Thats Life

By moc.liamtoh@erehdamllaerew

Published on Apr 24, 2002


Author's note: Hey all, this is my first time posting. I would really like some feedback...good, bad, anything is appreciated. Email me at:

First off, to save my ass, if you are under age or it is illegal for you to be reading such "filth", please leave. This material contains crude language (gosh!), and homosexuality (oh my!), so if you are offended, then, yes....goodbye!

I hope I don't offend anyone with this story. It is purely fiction, all from my own imagination as well as being inspired by many a great writers on this site. I do use politically incorrect terms for certain subject matters, but I am trying to portray the thought process of the protagonist. I do not use refined story-telling language, because I want to say it in the voice of the protagonist.

This is not a stroke piece. (Half my readers...GONE!) It is a story of self-discovery and the trials and tribulations of a young man dealing with life, with the added worry about being gay. I use crude terms, not to offend the gay population, but to mock society and how they view homosexuals...and even how twisted it is, that the ones who feel the hate the most, are the gay men themselves. So, I dedicate it to you all. Cheers.

Curtains up: Lights, camera, action....


"Fuck off!" screamed Kenny as I poured a keg of ice water on him. The keg was a token gift given to him from his last night's endeavor where he apparently won the drinking round. I broke out into laughter then. I couldn't hold it any longer. I laughed so much that my laughter soon turned to hiccups and then Kenny pounced, finding the perfect opportunity. He was on me, and compared to me, it was an easy battle. Within minutes, I was pinned to the floor, my clothes suddenly damp.

"Shit, bro, take a joke!" I hollered, but it was no use. There sat Kenny, two feet from me, dripping wet, with his trademark smirk/grin on his face. He knew I was wearing my favourite shirt. The thing with Kenny is, one could never tell if it was a smirk or a mischievous grin on his face, so I couldn't even really get mad at him, he had one of THOSE faces. Ya, ya, he got away with that look more often than I could remember. Ever since our childhood. He had a handsome chiseled face and deep blue eyes courtesy of his Irish Dad and chestnut brown hair (now with highlights) and tanned skin courtesy of his Italian mother. The dog even had dimples that made my Grandma swoon. Sick, really sick.

I lived in his shadows for all of our friendship, all fourteen years of it. Now, him at nineteen and me at eighteen, not much has changed. We both got into University. I wanted to prove myself so bad that I fast tracked just so I could graduate with him, upstage him. But, it wasn't enough for my parents. He got in for Engineering. I was majoring in Art, sissy get my drift.

"So, what's with that shirt? You got a girl in your Still Life class?" He smirked again. Fuck I hated him. He knew me too well.

", fuck off, can't I just wear it cuz I wanna?" I looked over at him. He started laughing again.

"You're fucking redder than a tomato, dude.don't" he said, wiggling his eyebrows and smiling a stupid ass grin "who is it? Come on, dude, I'm your best friend! Plus it's about time you got yourself a pussy. If you were a virgin any longer, you have to dedicate yourself to the church. Blah!"

"No would know. She's, well, she's got nice tits, but I think she's out of my league, whatever." I concluded, while my fingers lay crossed behind my back, hoping he wouldn't probe any more. Once the dude got started, he was more curiouser and curiouser.

The thing he doesn't know is that, there is someone in my Still Life class, but that someone don't got tits, nor a pussy. He's this Greek God or that's how I saw him as. Ripped, tanned, about 6'0 with an amazing smile. Amazing body. Deep green eyes that sometimes caught the light and made him almost magical, and these amazing hands, so graceful, his brush strokes were so..oh fuck, I was getting carried away as usual. His name was Thanasias Lampropolous. That was how he was introduced to us on our first day of class. When one of the smartasses in the class, giggled, and called out that the name was a "mouthful," he retorted, "that's not all about me that could be a mouthful" and winked. I was in total lust. He continued on to tell us to call him "Thane". What an unusual name? But then again nothing about his was ordinary nor usual. Far from it.

"Wake up, hello!!!!!!" Kenny cried, knocking on my head.

"Sorry.I kinda spaced out" I said.

"S'okay, so you wanna get some dinner before you head off?" he asked, while he changed his clothes. I couldn't help but steal glances. He put on a fresh white wife-beater, khakis and a button down beige shirt, left open.......damn! I needed to get laid FAST! I was just too horny.

"Ya, sure." I may have been a little skinny but I was gaining fast and I had been working out with Kenny too so nothing turned to fat. And a growing boy needed food. I was almost 5'7 now. I didn't feel so small anymore, but sometimes, when I stood beside Mr. 6'2 Kenny, I would feel intimidated. Ah well. Back to food. Damn, if I couldn't gorge down a whole fucking pizza. So, we headed out, me not bothering to change out of my damp shirt. I didn't want to give Kenny that satisfaction.

The expected happened. As we exited our room (ya Kenny and I were roommates in Rez, big surprise), these chicks came out of nowhere, I swear, and like freaking vultures, just pounced on Kenny and asked him if he was going to the Food Court. Mr. Man that my boy was, nodded and inevitably, we were escorting these...well-endowed...females to the food court. Damn! I didn't need this, especially not when I wanted to talk to Kenny.

It has been almost a month that we have been in University. Things were getting stressed. Kenny partied like it was 1999 and I stayed home. I didn't really check the bimbo scene if you get my drift. In the beginning of University, Kenny always persuaded me to go with him, offering me free drinks. I took him up on the offer the first time. Big Mistake! A person with my stature should not drink like I had and soon my body was convulsing. Not a nice feeling...especially when I was admitted to the Hospital for Alcohol Poisoning. Kenny was scared shitless. He wanted to call the 'rents but knew that if he did, we would both be in shit. Thank god he didn't...but after that, he was less adamant on me drinking. Actually, he kinda gets freaked every time I put a drop of alcohol in my mouth. Ah well! At least I'm not allergic to weed or tobacco. Sweeet!

So, I really did savour these times where Kenny and I were alone and we could just shoot the shit, but lately, Kenny had been preoccupied. He had a whole group of friends, all loud Engineers who partied and partied and slept with chicks. I kept to my studies. I really wasn't that outgoing like Kenny, he was the ying (extrovert) and I was the yang (introvert). It seemed that University was gonna separate the duo after all. I knew Kenny and I were drifting apart. When we were in our hometown, it was easier. We lived next door. Our parents were good friends, we were always in close proximity to one another and had to inevitably become friends, out of lack of resources.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think Kenny thinks of me as a burden. I am just starting to feel like if I cramp his "style" any more, I would lose whatever salvageable friendship we have. So, I wanted to give him his space, to do his thang! I was sad about it, sure, but what can I do?

*** There we were, sitting in the loud, cramped food court, these chicks hanging on to every word coming out of Kenny's mouth and it was all basketball talk! He was on the team. I bet they didn't even know what a "slam dunk" was, but suddenly, suddenly, they were more than ready to get a crash course on basketball. Fuck these posers! I couldn't take it anymore. I got up, threw my half-eaten pizza in the garbage and jetted from the scene. It was too claustrophobic. Ok, I know what you all are thinking now, this dude is hung up on his best bro. Hell no! Been there and done that. Way back when, when I realized that my dick only twitched at the sight of a dude, in particular, Kenny, I blamed myself for being gay and of course, Kenny for turning me gay. I was in love with the boy. But, with time and years, I learned that I had to move on. Kenny was my best friend and a nice guy, he was open-minded, and, hopelessly...straight. So, end of story. I was moving Thane hopefully. I just needed the perfect time to let Kenny in on my little secret. I knew he would understand. I hoped he would understand.

"Yo! Mofo!" My thoughts were interrupted as I soon felt myself being punched in the arm. It was Kenny. "What's with the disappearing act man? Why'd you leave like that?"

"You were busy with you fan club, didn't wanna interrupt, plus I's gotta get to class, bro," I laughed. It didn't bother me, and I wanted to make sure that he knew that.

"So, you just up and leave? What the hell is the matter with you lately?" He was calm, but there was anger in his voice. I was shocked. I turned to him. This was new, where was this coming from?

"Wha..?" I was totally confused.

"Are you having PMS or sumethin? Every time, you just throw a bitch fit and leave. It's like you're trying to avoid me ever since we came to University. Fuck Galen. Tell me what's wrong, what's with you?" He looked concerned. I didn't know what to do. I was on the brink of tears and I didn't know why.

"I gotta get to class....bye," and I walked away. I could tell Kenny was standing there. His stare burnt a hole right into my back. I couldn't turn around. If I did, I knew I wouldn't be able to turn back. So, I kept on walking, cursing myself for letting the tears slip through my eyes. Sissy. I was a fucking sissy. My dad was right.

Next: Chapter 2

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