That's a Hard No

Published on Dec 5, 2023



That's a Hard No

That's A Hard No!

"Damn, he makes me stupid.  And I love it!" I thought as I knelt there between his legs in my jock strap, collar and leash.  A mixture of contentment and hunger coursing thru me having spent a half hour massaging, licking his feet and sucking his toes,.  His pleasure moans and sexy dirty talk inspiring me to worship him - my friend. my Master. I love submitting in this ritual he gave me the First time he trained me.  Glancing up along his thighs, taking in the fullness of his balls and the magnetic draw of his cock; full dark shaft and pulsing head I felt the now familiar heat intensify in my belly.  Slowly raising my eyes up his torso, sensing the rhythm of his breath and gazing upward still...I wondered 'does he see how deeply it satisfies me to submit and please him?"  

If he feels even a portion of the pleasure I do then I am astounded!  His eyes dance with clarity and confidence as he sips his beer and looks at me; no through me!  Yes, my Master gets me and illuminates me to myself shamelessly.  

My eyes taking in his handsome face ,  the firm twinkle in his eye as his sexy grin widened, his hand slowly stroking his cock inches from my hunger.

"Youre a fucking dirty slut aren't you?"

"Yes Master, I am"

"You want this cock in your filthy mouth and ass?"

"Fuck yes please Master", I pleaded

His grin widening his hand stroking faster, teasingly closer.

His other hand grabbing my hair as I felt his cock head press my nostril breathing him in 

Backing off he growled, "you fucking love it dirty pig"

"Yes Master!"

"What are you?"

"I'm a dirty pig Master"

"Who's dirty pig?"

"I'm your dirty pig Master"

Thats right," Good fucking slut you are", he crooned as his hard cock slapped my face again and again

Thank you Master I purred

His grin grew more mischievous now, "Open your mouth my slut"

My mouth open , his hand still firm in my hair

My eyes alive with joy as I waited'

I saw it form slowly, teasingly hanging from his dark lips , lengthening and finally breaking free to caress my tongue.  His Tubourg laced spit pooling on my taste buds.  I waited savoring the look on his face, the kiss of spit on my tongue.

"Swallow my spit my slutty Pig!" 

"Yes please Master, thank you" I managed as my mouth closed and my tongue swirled his spit down my barren throat.

He laughed that crazy sexy pleasure laugh that made me even stupider for him.  His dick slap on my cheek my reward.

His hand released my hair and he fell quiet, strangely serious for a second.

It felt like minutes till I heard his voice resounding low and clear....'lick my piss slit faggott'

What happened next shocked me to my core.

From deep in me. that place just below my balls came a clear strong, "No Master "

I saw the darkening behind his eyes as I felt the force of his hand across my face stinging me more deeply than my flesh.

We each seemed caught in our own storm and time slowed . I saw his jaw tighten and his  eyes bore into mine.  I sensed the movement of his hand as I said, "thank you Master"

Steeling myself not to flinch, his palm stopped short of my cheek......and just held there.

My Master is not a violent man; nor cruel.  He knows the difference between dominance and being an asshole.  I love that about him; I've

no time for violence.   The force of his slap came from instinct tempered by character and he stopped.  I had surprised him and myself with my unexpected 'No Master'.  His breath drew fast and deep and I could see how I had impacted him.

I knew enough about myself and human nature to realize this energy had to release before I could speak clearly; before he could hear.

"Spank me Master". tumbled from my still Stinging heart.  I counted his breathes, 1, 2, 3, 4 fast and deep as his hand drew back .  You think you deserve to feel me spanking your slutty ass bitch?"

" I deserve nothing Master- please spank me." 

"Get your ass over here", he commanded as he sat down on the bed.  I turned and lay my ass across his wide spread legs, his raging cock jabbing my smooth belly.  His spanking came as a torrent I had not known before, accompanied by every degrading humiliating assault his animal mind divined.  I breathed and called out thank you Master, repeating every word I could hear between the sounds of his hand striking my reddening ass.  "Yes Master, I'm a whore, a faggot, cocksucker, filthy pig", and on and on.  My voice grew thin as my pain increased.  Part of me Wanted to cry 'stop!' and I knew he would.  That would end the release prematurely that I knew he needed; that we needed.  I fought back my resistance and finally, mercifully it ended.

Our silence screaming as I lay there, my ass on fire, breathe heaving, aware once more of his cock leaking his anger hot on my belly.  His hand landed on my cheeks first one then the other.  He said nothing as he Stroked my ass, my breathe slowing, the tears I'd withheld freed now.  When he broke the silence his voice was firm and clear, " Why?  Why did you do that?  How many times have I told you, how long have you known that I wanted to trust you enough to suck my cock raw and now, now that I do, you reject me?"

I heard the slightest Crack in his voice as he said "and now, now that I do , you reject me" as his anger softened into the pain that drove it.  I lay there, his hand resting on my still burning ass, not wanting to move.  I didn't want to lose this fragile contact.  With clarity my mind grasped what had been clouded by my overwhelming sensations and emotions; a complex mix of pain, desire and Fear.  It wasn't fear of being physically harmed.  Even in my confusion I knew my Master would not do that.  It was that deeper fear, the fear of losing something valuable, our connection and trust.  His reaction wasn't about me saying, 'No, Master'!  He's never been the kind of Master to force me in any way or to be cruelly punishing.  Consent is power and he gets that .  He knows that I freely submit to Him and I don't believe he would want or have it any other way.  Neither would I.  Yes, I desire him and have from our first encounter.  My desire is deepened by my trust, liking and respect for him.  Rare to find someone like that, let alone a Master who gets that!  

And he's also funny and charming and respects himself and even laughs at my lame jokes sometimes!  But I digress!  Enough of my gushing.

You must be thinking, "seriously?  WTF? what kind of Shameless slave with a Master he likes, respects and loves to obey would be there on his knees revelling in the heat of having licked And sucked his Master's toes for as long as allowed would hear his command 'lick my piss slit faggott" and say 'no Master!'?  It's indefensible behaviour! Irrational! Beyond stupid!  

And yes, I would be thinking the same thing! 

Have I fantasized about this moment?  YES!  Laying on my bed or couch stroking and edging my pulsing cock, remembering the joy of pleasing him, sucking his toes, clad in my Collar leash and J strap.  Yes I have conjured this moment too many times and far fewer than I've wanted too.  Imagining rising to my knees at his command and taking him in ,hearing is sexy voice and seeing his hand slowly stroking his beautiful cock with his other hand in my hair holding my head in place.  YES YES of course I've run this movie in my mind in a hundred ways!  Hearing him say 'open

Your mouth faggott" and eagerly obeying!  Remembering the scent of his cock pressed against my nostril so fleeting!  Seeing his piss slit open and close with every stroke of his hand .  Steeling myself not to flick my tongue along the underside of his waiting cock, swirling into his piss slit to finally taste him; wanting to so badly but Respecting him too much to act without permission.  Feeling His heat just beyond my lips and dreaming of wrapping my lips around his cock head, tasting him, making my mouth water as I lick and swirl my tongue over and under and around his cockhead savoring his taste. His moans my reward, his dirty talk my fuel...."thats it slut.. whose your daddy?... .you are my dirty cocksucking pig aren't you?..."

My mouth and lips unleashed with a mind of their own slipping more and more of him along my dancing tongue.  Painting the picture in my mind of that first raw touch of my Master's cock against the back of my throat.  How my tongue would dart forward straining to 

Reach the base of his root while his moaning drives his hand to tighten in my hair and push my head deeper past my throats involuntary and unwelcome resistance!  We both know I want nothing more than to feel him break through so my throat pussy can massage his throbbing cock.

The movie plays in my mind and I sense it happening as if in real time.  My neck and back relax and My throat opens to him.  My tongue presses caressing his shaft and cascading so My throat tightens and releases over and over hugging his  cock , soft as warm velvet encased in steel  hard power.  His moaning 'fuck yes My slut' fills me with pride and I will myself not to breath; no resistance to His now slow bucking hips.   He is owning my throat pussy and I want for nothing!  If only I had gills to breath !! Reluctantly I tap his thighs to pull back. Masterfully he waits, still bucking into my throat challenging my edges!  I love that about him.  ""Take it my bitch, you've got this" and he's right. A few more strokes and he gives me mercy and pulls back just enough to rest his cock head at My throat.  Resenting the need to breath, I gulp in air famished now to feel him stretching my throat pussy again.  He does not hesitate and drives his hips forward.  My throat welcomes him and he bottoms out and just stops, his balls slapping my chin.  Each of us taking in the moment.  I taste him everywhere, my tongue on fire and my throat wrapped tight around him, his heat and still pulsing cock in My throat. 

Wanting both to stay here forever and also to feel his hips rock his cock in and out of my throat pussy over and over.  His  hand still in my hair now almost softly clutching and releasing as if to say 'good boy, good slut your Master is  pleased'  His soft guttural moans spasm my throat and he begins again rewarding me with his power, fucking my throat. 

His full balls slap into my chin with their weighty promise of his seed.  That seed I've tasted so many times, watched and waited while my Master jerked into my open mouth, coating my tongue.  I've imagined the feel and heat of him in my mouth and throat over and over and each time my belly aches with that sweet hunger to feel him burst his seed deep in my mouth, to take it all hot and wet; my lips sealed around his shaft, hugging tight to not miss a drop.  Knowing for certain my tongue would be dancing wild up and down his cock licking and pressing for every shot of cum and then slowly cleaning him still hard in my mouth, my tongue searching sweetly in his piss slit, moaning appreciation.  I can almost feel his balls resting on my chin as his breathe grows still and quiet ....."good faggott, good boy, 

What a good personal slut my slave is."

YES!  Of course I've run this and a hundred other variations through the cinema of my mind!

So why?  Why, when finally, waiting on my knees and hearing my Master growl," lick my piss slit faggott", would I say "no Master".  From what seemingly twisted edge of my soul would that arise?

To be continued.....

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