Thats Life

By moc.liamtoh@erehdamllaerew

Published on Jul 26, 2002


Author's Note:

And, finally Chapter 13. Been really busy. Sorry, it came out later than expected, but it is a long-ass chapter... so I should be forgiven!

THANK YOU AGAIN, JAY ALEXANDER! What can I say? I got lucky when I got u as an editor! Damn lucky!!! You're pure jokes, man! Thanks for everything!

Thanks to all those who wrote in to me..and of course, the regulars.

Keep `em coming, it's all about readers' interest:

If you are under age or it is illegal for you to be reading such "filth", please leave. This material contains crude language (gosh!), and homosexuality (oh my!), so if you are offended, then, yes....goodbye!

This story is purely fictional. So, any similarity to anyone or anything is purely coincidental. If you want to put this story somewhere else, distribute it, whatever, please ask me first. Thanks!

I used a song in this part, and I will in later chapters as well. Using the song does not in any way suggest that I asked permission or that the band may or may not support the views of my story. Since I am not getting any financial benefit or otherwise from using the song, I hope that it is ok.

Drumroll, please...


Ok...I'll admit to that. But, I take advantage of him too. I was semi-popular back in High School cuz I hung out with him. Otherwise, I would have been more of a social retard that I already was. You know the type, the loser who spent all his lunch hours alone, in the Art room? Ya, dat be me. Through him, I think I led a pretty interesting life. Who else would have taught me the ways of weed, E, drinking, lust over another boy? Kenny. Only Kenny had had those honours. Whether he knew it or not. Yup, this was a definite symbiotic relationship. I was ok with it though....right?

Damn! Too many fucking insecurities. Too many fucking questions. I definitely needed to sort myself out. And fast.

I was on the phone with Thane. He was so lonely in his apartment. I told him all the bullshit with my family. Hopefully, it made him feel better about his own situation.

"Are you hard right now, Thane?" I decided to be daring. I could picture Thane's mouth dropping at the question.

I heard a bout of laughter, "Are you serious? You want to have phone sex with me in your parent's house? Is this Galen?"

"Shut you?" My hand slowly made its way into my boxers, stroking my dick.

"No. Are you?"

I pouted, "You're no fun..."

"Galen, what's gotten into you?" There was confusion and amazement in Thane's voice.

"I can't wait to see you. Damn! I want to suck you right now!"


"Can't handle it, can you?" This was fun.

"Can't handle what?" Kenny spoke up behind me. I spun around so fast that I actually heard my neck snap, and at the same time, the cordless fell from my hand while the hand in my boxers sprang out with a mind of its own.

"What are you doing here?" Duh! Stupid question. I was burning. My face was so red. I knew I was caught. But how much did he hear, did he see? I couldn't tell from his expression.

"Galen? Galen?!" Thane was screaming on the phone.

I picked it up, "I'll call you back. Bye." I hung up and turned to Kenny.

He frowned, "Hey. That was Thane." He didn't even pose it as a question.

I sighed. There was no point letting him take control of the situation. He couldn't have heard or seen anything. I would just have to stick to that belief for my own peace of mind. "What's up?"

He sneered while looking down at my crotch. "Well...," then he changed his mind, "nuthin. A couple of the guys from our ol' clique wanted to chill with us. Wanna come?" He looked over at the phone, "Or are you too busy?"

I would die before I gave him that satisfaction. "Too busy."

"I see...well, see ya around." With that, he left.

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Why can't he knock? Oh well, no big loss. I'm sure those guys from high school invited me as a pity invite, cuz they wanted Kenny to come. Same ol' song. Same ol' tune.

Twas the day before Christmas...and it was SNOWING! Fuck ya! It snowed so heavily that we couldn't even do last-minute shopping. We were snowed-in. And I'm one of those people. I am never prepared. Everything til the end. I know, I know, it will be the death of me. I stayed inside talking to Thane on Messenger. I really wanted to be with him. It was so hard being apart from him, even for just these few days. I was scared by the revelation. Was I in love? Shit, I can't believe I even uttered those words. I couldn't be. That's for the frivolous. Fall in and out of love at every whim. I wasn't like that. My fucked-up family has seen to that. I was very cautious. Right?

Nothing was with rhyme or reason in my life when it concerned Thane. I have never been in a relationship before, and never in one as serious as with Thane. I was so confused. I didn't know what to feel, how to act, what to expect, and I couldn't even talk to anyone. I didn't want to talk to Cat too much. The walls in our house were paper-thin. You get my drift.

Cat came into the computer room and checked what I was doing.

"How cute..he's talking to his talk non-stop to him...geesh..."

"Shuddup. He's all alone for Christmas."

"I'm sure. So, what did you get him for Christmas?"

Before I could answer, the doorbell interrupted her and she went to get it. Soon, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly closed the Messenger. Trust me, my family is NOSY!

Kenny came into the room.

"Cat said you were on the net talking to Thane." No "hi", no greeting. Nothing!

Damn her! I guess she thought that Kenny didn't suspect anything between me and Thane. She was also not aware of the tension between us.

"He has major family issues. All alone for Christmas. I just wanted to talk to him. See if he's all right. No big deal."

"I didn't say it was a big deal." Kenny sounded annoyed.

"Kenny, what is it, what do you want?"

"Fuck, what you so rude for all the time? It's like I can't just come by to see you, there has to be a reason?"

He was right. He was making an effort to be nice ever since we came back to our hometown. I sighed, "Aight, sorry, whatchha wanna do?"

He smiled a genuine smile, a rarity nowadays from Kenny. "Now you're talking. We could watch Scarface," That's our favourite movie, "And then...can you say Can-can- can-I-bus?"

We both laughed.

Everyone was in my house though. I spoke up, "Serious? But not in my house, yo!"

He had the perfect solution, "Parents gone last night to my Grandma's. We'll hotbox and it'll be a roach. Got some butts left over."

"Saweett! Aight...give me 10."


We were in Kenny's room watching the movie for a while. In the meantime, Kenny gave me the honours of rolling the shit in zig zags. That means I pack it in. Which means I get the first drag. Which also means I get a supa.

We went into Kenny's washroom, put on some phat tunes, and we were rollin'. Wu-Tang took us to a place where we could escape.

"Aw man! ...How do I say goodbye? ...It's alwayz the good ones who have to die... Memories in the corner of my mind ... Flashbacks, I was laughin all the time I taught him, all about the bees and birds... But I wish I had a chance to sing these three words..."

We locked the door making sure that the crack underneath the door was covered with a towel. The shower was turned on hot, steam filling the small, cramped room. I was sitting on the sink counter, legs spread. Kenny was standing in front of me, between my legs, yet not touching me. I only wish.

"Toke up, man." With that, I lit it up and took a drag.

I passed it to him. "Shiiiiiiiiitttttttt...dat's some good shit right there."

He passed it back to me.

Life was good. I was really getting into this joint. I wanted more, "Mmmm... Dude, shotgun...."

He put the lit end of the toke into his mouth, holding the blunt between his lips. I looked at him for a sec. He had on a blue sweater that just made his eyes glow. His eyelashes were halfway down. I could barely see the bright blue of his eyes peeking through. His cheeks had the 5'o clock shadow and fuck, those lips that held the toke were fucking swollen and red and full.

I was like fucking Pavlov's dog around Kenny. My tongue instinctively shot out and wet my lips. I saw Kenny's eyelashes move up in surprise as his eyes caught my movement. He stayed where he was, between my legs. Not touching me, but close enough. I could smell him, his cologne, his smell. He smelled like peppermint. Don't laugh, I'm not kidding.

It was all in mere seconds but dang it, I played it out slow. Real slow. I cupped the toke with my hands and I moved my puckered lips towards the barely jutting end of the toke dangling from Kenny's oh so kissable lips. At the same time, my hands rested on his cheeks. They were prickly and rough and sent shivers down my body. DAMN IT, did I mention I was already gone? I'm not supposed to touch his lips. I'm not supposed to touch his cheeks with my hands LIKE THAT either. So many "I'm not supposed to." Can't keep track. I'm just supposed to get close enough to inhale. But I touched it. I touched the cheeks, but dared not caress them; that would be going too far.


I also touched his lips with mine as I took the end of the toke into my mouth and inhaled. It was for less than a fragment of a second. Not enough time, but it was worth a lifetime for me. I had waited to feel his lips ever since I hit puberty. I've dreamt about this: wet dreams, dry dreams, hot dreams, happy dreams, sad dreams. So many fucking dreams about Kenny. Then, one day, I gave up. I stopped dreaming. But, suddenly, everything rushed back to me. I could never forget the familiarity of Kenny, the passion he ignited in me. I was home. Oh yes, I was on fire!

My dick shot out, betraying me.

I groaned as I let the air out. That was a SUPA! Dang! Was that a supa! I know I crossed the line, but hey, he didn't move away either, right?

I didn't look up at him. He took out the toke and took a regular drag, pretending nonchalance. We smoked the rest in silence. Kenny, 2 + 2 = 4. He knew. He had to.

I was more confused than ever. Was there any other way for me to feel other than confused? Ever? I didn't cheat on Thane. I firmly believed that. To me, it was a kiss. To Kenny, it was me mistakenly touching his lips. I kiss my Nana, he kisses his Grandma. That's not cheating on Thane. Hell no. A kiss is just a kiss...but... my Nana don't make my dick go hard. Aw shit!

I decided to quit thinking. I thought too much already. We lounged around in his room for a few minutes, taking care of our mad-ass munchies, and then he had the genius idea of a snowball fight. We were gone. I laughed and agreed. It had been a while since we did something like this, something so juvenile, but whenever I did it, it was with Kenny. Always.

We were out in his backyard for a while. I saw Kenny bend down to pick up some snow. He packed a good bit of snow in real tight. If it hit me, the mofo was going to hurt. I started to run away.

"Fuck Galen, don't run away. Take it like a man." He came charging towards me.

"You throw like a pussy." I goaded him on and kept on running.

"I'll show you pussy." BAM! It hit me right on my ass. That sent Kenny into a fit of laughter and me to the ground. That motherfucking bitch HURT! I massaged my bruised ass-cheeks.

"You motherfucker! That's it!!!" I charged at him and jumped right on top of him, dropping him to the snow-covered ground and pelting him with more and more snow. He started to laugh and lost all his control and that gave me more of a leverage in the game. I got a good handful of snow and dropped it down his sweater.

"OH!!!!!!! Fuck!" Kenny jumped like a frog. My instinct tried to keep him in place so I clamped onto him even more and that was when I realized that I was sitting on top of him, straddling his chest. I dropped my hands and the soft snowflakes drizzled on to his chest. I was panting because of our exersion and the sudden realization of the position we were in.

I put my hands on his chest to help lift myself up off of him. His hands grabbed my wrists keeping me in place. My eyes, which had been fixed on a constant spot on his jacket, now dared to travel up to meet those eyes, those blue, blue eyes. Was it me or did they get more blue since the last time?

We just stayed as we were. I didn't know what I should do. I didn't want to move.

"Galen...please..." It was barely a whisper.

"I...I...need to go" I cleared my throat and willed myself to not get hard. Kenny would definitely feel it if I did, "I need to go do something...I...I just remembered."

Fight or Flight ... but, alas, I was never a fighter. Not when it came to Kenny. I would gladly lose for him.

I got off him and brushed the snow from my clothes, keeping myself busy so that I didn't have to look at him. Those eyes would be the death of me one day.

"Like talk to Thane?" His voice was strong. It echoed in my ears. It was so loud, and it was angry.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I was sick of it. We had a moment, or so I thought. Every time this happens, he always fucks it up. Now, all of a sudden, him turning into the asshole Kenny he had been for the last few months back at Rez made me see red. The asshole Kenny was back.


All his badgering. All his innuendoes. If he had to say something, I wanted him to say it outright. Enough was enough. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wanted everything with Kenny to be out in the open. I had come to a boiling point. My emotions were out of control. I didn't know what he thought of my drawing, why he didn't like Thane, why he was an asshole to me for the last couple of months. I didn't know what the fuck just happened when we were in the washroom, I didn't know what happened when we were on the snow. I don't know what is happening now.

To make matters more confusing, first, I was sad, and then, I became angry. I was angry. Very angry at Kenny. Dammit. Things should be easy with your best friend, right? All the problems, all my insecurities about being gay, Thane, I should be able to confide that in my best friend and not have him be A PART of the damn problem. Why can't he just accept who I am? Why can't I just accept who I am and tell him? Why?

"That you are acting like Thane's personal bitch."

"Fuck you. Seriously, Kenny. Don't. Just don't." I warned him. If he pushed me, I didn't know if I could hold back. Diss me, but not Thane. Not after what he has done for me. Not after what he means to me.

"It's the fucking truth, you are his whore, aren't you?"

"I swear, if you keep going, I'm leaving."

"Do you promise? Do you really, really promise?" He fake pleaded.

"Fine, I'm gone." I turned and started to walk away. Calm....Galen....stay caaaalllmm.

"Does Thane give you a good fuck? Do you scream his name?" He called after my retreating figure.

That stopped me in my tracks. FUCK HIM! I turned around and shot daggers at him. Finally, when I calmed down a bit, I walked up to him and spoke. "I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Fucking stop. He's a friend." I tried with desperation to keep my voice and anger on level, but I was losing the battle fast.

I was a bomb ticking: tick tock, tick tock...

I had to get away from Kenny before we both regretted today.

Kenny kept on going, "Go ahead, but that won't change anything. I know what you both do. Don't play stupid with me. I know! Don't try to twist shit now!"

Everything Catrina and Fiona said about Kenny flooded my brain. I was outraged. "Oh, sorry Kenny, far be it for me to actually have an opinion of my own that doesn't match with yours!!! I am not your fucking puppet. Fuck you! You used've always used me and now that you can't, now that you can't control me, it's pissing the fuck out of you! That's it, isn't it?"

"You think I used you? Oh, this is just great. Now, everything comes out. I can't believe what that bastard did to you...he's got you thinking...that..."

"Don't bring Thane into this, Kenny. I'm warning you."

Tick, tock.tick...tock...

"Did you think you could fool me with the "I'm dating Hannah" bullshit? Fuck Galen, I'm not in Engineering for nothing. Give me SOME credit. You supposedly are dealing with Hannah but I have seen you with Hannah how many times after that day? Two? And how many times with Thane?"

"Think what you want. I'm leaving." I spun around on my heel and started walking away.

Kenny's arm roughly turned me by my shoulder and pulled me back to him. "Oh no you fucking don't. Not until you admit that you and Thane are a couple of faggots." I saw pure disgust in his eyes, disgust and hatred.

FUCK HIM!!!!!!!!!

I thought that when the time came, Kenny would understand. I was wrong. I had been wrong for fourteen years. My eyes reflected his disgust and hatred as well, but for different reasons.

Tick, tock...tick...tock....

Kenny kept looking at me, trying to figure me out, and then with a final shake of his head, "I knew Thane was a fag, now he's turned you into one too." He spit on the ground in front of me.



I exploded with a vengeance.

We were in his backyard, right under our sacred tree-house. Our haven. Our escape. I felt sick. Sick that I actually had memories with a bastard like this. He was worse than my brother; even more than my father was. Kenny's anger and hatred hurt me so much more than that of my father's and my brother's. I couldn't figure out why: probably because I trusted him so much.

Cat and Fiona were right. I do set myself up to get hurt. No more!

I shoved him, hard, "Ya, that's right. Thane and I are a couple of faggots. He is my faggot boyfriend. And I love him and he loves me. And he sucks my cock and I suck his. And I love it. I love his fucking fat rod ramming down my fucking throat while I'm on my fucking knees. I drink his fucking cum and savour his fucking taste. I love it. I love sucking on his cock. As a matter of fact, I can't think of anything better. I want him to FUCK me right now. Fuck my ass so bad that I come and come like never before. I want you to watch, Kenny. You want to watch your best friend get fucked up the ass by a guy? Cuz he's a poofta! He's a fucking fag! I AM A FUCKING FAG!!! A FAGGOT!!! Do you hear me, Kenny?!! Your best friend is a FUCKING QUEER!!! AND THE BEST PART? I LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!!!"

"Stop...stop...shut the fuck up!!! SHUT UP!!!! FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!!" Kenny was panting and his breath came out haggard, creating a film of smoke in front of his face. It was so cold, but I was sweating and so was he. His whole body shook. Hey, if ya can't handle the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. His eyes were ablaze and wild. Tears were streaming down his face. I can't remember the last time he cried. He had a horror- stricken expression on his face, like he wanted this nightmare to end, as he shook his head from side to side. That won't make the nightmare end, buddy. You started this.

Too late. I was on a roll. I was sadistic. Something possessed me, took over my senses. There was a part of me, my subconscious, that was watching this new "me" and pleading with me to stop, that this was not the way to deal with it. But, I had had enough. I didn't care about repercussions. I didn't care anymore if my parents could hear next door. Logically, they couldn't. Kenny lived at the end of the block and his backyard was damn big. But still...

I didn't even care if Kenny went and told my parents. I just wanted it out, all out.

I was smiling and laughing every so often. The things that Cat and Fiona said about Kenny and I rushed through my brain, fueling my already uncontrolled fire, "I'm tired of being your scapegoat. You use me Kenny. You fucking use me. I won't play your puppet on a string. For once, things are not going your way and you can't handle it. Too motherfucking bad! And you know what? The day you were fucking waiting for me? Accusing me of fucking drinking? I had been at a FUCKING bar with Thane. We drank. He took me back to his apartment and he..."

I couldn't finish what I had to say. He lunged towards me. I didn't notice his fist until it connected with a sickening snap, crackle, and pop with my jaw. The force of the punch knocked me down to the ground, to the soft, white snow that broke my fall. Soon the snow in front of me started turning red. Oh no, I had ruined the nice white snow.

I lifted my hand to my face. My nose was bleeding and so was my lip. My teeth had cut through my lip, busting it open. Then I felt the pain. It was searing. Went right through my body. I screamed, not as much because of the physical pain, but because of the emotional one. I had no more tears left in me to cry. It was over. Kenny and I were over.

Next: Chapter 14

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