Thats Life

By moc.liamtoh@erehdamllaerew

Published on Jul 2, 2002


Author's note:

Hey, hey...yea...this chapter came really soon, eh?


So, since I'm so happy, I decided to post something so soon...

Write to me:

It makes me happy.

Jeez, shameless...I am shameless...oh well. Discretion is not my forte.

Well, MUCH THANKS again goes out to Jay Alexander. My editor extraordinaire. Thanks for the edits, the jokes, and for the unbelievable support (with my writing...and World Cup in the end... LOL). And the friendship...

Thanks also to those who wrote in with ur comments. Especially the two who writes back to me after I post every chapter. U know who u are...even if u are somewhat frustrated with the characters...stick with me still. LOL.

If you are under age or it is illegal for you to be reading such "filth", please leave. This material contains crude language (gosh!), and homosexuality (oh my!), so if you are offended, then, yes....goodbye!

This story is purely fictional. So, any similarity to anyone or anything is purely coincidental. If you want to put this story somewhere else, distribute it, whatever, please ask me first. Thanks!

Enough ridiculous blabbing...


I needed to know. "Why?" I took air into my lungs. Suddenly, the room felt suffocating. I continued, "Why didn't you call me to let me know how Mama Brien was? Didn't you think I would care to know?"

"I did. Every day, at every possible hour for a whole fucking week. You never picked up. You weren't home." His voice was accusatory.

"You could have left a message."

"I could have. could have been home. You decided to party. I decided you could care less."

I looked over at him. He wouldn't let me turn away. His eyes held anger, accusation and suspicion, and I heard his thoughts, "Where were you for a whole week?" Knowing Kenny, he would never ask. Asking would mean that he cared, and he would never show THAT!

"Night." I dared not answer his unspoken question.


He had won this round.

We were even, for now...

Things were pretty tense between Kenny and me. We barely made conversation, unless it was absolutely necessary. If I didn't know better, I thought Paul was enjoying getting Kenny all to himself. Kenny was busy with his basketball practices, a plethora of bimbos and his studies (somewhat). So, I didn't socialize much with him. Which was fine by me.

On Tuesday, I overheard Kenny telling Paul that he would be gone to this chick's place on Wednesday, for the whole night. Perfect! If Kenny was getting some action, so would I. I could go over to Thane's place. I called him up and made plans. Damned if I could hold my excitement for a whole day.

Wednesday rolled around and after our Still Life class, I brought Thane up to my room. He looked around.


"Not really, not compared to yours, but hey!"

"I see Kenny's a big basketball fan." Thane commented, taking in all the basketball memorabilia adorning his side of the room.

"He's on the team."

"I see. I play too, I think I'm pretty good. One day maybe he and I could get a game in." Not likely, considering, Kenny doesn't like you much, I thought. Only God knows why that was.

"Thane," He turned to me. I handed him the gift. "Here's the souvenir you wanted."

He looked back at me quizzically and when he finally saw it, he laughed out loud.

"Where did you get this?"

"Stole it from our train station."

"Are you serious?"

"Ya, Kenny and I pulled the heist." I grinned, remembering it fondly.

"You and Kenny do these things a lot, eh?" Thane had an expression on his face I couldn't read.

"Sure, but he usually always leads. I follow and get in trouble with him. I never learn my lesson." I chuckled.

Thane pecked me on the lips, "Thanks."

Ok, I thought he would be a little more appreciative of my gift. Oh well.

"Ready to go to my place?" Thane grinned.


The night at his place was wonderful. We enjoyed each other's bodies and I became more and more comfortable as time went on. I even took the initiative, which turned Thane on to no end, as he became more and more the aggressor to match me. Boy liked it rough. One time, his hand trailed down to the opening of my hole and I shuddered against his warm body. I knew what he wanted. I was not ready yet. He sensed my resistance. His hand left to a safer place, massaging my balls. I knew I needed to work on opening myself up more, figuratively and literally, but I wasn't at that stage. I wished with all my heart that when I was ready, it was with Thane. He had become such an important person in my life, I couldn't think about myself with anyone else but him.

Before we drifted off to sleep, I made sure to set the alarm for early morning. I wanted to be back at Rez before Kenny got home. It frustrated me that I had to hide a relationship with my boyfriend, while Kenny - and she wasn't even his girlfriend, just his fuck-partner for the night - didn't.

Thane dropped me off at 4 in the morning and I seriously felt like a thief, hiding in the shadows, slithering back to my place in the dead of the night, before anyone woke up. Hell, the sun hadn't even woken yet. I know Thane didn't like it at all. He was very confident about himself, as an openly gay man, and hated all the hiding and sneaking. He felt it was demeaning, but he didn't push me because he knew for me, there was no other choice.

I woke up to the sound of Kenny coming into our room. It was nine in the morning. His hair was disheveled and morning stubble grew on his face, while his lips looked red and bruised. Someone had fun last night. Personally, he looked like a whore to me. Well-fucked, I'm sure.

I had a class in an hour so I decided to get up.

"Hey." I greeted Kenny.

Kenny turned to me, his mouth slightly opened as he looked at me, well not at me but at my neck. He smirked and nodded his greeting.

What the hell?

I got ready for my Art History class and met Hannah there.

"Hey." I kissed her cheek. "Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?"

She was smiling this big-ass grin and whistled, "Not as good as you."

"Wha...?" I asked.

"Check out that bruise on your neck." She cracked up. Oh God. Thane! No...No...NO... today morning...Kenny... FUCK NO!

"Tell me you're not serious?" I looked at Hannah, horrified.

"Go look for yourself, but, wait, who's the lucky girl? How could you not tell me?" She sounded hurt.

"Not now." I practically dashed to the washroom. Sure enough, there was a nasty red mark on my neck. This was not my day.

I dragged myself back to class only to be embarrassed by the prof who hated students walking in late. Can life get any worse?

I spoke too soon.

I was done for the day and was lounging in my room, getting caught up on some homework, when the phone rang.


"Hey babe. Mind if I come over? I'm bored out of my freaking mind. I got some hash...we could make it a chilaxing day." It was Hannah.

A few minutes later, Hannah joined me in my lounging. We smoked up. I felt great, haven't felt this good in a long while. Hash always made me lethargic, even more so than smoking a regular doobie, and I loved it.

After a couple of hours, Kenny came in. He sniffed the air like a dog.

"Dude, place smells like someone went shit here, you smoking spliffs without me?" Kenny turned to me.

"Hash, dude, hash." I flicked my eyes over towards Hannah who was sitting in a chair behind Kenny, so he didn't notice her at first. Kenny spun around. He did a double take on Hannah and after seeing her, he went into his "charmer" gear. I would too, if I was straight. She was gorgeous.

"Hello there. I'm Kenny, Galen's best friend, you are...?" Oh God! Get over it, Kenny!

Hannah was equally mesmerized by him, and why not? It was Kenny.

She smiled a wry smile, "Hannah, Galen's dealer. He's mentioned a lot about you."

"About you too, Hannah." I had never mentioned Hannah to Kenny, except to say that she was a friend from my Art History class. I looked over at him and he winked at me.


"Hey Hannah, listen, I gotta go to the library, come with me?" I stood up and held out my hand for her.

"Sure." She reached for my hand and I kind of pulled her a little harder than necessary. She toppled into me. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek, kinda close to her lips.

Over my shoulder, Kenny looked on. Good. He looked like he was contemplating something. Hannah leaned away from me and gave me a puzzled look.

"Let's go," I said and we left.

A couple of days later, I got a call from Hannah. She didn't sound her cheery self. Something was up. She wanted to talk with me so we decided to meet at the Student Union for coffee.

When I got there, she was already sipping away. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek and ordered a coffee.

"So, what's up?" I asked, pulling out a smoke. Coffee and cigs! Marriage made in heaven.

"Nothing, ran into your friend today. Kenny."


"Ya, we talked for a bit. A bit of a charmer isn't he? Hot to boot."

"Ya, well..."

"Galen?" Her voice made me look at her. She was pensive. "Can you tell me why Kenny would think we were going out?"

"What?!" I screamed. I was already feeling butterflies in my stomach. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Ya, he asked me."

"What did you say?" Please tell me, by some miracle, you said 'yes'. PLEASE, PLEASE!

"I asked him why."


She looked at me, calculating. Her brown eyes held in them: depth and intelligence. I was not going to get out of this that easily. "He said he saw you with a huge-ass hickey and thanked me for a job well done." she cleared her throat, "I'm guessing since he's your best friend, you would tell him if you had a girl. I KNOW it wasn't" She left the rest of it out. How dare that bastard?! I was going to kill Kenny. He was checking up on me.


She looked at me, hoping I would continue. I didn't know what to say. So, she continued. "Ya, so I'm guessing he was talking about that mark that I saw on you that day in Art History class. And since I know you have never mentioned any girl to me either, and why wouldn't you if there was somebody? We cool, we tight, right?...So...well, it led me to believe..."

I looked at her, horrified.

"Galen, don't worry. I told him 'yes'."


"I told him we were going out."


"I saved your ass. So, now you owe me an explanation."

"Hannah, please." my voice came out as a squeak. I was gripping the coffee cup so hard that I squeezed the Styrofoam and some coffee spilled out while tears threatened to burst out of my eyes any moment.

Hannah's voice was soft, comforting. She reached over the table and squeezed my hand.

"Galen, I know Thane is gay. He's never been as happy as I've seen him these last couple of weeks. Actually, ever since you guys met at the bar. I know you went over to his place that night. Gina told me. What's going on?"

"Hannah. I can't." I got up and threw my cup in the garbage and practically ran out.

"Galen? Galen!" I heard Hannah yelling after me, her voice ringing in my ear.

My world was shattering into pieces. My guarded secret, which I held on to with my life, was being exposed. I couldn't do anything about it. It was wrong of me to assume that Thane and I could live in our hidden Paradise and that no one would know. I was stupid. Now, I was paying the price.

Author's endnote: Short chapter compared to the last two, but hey, it came out much faster..

Write in with ur thoughts on the story, anything in general....scream at me, yell about my characters, whatever..

Next: Chapter 11

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