushing now and looked too cute, being so unsure.

I had to have him.

I grabbed him around his waist as I pushed my right leg in between his and kicked, making him lose his balance. He fell on top of me with a yelp, his weight forcing me to fall back on the bed, as his hands flew forward, the rubber and tube of lube landing on the bed beside us. He held himself hovering over me, keeping himself from squishing me.

I slid my hands under his armpits and around his back, slowly caressing his smooth skin with my fingertips. We looked at each other and smiled. I raised my left knee, rubbing his hard-on as he groaned and lowered his mouth to mine.

I broke off and bit my bottom lip as I looked at the little square packet lying beside us. I reached for it and fiddled with it, making up my mind. Kenny's eyes took in my movements with curiosity.

I wanted to feel him, skin to skin. That didn't mean that I was going to get carried away with some romantic notion here when it concerned the safety of our lives, but, " we need it? I've never done it. You said you got tested and are fine."

Kenny squinted his eyes. "Well...I know I don't plan to fuck around anymore."

I shook my head and replied quickly. "Neither do I, I swear." Not that I had been before today. But.

He laughed as he planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. "I wasn't accusing you, but, Galen, this is a big decision. We shouldn't take all this so fucking lightly. One mistake and it's over. We gotta trust each other."

I really was planning to commit myself to him completely. I couldn't even think of being with another person. "As I said Kenny, with my life."

He brought his finger up to my mouth and I sucked him in, lubricating it. I was so open to him. I knew it would not be pain, but rather, the ultimate pleasure.

His wet finger tentatively reached my hole. My hole quivered in anticipation. He gently pushed in until the tip entered me, and then, took it out. I groaned out my objection. Kenny smiled and leaned down and kissed me.

His finger slid in again, further this time, like it was meant to be there. He pushed his finger in and out of my hole, and one time, he hit my prostate.


"Shit!!" We both yelled at the same time.

I came! I just came. Dammit, what was Kenny doing to me? It was never this intense with Thane. Kenny was making me go insane.

It seriously was too much: Kenny, knowing we were going to make love, his finger, in me, my hole. All too much.

Kenny's eyes were wide, realizing that he had just discovered the prostate and then he looked at me, my body shuddering from the recent orgasm. He chuckled. "Wow, I hit the Jackpot there, eh?"

I ran my hand along the length of his arm, feeling his muscles, the ridges, the contours, his hardness. His whole body was so tight and hard! Dammit...I couldn't resist....I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I was so embarrassed. I mumbled into his neck, "I'm sorry."

"It's then, we know where your magic button is." His finger left for a second, only to gather up my spilled cum and then went back to where it belonged. Inside of me. I squeezed my ass, hoping he would stay. He did. Slowly, he added another finger and I felt a burning sensation. Yeah, there would be pain. But, I wanted this. God only knows how much I wanted this.

I let myself feel the sensation of Kenny stretching me as I lay on my side beside him, my left leg spread out over his own legs, entangled with his, sticking to him because of my cum, as I tried to recover from the orgasm.

I took in the intricacies of the scene. I saw the contrast. He was tanned and I was pale. His legs were muscled and dusted with hair, while mine were practically hairless. He was chiseled like he had been carved out of the finest marble and I was, well, kinda scrawny. I know we've known each other forever, but still, what did he see in me?

His fingers moved inside of me harder and faster and hit my button again. I felt myself stirring as my doubts floated away. I was finally glad that I was eighteen. I knew I would miss my I got older.

Kenny felt it too, against his hip. "Daym boy! You're a horndog!"

We both chuckled as I thrust myself into his hip. But the mood quickly shifted again. He turned me so that I was fully lying on my back and started his exploration of my body anew, nibbling on my earlobe, whispering his state of horniness over my body, and what he would like to do...getting me hotter.

I explored him with my hands, caressing every curve of him, every ridge.

Kenny sat back on his heels and planted his hands on either side of my hips.

He ran his hands along my body, taking in the subtleties.

He caressed my cheeks, his thumbs following my jawline and then, his hands traced down my neck until his fingertips moved outward along the length of my shoulders, lightly brushing them, barely grazing the skin. "You've been out in the sun."

He was referring to my freckles - the ones on my cheeks were more prominent and some freckles lightly dusted my shoulders. Always happened during the summer.

I flushed at the intensity of his gaze on my body's minute details. "Went rollerblading with Hannah down by the lake without a shirt on a couple of times." At least it was in the late afternoon and I didn't get burned.

He smiled as he stroked my sides. "Straight," he whispered to himself, awe in his eyes.

His hands moved to my stomach, feeling the developing muscles there, and then, his hands caressed my chest, slowly, so very slowly. He looked at me. "So smooth, so...flat."

I let him discover me: discover the difference between what he had known and what he had committed to know for the rest of his life.

He didn't look resentful, nor did he have a look of longing. He looked...amused, curious and - pleased.

He touched my thighs from the outside, moving down the length of my legs, and then moving up along the inside, until I felt his fingers brush my balls. I whimpered. He smirked at me, "I always wondered," as I felt his fingers trace the skin of my inner thigh, right where it met my crotch, "if you had freckles here too."

I blushed as I gently punched his arm and placed my hands on his, stopping his exploration. He smiled. Those dimples, fuck, they killed me every single time. I couldn't help but return his smile and asked, "You like?"

He lay down over me again, balancing his weight on his elbows, and I felt his hard cock nudging between my thighs. We both chuckled. Oh yeah, he definitely liked.

I spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist, tightening them so that his cock could get even closer. Kenny grinned at me. "Aren't we eager now?"

I ground into him even more, pushing into his ass with the heels of my feet. "Kenny, please...just..." I was so horny.

He licked my lips and whispered in my ear. "Just what, baby?"

I groaned as I kept up my thrusting. Kenny didn't help matters either. He was perfectly still as I tried to elicit some movement from him and ground into him harder, faster. It was going to be over before it started...again.

Kenny cupped my face until I stopped what I was doing and focused in on him. "Tonight, I'm gonna explore every bit of you." With that, he finally returned my thrust with a powerful one of his own and our cocks rubbed against one another.

Shi-it! My breath got heavier.

Just to confirm his answer further, he licked his lips and slowly brought his mouth down to me again. His tongue snaked out and licked a trail of sweat from my face.

My eyes were glued to his tongue...watching his movements. He moved his own explorations down lower, licking everything in sight. When his tongue reached my inner thighs, he lifted his head and winked at me. "No freckles." I laughed in response and couldn't help but blush again.

Finally, after he was satisfied, he turned me on my stomach.

I couldn't see him nor what he had planned and the anticipation got my cock even harder. I felt him put his hands on either side of my body, supporting himself mere inches over me, his legs in between my own spread legs, not touching me at all. My body involuntarily rose up, missing the contact with Kenny's skin, but he held out on me.

"Close your eyes, Galen."

I did. He could have told me to wear a clown outfit right then and I would have.

I felt his hot breath at the crook of my neck, the stubbles on his face barely tickling my flesh, making me quiver. His low voice, husky and filled with lust, vibrated on my skin. "Remember, Galen, no cheating."

I heard laughter in his voice, and I nodded my head while a shudder ran through my body, my eyes still tightly shut.

Feeling...just feeling...human.

I felt the wet tip of his tongue make contact with the sensitive skin at the back of my neck, at the beginning of my spine. Nerves connecting with nerves...a jolt, a shock.

My body humped itself into the bed, my cock demanding attention.

Slowly, his tongue began its journey down my spine. All I felt of Kenny was the merest wet tip of his tongue - the immediate contact - hot, kind of rough, and wet.

As he moved lower, my exposed wet flesh cooled as it made contact with the air, making me shiver. Shit, did I ever feel Kenny. Only that merest wet tip, but still, he was all around me. I felt every bit of Kenny through that merest tip. So fucking close...

Finally, the tip reached the beginning of my asscrack and stopped. I waited, and waited...I wanted him to, but I didn't. My asscheeks clenched together in conflict. I didn't know what the hell I wanted. But, just SOMETHING...

All I knew was that it was taking too damn long, my dick was vying for attention.and my senses were on overdrive. I opened my eyes and turned my head. I took a sharp intake of breath as I connected with his blue eyes. He was staring right at me, knowing that I would look.

He smiled a self-gloating smile - a victory.

Just as suddenly, I yelped. He had bitten my fucking left asscheek. "I told you, no cheating."

I gulped. "Sorry." And I closed my eyes again.

Only to be rewarded by another bite, but a nibble this time, "Damn, Galen,...your ass is so fucking fine."

I muttered a barely audible and shaky, "Umm...thanks?" I didn't know how else to respond. I was too far gone.

Kenny lightly chuckled as he kept on sucking on the flesh of my left asscheek. I felt him nuzzle his face back and forth on my asscheeks, teasing my flesh with his stubbles, knowing that I loved it, and then going back to sucking on the flesh.

It stopped again, but I would not be baited a second time. I waited, my eyes closed. And felt.

The tip of his tongue returned to the beginning of my asscrack, gently poking into the cleavage. My body wanted it, even if my mind was in conflict, and my ass raised itself up. I guess Kenny got all the motivation he needed because his tongue plunged down, running the length of my crack and going as far as the skin right behind my balls. HOLY SHIT!!! When he reached THAT PART, I pleaded with him to do it again, and again.

He obliged. Back and forth. My ass rose with each lick, as I spread my legs wider, hoping to open up more for him.

His hands took hold of my hips, lifting my ass up as his fingers parted my asscheeks. "You cool with this?"

Was I cool with this?? Was he serious?? HIS MOUTH was on MY ASS. I bit my bottom lip from laughing out loud. "Kenny, maybe I should be the one to ask YOU that que---es, yes! YES! HELL YES!!"

I was too busy screaming to finish my thought as his mouth dove in.

He licked my asshole, and then blew on it, making me shiver as the air cooled my wet asshole.

I groaned, "Ohh...Kenny...hell that..."

Kenny got more daring, tonguing me, prodding me to open up. He slipped in.

The tip...the merest wet tip. Caressing me from the inside.

I was humping back like a bitch in heat, writhing on the bed, my moans becoming louder and louder.

Kenny's tongue became more intense, massaging my insides while his lips pulled and sucked the puckered edges on the outside, trying to swallow my asshole. Oh my fucking Lord! I was shattered to a whimpering mass. I heard his muffled groans as he obviously relished touching places in me that I never knew could THIS!

I was ready. I was ready for Kenny. I was ready to give Kenny the most precious gift I could think of to let him know how much he meant to me.

My humping sped up, the friction between my cock and the mattress of the bed causing me to almost reach heights that I didn't want to reach just yet. I was practically sobbing...all sense lost...all logic vanished.

Kenny felt my angst.

He flipped me on my back once again. His eyes were dark and wild with repressed lust...and something else. I looked down at his cock, standing proud, dark, dripping and demanding attention. I saw the veins popping out, carrying in them the blood that made Kenny hard. The blood that was everywhere in his body, the blood that made his heart pound like a drum, and was now centered around his cock, the cock that was hard for my body. For me. Fucking hell.

This was happening. Holy shit. Kenny...was going to make love to me. I had waited for this for so fucking long, jerked my dick to this so many times.

Panic settled in. What if something went wrong? What COULD go wrong?? I wanted it to be perfect.

Kenny took hold of my thighs and spread them, gently running his fingers along the length of my inner thighs until they met together at my cock. He grasped my cock with one hand and my balls with the other, stroking and squeezing. I groaned at the sensation. He leaned down and licked up and down my cock a few times and then sat back on his heels. I looked up at him, kneeling between my spread legs, gauging my reaction. We were both thinking about the event that was about to take place.

Mind-blowing...after this moment, we would be connected on a whole different level. No longer just best friends...fifteen years...a whole shift in the relationship. Things were going to change.

"Kenny, you scared?"

His eyes held mine. He didn't say a word as he kept looking at me, his eyes burning into me. Finally, he shook his head slowly from side to side. But, his hands were shaking.

He took hold of my ankles and pushed my legs up so that my feet rested flat on his stomach. I felt the muscles with the soles of my feet. He started leaning forward towards me, making my knees bend towards my chest, lifting my ass up, exposing my asshole. My feet started to slip up his abs, relishing in the feel of his tight muscles under my feet, as he kept pushing forward. My feet moved up his pecs, his hard nipples tickling the soles. He kept pushing even further, until my feet rested on his shoulders.

His breath was on my lips. He smiled as he held my stare and spoke. "Hey."

I understood. I also wanted to see the colours change in those eyes of his, see the emotions as they played through, see the reflection of my world as it exploded and reformed again, all because of Kenny.

With one final push forward, my legs slipped over his shoulders, the backs of my knees resting on his shoulderblades. I caressed his back with the soles of my feet, feeling the hard muscles there.

We stared at one another, our eyes telling us our wants. His mouth came down on mine - hard. I opened up for him and our tongues dueled. Finally, panting and out of breath, he lifted his head away.

Slowly, he started to lift himself up, hands gripping my thighs, keeping my legs in place. My lower half lifted along with him.

My cock was jutting out between us, his cock underneath me, grazing my lower back...both waiting to be relieved.

No words could fully conjure up the scene. Me, lying on my back, looking up at the oh, so, familiar face and remembering the transformation that I was privy to - watching him turn from a boy to a man. A man who now returned my love, measure for measure.

A wave of nostalgia hit me. I looked up at Kenny and saw him, 12 years old, face red with fear and panic, dragging me up to the tree-house, scared out of his wits, repeating my name over and over again as if that gave him consolation, soothed his fears, asking me how to kiss. I had so wanted to reach over and tell him that he could practice with me, but I had held my tongue. He learnt to kiss, he learnt a lot more...with others. But, now, he was mine.

Kenny's voice brought me back to the present.

His eyes flickered over my body, my face. "Galen...oh...Galen, Galen."


"I lied.."

I smiled and nodded. I knew. His shaking hands had told me so.

It was was ok to be scared, I later realized. I was not scared of Kenny, of us making love, no, the scare came from knowing that once we crossed this line, there was no need to be scared, to be afraid, to hold anything back from the other. We would have experienced each other in every way possible. It only proved even further how pivotal this moment was for us.this moment.the image. If only I could do it justice.

I mean, images are just so alive, so colourful. Kenny, on his knees, looking down at me. My legs draped over his broad, bronzed chest, a pale "V" rising and falling with the tempo of his heart. Pink spots appearing on my thighs where his fingertips had gripped me too tight - because he was scared. His breathing haggard, lust-driven. His hard nipples digging into the back of my thighs. His blue eyes, hungry and alive, taking in my cock which stood at attention, and kept dripping white pre-cum onto my stomach and then finally, my exposed hole. His pink tongue darting through gleaming, white teeth, licking his puffy red lips. He knew he was making love with a man. With me. The beauty of two men, joining together, us, at that moment. It was the only thing that even mattered.

Everything else was silenced by...

My heart pounding in my ears, every nerve-ending in my body - poised and ready. Anticipating...quivering...

Little whimpers escaping my throat.

Smell of soap, sex, and sweat - sweltering...suffocating. Still, somehow, soothing.


He reached for the tube of lube beside us and lubed his fingers generously. I felt him run his middle finger over my hole, circling it. I was shaking. He pushed it in, slowly moving it in and out, and then added another lubed finger, then another, stretching me. In and out, in and out, twisting, turning, inside of me...I wanted the real thing. I was already humping his fingers, more than ready...

I helped him liberally coat his thick cock with lube and then he guided it at the entrance of my hole. He was dripping so much pre-cum. He pushed in a little. I opened my mind, my heart, my soul, my very fucking being to him. I focused in on him, and let myself experience - Kenny.

"Bro, tell me if I'm hurting you," he said.

I felt him push in more, slowly, very, very slowly. He was so uncertain. So careful. Shaking. This was his first time too - with a man. The vulnerability of Kenny just got to me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, bringing our faces even closer.

He searched my face for any evidence of pain. If there was, I knew he would pull out right then and there. I didn't want that. I felt the initial pain as the head of his cock tried to push through my tight outer ass-ring and then it met even more resistance with the inner one. He pushed more, trying to break through. The pain suddenly intensified. It bolted right up to my brain. My fucking insides were being torn apart and I was burning. Kenny was not small nor thin....

Kenny spoke, "Just try to push out."

I cursed myself and pushed down on his dick, filling myself up with more of him, as the head surged through. I couldn't help the scream that escaped from me.

Kenny started to lift himself off. "Galen...I really don't think..."

I tightened my hold on him while whispering in his ear, "If you leave, I will castrate you!!!"

Kenny's face took on a look of amusement. "Aw, honey, you're too much. Whispering all these sweet-nothings into my ear."

In response, I pushed myself down even more, and bit my bottom lip. "Do it, please...I beg you....I want this so much...please...Kenny...fuck me." I was in no mood for his jokes.

My fingers clawed into his back, drawing blood. I saw my pain reflected in his eyes, and he brought his lips down to meet mine. It was the sweetest of kisses yet. He swallowed my pain, like I knew he always would. He kissed me, letting me know how much it meant to him for me to allow him to do this. He shouldn't have worried; I wanted it just as much.

The kiss distracted me enough that he slid in more while his fingers worked on stroking my cock pressed between our abs. The other hand caressed my cheek and my hair. He was half in. We were panting. I never knew it took so much time, so much effort, and he was only half in. I started to feel disappointed. I wanted to make love to him so badly, but here was my treacherous body, resisting Kenny. I thought it would be poetic, us joining together instantly, reaching heights of passion within moments. Fireworks...the whole nine yards!

I guess he saw the disappointment on my face, as he said, "Baby, we've got all night. It's ok."

The pain was slowly subsiding, but the feeling of expelling him and everything else out from my bowels took hold. I took in a breath and let myself adjust but I had gone soft. "But, Kenny...I want this so much...really, I gotta believe me..."

He nodded and smiled. "I know." I looked up at him. Sweat dripped down his face, veins popped out of his neck and arms - his body was tense. Yet, he held still and let me adjust. It was taking its toll on him to exert so much self-control, but his eyes told me that he didn't mind.

We rested for a while, in that position, just letting the enormity of the experience wash over us.

I nodded my head and Kenny slipped out a bit, and then carefully slipped in again, a little more this time, rocking slowly as he fed me more and more of his cock. With a couple of more pushes and grunts, Kenny was in. I felt his balls and pubic hair caress my asscheeks.

He was in, completely inside of me. Trust me, I was really feeling it now. My ass muscles started to cramp. Damn.

Kenny slowly pulled out slightly, and the cramps subsided. I sighed. He kept whispering in my ear, as his hands stroked my sides, "Just relax...try to relax.."

I closed my eyes as my arms tightened around his neck. I just felt him inside of me. His body crushing me, the rest of the world beyond his shoulders. His skin touching mine, his voice soothing my fears. His heartbeat through his pulsating cock deep inside of me. I kept saying over and over again: This was Kenny. That's when I felt myself give in.

It seemed as if we were frozen in time, suspended over reality, over comprehension.

He suddenly moved a little, grinding himself around and around in circles inside of me, adjusting himself . and grazed IT. The discomfort was soon replaced by an out-of-this- world pleasure. I wondered if someone could die from extreme pleasure like they could from pain. It wouldn't have mattered. I would have died the happiest man. All that mattered was that I was suddenly becoming hard, and very, very ready. A groan came from deep within me. Both our eyes widened in awe. I heard him mouth, "Wow!" and look down between us to my cock which started to rise. Kenny pushed his abs into my cock even more, helping it rise faster. I guess when he screwed the girls, THIS never happened. I felt an extra spark of happiness.

"How you feelin'?" Kenny's eyes were wild with passion. He wanted to let everything go.

"Like a turkey at Thanksgiving, mofo." I understood. I felt the same way.

We both laughed like it was the funniest thing, and for a second, forgot to take notice of the fact that I had a fucking, scalding rod stuffed up my ass and it belonged to my best friend of fifteen years, Kenny, who, at the very moment, was hovering over me.

Mindfuck, bodyfuck, soulfuck...

No, no, just another day, but ... another way.

When we both adjusted to each other, Kenny started to move slowly. When he pulled out the first time, I felt as if he was taking my insides with him. I groaned, and he slowly pushed back in. Oh yeah, this was starting to feel good. DAMN GOOD!

He looked at me, never breaking eye contact. "I love you, Galen, more than you know."

I grabbed his pecs in my hands and squeezed the hard, muscled mounds. "Me too, but, please shut up and...FUCK ME! Just fuck me now!" I was so fucking ready to burst in anticipation. I found his nipples and then tugged at them.

Kenny arched his body and slammed his cock deep within me. I actually felt his pelvic bone slamming into my asscheeks. My whole body was pushed up along the mattress. Hell yeah! I tugged again. He speeded up in response. Pulled out, and thrust back in, while looking at me to make sure that he was hitting my prostate every time.such basic movements, but with each stroke, it was a revelation.

I just lost myself in the moment. I looked up at Kenny as he moved his body with such grace, with such strength, above me. Kenny was kissing me, Kenny was stroking my dick, Kenny was caressing my body, Kenny was making love to me. Hitting me in that spot.

Making me so hard.

Making me so heart melted.

Kenny numbed me to ecstasy.

Contradictions - that's what they were.

That's life.

These moments when you feel alive, when you are acutely aware that you are made ONLY of flesh and bones and blood and pus, but still somehow, SOMEHOW. manage to feel invincible. Being with Kenny, him making love to me, felt like that.

I had wings of wax, but still,....I ..... could ..... fly. Even if for just this moment.

I felt his cock massaging every nook and cranny inside of me, sparking fire to every spot that I thought was dead, or didn't even know existed. No, not dead, they were just dormant. Until now...

Kenny kept pumping in and out of me, plunging into me at different angles, sometimes excruciatingly slowly, then, speeding up like a man possessed, still looking into my eyes. I saw emotions move through them: surprise, disbelief, concern, pleasure, gratitude, openness, and finally, love.

Fuck! This was it! This was what it was all about!

Every time he plunged in, I groaned at the feel of his solid length sliding into me. Jesus, I never thought it would feel so good. Kenny was really putting his all into it now. His palms were flat out on the mattress on either side of me, helping him set our momentum, the muscles in his upper arms pumping with the effort, his back flexing, driving into me, sweat dripping down on me, grunting with each stroke, matching my groans. We were rocking together. He caught my eye and smiled as he slowed down and lowered himself on me, relieving his arms from the strain of keeping his huge body suspended over me. I kissed his chin, his cheek, his nose, his eyes, never getting enough of Kenny.

His hands cupped my face as he slowly moved his cock in and out of me, never losing our rhythm. I could barely hear him as he spoke. "So beautiful."

With that, he pulled out so that the tip of his cockhead barely remained inside of me. My eyes widened at the utter void left inside of me, my teeth bit my bottom lip, my cock pushed against Kenny's sweat-slicked abs, my whole being tried to keep my passion from bursting out of control. The moment froze in a snapshot of lust and maddening frustration.

I squirmed as I tried to get him to fill me again. " feel so good. Please, baby. More...."

Kenny touched his forehead to mine, both of us panting, anticipating. Our eyes met and I silently pleaded with him to come inside again, clamping my ass-ring around the tip of his cock. And so, he rammed it all in, forcing a lungful of air to escape my lips, my eyes closing at the sheer intensity of it all, my back arching up, pushing me closer to Kenny, my body shaking due to sensory overload. I clutched at the bedsheets as Kenny showered kisses all over my face, his cock slowly building speed again, his eyes devouring me as I responded to Kenny's body, his cock, him.

"Damn, Galen, I've wanted you like this forever."

My knuckles felt like they would snap along with my barely-controlled lust as my fingers twisted the bedsheets into a knot. Kenny's hands traced my arms from my shoulders and finally his hands found mine, tugging at them until my fingers released their death grip on the bedsheets. He spread my arms wide apart over my head, his fingers intertwining with mine, gripping me just as tightly as I gripped him.

He speeded up his pumping as I lay in a helpless puddle, melted by his words and his loving gestures. I was his, completely.

My ass clenched onto Kenny's dick, hoping to keep him within me. He, in turn, flexed his cock inside me. Shit! My legs slipped from his shoulders and then grasped him around his waist, my knees pressed into my armpits. My hands caressed the length of his broad shoulders and then moved down to his back, feeling the muscles constrict and unbind with each stroke, until finally, I felt the hard muscles of his ass. I clenched them, kneaded them, pressed them, urging Kenny deeper into me. My finger found his hole and penetrated him, going deeper into the velvety warmth, trying to find his core. I knew I succeeded when I felt Kenny take in a sharp breath and the cock inside of me spasmed again. I kept caressing his prostate, while Kenny fucked me and he bucked me.

His tongue darted in and out of my mouth with the rhythm of his cock in and out of my hole. I matched my own finger inside of Kenny to join the beat.

I was bouncing along with Kenny. We were dancing. We were composing our own music and dancing our own dance to our own tunes. All of our own. It was the song of sweat sliding over hot, taut bodies, flesh slapping against one another, sighs escaping hungry lips, the beating of our hearts, moans approaching oblivion, and the subtle sounds as well, like Kenny's stubbles scratching against my face, the squeak of the bedsprings, the sound of his cock sliding in and out of me, my fingers digging into him, sanity spiraling into nothingness. No one could hear our song; no one could understand our dance, but us. It was our grandest illusion.

In and and and out...

Kenny and Galen...KennyandGalen...Kennyn'Galen...

I knew he met me as he always would:

Breath for breath, tear for tear, thrust for mother - fucking thrust! Until, there was nothing left of me to give and nothing left for him to take.

And then, we would start again, this spiral, without beginning, without end. continuing... again...again...and OH GOD....again....

I squeezed him even tighter. "Kenny, please don't ever leave me!"

He squeezed me back, my dick, jerking it to the same rhythm as his cock. "Promise!"

Oh fuck!!!!

My toes curled and I felt a wave rising from somewhere so deep that I was physically lifted off the bed, and took Kenny with me, until the wave thundered out of me and my scream joined the madness.

I burst all over my stomach and his, painting our flesh with my cum, my hips thrusting up with each squirt as my asshole clenched and unclenched down on his cock.

"Fuck...Galen, you feel so fucking good...I'm....aggggggggghhhhhhhh."

His rhythm changed - it became frantic, jerky and his breathing became even more erratic. I felt his body tighten as he grabbed my hips, lifting me up a little, and plunged into me once more - hard. He scrunched up his face and gritted his teeth while shutting his eyes so tightly that two lone tears trailed down his perfect face.

"Jesus! Oh! Oh Jesus! Oh fucking hell! Oh hell! Oh, Galen! Galen, Galen, Galen...I never knew..." Kenny rambled on and on as he reached his peak.

He came as well. My Kenny came as well...I made him come, in a place within me that no one had touched before.

I felt the warmth of his juices showering my insides, washing away the years of doubt, of every person's skepticism, of disgust, of anger, of hurt, of pain, of heartbreak. It was cleansing. It seemed as if he would be coming forever.

Kenny slowly pumped his cock in and out of me, draining the remnants of his seed into my anxious hole. He took hold of my legs and moved them up around his shoulders again, making them circle his neck as he turned his face on either side of him and kissed my thighs. He smiled down at me as he kept on moving, so very slowly, his cock losing its firmness within me. My ass squeezed around his cock even tighter, milking every drop out of him. I wanted it all in me. All of it. He gave it all, left it all in me. All of it.

It was over...

Kenny slumped onto me, releasing all his great weight on me fully for the first time since we started. His head fell forward, burying his face into the pillow beside me, letting out a low moan, our cheeks pressed together, his body heaving. "Shit!" He muttered.

His weight was so heavy, it felt so good. So warm. I felt safe. I put my arms around him once more, hoping to keep him safe as well.

My thighs started to feel like needles were poking into them since they were held in the same position for so long. I took them down from his shoulders and in doing so, his cock slipped out.

"Nooo...," I whispered.

I wanted him back inside of me. I was already feeling empty - a hollow, burning, gaping hole. I felt the cum dripping out. I felt so exposed. I wanted Kenny in me. He filled me, he covered me, he completed me. I missed that.

That was when I realized that tears had slipped out of my eyes. I had been crying.

He moved himself, after much protest from me, so that he only lay partly on top of me without smothering me, his legs between mine and his head on my chest. He looked up at me. "You ok?"

I stroked his hair. "Other then feeling like my asshole is ripped open, yeah, I'm fine. Damn Bigfoot."

"Daym, man, sorry...." He was so apologetic. He looked ashamed.

"Don't worry....I wanted it, really, really badly." I was such a klutz with words. I kissed his head. "I love you."

A look of relief washed over his face and he smirked. "We christened our new room."

I caressed the cross on his right bicep and smirked as well. That's my Kenny. The boy has never been to Confession, nor Mass.and NOW he was worried about religion.

"That we did, babe, now we gotta get moving with the rest of the apartment."

So was I.

Kenny lifted his head. His eyes were half closed as he smiled at me. He was exhausted, like me. "Galen, I think this could become my new addiction. I...I...never knew it could be like THIS."

"Mine too, dude. Mine too. Fuck the weed." I paused and thought aloud. "Neither did I."

"It pisses me off. All that time we wasted on bullshit.we could have been doing this!!! What a rip-off!!!"

"Don't remind me."

We both tried to laugh, but were too spent. He smoothened out the damp hair on my forehead and wiped away my tears. Then, he kissed my collarbone, creating an unexpected thrill in me, as one of his fingers gently caressed my gaping asshole, feeling the cum dripping out of it. It stung at his touch. I flinched. The cum dripping out felt weird.

He fully got off of me. His great weight, which had been a constant comfort throughout this whole experience, was suddenly gone. I shivered as the air cooled the sweat and cum on my, now exposed, body. Besides, I could finally breathe, but, all of a sudden, I felt choked. A moment of panic washed over me. I clutched at him with desperation. I wanted him close to me again; I needed to feel him.

"Galen, baby, I'm not going anywhere...shhh..."

He went and got a wet towel and wiped the cum from my stomach and chest and then turned me over, and without any words being spoken, gently wiped away the cum dripping out of my ass. The cool cloth against my burning hole was so soothing. I sighed. With a final kiss to my puckered hole, he cleaned his own cock and stomach and discarded the wet towel. I didn't feel ashamed nor humiliated, having him do that to me, something so personal. For God's sake, he was wiping my ASS!

On the contrary...

Jesus, I guess, this is love, when you let everything go, especially your superficial pride and realize that there is respect, and with respect comes trust, trust that neither of us would abuse what we had.

Kenny once again got back into bed and we cuddled. I kept squirming around, though.

"Galen, what's the matter?"

"Um...," I gently extracted myself from him and climbed over him to get off the bed.

I accidentally kneed him in the stomach in the process and he flinched. "Oie!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" I pecked his lips. "Baby, as much as I appreciate the effort of you cleaning me up...I was touched, really, but...I still gotta go..." The cum was still dripping out and really, it was itchy and burning and not too comfortable.

With that, I made a dash for the washroom, and quickly stopped short. My body doubled over as I groaned. SHIT!! My ass reminded me that I would have to be careful for a while. I was sore.

I turned to Kenny who looked panicked. I spoke in jest to calm his fears. "Remind me to lay off the exercise for a while."

He sighed in relief and finally smirked. "Sure, Rambo."

Ok, so I don't exercise a lot, and am not showing much evidence of it either, unlike Kenny who's a gym rat, but still..., "HEY!!!"

"Get your puny ass in here as soon as you can. I miss you."

I gingerly walked away.

When I was done, I returned to find a very enticing, naked Kenny, sprawled on my bed, sleeping. I shook my head - he always hogged the bed. Hogged my bed. He was in my bed.

He was so tall that his legs dangled off the end of my bed. I slowly smiled as I looked at him, really looked at him, without any guilt at watching him when he was so vulnerable. He was the most beautiful sight I've ever laid eyes on, I swear.

The bed was right under the window and we didn't have curtains yet and I noticed that while I was gone, Kenny had opened the window, letting the summer breeze enter our stuffy room. I turned off the light, and let the moonlight coming from the window wash over Kenny. Moonlight and Kenny under it, his skin glowing under the silver light, every muscle defined, every hollow valley in his body shadowed, emphasizing the piece of art that was his body even more. His soft cock lying along his right thigh. The tips of his hair swaying in the gentle breeze, dancing to some unknown song. His long eyelashes kissed his cheeks. I couldn't wholly describe the scene even if I tried. I walked up to the bed and just stared at him, caressing him with my eyes..

My fingers itched to pick up a charcoal and sketch him, but, I knew that I would only capture Kenny in this time-frame because the real Kenny would always evade being frozen in a moment on paper - a volatile being - changing, reforming, always. That's what we artists always want to do: immortalize a time, a thought, a person, a place, but, nothing, in actuality, stays still.

At that moment, I became humble. Humble knowing that there existed such a thing that I would never be able to fully describe in words, nor in a painting. Something that was beyond anything that I could ever imagine.

So, if found, all we could have done was live in it, enjoy it, FEEL it, but if we tried to understand it, we were left in a world of complete random idiocy. Yes, to me, that was love and I found that with Kenny...I may not understand it...I cannot rationalize it...I certainly can't draw my love for him...but I feel it...Oh God! Do I ever feel it.

One blue eye suddenly opened, looking up at me, a smile playing on his lips, dimples inevitably appearing. "Draw me again?"

I smiled back, stroking his cheek. "Did you like it the first time?"

He grabbed me around the waist and hoisted me back into bed, arms gathering me to his body, slobbering me with wet kisses and tickling me as I laughed, trying in vain to squirm out of his grasp. There was too much of him to fight off.

Finally, as I lay there panting, he loosened his grip on me and caught my eye. "I don't think I've ever looked better," he grinned and winked, "or bigger..than when you drew me."

Hey, it was my fantasy, the right to a little embellishment was a given. I lightly chuckled and blushed at his comment nonetheless, nuzzling his neck, breathing in the scent of him.

Kenny squeezed me. "You always see more in me than anyone else," he paused, and then, "thanks."

I placed kisses on his neck, trying to immerse myself in him. He was so big, I could so easily get lost within him. I wanted to get lost within him.

His fingers stroked my ass. "Everything cool? Blood?"

"Nah, everything is perfect. Just wanted to get cleaned up a little."

He looked at me and smiled. We shared a kiss. It was devoid of passion - just sweet and pure. Filled with promises.

I got more comfortable and rested my head on his left bicep. His right arm lay across my chest. I was enjoying the lazy moment after our lovemaking and thoughts swarmed my head while my finger traced the outline of his tattoo on his right bicep.

Did I mention I think too much sometimes?? About pure bullshit that just gets me depressed??

Like now.

I needed a smoke. I refused to look up at him and in the most casual voice I could muster, I whispered, "I think Mr. O'Brien has tapped a few asses before."

The arm around me stiffened at my comment.

Dammit...I ruin everything.but it was gnawing at me. And, things that Thane said when we broke up, about Kenny, the rumours around campus. I'm an idiot. Of course, he's fucked girls up the ass before.of course he's rimmed others before. This was not new to him. Only to me.

He never really told me that he had done all this with others, but, it was evident. Then again, we never discussed his sexual life in detail like most guys would. That was one thing about Kenny - he would talk very crudely about sex in general, but, when it came to his personal encounters, he would never go into details - not with me, nor with any other friends.

His response to such inquiry was always, "Don't worry 'bout it. I'm handling mine."

Even in high school, he never bragged, well, about sex at least, because unlike most other guys, he WAS actually getting it. A big part of it was also out of respect for the girls 'cause Mama Brien warned him that those girls might one day become someone's mother like her or someone's sister, like Cat or Elfi. But, now that I think about it, I think it was also out of respect for me that he never talked about it much. He knew how I felt about him back then. He didn't want to rub it in my face.

But, I needed to apologize. What we did was special beyond anything he and I both have experienced. I knew that. I really did. "Sorry, baby."

His right hand cupped my cheek and turned my face to his, "Galen, those girls..."

I interrupted him, "No, it's all good. I was being stupid. I don't care."

This time, he interrupted me, "Would you shut up for a second?? Fuck!! I hate it when you do that. Go into self-pity mode."

I lowered my eyes at his comment.

He tilted my face up to make me meet his eyes, "Bro, I was just as virginal, if not more than you, when we started today. Unlike you, I've never been with a dude. Technically, this was ALL new to me." Kenny chuckled, "Plus, when it's YOUR turn to take my ass, Mr. Jawbreaker, you will one...I mean NO ONE has come close to that." He winked at me and then his face turned serious, "And 'sides, man, doing all this...with someone I love...that's an experience that no one else can ever give me. That belongs only to you, Galen. Only to you."

I didn't doubt him for a second. "This is the start of us, Kenny. No one else matters. Only us, ok?"

--- Us against the world.

"Us." He agreed and we shared a kiss.

I turned around and nudged my back closer to the warmth of my lover's body. We molded into each other perfectly: my head fitting into the arch of his neck, my ass curving into his crotch.

The last time I shared a bed with him was last year at the end of High School, on Grad night, when all of us went into the city to party and then crashed in one hotel room - all ten guys. That was not a fun night for me, having Kenny's drunk, toked-up ass passed out beside me on that small bed while being fully aware of my sexuality. The other times when we slept together before Grad night didn't count cuz neither of us had reached puberty during those times.

At least when we were kids, having to share a bed when our families went camping together or on vacation somewhere was not as bad because then I just wanted to cuddle with him, nothing sexual entered my head. But, even back then, there was the rule: the imaginary line down the middle of the bed, the one we couldn't cross or else one would shove the other out of bed. Now, we were back, lying together, no lines, no boundaries, joined. I don't think I've ever felt as content as I did at that moment.

Kenny's voice caressed my skin as he rested his chin at the crook of my neck, looking down at me. "Yo, remember when we used to sleep together?"

I smiled, touched that this moment evoked the same memory as mine. "Yeah."

I finally confirmed what I had known all along - of course it had to be Kenny sharing my bed, today and in the past. There was no other. There will never be any other. No one else would understand.

Kenny continued. "You fucking always tried to push me off the bed." He pinched my ass.

I laughed as I pressed myself closer to him. "That's cuz you hogged it so much."

Kenny gave me a squeeze and asked, "And today?"

I paused and tried to hold back my longing since childhood. "And today...," I sighed, "I don't have to secretly wish that you would come just a little closer while having to pretend that I didn't care."

"Mmm...just like I don't gotta pretend no more that I moved closer only in my sleep without meaning to." With those words, Kenny spooned me into his chest again while his arm encircled me. He nuzzled the back of my neck, his stubbles tickling me, making me squirm closer to Kenny's warm, hard body. I felt him bury his nose in my hair and inhale. The arm around me tightened and pulled me even closer. He kissed the back of my neck and confirmed again, "Us."

We were wet and sticky and smelly because of our cum and sweat, but we didn't care.

I fell asleep as his heartbeat thumped into my back. Thump-thump, thumpety-thump, thump. I found my solace there. After all, this was just the beginning.

Fifteen years were needed to arrive at this moment, and I didn't regret a single thing. I would have gladly given fifteen more.

*** Author's Endnote:

Who am I kidding? You were all waiting for this. Let me know what you thought of my 'attempt' at this shit:

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