That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Mar 22, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 09"

Copyright 2022

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. As the story progresses, the writing style may become less "formal" i.e. "correct," and more reflective of the characters living in their era. I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Now about those "anachronisms." Every attempt has been made to keep the story pure and accurate for its time setting. A really difficult type of anachronism is trying to write about the perspective of a nineteen to mid-twenty year old gay male while accurately reflecting the knowledge, language and customs of the era. This information is something not found on the internet!

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From Part 08...

"Oh... Well.... That's no problem! I mean, if you need a room, you can stay with us here until we leave and the same thing for Tucson!" Mark chirped.

I gave him another questioning look.

"You'd.... You guys would be okay with that?" the boy asked.

"Sure! We like you and... you can always pay us back later!"

Kevin looked at Mark, then me, and slowly turned his head away. When he looked back in our direction, his eyes were full of tears.

"You... you... guys are so nice.... When I first saw you I kind of knew that.. Even though he looks like he could beat me up!" Kevin sobbed while nodding at Mark.

"I don't know why people always seem to think that about me!" Mark laughed.

"But... but...!" Kevin sobbed.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I haven't exactly told you the truth about... a lot of things... like why I am here!" he cried.

Part 09

Kevin's story

We both watched as Kevin started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Lies... Lies... Lies....!" he cried, "I lied to myself. I lied to my parents. I lied to her. I lied to you guys!"

I quickly grabbed a handful of tissues and handed them to him.

"Do you want to talk about it...?" I started to ask.

Kevin looked at me through teary eyes.

"You'd... You still want anything to do with me? After I lied to you...?"

"We kind of figured some of it out anyway," Mark said, "I mean... some things you said didn't make any sense...!"

I put my arm around Kevin and the three of us went back into our room. He sat on the bed while we pulled up two chairs. His tears were flowing like water.

"Okay...Now...tell us...whatever you want to...start anywhere you like," I said softly, "Maybe with why you are here all by yourself...!"

"Yeah!" Mark chirped, "That didn't make any sense. Especially when you have so much back in Phoenix! I mean... I understand that your Dad and you might not see eye-to-eye...!"

"No shit!" I barked, "Just like MY Dad!"

Kevin looked at both of us.

"Okay...!" he said slowly.

"Just tell us...and don't lie! We won't make fun of you for anything!" Mark said.

"He's right! We LIKE you...we're not going to judge you and HE....!" I nodded towards Mark, "Isn't going to beat you up' or anything!"

Kevin managed to grin between his sniffles.

"Let's start with...why exactly are you here by yourself... if that's the case...and why are you so upset...?" I asked.

Kevin stared out to one corner of the room. It seemed like the weight of the world was sitting on his tiny shoulders. Which, given his very petite frame, would have been a monstrous burden.

"I...I....!" he sobbed.

"Don't force it. Just take a deep breath and go very slowly!"

"I....I'm.... supposed to be finishing OH FUCK! I KNEW I could never do it!"

"What?" I asked our new friend.

Kevin started crying again.

"WOW!" Mark said to me, "What ever happened...?"

"PLEASE!" Kevin begged, "Don't HATE me for...!"

"We're not gonna hate you!" I assured him.

He looked at me and then slowly spoke, "I... I... ran away from home!"

Mark and I exchanged glances.

"Huh? Isn't that something a guy might do when he's...maybe sixteen!" I replied.

"Did you run away from home, or someone or something back home?" Mark asked.

Somehow he always managed to cut through to the point!

Kevin looked at both of us with now-bloodshot eyes, "I...I....right now I'm supposed to be on my ...!"

He gave out a long pause.

"!" he cried.

Mark and I sat back in shock.

"You mean you're married?" Mark gasped, "To a...girl?"

"Of course, dummy! Who else would he marry?" I yelped.

[Remember that it is 1974]

His reply started slowly, but then the words began to flow, "I was supposed to marry Kathy she's a girl I went to school high school with and it was all my parents idea because they don't like Clark and they don't like me hanging around him and he's sooo cute but Dad, I mean both of them, Mom and Dad, I think they know I like boys I mean I'm a fucking queer so Dad set it up with Kathy's parents her Father works at the same place as Dad and they decided me getting married would take care of any problems' I might be having so Dad promised me a great job with a lot of money and everything if I just would marry her and they want a big family with a lot of kids and....!"

Kevin's revelation came out in one really fast, unpunctuated burst, leaving Mark and me with about a million questions.

"First, you're not a fucking queer!'" Mark proclaimed.

"Then can we take it that you DIDN'T get married or...?" I started to ask.

"No. That was supposed to happen last month but I packed up some of my stuff and left...with a note explaining that I couldn't do it because it's not right for me and I would never be happy with Kathy even though she's a very nice girl and...!"

"That's why you needed to get out of Arizona!" I exclaimed.

"Yes. I told them I would be okay and not to worry about anything and please try and explain it to Kathy but it just would never work out and I'd be back after I figured things out...!" came another rushed explanation; almost like Kevin wanted to say as much as he could before seizing up and crying again!

"How well did you know this Kathy...?" I asked.

"And who is Clark?" Mark added.

"I don't know her at all hardly; she was just a classmate; I mean we talked sometimes but never seriously dated or anything and.!"

"So you never did anything with her?" Mark chirped.

I looked at him and shook my head along with a very expressive eye roll.

"Well?" Mark huffed, "I wondered if maybe Kevin knocked her up or something!"

My eyes were now spinning as Kevin let out a huge "EWWWWWWWW!!!!! NO WAY!"

His emotional reply made both of us laugh.

"Well that's good!" Mark chortled.

"Then your parents know you are gay?" I asked.

"I think they might suspect...I mean...I've been hiding it from them all my life but...!"

"You're not that old!" I laughed.

"But I started...I...was doing things with guys in the seventh grade!" Kevin sobbed.

Mark and I looked at each other in astonishment.

"The SEVENTH grade?" I said, as if my ears had heard him wrong.

He nodded affirmatively.

"Holy cow!" Mark whistled.

"Then who is Clark?" I asked.

Kevin's eyes suddenly took on a dreamy look.

"A boy I knew from high school," he said softly.

"Are you two like maybe boyfriends or something?" Mark asked.

More dreamy looks radiated from our friend.

"Kind of. I mean, I wanted it to be. My parents have tried everything to keep us apart but it doesn't make any difference...I mean we've only done things like jacking each other off and kissing and stuff but I want so much more and I think he does too but we can't do it at my house and not at his so we have to meet where there aren't any people around but he really likes me a lot because he keeps telling me so and I know...I know...I know he wants to try more things and he talks about us getting an apartment and living together and...!"

His outburst stopped.

"And?" Mark asked.

"It won't because Kevin's parents don't want him to see Clark any more!" I guessed, "I bet they won't even let him come over to your house either!"

The boy looked at me and nodded, "Yes."

"Then you've kind of been hiding here in El Paso for ten days or so," Mark started to say.

"Until your money ran out...a little sooner than expected because of the battery...but you were going to have to go back home anyway!" I added.

Kevin nodded again.

"Well...what will happen when you do go back home?" Mark asked.

"Oh there will be a lot of wringing of hands and concern about what happened to me and where I went and...after that blows over...which will take about a minute...then all hell will probably break loose!" Kevin explained.

"Did you actually agree...I mean...promise to marry...?" Mark started to ask.

"NO! NO!! NO WAY!!!" the boy squeaked.

"It's...It sounds a lot like a marriage of convenience' or an arranged marriage,'" I said, "They... I remember reading about them somewhere...a lot of poor countries have them and...!"

"Yeah! Like when a woman is supposed to bring some money or something...!" Mark chirped.

"A dowry,'" Kevin replied.

"Yeah... That's it," I exclaimed, "And some religions and royalty have those kind of agreements...!"

"That's all bullshit. Your parents are, or were, trying to bribe you to get married. They think...or maybe know...that you like boys and this is their way of coping with it. They probably figure once you get hitched and she has some kids, you'll be too busy with that crap to think about sucking a guy's cock!" Mark barked, then he surprised the hell out of me by saying, "It's almost like what your Father tried to do with you! Paying you money to never see me again!!"

His observation hit me like that legendary brick wall. Naturally, I had to explain it to Kevin.

"And you got the money in the end anyway!" Mark laughed, recalling how Mom had brow- beaten Dad into coughing up a nice "settlement" after being a first class asshole.

"Now what? I mean... When you get back home?" Mark again asked the boy.

"I guess I'll just have to face whatever happens!" Kevin said quietly.

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. It turned out to be room service. I couldn't help but stare at the cute young boy pushing a cart filled with linens and bathroom supplies.

"We'll leave and let you do your thing," I told the boy.

He nodded and smiled.

The three of us went outside.

"You are going to Phoenix with us, aren't you?" I asked Kevin.

"I...Uh...I can't drag you guys down and...!"

"Bullshit! Stop making excuses! We invited you; if we didn't WANT you to go with us...!" Mark snorted.

"He sometimes...well...gets excited," I said to Kevin.

"As long as he doesn't beat me up," the boy smiled.

We all laughed.

"Then it's a deal! We'll leave Thursday and stop in Tucson for a few days before heading back to Phoenix. I gotta warn you... Mark made a reservation for us here...!"

I explained his use of the AAA Guide Book.

"So we don't have any idea about a place to stay in Tucson or Phoenix...!" I finished.

"That's okay! I do!" Kevin chirped.

"Great! See! You're already paying your own way!" Mark chuckled while ruffling the boy's hair.

"Once we get to Phoenix...if that's where we decide to stay, first we'll get a motel and then somehow...well, then will come the real challenge...finding an apartment," I said.

"Oh! I can help there too!" Kevin squeaked, "I know a lady in Phoenix...she's a realtor and...I mean she sells houses and stuff but I bet she can help!"

"See?" Mark chortled, "And you were worried about being a drag on us?"

We all laughed again.

Kevin was starting to warm up now; his earlier despair had blown away like some errant clouds on a summer day. He had a very bubbly and infectious personality along with a razor sharp mind. It was easy to figure out how he scored fourth in his high school class!

"What do we do while room service cleans our place?" Mark asked.

"Let's go for a drive and see the City!" I suggested.

"We can take my car since both of yours are full!" Kevin said.

In a very short time we found ourselves parked on Rim Road, overlooking El Paso. A very impressive range of mountains running from North to South almost cuts the City in half. Clinging to the edge of the mountains, the road afforded breath taking vistas to the South.

"That's the Rio Grande River," Kevin said, "And all that land South from there is in Mexico."

"WOW! It's so clear! I bet you can see for a hundred miles!" Mark gasped, "This is what I was hoping it would look like out here! In Tulsa, you're lucky to see five miles...!"

"Yuck! Tulsa!" Kevin blurted.

"You've been there?" I exclaimed.

"Through there! I don't remember very much worth seeing," he laughed.

We talked a bit more before the subject turned back to us, which lead me to explain how Mark and I met.

"Then you never were...virgins...?" Kevin stammered.

"He was," I said, nodding towards Mark, "I managed to score a blow job in a park!"

"Hey! Don't forget Robin!" Mark hooted.

Somehow all of that seemed such a long time ago!

"So you have quite a head start on us," I laughed.

"Yeah!" Kevin frowned.

"What? Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to...!"

"No. Not at all...I think it's kind of neat that you two met and fell in love....You ARE lovers, aren't you?"

Mark and I glanced at each other before I replied, "Yeah...I mean...You're pretty sharp to figure that out...not that many people have asked so we still use the word boyfriends' but you're right...!"

"It's easy to tell," Kevin said softly.

"How?" Mark asked.

Kevin stared at my ginger stud, "For starters, YOU! It's so easy to see! You ADORE Randy! I bet you'd walk on a bed of nails for him!"

"Yeah!" Mark said softly.

"I'd hate to be any guy who messes with him!" Kevin giggled.

"Me too!" I added.

We all laughed at my response.

"It would not end well for anyone who tried...!" Mark said softly; almost in a whisper.

"I wish...Somehow...if I could do it all over...!" Kevin said.

"What? Do WHAT over?" I asked.

"My life...!"

"Your LIFE? Fuck! You're only nineteen!" I laughed.

"I mean...When I meet some special boy...I wish I could be a virgin and not the way I am...!"

"The way you are? WHAT way?" Mark asked.

Kevin suddenly looked very sad.

"I have gone too far...done too many things!" he said quietly.

"You have lost me somehow. The way you keep talking about your life like you are old or something and you're not. So you haven't found the right guy first. Mark and I lucked out. Really lucked out. But that doesn't mean you won't find someone special. Not your first guy, but maybe the second or third, Or even if it's the tenth...if he turns out to be the one who makes your heart sing, then wasn't it worth the wait? I asked.

"Tenth? I wish. I really wish!" Kevin sighed, "I passed that number up a long, long time ago...!"

"What?" Mark barked as I grunted a surprised "Huh?"

"It all started with Alan," Kevin said in a very remorseful tone.

"Alan? Who is...or was...he?" I asked.

"From the seventh grade!"

"Oh, yeah! So what about Alan? Obviously he came before Clark but...," I started to ask.

"I guess I caught his eye.... Heck, there's no guessing about it. I did. Me. A scrawny little... Littler and scrawnier than I am now...twelve year old...I never thought I was that special but he sure homed in on me!"

"How so?" Mark asked.

"Well...I guess you guys...Since you're not puny like me...!"

I rolled my eyes while Mark shook his head.

"...Wouldn't know what it's like to be picked on just because you're different...!"

"You mean because you like boys?" I asked.

"No, not that. Just different. Taller. Or shorter. Or fatter. Or skinnier," Kevin explained.

"Oh. I understand!" I replied.

"Well that was me. In the seventh grade. All I had was a big cock. But of course hardly anyone knew about that...!" Kevin said.

" Hardly anyone?'" I asked.

"Well, we had to change out in gym class and shower afterwards so it was impossible not to notice. I guess all guys look at each other. Even the ones who say they like girls. Just to see how everyone measures up!"

"And...Did you measure up' then? I mean that was pretty early in your life!" I said.

"Oh heck yes. I started growing.... Well THAT part of me started really growing by the end of the sixth grade. Kind of like a tree gets a new ring on its trunk every year...Or how you had to get new clothes every year...or sometimes sooner...because you were growing so fast... cock seemed to grow like an inch every month... Okay...I guess that's maybe a little exaggerated, but by the time I hit the seventh grade, it had reached the size it is now. And guys sure noticed in gym class!" Kevin laughed.

"How does Alan figure into this?" I asked.

"Oh...Yeah... Well a couple of guys were picking on me after school one day...making fun of my donkey dick...!'"

"They were just fucking jealous!" Mark barked, "And they probably wanted a shot at it too...!"

Once again I rolled my eyes while exclaiming, "There you go again!"

"Well...Mark is right... That was it exactly... I was lucky... Alan stepped in for me and beat the shit out of both of them!"

"WOW!" Mark exclaimed.

"Anyway...we ended up at his house...just him and me...drinking vodka...that was my first time...!" Kevin laughed.

"First time drinking vodka, or the first time having sex?" Mark asked.

"Both," Kevin said, "The vodka came first and then Alan made a pass at me. He said I was cute as a bug...!"

I winced, "Where the fuck did that saying come from? I've never seen a cute' bug!"

We all laughed...

"I knew I liked boys. And to have someone...a stud like Alan... !"

"Was he in the same grade as you?" Mark asked.

"Oh yes... But he was like from another world. Had a bowl haircut that was always just long enough to get him in trouble with the school rules. Hair across his eyes and touching the collar on his shirt... Pretty brown hair with matching eyes.... He liked to wear leather jackets too.... I don't know why the smell of those turned me on so much... And really tight jeans with boots. He got sent home a lot because of the way he dressed...! He kind of had that hood' look, like Tucker Smith from West Side Story [1961] except Alan's hair was a little different than his!"

["Hood" was truncated slang from the word "hoodlum," and used mainly to describe "a young street ruffian." More accurately, it was a generational word used by adults to negatively stereotype any young person (principally male) who didn't fit the clean cut "Leave It To Beaver" image.]

"And he liked you?"

"Oh yeah! We were kind of like secret friends' all through the seventh and eighth grade...I mean, he talked to me at school, but we tried to be real casual. But then when we got to his house, everything changed!" Kevin sighed.

"You mean sex?" I asked.

Kevin giggled, "LOTS of it! I never learned where HE learned so much but he taught me...My first blow job and the first time I ever got fucked! I was so dumb! I mean, I liked guys then but I don't think my mind had any idea of what two guys could actually do together! He had a HUGE cock... Well, not as big as yours!"

He looked at Mark, who just blushed and smiled, "But...I was around ten inches and really thick! The first time he put it in me, it took about thirty minutes because of...!"

"The pain?" I asked.

Kevin blushed, "YEAH! But he was very careful with me...!"

"Kind of reminds me of me!" I said, looking at Mark (who blushed again).

"I never wanted to hurt you," he said softly.

"And you didn't!" I affirmed before continuing, "Well then... What happened next?"

"During the summer between the eighth grade and starting high school, Alan's Dad got transferred and they had to move out of state," Kevin said.

I could see the memory of it still hurt him.

"Okay... So Alan was just one guy...!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah but he had friends!" Kevin replied.

"Oh?" I asked.

"Older friends. High school age, That's how we got the vodka and marijuana...!

"No shit!"Mark barked, "You smoked...?"

Kevin nodded affirmatively.

"Okay... Where were his parents? I mean, damn! Weren't they ever home?" I asked.

"No. They both worked. Usually they didn't get home until seven or so in the evening. On the weekends we'd usually go to the park...and THAT'S another story...!"

I thought about my first gay experience at the park back in Tulsa...

"Well what about your Dad? Your Brother?" Mark asked, "Didn't either of them ever spend any time with you?"

Suddenly Kevin looked very sad. He shook his head, "No."

"Remember, I was just twelve and then thirteen. Nick was two years behind me. We started growing apart after the train thing...!"

" Train thing?'" I asked.

"Yeah. Dad built us a really neat HO scale model railroad in a spare room. It was HUGE with all kinds of different tracks and scenery...I don't know where he learned how to do all of that stuff but it was really swell!"

"That sounds great!" I said.

"It was. I used to run the trains just like a real railroad. But I had to share with Nick. And where I liked to try running everything like a real railroad, all he wanted to do was stage train wrecks!"

"So he liked tearing things up? Breaking things?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess that's why he turned out to be the athlete and I...well...I'm just me!"

"Don't say just me' like it's some kind of insult! You seem just fine," Mark huffed.

"Anyway, the train set soon fell into...well...with so many broken things it finally just...Dad ripped it all up when I was in junior high. Anyway, it was obvious by then that Nick was going to be the star athlete' and that's all Dad ever cared about!" Kevin explained.

"Man... That is such BULLSHIT!" Mark growled, "I have two Brothers and Mom and Dad always treated all of us equally. And they recognized our individual differences...!"

"But did they know about you...liking boys?" Kevin asked.

We both laughed as Mark recounted the story AND the bet his parents had made...

Kevin's eyes got all misty, "And they still didn't care? They still loved you?"

"OF COURSE they did!" Mark exclaimed.

I was still puzzled by Kevin's remorse over having done "too many things...!"

"I haven't really heard anything bad... I mean you were friends with a guy who seemed like he... well...was very mature for his age, and you drank and smoked some pot, and maybe had sex with...," I started to say.

"Him and his friends," Kevin interrupted me.

"They used you...?"

"That's what bothers me now. It didn't then... I wanted it so bad. Having sex with another boy, or boys, especially if they were older, made me feel more like a man...!"

" have a man's cock...more than MOST men have!" Mark chortled.

Again I just rolled my eyes at him.

"UMMMM!," I cleared my throat, "Exactly what...I mean it's kind of personal but... What did Alan and his friends do...?"

"To me?"


"Alan and I sucked each other off. A lot. His cock is so big...It took me a lot of work but I managed to swallow a lot of it and...," Kevin's eyes turned dreamy, "They ALL fucked me. I... never wanted it to stop...!"

I could see that Kevin was getting a boner. That was impossible to miss! So was I. And I figured the same for Mark! We had been listening to his story and sharing ours with him for over thirty minutes, and for all that time none of us had become...aroused. Now it seemed to be changing. Or maybe catching up with us; three horny young boys talking! I tried to resume the conversation as Mark started fidgeting. Which confirmed my assumption about his "condition."

"You still...I mean... Yeah, you did a lot more than either of us but it's not that much of a big deal...," I tried to comfort Kevin's feelings, "What happened after Alan?"

"Oh! When I started High School?"


Well... Alan was gone. I had only...maybe a couple of friends. One of them was actually a girl!"

"No kidding?"

"Yeah. I think she knew I...You know...but it made our friendship better because we could talk and I wasn't all boned least not over her!"

"That wasn't Kathy, was it?" Mark asked.

"No. She didn't really show up until my Junior year...I don't know how it was for you guys, but being a Freshman sucked. It was like everything reset and the guys picking on me started all over again. Especially after a few times changing out and showering in gym class. I think there's some kind of network where a lot of guys...kind of compare notes ... if you understand me...!"

"We do," Mark smiled.

"So... One day I was getting beat up again by a couple of Juniors. I don't remember why. Maybe I looked at one of them funny,' or for too long... I can't fight. Look at these arms!"

Kevin tried to "flex" his biceps and the result was...less than impressive!

"Nothing like YOU!" he ogled Mark, who just had to oblige by showing off.

"HOLY COW! You must be REALLY strong!" Kevin swooned.

Mark just blushed and grinned.

"And he likes to show off," I added.

"Anyway... I was getting my ass kicked under the bleachers...," Kevin explained.

"Yeah! Those bleachers were always where SOME kind of shit was going on. Fights, guys necking with their girl, or smoking," I laughed.

"No shit!" Mark hooted.

"Well... Just as I figured I would end up with two black eyes and a bloody nose.... I mean I knew I was crying and everything... All of a sudden there's another guy standing there. Yelling at my attackers... And the next thing I know he was beating the shit out of both of them! Leave the kid alone! He's just a freshman!' I'll always remember those words...! He's a fucking queer freshman!' one of the boys growled, which only resulted in him getting punched in the gut. And he fell over like a rock!"

"Fucking shit! I HATE that queer' and faggot' crap!" Mark barked.

"My savior turned out to be Nelson. He was a Tight End' on our school football team and also the Power Forward' on our basketball team. I don't know what those names mean...!"

"It means he was aggressive and probably tall. And built pretty solidly," Mark explained.

More dreamy eyes radiated from Kevin.

"Oh yesssss! He was! After he beat the shit out of my two adversaries and sent them fleeing in shame, he helped me up, dusted me off and asked what happened. I know I was crying a lot... He gave me some tissues and we sat down on the bleachers. Between crying and sniffling I told him I didn't know why I had been beaten up... Nelson was so kind...I kept crying and asking why... why...did I have to deal with this and was it going to be this way for the next four years!"

"He sounded like a really swell guy!" Mark chirped.

"Oh he was!" Kevin exclaimed then he added, " It won't be. I promise! Not, at least, for three years!'"

"Three years?" I asked.

"He was one class ahead of me, a Sophomore," he explained.

"Oh!" I replied.

"I was in paradise!" Kevin said, "I was so happy. For once, someone was going to stand up for me. I was still crying but I thanked him...then I really fucked up...!"

"Huh?" I grunted.

"Well, I thought I did... I was all messed up from what had just happened and then to hear some really built guy like Nelson taking any positive interest in me... I just blurted out...that I'd suck any guy's cock who would keep me safe...!"

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelped.

"Yeah! It suddenly became so quiet between Nelson and me...his eyes drilled into mine and I started shaking and crying again. He moved towards me and I figured this is it!' I apologized over and over and he just smiled and said It doesn't matter. No one will mess with you anymore! I promise!' I started to calm down. We looked into each other's eyes and suddenly he said...very softly, But if you want to...!'"

Mark and I both gasped in shock.

"NO SHIT!" Mark laughed, using one of his favorite phrases..

Kevin looked off into the distance, like his thoughts were a million miles away.

"I his face...a longing," he said, "So I just asked Now?' At first, He seemed confused; then he gave me a wry smile and nodded. Follow me,' was all he said! He led me behind a storage room under the bleachers. I figured either I was going to get my ass kicked or maybe, something a lot more fun..."

"WELL!" Mark chirped, "What happened?"

"OHHHH It was so good! Much better than Alan... Nelson had a really fat... I mean thick as soda can... 8 «" cock. It fit his physique perfectly. I felt like a little boy next to a stud like him. But... WOW!!! All my prior experiences paid off... Sucking something that thick was the challenge of my life but so much fun. He was very gentle with me; and in about two minutes I was choking down a thick load of his cum!"

"OHHHH!" Mark groaned.

I could easily see that my ginger boy was heating up!

"He must have really enjoyed it because I quickly vacuumed out a second large load in just a few more minutes. Within a week he fucked me. Inside the same storage shed; it was where they kept a lot sporting gear and stuff. And there were tumbling mats...which we put to good use! What really amazed me was how Nelson candidly told me none of the girls he dated ever did ANYTHING for him; not like I had...!"

"YEAHHH!" Mark groaned, "Girls are fucking teases....!"

"After that, things really picked up. Notes would appear in my locker from different guys. All of them on either the football, basketball or wrestling teams. Some were Sophomores, and others were Juniors," Kevin explained.

"Did any of them anything in return...?" I stuttered.

"You mean did they suck me off or anything?" Kevin asked.

" Or anything!'" Mark moaned.

"Yeah... Only a couple though... They tried blowing me. ALL of them were amazed that a skinny little kid like me had such a big cock! I got to go to all the football, basketball and wrestling matches. I mean, I rode in the team bus for away games... I got to sit right down at ringside; not stuck way up in the bleachers somewhere. This went on for all of my Freshman and Sophomore years. I think Dad actually had some hope that I might be turning into a sports boy' with my new found...uhhhhh hobby!'"

"Yeah! Some hobby!'" I giggled.

"Leave it to my asshole Brother to try and throw some water on the best thing that had happened in my life," Kevin barked, "By telling Dad I was probably on the cheerleading squad!"

"What an asshole! I'd love to introduce Nick to my fist," Mark growled.

"Then no one picked on you again?" I asked.

Kevin flashed me a "shit eating grin."

"Oh...once in a while some dumb shit who didn't understand things might try to bully me and," he smiled, "They typically turned up a day or so later sporting a split lip or a black eye!"

Mark and I both roared with laughter.

"I don't know if I had anything to do with it, but all of our school teams had record seasons for those two years," Kevin laughed.

To which we ALL laughed...

"Summers were the worst school, no games, and no guys. I mean...I had it figured out that these guys...they were just getting off with me but since I got something in return, it was okay!"

"So what did you do during your summer vacation? Or do we want to know?" I asked.

My mind was reeling by the minute as Kevin "confessed" his sexual awakening; which surely had been a lot more robust than mine or Mark's!

"That's when I found out about the park," he said.

"The park?" I asked.

"Yeah. Remember, Alan said something to him about it," Mark said.

"Oh. Yeah!" I replied.

"About three miles from our house is a regional park. It's huge, all desert terrain and in an unincorporated part of the county, which meant no police ever bothered with it. There were, and still are, trails for walking, hiking, bicycles, horses and...," he explained before pausing.

" And?'" I asked.

"Guys!" Kevin smiled, "Getting there was the fastest bicycle trip of my life!"

We all laughed some more...

"That was the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years, and again before my Junior year started!"

"Then... Wait... You were only like fourteen or fifteen then... How old were the guys in this park?" I asked.

The kid who had sucked my cock twice in the park back in Tulsa had sure looked very young... but, it had been at night and anyway, looks can be so deceiving; Kevin is proof of that!

"Oh... All kinds of ages. Mostly like you guys but sometimes there were some really old men there too," Kevin said.

"Can we take it that you...?" I started to ask.

"I had a blast! Every time I went, I could count on...," he smiled while looking distant.

"How many...?" I started to ask.

Suddenly Kevin seemed really somber.

"That's what I meant... I mean... I had so much fun but...none of it was permanent. It was just sex. I didn't even know their names...!" he lamented, "I tried to keep count... I couldn't. I tried to guess based on the number of times I went and...!"

Mark and I stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"Fifty? Maybe sixty?" he said softly.


"I think that made me more popular," Kevin said softly, "Who would ever know? There were no other people around; well, there were, but they were all looking for the same thing!"

"Now I understand why you feel the way you do," I said.

"By the time I was a Junior, things started to change. Most of the guys I had been...Uhhhh... taking care of'...were Seniors or had graduated. It was okay though because by then, everyone knew enough to leave me alone. They didn't understand why; only that messing with me meant getting hurt!" Kevin said, "And there was another complication... Nick was a Freshman now and that meant we were in the same school together. One of the guys asked me about another' student with the same last name as mine and I said, Yeah, He's my Brother...but we don't get along very well.' I KNOW Kevin must have heard things...,' okay... rumors' about me...! That's probably when he figured out that his big Brother is a fa...! "

"DON'T say that word!" Mark warned.

Kevin winced, then continued, "Anyway, by that time... I mean, being a Junior, things settled down a lot. I guess we all slowly realized high school would soon be ending... Nelson wasn't on the team any more; nor were any of the others. We were still friends. He'd smile at me in the hallways and sometimes ruffle my hair...which always gave me an aching boner... Anyway, my Junior year was when I met Clark! He was so shy at first; heck he still is. I liked that. I'm pretty sure he's a virgin. That's what sucks. He's so pure and innocent and I feel like a tramp!"

"You're not...!" I started to object.

"How could we ever be a you guys...discovering everything together...when in fact I could write a fucking book on being a slut...!"

"DON'T say that!" Mark barked.

Kevin sighed, "It...Clark and me...started out so innocently...little looks and smiles...I'd catch him peeking at me or my...!"

"That outline in your jeans of a very BIG COCK!" Mark blurted out.

"Oh Geez, Baby!" I protested while again apologizing.

Kevin just smiled.

"But he's right!"

Mark just shot me a cheeky grin...

"We had some classes together. We also got to work on study projects. We liked a lot of the same things. Finally I asked him out for dinner and a movie!"

"Your first date!" I exclaimed.

Kevin blushed and nodded.

After that it got easier. Except, well, I was terrified of...taking the next step... How ... That doesn't make any sense! I was blowing half the athletes in our school and spent my summers doing the same in a park but...!"

"Because Clark was...different. You had some kind of connection with him. He was someone special. A guy who would respond to you...there weren't any preconditions. It wasn't like he was protecting you because you sucked his cock...," I tried to explain.

"Yeah...I guess so. It makes sense now but then I was scared shitless to try anything. Until he came over to my house for the first time. Fortunately Nick was off somewhere... Probably trying to impress someone with his sports skills...Clark and I sat down at a table in the den and started studying. I finally took a chance and slowly moved my foot towards his. He didn't do anything at first but...every time he moved his foot, I would do the same."

"That's so sweet!" I giggled.

Finally he looked at me. A long, direct look. I smiled and rubbed his foot with mine. He seemed...excited, confused and...wanting...wanting to try something....!" Kevin said softly.

Mark shifted again. I knew all this talk about sex must have been revving him up to the point of exploding. To tell the truth, I wasn't far behind... In fact, it was amazing our conversation had gone on for so long with nothing happening. Except for my cock leaking like a sieve...

"I just stood up, smiled and said, Follow me!' My cock was ready to explode. Taking his hand, we went to my bedroom....and...!" Kevin sighed, "We ended up giving each other a hand job. Which was fine with me. In fact, it was the best sex of my life...!"

"Because Clark meant something to you!' I said.

"YEAH!" Mark added.

"After that, things moved forward. We spent a lot more time together. More hand jobs, or rubbing ourselves together until we both exploded!" Kevin smiled.

"So then what happened? You had the rest of your Junior year and...!" I asked.

"Nothing. I mean... We were together a lot but we never went any further... I mean...sexually... I was dying to suck his cock, and sure would have loved to have him fuck me! But I guess...I took my cues from him...he wasn't ready for it yet. That was fine with me. We were best friends. I think Nick figured out something was going on between us because Clark was always over to our house, and we spent a lot of time in my bedroom!"

"That sucks! He was probably spying on you," Mark opined.

"Yeah... Well, summer came and Clark and his family went to Europe. Spain and France. So I was left alone. Back to the park again!"

"You kept doing the same...?" I asked.

"Yes," Kevin replied while dropping his head, "racking up more numbers. Probably a hundred guys and what...I'm was only sixteen? And you say I'm not a slut?"

Mark frowned...

He continued, "He sent me postcards. From all over the place. In fact, I was still getting postcards from him after they returned from their trip!"

We laughed...

"He drew little hearts and flowers on some of them," Kevin sighed.

"Then he LIKES you! A lot!" I said.

Well, school started and we were together again. But by the middle of the year, Mom and Dad were getting in on the act. Probably thanks to Nick... You're spending too much time with that boy.' I heard that a lot. So what? I have a 4.0 grade point average...!'"

"That's fucking PERFECT!" I barked.

"I know... I think Mom and Dad knew...that their older son likes boys. The unspoken word, gay,' was never mentioned. They started restricting my free time with Clark...!"

"But WHY? WHY??? You were a perfect student! So what?" I asked.

"I don't know. Except I was seventeen and had to do what they wanted!"

"Being at school and seeing him but not being able to have him over to your house any more must have sucked!" Mark said.

"It did. He understood it was because of my parents. After I graduated, Dad gave me the Dart because of my scholastic achievement, and at least I had some freedom. But I was still seventeen. I did sneak in some time with Clark, but it was pretty hard to do. He couldn't call me; I had to call him. He was making plans to go to ASU [Arizona State University], whereas I had NO plans. Nothing really interested me!"

"Gee! I wonder why! It's like living under a dictatorship," Mark said.

"Reminds me of my Dad," I added.

"When I turned eighteen, Mom and Dad started in on the marriage thing. If you're not going to go to school [college], then it's time to settle down and raise a family!'" he said, "I objected and got the usual we know what's best for you' even though I had a perfect grade point average and did it all by myself...!! They never even mentioned that! It was very tense around the house. Having Nick chattering away in the background like a fucking magpie with diarrhea didn't help!"

" Settle down' when you're only eighteen? What's the rush? You only have the rest of your life ahead of you!" I laughed.

"It got worse! Apparently Mom and Dad were concerned about the...Uhhhh...Oh yeah, they called it the corrosive' influences clouding my thoughts," Kevin said.

"Did they mean...?" I started to ask.

"Clark? Yeah. Corrosive!' Our studying together only helped me earn my scholastic standing. How is that corrosive?' What they really were hinting at was the fact that he and I were getting closer and closer...I had a couple of part-time jobs; juggling their schedules so I could hold both of them was a real challenge...working to try and get enough money saved up so I could move out and get my own place. Dad used to give asshole [Nick] and me an allowance. It was pretty generous. Plus I had lots of money that I saved after sending out my graduation announcements. Grandma and Grandpa...on both sides of the family...sent me about $150 each [$900 in 2022 funds] so I had around $1500 [$9000 in 2022] in the bank...!"

"That's pretty good! In fact, that's excellent!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah but I really wanted to get a decent job; ONE job, not two, maybe in the aerospace or semiconductor industries. I kept applying, hoping for some good luck...!"

"Did you ever tell your parents that you are gay?" Mark added.

"No. I never told them. Even before I left Phoenix for here. But I don't know what my dick head brother may have told them."

"But does he KNOW or is it just bullshit?" Mark asked, "I mean; he never caught you and Clark doing anything, did he?"

"No. But that doesn't mean he can't guess. Or assume. Or just make shit up because he hates me. Remember, he is Daddy's boy,' the rising star. And then, like I said, he's in high school now, following two years behind me. I mean, all the guys I did anything with had graduated, but that doesn't stop people from talking."

"The fucking rumor mill!" I barked.

"Yeah. No one was gonna walk up to Nelson and say What's it like to fuck Kevin in the ass!' They'd be in the hospital for a year...there ARE those guys on the team, or teams, who had to know what was going on. Or maybe just surmise...I don't know. I really don't care now. I mean, it's all over and done with!" Kevin said, then he continued, "Now, about Kathy... I met her in my Junior year, although remembering back, I had some classes with her in Junior High ["Middle School"]. That's when I was hanging out with Alan all the time...!"

"Is she cute?" Mark asked.

I rolled my eyes...

Kevin laughed, "That's really funny. I mean, asking a guy who likes getting fucked...if a girl is cute...I mean...she's not ugly or anything. I guess she's okay... But sexually, she has the effect on me of something like throwing fifty gallons of water on a lit match...!"

Mark and I almost choked on hearing Kevin's metaphor.

"I recognized her name more than I did her...I mean, in my Junior year, we did some class projects together because I thought it would be easier...!"

"Easier?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like I said, working with a girl...I mean for me...there's no pressure. I'm not interested in her at all. And, unlike with guys, there's not all that bullshit talk about sex and getting laid... !"

"And it IS mostly bullshit," Mark laughed, "Guys claiming credit for doing things that never even came close to happening!"

" Oh! So it was that way in your school too?" Kevin giggled.

"Same here!" I added.

"Well, as far as being friends, Kathy was okay. Her Dad and mine belong to the same country club. They're pretty good friends...but nothing really happened until after I graduated and then the pressure started. I mean...about me and Clark seeing each other...or rather, not being allowed to see each other...I could have moved out after I turned eighteen...Like I said, it was my plan because it would have ended all this bullshit and I could live my life the way I wanted to!"

"But?" I asked.

"I wanted to get that decent job first. Then Mom and Dad...well, it was Dad who sat down with me and kind of talked about...I guess...the grand plan to end that corrosive' influence in my life!"

"Every time I hear that word corrosive,' I get more pissed!" Mark growled.

"Dad tried to convince me about the positive points of settling down...!"

"With a girl you barely know?" I laughed.

"I don't think it matters to them," Kevin said.

"So your Dad thinks the easy way to fix' you...not that you need it, is with the loving comfort of some girl," Mark yelped.

"And Mom and Dad want a big family. Grand kids galore!" Kevin explained.

"So you're supposed to provide them with that entertainment?'" I asked.

"Well, that's why Dad pitched getting me a nice job with the company he works for. And help in buying a house, too. And money if I needed it for anything that came along!"

"WOW! Your parents MUST be rich!" Mark laughed.

"Yeah. They are. Well, then, Kathy started showing up at our house. For dinner. A big family affair!"

"Just her? Not her parents?"

Nope. Just her. And after dinner, we'd be left in the den...I mean it's a HUGE room with thick plush area rugs, a hardwood floor, a big fireplace and sliding glass doors that look out into the desert...!"

"What did they expect you to do? Fuck right there?" Mark hooted.

I started choking....

"They left you two alone?" he asked.

"Yeah. Kathy couldn't have been in any safer place...Nothing was going to happen to her...At least not from me... But knowing my Dad, they were probably peeping through the keyhole... And dick head Nick...if it were possible, he would have tried filming us...but it would have been a very boring movie...!"

"What did you both do? She had to be in on it. I mean....Did she try to seduce you or something?"

No. We just talked. About school...which was now a thing of the, art, TV shows, whatever. I guess it was getting to know each other!'"

"Did this happen a lot?" Mark asked.

"Oh fuck yes! I think their plan was to wear me down...!"

"Did it work?" I asked.

"Well...I...I mean, I told you...once Dad gave me the Dart, I had I took advantage of it...!"


Kevin smiled, "There are a lot of parks in Phoenix...and gay bars too!"

"Wait! No....That's.... You have to be twenty-one, right?"

He smiled some more.

"Getting IN to a gay bar is easy. Even when you're underage! STAYING inside is a little more difficult!"

"You got thrown out?

He nodded, "I heard Come back when you grow up!' many times!"

"Too bad they didn't know how you already HAD grown up!'" Mark chuckled.

"It didn't matter. I'd just hang around outside and wait...!"

"Wait?" Mark said.

"Yeah. Looking for any cute guy who was leaving all by himself...!"

"Did that strategy work?" I asked.

He just smiled...

"Okay...So I gather something must have changed since you told us about running away to skip out on your future marriage and honeymoon!"

Kevin's mood seemed to suddenly bottom out.

"I couldn't take it. I mean...I'm only eighteen and it's like three to one against me at home. Maybe I should have just said fuck it' and moved out. Then I thought, why not go for it. I could still suck cock and get fucked on the side...but then...having sex with a girl? Not just Kathy but ANY girl? That's not me at all. I don't think I could even get it up for that!"

"I know I couldn't!" I laughed.

"I could...though only kind of half way!" Mark chortled.

"Yeah, and the sight of THAT monster would have scared off all of them!" I giggled.

"It wouldn't scare ME off at all!" Kevin said softly.

We both stared at the petite boy sitting between us. His eyes teared up as he told us more...

"Dad and Kathy's parents really went all out as the year went by. I know why my parents wanted me to get married. To fix' me. To make me right.' But I never understood Kathy's parents. What was in it for them? Other than seeing their daughter get married? There were plenty of guys around who could have done that. Why me?"

"Because you're cute and you have a big cock!" Mark hooted.

I just shook my head again at Mark's remark

"How would any of them have known that?" I laughed.

Kevin managed a weak smile.

"Do you really think I am cute and have a...?"

"Are you KIDDING? Or don't you have any mirrors in your house?" Mark roared.

"All I see is a skinny little loser...!" Kevin started to say through a flood of tears.

"You ARE NOT a loser," you are a beautiful young man who knows what he wants but has had some problems getting there...!" Mark interjected.

"He's right! Neither of us would be here now with you if we didn't think you are exactly what Mark described!" I added.

"R...R...Really?" Kevin stuttered.

"Hell yes! I can't imagine what you've been through; living in a Family that seems determined to change you into something that you aren't! Arranging a marriage and controlling your future? It almost sounds like brainwashing!" Mark exclaimed.

"It...It...Yes... You're right...I had to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years with Kathy and her Family. And of course mine too. Except for asshole Nick... He managed to get out of most of it by going to parties and stuff...I even had to kiss Kathy under some mistletoe...!"

"Oh for Christ's sake! Really?" I barked, "How much bullshit...!"

"Dad really sped things up after the New Year. We were always having dinner with Kathy's Family, or going to movies or something...and of course she and I were conveniently' seated next to each other! I guess as time wore on, I started to think maybe I could do it...!"

"You mean actually marry her?" Mark asked.

"Yeah...I mean...there were lots of benefits; a job, a house, money...but then...what about the kids? Having sex with her? That didn't...!" Kevin shuddered, "But I thought...anyway...if I could somehow do it and keep seeing guys too...!"

"You would have been miserable! You would be living a life that isn't yours!!" I replied.

"YEAH! Randy is right! You'd be living your life the way your parents wanted it!" Mark exclaimed.

Kevin started crying again. I held him and gently petted his soft, fluffy hair.

"I know...I know...I kept going to the parks or hanging out around much that they ran me off...! That's...part of it...So many guys...Like I was trying to...I don't know...!" he cried.

I was thoroughly disgusted with Kevin's parents. It made the stormy relationship with my Father seem like a partly cloudy day! At least I had Mom for support... He had NO ONE!

"Well... Obviously you didn't go through with it since we're all here now!" Mark said.

"No... I're right...I finally gave up...Mom and Dad were elated! It's the best decision you'll ever make, son,' my Father said....!"

Mark snorted in contempt.

"They set the date; the end of August...the 25th...a big church wedding and I don't even go to church! I got fitted for a tuxedo and everything...Dad had a vacation all planned out for Kathy and me in Acapulco...!"

"Shit! They controlled it all! Did you get a say in ANYTHING?" Mark asked.


Kevin looked at both of us with bloodshot eyes...

"The day before the wedding, I snapped...!"

"Holy fuck! I would have snapped' a long time before then!" Mark exclaimed.

Kevin gave him a weak smile...

"I packed some clothes, grabbed some spare cash and decided to leave. I mean, I had no idea what I was doing; where I was going or when or even IF I would ever come back...I...I...kind of thought maybe I should just walk out in front of a bus and...!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mark howled.

He grabbed Kevin and pulled the slender young boy close to him.

"NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!" he sobbed.

My Mark! He was crying along with Kevin!

"The world would have lost such a beautiful person...!" Mark sobbed.

Kevin cried for a good five minutes before he finally regained some composure. My eyes were streaming with tears too!

"What did you tell your parents in that note?" I asked.

"That it wasn't right. I had to make my own decisions. About who I am, who I love and who I want to spend my life with. I told them I would be okay and not to try looking for me because... That's why I picked El Paso...I wanted to go someplace where no one would find me. It had to be a city so I could blend in...a small town wouldn't work out...!"

"So you ended up here. Checked in to the same motel that we ended up in, and just...!"

"Lived my life the way I wanted to. Without having to pretend I am someone else...!"

"At least it took the pressure off... I mean with Kathy and all that park stuff...!" I said.

Kevin just gave me a HUGE grin, "There are plenty of cute boys here, too!"

Mark and I did a double, no a triple, oh fuck, a quadruple take, at the impact of his statement.

"You're kidding!" Mark giggled.

"No," Kevin said shyly, "The guys here like me just as much as did the ones back in Phoenix!"

"What?" Mark gasped.

Kevin gave him a sly grin, "You know...that boy who showed up to change your room...!"

"Yeah?" Mark replied.

"Miguel...He's...only fifteen, but so sweet and cute and sexy and VERY good!" Kevin whispered.

We all broke out in laughter...

"What happens when you go back? What WILL your parents ultimately do?" Mark said.

Kevin looked away, South towards the vast expanse that is Mexico, and sighed, "I don't really know!"

We sat in silence for a long time before Mark spoke. Naturally, he had to say something to try and break the somber mood...

"Well, At least when you find the right guy, you'll be all set and ready to put him in orbit with your big cock! Blast off!!" he whooped.

Kevin didn't react the way Mark or I expected. He just dropped his head and said, "No!"

"Huh? What? Did I say something wrong or stupid?" Mark asked.

There was a long silence before Kevin replied, "I've never fucked anyone in my life. Ever!"

"But...But...Wait! All those guys! How come?" Mark exclaimed.

"I don't think I'm good enough...I have such a skinny cock...!"

"The hell if you do!" I barked, "Your cock is beautiful!"

Kevin looked at me and asked, "You really do think so?"

"Fuck yes! And if anyone told you otherwise, I'd kick their ass!" I shot back.

He gave me a weak smile, "One guy who fucked me...I mean...he really did it hard...and a bunch of times...and I got so turned on by it and...he called me an insatiable bottom'...and...!"

"Huh? I know what insatiable' means but...," I started to say as Mark simultaneously asked, "Bottom of what?"

Kevin looked back and forth at both of us and then broke out in uncontrolled laughter.

"Don't you guys know what a bottom' is...?"

My mind started piecing together the meaning but before I could say anything, he continued...

"YOU!" Kevin eyed me while still laughing, "When you guys were fucking on the pool deck... YOU were the top' and HE...!"

His eyes turned to Mark, "....HE was the bottom!'"

The only person blushing more than me was Mark as we were "getting educated' by a nineteen year old boy!

"Geez! How could you guys not know that...?" he paused before asking, "What ELSE don't you know?

Mark and I blushed again and then the "lesson" began.

In a very short time, Mark and I had immensely expanded our vocabulary. Top, bottom, versatile, twink, bear, fem, queen, butch, chicken and chickenhawk, dyke, butch, fag hag, and a lot more... so many new words that I had trouble keeping up with our teacher!

"I can't believe you guys didn't know any of these," Kevin giggled.

It was good to see him laughing again. My respect for this adorably sweet boy had sailed through the roof. His young life had been full of challenges that made anything in my past pale by comparison.

"So what do you guys think," he asked timidly, "Do you STILL wanna drag me along with you to Phoenix?"

Mark and I glanced at each other.

"Fuck yes!" we both said in perfect unison.

"REALLY?" the boy chirped as his cute young face lit up.

"Of course! We'll make our trip an extended three-way,'" I chuckled, trying to use part of my newly acquired vocabulary.

We all broke out in laughter as I hugged Kevin.

Mark made a low moan as he stretched out his long lean frame. There it was. On display for the world to see: a thick, long tubular shape running down his right leg. His jeans displayed a larger than normal damp spot.

Kevin tried to discreetly sneak a peak at the overpowering display of my lover's manhood. Not to be outdone, I struck a similar pose which revealed an achingly hard prick. It was difficult not to laugh as we both competed for the boy's gaze. Not unexpectedly, Mark seemed to be winning that contest. Why not? He exuded an irresistible sexual aura that was almost impossible to resist; I dare say it was more than impossible to ignore if you fell under his spell. I'm not sure exactly what constituted that power, but he certainly had the ability to use it!

The surreptitious glances continued as Mark's cock pulsated and throbbed inside a pair of frayed, slightly undersized Levis. Kevin licked his lips. His own more than impressive fuck stick was also flexing and pulsating like a snake ready to strike.

Not surprisingly, Mark broke the sexual tension surrounding the three of us.

"Go ahead. Touch it," he said in a raspy whisper to Kevin.

The boy froze and turned to look at me. I nodded affirmatively. He gingerly reached out with his long, skinny fingers and began to caress and fondle Mark's cock.

"It's...It's...It's so damned big! Is it...Is...It...It...It's HUGE!" the boy squeaked.

His squeaks quickly intensified as I gently reached over and began duplicating the same efforts on his turgid boner.

"OHHH!!!!" he cried as his young body tightened up and lifted slightly off the ground.

Not to be outdone, Kevin reached over with his right arm and began fondling my cock. My body jumped at his touch; I instantly shot a wad of dick snot as he rubbed the outline of its swollen shaft.

Mark and I pressed together, effectively sandwiching the small boy between us. Kevin's eyes kept darting back and forth between us. I think he was worried, so a few gentle words helped calm his nerves.

"It's okay. I promise. WE promise. You can do whatever you like...!"

My words seemed to reassure him as he began aggressively fondling both of our raging hard cocks. I ran my fingers up and down the length of his pulsating shaft.

"There's not a damn thing wrong with your cock," I told him.

His eyes darted towards mine and he smiled.


Taking my thumb and index finger, I gently squeezed his cock, causing the boy to mewl in pleasure. I lifted that hand into the air.

"What do you think?" I said to Mark.

He looked at the gap between my fingers and smiled.

"Looks like about an inch and a quarter or maybe even an inch and half thick! Nothing wrong with that! You have a GREAT cock!" he exclaimed before groaning again.

"I think he's getting close," I laughed.

"So am I!" Kevin squeaked, "What do I do?"

"Just let it happen!" I giggled.

"In my jeans?"

"Sure! We do it all the time!"

"I've never done it that way before!"

"There's always a first time!"

I wondered how Kevin could have so much experience but never once jizzed in his jeans? It didn't matter; that was about to change...

"His cock is so fat and hard...!" Kevin squeaked, "It's the biggest one I've ever seen...!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Mark cried.

His body stiffened up and instantly wads of thick white cum erupted through his Levis.

"OHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kevin cried as his prick started doing the same thing.

"See?" I croaked as I joined my two companions.

We all trembled with the power of three simultaneous ejaculations. Mark's lean frame stretched out, highlighting his long legs. Powerful deep breaths caused his chest to expand and contract.

Kevin's petite body shook violently as his cock continued to soak the fabric covering his thin leg. Long strands of watery cum dripped down to the ground.

Then there was me. My cock erupted like a volcano. The thick, pulsating, oversized mushroom head was clearly outlined inside the worn fabric of my Levis.

"WOW!!!!" Kevin gasped as his eyes kept darting back and forth between Mark and me...

"Fun, huh?" Mark chortled.

Kevin's eyes locked on the large tubular outline and massive cum stain on Mark's jeans.

"That's huge," he squeaked again.

"What? His cock or his cum stain ...?" I started to ask.

"Uhhh...BOTH!" the boy chirped.

"Yours isn't exactly small!" Mark chuckled.

"Which?" I giggled, repeating myself, "His cock or his...?"

Mark and Kevin started laughing.

"I never did it like this outside before!" Kevin revealed.

"What? You never jacked off outdoors? What about in the parks...?" I began.

"No, No! I mean out in the open. In plain sight!" the boy explained.

"We're not exactly in plain sight...!'" I started to say.

"Pretty damned close!" Mark hooted.

I laughed and admitted he was right; then I had to explain to Kevin how doing "things" in public turned me on.

"Me too!" Mark chimed in.

"Aren't you afraid of getting caught?" Kevin asked.

"Sort of. But if you're careful...!"

Mark regaled Kevin with tales of our various outdoor adventures.

"Right there outside? Downtown? Here?" Kevin chirped in disbelief.

We both nodded to him.

"What do we do now?" he asked.

"Well...As much as I'd like to continue, I'm also getting hungry!" Mark said.

"Me too!" Kevin laughed.

"I thought we might try some Mexican food!" Mark suggested.

"YEAH! I know a really good place!" Kevin started to say before stopping and frowning.

"What?" I asked him.

"I...I...can't really afford it. Maybe we could go to Taco Bell instead!" he said shyly.

"Bullshit! I didn't like going there in Tulsa! We're in El Paso! Right on the Mexican border! I want real Mexican food; not some fast food slop!" Mark proclaimed.

"Don't worry about the money. We told you it wouldn't be a problem!" I said.

"But I don't want to cost you guys a lot...!" Mark whined.

"We'll find a way for you to pay us back!" Mark said with a twinkle in his eye.

I laughed; Kevin figured out the "hidden" meaning and squeaked with joy.

"I can do that...!" he boasted.

"You might think twice when you see it up close!" Mark hooted.

"Or your ass feels it up close!" I added.

Once we all stood up, the immensity of our cum shots were clearly visible; both on our jeans and slowly drying on the ground.

Kevin's eyes bounced around at our residual "evidence."

"That's a lot!" he said again.

"By all three of us!" I laughed.

Mark and I ogled Kevin's tiny ass in his faded Levis.

I started wondering what might be in store for all of us tonight!

Back in our room, Mark and I shepherded Kevin into the shower first.

We watched as the boy disappeared behind the bathroom door. We also heard the lock click into place.

"He locked the door?" I laughed.

"Yeah. I think....!" Mark stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"I think Kevin has grown up, or had to grow up, too fast. I don't think he trusts anyone and worse yet, I think people have mistreated him...!"

"Well yeah, starting with his parents and that prick brother of his...!"

"Oh yeah!" Mark growled while smashing one of his large fists into the palm of his hand, "I REALLY do want to meet that asshole!"

"What else...I mean...Is there anything else about...the mistreating thing? Do you think someone might have abused...," I swallowed as...a lump formed in my throat, "Maybe someone sexually abused him?"

Mark thought for a moment before answering.

"I don't think it went that far or in that direction, but somewhere, someone, or someones,' have caused him to look at himself unfavorably. Like...!"

"Like that bullshit about how he isn't...or wouldn't be a good top?'"

Mark smiled at my use of a "new" word.

"Yeah! I mean...He's so young and looks even younger...!"

"And we thought he wasn't even sixteen yet! He's done a lot more than we have...I mean... before we met...!"

"But it's all just casual sex. Nameless faces; people that he doesn't know; people that don't care about him at all other than for the purpose of having sex...I mean...just look at his ass," Mark said.

"Oh I have!" I smiled.

"It's tiny! That and he looks so young...Everyone wants to fuck a young boy...and maybe Kevin thought by doing that it would be a way to...maybe gain acceptance...or respect or something...!" Mark observed.

"But he likes it!"

"Of course! Because it feels great! But there's no attachment other than the physical feeling...!"

"When did you turn into a psychologist?" I chuckled.

He smiled.

"I don't... know...maybe I'm full of shit...but he needs to feel wanted. He apparently doesn't have any friends, his home life sounds... FUCK! I can't imagine what it must be like...and...!" Mark stammered.

"Where do we fit in?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know...!"

"I mean... We...what happens tonight if he...!"

"You mean we get to the point we've talked about before?" Mark asked.

"Yeah! I would imagine... Three of us in one bed and...!"

"Well...It's just my hunch, but I think he really wants me to fuck him!"

"That's no surprise!" I laughed.

"But anyway, I am okay with whatever happens. We're all here. Together. It's not like we're sneaking around on each other. He's someone we know. A very lonely confused boy...!" Mark said.

"One who has never jizzed in his jeans before and who locked the bathroom door when he showers," I observed.

We both stared at each other for a few minutes before Mark spoke.

"Nothing is going to change my love for you. Not tonight. Not ever. And I'm not leaving you for a nineteen year old boy that I just met!"

We both laughed...

"Damn! I hope not!" I giggled.

"But if we can show him some tenderness...I you think he's ever even kissed a boy?"

"Clark...," I replied.

"Yeah. That's true. But I mean a full-on kiss like we do?"

I thought for a moment before replying, "I doubt it!"

"Those guys in the park...or in the parking lots of the bars...I would imagine all they wanted was sex!"

"True!" I concurred just as the door to the bathroom started to open.

"Whatever happens tonight won't change how we feel about each other and it might make Kevin feel a little bit better about himself...!"

Kevin timidly walked out wearing a towel around his mid-section as he dried his hair.

"Look at the sexy boy," Mark laughed as he gave out a wolf whistle.

Kevin's eyes darted towards him and then to me.

"Yeah! A really cute sexy boy!" I laughed.

Even with his dark tan, I could see that Kevin was blushing!

"You guys really think...?"

"Well...It's not easy to tell what that towel covering up the best parts," I chortled.

Kevin blushed even more.

"My turn to shower," I announced while standing up.

Quickly I pulled off my T-shirt and then proceeded to peel off a pair of freshly cum-stained jeans. Kevin's eyes watched me like a hawk as my cock flopped out into view. Even soft, the fat mushroom shaped head looked impressive...

"WOW!" he gasped.

Mark and I both laughed as his bath towel started to rise up...

"Someone is getting turned on!" Mark teased the boy.

"I can't help it," he squeaked.

"Keep an eye on his ass as he heads to the shower!" Mark taunted our new friend.

I gave my butt a little shake while walking towards the bathroom.

Before closing the door, I looked over my shoulder and, as expected, saw Kevin's wide-open eyes feasting on my rear.

"You like what you see?" I hooted.

All he could do was nod...

"Maybe later...!" I said in a teasing voice while closing the bathroom door.

I had no idea what to expect after finishing my shower and rejoining Mark and Kevin. For all I knew, they might be in the middle of some wild sex...but no!... There they were, lying on the far apart from each other as possible...Kevin still was wrapped in his towel while Mark had stripped down to only his jeans. I couldn't help smirking at the outline of his fat cock and the assiduous attempt Kevin was making to look in any direction away from what he really wanted to see!

"You two having fun?" I hooted.

"Oh yeah! Lots!" Mark chuckled.

"Watching TV or each other?" I quipped.

"TV!" Kevin squeaked, which only made me snicker.

"Kevin was telling me about a good Mexican restaurant. It's one that's on the list the front office clerk gave me...!" Mark said, then he paused, "You didn't jack off in the shower again, did you?"

Kevin gasped and held his hand up to his mouth in shock.

"I DID NOT!" I barked.

"Just checking!" Mark said as he stood up and peeled off his jeans.

Kevin's eyes trailed down Mark's long lean body but quickly snapped back to waist level as a long, fat pendulous cock fell into view. It was another one of the few times I had seen it soft. Or almost soft...pun aside, sometimes it's "hard" to tell...

Being the natural showoff, Mark couldn't resist grabbing his long tool and shaking it at Kevin. The boy appeared to be on the verge of fainting.

"Be caseful with that thing!" I cautioned, "Kevin's just a baby!"

That, of course, was about a million miles from the truth; our new friend apparently had many more "miles of experience" when it came to having sex but...I thought about the conversation with Mark...lots of experience and no emotional certainly not something good for a boy his age.

"I am NOT!" Kevin protested.

"We'll see about that later," Mark taunted him as he turned to head for the shower.

Again, Kevin's eyes feasted on Mark's tight, toned ass. The dark crevice between his two muscular butt cheeks was on full display for Kevin's enjoyment. Judging by the large mound in his bath towel, the view must have been very exciting!

He turned to me and I could see his shortness of breath as he stammered, "He's beautiful!"

I just nodded while sitting down naked on the bed next to him.

His eyes drank up every inch of my body.

"Still all covered up?" I laughed.

"Yes!" he squeaked.

"Are you going out to eat wearing that towel?" I chirped.

Kevin shook his head, "No!" then asked, "What do I wear?"

"Mark and I are wearing the same jeans...!"

"But you!" he stammered.

"I know. It's no big deal... They've dried out by now and...!"

"But what if someone SEES...?"

"Mark always says no one looks except guys who are interested so...if they do...they get a free show!" I laughed.

"You two sure are...!" Kevin seemed to be searching for his thoughts.

"We're not ashamed of our bodies. Or what or who we are. Mark always says fuck anyone who doesn't like it!'"

"He CAN say that because...Well...I mean...LOOK at him! Who would wanna mess with...!"

"I feel the same way!" I replied.

"I guess...I mean...I don't think I'm that interesting or cute and...!"

"You keep saying that...Trust me, Kevin...You are a real head-turner!'"

It took him a minute to digest what I had said and then he beamed a big bright smile.

"You guys are the only two who have ever told me that...said anything really nice about me...!"

"Ohhh...!! That can't be true! What about all those guys you've been with...They must have seen something they liked!"

"Yeah...My ass and that's about it!" he said softly.

"That really sucked then because they overlooked a very cute, adorable boy!" I told him.

He smiled at me again. I could see tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry!" I said quietly.

He sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"I...wish...I could find someone like you...either of you!"

"It's a big world out there and...there are plenty of guys just like you," I said, trying to reassure him.

Mark and I stuffed our bodies back into the same cum-stained Levis we had worn all day. Kevin ran to the bathroom to change. I couldn't stop admiring Mark's physique.

"You are fucking perfect!" I said in a raspy voice.

He smiled.

"You gonna start something now? Kevin would probably die from shock...!"

"I don't think so. There's more to him than meets the eye. We just haven't completely figured it all out yet...!"

The bathroom door opened and Kevin tepidly entered the room.

"It feels funny!" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Wearing jeans with dried cum on them...!"

"You actually mean you never did THAT before?" Mark hooted. . "No!"

Mark and I just stared at each other and smiled.

"Well...They DO look good on you! Coming and going!" Mark laughed, "Or maybe that should be c.u.m.m.i.n.g and going!'"

He spelled out the word so Kevin wouldn't miss his point...which only made him turn a brighter scarlet red.

"You're so cute when you blush!" I teased him.

"Let's go! I'm hungry!" Mark chuckled.

We took Kevin's car again since it wasn't crammed full of our "stuff."

"This city is nice but it's too small," Mark said as they traveled towards their destination.

"You just have your heart set on Arizona!" I replied.

"Well hell yes...If all the boys there are as cute as Kevin...!"

I could see our young friend blushing some more.

"I thought you guys didn't mess around...!" he squeaked.

"Only with prior approval," Mark declared, "But we can still look...!"

"Here we are!" Kevin chirped as he pulled into the parking lot.

We exited the vehicle and headed inside. Mark led the way, which was fine with me because it gave me a nice...view...and Kevin followed behind. Once I looked over my shoulder and caught him staring at my ass.

"Looks are free!" I hooted.

He was still blushing as we entered the restaurant.

"Good evening, gentleman. My name is Roberto, "Would you prefer a booth or a table?"

Roberto looked to be around our age; maybe a little bit older. Tall and lean, he moved with grace and a subtle strength. He was on that cusp of changing from a cute boy to a handsome young man. His dark black hair framed mesmerizing, sparkling brown eyes.

Mark reconnoitered the layout and opted for a corner booth. Roberto led the way and I couldn't help but stare at his ass.

There was a homey, friendly atmosphere to the restaurant. It was decorated in a festive manner that I recognized as part of a Mexican motif. Soft guitar music played in the background and the odors from the kitchen made my stomach growl.

We were seated, and while discussing what to order is when I first noticed...there seemed to be some sort of eye contact going on between Kevin and Roberto.

"It's probably my imagination!" I thought.

Mark perused the menu and then looked at Kevin, "Order what you want. Don't pick out something cheap because we're paying for it...!"

"But...!" he started to object.

"You won't win this one," I laughed, "So just do what he says!"

"Ohhhh...Okay!" Kevin chirped while blushing some more.

"There are so many things to choose from!" Mark observed.

"Naturally! This is a real Mexican restaurant! Not some fast food assembly line!"

"They have more options than Casa Bonita!" he said.

"What's that?" Kevin asked, to which we both had to explain...

We started with super nachos and cheese crisp appetizers.

Mark selected a chicken barbeque salad, and a tostada compuesta, which turned out to be huge! It had cheese, lettuce, sour cream and chicken.

I went for "tres tacos," which is just as it sounds...but very large!

Kevin chose carne asada, a Mexican-style marinated steak served with a tostada. We both also had a chicken avocado salad.

During dinner Mark and Kevin were chattering like starlings about Phoenix (again) while I listened to both of them.

"Have you been to the Grand Canyon?" Mark asked.

Kevin nodded affirmatively.

"Is it as neat as it sounds...?"

Before he could finish, Kevin began regaling us with a story about his family hiking down to the bottom and then back up again... No small feat for anyone.

"Nick bitched a lot about it. In fact, he bitched a lot about the whole trip. He doesn't like outdoor things unless it's something where he can show off what a great athlete he is!"

"He THINKS he is!" I cracked.

"What an idiot!" Mark barked, "Hiking down to the bottom of the Canyon...would be GREAT!"

Kevin counted off the cities he had visited: Naturally, Los Angeles and San Diego, and outside of Arizona there was Albuquerque, Denver, Dallas, Houston, through Kansas City and Saint Louis all the way to Indianapolis.

"Why there?" I asked.

"Family," he replied.

While he talked, I glanced around the room. There had been four parties present when we arrived, but one by one they paid and left, leaving us as the last guests. I made mention of that fact to Kevin.

"This place closes early Monday through Wednesday," he replied, but on the weekends it is packed!

"Oh!" I acknowledged.

For dessert we all selected sopapillas served with honey. There were three for each of us and they were HUGE. Mark ordered a second helping of them because he said "three aren't enough."

All of us laughed at his immense appetite. Kevin packed away a lot of food as well. I marveled at how he ate so much and still remained as skinny as a rail.

"I can't gain any weight no matter what I try!" he whined, "Nick is covered with muscles and I'm just a twig!"

"Twigs are nice!" Mark grinned, "Especially long stiff ones!"

Kevin turned beet red again. I rolled my eyes...

By the time dinner was finished, Kevin seemed to have come out of his shell and was very talkative. I kept wondering what was going to happen back at our room...

"Excuse me," he said while standing up, "I have to use the restroom."

We watched as he glided across the dining area.

"Nice ass!" Mark chortled, "No wonder he draws so many guys...!"

"Nice view from the front too... I think Kevin has a boner!" I giggled.

"Maybe that's why he's going to the restroom!" Mark snorted.

We made small talk about a variety of topics including the very unusual day, our remarkable new friend, and the upcoming remainder of our trip.

"If he knows someone who can help us find an apartment in Phoenix that would be GREAT!" Mark exclaimed.

I agreed. The Phoenix newspaper was full of rentals but the question remained where to start. Especially since we knew nothing about the city; where the biggest employers might be, the quality of neighborhoods and so on...

Time had a way of passing by as we talked. Mark started looking for Roberto so we could receive our check; I was concerned about Kevin. He had been gone for a long time.

"Maybe he...maybe the food disagreed with him," Mark suggested.

"I'll go check on him," I said.


I followed the route Kevin had taken towards the restrooms; that led me down a long dimly lit hallway. Opening the door, I started to enter when voices hit me. Two of them. Strained, guttural sounds that were all too familiar from my long hot sessions with Mark....

"FUCK ME... FUCK ME PLEAAAASEEE!!!!" a tiny familiar voice squeaked, "OVER AND OVER!! OH YEAH I NEED YOUR BIG COCK INSIDE OF ME!!! AH!! AH!!! AH!!!! AH!!!!! AH!!!!!!"


The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in the room. I could see two pairs of feet under a stall partition.

"YEAH!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!! MAKE ME CUM AGAIN!!!!" the voice - Kevin's voice - pleaded.

"I don't believe this!" I thought to myself.

I was holding the door open so neither of them knew I was present; although in their current condition they probably wouldn't have cared....

"UH!! UH!! UH!!! UH!!! UH!!!!" Kevin mewled, "I'M CUMMING!!!!"

"YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Roberto yelped, ME TOO!!!"

I gently closed the door and headed back to our table.

"Well?" Mark asked.

"You're not going to believe it!" I giggled.

I sat back down and told him everything.

"You're right!" he laughed, "If I didn't know you, I would say it's bullshit!"

Kevin soon joined us. His body was flush and we both could see he walked with an odd gait.

"Probably from Roberto's cock," Mark whispered as the boy drew near.

"Sorry I was so long," he stammered.

His breath was labored and he was perspiring profusely.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mark asked.

"Oh yes!" he chirped, "I'm fine now!"

Mark and I exchanged glances.

As if on cue, Roberto appeared with our check. He exhibited similar "symptoms" as someone who had just had a "hard," intense session of passionate sex.

"I hope everything was fine," he said to the three of us as his eyes lingered on Kevin.

"Oh it was! Your service was EXCELLENT!" Kevin chirped.

Mark almost choked at his comment.

Roberto shot Kevin a huge smile...

Walking out to the car, I watched Kevin carefully. He had the same odd walk; like someone who had just been fucked hard and was full of cum. That was a condition I knew very well!

The ride back to the motel was short and fairly quiet. Once in our room, we started talking about dinner.

"Man, that food was great! But I don't know about recipes like that being in Mom's...!" Mark exclaimed.

"Uhhh...I think you can buy newer cookbooks in...let me think...what are they called? Oh yeah... Bookstores!'" I hooted.

"Are you trying to be a smart ass?" Mark laughed.

"Always! Smart and cute and ready to fuck!"

Kevin's eyes widened at our banter.

"But you are right! The food was great! That was one big tostada! Any my tacos! Yum!" I giggled.

"How about you?" Mark asked our friend, "Sure looked good to me!"

"It was!" the boy chirped.

"And you had the special a la carte extra that Randy and I didn't get!"

Kevin looked puzzled.

"Yeah!" I chuckled.

"What...?" he stared to ask.

"A big side helping of Roberto!' At least a double king sized' order!" I laughed.

I thought I had seen Kevin blush before, but his face could have lit up the entire room...

"I...Uhhh! No!!! I mean...Yes...! How did you...?" he sputtered.

"And you said you never did it in public!" I added, "I mean, other than in the park and...!"

Neither Mark or I expected what happened next. Kevin dipped his head and started crying!

"I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I can't help it...I can't help myself...There's probably something wrong with me..!"

His body shook from the crying.

Mark and I stared at the boy. We realized our teasing had backfired in a bad way! I reached over and pulled Kevin next to me. Soon he was bracketed on the bed by both of us.

"It's okay! I'm sorry!" Mark whispered to him, "We were only kidding!"

Kevin looked up at us with tear stained eyes.

"But it's not right. I can't stop it! I mean...I'm so horny all the time...It's all I want to do and...!"

"You don't sound that much different than a lot of other guys; except you go for what you want!" I said.

"But it's NOT what I want! I want someone like you guys. I don't want a million boys. I want just one! Someone who at least knows my name and cares about me!"

"Well," Mark said slowly, obviously thinking carefully before making another misstatement, "Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places. I had Clark and it probably would have worked out except for your parents...!"

"But he's gone now and there's no one else. No one who listens to me. And goes places with me. All they want is my ass. So I let them have it...!"

"But...I mean...I understand...but you don't have to think it's going to be like that forever. Or give up looking...!"

"You guys are the only ones I ever whole life story...I mean Mom and Dad don't know their son is a slut who sucks cock and gets fucked in the park. They just think I'm some kind of bookworm I might lose you guys as friends...!"

"Why would you think that?" Mark asked.

"You two are so perfect. So lucky. And then there's me! I don't understand why I can't control myself...I thought when I ran away and came here it might...things might change for at least a few days but it didn't happen...I think...Do you....think...maybe I'm a satyr?"

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

"I think he means...!" I racked my brain trying to remember, "Isn't that some kind of mythological creature?"

"Yeah...!" Kevin started to reply.

"Wait! I saw one of those in a movie once...and it had the head and torso of a man but the ears and legs of a goat. And a tail!" I laughed while staring at him, "Oh!!! Is that why you won't take your clothes off in front of us? Do you have cloven hooves too?"

Mark almost choked at my comment.

Kevin was beet red AGAIN!

"No...I promise...But I looked it up in the library and it's called satyriasis,' it's like uncontrollable male sexual behavior. That's me! And I don't know what to do about it!"

"I bet as you get older, it will take care of itself!" I laughed, "Assuming that's what you have and...!"

"A lot of guys would be very envious of you!" Mark chuckled, "I mean Randy is always horny and so am I...but I don't remember seeing any tail, or hooves, or the body of a goat on either of we can't be satires!'"

"Babe, It's a satyr!'" I laughed while correcting him.

"Oh!" he blushed, "Anyway, what's wrong with being horny all the time?"

"That's not it!" he cried, "I don't want to fuck up and lose the only friends I have! I don't want you guys to think I'm some kind of...!"

"Kevin! Damn it! Quit saying that! You're not going to fuck up' anything with us!" Mark barked.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Why do you think you're here?" I asked, "It's because we think you're smart, funny, cute and have a great personality!"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, REALLY!'" I laughed.

Kevin's sobs slowed down and his body pressed into both of ours.

"Let's all get ready for bed. Tomorrow is our last day in El Paso and I want to go exploring out in the desert!" Mark said.

"Me too!" I added.

"Okay," the boy said softly.

"I'll go first," Mark said.

While he was brushing his teeth, I sat with Kevin and gently petted his pretty blonde hair. Inside I cursed his parents. If they had spent some time and given him any affection, things would have tuned out a lot differently!

Mark returned and then I went in for my pre-bedtime routine. When I rejoined Kevin and Mark, they were both lying on the bed...still fully clothed.

"Your turn!" I said to our friend.

While he was in the bathroom, we peeled out of our clothes and slipped under the covers. One table lamp was still on as Kevin emerged from the bathroom. As expected, he was still fully clothed.

I still didn't understand his shyness. We had all seen each other's cocks in the mall bathroom...

"All ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah!" he said shyly, then he saw our clothes on the floor.

" guys are NAKED?"

Mark just laughed.

"Of course! Don't tell me you sleep in your clothes!"

There came more blushing...

"Okay!" he said shyly, then he turned off the light!

We could hear his jeans hitting the floor and then he approached the bed. It was too dark to see anything other than the outline of his petite body.

"What side do I sleep on?" he asked.

Mark was on the right side of the bed and I was in the middle. I knew he loved to press his body into mine at night and then.....

"Here!" I motioned to the left side of the bed.

"Okay! But I'll sleep on the edge!" he said softly.

It was then that I wondered if, despite all his sexual encounters, Kevin had actually ever slept with anyone! The bed depressed slightly as he crawled under the covers. The room was ice cold as the air conditioner hummed away.

"Good night!" I whispered to him as I pressed my body into Mark.

His cock slipped between my butt cheeks and we all fell asleep.

I awoke with a start; it must have been around one in the morning. Mark's fat hard prick was gently sliding along my ass crack. That wasn't unusual. It's what I felt in front of me that made my eyes fly wide open.

Kevin's slender frame was pressed against me. My arms gripped his young body as my cock also slipped back and forth between his very tiny butt cheeks.

Out of the darkness, a tiny voice whispered, "Fuck me.... Fuck me please!!!!"

Story notes from the author:

Some comments seemed appropriate after this chapter of the story...about what it was like in Mark and Randy's time and yes, the marriage thing. I'll get to that after some other background information.

During the 1920s ("The Roaring Twenties"), acceptance of gays actually increased in the United States. The term "gay" here is applied almost exclusively to men. Lesbians seemed to fly under the radar; men took most of the abuse in "the land of the free."

After World War II, anti-gay sentiment exploded. Senator Joseph McCarthy pioneered his infamous anti-communist witch hunts. Somehow, being gay became conflated with being a dreaded "communist." Overlooked were numerous skeletons in McCarthy's spacious closet... but that is another tale for a different venue.

Working with the "good" Senator was America's most notorious cross dressing drag queen, "Gay" Edgar Hoover. He and his lover Clyde Tolson had a very expansive closet...Nothing wrong there; but Hoover used his secret police (the FBI) to hunt down, harass, intimidate and ruin the careers of many gay men. See: The Lavender Scare.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds...

Hoover had a very powerful ally in President Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower. On April 27, 1953, Ike signed executive order #10450, which prohibited gays from working in the U.S. government. Not just the military: ALL branches of the government.

Homosexuality was one of the few prohibitions to serving in the military and a sure-fire way out of being drafted. Unless a local draft board didn't believe a draftee's claim of being gay.

Gay soldiers could end up being classified 4F or expelled from the service with a dishonorable discharge; such a "stain" could be a life ruining event. Curiously, as the Vietnam War demanded more "cannon fodder," local draft boards quite often overlooked claims by inductees of their sexual orientation.

All of these conditions serve as a background for this story. Additionally, gays could be fired or denied housing because of their sexual orientation (that is still possible today in many parts of the country). But wait; there's more!

Imagine, as a gay man, waking up one day in 1952 to read that an association of degreed professionals: doctors you had never met; decided by a voice vote and with no empirical evidence that homosexuality was a mental disorder. That's exactly what the American Psychiatric Association year before Eisenhower's Executive Order #10450.

Notice that year. 1952. The height of McCarthyism, Hoover's reign of terror, and a concerted effort to "purify" the United States from anything outside the White heterosexual christian male "norm."

As if being gay didn't come with enough oppression, another layer had been added with no justification.

Some solace could be taken in the reversal of this position by yet another voice vote of the APA in 1973. Gee! It only took twenty-one years to right a wrong! However, since the APA's original decision was made without any evidence - medical or otherwise - what assurance is there that this travesty could not happen again? "Wax on, wax off!" Eisenhower's Executive Order #10450 was FINALLY repealed in .... 1975!!!

That brings us to "Marriages of Convenience" and "Arranged Marriages." The former (MOC), is based on reasons other than love and commitment. The most common MOCs were products of Hollywood (late 1940s-early 1970s), where studios married off gay (male) actors to preserve that rugged big screen image. That's how Hollywood "scandal sheets" were silenced and reputations saved.

It was very important to save those reputations. Being "outed" in that era was the kiss of death for any male actor (see: Tommy Kirk and his ordeal with that patron of the silver screen, Walt Disney).

MOCs were complete facades designed to create an illusion. Such is not the case with arranged marriages...

"Arranged marriages (AM)" are one of the most hideous and cruel punishments inflicted on gay men; almost on par with that nauseating "reparative therapy." Arranged marriages were selected by people other than the bride and groom. As mentioned in the story, they were common in third world countries and often used to preserve family blood lines or for the protection of an estate (inheritance rights).

However, AMs were also used by certain "good old time protestant religions" in America to cure the wandering libido of many gay men. It was (as we all know, incorrectly) assumed that saddling a gay man down with a little woman would "cure" his love of cock.

No. It didn't. It often ended in tragedy or worse. As happened to my BFF, who was shanghaied into an AM by his zealously religious parents at the age of eighteen. By age nineteen he had turned to drugs, and he never lived to see his twentieth birthday, choosing instead to take his own life.

These points are all made as "liner notes" with the hope that this additional background information makes for an easier understanding of this chapter.

About Kevin...

This story is a work in process. As such, it can take any turn at any time. The only disadvantage to writing in this style is once something is published, it is pretty much set in stone.....lacking the discovery of a Tardis.

Kevin's future can go in a variety of directions. However, should his role in the story receive overwhelmingly negative input, he can be written out of the plot as easily as you can turn off a light.

Thank you for reading.

Next: Chapter 10

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