That's Life

By Brian Mueller

Published on Jan 4, 2001



This is my first work. After careful debating, I decided to make the first story I would publish on Nifty a work of non-fiction. I had many ideas for fictional stories, but this is something I wanted to share with someone that prompted me to type all of this out. His stories of experiences he has had in the past are well written, so I am putting this together out of respect for him and to share with him, as well as others. This is dedicated to him. Thank you, John.

I cannot promise sexual content as seen in other stories. Here it goes.

At this time, I was nineteen years old, and my Monday evenings were spent at the local Gay and Lesbian Center, for the men's chat group. At this particular location, things had begun to slow down. It was rare that there would be more than five people at the group, but I still went, only to be around other gay people, if nothing else.

This particular night, it was myself, Cleon, whom I dubbed my Fairy Godmother, and Steven, a guy that I was later to fool around with. We came to the conclusion that no one going to show, and while considering when to leave, we were putting up various posters that advertised safe sex. There was a large couch that I had my knees resting on, as I was putting up a particularly nice poster; a bare chested man with a nicely hairy chest. It was at this time that Greg walked in.

Greg was shorter then me (at nineteen, I was 6'3" to Greg's 6'1"), and very much in shape. In fact, Kevin Spacey reminds of him. He was dressed in casual/professional attire, a light blue dress shirt and a pair of khaki pants. He ended up sitting on the couch with me, only a cushion between us. The conversation focused on him with the facts that he was just coming out and in the middle of getting a divorce at the age of thirty-seven. He also had two children, which he mentioned that the oldest played softball.

Listening to his voice, I found myself becoming very attracted to him. There was something about him that, at the time, I did not know I found to be such an attractive quality. He was wearing a pair of glasses, and his hair was cut short. He also had the kind of complexion to his face that made it look as if he had a 5 o'clock shadow. Overall, he looked rather geeky, which I was finding to be a most attractive quality about him.

Wrapping the evening up, Greg mentioned that he would not be back the following Monday because his daughter had a softball game. I could not tell you what my reaction was to hear this at that time. I just do not remember. In fact, the only things I do remember are thinking about him for the next two weeks, and I becoming afraid that he would not be showing up when he said he would. The first week after he came to the GLC, I made sure to sit in the spot that he sat in. There were more people this time, about ten total. I found myself being glad that he was not able to be there. The reason for that being I may not have been able to sit next to him.

That week then passed slower than the first. With things being slow at work, I was allowed a lot of time to sit and think about Greg. I hoped that he would make it as he said he would. Finally, evening came and I was on my way to the meeting. I made myself late so I would not have been the one sitting there and waiting for him, not that I thought he was waiting for me. Entering the parking lot, I saw only two vehicles. One belonged to Cleon, who by the way, was the one that would normally give me a ride home after the meetings, and a white mini-van ... Greg's work van.

I walked inside and saw Cleon right away. He smiled his normal, friendly smile and I walked into the room where the chat was to be held. Sitting I saw Steven at one end of the room, and Greg, sitting in the spot I had been sitting in two weeks earlier. I said my hello's to both of them as Cleon passed by me, going to the back room where we had a bathroom and some storage space. I followed Cleon and confessed my feelings for Greg, and mentioned that I spent a lot of time thinking about him. He chuckled to himself and said that tonight may very well be my night. He told me that, before I arrived, Greg had asked if anyone knew I was going to show up or not. My heart leaped. Just the thought that this man I had spent so much time thinking about just might have been thinking about me sent my mind into overdrive and I became determined to tell Greg how I felt.

As the four of us were standing outside, Cleon pulled me aside and noted the fact that there isn't enough room in his car for both me and Steven, so I should ask Greg for a ride. I approached Greg and asked him if it would be out of his way to give me a ride home. He said it would not be, and he was even nice enough to unlock the passenger side door for me. Of course, I reached over and unlocked the driver's side door before he got there, an action of common courtesy, to me.

On an average, I would be home in about twenty minutes, the way Cleon drove. After about ten minutes of conversation, I told Greg how attracted I was to him. I started telling him all the things I liked, from his short hair, to his facial features, to the hair on his arms; just everything that came to mind. He found all of this very flattering and there reached a point where it seemed that things could go a step further. As we got closer to my house, I told him that I did not need to be home right away. He asked what we should do, and I told him that maybe we could just drive around. I had reached over and placed my hand on his leg, close to his knee. He reached over and did the same. Soon, we found a dark stretch of road where he pulled off to the side and parked.

I remember when we were leaning into a kiss, I commented about how it seemed like a dream come true. I remember the softness of his lips and the roughness of his hands. I never asked him about why his hands had a rough feel to them, I was too caught up in the moment. We ended up climbing into the back of the van where I laid on my back and he knelt down over my face, the perfect position for his cock to reach my mouth. After taking his cock into my mouth and sucking it deep, he bent over and took my hard, exposed cock in his mouth. With a free hand, he reached under and began playing with my asshole, making me thrust hard into his mouth. He came up off of my cock and sat back on his heels. He began pounding his cock furiously as I licked and sucked his balls. I worked my cock as hard as he worked his, anticipating him cumming. He backed away as he came, shooting all over his inner thighs. I would have regretted not taking him in my mouth as he came, but I was busy cumming one of the best loads of my young life.

There was nothing for us to use to clean up with, and neither of us made an effort to clean the other up, so we sat up, dressed, cum and all, kissed, and he started the engine. Not much was said during the drive, and I started to feel bad, hoping he would find something to say. To make a long story short, we never had sex again. Many times, I wish things could have been different, but that is life. That was almost five years ago, and we have not talked much since. He has moved on with his life, and I found a long time ago that his life has no room for me in it. But, hey ... that's life.

Sorry to have ended that on a sad note ... imagine how I felt at the time it was happening! Responses would be welcomed, and perhaps would motivated me to share some of my more erotic, personal stories. Flames = IGNORED.

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